Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Brazil Seeks Gazprom Investment In Its Oil And Gas Sector
DFT – UK Narrowly Avoids A Technical Recession In 2022
DFT – IEA Chief Calls For Oil And Gas Industry To Invest In Clean Energy Following Record Profits
DFT – Consumer Goods Prices Continue To Rise
DFT – OPEC Secretary General Says Industry Must Invest In Production Capacity
What sounded at first like a good thread on 4Chan was here. A screenshot of the important posts by the anon, and a few questions and answers follows this comment. While I would not expect a real insider to spill the entire truth, I also would not expect him to admit they have a domestic surveillance machine that is so extensive they would not even bother to intern hostile foreign agents in a prison camp, because the surveillance machine makes it so every citizen is basically interned by the government in an invisible prison camp 24/7, with no extra daily expenditure necessary by the government. That statement alone told me this guy is legit in terms of knowing what is out there. Though then he ruins it as he acts like the big thing is national security, and some sort of competition between nations, when I think nations are mostly controlled by the same powers, and everything is controlled by “the elites,” including the surveillance of everyone for purposes of simply maintaining their control. So by the end, he makes me think he might not have the whole picture (click image for full size screencap):
Another anon had an equally plausible analysis, however, though there is a decent chance he glows as well:
A summary of what he is talking about:
Supposed pics of cars which were rained on 70 miles from the train derailment site, look like they were sprayed with sulfuric acid. It is tough to tell, in most of the shots, it might just be a precipitate, and that could be road salt, and the rearview mirror which was damaged was damaged somewhere else, by something else. Again, all of this is psyop, and I assume Stew Peters could be likely machine supported.
However this chemical spill is getting a general posted constantly on 4Chan, which is often a Glowie technique, so now I am wondering if the Glowies are afraid of the weaponization of government committee hearings, which are growing the perception our nation is being run as a dictatorship by shadowy intelligence agencies. I mean one minute there is a weaponization of government hearing, and next thing you know there is a giant pile of 144 train cars spewing phosgene in the air and sterilizing vast swaths of Ohio, our military is chasing and shooting down UFOs, which clearly are not TicTacs that can bend time and space around them, but the government is acting like they are, and everything is getting a general on 4Chan except the fact Twitter was killing people during the COVID psyop because intelligence agencies would not let Ivy League doctors point out the virus was engineered by someone, easily treated with Ivermectin, and the vaccine the intel/corporate conglomerate delivered was a sterilant which kills and cripples as well.
Booster shots may trigger stroke incidents, according to CDC and FDA.
But look anon! – Its maybe…. ALIENS! IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!
Octagon-shaped UFO shot down in Great Lakes region was the same one tracked by NORAD in Montana. – “A U.S. F-16 shot down another “unidentified object” in the Canadian airspace above Lake Huron on Feb. 12, 2023. This downing was announced by a congresswoman Rep. Elissa Slotkin on Twitter.”
These tweets were grabbed at about 8PM, on 2/12/2023 from here:
China ‘getting ready’ to take down unidentified object flying near Qingdao.
NORAD gives notice of air defense exercise around Washington, DC, set for Tuesday.
US says two objects shot down over US and Canada were smaller balloons.
Emerald Robinson agrees on Twitter:
Why would a CIA mouthpiece climb onto CNN to “blah blah blah” about UFOs?
Probably to distract you from: the Nord Stream pipeline story. Inflation. House investigations into Big Tech/Biden censorship. The NATO failures in Ukraine. Or China preparing for war.
You know: reality.
It is psyops inside of psyops, on top of psyops. But think of how savvy we have become, compared to Americans in the 80’s, who just had no idea. They were like helpless babes in the woods.
The U.S. Embassy in Moscow has urged American citizens to leave Russia “immediately” due to a slew of security risks that include possible forced enlistment into the Russian army. I’m pretty sure Russia is not about to draft an American who probably can’t even speak the language, but that doesn’t mean something big isn’t about to happen. Notice, we see Glowies maybe getting somewhat exposed as a shadow dictatorship running illegal domestic intel ops inside CONUS in Congressional hearings, and now we have a swath of Iowa turned into a carcinogenic wasteland, fighter jets are maybe, probably, possibly, sort-of shooting aliens according to the Pentagon, and tomorrow we have a nuclear exchange with Russia.
Wait until the real reveal of the surveillance happens. I have told you, a real, hot, shooting civil war will be kicking off almost instantly, pitting neighbor against neighbor at first, until the real head honchos are revealed. To distract from that, Cabal will interrupt your daytime soaps to cut to Biden getting ass-raped in full view of TV cameras by a gang of 15 ft tall shape-shifting Kyle Odom reptilians, on the White House roof, as fighter jets exchange laser beam strikes with the hovering mothership above. I was thinking the civil war would be great, but the pregame warm-up show promises to be quite a sight as well.
For something really weird, click here, where you will find the picture below, which seems to show a stealth Bomber with Chameleo camouflage picked up on Google Earth. Press and hold Shift and drag the cursor around while holding down the left cursor button to move things around. And you can drag normally as well:
Tough to tell. Could be some artifact of how Google strings together images. Or I could see intel doing that just to fuck with foreign intel services, who then wonder what they are looking at. Google is basically a subsidiary of American intel. On the other I find it impossible to believe we would not have covered a plane in LED TV screens playing the feed from a pinhole camera shooting through the screens on the other side, filming what is on the other side of the plane for projection over it, creating that effect. I almost wonder if you could pump air under the screens fast enough to cool them if you could deal with the thermal signature too. The tech out there is much, much more advanced than we are told. Which is fine, until they start using it to secure their own positions in power, and suppress and attack everyone below them.
House Oversight chair: China has ‘massive spy ring’ in US, says problem is a ‘lot bigger’ than spy balloon. They may be trying to establish some sort of cover story for why they created the surveillance. Of course the cover story will not explain why they are running kid spies in suburban grade schools with no Chinese students in them, GATE-weirdness, or the gangstalking accounts of innocent Americans, as well as mass shooters like Aaron Alexis, Bill Binney, or why it all allowed 9/11. But it might indicate they think the surveillance is going to go public, and they are trying to do the best they can to mitigate the damage. Look, anon, we needed to protect you from spies!
Review of 2020 election continues as Texas, Pennsylvania counties find ballot total discrepancies.
Tweet – “BLM organizer distributed guns, urged activists to become more militant and go on the offensive against the police. He was secretly paid by the FBI. The FBI stoked violence among naive young radicals in order to undermine them.” The article linked in the tweet is here.
U.S. blew $872,000 to build, and dismantle the useless fence around the Capitol for Biden’s pointless State of the Union. Trump allowed one, so there must be some reason they do that.
Sununu moves closer to 2024 presidential run with fundraising move.
Biden administration ready to unleash a $27 billion green slush fund.
Now surviving roommate says she thought noise from Idaho killings was partying. Also FBI agent is running cover for her, saying she may have passed out after running into accused killer Bryan Kohberger, who the survivor says she thought was a party-goer (in his ski-mask and all-black outfit). But she still locked her door behind her before going to sleep. Many, many of the kids I dealt with in college were the domestic intel variety. Of course I was a target, but IMO, college is actually a domestic intel operation to take all the kids of each “year,” who are academically gifted, motivated, and taking steps to advance themselves, and get them in one place, away from family, put them in housing the intel has free access to and control over, and really get control of them, as well as monitor and gather blackmail on them.
Democrats ratchet up Supreme Court ethics bills as justices can’t decide on new rules.
Maryland Democrat pushes bill to add ‘embedded tracker’ to all guns.
NFL lures millions to TikTok despite rising security, privacy concerns about Chinese platform.
Mississippi hit by 900% increase in newborns treated for syphilis.
Mostly Muslim child rape grooming gangs continue to prey on young girls throughout Britain a decade on after being exposed to the public. Cabal agents imported by MI6, from where they were originally running surveillance or providing intelligence overseas, into Britain, and then used to beat down the local population and eugenically sterilize it by robbing it of the new generation of fertile women who would make the next generation, as they have five kids a piece. In the process they create a raft of sex workers to be used by Cabal. I will bet the targeted girls are our kind, and the names are picked by intelligence and given to the gangs, and ground surveillance helps guide the girls to them. There is no living with intelligence organizations.
Google to expand misinformation “prebunking” in Europe.
Two climate activists who blocked traffic in the German city of Stuttgart earlier this year missed their court date because they flew to Bali and Indonesia, for a round trip of 23,000 kilometers producing 7.9 tons of CO2 emissions. They are intel, molding the dialog you see, and the protestor thing is a cover.
Old people in Japan should kill themselves to avoid burdening the state and euthanasia could be made compulsory, professor Yusuke Narita, at Yale University has said. Sounds like a fun guy to hang out with.
Israel’s president Isaac Herzog called for greater dialogue between the Right and Left, warning Sunday that the country is descending into a major social crisis, and “is on the verge of a constitutional and social collapse.” Is it right and left, or is it Not-Cabal, and Cabal pretending to be crazy leftists?
US leads the rest of the world with $196 billion given to Ukraine amid war with Russia. Literally homeless cities within our cities, and we waste our money on that war, which we triggered by telling China we were about to let Ukraine in NATO.
Putin has just reiterated his prevailing claim that the New World Order is Satanism: “Such a total denial of a human being, a rejection of faith and traditional values, suppression of freedom begins to look like a perverted religion, outright Satanism.”
Spread r/K Theory, because it is psyops, psyops, psyops, all the way down
You know these assholes are getting desperate if they’re rolling out their UFO psyops. Soon after the aliens arrive and introduce us to their meatball messiah of a leader (can’t be white of course) shit will start getting real.
We’ll once again be fighting off the NPCs to not be slaves to this thing. I’ll never give in to them. They’ll have to kill me. The idea of dying as a martyr for the Lord makes my soul sing. No finer way to leave this realm.
It would be just about right in Clown World that an interstellar civilization decided to make first contact with us the week after the administration looked stupid over the spy balloon. We’re probably already in Galaxy War I.
You know these assholes are getting desperate if they’re rolling out their UFO psyops. Soon after the aliens arrive and introduce us to their meatball messiah of a leader (can’t be white of course) shit will start getting real.
We’ll once again be fighting off the NPCs to not be slaves to this thing. I’ll never give in to them. They’ll have to kill me. The idea of dying as a martyr for the Lord makes my soul sing. No finer way to leave this realm.
‘Rep. Jim Jordan hit by backlash online after saying ‘only Americans should vote in American elections.’’
The fact that this is even controversial is proof of how far down the Leftist rabbit hole we’ve fallen.
Voter ID all night long.
> hit by backlash online
Don’t fall for the astroturfing campaigns on the internet.
It’s trivially easy to create and manage bot networks that can spam any idea you want them to on the internet. Of course the most common platforms have no issue managing the right-leaning bot nets, while leftie bots are signal boosted and protected.
It’s a coordinated conspiracy where the enemy has their bot networks spam fake outrage online, the media picks it up as if it’s legitimate concern, then uses the “legitimacy” of media to pressure gullible normies into bandwagon-agreeing with [current opinion]. It’s a scam that could easily be run by one person in the right position. There is no real human on the planet that believes that non-Americans should vote in the USA, there are only enemy actors pushing the narrative and the resulting manufactured mass-agreement.
Good point. The COVID/ lockdown psyop relied heavily on spam bots. They have been traced by Michael Senger to China, but I think the cabal was just using China as a platform. I also think the tech was tested out earlier.
some guy on the web (SGOTW) had the best idea I’ve heard in a long time. An idea so good, a) it’ll never ever happen and b) {{whoever the fuck it is that proofreads the web to silo troublesome ideas}} got to it very quick and made it go away.
“Grab a bill from your wallet. Any bill, any denomination. See that string of numbers & letters at 1 o’clock & 7 o’clock? Yeah, those are serial numbers, thus making each and every bill – and remember, the Fed/USG (same thing) prints many **billions** of them every year – thus making each & every bill unique and identifiable. IF THEY CAN DO IT WITH MONEY, THEY CAN DO IT WITH BALLOTS.”
bring this idea up to a politician, or better yet a government bureaucrat, and watch how fast they change the subject.
Hell yeah. We are going to have to demand our Representatives to take steps to stop the steal. If they won’t then even with them stealing votes it is possible to overwhelm them. And if not, then we will know who to string up for the revolution “if” it comes to that. Voting can’t hurt and it’s not too much to ask. I think the people who tell you not to vote, not all, but possibly a lot of them, are bots or agents setting out top suppress the vote against them. Every single vote they steal is another offense, and every single vote they steal is an opportunity for them to screw up and make it clear they are doing so.
Here is my question, the answer to which I cannot even imagine a plausible scenario.
How does surveillance get exposed in such a way that a civil war ensues?
IOW, exposed in such a way and in such detail, that the truth of the matter is clear and unequivocal, and sufficiently compelling where a neighbor would attack a neighbor? Who has such data, the means, the opportunity and the motive to disclose it?
The question is genuine.
The possibility (IMO) has been so thoroughly anticipated and prepared for, that no type of disclosure will ever be convincing to a sufficient number of people. But I may simply lack the imagination or knowledge.
The only thing which has protected the surveillance from exposure is the idea it could never happen, because in America our intelligence agencies are controlled by the government which is controlled by the people. Already, that is gone, among all those who would take part in the civil war. Now all that is needed is for them to see the actual surveillance, because it is everywhere. Once you see it in person, you see it constantly.
And I don’t necessarily want to say how I think it will likely happen, but I a quite certain it will in our lifetimes.
TY for responding. I hope you are right.
The only way I can see it happening is a counter-intel group delivering irrefutable proof to individuals it has identified as being strongly against Cabal’s activities. Once someone can no longer deny the existence of an enemy, the counter-intel group must then educate these people on the exact scope, methodology and weak spots of the existing beast system.
If one knows it exists, that it has tangibly harmed one’s life outcomes, that the enemy has weaknesses that can be exploited that will lead to it’s eventual destruction, and there is a network of sympathetic support to protect and assist in returning the favor to the enemy, why would one not act?
“On the other I find it impossible to believe we would not have covered a plane in LED TV screens playing the feed from a pinhole camera shooting through the screens on the other side, filming what is on the other side of the plane for projection over it, creating that effect.”
Around the time of the 1st Gulf War, PBS had a NOVA documentary about stealth technology. In that documentary, they mentioned that, during WWII, the NAVY would cloak its antisubmarine aircraft with arrays of light bulbs to render them effectively invisible from the surface.
I was thinking about that. Aircraft show as a black dot in the sky. If you light up the the aircraft with bright lights on it, it actually reduces our ability to see it and shoot at it. The spread of radar aimed guns and then later radar guided missiles made it so nobody cared about an aircrafts visibility to the eye. If you look at F-14s in the 1970s, they had some of the most garish decorations I’ve ever seen on a plane. Nobody cared because the F-14’s primary mission was beyond visual range missile exchanges.
The tide began to shift in the 1990s with the revelation of the F117 and B2, and the development of the F22. The U.S. began to become concerned that possible enemies might develop highly capable visual detection systems to counteract those planes’ relative immunity to existing hostile radar systems. That spurred exploration of visual masking techniques. I used to subscribe to Aviation Week and Space Technology back then and they had articles on various masking ideas. One was to use a camera on one side of the plane to project on image on bendible plasma screens on the other side of the plane. Another avenue of explorations was a using material to do sort of a ducting of light waves around the surface of the aircraft.
Ducting, for those unfamiliar with the idea, is the tendency for bounce off the surface of something especially at very acute angles. That’s how fiber optic cables work. The light bounces down the glass cable, but it stays in the cable because the light bounces off the surface of the cable. It’s pretty neat because you would think the light would shoot out the side of the cable but it doesn’t. Ducting is also why if you have a layer of cold air hanging over an area, you can hear noises from far away. The sound waves are bouncing off the edge between the cold and hot air.
Engineers were trying to find a way to get light waves from one side of a vehicle, could be a plane or a tank or a car, to duct to the other side where they could be somehow released to continue on to our eyes. This was all in the open press back in the 1990s, so regardless of whether or not that B-1 picture is a fake or not, I wouldn’t be surprised if the technology has been fielded on vehicles and people today.
If any world leader is OUR guy, it’s Putin.
And, Mercury drives, propel the UFOS
From the ticks, the jury is out on Putin.
Is he Cabal, and playing a role. Is he a Christian Patriot fighting Cabal.
Who knows. What is plain to see, is western leaders server hidden masters and do not serve the people.
It might be the mercury drives that initiated the red ticks?
“…seems to show a stealth Bomber with Chameleo camouflage picked up on Google Earth”
I’d say it looks more like a very quick and bad job of using ‘cloning’ tool on Photoshop.
it would not matter if it looked fake but is real
NORAD anon was fascinating, he confirmed what I thought I knew about deep state capabilites; the entire planet is covered by surveillance, there is no where to hide.
I’m even more skeptical about spy satellites – how do they stay in orbit unmolested by debris? He said the surveillance isn’t just satellites…very interesting.
Every single major “satellite” maker also holds patents on high-altitude, long-duration balloon systems that would easily perform the effects of alleged satellite infrastructure without requiring “space” travel and all the insurmountable problems that would go along with that.
They don’t have to worry about alleged “space” debris when you never go to space at all.
Why worry about space when you could watch TV instead.
My thoughts exactly.
If “Space debris” were even a thing they’d be getting smashed up all the time.
Orbital dynamics are very different than how things in the air. When something in orbit goes faster, it gets higher in orbit. When something slows down in orbit, it naturally descends. If had a killer Safelite and I wanted to catch and destroy your satellite, I’d have to get my satellite to speed up. But that would make it go higher and that would mean it goes further to catch up to your satellite. It’s like a runner or a race car driver trying to pass another guy on the track. They need to speed up, but they also need to move to the outside of the track and that means they are going further than the guy they’re trying to catch. So I’d have to speed up a lot, catch up to your satellite then slow back down to get my satellite it descend to the same level as your satellite.
Every satellite at the same level are going the same speed so the debris won’t necessarily hit anything. Except . . . if you have a satellite going around the earth in a north south pattern (orbit), you could make a debris field that orbits the earth with an east-west orbit and then wait for those debris to eventually hit your satellite.
That’s all I remember from one semester of astrodynamics thirty years ago. Hope that helps with the question about debris. Can’t help you on any of the rest.
A decade or two ago I read about a journal on space junk. Yup a science journal. They tracked every item orbiting earth. All the little bits as well as the big ones. If I remember rightly, it would take a few skip fulls of gravel sized pieces let loose in orbit to make it nigh on impossible for anything to get past a certain level into space without it being punctured with holes. Can’t help thinking about a version of the van Allen belt stopping it all. Then I wonder if it is true or not.
This is the first step to preparing for open war between the US and Russia. The next step will be evacuating the embassy.
The Cabal really does want a war and the plebs are asleep
Gone now. Screenshot looks like a shitty attempt to use the PS stamp tool to remove a B-1 Bone. Which is probably exactly what it is.
> U.S. blew $872,000 to build, and dismantle the useless fence around the Capitol for Biden’s pointless State of the Union. Trump allowed one, so there must be some reason they do that.
Trump couldn’t do anything about it. It’s not within the powers of the Presidency.
That power rested with the Mayor of DC, the Capitol Police, or the US Park Service, who have overlapping jurisdictions over the area.
> Biden administration ready to unleash a $27 billion green slush fund.
Oh, noes! The horror! That money should go to UKRAINE!!!
I’m sure the Big Guy will get his ten per cent somehow, though.
Behold a Green Horse
> NFL lures millions to TikTok despite rising security, privacy concerns about Chinese platform.
Well, of course. The NFL is fully converged. And idiots still insist on supporting them anyway.
If you *must* watch feetball, why not go to local high school or college games, in person, instead of slouching in front of the idiot box?
Or actually play the sport physically. Vicarious masculinity is so cringe.
> Southern California law enforcement agencies are focusing on the trend of burglary tourism, where thieves travel internationally to the U.S. to burglarize homes, then return to their home country.
Maybe some Mexicans crossing over legally on day trips, but past that, travel costs would eat all their profits up. The average reported loss in a burglary is around $2500, depending on what web site you look at.
Another site says the most common stolen items are prescription drugs, jewelry, home electronics, tools, designer clothing. liquor, golf clubs, and bicycles. All that has to be transported somehow, then fenced or sold on Craigslist or eBay. Also, the difficulty in operating in a foreign country.
Between travel costs, lodging, and other overhead, it looks like a lot of work for not much by the time they get home.
Of course, any reason is a good reason to form a task force. Looks good on resumes, you know.
Chilean thieves have been identified and arrested in SoCal over the past few years. Local papers have police blotter reports, word gets around quickly.
When your options are
A.) $2500 minus overhead every couple days knowing the minions of the former-USA will happily run cover for your acts of aggression against US citizens
B.) staying in extreme poverty
Which would you chose if you were an r-selected animal person? $2500 may be nothing to you, but plenty of goblins would gladly take that gamble.
Sounds a bit like Murder, Inc, where the hitters were always from out of town, locals tracked the mark’s behavior, cleaned up after. Hiring day-labor to do the break-in makes some sense in that any DNA or fingerprint evidence is probably not traceable. Travel costs? Probably zero as they don’t take the Greyhound bus or stop at Motel 6. Quick trip across the border, stay in a safe house, do the deed, go back home. Local fencing operation handles the loot.
This would not be profitable unless well organized.
> US leads the rest of the world with $196 billion given to Ukraine amid war with Russia.
I suspect it’s a lot more than that, not even counting the non-monetary goodies.
Ukraine’s entire Gross National Product for 2021 was only $171 billion. And it’s in the top half of worldwide GNP.
> If Biden blew up Nord Stream 2, should he be Impeached for committing an act of war against a nuclear power without Congressional consent?
That’s a lot of effort. What Mussolini got would be OK with me.
Rope is cheap, and says there are 75,000 street lights in the District of Columbia. Any one will do.
Mussolini was already dead when they strung him up.
> Americans want corporations to drop their “woke” agendas and get back to focusing on their business, a new survey has revealed.
Unfortunately, they don’t care, and are perfectly willing to lose sales and customers in order to support the Narrative.
They won’t lose sales, at least not on paper, because sales are irrelevant to their income and are largely made up numbers anyway. They are primarily paid to wildly scream [current narrative] at any and all expense to the illusion of being a real business.
People can be mad all they want, it won’t change the fact mega-businesses do not rely on sales to stay alive. If they did they would have been dead years and years ago when all this nonsense kicked into warp speed.
Unfortunately, it’s likely you are correct.
Well, sales are important to them. These big companies are successfully bringing product to market. It’s just not their number one priority. The CEO and boards of these countries would first of all prefer to not be murdered, or publicly humiliated with blackmail, or face sudden and inexplicable legal challenges and lawsuits.
Everyone who is a a CEO in this country surely knows that this is a huge, filthy, corrupt shithole and that the real owners of this country are completely without restraint. And the CEOs know better than to upset the real owners of this country.
> But think of how savvy we have become, compared to Americans in the 80’s, who just had no idea.<<<
Think how much worse it was in the Fifties, with an entire population imagining that they had just won WWII, even though the real winners began ramping things up almost immediately ala airborne rangers with fixed bayonets deleting the rights of free association and property, not to mention the continuation of income tax withholding — an alleged wartime only measure — by corporate employers who are — as Vox recently reminded us — government entities. And then came JFK! Now the feds are building a large honking headquarters for the FBI, that will be larger than the Pentagon, since ZOG's largest enemy is now the American people. What would Ward Cleaver say, for goodness sake?
On the UK, there’s a “Charity” called it doesn’t fund raise, it get all its funds from the taxpayer!
Its motto is “Leading BEYOND Authority”
Mission “training future leaders”
Beyond : definition
“At,or to the further side of”
It has infested EVERY public sector entity in the UK and has foreign programs too!
Back in the Naughties someone got a list of who they’d trained so far
Just do a search looking at [organisation]
Environment agency
Etc etc
ALL in senior positions!
Now, every [gov] sector sent [gov] employees on these courses, which meant the taxpayer paid, they cost €3-10k a pop.
Once they’ve got one in a senior position, they sent others.
NLP being an important factor, they’re probably highly susceptible to it AND use it on the general population.
And the kicker, the courses are called “Matrix”
That’s probably a lot of our Surveillance too AC.
Psyops in psyops in psyops.
Goes into quite a bit, including the history of cabal which has been suspected for hundreds of years apparently.
Regarding the 4chan post – this was the second plausible intel guy in as many days. The other seemed to have a similar sort of message, much of which rang true with me. The previous one was sparser – didn’t give much to sink one’s teeth into, didn’t answer many questions, and eventually the thread died – but a similar attitude of cutting away much of the bullshit.
Roughly, the ideas spread by both of them:
No discussion of Covid, Brussels, Global crypto currency, new virus being unleashed, Epstein-style corruption in Ukraine, or election theft or Trump.
Reason to be optimistic. Perhaps there was enough resistance to foil their plans? Maybe…
I’m working on a long piece on the character of conspiracy which might interest you. I’ll drop another comment when I finally finish it, hopefully this week.
Excellent, will link to it.
3 & 4 kinda contradict.
The people eroding the west with wokeness are also culling the idiots.
Is it not possible to NOT erode the west with wokeness and still cull the idiots?
From the comments at ‘The Feral Irishman’, in discussion about why Ohio poison clouds from the train wreck reporter was arrested.
“So I’m in listening area of one of biggest stations in Youngstown. DeWine was speaking at the news conference, and that asshole was doing his ‘live report’ from INSIDE the venue, and NO ONE could hear what DeWine was saying because the ‘reporter’ was being intentionally really loud. Now news outlets from all over the country were there to hear the first press conference with the governor, and I don’t know if this guy was just grandstanding or or a Dem who hates DeWine or both, but he DEFINITELY interfered with the governor’s address and those trying to hear what he was saying…
I have friends from the East Palestine area, and from the radio side, I was hoping someone would shut him up so I could find out WTF was going on.
My opinion…”
Since the Ohio train chemical disaster and a deliberate controlled burn by the Authorities. This chemical will be contaminating many flyover states. A huge magnitude terror attack in other words.
I wonder if you could be getting dosed by it in your broccoli and spinach and corn on the cob for a decade too. There may be a lot of soil which will be just fucked enough to poison people, but not fucked enough nothing will grow. None of us may be truly safe.
Environmental Decontamination and Environmental Remediation may be big efforts by the Patriots that will be necessary.
Cleaning up groundwater, rivers and farmland are absolutely necessary to restore livable land.
The most prime farmland that was contaminated was George Washington’s Land gifted to the Revolutionary Soldiers at the time.
It is a symbolic and major attack on the Country. We cannot live or grow food there without Environmental Remediation.
OHIO Train Derailment was a Netflix movie in 2022.
“When Ben Ratner’s family signed up in 2021 to be extras in the movie “White Noise,” they thought it would be a fun distraction from their day-to-day life in blue-collar East Palestine, Ohio.”
Literally, everything is scripted. WTH.
Predictive programming.
If you live near Palestine Ohio, you might want to bookmark this
“Stephen Miller says Congress should defund Intelligence agencies, DOD, and withhold salaries of officials if they don’t immediately disclose everything they know about the UFOs.”
FINALLY someone with a clue. Unearmark them. Pick out the people and programs causing the problem and just cut their damn funds to zero, and also specify that these people and programs will not be funded in any form by the government OR their contractors.
You should hear the crocodile tears from the responses to this on twatter.
“Oh my God no military”, “Oh no cutting off the hard working freezing soldiers of funds”, “Oh no we’re going to be attacked and have no weapons”, see how this works.
Given discretion, these scum fund programs highly offensive to Americans and then when you try to cut them off they kill off beneficial programs and siphon the money into vile Salinistic shithead programs that threaten our citizen’s security. And then they cry for funds after they starve for funds, the programs that actually keep us safe.
Ever since I heard the CIA spent $40 billion dollars on zeroday exploits for computers when the NSA had the same exploits already paid for…they need to take a not an axe but a flamethrower to their budgets.
I want to add that the secrecy that was necessary during the cold war and the anything goes nature of the competition that went with it, is not necessary now. There is no serious security threat to the US besides, the bankers, the intelligence agencies and the deep State. These are the biggest threats to US citizens.
Congress will, HAVE to go back to their older established close monitoring of the intelligence agencies and if they will not allow this, then they need to cut off funds to them and we will either prop up an agency to do the job they are not doing, or we will just do without.
“Pentagon does not know what keeps these “objects” aloft”
I don’t know what to tell you people to see that they are lying.
The US Navy has itself a patent on an inertia drive that does not expel matter to provide thrust, and I have shown you several mechanical or electrical objects that appear to do the same. If you look at a simple gyroscope on the end of a long stick you can see that by spinning the gyro up then rotating it around you the damn thing becomes lighter. This is not fake do it yourself. With the money they have spent you tell me that “HAVE NO IDEA!”.
The question then becomes why are they lying? Why are they not stopping these from flying around? Are they feeding us some BS and then going to tell us we need “one world government” to fight the UFO threat? Please, aliens can’t possibly be so stupid that they can fly across the vastness of space and then be shot down in corn fields in New Mexico. If they were here you would never even see them. They would use some sort of nano-cameras and see all they wanted without zooming all around for everyone to see.
When I think about space aliens UFOs, I can’t make the thing fit together in my mind. I can “see” concepts in my mind as if they were physical objects. I can move that concept around in my mind. I can spin it, turn it at odd angles to see if everything fits correctly. Then I can take a new fact or idea and see if I can fit it smoothly into the object in my mind. It took me years to realize most people don’t do that with their minds. I think some do. I had a boss three levels above me who I think could do it. Someone would propose something in a meeting and I would see the proposed idea like a hunk of distorted crap. Then the boss would ask a question and it would be the absolutely best possible question. And the answer would carve away part of the hunk of crap image in my mind leaving one side clean and gleaming brightly. The boss would keep asking one perfect question after another until the proposed idea was cut down to its perfect, symmetrical core. The first time he did that in a meeting, I walked out of the meeting on a high. It was like watching a master diamond cutter take a hunk of raw diamond and turn it into the most beautiful cut diamond you ever saw. Except everyone else in the room was bitching about what an asshole he was. That’s when it hit me that most of my coworkers could not see ideas as objects in their minds.
When I try to hold the idea of UFOs as aliens from another planet visibly flying around the surface of our planet in metal vehicles in my brain, the parts don’t “fit.” It’s an ugly distorted mass of crap. I’ve tried to make the idea fit for years, but I can’t. In your comment you pointed out something that doesn’t “fit.” Super smart space aliens wouldn’t be shot down by our pathetic weapons. It would be like a bunch of bushmen holding rocks and sticks destroying a modern main battle tank. It doesn’t fit. You hit on another thing that doesn’t fit. Why would aliens need to fly around in a metal vehicle to explore our planet? Why wouldn’t they send micro stealth drones? The answer is: because from the 1920s through the 1980s humans had to fly around in metal (or cloth and wood framed) vehicles to explore our planet. The story seemed to be that because that’s how we do it, then super advanced space aliens had to do it that way as well. That’s plain stupid. See? It doesn’t fit. It’s a hunk of garbage in my mind. Only now, after inventing stealth technology, micro drones, communication and computer networks can we imagine that an advanced space aliens would have had access to that same technology back in the 1950s. If you buy into the popular concept of space aliens you will realize after a while it seems space aliens can’t use a technology until humans have invented it. Does that make sense? Keep reading and I’ll explain what I mean in a moment.
I prefer Stanislaw Lem’s concept of an alien intelligence in his novel Solaris. He did not try to make aliens into slightly more capable humans, which seems to be what most people think UFO aliens might be. Lem thought a true alien might be something truly alien: something like an incomprehensible, sentient ocean. Although Lem didn’t care for it, I’ve always liked Tarkovsky’s interpretation of Lem’s story, especially the incredibly tedious highway scene. That scene makes the viewer sit and wonder, “What the heck is this and why is it here?” I always took that as Tarkovsky’s commentary on how an alien intelligence would view us, “What the heck is this and why is it here?” To do that they wouldn’t need to fly around the surface of our planet in metal vehicles. They could set multiple remote stealth observation platforms in far earth orbit, collect data, then decide to de-orbit our planet with a casual thoughtlessness, or kill off all life on earth by releasing an undetectable kill agent, or they might decide to move on to something more interesting because they find us frankly boring. But they sure wouldn’t need to invade us using soldiers shooting guns, and pilots flying metal vehicles shooting guns. Don’t get me started on the bullshit idea that super advanced space aliens shoot unguided energy bolts from their UFOs like some WWII fighter shooting .50 caliber bullets from machine guns in its wings. Why wouldn’t super advanced space aliens at least have self guiding, invisible energy bolts which are generated from the surface of the vehicle which we could only speculate about because all of our aircraft suddenly, and simultaneously disintegrate. Except, even that is a stupid idea and makes space aliens into a slightly more advanced form of humans.
When I said a true, advanced space alien could use a kill agent, I see in my mind an alien intelligence using something we have no concept of, and if we were aware of it, we could never understand it. Maybe like how we kill bacteria in a sterilizing washer. Bacteria have no idea there is a sterilizing washer, and no way to understand it if they did. If space aliens truly existed and could travel through the vastness of space, then they have abilities we could never understand.
When I hold the concept of “space aliens” in my mind, I see a sentient ocean on a planet so far away from us that we have no concept of it’s existence, but aware of us in a way we could never understand, killing all life on earth with no effort using something we could never understand. That fits. Not this bullshit idea of aliens flying around earth in their 1950s style subsonic metal vehicles shooting unguided laser bolts. So yeah, when I try to make the space aliens UFO story “fit” in my mind, all I see is a bunch of garbage.
Xena vs Hercules
From 2021, but posted for the surprisingly nasty tone. Don’t actresses and actors want to be liked by as many people as possible? Lawless and Sorbo worked together, and then this?
No, Peanut. They are not Patriots. They are your flying monkeys,homegrown terrorists, QAnon actors. They are the douchebags that go out and do the evil bidding of people like you who like to wind them up like toys and let them do their worst. #keepingYourFilthyHandsclean #enabler
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) January 7, 2021
American politics is for American citizens, sweetie. Go back to your fascist NZ paradise.
well who is surprised? Lawless is a major Hillary worshiper.
There’s a lot of opinions about UFOs. Some people think they are demon controlled, man made objects. Other people think they may be aliens from another planet. AC here has wondered if they might be from some parallel civilization. And then finally, there are people who think they are advanced human technology. The 4Chan thread on the extensive aerial surveillance over the U.S. revealed something significant about this topic.
I need to digress here. Back in the 1960s, the Soviet government would release news reports about demonstrations and riots in the United States. Those news reports would include film if people marching through cities. The Soviet government wanted it’s people to think life in the U.S. must be horrible to have all these riots and demonstrations. The problem was the news reports showed more than demonstrations. They also showed how well dressed the Americans were. They showed lots of very nice cars driving around in the background of the demonstrations. They also showed how free the Americans were by how they could organize mass protests against the government without fear of being beaten or arrested by regime enforcers. The news reports failed because the government officials who approved them did not realize how much revealing information was actually in those news reports and how much those news reports undercut the regime lies.
I got a feeling the 4Chan thread about aerial surveillance is the same sort of thing. I think the whole ramp up in UFO stuff is a cabal program to get people united behind some sort of one world government program that will be sold as our only way to save the Earth from those dastardly aliens and their no good, real bad UFO vehicles. Except the guy who wrote the 4Chan thread just revealed that the U.S. intelligence community know for a fact that all those UFOs are just foreign government vehicles.
So why did some Intel guy get tasked to write that 4Chan thread? Because I guarantee that thread was a task given to some smart boy sitting in a cubicle at the CIA or wherever. Nobody reveals the sort of info that’s in that thread without it being directed. Why was the point? Remember, the Russians have been saying lately that they intend to launch bombing attacks on military installations inside the United States. The Russians have specifically mentioned hypersonic missiles, but I bet their plan includes drones, cruise missiles, and maybe even medium range ballistic missiles launched from Siberia into Alaska. The 4Chan thread was a message from the U.S. to the Russians to not even think about launching an attack because the Americans can see loaves of bread, birds, and even golf balls flying towards U.S. airspace. Why, the U.S. has even tracked every single micro and high performance drone you darn Rooskies have sent our way. And right there, you just got your answer about UFOs. They are human built, highly advanced technology drones. And the U.S. government knows it. Just like those old Soviet news reports, the 4Chan thread revealed a lot more than the U.S. government realized or intended. They just told us there is no threat of alien invasion. That’s a scam.
On a side note, seeing and hitting a flying target are two very different things. I suspect that 4Chan thread was released because the U.S. air defence guys are scared shitless because they know they might be able to watch a Russian missile attack from launch to impact, but they have almost no ability to stop that attack. And in their panic the Americans revealed a whole lot of information they will wish in retrospect they hadn’t.
Werner Von Braun the German ‘rocketeer’ who worked for NASA after trying to destroy London with his V2 rockets told his secretary in the 1960’s that TPTB would use a fake alien invasion scheme to unite the world.
> I find it impossible to believe we would not have covered a plane in LED TV screens playing the feed from a pinhole camera shooting through the screens on the other side, filming what is on the other side of the plane for projection over it, creating that effect.
The problem with this tech is that it would only work for one very specific viewing angle. If you have three people standing side by side, they will all look at one square inch of the stealth surface and have to see different colors to account for the variation in viewing angle and what is behind the object. It might work for evading a single observer, where the tech could track eye gaze and adjust accordingly, or for “simple” backdrops like a sky or ocean etc, but there are physical limitations to the concept. It could also be tech that is designed to only work from medium-long distance, so changes in viewing angle are harder to achieve (stepping one foot to the side could alter view angle by multiple degrees up close, but would be only a fraction of a degree when you’re 100 yards away from the object)
What would be required is super-advanced versions of those billboards that change message as you pass them, where there are two underlying images overlaid by directional light filters that occlude or expose one or the other image based on viewing angle, but even that would require essentially one “filter” per possible observation angle to be truly effective.
I think the vax he got to go to Canada is getting to him 🙁
Damn. I enjoy his channel.
Watched 2 mins of this.
It just occured to me that GcMAF might be the antidote to the vax!
Not necessarily the heart related issues, but many of the others.
Matthew 19:29“And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”
Satan will love to put us in positions where will we be consider traitors to our own kin for remaining loyalty to Christ.
Found at FR:
Based on my preliminary research, the derailed train of Vinyl Chloride is going to be something of a short term calamity with hopefully few long term effects. Apart from the cause of the derailment most everything else makes sense.
Vinyl Chloride is a highly flammable carcinogenic and monomer used to make plastic. It’s really nasty stuff, bad for you down to at least 1 PPM, but you can only smell it starting at 10 PPM. It causes Cancer, liver issues, and is mutagenic in acute and chronic exposure.
The HazMat information I found earlier today indicates that evacuation of 1 mile is standard. The fire is not to be extinguished unless the leaks can be stopped. Due to the risk of BLEVE approaching the accident was very hazardous for several reasons, even geared up.
Apparently a decision was made to vent the tanks explosively. This is preferable to an uncontrolled BLEVE. The combustion products are bad, HCL and trace amounts of Phosgene but both of these will be eliminated in the environment quickly.
Vinyl Chloride is quite reactive and will begin to polymerize in open atmosphere. This is actually good because polymerized Vinyl Chloride is relatively harmless stuff, think PVC. The environmental damage should be short lived with a fast recovery.
They basically had to blow up those tanks, there was not a good way to deal with the fire and leaks under the threat of a BLEVE.
More at the link
I’m always inherently skeptical of man-made doomsday scenarios. I tend to think that humans vastly overestimate their ability to really do damage to the planet.
We didn’t make this place, God did, and I really don’t think He would give us the capability to destroy it against His will.
Damaging the planet is quite different from killing millions of people. Trust me, man-made genocide really is a thing.
While I don’t quite agree with Eastern Orthodoxy. This guy makes good points on the NPC phenomenon:
NPCism is the result of the destruction of the Image of God in Man. That which gives us all Individuality is the Imago Dei.
Therefore as we are more governed by the passions. Rather than God. We lose who we really are.
Good post. It’s why debased or evil people are commonly paralleled with animals; creatures with God-given life but no divine spark / soul to motivate good, constructive behavior; a living entity motivated solely by selfish pursuits.
The aliens could also be the demons Crowley manifested (see his drawings online) from a Hell dimension. Just an idea. Films like Men in Black popularised the demonic looking appearance as predicted programming? Now it’s considered normal, not Satanic.

UK: there are local warnings of white clouds with potentially dangerous chemicals in the air tonight so my people are keeping the windows shut. Airborne sterilizer? No idea. But it’s in England as well. Recently England announced it would use graphene oxide in filtering the water supply (yes, toxic and causes coof symptoms)
and the gov has been pumping other chemicals into the water with the Social Care Act (and related Acts) no MSM dared question from Hunt, known CCP agent waifu guy. They’ve been telling everyone to drink the water in past months, either for more fake pandemic crap or for mass panic and chaos.
Could be an extension of the Aktion T4 style programme that the vaxx started, maybe activating vaxx deaths and mineral water has been hard to buy even in major supermarkets. Never happened before, some supplies are local. There have also recently been weird chemtrails from unknown planes near me and I know all the local planes (read: not them) and it was over local farmland especially.
nb They hire the pedo Muslims as taxi drivers for care homes the girls are forced into with lies about the parents. This is known, there are Parliament white papers admitting they know Social Services lie. The police are also pedos paying them with FOOD as bribery. Again, this is known and mentioned in stories even in papers.
See the Gay mafia for similar cohesion and conspiratorial behavior. May be exactly the same people too.
Plays into a Biblical interpretation of the End Times as well. God is very clear in telling us a day will come when demons present themselves and evil rules the whole world. With Project Bluebeam being in the books and it appearing more likely that the government may start play-acting the “alien invasion” script, setting up demons to be disguised as aliens would be one piece of the deception to transition to a One World Gov. ruled by demons and Satan himself.
The murder of the elderly is twofold: one, to kill off the cultural elders who might morally guide the young through this chokepoint thereby cutting off that vital link to ancestry or warning wisdom and two, target the religious openly in a Satanic psyop since Satanists are a death cult, (see Extinction Rebellion’s Saturnian hourglass of mortality in the logo, enclosed) so this is expressly Christophobic (actual term) and will ramp up. I think they recently shoulder-tapped Alain Delon to do it last year and normalise it to the French for the vaxx outcome to be hand-waived as stunning and brave for the continued financial solvency of socialist states.
“Proof that Neanderthals ate crabs is another ‘nail in the coffin’ for primitive cave dweller stereotypes.”
I’m sure any minute after eating those crabs, and 250,000 years of building nothing, the Neanderthals would have broke out and started building stuff like this the Greeks built in 500BC or so, “if” it had not been for those dastardly Saps…snicker.
The enemy wants nothing more than to remove our truly unique status in the world as human beings, created in God’s image.
Propping up another “human” analogue with human-like abilities would just serve to degrade the divine nature of human beings. “How special can you be if there was another similar creature that’s now extinct, anon? God must not love you all that much” say the satanic “scientists.”
It took saps about 285,000 years to start building that stuff, so… yeah.
But you don’t know what might be buried under the ocean on the mid-Atlantic ridge. I read an article one time that there was a pyramid near the Canary Islands underwater. Could the mid-Atlantic ridge be Atlantis. I think so, and that”s where the Cro-Mags came from. There are rough pyramids on the Canary Islands that no ever talks much about.
Pretty certain, 90%, until new evidence suggests otherwise, site of Atlantis is at Richat Structure in West Africa.
It is as described, and surrounded by evidence of a deluge.
And what would make you think it was made by saps and not thals?
That’s a stylized stone version copying a set of wooden columns upholding a roof. I think it might even be palm tree trunks? It’s copying a style originated in Egypt, then modified.
It’s what irritates me about what I’ve seen of the so-called elites. They seem to want one scarce model of something, like one thing on a wall in a museum, decontextualized, rather than what a healthy, creative culture looks like- which is abundant, inexpensive for the most part, youth-oriented, and prone to immense amounts of imitation and possible copying. There isn’t one exemplary cathedral, one exemplary pyramid, one form of dress. There’s nalbinding, knitting, bias cut fabric, fabric strips- all for covering one’s feet. That’s what healthy looks like: tons of olive oil pottery with lurid paint jobs recovered from shipwrecks.
There were tons of these little wooden devotional huts. Then stone ones in Greek islands that had rocks but not so much wood. Then big ones. Then hauntingly beautiful perfected ones.
U.K.: Sunak’s Government Works on Plans to Boost Ties With EU
They are all WEF agents
Turkey: Reconstruction Cost Estimates Creep Higher as Government Reportedly Mulls Delaying Elections
Google tries to demonetize Whatfinger News
Theory on the UFOs posted by someone at FR:
DARPA has fully developed their Gyro-Magnetic Propulsion System and is ready to deploy armed test “drones” under hush-hush conditions.
General public reveals are at least another generation out.
Their problem is that they have several smaller unarmed vehicles, that were developed as proof-of-concept, that are no longer needed and present a security issue; they could fall into the wrong hands and be subject to reverse-engineering.
Fly them and have them shot down as unidentified.
Did the Chinee balloon precipitate this plan?
This thought was fully triggered by the description of one of these vehicles as “octagon shaped”; easily enclosing a large-ish gyroscope.
My fevered brain says that the propulsion system is being developed for “space travel” and may start out being introduced via the Space Force.”
Come on dude, no censoring please.
“We let china spy on us b-because… we don’t want them to know how technologically advanced we are!!!1!’
Biggest load of horseshit ever. It’s a LARP, and AC would do better to know that there’s a lot of believable LARPing on /pol/. There is NO WAY the USA is advancing technologically and at the same time falling apart. The entire country is run at the behest of foreign interests and the “balloon” was just another newscycle. Same for the “aliens”.
The USA, just like other countries, routinely allows some sort of air traffic from every country on the planet. This one was large enough to be viewed by the naked eye and so the USGov has taken it upon themselves to write a narrative of “muh dik big”.
>inb4 this guy sounds like a shill
You need meds. Everyone isn’t being spied upon. They’re staffed by trannies that care about little other than sodomizing little boys and drinking their blood. They have such low opinion of normal people that they wouldn’t lift a finger to defend themselves.
>b-but national interest !! national security!!
Don’t make me laugh lmao. The government spends more $$$ covering the president’s ass than it does on anything else. The entire country works because the good and honest people don’t need laws while the retarded psycho-monkeys are incompetent as fuck.
You need meds. Everyone isn’t being spied upon.
I understand how you could think that. I would have too fifteen years ago. It took years, of having it thrown in my face every day, before I could come to terms with it. All along I kept bouncing back and forth, from thinking, there is no way they could afford this thing, to wondering if a massive alien economy on some other planet was funding it, to thinking the people doing it must be brainwashed somehow, to finally, just accepting massive civilian informant networks are a thing, and it worked for the Stasi – who were not as rich as us. If you saw what I saw, and what others here see, you would understand.
I have no idea if that guy is legit, but him asserting they would not create internment camps, but rather would just tell surveillance to focus on the people is 100% legit.
Just want to applaud your equanimity when you’re essentially being called a paranoid retard by folks who disbelieve in surveillance. It’s much more convincing to normies when I send links to your comments when you reply to such accusations with calm rationality. The truth will out, and obviously no need to get angry at those who haven’t seen what you’ve seen.
“All along I kept bouncing back and forth, from thinking, there is no way they could afford this thing”
When the public believe in so many bullshit programs, that are fake, there’s soooooo much money sploshing around to pay for the surveillance.
Just the UK in two programs is pushing £20bn
Foreign “Aid” (that never leaves the country) £16bn
Securing and maintaining Trident £2.3bn
We collect millions in charity Tardathons on the idiot box
Comic relief etc..
And there are Countless other grifts
None of it goes where they say it goes.
It goes on watching us.
Oh come on. Do you really expect sub-90 retards to keep their mouths shut about how they’re making easy money? People slip up all the time. That AC thinks he’s found some sort of grand conspiracy amongst all this that flouts the very rules of society is extremely absurd at the very least.
Now, I’m not saying that *some* people can’t be spied upon. But even citing a figure as high as 10% of spies in the population is completely nuts. I’ve been reading AC for a few years and I’ve seen numbers as high as 80% and 90% from him. IMO there aren’t even 100K of these people (in the US).
Sometimes, social structures just move away from exceptional people. But that doesn’t mean there’s some puppetmaster gathering data about it at the end.
And anyway, even if you’re right, what are they gathering data FOR? It is well-known that most “elites” have access to information (analog, like books) that the plebs will never ever access. They don’t need to micromanage.
And yes, that does mean that most efforts taken by people that want to “wake up” other people are mostly futile. The majority of people are extremely retarded and animal-like, they wrap themselves in societal norms and sleepwalk through life. They will only ever be “red-pilled” to an extent and then stop responding. There’s a very strong genetic component involved and the elite can’t boast of purity either.
Oh come on. Do you really expect sub-90 retards to keep their mouths shut about how they’re making easy money? People slip up all the time.
You do realize the Stasi has one in three people in the nation who had submitted reports and spied on associates, and until the files were opened, the citizens had no idea how bad it was?
I can roll video right now, some here have seen it, of an 10-12 year old talking to another surveillance kid about “following” me all day with my surveillance. It was a one in a million event, catching the surveillance people talking freely amongst themselves. Those kids will never screw up and tell someone else, because from childhood, they are raised to view us as the enemy. And I can tell you, 100%, that kid is spying on other kids in the school executing orders given to him by adults who control the school environment, and that kid is manipulating them for this thing, and probably derailing more than a few kids who would otherwise soar through life and be real contributors to society.
Again, I don’t blame you. You are not in America, and seeing this thing first hand for over a decade like I have. You have been inculcated with this fantasy they give you, where those in control, and with the real money and power, are totally unaware of who might one day challenge them for leadership of society, and they are perfectly happy to let those conditions continue. Anybody can start out in their garage with a few hundred bucks, and grow into the richest man in the world, with all that power, and nobody with power now has taken active steps to make sure that never, ever happens. Nobody spies on anyone else because they would not want it done to them, and what was built under the Stasi is impossible here. Those lies are told so prodigiously, in ever direction for all our lives even the honest people believe them and retell them.
The truth is, this world is relentlessly Darwinian. And those at the top are those who realized this, and who are operating as absolutely ruthlessly as they possibly can. To that end, recreating the Stasi, is almost like a starting point for them. Once you realize this, so much will make sense, that the old view will begin to look impossibly silly by comparison. The idea you could have even one person with real intelligence and power, even just a lone CIA director, and it would never snowball into something bigger, more intrusive, more controlling, is laughable.
Now, I’m not saying that *some* people can’t be spied upon. But even citing a figure as high as 10% of spies in the population is completely nuts. I’ve been reading AC for a few years and I’ve seen numbers as high as 80% and 90% from him. IMO there aren’t even 100K of these people (in the US).
One, saying I have said that 80 or 90% of the nation are spies is a bald-faced lie, and obviously shows you are here to plant poison pills. I have never said that. I have said from what I see, it could be as high as 20% in some areas of interest. And even there I am clear that they surround me, so I cannot give a good number, though 10% would not be at all impossible where I am.
Still I like using posts like this to further cement my case in the minds of observers, so we will continue.
From here : “…counting part-time informers, the Stasi had one agent per 6.5 people.”
That is almost 16% of the population working as active, full time spies and infiltrators for the Stasi, in a homogenous European population with morals and social norms, with no immigration. And it is said Stasi tried to actively dirty as many hands as possible, by approaching other civilians with small spying tasks so they would do them out of fear, and then feel guilty and not oppose the government. Factoring in those “dirty hands,” it would rise to one in three citizens having supplied info to the Stasi.
Now, given all we have seen from the leadership of the west today (Are everyone from the Clintons, to the Bidens, and Epstein, more, or less noble than East German leaders?), and the fact we are a glorious “nation of immigrants,” which has been ripe for infiltration of foreign agents for decades, and the fact our nation is vastly richer than East Germany, and could afford to spend a hundred times what East Germany spent on domestic spying, and the fact technology today would facilitate one agent today doing the work of ten agents back then, do you think America is probably more spied upon or less spied upon than the East Germans were?
I apologize, I really did remember that 80-90% figure very vividly. That was pretty much the entire basis of my argument. I am aware that forcing out competitors by any means possible is the best “hidden” business tactic. I just don’t think there’s a spider at the top controlling “informants”. I also don’t think children can be used in this manner, although if you say you have a recording, I guess it might be true.
Your concern is noted.
Agribusiness will not pay the tax reform bill, says agriculture leader in Congress
Federal deputy Pedro Lupion (PP-PR) criticized the proposal for tax reform on consumption by the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). The politician assumed command of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front (FPA), which holds the greatest unitary control of the National Congress.
Lupion is categorical in stating that agribusiness will not foot the bill for an eventual tax increase after the reform. “I think this bill cannot be paid by the agro and we are not going to let that happen”, he said in an interview.
“It is obvious that if there is any type of loss, an increase in taxes on Brazilian agribusiness, we will react head-on and we have the numbers for that”, said Lupion.
Historically, in numbers, the Bolsonaro Government imposed one of the highest profits for the agribusiness sector in Brazil
Checked: Itamaraty is unaware of the alleged recommendation for Brazilians to leave Russia and Belarus; however, they definitively choose a side and leave the scenario of abstention
A source from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Sputnik Brasil this Monday (13) that the Itamaraty has no information about an alleged official recommendation for Brazilians to leave Russia and Belarus as soon as possible.
This afternoon, reports appeared on social networks that the Brazilian Embassy had warned its citizens to leave these two countries as soon as possible, without mentioning the reason. No information on the subject was disclosed in official channels of the Brazilian diplomatic service. Reports emailed to Brazilian citizens in Russia were likely false.
On the other hand, the Itamaraty under Lula’s government took a stand against Russia and says that Brazil will now side with the United States on the issue involving the war in Ukraine.
This was the first position taken by Itamaraty that came out of the ‘peaceful and impartial’ scenario.
Bolsonaro officially announces his return to Brazil and says that “his mission is not over”
During the speech at the evangelical church Church of All Nations, Bolsonaro said that he was unable to be re-elected “because of the TSE” and that he intends to collaborate with the Brazilian right-wing.
“It is a great satisfaction the way you have treated me anywhere on this globe. This is priceless. Even more so for those who, at least before the TSE, were unable to be re-elected. We all have a mission here on Earth, my mission is not over yet. It doesn’t matter what happens to me here or in Brazil,” he said.
On his intention to collaborate with the right-wing leadership in the country, he said: “At the moment we don’t have a leadership from the national right. We have regional. These people are growing. We will get stronger. We will be back. Our vocation is to be more than an extension, in fact, a great nation. Look what Israel doesn’t have, and see what they are. Look what we have, and what we are not.”
>Bolsonaro officially announces his return to Brazil and says that “his mission is not over”
His mission will be over when he is immediately arrested and ends up hanging himself in his jail cell after stabbing himself 53 times, zipping himself in a suitcase and lighting himself on fire simultaneously.
If he isn’t immediately killed then he is an enemy actor playing out a script. Either way, it will be another hint of the reality of what’s going on with the “stolen election fence the capitol” narrative.
He seems oddly overconfident, just like Trump.
If he is a whitehat he may have some kind of protection and letting Lula rape Brazil is part of the stupid plan.
Or maybe he planning on being a martyr.
“Marjorie Taylor Green wants national divorce …”
No need for ‘national divorce’ when the 10th Amendment exists. America has perfectly serviceable laws, it’s just a question of enforcing them. Territorial integrity of the Lower 48 is non-negotiable and anyone right or left suggesting otherwise is a dupe or threat.
“Lilly said the reptile weighed between 600 and 700 pounds.
Over 10 footer, that is quite the lizard.
“China has, to date, stolen the data of 80% of Americans.”
Contingency planning, have your ducks in a row for when your ‘UN peace keepers’ move in after a solar flare, or the German Invasion of Norway meets Tet Offensive on steroids is pulled off once jab mortality really sets in. ‘The Surveillance’ stream merges with the Venona/Soviet infiltration and 5th column, and looking to the ‘legal continuity government’ of the Soviet Union or Communist China as alternatives to ‘NWO’ or ‘globohomo’ is the kind of useful idiot pinkoism for the current day that gets the right and conservatives interminably branded as the designated Heels; even if they do exist institutional support and friends have nothing to work with this level of demoralization.
“Old people in Japan should kill themselves”
Approved 5.5 billion in aid to Ukraine. Probably view it as a hedge against Taiwan (and the Home Islands). They have that cold clime Scandinavian/Inuit altruistic suicide streak.
“Such a total denial of a human being, a rejection of faith and traditional values, suppression of freedom begins to look like a perverted religion, outright Satanism.”
This is the same apparatchik ghoul equating Marxism to Christianity and it needs to sound as hollow as the humanistic platitudes out of the PRC with their Uigher, Tibetan, and Inner Mongolian ethnic cleansing. Putin’s talk at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi 2017 (legacy international Communist front & recruitment organization) tipped his hand more frankly. The Berlin Wall falling ended nothing.
“…America has perfectly serviceable laws, it’s just a question of enforcing them….”
You are a genius.