Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
CIA whistleblower alleges government cover up with Havana Syndrome victims now suffering from cancer, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Not surprising. It does not feel healthful. You would think at some point, something would have to be done about it, and the lethal side of the intelligence agencies which are not foreign-controlled would just deal with it at the human level, since it is clearly a subversion which will come for them.
MTG says the DOGE subcommittee will detail how $2.7 trillion o four money was wasted at 10AM.
What does it look like when a criminal foreign intelligence operation penetrates a nations government, and then wargames against its own position, and has decades to plant assets to fortify weaknesses? Something like this:
If I had to guess, and it is only a guess, I would guess judges will now shut down Trump’s advances, and at the same time, the study of the money flows from what was already taken, reveals an organized plot to overthrow the government, and it will be traced to the judicial branch as well, forcing Trump to act unilaterally to save the country. I do not like it, it strikes me as fake and gay, and there are evil people our citizenry would be well served psychotically, killing. I think a good orgy of bloodlust, and familiarizing the citizenry with the idea they can kill people at the top, would produce a more civically involved citizenry going forward, and a more polite, eager to serve government on the other side. But if this brings the beamings to a halt, and eliminates the surveillance, we can call it even. But I do not see how the country goes forward with a cohort within it, which actively supported everything from 9/11, to probably the Smiley Face Killings, because it viewed regular citizens as such enemies. Especially when they are trained and familiar with performing intelligence operations to subvert the governmental and civic organizations around them. It seems exceedingly unwise to leave them in place.
This could be the catalyst, if these files contain evidence of Mossad complicity subverting the government. The Treasury files could show the payments, ie the carrot, and Epstein’s files could show the stick, and who was wielding it –
Glenn Beck –
“In the next 10 days, you’re going to see the Epstein files released… Day number 1, Kash Patel walks in, by the end of the day, it’ll be released.”
Emerald sees it differently, and thinks these are not even a speedbump:
Judge who ordered a reversal of Trump’s funding freeze contributed $700,000 to Democrat candidates. Where did he get $700K to just throw away, on elections which are rigged anyway?
FEMA official orders grant funding freeze despite court ruling.
Federal Judge orders Trump admin to restore gender ideology websites.
This next one is what CIA Officer Kevin Shipp was talking about when he said something like 17 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were active CIA assets. USAID paid this guy’s bills because USAID was CIA, and CIA was grooming him to be an asset. What it means is, since it is statistically unlikely CIA lost all control over 17 assets on the planes, or whatever the number Shipp ID’d was, plus untold numbers of others, like this guy, it is highly likely CIA at least knew 9/11 was coming. And given you are talking about 17 assets, it is probably likely CIA actually had a hand in doing 9/11, as an operation to increase CIA power and budgeting, and maybe thwart any investigations of its criminality at the time. And all of the ground surveillance in the US would have known 9/11 was at least allowed, at the time.
Elon asks the question which naturally arises, but which nobody ever asks publicly:
Rogan is introducing the public to the idea as well:
Trump has assigned Musk to it:
Elizabeth Warren confronted over being worth $12 million off a Congressional salary.
Trump orders federal agencies to work with DOGE to cut staff, limit hiring. Hegseth is forcing compliance regardless.
USAID-branded building found in liberated Donbass city. The office building was said to “be a gift” from the US to the Ukrainians.
Top ICE officials reassigned as agency strains to meet Trump administration expectations.
Bernie Sanders votes “No” on Tulsi Gabbard, the woman who literally stepped down from the DNC over their unfair treatment of Bernie when he ran for President. He was never running for President. He was just acting as a pied piper to the more troublesome elements of the party. There were no heroes – surveillance would see to that.
Pentagon schools try to defy Hegseth by renaming DEI efforts.
UFO encounter during Polaris missile test – April 19 1961.
She and Kanye are run by the same entity, which paired them off together once at an event, both wearing White Lives Matter shirts. This script seems designed to turn blacks on Jews, though I am not sure why you would want to just pit blacks against Jews. If you hated Jews, you would pit everyone against them. Unless this is designed to drive black-mimicking liberal whites against Jews, as a way of fracturing the Jew-democrat alliance and working the fissures already growing over the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Anon, for the cost of one pack of Trojans and some lube, you could save a life:
You wonder how exactly he was profiting off the graft. Obviously to think that argument would be of any use, you are not dealing with the sharpest tool in the drawer, which is what the conspiracy tends to recruit. I think the capable tend to find it offensive when morons like this fuck up the system so nobody can succeed, and then they offer a deal where morons like this will grant you the success you would have had if they were not fucking up the entire system.
Free Health Care – 20% of people in British Columbia, Canada are currently sick and waiting to see a specialist.
Palestinian Authority signals it will drop ‘pay-for-slay’ program that rewards terrorists to attack Israelis — only if US restores aid. So if we don’t resume giving them our money, how exactly are they going to give away money they do not have?
Russia frees American for Trump as ‘Goodwill’ over Ukraine. Marc Fogel.
Zelensky says Ukraine prepared to offer territory swap with Russia.
Biden is the least popular living US president — as Trump enjoys near-record favorability: poll.
PBS caves to Trump and closes it’s DEI office.
Send people to, because battles ebb and flow, but God has already won
Cardi B blames Trump for ruining her shoes at the Super Bowl, demands he bring back her deported uncle.
A DEI “singer” throwing her weight around.
Bernie Sanders votes “No” on Tulsi Gabbard
I read Bernie Sanders is compromised. Whatever he says, always expect him to vote with Cabal
Sanders, a useful idiot for the Dems, even with his Indie theme.
Every time he is photographed in that little Audi he reinforces the utter incongruity of his situation. He is so out of place in a car like that. He aspires to a station in life beyond his means, but not beyond his dreams. Witness those houses in his portfolio.
The biggest hypocrites are the most strident in their principles. If you don’t like those, they have others for a price.
Last Trump presidency, release stated JFK was shot from front & behind.
So, not new information, but demonstration of how people cannot connect dots.
The 1970s Congressional report concluded that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. As you stated, the last document release showed that he was shot from multiple locations.
Normies will ignore this because at some level they grasp the same people can shoot them, too, and are afraid.
I think on some level, if people do not grasp the surveillance per se, they grasp there is a helplessness to the citizenry, and forces whose control exceeds anything the people can do. You could show tomorrow, JFK was definitively murdered by the CIA, and people will look at it through a prism of, “Am I willing to shoot another person over this and risk the consequences if I fail, for those that could come after if I was successful?
For most people the murder of JFK is probably not worth risking what would happen if you start shooting, for what you would gain if you took out the responsible parties and could prevent another President from being assassinated by that network.
Personally, I do not even thing the prospect of the fraud at this point would be judged worth shooting, simply because people do not understand what life would be like without that giant lamprey latched onto their neck, sucking away their life blood.
There is only one thing I think everyone would start shooting over, and that is if they cannot do anything in their home, without some government-ass-sucker trying to pry into the privacy of their home to get some tidbit of data which will fuck them over, so they can hand it up the chain of command and get an atta-boy.
If nobody feels secure in their homes, I think they will decide killing the guy down the street and trying to do it, during some orgy of violence where the government will be overwhelmed with dead bodies, and they stand a decent chance of getting away with it if the torch the house and leave their phone behind, and do some rudimentary counter-forensics and anti-surveillance, will be worth the risks.
To get there though, everyone needs to see the Stasi targeting their children, following people around, and understand “the government” of the Stasi declared war on them first. Obviously if I could do that alone, it would have happened already. For that, we need people to spread it.
And along those lines, I see those incoming links, and we are making progress, so those of you who are posting it around, much love.
Firing these people isn’t enough. Congress should impeach them as well. You can impeach employees of the government, and doing so causes them to lose their pension and retirement benefits.
From Lame Cherry
Lame Cherry on why Trump must win against the Resistance. Key paragraph quoting a Union soldier:
The problem with the Civil War quote is that the quoted soldier believes in the “suicide pact” theory of the Constitution–that once you are in, you are in forever with no recourse no matter what. If you support this viewpoint, were you anti-Brexit?
This one isn’t the hill to pay blood or treasure for. It’s in 5 USC 1211.
Trump needs to sharpen his pencil, give the guy a list of tasks as long as his arm, and then fire him for inefficiency and neglect when he hasn’t done it all in a month.
Trump didn’t give a reason in the email that he fired Dellinger in. I’m not sure he even has to explain legally, but he does need to cite one of the three accepted causes.
It is amazing how professional news services are not as informative as the comments on this site.
I had no idea about any of this from the article.
I think Trump did it just for the headline when a judge ruled again that he couldn’t fire someone.
I’m sure he can find an excuse to fire him if he wants to, but he added to the public impression that the judges are trying to run the country instead of the executive branch.
He may also be trying to get the statute overturned as unconstitutional, because the President should be absolute master of the executive branch, Constitutionally he is the executive branch.
I agree that somewhere in here is the plan to establish firing employees as an absolute plenary power. I would advise (he’s not asking, this is just me) to do it incrementally, going after the obvious cases and ramping it up to the statutorily protected, but maybe his counsel thinks they can just grab the brass ring here.
Worth reading: Vox Day on missed chances:
The closing of windows of choices keep closing throughout one’s life, becoming fewer and fewer; but, the most important closings are in your mid twenties to early thirties. Yet, if you realize God has laid out a path for you, your choices fall within that path.
The problem was, the idea of choices was itself an illusion. Especially if someone was high IQ or just independent. Once the Stasi flagged you, you were taking their ride, whether you knew it or not, and your choices were the Golden Handcuffs, if you were lucky, or suppression and thwarting.
But you are right about God. I could not imagine making it to the day of my death, and finding out there was this battle with pure evil and despotism, bent on overthrowing the Constitution and all the Founders and all our military had sacrificed for over the centuries, and I missed out on it. You have to trust you will end up where you belong, if you give yourself over to Him and pray for the opportunity to serve.
Exactly, I and others I know never had choices, or at least all the choices we had were what we chose or things that would have been even worse.
GOD has a hand in things as well, but what choice he would leave you the cabal steals in too many cases.
Exactly. My choice, which fucked them up, was I wanted to figure out how to be healthy so I could do things which would require me being 100%. I think they figured they would beam me down until I was stuck at 50%, fuck up my health, and I would accept I was going to live as a shadow of what I could have been if healthy, and just get on the treadmill in some cubicle job and try to survive.
By focusing on my health to try to get back to 100%, rather than going to clubs and parties and vacations, and doing all the shit normal people would have done, it screwed them up in getting access and control over me. They kept beaming, I kept looking at how my system worked and developing hacks to try and maximize health in spite of the beam. It just fucked them all up.
It all led here, where judging by their investments in fucking with me, I must be getting judged a credible threat, and now I have this huge arsenal of health hacks and understandings of my system which allow me to function very well under all the beaming.
I see it all now as the guiding hand of God, giving me both the battle against evil which I had been looking for, and the arsenal of tricks and hacks I would need to hang in the game, all at this critical moment, when it looks like this thing could be brought down.
Funny thing is, way back, before I really believed, while it was looking like I might never get healthy, and I was bummed at thinking I would fail to get somewhere fighting, I thought, what the hell, and prayed to God, saying, “It looks like I’m kind of stuck like this and may not make it where I was shooting for, so if you have some battle against evil to throw me in, I am probably wasted here, and I am open to anything.” I figured there was nothing to lose in trying, but doubted anybody was listening.
The purpose of life, simplified, is spiritual advancement. What you take with you after death is your moral character. This character is built from the decisions you made in moral situations over the whole life. Making a lot of money can simplify certain problems, but it evaporates and means nothing in the end. You don’t take it with you, and the angels really dgaf about it. It won’t feature much in anyone’s life review unless they cheated, lied, and stole to get it. In which case, good luck in hell.
Very true. At that moment you die, all you will have is what you left behind for others. All the money in the world is worthless, compared to one good deed.
“The closing of windows of choices keep closing throughout one’s life, becoming fewer and fewer; but, the most important closings are in your mid twenties to early thirties.”
This is only true if you focus on the time you might have left, along with energy levels. But that’s about it–for those who haven’t zeroed in on their callings and who have maintained their mental dexterity, opportunities abound as you age. It’s just a matter of different comparative advantages, really. The young have less experience and capital, but more risk tolerance. The older have more experience and capital, but less risk tolerance. This is why, in an honest business environment, age is such an important factor. More choices, more flexiblity.
“Yet, if you realize God has laid out a path for you, your choices fall within that path.”
Incorrect. Though God is not a respecter of persons, God is also the ultimate respecter of free will. What you choose will augment the path God will lay out after your choice. Kind of like He’s the perfect Father. The best dads don’t just lay out paths, they adapt them to his kids’ decisions.
Some people have tighter paths laid out than others, the tightest ones are in prophecies.
She’s so obviously not 42
She’s not even 75.
Why do I get a some part of field is not valid warning?
There’s more to it than that, but it’s pretty close. The judge can do things like refusing to hear any cases from the DOJ, and bar AUSAs from her court, but I doubt she would be able to get any other judges to join in on the tantrum. I think it would go a long way to getting the appeals court to hear it quickly so they can vacate the judge’s order and head off the constitutional crisis.
“Fuck the judges” is a Rubicon crossing moment. It feels a lot closer than these lefties want to believe. And a lot of americans are ready to trash anything and everything if that is what it takes to get rid of these thieving, criminal pedophiles.
The Rubicon has already been crossed, IMO. Basically the government now has been delegitimized in the eyes of the only people who matter – the political side with all the guns. All of us know it is just a scam stealing from us, so if Trump were to launch a coup, and take full control, how does that affect us? The thief robbing us is suddenly dead and gone? Cry me a river. We are realizing the compromised government has become an enemy, and is populated by enemies.
All we need to do now is reveal the surveillance, so people realize the government is stealing from them, AND spending those Trillions on a private CIA, living next door, intruding into their private homes personally, and devoted to destroying their lives and the lives of their children, all to enslave them all so they can be robbed more effectively with less chance of any resistance arising in he future.
Candace hasn’t missed in a long time. Whatever her origin story and previous loyalties and kompromat, she seems to have been recruited somewhere along the way to the better side of the Script War. Kanye misses a lot, egregiously, but that all seems to be a maneuver to widen the Overton Window. That proverbial and literal All One Thing will include/feature Jews. Cabal, Surveillance & the Beam, UFO/interdimensional shit, Pizzagate, A.I., demons, witches, CIA, Mossad, the Fed, etc. All one big differentiated thing. And I don’t think the risk is that we’ll be diverted toward blaming Jews, I think the risks are that 1) we’d ONLY blame Jews while the rest of the conglomerate persists 2) we’d blame the WRONG Jews and/or we’d blame Jews in the wrong way. Either of which mistake would counterproductively assist the worst/evilest Jews to evade judgment and maintain power. Even if Kanye and Candace were Cabal assets running some kind of shitcoat/sabotage/hangout operation, it’d only be backfiring. Everything only backfires on That Fucking Tribe, now, praise the Lord and praise Saint Barbra’s blessed effect.
The “well drilled” part is amazingly effective in questioning. I see it in depositions all the time, where some technical person expects the lawyer to be a bumbling idiot, and he comes in asking about particular software, specific configurations, starts walking through algorithms, etc.
They expected the Bobs from Office Space and instead they feel like they tugged on Superman’s cape.
I still prefer Orangeland. In homage to William of Orange, of course.
LOL, of course. 😉
“This script seems designed to turn blacks on Jews, though I am not sure why you would want to just pit blacks against Jews. If you hated Jews, you would pit everyone against them.”
That is, in fact, what they want, and it’s working. Influencers like Candace and Kanye concentrate on blacks because blacks are extremely tribal, and are far less likely to listen to anybody with a different pigmentation.
“MAGA head of JFK files task force claims there were TWO shooters and pledges to uncover more secrets.”
I believe there were 3 shooters and Oswald wasn’t even one of them. I wrote a “recreation” of how I think it went down in one of my books, if anybody’s interested.
Which book?
Provoking Fate.
DPD ran a “paraffin test” to check for propellant residue on Oswald’s hands and face.
It’s well worth your time to hit the page (it goes to and click the internal link to “The Paraffin Test” for a big dose of “WTF?” when they start talking about how unreliable the tests were.
Oswald had been shooting a few days before, according to his wife’s testimony. And he was carrying a pistol when he was arrested. Despite being arrested for shooting a DPD patrolman, none of the rounds had been fired.
Thanks, TRX.
I had read about Oswald and the paraffin test long ago. When I looked it up again doing research, I found a bunch of stuff about how it’s unreliable–probably added by the same people who invented the term “conspiracy theory.”
Realize that the DOGE clock isn’t money saved — it’s money clawed back from the cabal and the stazi.
I think AC may have already linked to this, but it’s worth keeping in mind:
When they finish mapping, the Stazi will be plain as day. Of course, the question is, when it is time to deliver the coup de grace will they stand like Frodo at the fires of Mt Doom and say, “No”? Maybe the stazi will jump on them like Golum and deliver their own destruction trying to save it.
“senior advisor explained” = I thought it was 20 year olds on Red Bull.
“For personnel pre-positioned everywhere.” = INFILTRATED (they are getting a taste of their own medicine – GREAT!)
For the last 8 years, at the minimum. They’ve had mature high talent developers (ML/AI/etc.) and forensic analysts tuning/running it in the background for awhile.
Running the theater kids as the heroes is more of the same…..If you are going for theater, tell the press the computer analysis system is called Q and the algorithm is Anons.
I saw your comment after I made several saying much the same so we are in agreement. AI vastly amplifying the abilities of people who are able to tailor the questions fed to it in an appropriate way. And they getting to where they can intuit what you are asking. I have seen this personally when I made errors in asking what I was wanting. It looked at all the other parts of the question and noticed giving me a “I think you are asking”, then an answer and it was correct.
Humans seem to have a reluctance to slaughter elites burned into our DNA. It’s all over the Bible, and documented down through history.
In 1 Samuel 15, King Saul if Israel is commanded by God to eradicate the Amalekites. He and his army spare King Agag, but “kill everything worthless.” It takes Samuel the priest to show up and back because King Saul doesn’t want to kill the enemy king, even though God tells him to do it. Later King Josiah brings a short lived reformation of the kingdom, but fails to kill the people responsible – the corrupt, satanic elite – and a few decades later, during Ezekiel’s Spirit guided tour of the Temple, the elites who perform occult rituals in a hidden room, have restored all the evil filth.
The 1933 Business Plot is another example. I studied this in a master’s class. I can’t find it online, but we were reading personal reminiscences – letters, and conversations reported by friends and colleagues – that Congress had gotten the names of the conspirators who intended to overthrow the U.S. government, but refused to release those names because “it would undermine the confidence of the American people in the nation’s industry and financial institutions.” I think the real reason is because above a certain level, American politicians, just like King Saul, couldn’t stomach wiping out their peers.
So, I hold out no hold that Trump will kill the wicked. If there is any justice, it will need to come from someone outside the system, like it took Samuel to complete the job King Saul refused to do.
I pray the Lord Jesus Christ sends us a true deliverer, someone like Samuel, with balls to do what needs to be done.
No. Just no.
It depends on the humans and the conditioning. I love animals. But I have also seen predators kill animals I love. So I run hot and cold. I am aghast at the sight of any innocent grasseater even uncomfortable for a moment. And yet I have mortally wounded three foxes and one Bobcat so far this season, and all went off to die, probably quite awfully, somewhere else. I just didn’t have the power in my Hatsan at the range I was at to kill them cleanly, and the choice was let loose and definitely end them, but maybe not cleanly, or leave them to continue predation – and IDGAF. I let them have it and go on their way, and wherever they went down, however it ended, I could care less.
Likewise, I am innately nice, but I have also dealt with bullies as a kid, and I absolutely detest disloyalty viscerally. Today I run hot and cold there too. If you are innocent and going about your life, I will give you the shirt off my back, even probably burn in for innocent good people. But after being assaulted in my house regularly, you do not want to know what I would be capable of with anyone involved in surveillance, and the betrayals inherent to it – of the nation, their communities, personally, and just generally as bullies and cowardly craven scum. I do not view any of them as sentient. Women, Children, IDGAF. They are just robots with no souls. This country should kill them all, IMO. I have no doubt if the civil war were to touch off, I would be in triple digits, and after it was over, I would feel nothing but relief at them being gone, and I would never think of any of them again. I could not imagine PTSD from anything I would see there.
I think predation, even killing humans, is innate to most humans, probably more so than sex, with which it is a very similar set of sensations experienced in sequence. Just most people never really get anything they hate viscerally under a bead and feel that rise in heart rate, and mix of exhilaration and wild anxiety at the potential lost opportunity, which builds uncontrollably into a crescendo right up until that trigger breaks, and ideally the target goes down, and is no longer impeding the massive relief you instinctually feel at seeing it drop.
If you have empathy, watch a few videos of a predator which you have in season taking down its prey, and then go out and bag a few. If you get the bodies, understand how you made the world a better place after they are gone, as you look at them. See if your thoughts on killing don’t change, after experiencing that moment when the shot goes off, and the peacefulness you feel, when thinking of all the kills they will never make. I would bet you will see it differently.
I mean decent, honorable, empathetic guys get addicted to deer hunting, just off the sensation, when all intellectual logic is against it. I think even they know, on some level, there are few more harmless, sentient animals than deer. But it is just that instinctual path of sensations in stalking, even in a stand, and getting the sight picture, and feeling the stress and anxiety at missing build up, as you wait for the perfect shot, and the relief at not missing once it all happens. That programmed neural pathway of sensations, very much like sex, all overwhelms the understanding of the fact the deer is sentient, kind of a person, out there struggling just like us, raising babies they have loving relationships with, and really harmless and innocent.
It will have limits in some people. I am too fond of deer to hunt one because I know them, and the revulsion at hurting one would impede the instincts. But a little less of that, and I could probably have gotten hooked, if I had been raised doing it as a child and never got to know any deer.
The Israelis actually had a soldier who did executions of terrorists in one of their wars. I forget the details. But they began finding tourists dead out at remote tourist traps, obviously executed point blank while kneeling. It turned out the guy got so hooked on the instinctual killing sensations around the break of the trigger on Arab terrorists that after he left the service, he became a serial killer for a while, and while he could not kill Israelis, he felt tourists were, on the balance, worth feeling the sensations again.
It does probably depend on the person, but don’t underestimate the power of the drive in those with it, or how many there are. If it comes down to civil war, and we get the surveillance curtailed, and people on our side begin feeling the sensations around that break of the trigger, you will have a nation of killers very quickly.
And when they catch that Mussolini, or that Khadafi, or Saddam, you would not want to know what a mob of killers, filled with hatred will do in search of the relief which comes from seeing a dead body and knowing that problem has evaporated in the ether, and even if you wanted to bring it back you could not. It is a very satisfying feeling, just with predators. I could not imagine how wonderful it would probably be with any element of the Cabal which has so fucked up the world.
I think the idea of the “silver-spooners” not having the guts to expose their own seems to be a thing, though the ones we already worried about being worthless to us (p-lousy and co.) have been involved with throwing their own under the bus, but the sacrificial lambs from them have been few, and low hanging fruits like epstein diddler, who still is probably on a beach somewhere with a new face.
After the civil war, what leaders of the South were given the rope, besides the commander of the Andersonville prison camp, not Robt. E. Lee or any Generals I recall, somebody have an answer there? Josey Wales and co. does not count, and John Brown was previous and a low level high flyer.
AC, much appreciated, as always, thanks for being here for us all.
Great comment, AC. The only thing we disagree on is the 4-footed predator animals. Growing up watching nature shows, I cheered for the cheetah cubs to get fed.
When I was a kid they were killing my friends, so I hated them, and it programmed me. Predation, bullying, harming the weak still sets me off. And I suppose, I kind of feel like the grasseaters, in that I would just go my own way, if left to my own devices. I am not on the prowl for victims, and that aspect of the deer, or rabbits, or birds or chipmunks, or squirrels appeals to me.
I think that accurately described Trump 45. Trump 47 has had them come for his empire, his wife, and even his beloved Barron. Now it is personal.
“…Humans seem to have a reluctance to slaughter elites burned into our DNA…”
I don’t think this is true. I think it’s combination of two things, generally. Most humans do not want to kill anyone. The second is the same as the flip side of a credit card owned by several people but all have to pay a even portion of the bill. In that case everyone charges as much as they can. In this case, the opposite, you go after the elite it helps everyone, but if you fail or even if you succeed, you alone pay the price. In a more tribal society this makes more sense than the deracinated West.
T the extent elites escape the net, it may be a measure of control too. I would bet as Mussolini was running, surveillance was tracking him corner to corner, and probably guided its elements in the mob to him. Maybe the whole mob was its people. Likewise where elites escaped, it may have been the same thing.
It is tough to tact like what we have seen has really taught us anything, except how events will play under this surveillance and conspiracy. Get rid of them, and I think things could be entirely different.
Definitely Vox Day linked to this, a few days ago.
“…found unauthorized programs in 47 states…”
I think Musk AI is very much capable of reading legislation and then going through and mapping spending to find that which is legislated and that which is not. I asked Deep seek some questions about magnetic amplifiers and related stuff it gave remarkably good answers. It not only stated all the factored it laid them out in relation my questions. Probably the best explanations I have ever seen. It drew direct examples from all these coefficients and formulas and packaged them into a “big picture” summery. I was VERY impressed.
I asked Grok about grid fins used in highly unusual ways that I haven’t heard of others using them and it gave…ehhh… fairly good answers. In fairness what I was asking it I don’t anyone else is thinking in these terms, but it did give me answers. With a caveat that “much testing would needed”.
A friend of mine thought that the damage from the Beam is a consequence of the surveillance tech. By now they know it degrades health, certainly, but it’s that they may not be able to surveil on people without degrading their health.
So they’ll beam people to harass them but the people they spy on for actual work also get beam health problems. That would explain the Havana popping up everyone on government grounds as a consequence of intense spying and not just harassment.
Incidentally the three diseases quoted are all under the Cell Danger Response umbrella of causation. Basically their body gets put into stress-danger mode for too long, from long term exposure to the Beam, and the shutdown of their cells and failure of the recovery process leads to the cancers, dementias and Parkinson’s. If true also expect to see increased autism, chronic pain and nerve diseases.
The biggest question I have is, if patriots already won, why they are not liquidating the beamers. They said the entire Miami FBI field office is getting beamed in their homes, as the ground-level agents are all fucked up, and they say it is definitely not happening at the office. I will bet, if they are getting it, any Secret Service loyal to Trump are showing up to work all fucked up. And Feds were notorious in the past for just abusing power and destroying anybody who fucked with their own. Is that no longer operative?
Now that I think about it, we have observed FBI anomalies on video, which seem to indicate the agents they send around are no longer adhering to grooming standards, no longer following dress codes, no longer driving government issued cars, and the offices seem empty, and unused. And they are weird at the office. Somebody had to deliver a file to an FBI office, and could not get past security, or get anyone inside to come out and just take the file which another FBI Agent had told them to deliver there. I wonder if FBI disbursed its people out of the offices, having them kind of just leave home each day and meet up in their civilian cars in civilian locations to get orders for the day, and operate away from the office full-time, because they judged them all congregated together in one building was too easy a target for beaming.
We had theories ranging from those were not FBI Agents, to FBI being assigned to the surveillance network and trying to blend with civilians for most of the day doing follows and harassment, with side trips in between to do FBI stuff. Maybe they are following some kind of disbursal protocol to make agents less vulnerable.
What strikes me is, I should be fairly minor on the list of targets nationally. I would think any FBI guy who got on and was not corrupted, or any Secret Service actually trying to protect Trump, or any professional politically operative people, even just a local cop not down with the gangstalking, would be ten times the target I am. The question is, how many such people are there, and are they all having matter moving around on its own in their house like some kind of poltergeist has moved in, as their brains are slowing down and failing to function and they are worn out from beaming. How many beam-ees are there nationally? If I am getting it, I would think there have to be a fuckload nationally.
I think there are. If we use these diseases as a proxy for beam targets we get numbers like this:
1980: 196,200
2020: 930,000
ME/CFS Chronic Fatigue
2024: 800,000 to 2,500,000 estimated
There was also interesting history behind Chronic Fatigue that indicates that the electronic surveillance tech started being put out in the 1980s. If it’s true that all these diseases are consequences of being put under the beam or the proto-beam.
So it’s possible that these ‘yuppies’ who were breaking down in budding professional positions were just the first generation to take the Beam.
I agree.
The DEW’s totally blind sided me. I don’t know how they work, definitely not a microwave. I am concentrating on my health. As an over the road truck driver, it’s national. Worst, they are getting everyone. Yes, I get hit more, but everyone is getting super high radio frequencies beamed at them. My friend finally admitted that she isn’t long for this world. Everyone is sick and they don’t know why.
I completely understand. I was just completely awake doing comments, I could feel myself slow a little, and then I awoke, I could not even tell you how long after, or how I went out.
And I go back to my relative, before I knew any of this, telling me they were on the sofa, awoke, and a glowing green figure, made of a sort of pulsating green light, appeared to be standing in the hall, and sticking its head through a closed door to look in another room. I asked them what happened then, and they said they sat up, in absolute awe of the sight, and then had no recollection of what happened. They just woke up later on the sofa. I asked if it was possible it was a dream, but they were adamant, they sat up, and were fully awake.
It is somehow related, it has to be.
Because they’re the people most likely to impulsively act on their negative emotions.
Don’t forget the Kens and Karens marching alongside BLM and Antifa a few years ago.
One the Clanestine post in the end, it can wait until the Fall session of Congress, but elections have to be cleaned up before mid 2026. And that will take legislation passed by Congress federalizing federal elections, and separating them from state and local elections.
The states can be given a chance to clean up their own elections, but at first the federal ones will need to be separated so corrupt blue states can no longer deliver to the Democrats federal branches over the objection of a majority of the electorate.
Democratic votes at this point are pretty much one third fabricated, one third surveillance, and at most one third older people who remember the twentieth century Democratic party and haven’t caught up. Unfortunately if you know someone who repeats Democratic talking points in 2025, you have to at least suspect they are part of the surveillance network.
The Democratic Party is done if this is cleaned up. I hope the new system is direct democracy, but if representative government is kept, the Republican Party will split into two new parties, probably on trad/ libertarian lines.
Good essay on Z blog today:
“If Team Slower had not abused the word “conservative” for so long, what we are seeing could be easily labeled “conservatism.” Decades of verbicide have left us with a poverty of language to describe what we are seeing. It is why Trump never uses the old labels when talking about politics. He did not call the people running USAID “leftists” or even “radicals” but instead called them “lunatics.” In the current context, it is both the appropriate word and the accurate one.”
I avoid using twentieth century labeling, since starting in the 1990s they all got twisted or even inverted from their twentieth century meaning.
“This is an earthquake”
I love Benny, but an earthquake would be the first round of arrests.
Seems the chabad luvavitch also got america as well as argentina, and maybe other countries.
What you are seeing, is not a “cabal purge”, but a cold war between different political factions, of both a religious and foreign government natures.
Gave an interview 2 months ago covering it:
Is this what the google-plex kids from Gen-x childhoods were referencing? (H/t zionist boomer blog Ace of Spades)
Government formation negotiations between Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and the center-right Austrian People’s Party broke down over disagreements on the allocation of key ministerial positions, Reuters reported on Feb. 12, citing a statement from Freedom Party leader and chancellor candidate Herbert Kickl….
Apropos of the Greenland thing, I was browsing an article on the history of Thule AFB. It mentioned that the US first tried to buy Greenland in 1946. So the US has been trying to buy Greenland since the year DJT was born; it wasn’t something he just pulled out of his ass.
J.B. Pritzker is a member of the wealthy Pritzker ((family)), known for owning the Hyatt hotel chain. The family’s wealth largely stems from Hyatt, which was founded in 1957 when Jay Pritzker, J.B.’s uncle, purchased the Hyatt House motel near Los Angeles International Airport.46 Over the years, the Pritzker family has grown Hyatt into a global hospitality conglomerate.6 J.B. Pritzker himself is not directly involved in the day-to-day management of Hyatt but is known for his business ventures and political career.

2025 Spring Based Book Sale
Started today, runs thru next Tuesday.
DOGE: Looks like Radical Left Reuters was paid $9,000,000 by the Department of Defense to study “large scale social deception.” GIVE BACK THE MONEY, NOW!
I’m not sure they can get the money back, as long as there was a contract. Contract law is pretty solid, unless you’re Elon Musk, in which the courts are likely to rule as they please.
The Biden government offered the money in exchange for a service; Reuters took it. As long as Reuters fulfilled the terms of the contract – which might not have even required making a report – they’re solid.
Theoretically, it’s no different than if the Fed had ordered a bunch of fighter planes or an aircraft carrier, took posession of it, and then the next administration wanted their money back.
We’ve been had. Get back what we can, sure, but we need to focus on not being had *again*.
Good point. I’m in!
Ed Markey has never been impressive. He wrote on X about how this was blocked and that was blocked. Trump is going to have judicial precedent set that these lower courts can’t do this garbage. All “blocked” means is a temporary setback for the decimation of the deep state. Very temporary.