Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds ballot drop box ban for April election.
Brian Geels identified nearly 100,000 ballots in Georgia that were invalid.
More on DOJ snooping on Louie Gohmert’s mail – It turns out the Post Office accidently was delivering his mail to the Department of Justice, even though they have different zip codes, and DOJ was receiving it, opening it, reading it, and then forwarding it on to him. He only found out because DOJ’s mailroom stamped the envelopes DOJ-received. All purely accidental.
Snowden continues to turn on CIA, who I am pretty sure he was working for when he burned NSA:
The CIA is not your friend.
The CIA is not a friend of the United States.
The CIA is a friend of power, and power alone.— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 11, 2022
You are about to witness an enormous political debate in which the spy agencies and their apologists on TV tell you this is normal and OK and the CIA doesn't know how many Americans are in the database or even how they got there anyway.
But it is not ok.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 11, 2022
This is the systematic construction of a surveillance state that will dominate the rest of our lives.
People brushing this off with "duh" or "I'm not surprised" should take this seriously: elections are months away. Vote out any politician who defends this in the slightest way.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 11, 2022
Devin Nunes vouches for Durham, says it is taking long because in this case he needs to be methodical. He points out having an IG hiding phones of an investigative target is “a little concerning.”
Gaetz predicts Jan. 6 select committee will try ‘disqualifying’ Trump from running again.
Report: new allegations of spying in Vatican financial scandal – Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, who is sostituto at the Secretariat of State, along with Msgr. Mauro Carlino, asked Italian intelligence officials to examine their offices and phones for electronic surveillance, and requested information on individuals who were “trying to break into the economic structures of the Holy See with malicious intent,” according to newly-reported testimony in the Vatican’s financial crimes investigation. At these levels, nobody deals with anybody honestly. Everything is intelligence, infiltration, surveillance, blackmail, tech monitoring, and so on. The funny thing is if you are not of that world, you are raised to assume nobody is such a scumbag, and nobody ever does those things. The reality is exactly the opposite.
An male employee of Oprah Winfrey has admitted to raping multiple male children.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s mansion engulfed by foul smell. Some say it is a wildlife refuge nearby with a pond that smells, others say it is coming from the formerly Royal’s house. The primary observation post on me, when they first moved out the old neighbor and moved them in, would periodically release a toxic death cloud that would engulf the entire neighborhood. I got caught in the thick of one once, and my legs were going weak. At first I thought it was the son, who was about a senior in high school, trying his hand at cooking ecstasy or something. Later I noticed the gas seemed to cause leaf die-offs, and the tree canopy gradually decreased, from blocking out 99% of sunlight, to only blocking out maybe 70%. And where it really hit trees, it would kill the leaves on them dead, causing them to turn brown and dry out, only to have new leaves sprout farther back toward the tree trunk. I’ll still smell it periodically, but much weaker, as I assume they are gassing some other part of the neighborhood nearby, for somebody else. It is possible their coverage is trying to kill back some foliage to get a better visual, or prevent interference of some tech they are trying to deploy on them.
QAnon followers eye swing state election official races.
Amnesty International puts out a statement about all their concern about the racism and hate in the Trucker Convoy, and demanding the state investigate its own Police for not being more brutal in dealing with the protestors. All of these “citizen groups” dedicated to opposing things like Cabal were false flags and honeypots designed to lure in threats so they could be suppressed and contained. When I was growing up I would have thought I would have had no problem joining such a group, and even taking it over one day, given it would be populated with hippies and leftist midwits. Yet these groups too, were doors which were always closed to all of us, and many like me just had no idea.
Canada’s Toronto-Dominion Bank to hand nearly $1.4M in Freedom Convoy funds to Ontario court.
House Republicans call for probe into GoFundMe shutting down ‘Freedom Convoy’ fundraiser.
New Zealand Police back off as Freedom Convoy protests build. So stupid. The Pandemic is over. End the mandates and move on.
Nearly 360,000 protesters descend on Paris in convoy against vaccine mandates.
Armored vehicles arrive in Paris in preparation for the arrival of the French convoy for freedom.
Two high school basketball players collapse mid-game and die on the same day.
Denmark officials see no reason to give more COVID-19 vaccines.
50 MILLION doses of ‘vaccine’ recalled as they triggered ‘false positives’ in HIV tests.
New Mexico transparency group demands more info on Sen. Luján’s health after stroke.
Joe Manchin introduces the Hunter Act, to ban federal dollars for crack pipes.
Hungary’s Central Bank chief wants to ban cryptocurrencies like #Bitcoin in the European Union. I have been trying to get a crypto donation page up, and it becomes a real pain in the ass when these places you buy and sell crypto at decide they won’t deal with anyone in the US. This type of thing has an effect, particularly with cryptos like Monero, which it appears the US is trying to quietly shadow ban, by forcing all US exchanges to not deal with it. There are ways around it, but it becomes the type of hassle which will drive away most users.
Buried news – China setting up an airstrip close to Hawaii.
White House tells chip industry to brace for Russian supply disruptions of constituent elements.
U.S. intelligence community believes Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will begin next week. Right after the ad looking for false flag actors.
Jake Sullivan just shot down the PBS report that Russia has ‘decided’ to invade Ukraine. Unless Russia is about to be attacked.
Russia blasts White House’s fresh Friday Ukraine panic porn as “distraction & disinformation.”
Putin announces total independence from the ‘Rothschild-controlled’ US Dollar. Now I am thinking they may really be going to war with him over this. I really hate when my country is the bad guy.
Kansas Republicans punish three legislators by yanking committee assignments, for voting with Democrats on redistricting. They tried to support Democrat efforts to kill a good map but failed.
Mike Flynn’s sister-in-law files $100 million defamation lawsuit against CNN.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Even more Voter Fraud was just discovered in Wisconsin. It shows the Election was Rigged and Stolen. A hearing this week revealed at least 50,000 illegal phantom votes were cast in the 2020 Presidential Election, which is more than twice the “victory” margin. Incredible problems were also uncovered within Wisconsin’s voter rolls, including an apartment building with 102 percent turnout rate (not possible), 113 ballots cast from an address where no one lives, 3,713 “voters” registered to U.S. Post Offices, and 625,000 dead people on Wisconsin’s voter rolls. In addition, 46,000 votes were cast on Nov. 3rd based on voter information that was never verified by the state. This is on top of massive ballot harvesting, rigged “indefinitely confined” votes, the Wisconsin Election Commission instructing election officials to break the law, Zuckerberg drop boxes, etc. So who in Wisconsin is leading the charge to decertify this fraudulent Election? It’s time for RINOs to step forward and save our Country!
Spread r/K Theory, because the RINOs are not going to be of any use.
“North Carolina Supreme Court Justice with deciding vote on redistricting ruling didn’t recuse herself despite her former law partner arguing for dems.”
The left always breaks the rules, no one stops them and it has an impact. This is why VD and others so rightly criticize those on the right who keep playing by the marquess of queensberry rules. Quitters, saboteurs and “concern” trolls are all making peace with demons and by extent a deal with the devil. Take the gloves off gentlemen. Flood the zone and never give an inch to these devils.
“Snowden continues to turn on CIA, who I am pretty sure he was working for when he burned NSA:”
has to, if he wants to keep living in Russia.
Yeah, putin is scripting that. It seems Ukraine is about putting pressure on CIA. I just wonder if Vlad is just seeing Durham investigation coming close to Brennan and CIA and also Bushes or if he has better sources as to what is coming.
“Florida Walmart is securing $20 ribeyes with metal wiring to prevent theft amid rising crime rates across the US.”
The era of jive is coming to an end. I’m surprised no one’s called it racist yet, to sec wrap a steak. And Jean Valjean wasn’t stealing ribeyes, before we hear the whining about food.
This is SOP for high shrink (loss) Walmarts, which are invariably in areas with high black population. And it’s likely never going to be directly called out, because it’d draw attention to this fact.
“Putin announces total independence from the ‘Rothschild-controlled’ US Dollar. Now I am thinking they may really be going to war with him over this. I really hate when my country is the bad guy.”
That’s happened in Europe since forever. Just don’t support stupid stuff that’s not in you or your family’s interests.
“Judicial Watch and CatholicVote Civic Action …”
The Jesuits screwing with the US and Europe as much as they have will likely cause another permanent schism in the Catholic church when all is said and done.
The Daily Wire has released its first movie:
“Shut In.”
Rave reviews, free on YouTube.
A new gatekeeper operation is born.
Time to watch and pay for “The Awakener.”
“Buried news – China setting up an airstrip close to Hawaii.”
The cynic in me says, “Suck it up buttercup. The Chinese empire has the same right to do to the American homeland what our masters of the American empire are doing to Russia. The scales of justice must balance.”
From this morning’s Bible reading:
Don’t be surprised if you see a poor person being oppressed by the powerful and if justice is being miscarried throughout the land.
For every official is under orders from higher up, and matters of justice get lost in red tape and bureaucracy.
Ecclesiastes 5:8 NLT
Instantly, I thought of AC, and wondered if “domestic surveillance” and institutions that operate outside of the restrictions of law have always been in effect here on earth…
Considering the scope and scale, it’s impossible to attribute any core motive to Cabal aside from Satanic and demonic influence, which is referenced throughout the Bible.
So it would make sense.
The Russian army if they regard it as a viable option, can easily employ very light infantry, Jaegger and Rogers Rangers style units, who essentially cross into Ukraine sans all advanced high military tech support weapons systems, and rapidly advance thru and past into the vulnerable rear areas of all Ukrainian and associated NATO elements. NATO forces simply do not possess the cadre trained in very light infantry because they are orientated towards 3rd Generation, high tech weapon style warfare, they do not have anyway near enough the light infantry forces trained and dedicated to fast moving flanking light infantry combat.
If I was the Russian cimmander of the Crimea forces this is how I would defeat in detail NATO forces. Who would be taken by surprise so quickly they would not know what is happening till their units are either taken out or left to wither on the vine, simply due to the battlefield that has no targets for its trillion dolkar whiz tech weapons and tactics.
Such a Russian strategy leaves no targets except for small unit rapid moving infantry, suitable for NATO OPFOR. Never mind its command lacks the small unit infantry mentality leadership to quickly adjust to this kind of land combat.
With Russian excellent multi warhead man portable anti armor/materiel RPG and anti air manpak systems, particularly when employing these very light infantry combat arms from unexpected flanking and rear non static fluid positions. Such a scenerio would leave NATO essentially defenseless if Russian ground forces are used in overkill number of units. Russian weapons situated in the cintested zones can pull back to Russian soveriegn territory leaving NATO with the only option of being the first to strike and all the political and optic disasters that would result in for NATO.
Thing here is NATO forces are totally unprepared for such a Russian strategy. At the tactical level NATO does not have the ready infantry counter forces to deal with such a Russian battlefield ground Blitzkrieg. The Russian in the otgerhand have never forgotten its lessons from WWI and II, particularly now the old Soviet and its centralized control no longer exists and the Russian Army is in the hands of adult warrior class command and control. Top of that the Ukrainian military is a paper tiger, it is controlled by a cabal criminal gang, it is most likely the common Ukranian infantryman is quite aware of how corrupt their government is and they are putting their lives, their loved ones, and country on the line for a glbo=peedo cabal who has devastated the Baltic region. Consider the corps espre and other mindset moral of Ukranian solders. Nevermind for as ling as the organized crime regime running Ukraine for decades has strip mined every buck possible that would and should have been spent if the mikitary and its cadre.
Would you fight for say peedo-joe and his obot/soros handlers and the globo=peedo’s who just waged bio and economic warfare on your arse? Not to mention the surveillance machine with its glowies and gangstalkers? Would you fight to benefit and defend these skumm and villany?
If I was a solder in an American situation similar to the NATO-Ukrainian situation i would see Russia as a savior and a most desirable possibility such a conflict would result in the defeat or at least strategic damage that would result for globo=peedo and the domestic machine.
Imagine the opportunities which would present themselves beneficial for FreeFor and our side.
Very interesting analysis.
Do you know how difficult it would be for a deadheading semi tractor to push one of those out of the way and roll it over and over like a bulldog playing with a kickball?
Not at all difficult, it turns out. These people really, really don’t understand how much torque and weight is involved in a semi.
Farm tractors too.
The APCs that the French are bringing in are particularly vulnerable to what you’re describing. Their armor is designed to deflect projectiles and the French chose a triangular design. Great for deflecting bullets and maybe RPGs and absolutely horrible for a side impact from a vehicle. I’d be willing to bet that a suicidal driver could flip one with a car.
Anybody know whether Bronze Age Pervert is still posting — and if so, where?
renamed latino bodybuilders for hellenism
follow people he retweets just in case
He has his telegram, CR show, and frends on twitter.
I think the HAM radio licenses of Clinton operatives are going to come back into the zeitgeist.
Note: this ziegler guy is kinda hinky but I think that about everyone.
Found at Jim Stones site. True???
Guy had experience in advanced microscopy. People ask him to look at vax. He gets sample puts in blood and sees…really freaky stuff. Buys top of the line microscope and computer to see closer. Holy shit if true then very bad.
The article on them recalling vax for aids, they are trying to cover up. The minions are becoming very afraid. We need to feed them into wood chippers feet first.
If this is real it’s really frightening. Remember I talked about Eric Drexler’s “Engines of Creation : The Coming Era of Nanotechnology” book. The book is about molecular assemblers and molecular computers. It even has designs for several circuits elements and assemblers in the book. I read this back in maybe 1987??? There’s been plenty of time to engineer this stuff. It would take a lot of money but once you had a board full of tiny assemblers on a big flat plate you could feed it stuff and it could make more stuff. Like more plates to make even more stuff. Once you get this going it amplifies itself and can grow exponentially in capabilities.
“Snowden continues to turn on CIA, who I am pretty sure he was working for when he burned NSA”
I think you’re right and I would not in any way be surprised if he had no idea just exactly how evil the CIA is or who has been running it.
Interesting. I don’t pay too much attention to the microscopy stuff, just because if you spend any amount of time looking through one you see all sorts of stuff which you will in passing, think it looks interesting and wonder what it is. I’ve seen stuff that looked like the “hydras” and I’m quite sure it was lifeless fibers. I am pretty sure it was just cellulose fibers that look like that, maybe even from the tissue paper they wrap slides and coverslips in, or just floating around in the air from a paper towel hit by a breeze. Some things can sort of crystalize, or “Freeze” and drop out of solution to give you geometric shapes, and once you start with phase contrast and especially Darkfield, which overly simplified is like shining a flashlight at a glass bottle from the side on a jet black background, so all you see is the glints, anything can look fascinating. Plus these vaxxes are not pure chemicals, they are grown in cell cultures which get dissolved into a soup, and filtered out, so I would expect some weird stuff could make it through in small amounts.
That said, the geometric shit he has pics of – if I legitimately could confirm it came from a vax bottle, would be interesting, given it should only be lipid droplets. I’m wondering if it could have been something on the slides or cover slips. If you look for cheap consumables, you may eventually see a pack of Chinese coverslips which have a haze to them, which rubs off with alcohol. Notice in the one shot, whatever the geometric thing is moves, and you can see where it was, because the glass has a haze to it, but not where the thing was. I’m thinking it may have been on the slide or coverslip when he got it and that is why there is no haze under it. Although why it is completely clear is strange. Plus it is very big. Maybe they grind the edges of the slides, and that is what really small glass dust chips look like if they aren’t cleaned off, stick to the slide, and pick up a haze over them? Or maybe it is some kind of salt crystal that landed on the slide in the factory, the haze laid over it, and then it broke free, and in some places was dissolving? The dissolving might explain why there is no haze on its surface, like there is on the glass, despite both being translucent flat surfaces.
He does say, people should look at “lower magnification and also at 1600 to 4000x using dark field microscopy.” Dark field is optical, so although you can get a zoom camera which will take the 1000X, or maybe 1500X power light is capable of producing, up to 4000X, you don’t really get much additional resolution due to the nature of light and the size of the wavelengths/photons. Beyond 1500X bouncing a photon off something smaller and hoping for information is like bouncing a beachball off a grain of sand, and hoping the grain of sand will change its trajectory enough you can infer the grain’s exact shape. The photons are too big to get better resolution below what shows up at 1500.
And then he says put it in an incubator and leave it for a couple of days, but those vaccines have biological material in them, and I am not sure there are effective preservatives, so I would expect microbial growth on nucleic acids and lipids, and maybe a lot of other molecular detritus, given how the vax is made from living cells. Putting it in a incubator for a few days would be a guaranteed way to see crazy shit, probably not as meaningful.
Whatever that is looks quite big. And it is clear, which would be strange for something operational, with tech we can imagine. But not so much for glass or a crystal. Though if it was glass, I don’t see how you have those perfectly square holes in it clearly lit up by the Darkfield. That is weird. As are the first photos with the squiggly lines. And if it was something like a salt, it seems to have a very low water solubility.
Part of the problem is regular optical microscopy is mostly just doing gram stains and looking at cell morphology, or in other areas looking for parasite eggs or abnormal cells, and so on. So you always have something you know and are looking for. As a result, there really isn’t any system to look at something unknown and identify it. And because of that you are always seeing weird stuff and blowing past it as you look for what you know and are looking for. So I am sure a lot of experienced microscopy people are blowing past all these accounts, because they always see junk they can’t identify and blow past it. And there is nobody whose job it is to identify strange unknown things under a microscope, who can be an authority, because the tech is just not good for that. If I got a vial of vax, I might put a drop on a slide, but it would be as a zero-effort option to confirm an assumption there would be nothing probative there. I would not expect a revelation.
The reason this would give me pause though is, if we have a splinter society which has been hoarding tech advances for over half a century, and even, maybe, a 50,000+ year advanced hidden alien civilization running the Tic Tacs, and maybe running our government through intel ops, and capable of anything, it is possible we could see some very wildly advanced shit, and it might look like this. And if they were injecting Graphene as some sort of way to make people sick and in need of more treatments, it might look similar too. Who knows.
It is tough to say. He needs to sit down and brainstorm all the possible alternative explanations, starting with cheap crappy Chinese slides contaminating things, and then work through mechanisms to rule them out. And give a more detailed account of the procedures he is doing, what exactly he is showing and how he got the images, all designed to allow someone else to reproduce exactly what he has done. But it is interesting.
As is the fact I have yet to see anybody take vials of vax and do a deep dive, with a GC Mass Spectrometer or Flame Ionization Detector, and full sequencing of any DNA or RNA sequences, and a real reverse engineering of exactly what is in a vial, and if it matches what they say. Plus we have the Japanese complain about a magnetic precipitate in the vials, they get told it is fine, until they persist, and then everything gets recalled, and they say Whoops! publicly, and then go on as if nothing happened, as other people are saying magnets are sticking to them, and they are being ridiculed as crazy.
Interesting link though, thank you.
Looks like PCBs
I have no idea personally. I only linked it as one of those,”well maybe worth looking at to see if anything confirms it later” type things.
I see a lot of weird stuff and over time sometimes it confirms stuff that with just one little portion of the puzzle means nothing but in toto begins to become a real thing.
It was a great link as it does look weird. But it is tough to tell if the guy might have gotten something else weird that caused it. We need to see someone else reproduce it.
Whatever is going on, clearly the vaxxes are something majorly fucked up. I think we are in the realm of are they Aylmao or splinter-society next-gen tech fucked up, or is just people trying to kill people with current level tech.
There is no reply option on ystdys thread after your last reply to me asking what I thought of Cawthorne’s sig abd handwriting.
Here is his handwriting
Here is his sig
That is the writing of an intellectual child and also effeminate.
One doesn’t need a developed theory (I don’t have one) to tell that any more than one needs one to be repelled by Schiff’s face or Pelosi’s eyes or Fuentes’ features and manner.
This person can stand up to Cabal?
Is it possible his handwriting is just frozen in time, though? Kids today will be all computers and cell phones starting at about 12 or 13. I wonder if that would freeze handwriting styles at that age in the brain.
Maybe so. But what are the implications of that? Was every other function unaffected?
I agree that this handwriting is a red flag. But reading between the lines of Cawthorn’s history, it sounds like he acquired a brain injury in his 2014 car crash. If it is the case that he needed to learn all over again how to write, then his handwriting is less an indication of his psychology, and more an indication of brain trauma.
Fair point and entirely possible. But that raises more questions about his mental functioning than it answers, right?
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate you supporting your assertions. Having said that, I do not think this is definitive, given what AC and Hythloday have said. But, having seen the examples you provided, I do get why you’d be suspicious of someone who write like this.
Spoiler alert: Nobody in Ukraine is worried about a Russian invasion. It’s more bullshit from the DC/fake news/Cabal war machine.
Your watch later is 253+ videos long? I thought mine was excessive at 70+
You notice how I build everything out of junk on BOOTSTRAPPY? Unfortunately piled up crap is a hazard of the personality trait.
Let’s try this again:
And if that doesn’t work, just remove the “_” after the https.:
Also, and maybe more determinative, is that putin has done zero domestic prep for a war. No propaganda or anything.
If the “drones” were hovering above the destroyer’s helicopter landing pad, why didn’t the Captain engage the Phalanx system and bring the “UAV” down?
IIRC, Phelps noticed in the ships log, it looks like they somehow shut down the entire ship’s electronics from outside the ship, leaving it dead on the water.
Yup. CIWS offline, then the CIC.
I worked on CIWS when I was in the Navy. It’s primarily an anti-missile defense system. The computer has range gates related to the attack profile of an inbound missile. It would be useless against a kamikaze Cessna because the speed wouldn’t be anywhere near close to the range gates. And if the aircraft were not inbound, the computer is supposed to ignore it.
It also has a couple of mechanical safeties that have to be physically set, and outside of a war zone. those safeties are in place unless participating in a firing exercise. There are two electrical safeties that are much faster, but the buttons still have to be pressed to disengage them.
One of the mechanical safeties is a firing key that needs to be inserted and turned to close the firing circuit. They used to let the CIWS techs keep the keys, until some idiot “accidentally” discharged rounds in port in Pearl Harbor. Nobody explained why they didn’t unload the system prior to pulling into port like they were supposed to. But they took the firing keys away from CIWS and had them held by the Captain or Combat Systems Officer. I’m not going to hold my breath on whether or not the Navy changed that policy since the ’90s.
We also only loaded live rounds into it for firing exercises or sailing in a war zone. Once that was over, the live rounds were replaced with dummies. I can remember a single time we pulled into port with ammo, but we were in the middle of a heavy workup cycle, we pulled into port late, were leaving early the next morning, and our firing exercise was rescheduled for first thing the next morning so we wouldn’t have had time to load it. They had us put the covers back on so nobody could see the live rounds. It was a single, special exception.
An unofficial meaning for the CIWS acronym is “Crap, It Won’t Shoot”. The damned thing is VERY maintenance intensive and breaks constantly.
What I’m saying is, unless the ship was in a war zone or preparing for a firing exercise, CIWS would not have been in a state where you could bring it up on a moment’s notice for an engagement. You could probably get it loaded and ready in under 20 minutes, which includes assembling the loading team, pulling ammunition from the magazine, loading it, cleaning up, getting the firing key, etc. I passed a loading inspection in under 5 minutes, but I already had the ammunition and equipment out and my team on deck, so when the inspector said “go”, we started right away.
I can’t speak to the other weapons systems on the ship, but it still takes time to get rounds into barrels or get missiles ready for launch. I believe they could get a Standard Missile out of the launcher quickly enough, but I don’t have specific expertise in that system.
“US Army surrenders to wokery: New climate change plan will see electric fleet of non-combat vehicles by 2035 and 50% reduction in greenhouses gasses at bases.”
Even I, who is about as pro electric cars as can be, thinks this is stupid. Hybrids would be good. Could save some money, promote battery tech and be quieter close to the front lies but going all electric on military vehicles is stupidity of the highest sort.
“UFOs chase four U.S. Navy destroyers off the coast of California.”
This alien stuff is fake. What this is is highly classified US created tech that has over the years been moved over to corporations to hide it. Subsequently the bad guys have taken over all the corporations so they have this stuff. They are using it to freak people out and as gas-lighting.
I bet these are not armed ad they only have a few of them. We should shoot them down if we can and find out who is running them.
One of the key propaganda tools they have on these are that no one this it possible to build something like this with present tech. I say this is not true. I’ve written before about several mechanical devices that show effects that are like an “Inertia Drive”. This means that the drive pushes against the mass of the universe. It does not have to expel fuel or gas or anything to go. Same as when you are standing up in a bus and the brakes are slammed on. You are linked Inertially to the universe, not the bus, so you fly forward. It would push against the same force that holds you in place. Here’s a ridiculously long comment I made with lots of links that show, I think definitively, that such a thing can be built. Now any military that could do so would keep this very quite as it’s a big advantage
But once you know normal humans can build stiff like this you’re able to much more critically look at the situation. I Use some common sense. You’re an alien force. Why the hell would you buzz around military craft??? They might get a lucky shot off, and you get your ass killed. If they are so advanced, they could make a tiny drone that looked and acted just like a bird and get all the data they needed. And if they wanted to frighten us why not just blow the thing up? That they are in the open zooming around doing nothing means, it’s all theater. It’s all a show. You’re supposed to see it. I mean, aliens can’t all be idiots.
I’m not saying there are no aliens, anywhere, I’m saying these things we see zooming around are alien fake, fake, fake.