Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed is here.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Democrats cut line from video of Trump speech showing Trump saying ‘peacefully.’
Mystery surrounds precise cause of death for police officer Brian Sicknick killed amid Capitol riot. A diehard Trump supporter who would have been on the inside, and perhaps seen things regarding how the riots happened.
Georgia’s new Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock is under investigation for voter registration fraud.
California wants to do universal vote by mail again despite questionable 2020 results.
China applauds Biden for ‘showing respect’ to Xi Jinping in Lunar New Year call. The Chinese really enjoy humiliating their assets.
Joe Biden withdraws US policy to track Chinese influence in American schools.
Twitter locks down James O’Keefe’s and the Project Veritas account.
There is a rumor Fox’s CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, is considering suspending or firing @TuckerCarlson for insensitive reporting on new court documents that show George Floyd had a fatal level of fentanyl in his system when he died.
Bill Barr rejected plea deal for Derek Chauvin to plead guilty to third-degree murder days after George Floyd died because he feared protesters would say it was too lenient. Floyd swallowed a fentanyl baggie on camera, he fought like a tiger, the blood test shows he died from the drugs, and Barr didn’t want to give the cop ten years because it was too lenient. Imagine not just being an innocent man forced to feel lucky if you can plead guilty to ten years, but a cop who was serving the community honestly when some idiot criminal swallowed his drugs, fought like a tiger, and then keeled over for no reason, and you have to take the sentence as if you killed him.
Chris Wallace praises impeachment efforts against Trump.
Democrats block an amendment to ban stimulus money going to Communist China’s entities.
Biden administration is sitting on $1 trillion in unspent COVID-19 relief funds. Remember when the articles came out saying there was $135 billion left in the bank bailout fund, and a few days later some Japanese guy was arrested at the Italian border, trying to sneak into Switzerland with $135 billion in bearer bonds. And then they said the bonds were fake, so they let the guy go, because forging $135 billion in US bearer bonds isn’t a crime, and the US didn’t care anyway? Could the media have lied to us about that one?
Biden hasn’t called Israel’s Netanyahu yet, raising fears of a frosty four years to come.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden.
Pelosi banned a Congresswoman’s Military Officer son from attending her swearing-in.
Cuomo aide admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out.
New video shows Romney running for safety as rioters breach security. Our hero.
Houston anons be advised, they are looking for role players for a “tactical training exercise” on the 11th and 12th. Will they have the big sign telling you where to check in, like at Sandy Hook?
New bill requires retrofitting guns to be ‘smarter.’
Gun control advocates ‘confident’ on executive action from Biden after White House meeting. However it is not clear what proposals there are which would not require Congress to act, so it may be a nothingburger.
‘Woke’ warriors at San Francisco school board deny gay white dad with a mixed-race daughter a place on volunteer parent committee because he is not diverse enough. Notice, they have created an environment illogical enough they can deny anyone anything, even in ostensible violation of their own crazy rules, and place their assets wherever they want, and everyone just writes it off as leftist being crazy. Nobody is asking, might these people all be working together as part of a coordinated network? It is impossible to say how this started for certain, but it is probably more likely this level of sophistication and coordination, complete with cleverly implemented cover story and strategic placement of assets, could be more indicative of intervention by a trained foreign intelligence operation.
Majority of voters think males who identify as females shouldn’t be allowed on women’s sports teams. This is the phase where they acclimate you to seeing government just do whatever it wants, regardless of what you want.
Floridians shiver through the coldest winter in two decades.
Bloomberg News axes 90 as top editor blasts staff.
Associated Press dismantles scandal-plagued Lincoln Project in explosive exposé.
Georgia GOP seeks to tighten voting rules after spate of losses by banning automatic voter registration and the use of drop boxes for returning absentee ballots. Obviously the barn door has been open for years now.
‘Recall Newsom’ leader says petition has signatures to force vote. Over 1.5 million signatures and on the march to 2 million. You can add your signature here.
Spread r/K Theory, because every day is one day closer to a happening.
“Gas might hit $4”
LOL. Nooooo, we’re in the time of treasonous insane people running the show now. Look for **at least** $6 gas before 2024. Best of all, you just know they’ll blame it on Trump.
The person who posted a membership application at timelessauthors as daven**** didn’t register so there is no account to approve, please come back and register.
I have hidden the last four letters of the account here for your privacy and so that nobody else can try to register using the same user name.
>”Biden hasn’t called Israel’s Netanyahu yet, raising fears of a frosty four years to come.”
Kabuki theater, first thing ziojoe did was send troops to Syria, which is what Israel wants.
Israel should be nuked into the stone age.
January was about 5 degrees warmer than average across the Midwest. February has been nuch colder, but at least in Michigan, it hasn’t been completely stupid Siberian cold like it has in MN and ND.
How’s ya like that quarantine schedule, NHL North teams? No winter road trips to Tampa or Dallas or Phoenix or Anaheim this year. It’s all Winnipeg and Edmonton, all the time!
Kek, read the first 7 posts:
“The Chinese really enjoy humiliating their assets.”
A hallmark of the low-T gamma male.
Former Republican officials float possibility of forming ‘center-right’ party
“It will be a center-right party that will be cooperative with the Democrats and it will liquidate the nonsense on the far-right,”
So they’re basically marxist-lite and the “far-right” they’re shitting on are the centrist.
These guys are fucking clown shoes and should be treated as such. Any daily interactions with them by Patriots should be filled with nothing but mocking and derision. No need to be violent. Just treat them like the scum they are any chance we get.
You know, maybe we really need to rethink that Russian Navalny guy. He seems to have gotten a start as a legit Russian ethno-nationalist who used to make hilarious commercials. Ethno-nationalism (the only legit nationalism) is truly the only way to make a more peaceful world.
And the cancer keeps spreading:
News in 2016:
“There Are Just 100,000 Holocaust Survivors Alive Today” – By Melissa Chan,July 3, 2016 4:43 PM EDT
News in 2020:
“There are 192,000 Holocaust survivors living in Israel” – By DONNA RACHEL EDMUNDS JANUARY 16, 2020 20:48
“Archivists are racing to identify every Jewish Holocaust victim – On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, just 400,000 Holocaust survivors are still alive” – The Economist, Jan 25th 2020 edition

they don’t like it when it is pointed out that they run multiple sets of books. one tried to tell me once that I was wrong in saying there were <4M of them in the whole Eurasian land mass in 1938 (making 6M a pipe dream). they also don't like hearing about this – – which means they seeded the number early via propaganda based on their old fake stories. this @#$% has been going on forever… it must be easier than actually working. that's beneath them.
1. According to the Tall-Mud, “Work is for the Shabbas Goy.”
2. As far as the discrepancies in reported numbers the AshkeNazis have a saying that they push without shame, “IS IT GOOD FOR THE JEWS?’
That means anything: rape, murder, mass murder, pedophilia, homosexualism, and anything you can think of. There is no low too low if, “IT IS GOOD FOR THE JEWS!”
There is even a group of “Americans” who claim to be Christians who call themselves “Christian” Zionists. They are reported to number over 70million. This group doesn’t even worship Jesus Christ. They worship Izreal. Hypocrites to the last, all of them.
> New bill requires retrofitting guns to be ‘smarter’
Funny, I don’t see the military and the umpty-hundred-thousand Feds who carry guns lining up to be first adopters.
The cops would be a logical market; somewhere around 25%, depending on whose figures you choose to believe, are killed with their own guns. I don’t see them clamoring for smart guns either.
>Bloomberg News axes 90 as top editor blasts staff.
From link: “cuts of approximately 90 people in the editorial and research departments.”
Well, that’s only good business. Without DJT, their range of editorial subjects is sharply reduced, and since there are now no downsides to simply making up “news” to write about, why bother with a research department?
Their services are no longer required to support the Narrative. “Learn to code! And remember you’re competing in a global marketplace, against Bangladeshis willing to write code for $10/day.”
$10 ? More like $7.50. Don’t tell Senator Mike Lee though. Eventually some enterprising young bindhi will sell zero day exploits to China for an extra buck. Hopefully there aren’t anymore lockdowns when Zoom, Amazon, Door Dash and Twitch all go down at once.
What did I say about the transformation of our military so they have no qualms in shooting people. Same here, a Brazilian Immigrant—had NO problem shooting down an Air Force Veteran. Many Generals looked the other way of a fraudulent election—and so Ashli Babbit stood on her oath–and was gunned down by a Brazillian Immigrant. Yeah–that fits.
The gunning down of Ashli Babbit is the precursor, the paradigm that is going to happen to us.
Foreigners and cucked whites are going to be shooting us down–or droning us.
And who in Brazil, some dark daddy, is named “David Bailey”? Does that sound Brazilian to you? Brazil is a Portuguese country.
When did he enter this country—How does an immigrant get a policing job?’
there has been a video floating about pretty conclusively showing the Babbitt shooting was an elaborate false flag. also no autopsy or funeral. so, it still may be used as a template. but for what exactly… the converged (((whites))) are still pulling ops…
no autopsy? no funeral? no visibly distraught loved ones anywhere in sight? no blantifa protest of an unjust murder by a state gunman? more aptly described as a false flag hoax.
The shooter “cop” was a black (Afro-brazilian). Very different from a Portuguese like Lembrador. Although I’m not really aware of how Brazilians and Portuguese view each other.
Portugal has a chip on its shoulder because all over the internet when you are asked what language to use it shows a Brazilian flag. 😉
Brazil has White people that look like Europeans (although Europeans are very diverse (different types of White)), but they also have lots of Blacks and turbomutts.
I have meet some nice Brazilian people, but they are literally taking over Portugal, major pawns in the demographic warfare against Portugal. And off course non of the shitty political parties here even talk about this, all you have is either commies, commie-ish centrists, and a weaksauce Trump wannabe that’s owned by Israel and loves to scream on his speeches like a BPD cat lady having a meltdown.
We’re getting Brazilified, and on the path to a South Africa scenario in 10 to 15 years, IMHO. Most children born here have foreign parents for some years in a row now, but off course that is not even mentioned by any of our cucked parties and politicians. Guess the Barbosa empire had its run, I don’t think this Country is salvageable (you can call me a blackpilled faggot if you want, but I can explain why I think that is the case if anyone’s interested).
The silver lining regarding the fall of Portugal is that I won’t even have to do shit to all the gaybal faggots that have been fugging with me for years now revenge wise (it would also be bad form to burn my dead man switch for purely emotional reasons (without it bringing me any tactical or strategical advantage)), they are about to live in a multiculti diverse globohomo hell they helped create (you better enjoy that indoor plumbing while it lasts). And most of them won’t be able to escape it, so there is that (as for me I’ll either GTFO of here or be dead in 4 to 5 years tops, and I don’t mind dying trying to escape this clown ass, gaybal ridden Country).
it has been pointed out that there are a lot more white (and whitish) people in south America than people think…
Civic Nationalism won’t save indoor plumbing.
UNCOVERED: Conman With Long History of Deceit, Dennis Montgomery, Inserted False Information Into Election Fraud Investigation, Who’s Paying Him?
That is curious. Montgomery was the first person I ever heard mention Hammer and Scorecard like four years ago, when he made the claims that they had vast illegal surveillance files on everyone, including Donald Trump, going back decades. Talking about illegal surveillance is not something I associate with Cabal or frauds, but it will turn the system against you fast. And who is the accuser, Yaacov Apelbaum?
Read that whole article. It is bizarre. It claims Montgomery wrote a report that had the Bush Administration consider shooting down airplanes. WTF does that mean? Were they really about to shoot down 747s on this guy’s lone advice?
Gateway Pundit is a curious site to me, as it is one of those operations that is listed ridiculously high on traffic metric sites like Alexa, despite being relatively plain jane when it comes to controversial topics like surveillance/conspiracy, and periodically being completely off on stories (I’ve linked a few here, only to see commenters point out where they were later erased or the articles changed completely due to inaccuracies. And it can apparently hire numerous reporters, on top of the proprietor’s salary despite it providing free content which nobody is paying for.
I’m not vouching for Montgomery. Everybody is a glowie unless proven otherwise AFAIK. But this article is one more reason I would assume Hoft took a ticket from somebody.
I have no idea about what the fug is going on regarding this shitshow. Fog of war thicc as thicc can be, but found the article interdasting.
Never really trusted Hoft. Not when I was much more liberal 15-20 years ago, certainly not now.
Hasn’t Bill Binney vouched for Montgomery?
Yeah, I think you are right.
Frens are gearing up for total meme war against the usurper. Read, contribute:
quoting or accurately reporting/analyzing work too
Amazing article, I didn’t knew about that one. Thanks for sharing fren.
no prob. the late Joseph Sobran is an American treasure..
The pedo protecting and organized crime money receiving, censorship pushing Israel first ADL says the phrase “Christ is King” is anti-Semitic.
good for torba BUT for some reason some sites wont post at gab. voxday among them.
VD has his own social media platform, Social Galactic, but his approach is different, it’s a paid access service (subscribe to for 5 bucks a month and you get an invite), and it’s not a free speech platform (in the good sense, it does not pretend to be something it is not, and there are clear rules regarding acceptable speech).
full court press. either they are in full control… or last (ditch) stand… someone should tell them “if you want masada, this is how you get masada…”
Two different perspectives.
Smart bald man has important post:
Also related (click only after reading VD’s poast):
Based Black grill drops some redpills (and a subtle JQ redpill at the end):
AC, I don’t get it. Q said this would be like watching a movie.
Then I read these “proposals” that the Dems and RINOS come up with.
It’s like watching a bad cartoon.
These people make Wile E. Coyote seem like a MENSA candidate.
Must read:
Explains the Jewish mindset towards non-Jews.
I found that link on the new 9gag meme operation (very funny):
Maybe the real happening is the frens we made along the way…
Court rules against Arkansas’ Israel boycott pledge law
Gas Explosion Destroys Supermarket In Russia
Came across your blog in mid-2016, immediately bookmarked it and visited it fairly infrequently until sometime in mid-late January of this year when I remembered its existence and came back to check in looking for an honest voice to make sense of things. Since then it has become my daily first go-to source for news and commentary. To describe it as essential would be an understatement.
Just wanted to share this link containing prayers that you or your readership might find useful in seeking Christ’s care and protection from and for directly combating the unholy Surveillance we are under hxxp:// — may it be of great benefit to anyone in need of it. Thank you for your service.
Thank you, and I am sorry if you have to deal with that as well.
“A U.S. judge ruled that a woman who claims she was sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein and is expected to testify against Ghislaine Maxwell at her criminal trial need not disclose how much she is being compensated to resolve claims against Epstein’s estate.”
I think this is wrong. They do this in all sorts of cases to let the “politically correct” person win the case. Allowing this will backfire and corrupt justice. We don’t need any more of that we have enough corruption already.
And yes I would rather some guilty people go free than convict a bunch of innocent people. After all criminals are always breaking the law over and over. You’ll get them next time and if one goes free , counts himself lucky and doesn’t commit crimes anymore then we have served a basic part of the purpose of bringing him to trial.