News Briefs – 02/12/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Tweet, where Trump is asked if he knows the identity of “Anonymous,” the anonymous author of the NY Times OpEd which said there were individuals in the Trump administration who were opposing Trump’s policies from within. Here, were are being teased with Trump answering it as if he were asked about Q:


Seth Rich family and defendants request testimony from Julian Assange but Podesta-linked Judge Richard Leon refuses.

Rudy Giuliani has a documentary on the Ukraine in the works.

Conservative Treehouse looks at the evidence pointing to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence being part of the conspiracy to overthrow the Trump Presidency in a coup, and re-establish Cabal control over our government, and Rod Rosenstein and elements of DOJ working cover for them from DOJ. Complicated, but that is the upside.

The Commander of the newly-established U.S. Space Force said that two Russian satellites appear to be shadowing a U.S. spy satellite, often coming within 100 miles of the multibillion-dollar craft.

In New Hampshire, Sanders leads; Buttigieg, Klobuchar fight for 2nd, Warren takes fourth, with Biden in fifth, all while Trump easily sweeps his nomination.

To be clear on Corona virus, I will post the more threatening information here since K is about preparing for the worst case scenario, and the Chinese videos are instructive as I think a pandemic will eventually happen and they will show us what it will look like. I also like seeding mortal salience to foster that K-psychology. But my own position would be we have good reason at this point to hope it may not make it global. So long as cases are so rare in the west, tracking contacts for each and containing any outbreak is feasible, at least until spring and summer when this may die back like SARS. The one wildcard is a more aggressive mutation, but we don’t seem to see that yet. If we see 1,000 or more confirmed cases in the US, then I would begin to worry, but so far it seems pretty well controlled by Trump.

45,171 confirmed cases worldwide, 1,115 fatalities, and 16,067 suspected cases. Under 6% increase in cases, however it might not be significant as detailed in the tweets, because they are scaling back testing. I am not sure there is any trustworthy way to say which way this is going.

39 new cases of Corona virus found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, Japan, raising the ship’s total to 174.

Cruise ship coronavirus infections double, exceeding the total for any country but China.

Bat meat still popular in parts of Indonesia, despite coronavirus fears.

On the bright side, the Corona virus may mean nobody will be eating the endangered Chinese Pangolin anteater, as it carries a nearly identical corona virus which some think could be a progenitor of this new Corona virus, COVID-19.

China orders public transportation and businesses to reopen following Coronavirus outbreak.

China develops a coronavirus app that tells you if you’ve been near an infected person.

195 Americans are released from Coronavirus quarantine at California air base. Not bad when you think about it. Trump pulled them out of the hotzone immediately, before any were infected, quarantined them for safety, and this is how it worked out. Had he not, we could have had 195 possible permanent spreaders which we wouldn’t know what to do with.

Coronavirus ‘could infect 60% of global population if unchecked.’ I have to think whoever said this isn’t really clear on the nature of the pathogen, because as infectious as this is, with as long an incubation period, and possibly existing and shedding long after the fever breaks, if this infects 60% of the population, it would likely spread on to the vast majority of the rest. A lot of people just say things, and they get spread around despite violating common sense. If this is like SARS, it may self-contain to Asia, and it may even be predisposed to do that. But either way, it most likely will run hot or run cold.

Jeb Bush tweets a cheer to a Senator who tried to stop President Trump from exercising his leadership prerogative to purge those who tried to coup him so he can run the government as he decides is appropriate. Before Trump, Presidents weren’t supposed to criticize successor Presidents from different parties, but now it is OK for Presidential race losers to criticize former opponents from the same party for removing coup-plotters?

Tom Steyer asks DNC Chair Tom Perez for extra polling time to qualify for the next debate. There was a rumor he was dropping out but his press secretary said no.

Biden bails on New Hampshire early, heads to South Carolina.

The Iowa caucuses ‘broke down in every way possible,’ even down to a phone dropped in a toilet and rendered unusable.

New Hampshire is becoming more leftist as new voters move in from out of state. Why would leftists preferentially move to a state which emphasizes freedom? If your nation faces a coordinated intelligence operation, things will just happen by chance which favor the enemy, and it won’t be by chance.

DOJ was blindsided by the Roger Stone prison sentence recommendations because prosecutors in charge of the case lied to the DOJ about their lengthy prison sentence recommendation. It is interesting that these prosecutors seemed to be operating in a way that would not fly according to today’s circumstances. I wonder if Cabal’s lower operatives have been operating according to a plan which presumed President Trump would not be serving by some means by now. They could have had an assassination plan which failed, or have expected Mueller to remove him, and it just hasn’t happened but the updated plan was never issued, and now everything else they were doing is screwed up by it.

Manhattan DA is considering not prosecuting certain cases due to massive new discovery rules produced by the new bail reform laws. I wonder how those discovery laws would affect a corruption/treason case that had as its genesis a sophisticated counter-intelligence operation which could not be fully aired out in discovery. I mean, if they can’t prosecute a simply crime with one actor because it is too much work, how do you prosecute something as complex as Cabal?

New York Mayor has to increase taxes due to additional costs produced by all the extra work required on prosecutions by the bail reform law. That everyone hates it but killing it is not an option means the elites need it for some reason.

Arizona Democrats have filed an “assault weapon” ban where all semiautomatic rifles that take detachable magazines and almost all rifles with fixed magazines of greater than 10-round capacity would become “assault weapons,” including .22LR plinkers.

Virginia may be going door to door to collect suppressors from people using ATF records.

Church of England faces a possible £200 million compensation payout to survivors of child sex abuse.

Students at Franklin County High School in Virginia were told they could not fly the American flag from their trucks because it might be offensive to some.

The U.S. Navy recently started construction on a U.S. Naval Ship that will be named after child rapist Harvey Milk.

Swedish woman in her 70’s convicted of a hate crime after having commented critically on an article about a Somalian who was allowed to stay in Sweden despite convictions on rape and sexual harassment while bragging that it was his “right” to “have sex with Swedish women”. No matter how much of an evil degenerate you are, it is unnatural to not hide it, and to advertise it openly. Even the worst criminal knows he will go farther if he hides the knife with a smile. I would bet he is saying that openly on orders, probably as part of a demoralization/Overton-Window-shifting campaign, and if you track his history he was a Cabal intelligence operative in Somalia, was imported to Sweden, and now is reading lines in the big play on the big stage for Cabal. It would not surprise me the rapes were encouraged or ordered, and targeted to kids the machine identified as competition to their own. Don’t get worked up by these dog and pony shows. Absorb them, file them away for retribution later should opportunity arise, and focus on the fact there are much bigger targets who need to be uncovered and dealt with, who are actually writing these scripts and running these assets.

Sweden sentences 19 year old Somali citizen to 75 hours of community service for sex crimes against a 13 year old girl.

Apple engineer killed in Bay Area Tesla crash had complained that his autopilot always swerved his car toward the bridge abutment that killed him.

An interesting article on how the CIA managed to secretly form and run a company which encrypted messages for foreign nations, but they rigged the encryption with back doors so they could read all the correspondence which other nations were payign them to secure. I understand the game just enough to know there are bigger revelations here if you mull it over. First, I do not see any foreign intelligence operation not immediately thinking this company was compromised. I would have known it immediately now, and I am an amateur. You do not hire a company which specializes in destroying sensitive documents, because until you’ve read the rest of this analysis, you do not understand how that business sector works. Understand, I have maintained there is a high probability the idea of foreign nations in competition is a meme. Most likely almost all countries, or at least the effective powers in those countries (ie their intel services), have been compromised by one central Cabal. So here, this may have been a case of Cabal creating a plausibly deniable way for its assets in every nation to compromise their nation’s communications for Cabal (through CIA), using this company. A regular honest leader would probably not see the deception, and even if they caught on, the perpetrators could still argue they were just paranoid, and nobody was a traitor, and everybody used this company, so it must be legit. There are two other things worth noting. One, to understand how business sectors really work, understand that if you were an honest cryptographer, who tried to break into the business by offering a first-rate product, the biggest problem you faced would not be competition from competent competitors. It would be the CIA, complete with infiltrators, government regulators, and assassins looking to take you down just so an inferior product (their’s) could continue to dominate the sector. Making you fail covertly by any means necessary would be a quote-unquote “national security imperative,” just like if you were a terrorist (or rather a terrorist in the imaginary world we are supposed to believe in where terrorists are independent evil people doing bad things intel does not want them doing). Since most businesses these days are in a sector of interest to Cabal, that may be the case in almost all business. And since the intel world has moved right down to the local community level, that may hold right down to the local small-town small family business in your town. Then think about that article a while back where CIA admitted it had private companies hire its agents into civilian jobs, and it offered those businesses advantages, courtesy of agency resources, over other companies the CIA did not work with. Then ask yourself how a book gets on the New York Times bestseller list. Is it because it is the best book possible? Is it a meritocracy? We may not live in a capitalist system, so much as a covert dictatorial oligarchy, and that may extend from our culture right down to the small-town family business level as well. Capitalism may be a meme at every level, and not be able to honestly exist in this world. Also, look at computers, operating systems, network hardware and software, anti-virus, firewall, smart devices, Alexa, VOIP phones, online email, social media, political message boards, the entire internet, etc, etc, and ask yourself if those businesses might be similarly of interest to intelligence. Then go in a motel, and ask yourself, as you lay on the bed, if there might be a more complex reason you have a Samsung smart TV with a camera, plugged into an ethernet cable, pointed right at your bed. Then ask yourself if anybody might have an interest in helping motels who operated like that over motels which did not. Then ask yourself if people ever discuss senstive matters in resturants, and how that business sector might work. I’m beginning to think Capitalism is just a meme, and in almost every sector the businesses which succeed are the ones which offer Cabal the greatest control. Never forget, the morals and ideals you were imbued with are more a means of control than a grasp of reality. Understand they are used by far less moral creatures who recognize the world is Darwinian, and this is actually how the world would naturally work. This is the default you should expect.

I do not like this next tweet. I know this guy is supposed to be quasi-respectable on the left (although he is a reporter, which means he is owned by whoever was running things). But he is wearing a jacket and carrying a jacket (odd itself), which although it is tough to see, could be concealing his right hand, which possibly could be carrying a weapon. I do not like how he moves it around right before he is escorted away, as well. He isn’t actually holding a weapon, and hopefully he only got that close because security had already seen him earlier in the diner and seen his hand was empty, or they knew who he was, but my mind wonders, given the bogus, gambit-like nature of his reason for the approach, if it might have been a dry run by somebody to test how security would respond to a concealed hand on an approach. If any of Trump’s people are monitoring this, might it pay to have Secret Service take a closer look at this guy? I assume everything is always taken care of, but wouldn’t want to not mention something and find it the one time nobody noticed. Especially since Don Jr may be a pivotal figure in American history too:

This next one I find interesting, because there is the surface level logic, which is this guy was being harassed because Buttigieg’s people are tools. But note, he appears to not be controlled. Lots of people see others do this, and think they can just jump in teh area and try, but that may nto be the case. You can’t just step up and do what they are doing, because the powers that be haven’t agreed to give you a script to tell you what to say. The truth is, you are expected to not speak unless you are given a script. Violate the rules, and people will not be pleased. I had no idea.

No kneeling in the XFL; New league promises consequences for violators.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation. I’d love to know if Roger gets a script beforehand, or if he just throws his hat in the ring, and takes the ride from scene to scene. Did he know this plot twist was coming? Did he wonder if his next season was going to be a prison drama? The more I look at it, the more I wonder how it works at their level.

Jussie Smollett indicted on 6 counts for lying to Police.

Trump suggests military should consider additional discipline for Vindman.

Andrew Yang to suspend 2020 presidential campaign. A good example of two things. One, everything is controlled. Of the bunch, Yang probably appeared to be the most likable, honest guy who genuinely believed in that hippie crap, and as long as everything should be free, with even healthcare for illegals, I’d assume an additional $1K a month would be a winning selling point. If the media had gotten behind him and ginned up a fake euphoria like with Obama, he could have played the role easily to the delight of the lunatics of the left. But between the fake news, the fake polls, and the leaders of Cabal, he never stood a chance. It also shows, they would rather lose the election and maintain control of the party, than put up the most palatable candidate and have a chance, but sacrifice some of their control in the process. It should show you how things work. You could not just run for office, build up your electoral resume by doing a good job, and eventually be President under the old system. It was never an honest meritocracy. You had to make the bargain, and agree to be owned by someone.

Gallup poll shows, majority say they would not vote for a socialist.

Now that Impeachment is over, Trump court picks are advancing again.

Two-thirds of voters believe that President Trump will be re-elected.

Headline at the Federalist- “Once a curiosity, Trump rallies are now joyous celebrations.”

The Trump rally in New Hampshire was so huge the overflow crowd had its own overflow crowd. 

Trump jetted straight from his rally in New Hampshire to meet our fallen servicemen as they came home.

Spread r/K Theory, because unlike teh Democrats, our President has a high IQ.

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5 years ago

One more for the coincidence bucket. The post about US troops leaving the Philippines reminded me of that 4 hour workweek book, which I never read, but I believe the propped up author suggested hiring cheap offshore personal assistants from that country. That’s one way to collect intel…

5 years ago

at least until spring and summer when this may die back like SARS.

The latest information is that it is resilient to heat and humidity and they don’t expect spring to effect it in the least. Maybe the increased UV will help, but it won’t be that much more.

5 years ago

The young #coronavirus victims.

They are tripling up the kids because they are out of child size and running out of adult body bags.

5 years ago

>”Virginia may be going door to door to collect suppressors from people using ATF records.”

Reminder: – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

They won’t go door to door.

They will go door.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

Made me laugh.
Thanks fren.
Also, what happened to your endurance? You used to be ever enduring (at least in name).

5 years ago

>”Absorb them, file them away for retribution later should opportunity arise, and focus on the fact there are much bigger targets who need to be uncovered and dealt with, who are actually writing these scripts and running these assets.”

Oy vey, very anti-Semitic AC. ( ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West

LembradorDos6Triliões (45)
LembradorDos6Triliões (45)
5 years ago

>”Absorb them, file them away for retribution later should opportunity arise, and focus on the fact there are much bigger targets who need to be uncovered and dealt with, who are actually writing these scripts and running these assets.”

Oy vey, very anti-Semitic AC. ( ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões (45)
5 years ago

To all those who believe the Jews are genius ;ppl at the stupidity of their leaders.
1. They did 9-1 about the dumbest thing thing ever and guaranteed to bring a mass of attention to their “rule the world” cult.
2, “Their “Muslims are our natural allies in Europe”. Yeah right. Right up until they start slitting Jew throats.
3. The Jew brilliant 9-11 plan that got rid of Saddam and now Shias and Iran have VASTLY more power than before.
4. I expect Libya will blow back on them too.

The fact is that they hate intensely whatever population they are parasiting off of at the time and it blinds them to the peril of whatever group they feel they can help attack the group they live with at the moment.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Cancer usually ends up killing the host. And cancer can’t survive without the host. Cancer is stupid.

Although off course some Jewish individuals are all right and against the Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, as a group, Jews are a verifiable cancer.

5 years ago

>”All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation.”

Some people on 8kun were saying the 4 of them are Jews, but no 100% undeniable sauce was presented.

5 years ago

==Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust ‘Survivors’ In America Free Elder Care==

5 years ago
5 years ago

==Jews ‘Offended’ That A Christian Cross On Nearby Church Is Visible From Auschwitz Camp==

5 years ago

==Jewish U.S. Attorney General William Barr Makes Slapping A Jew A Federal ‘Hate’ Crime==

To be clear, I still support Trump and Barr, nobody is perfect, but only speaking out against this “Jews are special” bullshit will lead to peaceful change.
And obviously, shit like this makes people hate Jews, and is dangerous for Jews.

5 years ago

==Rabbi Wants New Laws In Germany To Make It Easier To Prosecute People Who Don’t Like Jews==

5 years ago

==Jews Censor U.K. School Named After St. Hugh Who Was Ritually Murdered by Jews In 1255==

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Our friend is back, having hit it off TOTALLY ORGANICALLY with Bill Gates.

5 years ago

This is a reply to Jaded Jurist from another blog entry’s comments.

You said the following:

““I’m perfectly happy to discuss any relevant issues regarding religion.” right after you said “let’s not bring religion into this” as if you are some kind of authority here? You are backtracking hard, buddy. Moving the goalposts, perhaps. Man up.”

I never implied I had any authority here, I suggested that religious DIFFERENCES (such as hating Mormonism and calling it a cult) be kept out of the discussion be cause they do not advance the cause.

“Phelps, a cult follows a certain something and they are kept in line by the fear of loss if they ever follow a path of their own choosing not aligned with the choices made by their leaders. By definition, cultists also believe that only they have the truth, and others who disagree are lost. A cult is a cult, bro, and sophistry doesn’t make it not a cult.

Not all religious sects are cults. Pentacostals don’t believe that Baptists are damned. You are too cavalier in your assertions of what you [don’t] know.

If you’re going to hang around this site, you had better to be able to admit now and then that you don’t know everything. that is one of the founder’s most important discoveries and also what he preaches as a prerequisite to freedom from (((them))).

Mormons are not kept in line by fear, they are kept in line by social pressure, we also do not believe that all non-Mormons are damned, we believe that all men will be judged based on their choices made with the knowledge they had. (those who lacked knowledge necessary for salvation will be given the opportunity to accept it after this life)

To Phelps: I understand your point and I don’t tend to use the word “cult” myself but we do need a word for groups that do things like drinking poison koolaid or slitting their wrists because they think aliens are going to take them to paradise and mostly I was requesting that the word not be used as an insult against my religion by someone who clearly was using it as an insult.

I’m not going to discuss religion any more here unless it actually relates to the relevant topics that AC deals with.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Every cult/sect/denomination can be described unfavorably. Mormons believe a story an illiterate guy read out of a hat. Calvinists (me) believe that nothing you do matters and salvation is a big celestial lottery. Catholics think that magic messiah cannibalism gets you to heaven and the size of your hat determines how close you are to god. Letting the godless heathens take the word and twist it does not help ANY of us. It was the very start of political correctness.

My personal opinion is that most Mormons are good people who have been poorly instructed and misled by luciferians in the leadership. I believe the EXACT same thing about Roman Catholics. I’m not of the belief that anyone is necessarily damned for believing the false teachers. (Of course, as a Calvinist, I believe that if you are of the elect, God will eventually bend your knee to his true teachings.)

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Not here to pick a fight with either of you. Phelps, you have made your point and made it well. Cult boy (this is the first time I’ve used the term as an insult) is either moving the goalposts, as quoted, or is being defensive. Neither is indicative of the warrior he envisions himself to be. His smokescreen response sounded curiously leftist.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Flying Spaghetti Monster

comment image

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Atheism is linked to autism. I’m sorry if you have a brain disorder, but you need to realize that your condition is a disability.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

Autism dindu nufin. He was a gud boi! Just fixating on details, trying to get his life together… he dindu nufin!

PS: Praise the Lord!

PSS: I know this joke sucks. I blame autism for that.

PSSS: Phelps is right, here is a link for those interested in reading about it:

5 years ago

President Trump’s budget sets the right priorities:

-Funds the wall
-Supports our military
-Cuts wasteful foreign aid
-Enacts work requirements for welfare recipients

Most importantly, it sets us on a path to a balanced budget.

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) February 10, 2020″

I like Jordan, he should be the next Speaker of the House and I see him as a future POTUS.

5 years ago

Trump says he does not mind if Philippines cuts military pact with U.S.

5 years ago

Recommend this video for everyone to prepare for the coming pandemic:

Help for staying alive.