News Briefs – 02/11/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The tweet:


Rudy is saying it will soon break that he has 3 Ukrainians who have given him evidence the Whistleblower was working with Obama’s NSC team, starting in a meeting in January of 2016, to goad Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Manafort and Trump so they could keep Trump from getting elected, and then oust him in the event he got in. (Click on Ep 1: War Room 2020 Launches Ahead of New Hampshire Primary  Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Reince Preibus) Basically they were doing exactly what they wrongly accused Trump of doing, and Impeached him for. Also he has hard proof of bribery with Biden. Not sure whether this involves any arrests, or if the big arrests that are rumored to be coming are another big thing.

Federal judge indefinitely postpones sentencing of Michael Flynn.

Federal prosecutors recommend 67-yr-old Roger Stone serve 7-9 years in prison for process crimes in the Mueller witch hunt.

Coronavirus could have incubation period of 24 days — 10 days longer than previously thought.

Beijing locked down due to Corona virus threat.

China thinks it may be able to spread through apartment septic plumbing, and evacuated an entire apartment building.  I saw elsewhere that the septic pipe apparently leaked into another apartment and may have infected a woman. But it does mean if it hits the street-shitting homeless in San Francisco the entire city will be a full on biohazard.

First case of coronavirus confirmed in San Diego. Getting closer to San Francisco.

UK declares the Coronavirus a ‘serious and imminent threat’, and activates emergency powers.

Four new cases in the UK. I’d love to know what is going on in India and Pakistan.

Scientists worry coronavirus could evolve into something worse than the flu, says quarantined expert.

If Corona virus makes it into North Korea, it will be devastating due to the isolation from the rest of the world, the malnourishment, and the lack of medical supplies and infrastructure.

Health officials trace British patient travels in outbreak. Picked it up in a conference in Singapore, took flights to the Alps where he went skiing, then back to Britain and all around town.

Brighton GP practice closes due to coronavirus-infected staff member.

Corona Virus stats are 43,104 confirmed cases with symptoms, 1018 deaths, and 21,675 suspected cases. Just over a 6% increase in cases, 12% increase in deaths, which are lagging behind since that relates to who was getting infected a week or two ago. If you trust the numbers, they are making headway, though as the next tweet shows, the numbers may not be consistent in their definition. And it might be much easier to make headway when you only have one or two cases emerge per week, so all your resources can track down everyone they came in contact with as in the West.

On the next one, what defines symptomatic? Pneumonia? Need for hospitalization?

In Australia, the brushfires showed how even in a first world country, one event can cut communities off from food, fuel, electricity, mobile phone communications, internet, and all the trappings of first-world life.

Tom Steyer promises $22 minimum wage if elected President.

Joe Biden craters In New Quinnipiac national poll. Sanders takes a huge lead.

Biden’s tour bus broke down. Everybody is riding in vans.

Bernie Sanders walks back promise to release ‘comprehensive’ medical records. Plans to hide everything since his heart attack.

Nevada Democrats debut to volunteers new iPad-based ‘tool’ to calculate math on Caucus Day in the wake of Iowa fiasco. They stay they are still working out the details on how to transfer the data to the central location.

Election Security Institute criticizes the newly-unveiled Nevada caucus app.

Nevada Democrats tap Buttigieg staffer to lead a voter protection effort.

Current data reveal that the top four liberal donors dwarf the spending of the top 39 donors to conservative outside spending groups combined.

Over the past 18 months, Amazon has removed two books by David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, several titles by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, and prohibited volumes like “The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power” and “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind.” Dangerous precedent, no matter who they ban.

Greta Thunberg gets a TV series from BBC Studios.

California bill would ban stays at Trump hotels for state employees.

Pete Buttigieg’s ancestor owned slaves on Native American-ceded land.

Leaked audio shows Mike Bloomberg is a racist. How Trump must be dying to face him in the general so he can run this video, where he says all minority kids have guns, it is just a question of whether they carry them around, the only way to disarm them is to throw all of them against a wall and frisk them, and that because he did this, minorities ended up arrested for all sorts of minor crimes in disproportionate numbers, but oh well, sucks for them. Pure gold for a commercial:

Notice Joe’s fake laugh at the end of this. That is an attack he is launching, attempting to trigger his opposition’s amygdala by laughing at them. He does that because people laughing at him would be very triggering for him. He has so internalized that, that when he argues, he instinctively fake-laughs at people, whether there is anything funny or not. Liberals argue and debate not with logic, or with facts, but rather with amygdala triggers designed to make their opposition feel bad until they give up:

CPAC chair says Romney was uninvited because his ‘physical safety’ would be at risk.

More Arizona counties approve ‘sanctuary’ resolutions on gun rights.

White House official who penned the anonymous NY Times Op-Ed about resisting Trump has been identified, and they are about to be purged. No word on who it is yet, just Joe DiGenova saying he heard this.

Univision reporter Jorge Ramos penned an op ed in The New York Times admitting that Trump’s promise had come true and Mexico is paying for the wall by actually being the wall. I will confess, I am the ultimate Trump-fan, but even I wasn’t sure how Mexico could possibly end up paying for the wall and fund our border security. It seemed impossible, and yet the God Emperor delivered 100% and here it is.

Barr announces a national effort by DOJ to investigate and sue sanctuary cities for jeopardizing the safety and security of America by allowing criminal illegals to remain in the US in violation of the law.

DOJ sues State of New Jersey, the Governor, and the New Jersey AG for prohibiting state officials from sharing information with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

DOJ sues State of California, the Governor, and the California Attorney General for prohibiting the operation of private detention facilities in the state.

DOJ sues King County, Washington, and King County Executive for prohibiting U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement contractors from using King County International Airport.

Trump cuts locality pay increases for federal workers. Meaning the federal government will not be pouring more money, in the form of bigger federal salaries, into expensive and highly populous liberal cities like San Francisco and New York City.

Oscars ratings hit an all time low.

Democratic strategist predicts Trump popularity surge with black voters in 2020.

Scarborough says he’s getting ‘panicked calls’ from Democrats about the coming Trumpslide.

Defense Department expected to announce billions more will go to the border wall.

Trump supporters began camping out Sunday afternoon in New Hampshire, over 24-hours prior to the president’s rally where some 11,000 people are expected.

Corona virus is great if you are Chinese and want a seat on the subway:

Spread r/K Theory, because having a President who wins is nice.

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Juden Peterstein
Juden Peterstein
5 years ago

Wash you penis.

5 years ago

Lab Technician in Wuhan informs us of the situation:

Photos show Authenticity.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
5 years ago

Remember that “theory” that AOC was actually working WITH GEOTUS? He promoted her in primarying that douche Crowley, and it looks like he’s now promoting her against Schumer.

And now Nadler apparently has a crazy GEOTUS-supported leftist about to take his fat, worthless ass out.

I’ve never been able to settle myself on whether she’s actually working for him or not, but I’ll file this under evidence.

5 years ago

“Over the past 18 months, Amazon has removed two books by David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, several titles by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, and prohibited volumes like “The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power” and “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind.”


Does any farmer allow the fox in the hen house? Does any farmer allow needlecast to spread? The answer is NO. Then why, oh why, would you allow subversives who hate you, who preach the “transformation of values”, who seek revolution—FREE SPEECH? WHY? Is that Prudent? Wise?

This is a TOTAL and COMPLETE Vindication of the Medieval Roman Catholic Church in their suppression of the speech of heretics, Jews, and atheists. It is funny that the Enlightenment characters of the FFofA, and their experiment of America was overthrown by Marxists!!!! And then the Marxists come to power—and quash Free Speech!

War is conducted by Speech. Why would anybody let a revolutionary run wild with his speech?

So the Protestants who overthrew Roman Catholicism/Christendom, were in turn overthrown by the atheist Marxist element!!!! HaHa Ha Ha. What fun! What Schadenfreude! So Delicious!

What goes around—-Comes around!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Have you looked at the pedo Catholic Church and Tranny kissing Pope lately?

Reply to  Spectrely
5 years ago

Spectrely: “Have you looked at the pedo Catholic Church and Tranny kissing Pope lately?”

Ohh, yes. Fully aware of that! Notice I purposely used the adjective “Medieval” Church. The Church of today has [underlined] finally [//underlined] been converged. It took awhile. European society was converged before The Church and in the 1940s began succumbing to modern culture. The Church now reflects modern culture. In the Medieval Church, the hard society and environment fed The Church. The Church is no better than the society it is immersed in. Sad.

The Faith is defined by The Truth, not by the heretics within it. If Europeans heeded The Church—they wouldn’t be in the predicament they are in now.

As someone said earlier, If it was poisoned–it can be unpoisoned. The Church needs people to step forward and correct the wayward Church.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Without free speech there can be no internal debate or correction of errors.

A little bit of r has its place.

Speech control is like gun control, you are better off allowing everyone to fight it out than you are if you disarm everyone.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Farcesensitive: “Without free speech there can be no internal debate or correction of errors.”

Yes, that is the problem.

The foundation of Western Culture and Civilization were the Spartans who had Xenelasia—forbidding of Foreign speech. They interdicted atheists, cynics and foreigners. They were a totally pious society of philosophers. They had free speech but no one outside their ranks. Aristotle said, “We only listen to the opinions of the wise”.

Free speech is only granted to the trained, to the wise. It is not given to the young. Nor to Marxists, or atheists. Their speech is used to tear down.An atheist goes after religion and its teachings for they themselves are in rebellion. What grates against them they attack.

The NT teaches “Expose evil deeds”. Yes. That is the purpose of Speech. But if Speech is about tearing Down Customs, Traditions, Traditional Institutions—it is forbidden.

Speech requires Discernment. Wise men engage in Discernment. Free Speech negates the Virtue of Prudence and Wisdom.

Under Christendom, there were two authorities–often at war with each other Throne and Altar. Both are needed. Speech was conducted between the Institutions—not between people. That is where Correction and Exposing should arrive at.

What grates on the Jews, is Hierarchy. It grates on their nerves. They seek out to destroy European customs and institutions. You can’t give these people free speech.

The premier scholar of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, Professor Gershom Scholem notes that Jewish Messianism fueled the chialistic and revolutionary messianism in the Taborites, Anabaptists and the radical wing of the Puritans, heretical Christian sects active in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries; these movements were the basis of the many political revolutions overthrowing Christendom, of Throne and Altar.

These were the so-called Leveller movement throughout Europe. These Protestants listened to the Jews–and it was thru these ideas that fueled the so-called Enlightenment. It was all about bringing about Jewish society, Jewish values, Jewish civilization.

Speech, in this regard is a type of Warfare. The Church was right to suppress that. In the West, Free Speech is conducted BY THE INSTITUTIONS that have trained men in their culture and laws and ethics that speak.

We are called to be Wise, to be Prudent. Not Foolish.

5 years ago

Tucker Carlson says Buttegeig is a hologram, ran by an AI.

There was no “this is a joke” or whatever. He appears to be serious. That is quite a thing to appear on MSM TV

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Interesting that the author of the article you referenced here is the same guy who wrote the anti-Trump, “The Apprentice.”

Reply to  KR
5 years ago

One more thing, if anyone is still interested in this: yesterday, the mostly liberal Moon of Alabama discussed the weird timing of this article’s publication. Why write this “old” article now? It’s obviously an evergreen, so why was it released when news is heavy during election season … why?

Someone wanted this to be out there. Now.

5 years ago

“Angry People Will No Longer Be Afraid” – 1000s Of Chinese Miltary/Police Quarantined, Dozens Diagnosed After CCP Lies

5 years ago