News Briefs – 02/10/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Russia Teams With Iran To Produce Replacement Turbines For Siemens Equipment

DFT – German Inflation Rate Still Elevated

DFT – Russia Weathered Western Sanctions Due To Record Levels Of Investment

DFT – Credit Suisse Posts “Catastrophic” Results

DFT – Shell Sued By Activist Investors Who Want Business To Go Green Faster

Someone on Free Republic, who is in the know, spills the beans:

Hey Rep. Jordan: Want to Know How the FBI Co-opted Twitter?

The FBI operates an indoctrination program for selected candidates and civilians called the FBI National Academy. This is different from the “FBI Academy” where FBI Agents are trained. The National Academy is a 6 week intensive program to develop assets and sources inside industry and other agencies who can provide access to persons and resources off the radar scope of normal judicially authorized searches and warrants. Alongside these people, all former FBI agents are considered mobilized assets to aid and assist with off-the-record probes and investigative leads without the knowledge of official legal counsel inside companies and businesses. The graduates of this program are then considered trusted insiders who have been given backstopped assurances that any inquiries about their relationship with the FBI will be concealed and withheld, and that the DOJ would decline revealing them as they’re considered “sources” or informants.

The FBI does this for two reasons: first, any cooperation they get from their graduates is considered voluntary and non-binding on FBI investigative rigor per their rules of professional conduct, and second it gives the agency an out by refusing to reveal who these people are of what assistance they’ve provided by claiming naming them would “compromise” sources and methods. Even companies which find out about these relationships and demand disclosure from the FBI for what company information may have been transmitted to them are told that anything provided is now considered “FBI data” and cannot be disclosed or returned. FOIA requests are stalled.

When James Baker landed at Twitter, his first job was likely to survey all personnel within three degrees of separation and determine whose job was within the critical path to perpetrate influence, and then start opening up informal channels of dialogue to make them receptive to being approached by “friends” outside of official company channels in a casual way. This is done over a periood of months until direct phonecalls and emails can be sent without raising suspicion of some FBI agenda. Then, when those channels are open, the field office agents start their social engineering effort to personalize the interactions and tee up notions bebeficial for the agency to set a program in place. They’ll use basic technical assistance and data requests to strat, and seed in narratives of “disinformation” may be coming.

In Twitter’s case it was to subvert their platform’s data integrity by degrading information supporting the Trump agenda and bolster narratives which drive interest away from factual reporting. Both Trump and anti-COVID postings were part of that effort. That’s why none of the Twitter executives can say how many former FBI agents are in the company’s employ. They got hired into levels of the company where their infleunce is concealed. The company ignored their own risk management guidelines out of fear of not being in favor with what they think is a cool power base of FBI friendliness. In short, they got snookered.

Here’s what you do right this minute: Issue a subpoena to the head of the FBI to immediately freeze, retain and disclose all information relative to the FBI National Academy– budgets, curricula, course content, speaker and presenter identities, and a list of all attendees and graduates, and related operational notes one when these people have been contacted, by whom, and what they’ve been used for. Anyone refusing should immediately be removed and suspended under threat of prosecution. Then contact the executive leadership of all these co-opted companies and ask them if they were aware of program graduates in their midst, what the nature of their interaction with FBI was, and what safeguards they put in place to prevent the FBI approaching them under color of authority. Have the companies demand of their employees full disclosure of all contacts and all pretexts used to get them to aid informal FBI operations. Then put out a call for all persons who graduated from this program to contact your office to describe their experiences, especially the indoctrination part of being indemnified. And immediately suspend funding for the program and bar the FBI from establishing anything new which accomplishes the same effect.

This is the FBI’s dirty sinkhole of penetration without effort, and is tied directly to the FBI’s informal program referred to as Going Dark.

I wonder if the surveillance summer camp to train up the kids in spying on other kids that is run out of hotels in Florida is this thing.

Rep. Jim Jordan says ‘dozens and dozens’ of FBI agents blowing whistle on ‘wrongdoing.’

Video: Voices of support for James O’Keefe speak out. Breitbart gave him his start. I remember O’Keefe was set to go on ABC alone and get savaged by Stephanopoulos, and he bumped into Breitbart in New York City on his way, and Breitbart told him he would go on with him, and then bullied ABC, telling them there would be no interview unless he was there with James. You could see when  the interview happened, Stephanopoulos was all ready to just pummel O’Keefe, who was like 23 back then and still figuring things out. But Breitbart was just an animal, took full control immediately, and went on the attack at each opportunity, turning everything back on Stephanopoulos and the Dems, and he beat Stephanopoulos like a dead horse. I suspect Breitbart made some deals to get into the game, but then began to go his own way, which is why he is no longer with us. But he seemed to believe in O’Keefe, which I think is good enough for us to pick sides here.

Sundance – Hostile takeover of Project Veritas seeking to remove James O’Keefe – DeSantis aligned operatives spearheading effort for removal.

President Joe Biden blamed his former staffers Wednesday for not being thorough enough in packing up his old offices, saying it was their carelessness that resulted in multiple classified documents being discovered in the garage at his Delaware home.

Hunter Biden proposed his firm’s office space have a ‘separate entrance’ for a liaison from China-backed firm giving lucrative contracts to the Bidens. This is the problem with our democracy, and it has been going back to just after the revolution. We elect the “successful” with a lot of money, which means a foreign power can funnel money to a citizen-agent through business deals, make them “successful” compared to everyone else for the cost of one rich person’s net worth (which is a pittance to a sovereign power), and then have them run for office, and done enough times, now they own our government. Add in the surveillance and the power and control it affords, and Cabal’s global wealth, and it is a power that could never be resisted by any citizenry which does not grasp the power of intelligence operations, or their ever-presence everywhere.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer rebuffs House Republicans’ request for records.

At today’s House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee hearing, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) carefully detailed the many claims about the  ‘potential criminal conduct by Hunter and James Biden.

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) campaign finances are raising eyebrows after a report found that her campaign paid her husband’s firm, E Street Group, $3 million for its services in campaign consulting but after she took the firm off the payroll following intense scrutiny over the practice, her campaign only spent around $1 million for similar services. And the sourcing of those campaign funds would be even more interesting, and where she and he sent on a big chunk of what they took after their cut, probably even more interesting.

Trump rips Club for Growth after he wasn’t invited to donor retreat. The biggest draw they could have, and they try to shut him out. Tell me there isn’t a secret club looking to preserve its power above all.

NSA asks Congress to let it get on with that warrantless data harvesting, again (Section 702 FISA).

Video of a street fight between girls on a main street in Ireland. Towards the end, two cars just happen to be coming off the side street to pull on the main drag and they stop and watch, both with windows down, amid a wild fighting crowd. Me, I’d keep my window up.

China spy balloon had Western-made parts with English writing.

State Department says Chinese spy balloon contained technology to monitor communication signals.

Romney defends Biden’s handling of Chinese balloon.

Andrew Cuomo rips into Biden over border crisis: ‘The southern states were right.’

Biden is preparing to let HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of migrants cross the border into the US.

State Department helped fund ‘disinformation’ research group that reportedly blacklists conservative news sites.

Flashback to 2016 – This “toy” took advantage of kids to collect private information on them and their parents while delivering to military contractors. The East German Stasi broke into each apartment in an apartment building when the surveillance noted the residents would be gone for a while, and they wired mics into all the rooms and threaded the wires through the walls, back to the monitoring post set up in one of the apartments they maintained in every apartment building, so whenever the agents there wanted, they could tune into any apartment and listen, to dinner conversations, husbands and wives having sex, illicit affairs, what TV shows they watched, anything. In the US, domestic surveillance is no different, these are common procedures, used by all these operations. Just here the people being spied on install the microphones themselves in their cell phones and Alexas, and since they need no wires to jump on your wifi, the mics can be backdoored and routed to the monitoring house in your neighborhood that much easier, despite the distance. Domestic intel is not a different animal in the US. It just has more leeway, because nobody would ever think these normal procedures are even possible. Americans are literally going to freak, when it all comes out.

FTX bankruptcy lawyers channel their inner Sam Bankman-Fried – Billing $7.6 million in legal fees for 19 days work in November, plus $105,000 in expenses. As part of those expenses, Sullivan & Cromwell included a request to be reimbursed for $7,202.19 for “Conference Room Dining,” $21,000 for their meals, and $1,840.00 for “overtime” meals.

Ominous green lasers shot from the sky down to the ground over Hawaii didn’t come from NASA satellite after all. Turns out it was a weather satellite from China supposedly. Cool video.

Mike Pence subpoenaed by special counsel overseeing Trump probes.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is on the cusp of making a final decision on a 2024 presidential run. If he runs, he is either being forced, or he thinks it is so rigged they will just install him. Because if it is not entirely rigged, standing up to Trump would be the kiss of death.

Clarence Thomas provides legal roadmap to tearing down censorship.

FBI to retract Catholic infiltration memo, conduct internal review. The review will be designed to figure out how one of their plots against regular America leaked out.

Matt Gaetz leaves Democrat witness squirming and stuttering when Gaetz exposes he’s a partner at a lobbying firm that represents Pfizer, Google, and George Soros’ Open Society.

GoFundMe removes pages set up by strangers for elderly Arizona rancher being held on $1million bond for shooting dead Mexican illegal immigrant on his land.

New Jersey Councilman fatally shot by former colleague, authorities say, before killer shot himself dead in his car a ways away. These days you never really know if that was the killer, or if he actually killed himself, or if he was killed and positioned there as if it was a suicide. They claim they have no motive, but then say it clearly wasn’t political. And of course, this is the second New Jersey Republican councilperson to be murdered in a parking lot within a 15 mile radius in a week.

Rep. Angie Craig, a Minnesota Democrat who has served in Congress since 2019, was assaulted in the elevator of her apartment building in Washington, D.C. and “defended herself from the attacker and suffered bruising, but is otherwise physically okay,” her chief of staff said. Her office said there is currently “no evidence” that the incident against Craig, the first openly LGBT member of Congress from her state, was “politically motivated.” UPDATE: Man arrested, looks like just your normal guy who was working out in the elevator doing pushups when he decided to train his fighting skills on a random woman who entered.

Former tennis star dies suddenly at age 31 after experiencing kidney issues that led to a heart attack.

“Fit and healthy people are dropping down with heart issues” – Fed-up Aussie journalist says he’s ‘done with COVID vaccines’ on live TV.

Fetterman remains hospitalized as doctors rule out a second stroke.

14-year-old NJ girl takes her own life after four classmates brutally beat her in school hallway. I suppose these things can just happen. But when I was a freshman, I had five major fights, a small tussle, and I still had about seven more people who had been trying to be menacing who were on my list, to get an escalation going with, if the opportunity presented – all upper classman who should have had no idea who I was. Suddenly, all of them backed off simultaneously overnight, leaving me kind of with a mixture of frustration and disappointment for the rest of the year. All of the hostilities began the exact same way, with them saying, “What are you looking at?,” often causing me to pop my head up to see who was about to get into a fight, only to find out the speaker was locking eyes on my eyes. And even more interesting, not a single other freshman had any conflict, let alone fight, with an upper-classman, in my class. I thought at the time something about my face or posture must have subconsciously acted like a magnet. Now, obviously all those kids were sent to do that to degrade my academics, and when it became clear it didn’t work, that approach was abandoned, and the order went out to everyone simultaneously. And in retrospect, none of them really cared once it was over, even as I desperately wanted to take each of their heads off. It was just another job. It is like that in intel. So when I see this girl connecting with a horse, so connected as she looks away she leaves the back of her fingers of her right hand pressed against the horse’s nose and the horse isn’t pulling away, and I see a little piece of my spirt in her, I have to wonder, was she one of our kind, and all of this was the domestic intel targeting her, and pushing her over the edge? Were they running a contest to see who could break one of their charges first, and the commander of this sector won? I mean how many girls are really that violent, to launch a gang attack, and sadistic to do it on somebody so desirous of being left alone they preferred suicide to conflict? If CIA, or some shitbag intel organization like it, is in our schools, with adults running their own kids as junior spies against everyone else’s kids (and they are), you can never really know. Intel is psychopathy, directed and organized.

Mitt Romney hands over hundreds of private emails and texts to liberal writer.

U.S. pandemic unemployment fraud now tops a staggering $191 billion.

Rich Bay Area towns mull ‘disturbing’ scheme to dodge low-income housing. They don’t want a low-income housing project in the middle of their nice neighborhood, so they are dodging the requirement by building a segregated development specifically for developmentally disabled adults, like adult downs syndromes and others, who will not prey upon them. File the loophole away for if this ever comes to your neighborhood.

One San Francisco supervisor is now pitching the idea of a sanctioned red-light district in response to the ongoing problem of sex trafficking in the Mission District near 21st and Capp streets.

St Louis trans clinic accused of harming children with illegal procedures and high pressure sales tactics.“Do you want a dead daughter or an alive son?”

Riley Gaines, a former 12-time All-American and SEC champion swimmer for Kentucky, says that transgender swimmer Lia Thomas “dropped his Pants” and exposed “male genitalia” in the women’s locker room following swim meets. We covered this months ago, when another team member noted it was particularly awkward because he was still attracted to women, so when he did it and apparently walked around the locker room like that, he was aroused. Posted to point out Breitbart is months behind us, and failed to get the full story.

Cdl. McElroy invokes synodal ‘process’ to push LGBT agenda during university address.

French Senate passes bill seeking to enshrine abortion access into the constitution.

More than 200 political prisoners were released by Nicaragua this morning and shipped to the US. Probably all CIA assets who will be following us through grocery stores before the week is out.

China’s government propaganda newspaper Global Times finally weighed in on leftist President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address late Wednesday – after ignoring it for a routine Xi Jinping public appearance – and used its coverage to apparently accuse Biden of plagiarizing President Donald Trump.

A Brazilian lawyer tragically died after his gun was discharged by an MRI machine’s magnetic field at the hospital. Probably carrying appendix, and caught it in the femoral artery. Empty your chamber before being by an MRI.

Halyna Hutchins’ parents and sister in Ukraine sue Alec Baldwin, claiming she would have brought them to the US when war broke out but was killed by the actor on set of Rust – so now they’re stuck. LOL. The state of this country. Foreign cowards suing leftist anti-gunners because their negligent firearms handling prevented the foreign cowards from invading our country illegally.

Russia ‘massing 1,800 tanks, 700 aircraft & 500k men for new Ukraine assault in 10 DAYS’ after Zelensky begs UK for jets.

CNBC prepares its audience for the inevitable: Russian forces are closing in on the strategic city of Bakhmut, giving Ukraine a tough choice to make. It is getting closer as all the Ukraine cheerleaders begin to admit, this war is not going to end in a win for Ukraine.

On Thursday, Republican representative Matt Gaetz is introducing a resolution that will call on the Biden White House to end military and financial aid to Ukraine. The resolution will also urge all nations involved with the ongoing war to search for a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.

The US Congress registered a draft resolution on the termination of military assistance to Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said they require GPS coordinates provided or confirmed by US military personnel at a European base for the vast majority of strikes using its advanced U.S.-provided rocket systems, a previously undisclosed practice that reveals a deeper and more operationally active role for the Pentagon in the war.

A senior Ukrainian presidential aide has reacted with anger after Elon Musk’s SpaceX said it had taken steps to prevent its Starlink satellite communications service from controlling drones, which are critical to Kyiv’s forces in fighting off the Russian invasion. I’ll bet they aren’t laughing about their little videos yesterday of dropping chemical weapons on Russian soldiers now. Alth0ugh Musk doesn’t do anything without Cabal approval. That, plus the media shifting tone, make me wonder if Cabal’s script now entails the fall of Kiev for some reason that benefits them. Maybe even the House going Republican last fall, so it could oppose any further assistance, was done by Cabal as part of the plan.

Russia’s Wagner mercenary group has halted its recruitment of prisoners to join the fight in Ukraine, the head of the notorious paramilitary outfit said Thursday. Means the real action begins soon.

Senator Mike Lee: “I’m troubled that I can’t immediately rule out the suggestion that the U.S. blew up Nord Stream. I checked with a bunch of Senate colleagues. Among those I’ve asked, none were ever briefed on this. If it turns out to be true, we’ve got a huge problem.”

Russian Parliament speaker on Nord Stream attack: “Joe Biden is a terrorist who must be brought to justice.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán blew off Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky as he visited the EU HQ in Brussels to beg for more money, arms and fighter jets, saying that Hungary would not get involved in the Ukraine war “in the interest of the country and its people.”

Disney Plus loses its magic touch as millions cancel their subscriptions.

Dogs rescued from Fauci’s barbaric experiments to appear in Super Bowl weekend Puppy Bowl.

A team of engineers has made a significant advancement toward the development of fast-charging lithium-metal batteries that are capable of charging in as little as an hour, thanks to the growth of uniform lithium metal crystals.

Democrat NYC mayor Eric Adams slams ‘woke activists’ who ‘hijacked’ the Democrat party. Black guy, NYPD Captain, leader of a black rights group while in the cops. Might he think there is a window to run for POTUS? Is he being sent in to drain off a segment of the Democrats to help rig the primary?

Elon Musk delights in former Twitter ‘Woke Stasi Feeling The Heat’ at Congressional hearing.

Oregon’s restrictive gun law, Ballot Measure 114, will remain blocked after the Oregon Supreme Court denied a petition to overturn a lower court ruling that temporarily restrained the measure, according to court records.

Biden State of the Union TV audience down 29% from 2022, lowest in 30 years.

Republican members of Congress vowed to slash funding for “woke” priorities from the defense budget.

Backstabbing anti-Trump staffer/traitor Alyssa Farah Griffin told her co-host Thursday on ABC’s “The View” that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was “overhyped” as a potential 2024 presidential candidate:

“On DeSantis, I think he is so overhyped. I’m just going, to be honest, I’ve seen Trump take out every mini version of Trump for the last five years. I think right now, the party wants something other than Trump. They want Trump light, so they are boosting and hyping DeSantis. He doesn’t do national interviews. He does nothing on the national stage. I think he will implode once Trump goes after him and keeps going after him. My sense is this, how ugly this got this quickly is remarkable and spells for a very bad two years. Trump went straight to you’re a groomer. Maybe save that for June before the primary.”

Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts restored. He has his Twitter back too. I think that was unforeseeable prior to Musk, and given Q said the storm would begin with a post on Twitter saying the Storm is upon us, it does reopen the door to Q’s claims, though IMO they are probably not to be relied upon.

Donald Trump dominates 2024 Republican primary poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because you could spend hours hunting down all these stories, or you could just come here.

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2 years ago

> Joe Biden Blames Sloppy Staffers for Classified Document Debacle
There’s the signal
The story served some purpose and now it’s over and time to “move on”
After all anyone can make a mistake, right anon?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’m amazed so many people can leave those positions and still have security clearances. Try that in the private sector.

Reply to  bigD
2 years ago

For most security clearance “investigation” the FBI simply gets a report from Equifax, which is the “sole-source provider” for personal information for the FBI.

No, seriously. Look it up. The FBI basically gets an “enhanced” credit report – random stuff they collected, but aren’t allowed to put on a regular credit report – from a company that has been censured and fined for its sloppiness and has had its security pwned by just about everyone.

The FBI, which is the lapdog of the Democratic Party, isn’t going to look too hard at Democrat or anointed people. If anything comes back on them, they’ll just shrug and say the bad information came from Equifax. If Equifax’s contract is anything like a normal “data” contract, they’re exempt from any liability for providing wrong information.

2 years ago

“Musk doesn’t do anything without Cabal approval. That, plus the media shifting tone, make me wonder if Cabal’s script now entails the fall of Kiev for some reason that benefits them. Maybe even the House going Republican last fall, so it could oppose any further assistance, was done by Cabal as part of the plan.”


I think he’s in an insurgent faction that is at odds with the dominant faction that still wants to try to beat Russia.

He may also be some kind of double agent.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

“…Cabal’s script now entails the fall of Kiev for some reason that benefits them…”

I think it could be much simpler. They realize that no matter what they do, they are spitting into the wind and all of this comes back to them. It outs them and shows they are losing.

The whole Ukrainian operation was pure psychopath play from the beginning. Spath says,”we’re so evil and aggressive, no one will dare stop us”…oops.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It was nice to see a little tit for tat with the overwhelming force of things. That’s usually what they do.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

China spy balloon had Western-made parts with English writing.
Made in America is back baby! We’ll soon be the world’s labor force once again. Slave labor..for China.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Andrew Cuomo rips into Biden over border crisis: ‘The southern states were right.’
Granny killer angling to get back in the game.

2 years ago

> President Joe Biden blamed his former staffers Wednesday for not being thorough enough in packing up his old offices, saying it was their carelessness that resulted in multiple classified documents being discovered in the garage at his Delaware home.

ALL the staffers, Joe?

Every single government employee in the White House – from the President to the cleaning staff – gets an official briefing on the handling of classified information. And then they sign a document saying they listened and understood.

Granted the Obamanites felt they were privileged and above the rules, but I find it impossible to believe they’d knowingly commit Federal crimes over something so trivial on their days on the job.

2 years ago

> our Democacy

That’s *their* phrase. And they’re welcome to their democracy. Somewhere else, preferably.

The polity of 1789 was created as a republic, not a democracy. The founders thoroughly understood the difference.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Just like when most world leaders have been at the podium claiming “Diversity is OUR strength”

They were talking to each other NOT us!

their strength NOT ours.


Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Was an Aristocratic Republic. Got turned into a Democracy:

2 years ago

> Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) campaign finances are raising eyebrows after a report found that her campaign paid her husband’s firm, E Street Group, $3 million for its services in campaign consulting but after she took the firm off the payroll following intense scrutiny over the practice, her campaign only spent around $1 million for similar services. 

Not only legal, but specifically permitted under Federal Election Commission regulations.

Yes, the FEC is part of the problem, but none of the political class are going to give up free money, and the majority of the citizenry will just ignore it, as they have every time similar things have turned up.

The system is rotten all the way down. When the 1960s counterculture types talked about “the establishment”, this is the sort of thing they were trying to point out.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Yes, except the 60’s counter culture types are now the the ones running the show.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Wasn’t it Neitsche who said, “You will become what you hate?”

2 years ago

pic related is a tweet from andrew brietbart not too long before his death.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Disturbing imagery featuring toddlers.

2 years ago

’14-year-old NJ girl takes her own life after four classmates brutally beat her in school hallway.’

The photos of the perpetrators are blurred, but I’m willing to bet they were…well, y’know.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

White Girl Bleed a Lot

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Those classmates ought to be punished for assault. Tried as adults.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

She had also previously saved a 9yr olds life, a potential drowning incident iirc, like AC hypothesizes the strong get beaten down.

2 years ago

Possibly trashed post on Myeloma.
When Farcesensitive asked the question on the 7th, I responded the next day with a post directed at basic information on Myeloma. I listed two Websites with introductory information on the condition including what it is, diagnosis, and so on. It is a complicated and potentially nasty thing and the first step is a doozy. I think those two sites give useful information on the confusing array of verbiage and concepts the new patient will run into. I also included references to two books that are more than basic. The two books include most of the information that other readers have supplied but in a systematic fashion.
The post disappeared. You are the host and you may have deleted it as is your prerogative but maybe it got trashed by gremlins. It dealt directly with Farcesentive’s question and I think he and his friend would find the information useful.
Best regards,

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I am occasionally having trouble posting comments. Sometimes it will take ten of fifteen minutes of letting the session sit idle before I come back to the tab, slick “Post Coment” and it saves rather than popping up that language-picker box or WordPress admin login box.

Reply to  Rusti
2 years ago

Thank you!
If you post it again I will pass it on.

2 years ago

I posted yesterday to say I agreed 100% with the premise of the site. My life experience is probably pretty close to unique, a perspective which allowed me to see the basis for the premise (although it took decades to finally understand).
I wanted to post again to agree with the particular perspective on surveillance. Life only presents a certain number of genuine ambiguous circumstances. A series of ambiguous circumstances, or a pattern of ambiguous circumstances, still remain ambiguous, although at some point it is only possible that some of the circumstances are coincidentally ambiguous. Humans have an innate sense of probability which is imprudent to ignore.
Anyway, my main point is that our side completely lacks effective leadership and productive organization. This is a result of the surveillance and the abilities surveillance confers. My own source of ongoing frustration is the seemingly unanswerable question of how to organize and how to find leaders in face of surveillance. I do not believe it can be done, or lack the imagination to see how. Even these words raising the issue becomes a gift to them.
Q gave me hope that someone somewhere with the requisite power could do something. That hope has sputtered out.
But this site is doing an invaluable service in raising consciousness. It takes tremendous courage and insight. The only wrong thing to do is give up. Meanwhile, we all must live within the truth, our only possible contribution.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I wanted to post again to agree with the particular perspective on surveillance. Life only presents a certain number of genuine ambiguous circumstances. A series of ambiguous circumstances, or a pattern of ambiguous circumstances, still remain ambiguous, although at some point it is only possible that some of the circumstances are coincidentally ambiguous. Humans have an innate sense of probability which is imprudent to ignore.”

This is astute and very well said – “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” to quote Ian Fleming.

In our modern society we are taught and repeatedly “influenced” to ignore repeated ambiguities. In that way the entire Cabal social engineering project can be rolled out and tolerated by the masses.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’m willing to cooperate to some degree, but I have no interest in being leadered or organized. Those are the characteristics of the other side, that lead me to oppose them.

If I was a follower or a cog in the machine, I’d be one of Them.

2 years ago

Anon I’m sorry many eated the Q distraction hook line and sinker.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Nonsense. Q made people aware of things they never would have come across on their own. And as far as a distraction, it’s not like conservatives and normal grass roots patriots were ever doing anything of significance to oppose this machine. What exactly what Q distracting them from? Buying more ammo and guns from Cabal controlled retailers?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thought of it distracting from taking action, but you are right, as they have been really lukewarm in their political problems, ¿maybe nothing of value was lost?
My point is that people were deceived to think that something or somehow the military would save them.
what would you do, if facing the cold, harsh disgusting truth that trump was a sellout from the start, who tried and saw how he did in politics, did fantastic due to being what republicans like, a tall, white, germanic, rich chaddish guy, who likes to bully and try to get an harem.
Trump was even involved in paedo gates due to his liason and being mentored by Roy Cohn.
I dedicate myself to politics here in argentina, have written some books about it, am a young political authority in a minor zombi party, and I am afraid to go all in due to the simple fact of how easy the masses are deceived. Here in private, the unions call them the plebs. It’s not only the british royals thinking like that, and here the unions are socialists and anarchists at heart, with a huge history of backing peronism, of which they are its backbone.
I love this site and have even cited some of r/K. Really interesting. Got it in 2017.
Best regards, and may we continue this discussion tomorrow.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There are three options with Q –

1)The whole thing was a very elaborate op that got people who were going to spin in place anyway to spin in place.

2)Q’s plan has basically failed. Not a difficult concept to grasp, yet the option least expressed by anyone on this topic. It every team sporting event, both teams show up with a plan, and by default one of those plans will fail, and the winning team might have to ditch their original plan and go with something else.

3)Q’s plan is right on track and things aren’t bad enough yet.

Option 1 is wrong to mind because for everyone yammering on about it being some decoy op meant to waste time and reveal identities of problem people, the fact is that nobody was going to take up arms against the US government in the last five years. The NSA already knows who we all are, because they have a simulated internet and simulated reality running in realtime being adjusted with new data constantly to tell them who we all are and predict what we will all do – that’s why the NSA’s computing power is literally measured by THE ACRE.

Option 2 is possible. The Q team simply bit off more than they could chew, and are still trying but are not doing well. I tend to think this one hasn’t happened yet because of one thing, and that is that if the Q team is both real and on our side then if their plan had failed they would do a ridiculously massive info dump of classified documents as a hail mary. We’re getting targeted info dumps right now that are in easily digestible portions, not library of Alexandria size all at once.

Option 3 is likely to my mind, and basically that everyone in our movement is being exposed as a candy-ass that can’t deal with economic conditions which are still more comfortable than any time in the 19th century and a death rate that doesn’t even begin to rise to the level of the Spanish-American flu of 1918. But we’re all still whining about it.

Oh things are bad? Really? How much worse do things have to get before the normies storm DC and drag congress out to waiting guillotines, because that may be the red line Q’s plan stops just short of crossing. No, really, things are not bad yet, not anywhere near as bad as they could be or even would have been without Trump. As long as poor people are still fat in America things aren’t bad yet. As long as you DRIVE EVERYWHERE IN AN AUTOMOBILE things aren’t bad yet. As long as you don’t have to go out in a team of six all armed with AR15’s just to go to the grocery store, things aren’t bad yet. We are fat, lazy, coddled, and just plain lack appreciation of just how good we’ve always had it as well as lacking perspective of just what “bad” is.

INFORMATION WAR still carries a body count. Tack the word WAR onto anything, and you have to expect major losses, shifting front lines, and all the trimmings.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I’m on team 2, but the real question is, did they lose a battle or the war? If the q team was destroyed, they lost the war. If they were thwarted but not destroyed, then the war goes on.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Just because we (who have been awakened for years) think things are bad, doesn’t mean the sheep do. For many of the sheep, it only gets serious when the food (grass) runs out…

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

My main source of remaining skeptical was how there seemed to be no effort against the mainstream media, which is the key to it all, IMHO.

I even suggested that if we just suddenly had an honest and investigative media, everything else would take care of itself. That’s purpose of a free and independent press. But it just kept getting worse. I saw big events memory holed or completely retconned in my own lifetime to the point where I question all of history.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Q may have been bunkum, but it woke up millions and probably saved millions from the Clot Shots

2 years ago

> Trump rips Club for Growth after he wasn’t invited to donor retreat. The biggest draw they could have, and they try to shut him out. Tell me there isn’t a secret club looking to preserve its power above all.
There was always hope that he’d swing to their side – he was originally a New York Democrat, after all – but now they know he has nothing to offer them, so there’s no reason to pretend they want him any more.

By the way, the first time I tried to save this post I got a pop-up saying “Commenting is Closed.” After that, I kept getting the pick-a-language box. This is becoming a regular thing now.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

After that, I kept getting the pick-a-language box.”
I am getting that too, off and on.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Consider using a different browser? I’ve had rafts of trouble with Chrome and Edge here. Brave works fine.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I use Brave and I get the pick a language box more often than not.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Happens with Pale Moon, Falkon, and Konqueror here.

2 years ago

> One San Francisco supervisor is now pitching the idea of a sanctioned red-light district in response to the ongoing problem of sex trafficking in the Mission District near 21st and Capp streets.

The state got into the weed business, and made it so expensive people kept on buying street weed anyway.

Now SF will probably regulate the hookers in it’s “sanctioned red light district”, and people will still hire ordinary hookers.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Regulated beyond the financial capability of the average horny dude.

2 years ago

> The US Congress registered a draft resolution on the termination of military assistance to Ukraine.

I’d be astonished if that goes anywhere. Practically all of Congress had been waving Ukraine flags.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Republicans Houses suddenly become radical when they know anything that do will be killed in the Senate.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Flags made in China no doubt.

2 years ago

FYI on the 2022 US federal elections. This relates to some of AC’s comments, and the issue will come up again and again.

I checked the official vote totals. Keep in mind that there was pretty blatant cheating on behalf of the Donks. The official vote totals have 107 million votes cast for the House of Representaives, 54 million for Republican candidates, translating to a 2.8% official Republican nationwide margin over the Democrats, a 2.9% swing from 2020. The Republicans also got a narrow plurality (0.1%) in the official nationwide Senate count, but lost a seat, because people in Pennsylvania were really enthusiastic about electing John Fetterman to the Senate or something.

This translated to a narrow Republican margin in the House and a narrow Democratic margin in the Senate. Actually the Republicans should have gotten more seats with a 2.8% nationswide margin for the House and a 0.1% nationwide margin for the Senate, and again these are the official vote counts.

So the Cabal probably did not “allow” the Republicans to win the House. They went all out to steal it for their lockdown governors, the Senate, the House, the whole thing, and mostly succeeded, but just fell short with the House. We are at a frustrating and interesting point, because the Cabal keeps winning, but they really need to win everything, all the time. They are not winning everything, all the time.

Some rando
Some rando
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

There were 6-7 congressional seats that should have gone Republican except census data got “overlooked” and seats that would’ve gone to red states stayed in blue states. Several NY seats would have been allocated to growing southern states.

2 years ago

Re: The NJ Republican murders

Two politicians murdered in a week in one of the most Democrat states in America and both happen to be Republicans. Also, check out the lady killed – pretty, vivacious young Black woman. That is a real threat to the Dems.

2 years ago

Re: Ukraine and WWIII

Russia will have Odessa. It is inevitable. Will Cabal accept the loss or drag us all down? Very well worth reading the Black Mountain Analysis attached below. China next.
archive version:

2 years ago

I’m amazed at Putin’s strategic patience.

Warfare at a national level tends to fall into one of two models: the maritime / sea power model, or the agrarian / land power model. This has played out down from the earliest recorded history from the Persian-Greek wars to the Peloponnesian War to the Punic Wars all the way down to the World Wars and Cold War. Sometimes land based powers become sea based powers. The opposite happens as well. You can see this shift happen when Rome built a navy in the First Punic War and Carthage fielded a kick ass army in the Second Punic War.

Typically, maritime powers have strategic patience. Think about it. How much patience does fishing take? You never know when or where the fish will bite so you need to patiently work your lines while waiting for that one perfect moment to haul in your catch. The same goes for sea commerce. You send out your ships full of cargo and it might be two or three years before they return, if they ever do. A nation built on the water have people with a steady, cautious, and patient approach to war.

Land based powers tend towards a strategic impatience. Farmers don’t care about next year. They care only about this year. They surge at planting time. They surge at harvest. And they know that an enemy can destroy the farmer’s entire crop in a day. A nation based on the land tends to have a population that wants to get the war done and get it done now.

The United States has tended to follow the maritime model at the strategic level. You can see this in Ukraine. The current war has its roots in the 1990s when the U.S. began a multi-decade plan to slowly, patiently surround Russia. The Ukraine project probably began during the GW Bush administration. The 2013-14 U.S. takeover of Ukraine was the culmination of slowly developed U.S. and going back years. The U.S. continued it’s strategic patience by taking years to play a game of stringing Russia along while expanding, arming, and training the Ukrainian military in preparation for that one perfect moment when it could invade and seize Crimea.

I suspect the U.S. planners expected Russia to lash out, act in haste, undermine it’s economy by surging military expenditures, send it’s soldiers into poorly planned offensives where they would suffer heavy losses. In other words, act with the typical strategic impatience of a land based power. Instead, Putin has restrained his nation and has demonstrated an amazing strategic patience you would usually expect from a maritime power. He has used the last twenty years to slowly undermine the United States’ international economic power. Think of BRICS and it’s slow and steady expansion. Think about how the Russians government under Putin has patiently tended it’s economy, industrial growth, and financial strength. Under Putin, Russia has cautiously expanded it’s military-industrial industry, slowly expanding arms production in a way that doesn’t undermine the production of consumer items. He refused to allow Russia to be goaded into lashing out when Ukraine killed civilians in the Donbass over the years. Then, when the moment was right, Putin began the war in Ukraine using minimal forces and therefore, minimal cost. The entire war has been a masterful use of strategic patience. Russia under Putin is taking it’s time. It has refused to be goaded into reacting to many attempts by the U.S. to force it to lash out. The Russians lack of reaction to the Nord Stream bombing, to the attacks on the Engels Air Base, to the Ukrainian use of chemical weapons and massacres of Russian prisoners is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strategic patience. For Putin, everything has its right moment and he, and the Russians nation, will pick that moment. They will destroy Starlink, if they want to when they want to. In the meantime, Russia continues to build trading partners who, some time in the future, may become military partners based on years of trust slowly developed by fair and honest trade deals. Putin is leading a land based power but is using a strategic patience more typical of a maritime power. When a land based nations do this successfully, they have been stunningly successful.

Two examples of land based nations that have successfully adopted a maritime nation’s strategic patience are Rome and the United States. Let’s see how successful Russia will be in it’s attempt over the next couple of decades. On a side note, I wonder if this is why the U.S. so desperately wants Putin gone. They be hoping anyone who replaces Putin will be easier to manipulate into making mistakes. I think this is foolish. If you look at Russians history, they have, as the saying goes, “Been slow to mount, but fast to ride.” I think any successor to Putin will show the same strategic patience Putin has shown over the last twenty years guiding his nation.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Fascinating comment. Thank you.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


The person who replaces Putin will not be malleable at all, but will be extremely hard line. Research some of the recent sayings of Dmitri Medvedev, who is threatening the West with nuclear weapons.

I believe he will be Putin’s replacement. It won’t be good.

2 years ago

“ UPDATE: Man arrested, looks like just your normal guy who was working out in the elevator doing pushups when he decided to train his fighting skills on a random woman who entered.”

Dude looks like he’s wearing a mask from the original Planet of the Apes!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

And that woman should never have gotten into that elevator with him.
I am a man, 6’2″, 220 lbs, and I would have taken a pass on getting in there with him. Many women are far too trusting.
Weak rabbit amygdala?

2 years ago

State Department says Chinese spy balloon contained technology to monitor communication signals.

2 years ago

I posted yesterday to say I agreed 100% with the premise of the site. My life experience is probably pretty close to unique, a perspective which allowed me to see the basis for the premise (although it took decades to finally understand).

I wanted to post again to agree with the particular perspective on surveillance. Life only presents a certain number of genuine ambiguous circumstances. A series of ambiguous circumstances, or a pattern of ambiguous circumstances, still remain ambiguous, although at some point it is only possible that some of the circumstances are coincidentally ambiguous. Humans have an innate sense of probability which is imprudent to ignore.

Anyway, my main point is that our side completely lacks effective leadership and productive organization. This is a result of the surveillance and the abilities surveillance confers. My own source of ongoing frustration is the seemingly unanswerable question of how to organize and how to find leaders in face of surveillance. I do not believe it can be done, or lack the imagination to see how. Even these words raising the issue becomes a gift to them.

Q gave me hope that someone somewhere with the requisite power could do something. That hope has sputtered out.

But this site is doing an invaluable service in raising consciousness. It takes tremendous courage and insight. The only wrong thing to do is give up. Meanwhile, we all must live within the truth, our only possible contribution.

2 years ago

Now that the whistleblower has gone public with her allegations about the Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey confirms that two weeks ago the Attorney General’s Office began a full investigation into these shocking allegations. ”

2 years ago

I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle. There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling. By Jamie Reed. February 9, 2023″

Read the whole thing.

2 years ago

Link to the February 7 2024 affidavit of Jamie Reed for the Missouri Attorney General. Reed is a former case manager at the Washington University Pediatric Transgender Center.—signed.pdf?sfvrsn=6a64d339_2

2 years ago

So what is the recommendation here for survival when cabal insists on keeping an individual from working any kind of job? Any time I get a job, within weeks the gang stalking behavior returns in my life and the next thing I know I become the target of all kinds of sabotage, passive aggressiveness, and often unjust terminations from any kind of job, no matter how menial.

I have absolutely no idea how I am supposed to survive with these criminally insane lunatics constantly seeking to undermine or destroy any efforts I make to survive.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Better do that soon before WWIII goes much hotter.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…And immediately suspend funding for the program and bar the FBI from establishing anything new which accomplishes the same effect….”

Ding, ding, ding! None of these people setting out to destroy us have the finances to do what they are doing. They are using public money to do so. They need to carry this further and go after the finances of the people perpetrating this. For example, the guy refusing to send Congress information from the FBI that Congress requested. The head of the committee should immediately push for a bill to unearmark him personally. No US government funds paid to him by anyone doing business with the US government. Make sure and state that the behavior of the individual is counter to the security of the USA and can not be trusted to do his job in any capacity and that no contractor will be funded that hires him. See what happens. Maybe it would not even work, but it would get their attention. They might even be able to fund a few of these, but not for long. The guys at the top are not going to continue to fund these people because they would cease to be effective for their needs and they have NO loyalty at all. People are just tools to them.

2 years ago

Moldovan prime minister resigns, government collapses

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Time for the Russians to move in to “assist” and “stabilize”!

Hey, it worked for Stalin in 1945… claim they were invited in to help, then take over.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

They will certainly annex Transnistria when they are done with Ukraine.

2 years ago

I stop commenting on this site because at a particular time I thought the comments and topic were unworthy of commentary.
However, I did continue to read the site everyday.
I am writing today to bring attention to the comments regarding “farcesensitive’s” friend.
As fate would have it, I too have just been diagnosed with the big C. I wont bore you with the details. Note, I am not vaxxed, run between 50-60km a week in summer and 70-100km in winter, cycle on other days and crank out 5-8km pool sessions and do chinups and blah blah… you get the idea.
However, what i am specifically bringing to people’s attention is the quality of the comments. Within the commentary related to “farce” were some gems that could really help people – me included.
So perhaps it would be wise to archive that sort of sensitive commentary somewhere for others to go through. When you are faced with an issue it is not easy to even find a good start point.
Just as AC curates these pages which saves people hours and hours of searching themselves, pages which contain info on key components of fitness, health, survival, etc could be archived as a resource for others.
Just a thought.
To the dude who mentioned GcMAF, thank you!!! I am in touch with the original maker of the product and begin treatment next week.
And to AC, this site is far more valuable than you know in all kinds of aspects. So, a big thank you to you too!
And of course, I am in touch with the man upstairs and have been for many years – just in case people are wondering.
I would like to wish you all the very best of health and say live your lives to the max……. just in case you get subbed before you thought the game would end.

Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

May GOD bless and heal you.

Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

Prayer sent your way.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

OK, I looked it up: Wikipedia: [2012]

GcMAF: Protein produced by artificial modification of vitamin D-binding protein; GcMAF (or Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor) is a protein produced by modification of vitamin D-binding protein. Once proclaimed a ‘magic protein’ capable of curing cancer, GcMAF has been proven ineffective. The case sheds light on how far scammers are willing to go to exploit … Wikipedia

Yet 3 weeks ago:

 GcMAF – Immunotherapy cancer and chronic disease
GcMAF Background GcMAF (Gc Protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor) occurs naturally in the human body and activates macrophages to destroy cancer cells and foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. Serious illnesses like cancer, HIV and viral hepatitis are destroyed by GcMAF.

Interesting listing. does someone not want cancer cured?

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

A working cancer cure might work against their next “epidemic.”

Meanwhile, “let’s promote poorly-tested genetic-modification drugs for everything! And even splice them into the genes of foodstuffs!”

Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

The hivemind organically promotes good information

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

You’re very welcome.
Please keep us informed.
Praying to YHWH that it is REALLY helpful.
God Bless you and good luck.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
2 years ago

I suppose I should point out, if you have cancer, absolutely do not do any of the things I’ve suggested to make oneself healthier. A great many treatments work by gutting various parts of one’s metabolic cycles. The cancer is 7 pounds, you are 150 pounds, and the doctor is betting you will survive longer than the cancer in a state of low health.

Everything should be run by your doctor. Oncologists tend to be very brilliant, very compassionate men with a wicked clever sense of how to treat your unwanted guest.

Other cultures have their things- and you can choose to follow what you think is good, but nothing I’ve ever proposed will heal you from cancer.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Personally I dont trust the High Priests in White.

My father escaped from the hospital. They werent helping him, just killing him in a different manner

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I hope your father is well.

My father lives because his treatments.

I have given him exactly one piece of advice for health that was cleared by his doctor- to take a very mild probiotic- and everything else is contraindicated. So, seriously, do not go freestyle on any of the suggestions I’ve written about. Everything, every tiny little thing, needs to get cleared by a doctor. He nearly died once from a simple enzyme pill. No one- besides his doctor- knew it could be a problem.

The effective medicines work really, really well on very specific targets. It’s wonderful chemistry. We are blessed to live among people who really do good work curing cancer.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I’m glad you got a good doctor for your father.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

He died. Age 50, lung cancer. Cigarettes.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

14-year-old NJ girl takes her own life after four classmates brutally beat her in school hallway. I suppose these things can just happen. But when I was a freshman, I had five major fights, a small tussle, and I still had about seven more people who had been trying to be menacing who were on my list, to get an escalation going with, if the opportunity presented – all upper classman who should have had no idea who I was…”
AC, I am sorry to hear that. It must have sucked to be in that situation. You are not alone, as you obviously know.
My own life was pretty damn good all the way through 3rd grade. Although my mother had started to manifest NPD symptoms two years earlier, up to that point her psychopathy was rare. And everything else in my life was mostly good.
In 3rd grad I was tested for the “Advanced Program”, AP for short. I got in. Started AP in 4th grade. Got in. And things started to go sideways in my life. I wonder how many AP kids were Cabal. Seems like the right pool from which to recruit, for obvious reasons.
I never connected the dots before, because why would you? Why would you think there is a secret spy ring throughout the world, recruiting even children to spy and bully on the majority population? A child would almost have to be completely stone crazy to think such things.
But, I have a very good memory and looking back it is easy to see that the bullying started in 4th grade, and was probably Cabal. And the confrontations were ALWAYS initiated by the bully. I just minded my business and tried to make friends, fly under the radar, but they sought me out.
Starting with 4th grade, there were bullies in my life EVERY school year. I went from making friends easily in 1st and 2nd grade, to a shy introvert and emotional basket case by age 16. My personal and romantic life was pretty much hell from high school to mid-40s.
I guess either I was strong enough to somehow get through, or it was the grace of God (mostly God). But my heart aches for this poor NJ girl who wasn’t strong enough to navigate it and eventually broke down.
God’s Judgement Day is going to be a HUGE eye-opener for normies. We, however, at least have some inkling of what will be revealed.
God Bless you, AC, and your work. I am going to start praying for you regulary.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Can confirm my surveillance/harassment team are cowardly retards.

They thrive so much on petty passive aggressive bullshit that they can’t help themselves. I thought they might be actually demonically possessed, but I saw the woman cross herself at an orthodox funeral once and she didn’t immediately burst into flames, so who knows.

Reiterating AC’s statement that it’s not everyone or even most people subservient to this thing although they can make it feel that way. I’m fortunate live in a rural location with non-comped police and fairly non-comp’d local government (there was a cabal-ish mayor a while back but no one liked his bs and he got run out
Of town). By recording everything with the police or city and requesting public records on the survellience/harassment couple’s contacts about me and mine, I have managed to build a case file with public and police records that now has them on police notice that if they so much as look at me or my household members the wrong way again they’ll be arrested on stalking and harassment charges. We made sure, subtly but clearly, that the whole neighborhood, city government, and police department know. It may escalate yet, but it’s been a peaceful 8 months and for now they walk by with heads down and eyes straight ahead. And when opportunities for violence have arisen they’ve scurried away.

Re: degradation tech when all the else fails. I’m think I’m lucky tho that the line of sight between our home and the harassment team is obscured by a small copse of remaining forest and my home definitely have 3-4 layers of lead paint on the interior and at least two on the exterior.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Where can you buy lead paint?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

One thing I can tell you as someone that spent fifteen year in home improvement is that leaded paint degrades differently. When it finally lets go it becomes powdery and crumbles where other paint chemistries flake and peel.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Even if someone made cheap wall paint that was opaque to backscatter and RF, most people wouldn’t use it. “OMFG! My smartphone isn’t getting a signal! PANIC!”

Reply to  map
2 years ago

You buy the house with the paint already in it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“…let them know the other steps which will follow, the honeypot, the drugs, the criminal entrapments, the loser friends, the porn, the video games…and how it is all a game to weaken them.”

Think about the trillions this country has spent on “education” and not one time, in one classroom anywhere, was this wisdom shared with the students.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I had a weird thought about how far we’ve fallen. When we were younger, the speech was “Here in the land of the free, you can be anything you want to be. You can be President, or an astronaut…”

Now it’s “You can be anything you want to be. You can be a girl, or a catfucker, or non-binary.” Talk about setting your sights too low. Granted, none of us ever had a chance in Hell of being President, but at least they encouraged us to think big.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

“And ‘do what thou wilt’ shall be the whole of the Law.”

2 years ago

AC, I want to research the Pasteur empire a bit more. What was the full name and how do I look up the family and its assets? I recall you posted a court document showing about 1/3 of the holdings, and that 1/3 alone was so massive I struggled to believe it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Many thanks

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The Payseur bloodline is descended from the son of Louis the 16th; the son was smuggled out of prison while his sisters were left behind in their cells. He was taken to England, inherited his benefactor’s wealth; and he migrated to the U.S. in the early 1800s.

Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago

Hi! I found a Payseur laboratories a the University of Wisconsin. Brett Payseur is a professor of genetics there. Also I found a blog where this guy says he’s a Payseur and giving out family info. I googled it & the blog was on page 7 or 8. Buried.

Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago

I posted 2 other links and they disappeared

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I knew that the comments await moderation, but I can usually check back ad still see if they are awaiting moderation. I’m sorry, I got a little freaked out there for a moment…

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sometimes pending comments disappear and then reappear if you reload the page later.

Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago

Louis Payseur has a blog. Posted links and they are gone!

2 years ago

Prime farmland just got destroyed by a train explosion in Ohio. If the storm of successful this environmental damage. Better get reversed and every other attempt to destroy our food supply.

They say Patriots are in control. But this goes to show they currently aren’t.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That pic and the 4chan blurb is copied from Jim Stone’s site.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Full 33 engine static fire test of SpaceX super rocket. It didn’t blow up. Don’t laugh, it not blowing up is a major achievement. Saturn 5 engines used to blow up all the time. The Soviets never could make this level of rocket power work without blowing up. The vibrations and resonances from so much power are difficult to deal with. They did it on the first test. High possibility that the first launch could blow up at some point in the flight. This thing has unbelievable power. If he makes this work it will be a world milestone in history.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

33 but one was shut off before the start and one stopped during test. With 31 firing, it still makes orbit as it has redundancy. He chose to mass produce a smaller engine instead of building fewer big ones. A path the Russians took during the race for the moon but they were not able to bring it off. How they control these for vibration, I don’t know. I’m sure they do simulations in software, but I would be surprised if this actually was accurate. It’s really extremely astounding they fired this and it did not blow up. It would not surprise me in the slightest if on testing to orbit they blew several of these up before they dialed in what to do to keep them together. It’s the most powerful rocket ever. Ever.

“The real goal is to not blow up the launch pad, that is success.”

I also don’t understand why they don’t have a huge water flow to dampen vibration. Maybe I missed it but it didn’t appear to have this flow like other rockets. So I search and find they will have it at main launch site n the process of being built. The test was not full launch pad.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

why do they always use the 33?
its the years of the crucifixion of Christ, and he was preaching for 3 years, from his 30 – 33 years old. How much more we would know if he hadn’t been murdered. What monsters

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Its necessary for Jesus to die to be raised from the dead and defeat sin and death once and for all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

33 666 911 17 engines obviously, because space as described by cabal is real and true, anon.

2 years ago