Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Patrick Byrne posts his final chapter on the election fraud. He makes the case this past year has been a Chinese psyop, and ti will get worse. There is one path which will alter that path, and that is exposure of the surveillance. But I have no doubt if I sat Bryne down, ran him through my video evidence, and gave him a 3 foot putt to take out the surveillance, expose it to the country, and trigger a rebellion that would be guaranteed to shrink government and make it more constitutional, he would slow-walk it the way Trump slow-walked him. I don’t know what that means, or of Byrne is a good guy or a bad guy. I just know we have something so unconstitutional and wrong it defies written explanation, and for all Byrne’s protestations, he would never act against it.
A GOP congressman tells Fox News, ‘We still don’t have answers’ to why the National Guard is remaining around the Capitol. It is a safe bet it is somehow related to why they have not disassembled the Inaugural stage. And if course it is something else which would point to Byrne (who has implied things may change) being wrong about there not being some sort of plan.
The deployment to DC will cost $483 million until March 15th. They are not doing it for fun. Something is coming.
Man charged in Capitol riot says he worked for FBI, holds top secret security clearance.
Arizona GOP state senator Paul Boyer upends efforts to hold Maricopa Board of Supervisors in contempt for blocking an audit of voter fraud. He is probably not even their only avenue by which to block it. They have dirt on everyone, and are just using him alone to conserve their assets. All of them have gotten the David Patterson treatment, and very, very few, if any have responded like David Patterson.
Biden quietly nixes Trump-era rule combating Chinese Communist-funded ‘propaganda’ centers.
China warns Biden not to ‘flex muscles’ after dual aircraft carrier drill.
Biden to fire all of Trump’s U.S. Attorneys except Durham and Hunter investigator David Weiss.
Reports say Biden’s policies will produce massive inflation.
Biden’s military transgender policy will inflict massive damage on our Military.
California high-speed rail asks Newsom to release $4.1 billion as cost continues to swell. So Newsom has $4.1 billion he has diverted somewhere, and not put to the purpose it was assigned yet.
Biden opposes the effort to recall Newsom, White House says.
‘Eye in the sky’ border blimps to be grounded in Rio Grande Valley, congressman says.
Texas Sheriff says, “It’s absolutely true” that Biden is releasing illegals into the U.S. without Covid tests. Anyone entering the US needs a Covid test except illegals.
A Maryland Sheriff warns ‘Americans no longer safe’ under Biden’s ‘lawless’ immigration policies.
Texas Judge blocks Biden’s deportation freeze for two more weeks.
Suspect in custody after shooting at Minnesota health clinic. Mass shootings are going to pick up again.
French officials, intellectuals, and journalists are warning that progressive American ideas are contaminating their society. So the French are actually complaining American political norms are making their society more pathetic. And none of us can really argue with them.
A U.S. Army major assigned to the U.S. Army Cyber Command at Fort Gordon, Ga., has been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for producing child pornography. Could have been a Cabal agent running Cabal underaged honeypot/pedophile operations from inside Cyber command.
New York can’t prosecute Paul Manafort after Trump pardon, court rules.
Republicans are in decent shape ‘to win a House’ majority in 2022.
May be the reason the swamp shitstain’s are all about trying to impeaching Mr. Trump is because in truth he is legitimately still Mr. President Trump.
That is a non-trivial theory that is circulating.
If we were following the constitution, Trump would not be still president, since his four years is up. Trump would not be president again, since the VP chose to count the fraudulent electoral votes for Biden.
What if Vlad The Impaler didn’t get all the vampires, and why cabal is still around since Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and shame…
After all, drinking human blood as an elixir of eternal life, human sacrifices, operating in the shadows and ruling the underground are what they do.
Then there’s the Merovingian’s consort in The Matrix who kept silver bullets in her gun because some of the machines nastier gangstalker’s where notoriously difficult to kill.
Trust but verify as RR said. But I’m not really seeing anything which glues down trust, its more like hey pssst, over here, I know things, just follow me, but what you find is imitation vanilla.
Getting the creepy feeling Patrick is network. He seems to know an awful lot of inside poop, yet really reveals nothing. Just enough to produce plausibly possible street creds, just enough to look anti-cabal, just enough to take folks on a goose chase tangent, not too far off the truth but enough to subvert and muddy waters. He has yet to actually reveal anything substantial, its all hints and allegations carefully dressed as insider gossip. The overall effect seems to lean ever steadily towards resistance is futile concern trolling.
The guy is a real slick gaslight/plausible deniability operation?
I have never read anything by him or about him that seemed of value. He seems like a Tasmanian Devil cartoon character.
Just remember that his rabbi is Buffett.
That says everything you need to know to remember not to trust him.
Excellent point.
It’s claimed Alexander The Great, when he was asked why he avoided attacking Sparta, said Sparta may be an old small nation state, but its an old dog with very sharp teeth.
Which is relevant in a way to this cored out worn down shell of a Republic of ours which the machine hides behind, to avoid the peoples wrath. Actually is some aspects how the Mexican drug cartels operate, within the hollowed out shell of a Mexican Nation State, and how our own dear deep state has mutual interests with.
The relevant thing I wanted to point out there’s a certain continuous thread to the machine’s network and something it does which evinces a patter of creating circumstances where it etches away at the good folks resources to fightback not with peaceful legitimate means of redress and petition, there’s that in spades, but what I driving at is the myriad complexity of disarmament of American’s while scrupulously avoiding, to every length possible, even to the brink of then always pulling back, causing the free folks to leave their cause of liberty and freedom to God and their Rifles.
Sure its obvious in its own right, so whats the point in mentioning it right?
Well, its a kind of an everything thing. To start obvious as it may be, it can not be overstated, pretty soon and its sure got the look of accelerating, armed violent redress, and defense of rock bottom God given natural rights and dignity of liberty, the bare essentials of being sovereign persons, is the only option leaving live free or die if you ain’t into being a cabal slave remaining.
OK right? This is basic founding of America stuff. Can never be said enough for it.
It sure is apparent in coming to understand things about the network, aside from all the fucked up shit it is, and does to those not of it, lot of things about the network and its gangstalking possess the purpose of messing with good folks in such a way to keep folks from raising up their rifles against the machine.
So why is that particularly relevant to good folks?
Its a lot of evidence cabal don’t have what it takes to go toe to toe with an aroused pissed off armed citizenry that starts shooting. Yet, even that is not the relevant thing.
What is is fear. The machine is afraid of what people will do to it for what it is doing to people. Rightfully so says me.
Yet, there’s one other thing. If what I’m inferring to here is reasonable, rational, there’s this one thing; the machine is extremely vulnerable to a determined plurality, an armed one certainly, its not the barrels of good folks guns shooting bullets at cabal, its good folks barrels project legitimacy that destroys the machine like that. Snap! Blink of an eye on histories timeline. At no stage is the machine as vulnerable as it is right now. And if there is a time to make a stand and fight, its right now.
Alexander the Great was descended from Spartan kings. Why would he attack his homeland? His genealogy is an interesting read; the Spartan kings go back to Esau brother of Israel, and the historian Josephus records them acknowledging this relationship.
> Republicans are in decent shape ‘to win a House’ majority in 2022.
They’re so *cute* when they look like that…
A) they’re just the other face of the Uniparty
B) Dominion is who will determine who “wins” any elections using their machines
They’ll probably cycle some “Republican” pols through, just for the pretense that it’s not rigged, but they’ll all be Swamp.
What was the deal w David Patterson?
I wrote about it on here a ways back. Back when Elliot Spitzer was NY Governor, and got caught with the hookers, Patterson was Lieutenant Governor, so when Elliot resigned, Patterson fell into the governorship, and went from a nobody who didn’t want power, to Governor in a matter of minutes, wholly by surprise as nobody thought Spitzer would resign.
It happened, and a few hours later he called an emergency press conference for all media. Media shows up, and Patterson and his wife walk out on stage looking grim. He proceeds to tell all the media, right after he was sworn in and returned to his office, a couple of glowies walk into his office unannounced, identify themselves as New York State Police Surveillance division (sounds like BS, but maybe that was their official position), and they proceed to tell him he has been under massive close surveillance for the last thirty years, and they go through his highlight reel, complete with him and the wife using drugs here and there in that time, him having affairs, his wife having affairs, and they then tell him they own him, and he will do what they say, or they will lay out all his dirt to the media and destroy him. He says to the media, he isn’t going to be corrupted like that, so in that press conference he will lay out all his dirt, and the media can do with it what they want. He and the wife then explain they had marital problems, they separated, he had affairs, she had affairs, they got back together, broke up again, slept around again, and he lays it all out.
The media asks a few government people who go on record saying there is no possible way anybody actually said that to him, nobody is spying on anyone, our leaders are completely free of any blackmail, and we should all forget about it, he is just crazy, and in a day the entire episode was memory holed. He actually got one of his people in as head of the State PD and tried to root out what he probably thought was a small network in there, but they seemingly found nothing, or couldn’t do anything about it if they did. Clearly that was Cabal, and Cabal isn’t even national, it is trans-national, so he got nowhere. He was adamant he was going to run for re-election, but Cuomo came in as AG and began all sorts of investigations of him. Even so he was adamant he was running for reelection, right up until a month before he had to decide, at which point he simply disappeared, and Cuomo fell into the governorship, I assume under orders from Cabal command.
There is a link to one of the articles on it on my surveillance page in the sidebar. I was impressed as you don’t often see politicians stand up to the machine.
How many people can be in on the surveillance before it’s too big to keep quiet. I grew up in a crazy podunk place, with miles and miles sometimes between houses. How do they have assets that can watch the people in Nowhere USA? I get the suburbs, and cities, and places with “neighborhoods” but Montana, Idaho, and even spots of Pennsylvania and West Virginia are so out there that acquiring that many people would be neigh impossible.
I don’t doubt that people are tracked and put under surveillance, and many mass shooters are connected to this, but to track every citizen would mean that about a 10th of the nation would need to spy on the rest, and that’s just too many people. Unless there’s a way for the “spies” to not even know they’re spies.
Not everybody is under 24/7, from what I see. Just everybody gets “known,” starting very early, and the problem children who could emerge as actual problems get extra. What I don’t think people grasp is the degree to which tech can be employed, as well. Anything you order online can be intercepted, and have tech installed, either officially or unofficially.
They are already deep in my shit, so I stopped expending effort to fight that, because I could spend the extra money and effort to buy everything off shelf in random, unplanned trips, and they would still be monitoring me. It is cheaper to just police what I say. But if I didn’t know, it would be very easy to catch the coffee machine ordered online at the post office unofficially and install something, or the fax machine, or the DVR. or the replacement TV remote. And you can’t over emphasize the dumbness of people who get things like Alexa, or smart home technology with microphones or cameras in it. I am sure a lot of people in rural areas have that shit in their house, and their files are complete and up to date as well. As for manpower in rural areas, I am familiar with it, and it is there. In a location of interest every 20th house or more may be one of their’s. So they have the manpower to follow anyone of interest.
I assume the sum total in high population areas between 6-12%, as crazy as that sounds. But they move people in there from other areas who are already in, crowding out other people who are not, they bring in immigrants, who may be 50-65% or more CIA assets who are already read into the program, and they probably recruit heavily, especially among the homeless and criminal class who are happy to not be entirely on the outside anymore.
Rural areas will be sparser, but I suspect you have fewer high value targets, and remote monitoring of people in their houses is sufficient to keep files up to date. All they may have is five or ten targets who are judged threats, so all they need is 40 or 50 people, especially if they have a few take jobs as cashiers at stores the targets frequent.
This thing may also be deeper, and more difficult to grasp than even I have said though. As I have said, they were following my mom decades ago, and trying to screw with her head by saying things relating to her life in front of her on public transportation. She didn’t grasp it at the time, because who would think that could possibly be? She really had no importance beyond being smart and valedictorian, in an age when women were not really seen as likely to rise high in society. So it is possible there is some bloodline thing about it, or maybe it is some sort of covert Mendelian breeding program looking to control people’s mate choice, or some other aspect I am overlooking which might make more things about it fit.
I spent the last couple weeks off grid in the sticks, hence my absence here. And yes, the surveillance was getting so obvious that people with me were admitting “yeah, that was a wierd thing to happen” when cars would show up at times and in configurations that just didn’t make sense for our rural backwoods context.
Way I see it, you can’t escape the surveillance, but you can raise its cost. If they want to watch me, they have to pay. It would be much cheaper if they’d just be honest and come up and ask me directly “what’s up?” Of course, the answer isn’t something they would be satisfied with: share the Gospel, spread the Gospel, be good, do good.
It is very strange, in ways only those under it overtly can fully appreciate. It obviously views us as some sort of outsider, and has to be there to make sure we don’t rise too high. Yet those it employs don’t seem visibly different from us, beyond being cool with living in essentially a covert dictatorship, rather than a democratic republic, and having a voluntary command structure which can order them to fuck over their friends and betray their personal loyalties. And why be overtly annoying by flooding my zone to let me know they are there, but not openly hostile? Many of them wave at me as they pass, or don’t act hostile in interactions?
And what is up with the drive-bys? It can’t get any form of valuable intelligence from that. And it just serves to make its operations obvious and irritate us. It would seem smarter to just put somebody in a bush a few hundred yards away in a ghille suit with a radio and a wireless camera. Is it distraction, so we can’t focus on what we are doing in our lives?
So much of it is just wasted effort and resources, non-sensical behaviors, and weird mixed signals.
It feels like it is coming to a head, and just becoming too obvious. I have to think we will find out the big mystery behind this sooner or later.
>share the Gospel, spread the Gospel, be good, do good.
Let’s see you share and spread the gospel here then, so as others’ blood isn’t on your hands.
I won’t hold my breath.
In rural settings they use people who move drugs or other contraband (I guess they tell them they tell them the gangstalking and surveillance shit is part of the trafficking network security measures) and they recruit assets temporarily by smearing the target(s) so reg people feed them info on the target(s).
Agree. In rural areas the rumor mill is extremely comprehensive and effective. You get someone in a dominant position, and if they say “so and so is a bad guy”, all the gossip of almost EVERYONE will be about how this or that thing you did is somehow nefarious. And low status, to boot. Moving to a rural area without some innate status and financial resources is a risky move. The gossip network is very human, and the Cabal exploits it.
Thanks man for the detailed explanation.
It is my great pleasure to announce that libertyauthors has a new domain and domain owner, everything has been moved and all accounts are exactly as they were so nobody who joined has to do anything but come to the new site:
The person who posted a membership application at timelessauthors as daven**** didn’t register so there is no account to approve, please come back and register.
I have hidden the last four letters of the account here for your privacy and so that nobody else can try to register using the same user name.
Mike Scheuer has a new post:
I seriously love your site.. Very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself? Please reply back as I’m looking to create my own personal site and would like to know where you got this from or what the theme is called.
The theme is just the regular WordPress default theme, called “Twenty Ten.” It is about as basic as it could be.
That was spam.
I thought so too, but when I checked the IP in the comment history to be sure a genuine comment was posted with that exact same IP, so I wasn’t sure and erred on the side of being helpful.
It is a nice one; I use it myself. Why change what works?
Sadly, Jetpack removed the mobile accessibility a while back. I don’t know why they did that, but I’m not a WordPress geek either so there may have been some reason.
Somebody needs to start leaking lists of college campus COVID snitches.
No comment:
Dieversity always fucks the Whites over, and Civic Nationalism is as cucked as cuckservativism and won’t fix things:
The only good news today is that AC is still on the job. Sheesh, the world is a shitshow.
I hate to pile on, but my impression is Q was genuine, albeit with some disinfo for tactical/strategic purposes. I think part of his purpose was to blunt our perception of something much worse we still have to go through, before whatever the plan is takes effect and pulls us back from the brink. I can’t imagine how much worse it could get, but Q always said, one, you have to show people and you can’t just tell them (I think we can check that one off, we’ve seen we have no elections and there are no rules when it comes to stifling us), and two, we had to be placed at the brink, where we felt no choice but to act. I don’t know if that means total gun confiscation passing and them trying to enact it, and we have to either fight or be sent to the camps, or Biden gets caught setting up FEMA camps, and trying to send regular conservatives there by labeling them terrorists, and we have to fight, or end up with a mass purge, or the Chinese showing up off the coast of California, and Biden tells us it is best to surrender in an orderly fashion rather than endure the deaths that fighting would entail, or what else it could be. But I never liked the sound of it.
Clearly, I don’t think we are at that point quite yet, this may get a lot worse before it gets better.
If China shows up on the West Coast, it would be for “humanitarian reasons” same as other countries showing up, too. This guy predicted this in 2015:
There is plenty of good news, for certain people:
‘3“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek*,
for they will inherit the earth.a
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you. ‘
I am looking for 144,000 men who will be holy and righteous, the elect. The Lord will draw them to me. Also, many millions of brothers and sisters in Christ will die glorious deaths as martyrs in less then ten years, and be guaranteed eternal life with God.
The only bad news is for everyone else, the c.8 billiion pagans, muslims, judaists and catholic/protestant lawless fakers.
*meek, does not equal weak, hence I am the ONLY man here posting with my real identity, fearless, as I fear only God:
And yet you do the bidding of Satan.
I should not need to remind you that the Bible itself is a “Development of Doctrine” having been formulated and canonized by the late 4th-century Catholic Bishops. If you trust in the Bible, then you are (defacto) trusting in the Apostolic authority of late 4th-century Catholic Bishops.
Moreover, Christ did not found a Bible. He founded a Church, singular. Christ founded this Church on the Apostles and their successors, of whom Peter was Chief. Thus, Christ gave to his Apostles the authority to develop doctrine, and one of the doctrines they developed was the Canon of Scripture (Bible) itself.
These same men, and their successors, including the successor to Peter as Chief, went on to develop further doctrine. But in all cases, these doctrines are developed from the Deposit of Faith which was given to the original Apostles and completed in the late first century. What is developed in subsequent centuries are the “details” to the main message that was already well known. And of which did not require the Bible.
You two are a couple of whack jobs. Neither one of yuh I wish what the fuck you’re talking about.
And yet, here you are, taking up bandwidth.
Funny that.
Just one church? LOL. Yahshua disagrees with your fantasy:
‘Therefore write down the things you have seen, and the things that are, and the things that will happen after this. 20This is the mystery of the seven stars you saw in My right hand and of the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.’
Every time you open your mouth, you show how fake your religion is. Thanks for doing so, fool.
Gary, I’ve posted under my real name here and elsewhere. Did if for the longest time. So you’re NOT the “ONLY”.
Second, your “christianity” is a judaized christianity. You are breaking Christ’s telling that New Wine has to be poured into NEW Wine Skins. That New Wine Skin is the Catholic Orthodox Church.
Ok, well done on posting under your real name wlindsay (odd name though).
I am not a christian, I have not made an idol of the anointed man Yahshua (or his mother, or various other pagan saints) like you papists have, you can call me a messianic Hebrew, although I am simply God’s anointed man, who will be His king of kings etc.
Your ‘religion’ is a romanised adulteration of the faith in and laws of God, you are lawless pagan fakers. Your kind butchered any followers of Yahshua who kept the sabbath and otherwise, you know, walked as Yahshua walked.
And you will all burn for your lives, and I will sit and watch you (I hope I get to say hello to you guys before you are burned) after you enjoy a fun 1,000 years down in the pits of the earth being buggered by every pope to date. I reckon the Borgias will love you modern boys.
Ahhh Gary Morgan. Jesus said, “The Faith will be taken away from you”. You don’t have The Faith. And you can’t pour New Wine into Old Wine Skins.
Yes Christianity is a Greek, European religion! Yes, we do honor the Mother of God, the Theotokos and all the Saints. They are the Heroes of The Faith.
Polybius describes one way the Romans educated their youth. They would march their cadre of youth to a different statue in times, and then the statue of a famous Roman would serve as a mnemonic device where Roman history and culture would be remembered and taught to their sons. This is how education occurred.
That is how Christian education occurred as well. There ought to be statues and icons of Christian heroes because they connect us to the Church Triumphant. And we are called in the Virtue of Righteousness to honor our fathers in The Faith, Martyrs, confessors, doctors, holy men and women. That is why it is called “ROMAN” Catholic Church.
Jesus is the Christ. And He setup The Church. “Pagan” is only moniker for “European”. The Church has taken upon itself the New Wine Skin for the New Wine, The Faith. It is you who don’t understand.
Praying for your conversion.
Holy cow! This Gary guy is totally strung out on the Semitic Volcano Demon, almost like he’s in a heroin coma! Come on, man, lighten up and give us a break!
Gary is very entertaining.
Hey, Cretan, I understand perfectly well that God commanded not to make graven images and not to bow down to idols, and you are very proud of the fact that you do both, as well as ignore the Sabbath, and holy feast days, and eat unclean meats, to name but a few.
The good news is that the day of reckoning for your sins is not too far off now, the sorrows are just beginning, by 7th September 2032 at the latest you won’t be here any more, whereas I will be.
The last will be first however, and I will bring millions of babes in faith to the truth, just in time, whilst you first shall be last, wise and learned that you are. And so I write here for those babes, not for lawless pagan fakers like you.
@Ghost Who walks,
If i don’t warn you all of what’s coming, giving a chance to repent, your blood will be on my hands. As time passes, more of you will see I speak only truth via the Word of God, some will never see it though, as they have powerful delusions from God (see 2 Thes 2).
I love you too honey.
“Republicans are in decent shape ‘to win a House’ majority in 2022.”
The GOP isn’t winning shit unless the uni-party decides it’s their turn. Who the hell would even vote for these backstabbing pricks?
Let them fake every election going forward. It’s what they’re going to do anyway.
I’d rather guide my father into my mother than ever vote again is what I’m trying to say.
Agree. I heard Bongino yesterday saying “We are not vanquished” yet what did AC post on the 11th?—-That EVERY election down ballot with Dominion—-300 votes was taken from EVERY Republican!
We are NOT vanquished—AND We refuse to play their game. The GAME IS RIGGED. Why play in a rigged game! Corn-Pop is absolutely right.
What is different, is we know the environment. I have said for years here based on the extent of the intelligence operation I saw, that I suspected we were not electing our leaders. But I didn’t know for sure, so even if I saw some guy make a run at political leaders, saying he thought maybe we weren’t electing our leaders, I would have thought it ill advised.
Knowing our elections are frauds is something entirely different.
There are two possibilities. The white hats may have made it obvious, because they are showing everyone as a teaching moment before they set things right. If so, we will either see things change soon, or we will know it is option two.
Option two is we are still under Cabal, ad they are showing us hoping somebody takes a shot at our political leaders so they can initiate the clampdown that is the final stage of their plan.
What this means is, everyone should be looking for an unconventional move to take action on, which Cabal has not foreseen, and which will upend their plans without giving them the ability to launch their clampdown. By exposing themselves openly, they will have weakened themselves considerably, with the hope we will take a predictable action (or they can have false-flag actors take what will appear a predictable action), and they can initiate the final stage. That weakening offers us an incredible opportunity to expose them fully, and maybe unite the nation against them. What we need is to figure out how to expose them fully to everyone.
RE: Byrne and all other black pillers
The first thing I notice about all of them is that they deny there’s any real hope and then prattle on about Q being hopium that kept the right from “doing something”. There is no other something. The election system is irreedmable. We’ve just witnessed it. Your options are The Plan or civil war because elections are meaningless. Well, I suppose you could just kneel to the communists like Byrne is going to do, you could run to the country and hide like all the black pillers are going to do.
Or you can stay engaged in the information war, because that’s when you discover that “Biden” doesn’t seem to be living at the White House. That’s when you discover that not a single reporter from the Trump era seems to be in the Press Briefing room, which itself has some structural anomalies. “Biden” flew back to Delaware on AF2 when Barry flew into that airport on AF1 multiple times, except that it wasn’t even AF2 because the paint scheme was changed during the Trump admin and the one on the plane was pre-Trump.
“Biden” himself seems to have a different chin than he had a few years ago.
None of the military have been punished for disrespecting “Biden”. The National Guard turning their back on his motorcade is a court–martial offense. Plus the multiple funeral salutes instead of the correct presidential ones. And the military is challenging China at sea which is at complete odds with everything else the “Biden” admin is doing.
What I’m trying to say here is that if there isn’t a military/FEMA government actually in charge and running things, the military is completely ignoring orders and getting ready to take over. And besides, if there isn’t a military government in place right now, there will be one when the first gun control law starts the downward spiral into civil war from which there is no way out.
But there is Kim Clement’s “Two President’s” prophecy to contend with, which seems to support the idea that “Biden” is actually the president of the US, INC corporation and that Trump is the president of the United States of America republic. And every prophetic voice I can find in the Christian community is backing Kim. Therefore, so am I.
I always like to take the perspective that it could be much worse. Imagine being a pleb living under the rule of Nero without internet nor memes… Dispair is worse than useless, even false hope is better than no hope, and while maintaining hope one should prepare for the worst. And even if we had no chances at all, the best course of action would still be to fight until we are dead meat. Fighting back is always the best course of action, no matter what our chances are (and nobody knows what our chances are, everything is still on the table).
“When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That’s why he’s not afraid of it. That’s why we’ll win.” – Spartacus, probably
Lem, remember, the plebs LOVED Nero.But point taken. Maybe try the analogy of the Christians under Diocletian. Those were some pretty black pill times unless you had actual Faith.
>plebs loved Nero

Me right now:
What do you think of Kim Clements prophecy about Bill Gates opening a “new financial realm” for the Church? Does this mean “buy XRP” or is it referring to something else?
A hundred years ago, Nikolas van Rensburg prophecied that Americas first black president would throw Americas military into confusion. His purge of the generals and bringing in transgender policies fits that prophecy. He also said the next president would have a “stern gaze” and “hair that looks like a wig”. Everyone I mention it too immediately says “oh, Trump!” But this prophecy is 100 years old (or more). And Trump was to untangle and unconfuse the military. One of his earliest acts was to reverse the transgender policy. Sexual identity inversion is a definite type of “confusion”. If Biden is able to undo these changes, then did Trump really fulfill the prophecy? Nikolas van Rensburg has been so accurate over the decades, I can only conclude that Trump must have another term, to make sure his policies and corrections “stick”. There is one more detail: he prophecied Trump would untangle and set in order the US military IN EUROPE. This refers to NATO. Trump did a lot to put NATO on a better footing. If I’m reading more into the prophecy than I should, time will tell, and forgive me in advance if I have.
RE: Bill Gates
I have absolutely no idea. I heard that, too, and it’s the biggest thing that I’ve heard Kim say that baffled me.
As for reading too much into things, honestly one thing that I’ve heard and agreed with Mark Taylor on is the reality that God changes His mind. Nothing is set until it happens. Contrary to popular belief, a false prophet is not someone with a 100% accuracy rate. A false prophet is one that points you to false(evil) teachings.
Most importantly, one thing that this whole episode has taught me is that under no circumstances should you ever listen to someone dropping dates. This goes double for the Q movement. Events will happen or not, but you were not given the notice as a way to predict the future, you were given it as a sort of mile-marker so that you know more or less where we are on the timeline.
I can’t say the despair is something I’m choosing. I was with Q from the chan days. I’ve personally redpilled dozens of people over Trump’s term. I was clanging the “hold the line” bell after the election, and spreading hopium everywhere. It was sometime after the “inauguration” where I lost it all at once. Literally woke up in the morning hopeful and went to bed utterly black pilled.
There wasn’t even any major negative news that day. I just didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. I realized even if the white hats exist, and they reveal all some day, people are not going to be holding any parades for them. There’s going to be hard questions from those who lost jobs, businesses, friendships and loved ones to all this noise. Was this brinkmanship necessary? And if the infinite depths of the Adversary’s evil is revealed, I suspect a surprisingly large segment of the population will ask why they didn’t just shoot the bastards and save us a lot of misery?
I guess what I’m saying is I don’t think “it had to be this way.” I think that’s ridiculous, and stinks of Boomerish “up with people” feelings that most folks will embrace the truth when presented with it. The steady stream of mind poison (like the doctored and edited video shown at the impeachment) has turned a large swath of the country into rabid monsters who would cheer as my whole family was slaughtered in the street. You could show them a full VR recording of Hillary eating a baby and they would probably just get aroused.
Or maybe the theory someone posted here that Trump is secretly fighting China is the real answer. No idea. If there is a Q team, they really are bad at troop morale. I think a single Q post out of the blue right now would do wonders for many.
Disclaimer: I am pregnant and a seething maelstrom of hormones, so it could just be that. 🙂
Congratulations 🙂
Don’t give up.
Yes, you have to show, not simply tell. This is necessary.
I know that “The Matrix” memes are entirely overused, but they are apt. It is like Morpheus telling Nero that there are those who are so wedded to the system, so incapable of disconnecting from it, that they will fight to preserve it at all costs. Sometimes a steak that is fake is very welcomed, indeed.
Yes, brinksmanship may be the only way to wake a critical mass of people.
Remember, the essential truths of the Matrix were so jarring to Cabal, that the Wachowski brothers were punished into becoming the Wachowski sisters.
It absolutely had to be this way. It’s going to get much worse, in fact. Because it’s the only only way people will REMEMBER for the rest of their lives. Did you ever know anyone that lived through the Great Depression as an adult? Watched them pinch every penny? When this is over no one living through this as an adult will take liberty for granted again. Socialism will die in America for the next 80-100 years because the truth is that those awful people you speak of are only about ten percent – their voices are being artificially amplified in the extreme to get the exact reaction out of you that they appear to have gotten.
The spiritual warfare happening right now is second only to the Crucifixion in it’s intensity. Whatever you are personally vulnerable to, the enemy is hitting you there. Me, too.
The reason not to just shoot the bastards is on display right now in Myanmar. They’re getting full international condemnation for doing exactly what you are asking for. That’s one minor Asian country. If they did that here we get it so much worse, and that means collapsing our economy which collapses the whole world along with the dollar, and that kills God only knows how many people through starvation. This is about so much more than just one man in the Oval Office.
What I can tell you is that I don’t see this getting to the enforcement of gun control. If they allow that, then we’re wrong, the plan failed, because that kicks the domino into civil war. But don’t be surprised if the laws pass. When Q said “precipice” that’s exactly what was meant – one slip and we go over the cliff.
“…The first thing I notice about all of them is that they deny there’s any real hope…”
That’s not true. Saying that “one” particular plan of action seems to be false does not mean that a”all” plans of action are forfeit. It doesn’t mean there is no hope it means there is no hope for the “one” particular plan posited.
“…and then prattle on about Q being hopium that kept the right from “doing something”. There is no other something. The election system is irreedmable. We’ve just witnessed it. Your options are The Plan or civil war because elections are meaningless…”
Once again incorrect. You give us a limited amount of options and “proclaim” this is it. No other plans are allowed. Choose from the limited choices I give you. I say there are many more choices. I have tried to comment over the years many different options to move things in our direction. There’s lots of options some best left unsaid. I have consistently been against civil war. I think they are pushing civil war and if we fall into it it will be just what they want.
It’s not defeatist to clearly state what appears to be facts on the ground. It’s just what is. If one thing is not working you need to try something else.
LembradorDos6Trilliões just commented that Whites seem to push for some big plan but then falter on the long grind. I see this whole Trump and Q will save us as one of these and that it is a failure. How you can not see it as so…is beyond me. It’s right up there will the Hale-Bopp comet being a space ship to pick us up and carry us away to heaven.
If I owned the copyright, I would sue the PD for illegal performance.
Like the Trump administration, the Capitol protests gave people a glimpse of what is possible in a world where the right is not completely impotent and treasonous and our rulers aren’t focused exclusively on exterminating us. The fact is the right has the numbers and resources to do whatever it would want to do – forcibly remove Congress and purge the government, remove foreigners, bring the troops back, silence the leftist press, etc. What is lacking is organization, leadership and will.
Bizarre theory that came to me. It fits, but it’s so audacious that I have to discount it heavily. I put this at like a 1:50 chance.
What if we’ve been at war (officially) with China since October or so?
Is it illegal to tell America that the wrong person won the election if you actually swear in the real winner and then run a war-time deception campaign to protect the actual president from Chinese assassination?
Did we tell America (and the world) that Biden won just so Trump could prosecute a war on China from secrecy? And is that illegal or unconstitutional?
That would be audacious. I know it seems unlikely, but just thinking that complexly and deviously has to be top .0001% IQ. Might be the most High IQ comment I have seen on this site. And not at all crazy, given how everything is unusual.
If, as Brickbat, I believe, alleged, the domestic intel/surveillance network we see now is actually ultimately run by China at the top, and all of the Antifa, BLM, and other more covert Cell/Network/intel/surveillance activity is actually Chinese intel run, then having Biden seem to have won would make it very difficult for them to initiate open, overt hostile activity like during the election period. It basically hogties them and forces them to bench their team. And even so, we are seeing some elements out and about on the West Coast and DC, being threatening, which seems odd given Biden “won.” I assumed it was lone wolves who weren’t with the program, but maybe it wasn’t.
It would also explain the DC lockdown. And fit with the statements by Generals that we have been attacked by China with Chemical weapons (Fentanyl) biological weapons (COVID) and Cyber weapons (election). It feels like more will fall into place if we hole the hypothesis in the back of our minds, as we look over everything.
Speaking of fentanyl. It really is chemical warfare. A lot of men have tried cocaine when they were younger, then matured out of it, but would still do a “bump” every so often.
A friend of a roommate used to come over to visit. Then a couple weeks ago I hear the news. He died. Very nice guy, loved his kids, was recovering from a divorce. Fun to be around, not in that “hyper” way that I associate with drug users. As far as I could tell, he was completely normal, had his life in order. Story is, they came in and found him slumped over his desk. It was the end of the week, he’d decided to do a “bump” of cocaine to take the edge off. Sounded like his ex-wife had found yet one more way to twist his nipples. He’d done the line of cocaine, but someone had cut fentanyl into it. Heart attack.
I am anti-drug, anti-cocaine, anti-opioid even more so, anti-crystal-meth, but even to me this made me want to fly to China and burn down some laboratories and apply the flame thrower to some living beings.
Lesson for the young ones: don’t put needles in your body or powders in you nose or pills in your mouth.
Even if you *are* in favor of drugs, it’s impossible to tell what it is you’re buying. A friend’s son did some “synthetic marijuana” a few years ago. God alone knows what it was. He can dress himself and act reasonably normal if it’s quiet and he’s around people he knows, but he’ll never be able to drive or live by himself again. Whatever that stuff was, just a few hits of it burned out something in his brain.
Of course, being a suspicious sort, I’m reminded of the people who went blind because the FBI mixed methanol in with their moonshine during the Prohibition, or had kidney failure after the ATF sprayed paraquat on cannabis in the 1970s. And, oh, deliberately infecting soldiers with syphilis without telling them, or ATF giving guns to Mexican narcos, or the FBI running a kiddie porn server, or…
Israel is above China in the enemy hierarchy. They openly brag about spying and gang stalking Americans on American soil for the benefit of Israel.
Video: “‘Chabad developing larger worldwide organization than the CIA’ – Senator Joe Lieberman”
From 06:30 forward:
You are DAMN RIGHT Izreal above China.
But in reality Chinese Communist Party is just another puppet of Izreal just like Democrats and Republicans.
An earlier date would also explain Trump saying he was a wartime president back in March 2020. And deploying navy medical ships to both seaboards the next week.
I had family that nearly got stuck abroad following the border closure and was watching the State Department’s Twitter for charter flight announcements at the time. It was intense: “American citizens in XX country who want to come home. Contact this number and get to XX city by Time on Date. There will be no further flights out after that time.” The tone and urgency of it read like they were getting citizens home in advance of total global war. Coupled with Trump’s statements and the naval medical ships, in late March/early April I sincerely thought they’d be announcing an overt war with China because COVID was a bioweapon.
Was relieved the announcement never came. Hadn’t considered that it could be covert a covert war and everything on the news is smoke and mirrors wartime deception to make America look divided, leaderless, and like Chinese assets in America had been successful. Will need to sit with that idea- audacious for sure, but there are pieces that fit.
Re: cyber warfare. Zoom was completely unknown until after the pandemic was underway. All of a sudden there was better alternative to Facetime and Skype that everyone just had to use, ready to go, and able to handle the bandwidth of global communications just at the right time for all business and government functions to shift to internet-based? Founded by Eric Yuan who has officially denied ties to the Chinese government. Some businesses and government agencies, if I recall correctly, came out early saying Zoom leaked data to China and their employees shouldn’t use it. But I haven’t seen any news like that in a good long while.
I have no idea if it’s Constitutional or not, but I’ve reached the point where nothing surprises me, and your theory is plausible. But considering everything going around about the Act of 1871, I don’t think we’ve actually been UNDER the Constitution for quite some time.
There are things going around that Biden was fraudulently elected as President of the defunct UNITED STATES corporation, which was closed according to paperwork filed in Florida, and Trump is President of the United States Republic, which has all the corporation’s assets. There isn’t real sauce for this, just some things you notice. For one, Marines don’t salute Biden. This is very much against the character of United States Marines, as saluting the office is who they are. The military flags are not in the Oval Office, which is curious if Biden is supposed to be Commander in Chief.
I’ve actually been entertaining that very same thought.
I found myself just kind of overwhelmed with the weird Biden stuff (the plane not flying him to Andrews), the weird inauguration, all of the troops. It’s very difficult to make sense of.
If Americans are perplexed I’m sure that intel analysts in China are really wondering what’s going on.
This would presume that Trump is still doing something, and what exactly would they be doing?
It also presumes some kind of quashing of cabal to keep them quiet.
The whole thing is really strange.
Not so bizarre – makes sense. My gut remains Trump won and a mil intel analysis would reach that same conclusion. From there on, the military met its obligation to protect the constitution and country. China is self-evidently our primary nation-state enemy and the China Flu an act of war. Neither China or the US wants a hot war so both are going at an undeclared cold war. Biden/Harris et al are playing out their Fifth Column roles and retain some level of confidence their side will prevail. Trump/Q/Mil Intel are in the fight hard, working on tipping the scales while protecting innocent American lives. At some point one side will capitulate. I expect that it will be China. Cabal/Israel will be a very visible enemy by then and will deflect somewhat for China – allowing China a strategic retreat. That weakening however will diminish China and include worldwide embargoes that may finally bring internal disruption and an opening for Taiwanese succession.
Excellent supposition. If true, it would explain a whole lot. But allowing the EOs which are essentially gutting the American economy are still not explained by this theory. Thus, if there is a “Real” President in the shadows how do you explain the ultradestructive Executive Orders being implemented?
What matters is what is happening on the ground. Are these EO’s being followed by the rank-and-file. And, is what being followed just there for cosmetic reasons.
“What matters is what is happening on the ground. Are these EO’s being followed by the rank-and-file. And, is what being followed just there for cosmetic reasons.”
map, excellent questions. Fog of war. And, still, 45 keeping his cards close to the vest. Pretty much all we are doing here at AC is a combo of guessing and searching for a needle in a haystack.
Certainly blows away the bullshit narrative about the F-16 “crashing” and the other military “crashes” since around the election.
Read the comments:
A U.S. Army major assigned to the U.S. Army Cyber Command at Fort Gordon, Ga., has been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for producing child pornography. “Could have been a Cabal agent running Cabal underaged honeypot/pedophile operations from inside Cyber command.”
That tells you how many real warriors they let raise to that elevated grade and assignment, like none, because you pull that pedo shit at the sharp end you probably take the dirt nap pretty quick.
Not that there ain’t pedo’s at the light infantry combat end, but there’s lot of warriors with family and live by Christian codes. Different world. It seems plainly evident the purge underway among the cadre at the enlisted and non-com level, is to fully turn the Army at least, with controlled air cargo assets, into a third world shithole child trafficking conduit asset.
I think its been the case for a long time, only it was highly specialized and restricted to control by State and intell assets, with pedo NGO fronts, why there where till Trump closed down hundreds of collection points, manned by cabal child traffickers, and cover installations to hide they are source points. Thats a lot of babies and kids hoovered up into globo=pedo’s supply system.
Really makes me wonder how many kids and children are these shitstains using and eventually dumpomg into planned genocide’s human meatgrinder and organlegging operation.
Always figured since stem cell and all the tissue/organ medical technology has advanced since advent of stem cell research, human trafficking has become the most profitable form of trafficking, surpassing drugs and arms trafficking, when all the “marketing” uses a baby and a child is good for along the entire route of the elites conduit.
Its really no wonder cabal and the network is such a secretive machine, the imperatives are beyond good folks grasp of “normal” evil, those inside the network know once one of theirs rats everyone out successfully everyone’s ass is grass, its the ultimate dirty all hands unity.
So which is worse, consequences of complying with the blackmail, or willingly becoming part of the network where you want inside and its pedo perks etc no blackmail required, refusing to comply such as Patterson, or the consequences of the machine revealed? Have to ask how much blackmail is actually required, just being in the network itself has a kind of built in blackmail all its self. Once your in, even at the lowest gangstalker level you never get out. Way more effective than the Marxist/Leninist Soviet Nomenklatura terror, far more insidious than Marxist/Maoist cultural terror, may be what we they got is a superannuated hybrid of both with even more fiendish depths of depravity, new heights of auto-degenerative dynamics within the in-group, kind of a super MGO human hybrid strain of r/?
There’s answers out there someplace why at least a quarter of the 1st world is increasingly coming unhinged, their collective insanity has no recognizable natural origins that account for how fucked up everything is. Not that this collectivist insanity is new, its the numbers involved, and it just don’t seem natural.
May be the whole gaslight bullshit tale about lemmings is allegory; its not that the lemming concept isn’t factual, its that so much perception was shaped and effected by the made up false idea lemmings acted in mass self extinction events in large and larger numbers when resources are abundant, in their race to the sea.
Something must explain the collectivists increasing in every aspect, which logically should lead to some level of reveal about cabal and its machine.
These things all strike me as part and parcel. The whole pedo/child trafficking aspect is integral to the machine, its central in important ways. Goes way beyond blackmail and lucre. Like a central pillar of some kind. Its certainly dark and evil enough to fit into the machine. Its rampant from the lowest to the highest actor, crosses all class structure boundaries inside the machine, like some kind of cabal currency within the machine’s operations. The facts of its blackmail power alone is instructive. Extrapolate from there. Can’t imagine how its not a machine liability also, in direct proportion to its inherent control features. And as an insight, take Dominion and the whole election coup operation, kind of lean back squint your eyes, there’s all sorts of similarities, elements in common, with how the child trafficking system is run. Its something else too, what cabal does, what they are, they weaponize all the things. The Clinton syndicate is a perfect example, from the moment they usurped power of the throne of power, what did they do? Weaponize everything. This garnered their regime every kind of lucre and power unattainable other ways, set the foundation for everything, or rather the continuation of a new era in control and wealth transfer in the strip mining of America’s wealth and riches.
Without child trafficking would it be possible for the Clinton regime to lay the ground work for pedo=joe to be the machines sock puppet? And was not the pantsuit in 2016 intended to fulfill the
that purpose, and does it not strike you how the machine presently working a feverous state trying to shove 5 years of total fucking cabal collectivist bullshit agenda into a 6 month box?
The blatant overt nature of the acts of treason, really serious high crimes, unmistakable blackmail power to make anyone perform like trained seals no matter how obvious and outright open the lies and falsities, the Potemkin theater at every level of government and corporate Amerika.
Isnt it all, predicated, balanced, on the weaponized depravity of the child trafficking of the pedo=elite?
Mycroft Jones says:
February 10, 2021 at 2:27 pm
Alexander the Great was descended from Spartan kings. Why would he attack his homeland? His genealogy is an interesting read; the Spartan kings go back to Esau brother of Israel, and the historian Josephus records them acknowledging this relationship.
Why? Really? Are you fucking serious?
Regicide is a tyrants time honored fast track to power.
Why do all men who seek absolute power do what they do?
And since when did bloodlines stop any of them?
Or being a citizen of a republic for that matter?
With whats going down in our republic and the traitors in our midsts, your asking me that?
You can’t tell me you know classic history, and turn around have a cognitive dissonant brain fart like that, unless your trying to shitstir something. Like a shill does?
How come your not adding something positive or beneficial, to the discussion or unifying support for the truth good folks have sovereign power and natural rights and the dignity to assure the survival of freedom?
And why if your such a learned guy, you ain’t writing about it on your own druthers first, instead of making subtly misleading comments on my thoughtful effort to express insights into the most important issue of our times? Makes no sense but its got that chickenshit smell to it is what its got dude.
Like maybe the idea some good folks might rise up and throw off the tyranny breathing down their throats is something you do not approve of, mmm? Or overlords you serve maybe?
Like your one of “them”, the network?
Like your comment has nothing to do with correct interpretation and opinion of critical Western history, it has to do with controlling others opinions, as in, a subtle gaslight to discredit what I wrote in others eyes who read it so they may turn away in distaste?
Its got that classic gamma troll grift of passive aggressive censorship.
And lends credence to every reason to resist any tyranny no matter its form or person.
What do you say lets have a discussion in constructive ways upon which we may extricate ourselves from everything going down the crapper and restoring the republic and our people to a state of rightful ordered liberty?
What say you?
You typify American boomer pride. Pride at their founding, when the laws of my Father in heaven were cast aside, in place of the devil’s ‘freedoms and rights to happiness and whatever religion they wanted’. So, a theocracy (England), prospered for 1100+ years under God’s laws, whereas America has been an Empire of Chaos and Liberty, run by the sons of Satan, ever since its inception.
It has got what it deserved, and now its days are numbered. America IS Laodicea, lukewarm faith, coupled with ZERO obedience to my Father’s laws.
No Sabbaths, no holy feast days, no obedience to dietary laws, you allow divorce, sodomy, usury, adultery, idolatry, to name a few. You all need to repent with great urgency, as my Father is about to spew out the lukewarm believers.
The first shall be last. You have less than 12 years until the day of wrath of Yehovah God and the return of the Lord Jesus. Famine, plagues, wars and worse lie ahead for your nation. Take my counsel, you are not rich, repent TODAY.
Phelps says:
February 10, 2021 at 12:28 pm
That is a non-trivial theory that is circulating.
Yes. But the implications seems are what’s at the heart of such a clown show.
I mean, whats the point other than the obvious attempts to discredit TGE? Which is pretty old hat, and with every attempt they make, serves to further cement Trump’s legitimacy at least in those who believe in Mr. Trump. Much to the antagonists discredit.
These clowns always have multiple purposes and motives in everything.
Farcesensitive says:
February 10, 2021 at 4:26 am
It is my great pleasure to announce that libertyauthors has a new domain and domain owner, everything has been moved and all accounts are exactly as they were so nobody who joined has to do anything but come to the new site:
If you don’t care my asking, whats your forum about? Nice title. A writers guild or forum?
It is a politics and literature forum.
We have managed to get a few writers already and hope to get more along with publishers etc.
Soon we will add a publicly viewable Featured Books section where we will post links to AC’s books along with those of other writers.
Former Capitol Police Chief Blows Hole in Dems Case Against Trump
Former DC Capitol police chief wrote a letter to Nancy Pelosi that directly refutes the claim that President Trump caused the insurrection.
Phelps says:
February 10, 2021 at 12:44 pm
Bizarre theory that came to me. It fits, but it’s so audacious that I have to discount it heavily. I put this at like a 1:50 chance.
What if we’ve been at war (officially) with China since October or so?
Thats a good question, been asking myself it too. What I can figure out, we probably been at war with them in earnest since the Vietnam war. Once the commies got their people infiltrated throughout the institutions to wage the war of hearts and minds, shape public opinion about America’s involvement to their benefit, like in the yellow media and academia, they changed up from fighting us in Asia to fighting us period. They simply had the comintern assets already in place by that time.
“Protracted Struggle” is the long game, not part of, its is the strategy of the Maoist long march.
All the ism’s can operate in unity. Their first rule is call all who will come, deal with threats posed later after their usefulness is over. Its pretty SOP. Take the Viet Cong and NLF, most ended up dead or in the gulag within hours or days after the South lost.
Whats the difference in the long run between Marxist/Leninist Russians and Marxist/Maoist Chinese, they are all after the same thing ultimately? They both infiltrated our country top down inside out, still infest central America from the cominyern actions from the 1950’s-1960’s so they must have set up a network. Obama is a prodigy of those red diaper babies, John Marshal Davis, Muslim Brotherhood and Malcolm X, Che and Castro, Ayers and his wife Bernadine, obama’s mother and her folks, its a whose who list, they all worked together, part of the ground work for the radical chic left that developed in the 60’s, look no further than Holder and Sunstein. Wouldnt be surprised after all, Barr is a closet chicom. Brennan and Clapper are chicom assets. Imagine how many glowies are.
Be pretty difficult to find ways to deny the chicom’s did not have their hand in it in key places. Then add 50 years for it to fester and bear rotten fruit. Under the labels, a commie is a commie. Only large differences some have TV video camera’s, a pen and a phone, some have riot masks and Molotov Cocktails and or AK’s.
Writing about this back in 2006-2009 got me the personal treatment. Befire 2009, you could research all this history, much was from the 30’s up to the 70’s, a gold mine of history. It wasa memory holed by the end of 2009 almost to the last letter and period.
Was on Wilkipedia in the morning doing research of the Nomenklatura, by 1pm when I refreshed the window the entire wiki page was scrubbed clean of the original authors page construction entries and in its place was cultural marxist politically correct non reference pablum.
Ya need a pretty vast network of bodies to provide that kind of labor for this task. And like pedo=joe sock puppet, before the lightbringer was anointed, it was patently obvious there was massive pre-planning and prepositioning of resources to accomplish this monumental task of historical revisionism in months instead of years.
So yeah like AC keeps saying, the machine is larger than we can grasp, there’s no reference for it in history. Its incomprehensible by all standards we know. The size of the evil involved has to be beyond all previous scope and scale. That in itself is incomprehensible, never mind what its accomplished and is now attempting.
We best figure out how to comprehend it. Or its lights out for freedom. For millions of us good folks. Thats where this commie shit always ends up if its not stopped.
Somebody named Rothschilds was quoted a while back saying,
“Let me control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”
The #1 node of Communist control is control of elementary education (ages 4 to 12).
Thus Ralph Jones says,
“Let me control a nation’s elementary education and I care not who makes its laws, controls its money, controls its law enforcement, or even its judiciary.”
“Education is a very powerful weapon in the hands of he who controls it.”
– Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin aka Generalissimo Stalin
Sometimes winning a war seems so simple that it is too easy. But destroying the Communist Schools will not be an easy task because so many see it as innocuous. But delegitimizing American Communist Schools will be the single most devastating blow to World Communism aka Zionism aka Progressivism, etc.
Be me…
I’m watching an announcement of a CEO change at a company.
Announcement comes out of nowhere and was done without any statement from the former CEO.
New CEO is on video town hall to talk about future direction. (Wasn’t live from what I can tell).
New CEO obviously looks like he is reading a prepared script.
New CEO has massive hooded eyes (Cabal-sense tingles).
Start scanning his home office for reference points.
Weird painting or some shit on back wall.
No books immediately recognizable.
DING DING —–> There’s a FUCKING OWL STATUE looking out the window of his home office.
Go to google and search executive.
Ah yes, the typical cabal resume: Board of Directors of blah (check), World organization bullshit (check), etc. etc.
The whole fucking system is utterly rigged.
Still no reason why the former CEO stepped down (retired).
que lastima