News Briefs – 02/09/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Stolen from the comments, click for full size:

Bill Binney, again interviewed by Bill Still, promoting a computer analysis system he has come up with using his experience at NSA, which was legally vetted and judged brilliant by Judge Andrew Napolitano, which would uncover government corruption automatically and report it to multiple entities, so it could not be hidden. It sounds like an automated search algorithm for uncovering behaviors associated with corruption and reporting them in an automated fashion to several oversight entities, so they will be investigated and cleaned out before the institutional rot is able to take hold and begin protecting itself. Bill wants people to help bring it to the attention of Trump and company. It would be awesome if Trump had Tulsi bring Bill on board as a technical advisor, as it sounds like her weakness will be understanding the technical aspects of intelligence collection, and she could use a relentlessly honest patriot to advise her. It would be nice if Trump could set Bill up in the White House with a room too, so he might be able to escape his beaming, though I do not know if that is possible. Bill is having a rough time of it.

Elon Musk says he was told Friday, before a judge cut off his access to Treasury data, that there is $100 billion in entitlement payments which the Treasury is making to individuals who have no social security number, or even a temporary ID number. The tweet:

Reminder – under Hillary Clinton the State Department just lost track of $6 billion. It fell in the couch cushions or something. I am sure it will turn up in a couple of years, honestly misplaced., alongside the missing trillions the Pentagon never got to find after 9/11 curtailed the audit.

Congress illegally spent at least $516 billion in 2024 on programs for which there was no authorization.

A bunch of graduate students looked at the finances of the US going back, and say there is $21 trillion which they found, which seems to have just evaporated over the years.

Musk’s access to payment systems is ‘the single greatest threat risk,’ Treasury assessment says. A division of the Treasury which is supposed to safeguard the system produced and emailed the assessment, which of course is one of the first things an intelligence operation will look to compromise, so it can begin to move more freely. You would think the orders of an elected President would carry some weight, and the cogs in the machine would obey him but apparently not.

Bill Gates secretly given $30 million from USAID since 2012 to push population reduction agenda.

The pressure on traitors and pedo-blackmailers grows:

The Empire Strikes Back:

In 2021, USAID’s top contractor was Chemonics, with $560.4 million in contracts. Its founder said in an interview he formed it because he always wanted his own CIA. (A good article on how USAID is basically a front for CIA to hire contractors.) The company had a major hack of its email system in 2021, which you have to wonder, was that Trump’s operation poking around and gathering intel for what we are seeing today?

Director of the Office of Management and Budget is shutting the spigot on Elizabeth Warren’s pet project:

Government worker says 19-year-old DOGE employees are having 15 minute interviews with federal employees to “justify their existence” before determining if they should be fired. So it is just like Office Space, only the consultants are kid-geniuses? Excellent script-writing. So good.

Putin knew about USAID funding journalists around the world long before we did, and explained it to Tucker Carlson.

There are rumors Musk has bought $40 million in Superbowl ads which are designed to explain the fraud he has discovered so far in the government. Totally unconfirmed, though the rumors are all over X, and you think he would have seen them and said no, rather than let his fans be disappointed. That would be the kind of brilliant move I could see Trump arranging. If it proves to be true, think how early they had to buy those ads, and how they had to know the fraud would be found way back then. This is not all happening extemporaneously.

“Samantha Power was sworn in as Administrator of USAID on May 3, 2021 – Her financial disclosure filed in Jan 2021 showed her assets were estimated at $6.7 million to $16.5 million – Today, in 2024, her net worth is estimated at up to $30 million “How does a government job multiply wealth like that?”

Former U.S. Agency for International Development official alleged the USAID concealed its activities from President Donald Trump during his first term, including humanitarian operations in Syria dating back to the Obama administration.

DOGE probes CFPB as Musk paints a grim picture for the agency.

Was there an agency which did not have torrents of taypayer dollars flowing out of it into Cabal bank accounts (To be laundered up to Cabal Management), in return for services that destroyed America?:

$10M in taxpayer funds spent creating transgender animals.

“Our Democracy”:

Red State AG reveals “highly suspicious” alleged money laundering activity via leftist fundraising giant ActBlue. I wonder if this script is now going to draw together the ActBlue laundering scam with the pilfered funds from the government. Because stolen government money has to enter the financial ecosystem somehow, and the government has been busy developing all sorts of triggers and tripwires to set off laundering investigations. I could see the politicians saying there could be no tripwires or triggers around the political contribution realm, thereby allowing Cabal to insert the money into the financial system using its political machinery, while preventing any other organization from laundering illicit cash.

Article on Trump demanding the information on his assassins here.

Looks like Mike Flynn, Lara Logan, and Tracy Diaz, AKA Tracy Beanz were all getting USAID money, according to this graphic from Q’s board:

Even a big name like Flynn, with his CV, known to everyone, cannot make money in this sector, without latching on to some corrupt government teat. The only way I could make this profitable, would be to gain your trust and then lie to you, to help the raid on the Treasury, and then the raiders might drop some coins at my feet as they make off with their bags of taxpayer money. But more and more, it looks like there really is no honest way to make this profitable. And yet for decades, we saw Sam Donaldson get $2 million per year, Peter Jennings get $8 million per year, we were told Matt Drudge was making $25 million per year, just off display advertising, Ann Coulter, Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Streamers, Youtubers, podcasters, and on and on, we were told they were all making millions, because of advertising and subscriptions, and so on. Look out there now, and I would bet, from Jack Posobiec to Ben Shapiro, those dollars flowing to them, began their journey in a taxpayer’s pocket, and were diverted out of government by the people stealing from it.

This year, US national debt is set to approach 100% of GDP, up from 36% in 2005.

Disgraced ex-FBI official Peter Strzok’s wife Melissa Hodgman has left her top enforcement job at the SEC.

New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg join the new group of eight Democrat foes Trump plans to punish by revoking any access to classified information and barring their entry to federal facilities. No more visiting US Attorney offices, FBI offices, Correctional facilities, many courthouses, or other federal buildings.

A careful examination of New York Attorney General Letitia James financial disclosures shows she inflated the value of her assets in order to get mortgages on various commercial properties – EXACTLY what she falsely accused President Trump of doing.

An Arizona state lawmaker is accusing Governor Katie Hobbs of planning to spend federal money, that is supposed to be helping “Arizona water security,’ on political subsidies/payoffs and increased surveillance.

Trump is too funny. We are so back:

Justin Trudeau caught on hot mic reportedly saying Trump’s talk of making Canada a U.S. state is “a real thing.”

Taiwan’s military has reported a record six Chinese balloons floating near Taiwan in a 24-hour period and 1 balloon passed directly over Taiwan.

Jimmy Saville’s home in the Scottish Highlands on fire.

Far-Right leaders rally in Spain to ‘Make Europe Great Again.’

Apple ordered to provide UK gov’t access to all user data on the cloud. No offense to our UK-bros here, but that UK government is a real bunch of class-A shitbags.

Reform UK bearing down on Labour as voters back harder line on migration.

Another key Donbass town captured by Russia as pressure grows on Zelensky.

Explosive-laden goggles sent to Russian FPV drone operators. FPV is first person view, and it is when you wear VR goggles which show you what the drone is seeing so it feels liek you are flying a plane. Russians discovered them in transit, before losing anybody.

How Silk Road drug kingpin Ross Ulbricht could reclaim $6.5B worth of Bitcoin after being pardoned by Trump.

Immigrants who were looking to enter the country illegally have turned back after President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration.

Trump doubles 60 Minutes lawsuit to seek $20 billion in “damages.”

Send people to, because the freedom you save will be your own

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1 month ago

184 comments in yesterday’s posting, wow!

Reply to  teotoon
1 month ago

People may have sensed a change in prevailing winds…

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  A
1 month ago

Siloing and data sabotage cost money. USAID is toast. Do the math.

1 month ago

This image and another I’ll put in the next post are not displaying correctly, I had to get a little tricky to make copies:

1 month ago

The Empire Strikes Back:

Aah, those nice Jewish faces, so obvious.

1 month ago

Second image that’s not displaying correctly:

1 month ago

Database errors are back at Ron Paul Forums.

1 month ago

I created an archive of this page:

Probably a good practice to create daily archives with several services.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 month ago

”This year, US national debt is set to approach 100% of GDP, up from 36% in 2005.”

Uhhhh … US 2024 GDP is estimated to be just shy of $30 Trillion, while national debt showing on the famous Debt Clock is over $36.4 Trillion. Even rounding GDP up to $30T puts the level of debt well above 120%, so someone is trying to blow sunshine up our asses.

And if you consider that more than half of US GDP is BS like advertising, legal, entertainment, and other emphemeral things like intellectual proprty rights, the picture is far grimmer.

1 month ago

No wordpress install screen today. But its a weekend.

We will find out in less than twelve hours, but Jim Stone ( a false flag attack and assassination of Trump at the Superbowl.

It makes sense, since the Trump team is pressing the Cabal hard now, and they have been trying to start a major war, and something like that would do both and destroy our morale. My thinking is that there is a major weapon, like the Beam, that they are developing and will unleash it and strike back whenever the tech is ready. But if the tech is ready now, this would be a good time to use it.

I think things will probably pass without incident, but I agree with Jim Stone that Trump has no business being at the Super Bowl. First, the Super Bowl is highly fake, and gay. Its a Cabal event, and Trump shouldn’t be associated with it. Second, now that he is pressing the Cabal, the threat of assassination is high enough that he should stick as much as possible to government buildings and installations, and his own properties, except for foreign trips and visits to disaster sites. He is not running for re-election and doesn’t need to do all the made for TV stuff. Starting with Reagan, presidents have kept doing all that because they were pretty much figureheads anyway.

Reply to  Ed
1 month ago

I got the WP Install problem earlier today.

Reply to  Ed
1 month ago

No false flag and they didn’t steal it for the Chiefs. I was told today that the NFL got busted fixing the Chiefs – Bills game and decided to let them play this one. Cabal response will be when the tech is ready and not tied to a calendar event. Trump still had no business there.

Reply to  Ed
1 month ago

Vox Day says they tried and failed to steal it.

English Tom
English Tom
1 month ago

You are so correct in describing the UK government as a bunch of class A shitbags. Sadly, the conservatives aren’t much different. They are a bunch of treasonous rats.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  English Tom
1 month ago

You have my profoundest sympathies.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 month ago

Thank you brother.

Reply to  English Tom
1 month ago

Conservatives ceased to be conservative when Cameron denied local associations the ability to choose their own candidate.

As with the Soviet Union, they were only permitted to choose an “Approved Candidate”.

1 month ago

> Congress illegally spent at least $516 billion in 2024 on programs for which there was no authorization.—That’s why we’re $36 trillion in debt.
We need to find the people who got that money, remove what’s left from them, confiscate all their property, and put them to work on restitution. I don’t care if they do stoop labor, sell kidneys, or we just sell them to Mali as slaves.
They flat-out *stole* from us. And Congress was complicit every step of the way.
We’re gonna need more wood chippers.

Last edited 1 month ago by TRX
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

“We’re gonna need more wood chippers.”

Nah, the Mali thing you proposed is way better.

Last edited 1 month ago by Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

Exactly, if there isn’t a massive wealth redistribution after the purge it was all fake.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

Kim Clement predicted Bill Gates wealth will be redistributed.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

1 month ago

It sounds like an automated search algorithm for uncovering behaviors associated with corruption and reporting them in an automated fashion to several oversight entities, so they will be investigated and cleaned out before the institutional rot is able to take hold and begin protecting itself

I’ve used some similar systems in the legal world. The greatest thing is that you train it by giving it tons of info — both legitimate behavior and the corruption — and then give it feedback on its results. Every time you investigate and feed it back in, crime or innocent, it gets better.
Not only that, it’s a Bayesian statistical system, so it’s not looking for a particular method of corruption. It’s identifying the way corrupt actors behave. Coming up with a new method doesn’t cool it, because it is recognizing the statistical way fraud looks.

Reply to  phelps
1 month ago

For a very simplistic example of that, one of the old-school algorithms used to look for credit card fraud was to look for a small charge – usually under $10 – at some place you never used the card before, followed by a much larger purchase within a few hours.

Credit card thieves would often test a card number to make sure it worked before using or selling the number. I expect they use more sophisicated algorithms now.

Reply to  phelps
1 month ago

I wonder if you can get away with it by just not behaving how other corrupt actors behave.

Reply to  kid
1 month ago

If you mean not bring corrupt, sure.

1 month ago

> Explosive-laden goggles sent to Russian FPV drone operators. 

Someone learned from Mossad’s “exploding pagers” trick.

Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

Implication is Cabal Agents inside the Russian military and Logistics chain.

Seems the modification was fairly rudimentary. Use of 3D Printers is a fairly basic approach. They are either caught or learn & evolve

1 month ago

> Musk’s access to payment systems is ‘the single greatest threat risk,’ Treasury assessment says. 

Yep, 100% accurate. Musk is a serious threat to the criminals who have been looting us since… well, maybe the Musketeers will find out how long. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if it went all the way back to 1789.

Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

1913 at the latest.

1 month ago
Last edited 1 month ago by TRX
1 month ago

Even the wife noticed how peaceful the drive to church was, no one impeding traffic, pulling out in our way, and jamming up lights with excess traffic.
Funny how that happens right when USAID gets defunded, huh?

Reply to  phelps
1 month ago

I’ve noticed a decrease in traffic in my area as well. I compared notes with a friend, who said a 7/11 in his area that is known for day laborers suddenly has none. He said it’s a beautiful thing.

I’m expecting the Pentagon/DoD audit to find more slush funds. I can’t wait to see what comes out of that.

Reply to  phelps
1 month ago

Was in NYC Monday. Noticeable improvement in the area.

Reply to  phelps
1 month ago

Traffic – both highway and in stores – has been *way* down in my area compared to the old usual. Enough that I initially thought I’d missed a major holiday.

1 month ago

> Chemonics

They’re a corporation. Theoretically their owners can hide behind lawyers and shell companies, but there should be enough information from their SEC filings and quarterly tax returns to identify who is running them.

If nothing else, the IRS is *supposed* to know where every payment they make goes, for salaries and dividends.

We’ll know how crooked Chemonics is by how hard the Fed works to shield them.

1 month ago

> There are rumors Musk has bought $40 million in Superbowl ads which are designed to explain the fraud he has discovered so far in the government. 

Musk doesn’t even have to pay for it. That would be a public service announcement, and DJT can authorize that from any of several funds under Presidential control.

Of course, the Super Bowl is famously Leftist, and has denied advertising space to pro-gun and non-Left advertisers.

1 month ago

> Government worker says 19-year-old DOGE employees are having 15 minute interviews with federal employees to “justify their existence” before determining if they should be fired. 

It’s an ongoing thing in the Real World(tm). A corporation over-spends and gets corporate indigestion, so they hire some outside guns to come in and make a “reduction” in the workforce. I’ve been on the receiving end of that a couple of times.

There are probably some borderline panic attacks as the bureaucrats realize their jobs-for-life just went bye-bye.

Well, maybe they can get on at a mine when DJT gets around to taking the jackboot of the neck of the coal industry. “Learn to mine” is a solid skill, not like the Alice-in-Wonderland “running hard just to stay in place” of “learning to code.”

On the other hand, somehow I think there might just be a teensy amount of bias and prejudice against former Feds in those mining companies. Might not be so easy to get a job there.

Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

There should be panic attacks. They have been indulging in theft, subversion and treason.

1 month ago

> An Arizona state lawmaker is accusing Governor Katie Hobbs of planning to spend federal money, that is supposed to be helping “Arizona water security,’ on political subsidies/payoffs and increased surveillance.

Something we’ve had ground into our faces lately is, just because money is allocated for something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what it will be spent on. Or that anyone will get in trouble for misappropriating it.

Get an appropriation to buy prosthetic limbs for crippled children, then blow the money on a “fact finding mission” to ladyboy whorehouses in Thailand, no problemo! Nobody is ever going to follow up and make sure the money went where it was supposed to.

Well, until now…

1 month ago

> “Samantha Power was sworn in as Administrator of USAID on May 3, 2021 – Her financial disclosure filed in Jan 2021 showed her assets were estimated at $6.7 million to $16.5 million – Today, in 2024, her net worth is estimated at up to $30 million “How does a government job multiply wealth like that?”

Oh, no problem. Obviously she was taking financial advice from experts like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocrazio-Cortex, who have wisely invested their minimal salaries into just enough money to get by.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

I think the way they do this is extremely simple. Their broker bets both sides of any stock or trade and then moves the winning bet into their account. Someone else picks up the loss. That is what Hillary did. Remember she said she read the Wall Street Journal for I think it was cattle futures or something like that and a nice pile of cash.

1 month ago

> DOGE probes CFPB as Musk paints a grim picture for the agency.

It would be simpler to point out what agencies *aren’t* corrupt.


Well, I did want to give them the benefit of the doubt.

1 month ago

This alone will make the Super Bowl worth watching. We may see heads exploding on the left in real time – AT THE GAME. Maybe the NFL is will cancel the chowderhead(s) they’ve hired for the halftime show and just broadcast Elon running down the sweetest morsels on the Jumbotrons. EPIC.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
1 month ago

Jimmy is so vile! I saw hin in a pub in Glen Coe (probably the only one. Back in the nineties. Full of locals and hikers) and I knew where that cottage was, just outside Fort William. Modest place. Sad for the current owners. At the time the hole thing was surreal as I was hiking and fishing round there. I did not know then what I know now.

Glen Coe was famous for the 17th century massacre (genocide in todays parlance) of MacDonalds by the English aligned Campbells. You’ll notice in any research the Campbells have been dropped from the story and now just know as the “English Garrison”. The meaning of it all I don’t know but Jacobites eh.

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
1 month ago

A massacre is not genocide just as a battle is not a war.

1 month ago

Not sure if pic related is a real quote. Actually, its probably a paraphrase for sure. What I mean is it a real paraphrased thing that happened? Its a whistleblower testimony thing. So could be maybe not. Wouldn’t surprise me if its true because it tracks with how things seem to work. I wonder if Trump will end up needing to send the army into some of these black project sites to get any truth out of them like the quote suggests eisenhower threatened.

1 month ago

I propose a social media ‘raid’ on anyone opposing DOGE inspections to warrant the label of “Political Prostitute”.

1 month ago

Idaho Power Grant…related links.
Idaho Public Television (2013):
In the video, they admit cloud seeding has been going on since 1940’s.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
1 month ago

Even I, thought this business of them spraying stuff from planes was false but even the nuttiest ideas end up proving to be true. It’s astounding.

Just Me
Just Me
1 month ago

Can we PLEASE stop talking about DOGE putting an end to “wasteful” spending? Call it what it is: MONEY LAUNDERING.

Reply to  Just Me
1 month ago

“Well, there’s no reason to be hurtful about it. So they got caught. Isn’t that enough? Let’s all agree to just put our differences aside and get on with things.”

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Just Me
1 month ago

I don’t know what social media you are on (besides this forum), but over on Gab we are calling it “theft”. Which is faster to type than “money laundering”

1 month ago

“We have it all.”

1 month ago

AC, I have a theory I want to test out. We’ve discussed how we all had that one child who was overly excited about the Googolplex number in our lives.

I was talking to a friend tonight and discovered we’ve had a similar experience, and I want to know if other veterans have come across this. When you serve in the military, you’re supposed to do a total of 8 years between active duty and the Inactive Ready Reserve or IRR.

I enlisted at the end of my junior year of high school so I had a year of delayed enlistment, then I served 6 years, then I went in the Reserves for 3 years. But I’ve had recurring arguments with other veterans that I’m supposed to have done 4 years in the IRR. I explain I didn’t because I fulfilled that obligation, but they want to continue arguing with me that I had to do 4 years in IRR. I’ve never understood the point to that. They don’t win anything from it. My friend said he’s encountered that too. Have any other veterans here been put through that useless argument? Is this another variation of the Googolplex nerd?

1 month ago

alledged whistleblower describing what she thinks about how the cabal organizes itself into cells and levels.

1 month ago

> Jimmy Saville’s home in the Scottish Highlands on fire.

I was *sure* I had a violin around here somewhere…

On the other hand, it would be a good way to make sure there was no evidence against him in some unsuspected nook or cranny, and I’d be interested in what his insurance coverage looks like.

And it would be a good way to turn property into cash, which could be funneled offshore where Inland Revenue couldn’t get at it.

1 month ago

Trump Says He’ll Impose 25% Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum On Monday

1 month ago

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
1 month ago

The biggest, “you can be replaced” warning to the secret service ever.

1 month ago

Trump should take notes:
As early as 1198 Pope Innocent III had written to all Christian princes, including Richard of England, calling upon them to compel the remission of all usury demanded by Jews from Christians. This would render the Jewish community’s very existence impossible.
Oy Vey, we have to get real jobs!
Canon 68 states: Jews and Muslims shall wear a special dress to enable them to be distinguished from Christians so that no Christian shall come to marry them ignorant of who they are.[39] Canon 69 forbade “that Jews be given preferment in public office since this offers them the pretext to vent their wrath against the Christians.”[40] It assumes that Jews blaspheme Christ, and therefore, as it would be “too absurd for a blasphemer of Christ to exercise power over Christians”,[41] Jews should not be appointed to public offices.
Holy based Pope.

1 month ago

John Carter says we won. VoxDay says no.

To paraphrase Churchill. It is not the End. It is not even the beginning of the End, but it may be the End of the Beginning.

Cabal may have been wounded, but it is still dangerous.

1 month ago

Did recipients of USAID pay the required taxes?

There are plenty of crimes to prosecute, but Al Capone solution is a quick win