News Briefs – 02/09/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Disney To Lay Off 7,000 Employees

DFT – Turkish Stock Market Suspends Trading

DFT – Fed Officials Indicate Rates May Go Higher

DFT – US To Finance Mexican Wind Farms For Free

DFT – Surging Chinese Demand For Oil May Require OPEC Open The Spigot

Seymour Hersh explains how the US blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. A full blown act of war on Europe, and Russia.

Larry Elder says it’s ‘very likely’ he’s going to run for President in 2024 against Trump, claims he can help race relations – and believes America’s biggest domestic issue is children being born to unwed parents. He will try to pull blacks from Trump, and beat Trump up so if Trump hits back be can cry racisms. If they have a radio show, they are Cabal.

John Fetterman has been rushed to a DC hospital due to feeling lightheaded. Doctors fear he may have suffered another stroke. They cannot wait to install his wife, the Brazilian CIA legacy asset, in there. Just like AOC and Ilhan Omar.

Republican Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins told former Twitter executives to prepare to be arrested for alleged criminal interference in the 2020 elections during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter censorship Wednesday.

Former Twitter Exec Censor who banned Trump, Vijaya Gadde confirms she’s still on CISA’s Cyber Security Advisory Council. Overseeing the security of our elections.

FULL VIDEO: House Oversight Committee Holds Hearing with Former Twitter Executives. 2 hours and 40 minutes long.

Bizarre: Lights turn off during House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter-Hunter Biden Laptop.

“We have never had the electricity go out before,” House Oversight Chair Comer after the lights go out at the beginning of his hearing, forcing a pause.

Ron DeSantis refuses to ditch harmful Soros-funded ‘ERIC’ voter roll manipulation software in Florida.

James O’Keefe, the founder and chairman of Project Veritas, has taken a paid leave from the conservative nonprofit media organization as its board considers whether to remove him from his leadership position, according to current and former employees of the organization. Pfizer and Big Pharma don’t mess around, but you knew that from the Brandy Vaughn story. So a bunch of underlings all put together a memo of anecdotes at once and took them to the board, which immediately suspended him right after the Pfizer piece, which was one of his best. You see how they get him. He gets bullshit legal charges over a spoof video when he is just a kid (I would not be surprised one of his underlings was an agent sent in to get him to do that video, with guys dressed like phone company employees, so they could make a case against him). And now he has bills. And there is absolutely no way to monetize what he is doing no matter how many viewers he gets, since there are so many conservative outlets offering so much content for free, from Shapiro to National Review. In comes the angelic benefactor who hates the libs too, and wants to help and make it a job and pay his bills. And now he has a board, and people who can fire him from his own organization, and he probably has to hire the people donors ask them to hire. It is tough. That money they can throw at so many frauds like Shapiro to give all that free bullshit is why our side has so few who are really honest. There is so much free, there is no reason to pay anything.

New FBI HQ slated to  be twice the size of the Pentagon, and larger than the Kremlin.

Whistleblower reveals FBI tried to open criminal cases on 140 people just for taking bus to J6 rally. From the article: A recently retired FBI supervisory intelligence analyst told Congress in a whistleblower disclosure that agents in Boston were improperly pressured by Washington to open criminal cases on 140 people who had simply taken a bus ride to the Jan. 6 rally in Washington. The agents refused because there was no evidence the attendees engaged in any criminality, the whistleblower said. George Hill’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee also raised new civil liberty concerns about the FBI’s Jan. 6 probe, including whether the Bureau mined Americans’ bank records without court authority and whether the agency possesses video footage it is refusing to release because it identifies undercover agents and human sources who were at the U.S. Capitol that fateful day.

An intelligence analyst within the Richmond Field Office of the FBI released in a new finished intelligence product which identifies the threat of “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs and assesses with “high confidence” the FBI can mitigate the threat of Radical-Traditionalist Catholics by recruiting sources within the Catholic Church. Will they FBI be able to find sources to infiltrate who can pull off the cover of moral, decent human beings convincingly?

FBI whistleblower releases docs showing agency is surveilling ‘Radical’ Latin Mass Catholics.

Due to lack of funding & cost, the Biden admin is ending the use of most of Border Patrol’s vital surveillance blimps at the southern border, per CBP sources.

Anti-Trump RINO Rep. Nancy Mace said she now suffers from asthma and tremors following her second COVID shot. ‘Heart pain that no doctor can explain.’

Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were not protecting people from the virus from the start, calling them ‘Decidedly suboptimal.’

Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits the mRNA Covid vaccines hardly work and might not be approvable.

Higher infant mortality rates linked to higher number of vaccine doses, new study confirms.

Connecticut socialite, 54, walks free from jail after serving less than HALF of her one-year sentence for secretly filming nude children at her $10M seaside mansion. This was the one who appeared to set up some 14-16 year olds to have sex in her mansion, and she was filming it, but the whole thing got covered up super fast. Still what came out felt like Cabal-intel.

Inside the “Horned Up” office culture at ABC News “It felt like everybody was sleeping around,” says one former Good Morning America staffer. From the piece:

The women felt their sex lives factored into their career path in the intensely competitive newsroom. ABC News “rewarded the people that were either divas or adulterers,” the former GMA staffer says. “It was very frustrating because there were a lot of people that were doing good work.” Julie, a former ABC News staffer, puzzled over why she wasn’t advancing within the company despite having the qualifications. “I was like, What’s wrong with me?” she remembers thinking. But given the rumors she’d heard about some people who landed more senior roles, she wondered, “if I had slept with someone, would I have been more likely to have gotten one of these jobs?”

Media is a highly intel-controlled environment because it has to be. Intel is doing such weird shit, such outrageous shit, it needs to control the outlets that it would be revealed through. And you can see the degree of control. I can show you video of the reporter and the cameraman actually running zersetzung harassment surveillance operations on an entirely innocent citizen. So what I think you see above is even more about blackmail and control than anything else. When she was having sex in that guy’s office, I will guarantee you, 100% there were cameras in there, and that went in her file. And the promotions then flowed because they were controlled.

Always keep paramount in your mind, you are in the spy-game, and everything is about control. To a degree it is unnatural for us to imagine. I was thinking back, all the GATE kids are taken in a room, and they wheel out the hard cases with the earphones to test exactly what frequencies we can hear in each ear, they test hand-eye-reaction time with a visual screen with the button, the thing they put on our head, to test exactly what the angles were on our peripheral vision all around, they are even testing us for psychic ability with Zenner cards. Why would an elementary school need any of that data? And they did it to everyone in the program. But we couldn’t imagine any sort of conspiracy, or that intel was in there, targeting eight year olds. So there we were, trying to do as well as we could on the tests. And years later many are on 4Chan saying their lives are all derailed. Things are worse than most are able to imagine.

The Center Square got ahold of a secretly recorded video in which Chief Border Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez held a meeting with local law enforcement in Weslaco, Texas where she describes the administration’s plan to release illegal foreign nationals into the U.S. en masse when Title 42 ends. I think now the barbarians flooding into Rome at the end was not a weakening of Roman nationalism among the citizenry, but rather the internal intelligence apparatus bringing home the agents they originally recruited overseas to operate against foreign actors, so they could begin to join domestic Roman intelligence, working against the countrymen of the intelligence apparatus, whom intel had concluded were now their primary threat. I also suspect Cabal has some formula by which they profit off the fall of nations, and hence the cycle of building nations up, collapsing them, and moving to new nations to build up and collapse.

World’s tallest Holiday Inn booked solid by Eric Adams for NYC migrants.

Some migrants bussed to Canada already heading back to NYC, after finding all the wonderful free stuff New York told them was up there wasn’t there when they arrived.

President Biden, while still a senator for Delaware, introduced legislation to sunset all federal programs, including Social Security and Medicare, Fox News Digital has learned.

In a twist, Biden’s student loan relief proposal would encourage Americans to choose low-return majors, providing larger taxpayer subsidies to students who choose gender studies while requiring engineers to repay their loans in full.

Gov watchdog finds multiple ‘acting’ Biden admin officials in positions unlawfully.

New video shows mystery person running near scene of NJ Councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour’s murder. Nothing impressive, just a faint blob. Supposedly the shooter was seen talking to her before killing her. Of course she was under surveillance, so it did not go down without Cabal allowing it.

Second councilperson from N.J. shot to death within a weekRussell D. Heller, a councilman in Milford, a small borough in Hunterdon County, was fatally shot outside the PSE&G Somerset Central Division Headquarters in Franklin on Wednesday morning, officials said.

Illinois state lawmakers are pondering a bill that would force Chicago grocery stores, gas stations, banks and pawn shops to hire their own armed security guards to cover all hours they are open to the public.

San Fran’s reparations hearing is delayed for month after supervisor ‘gets stuck’ in Colombia on birthday vacation where he posted photo from Hooters. 4Chan had fun with this. Every black resident was set to get $2 million in reparations, but one brother forgot about the meeting because he was having too much fun gorging himself in Hooters and lookling at the boobies, and now it is all over.

Boston task force appoints Two black 11th graders and a BLM-supporting college student to decide how much money to pay black community in reparations.

Human CLONES purposely grown to give people ‘spare parts’ like hearts, lungs and livers could be the key to living forever, expert claims. Actually, all they might need is the blood.

Or not – Researchers discover promising ‘young blood’ anti-aging drug: An anti-inflammatory drug can rejuvenate the body and possibly increase the human lifespan by decades.

Disney+ Star Wars leans towards exploring Luke Skywalker’s LGBTQ identity.

Neanderthals lived in groups big enough to eat giant elephants. From the piece, it is a lot of meat to either eat fast or keep from spoiling – With sharp stone tools, they harvested up to 4 tons of flesh from each animal, according to a new study that is casting these ancient human relatives in a new light. The degree of organization required to carry out the butchery—and the sheer quantity of food it provided—suggests Neanderthals could form much larger social groups than previously thought.

A secret Russian satellite has broken apart in orbit, creating a cloud of debris that could last a century.  Broke apart? Or another act of war?

Austrian Colonel claims NATO soldiers are fighting in Ukraine as mercenaries.

BBC headline : Ukraine war: Borrowed time for Bakhmut as Russians close in.

The Russians have surrounded Bakhmut. 

Even the pro-Ukrainian Western media says Bakhmut is being defended by a brigade of Ukrainian moms, dads, bloggers and retirees. Against Wagner and Spetznaz. Surely that will go well.

The United Kingdom is expanding its training of Ukrainian forces to “fighter jet pilots”, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced Wednesday.

Addressing UK Parliament, Zelensky thanks country ‘in advance’ for warplanes.

Vox Day – Boris Johnson urges UK to offer ALL its fighter jets and tanks to Ukraine: Ex-PM says the ‘best use’ for military kit is battling Russia after Zelensky issues plea in emotional speech to MPs and peers.

Zelensky asks France and Germany for fighter jets. It will be so great when Putin ends this, and I don’t have this obnoxious little asshole in this feed.

Putin chillingly threatens ‘response’ if UK gives fighter jets to Ukraine. It would be an act of war, and not the first.

NBC, MSNBC staffers threaten walk-out amid layoffs.

Former President Donald Trump is ahead of his potential 2024 Republican challengers by double digits, a Tuesday Morning Consult survey found.

Donald Trump has posted a list of Republican lawmakers who he “strongly opposed and fought against” and who have since retired or are due to leave office.

Spread r/K Theory, because you have to give him credit – Trump does have a hitlist.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

NBC, MSNBC staffers threaten walk-out amid layoffs.

Goes to show how delusional the soy types are. I mean the company is looking to get rid of people so why make it easy for them? Troublemakers always get the boot first.

 Hell, I always keep a list of these types so whenever we have our periodic company-wide layoffs I can put their names in the pot. Eventually their number comes up. Right now I have the biggest Covidians in the que. Officially for other reasons of course: poor performance, etc.

I do confess that at one point I thought of loading up the company with these SJW’s types as retaliation for nose raping me every week but they did everything they could to avoid the mandates so I’ll refrain.

Retiring in a few years anyway so it may as well be pleasant instead surrounding myself with Karens.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

What is, “nose raping”?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Highangelhell
2 years ago

PCR test done by inserting a swab up the nose.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Highangelhell
2 years ago

The PCR test

2 years ago

> GOP Rep Threatens To Arrest Former Twitter Execs
Those with power would not pre-announce arrests
They would simply do it
More theater of the absurd

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Will the FBI be able to find sources to infiltrate [the Roman Catholic Church] who can pull off the cover of moral, decent human beings convincingly?</blockquote>
Now that is wit worthy of Mark Twain.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

The FBI will use the Jesuits to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church, just like the Jesuit Pope Francis was used to infiltrate the Papacy.

2 years ago

If Nato countries give fighters to Zelanaski, operated from Nato countries – Ukraine bases will be cratered – Russia will see it as an attack from, and by Nato.
Some saying “Send the Comet now” in response to these sight of satanic lunatics running the asylum.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Putin understands that any attack by NATO is merely an attack by the British Crown and the Vatican, as were WWI and WWII.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sure. Just like they expected us to react to them supplying North Korea and North Vietnam combat aircraft to fly against us to be taken as a direct attack by and from the Soviet Union. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

This is going to be a long one, so I’ll start with a TL;DR: I’m traveling and was likely a target of a honeypot operation. The rest is a breakdown for those interested.

At first, I thought she was naturally into this humble Macaque. I was flattered, but ignored her for the simple reason that she wasn’t really my type.

I was in an aisle seat and she was just next to me across the gap. I mean name all of the girl game stuff and it was there. You guys know the deal: Hair twirling toward me, feet pointed at me, mirroring my body language (including taking her jacket and sweater off right when I did), blatantly staring at me, “stretching her neck all directions” to stare at me more… She went to the bathroom 4 times in 4 hours but drank no water, ate nothing. Also, went to the single front bathroom all 4 times, never the 2 in the back. Every time she walked back it was like she was on a runway.

Out of the plane, I caught her stalking me. I could tell because I saw her beeline from the plane to the bathroom… A few seconds later, I saw her following me to the side behind me, which means she beelined from the bathroom to me. Stalking confirmed, I doubled-timed away…

The whole time, I didn’t get normal vibes from her… Everything seemed robotic and too calculated. And things felt too artificial from the beginning. I wasn’t immediately conscious of my gut feeling, but as I thought about it I realized that there were quite a few hallmarks that tipped my instincts off about this potential honeypot. I’ll list them below in detail for reference:

1) She positioned herself quite conspicuously to catch my eye… multiple times and in non-natural ways… BEFORE the flight. When I’m not occupied and in a public situation, I try to routinely scan my surroundings. I must have been fiddling with my phone when she sat or she must have taken advantage of it because the first time I saw her while scanning clockwise, she “appeared” just to my 2 o’clock, seated and facing away from me but head in profile. She then walked away from my sightline to the left, coming back from the same direction but toward me (runway type presentation) then beelining it back to the seat she was at before.

2) I noted a nervous energy in her as she was doing the runway walk toward me. Look, I’m not ugly, but I definitely don’t look like a movie star. I could understand a girl vibing with me in a situation of prolonged proximity, like at a cafe. I do have presence. But I highly doubt I’m “nervous at first sight” good looking. If I see that, it’s an automatic yellow flag for a couple of reasons. First, it may indicate that she’s impulsive and thinks with her hormones first. Maybe she was just hormonal or maybe I’m her type, so only a yellow flag, for further assessment. Second, it indicates that she might be an inexperienced Cabal lackey. But who knows, maybe I’ve been ridiculously good looking this whole time without my knowledge. The skeptical might be thinking I’m being too solipsistic and this girl probably wasn’t keyed into me at all. Except for this next point…

3) Now I need to mention that she was seated at one of the closest seats to the gate. The loudspeaker was quiet so I didn’t quite catch that I was up to board when it was first announced. So when I realized I was up, I immediately snapped up my things and powerwalked to the gate, passing the woman quickly. This was the first major point of suspicion for me: literally the moment I passed her, while she was still on my 2 o’clock, I saw her immediately register I was passing, snap her head up, stand up, and follow me all before she left my 4 o’clock. This must have only taken a second or less because I was walking very quickly. Of course, she coindicentally ended up at the aisle seat directly across from mine.

4) Lack of luggage. I caught this during her first “runway walk” at the terminal. It caught my attention because, it’s rare to see a young lady get on a plane with only a tiny purse (looked to me like an about 8″x6″ designer type rectangular leather piece worn with a long chain with leather woven through it) and a tiny white paper bag with a black handle (no logo and no clue if this is a standard bag from one of the shops or not). She might have been an experienced traveler (who knows), but most people bring something at least 10 liters, but I would say on average 25-35 liters. She was carrying 2-3 liters of stuff max. Unless she was hiding stuff in her clothes. Which brings me to…

5) What she was wearing. The first thing you’d notice would be her bright, cream-colored, highly flamboyant, very voluminous, furry jacket/fleece thing. Like she was wearing a mountain ram skin. I bet she could hide anything under there. But more so, it was very attention-getting. I’ve heard that my fellow Millennials can be into the whole airport fashion thing. In my view, she was being deliberately flamboyant. She was also wearing sunglasses the whole time, which increases the probability of honeypot just a bit more. Also, right as I took my jacket off she took off hers (part of the mirroring I was talking about), but turns out she had a thick sweater (neoprene-type designer piece it looked to me) and a long-sleeve underneath that. On her 3rd or 4th bathroom runway walk on the plane, she made sure to show me some midriff.

6) The way she was vibing/hitting on me was quite creepy to me. It did not feel natural, demure, or awkward. I know some women can be quite overtly sexual, but just because she acts like she prioritizes sex doesn’t mean that she’s creepy. But this girl wasn’t overtly sexual, just… creepy to me.

7) Of course, the stalking. This isn’t the first time I’ve been actively stalked by women multiple times) and I could sense it.

In conclusion, I think there was definitely a chance that this was a honeypot. Though individually, these details could have been coincidences, taken together, the possibility is undeniable, especially for an AC regular.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

this site just bugged out and repeatedly tried to get me to set up an admin account. On this site. Heads up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

A sidebar came up with language, which I assumed was yours so I clicked English, then it was trying to get me to set up an admin account with password and everything, either to over-write yours (same site) or be like a shadow account, so I’d check if you have other admins on your system. Just to look in your settings.
In proper news:
They’re pathologising purebloods, fyi. 
Refusal should ethically be the default, this defies the Nuremberg Code and is like Nazi tattoos with more paperwork.
I haven’t seen vox mention this? Did you know?
They wouldn’t use a MEDICAL CODE unless they wanted to use sectioning mental health law to rule us all functionally insane. Mental Health act in UK requires 2 docs sign off to section, I assume your country is similar but they need a diagnostic code, a prof of mine used to work in asylums and it’s laughably easy to get sectioned for doing literally nothing, there have been notorious psych experiments about normal people in asylums if you look.
The COVID-19 SPECIFIC code is actually Z28.310 but many online in comments are mis-reporting another more generic code (top link).

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

I just wrote in to say I think vaxxed agents are targeting purebloods, then I see this beauty of a post. That’s one explanation.
re 5, watch Anna Bey, a hooker who used to work out of London. She has videos on what to wear on a plane and her other vids are also great for spotting honeypots, who have no idea what men actually like. They also assume every man is autistic to feminine wiles, porn addicted and desperate for validation from women. Usually, they’re right on those counts sadly.
I’ve had men do similar to me re 6, and they feign interest in hobbies but lack the deep knowledge and spark of genuine love in the eyes. They assume you’ll drone on about it without their input, minus gentle prodding. It’s extremely creepy.
“So you like XYZ? I LOVE XYZ.”
“What did you think of (obscure plot point)?”
“Oh…. I must’ve missed that one.”

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

That was a trans woman. I worked in SF for years and that sounds just like what happened to me on numerous occasions. Good looking yes, and I’m not embarrassed to admit that I would not mind being seen with one but that is the limit.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
2 years ago

Definitely crossed my mind. Yet another reason to be extra careful.

2 years ago

A secret Russian satellite has broken apart in orbit, creating a cloud of debris that could last a century. Broke apart? Or another act of war?

Potential act of war, but from the Russians.
The Russians have been planning to operate without space assets. Without space, NATO is completely lost. Black Mountain covered it just a couple of weeks ago.
Alternative opinion: This won’t cause a Kessler cascade, but is intended to act as a warning shot that the Russians already have the assets in orbit to carry it out if the US crosses the red lines.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

This is an interesting idea. It might explain the problem with the spy balloon.

If the Chinese spy balloon is what the government claims, then why was it allowed to float across the US? Why was it not shot down when it first entered US airspace?

For that matter, why would the Chinese need balloons to spy when they have satellites?

If the balloon is just a weather balloon, then why the hysterical reaction to it entering US airspace?

For that matter, why would the Chinese need weather balloons when they have satellites?

If there is, however, a plan to engineer a Kessler cascade that takes out the satellite network, then suspending satellite equipment in a balloon is a doable project. Maybe the US was monitoring this as a feasibility test.

After all, the payload that the balloon carried looked like a satellite. This, btw, is probably why you are getting “flat earther” discrediting op posts here, where satellites do not orbit but are floated on balloons.

Jim Stone argues that the balloon is a distraction from the PVC train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. It may also be a distraction from the Pfizer exec and the sabotage of Nordstream by the US.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  map
2 years ago

It was allowed because Gen. Milley & Biden agreed to the payoff from the Chinese. These things are detected hundreds of miles away.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

The US space assets are the only reason we survive WW3 intact, according to Van Rensburg. They annihilate Russia. There’s no world where Russia and China both attack America where either makes it out intact, all the doom sayers to the contrary. America does not make it through this war as the greatest power on Earth. Bruised and bloodied, but still standing, leaving a power vacuum that apparently gets filled by Germany.

As for the British crown betraying America – our first enemy was the British crown. The phrase “double-cross” comes from the Union Jack because betrayal is something that can be counted on from the British crown.

The Van-Rensburg Prophecies Predict a Russian USA Nuclear War…Britain Betraying The USA!!!

Prophetic vision reveals World War III with Russia and China invading America[invade is the wrong word]

Nicolaas “Siener” van Rensburg Part 3 of 3

I keep seeing prophecies of a coming American golden age, but NONE of them mention America as a mighty military power. They ALL mention America as returning to a place of ministry and spreading the Gospel. In fact they say that our golden age is focused on spreading the Gospel, to the point that we make our own previous efforts at this look paltry, which is saying something as America has already put more Bibles and missionaries across the Earth than any combination of other nations.

2 years ago

I know a lot of folks like Project Veritas and James O’keefe. I did too until this latest escapade. I think everybody needs to wake and realize Project Veritas is comped too. Like Fox Mulder I wanted to believe too, but there are way too many problems with Project Veritas’ Pfizer reveal. I’ve done physician credentialing for 30 years. I knew there was something wrong when I saw the video. O’keefe did not do his due diligence. He did not verify Jordan Walker’s credentials. Jordan Walker did not appear to have ever worked for Pfizer, despite the phony documentation they keep waving in our faces. What Jordan Walker was is a consultant for Boston Consulting Group. Walker has two medical licenses, both recent applications, neither application completed, one a M.D., the other a radiology license with a specialty in cardiology. There is no evidence he has ever practiced medicine in the United States. It appears he has never applied for a national provider identifier number, and without one his opportunities to work in healthcare are severely limited. He is not a urologist as he claimed. Not only has he not done a fellowship in urology, it looks like he may have washed out at some point in med school. Just because you see a picture on the internet of some guy in a white jacket doesn’t make him a physician. It’s incredibly easy to fake photos and documents. Cui bono? Project Veritas raked in a couple of million after this escapade. I suspect one of two things are true here. Either Project Veritas is working with Pfizer to create plausible deniability when the masses find out the vaccine is causing sterility, or they are working with Pfizer’s competition to destroy Pfizer. One of Walker’s associates at BCG is a former Moderna employee. Before you trust anything coming out of Walker’s mouth or Project Veritas, consider this: BCG set the protocol for the pandemic including the use of Remdesivir with the blessings of the WEF. Why isn’t Project Veritas doing an exposé on Boston Consulting Group?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Your concern is noted.
For the rest of us, note that Pfizer did not deny that Walker worked for them. He has a very, very extensive net footprint. He did his residency at Mass General in Boston after graduating UT Southwestern.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If anyone wants to put their recent reading to use, pull up Atavisionary’s 25 Methods of Disinformation article from a few days ago and go to town on this above post.

Link for easy access:

AC warned us we would have disinfo bots and shills here, spotting them is the true skill. Why does this poster want to deflect away from Pfizer, harm the credibility of Veritas, and draw resource spending onto investigating some random third party so badly?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You get an A+ for concern trolling.

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, O’Keefe is being run out of his own company in a hostile takeover.

2 years ago

WOW! —I made the Front page of the Drudge Report!

FBI Memo Warns against ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’ | National Review

It adds that “RTCs are typically categorized by the rejection of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as a valid church council; disdain for most of the popes elected since Vatican II, particularly Pope Francis and Pope John Paul II; and frequent adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology. Radical-traditionalist Catholics compose a small minority of overall Roman Catholic adherents and are separate and distinct from ‘traditionalist Catholics’ who prefer the Traditional Latin Mass and pre-Vatican II teachings and traditions, without the more extremist ideological beliefs and violent rhetoric.”

That’s me! It is my work! The Tower of Babel, The Philosophy of Race and the Genocidal Ideology of Social Justice/Political Correctness The Many Forms of Genocide: Hard and Soft. 8th Rev. and my online book The Righteousness of White Supremacy

I’m going to be infuriating the Catholic bishops here in America!!!!!

Boy! Am I proud!!!!! To the Glory of God! Onward Christian Soldiers! ONWARDs and UPWARDs!

No wonder I’m banned everywhere! For the Glory of God and His Church! (even if they don’t want to!)

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Hey Brother, you sound like you’re ready to protest the Vatican too.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

The funny thing here is, is that I am the ONLY one out here that has written and published on White Supremacy and support it brazenly–there are NO other Catholics out there at all! They are all mamby-pampys out there. So the SPLC which has pushed this into the FBI are really drumming this up into something big, when it is only ONE guy, me! I assure you Michael Hoffman and E. Michael Jones are scardy-cats. So this thing is really, really strange.

Second—a big second, notice that FBI policy is all dictated to by the Southern Poverty Law Center which is ALL Jewish!

Who built this country? The Anglo-Saxon or the Jew?

But if you look at what the FBI and the US gov using the 101st Airborne division to enforce desegregation, one would think that America is a Jewish country and it is the Jews that dictate the values around here! But they do! The WASP has NO power in this country whatsofuckingever! The US Military takes orders from the Jews. The Jews control America and dictate to the Federal Bureaucracy what to do! The WASP has been removed from any influence in this country.

The Jews run this country! You are just a pipsquek—Shut up and pay your taxes so we can build our Jewish World Republic, goy!

The Jews have won. The European has lost. And I see absolutely NO way of turning things around. It ain’t happin’!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Jesuits and Jews are partnered to comprise the crypto-colonial government in the USA which is under the British Crown and its reliable adjunct, Vatican II.
That is the nature of the so-called “Special Relationship,” and is the source of the Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There is no British crown, they’re German. We don’t want them.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Buy why use the Jew’s smear term and then decry the fact that nobody supports it? “White Supremacy” just sounds nasty, like anyone who appreciates and supports his own heritage is a creep. People are conditioned to avoid that which has been smeared by the dirty stick of G*D’s Co-Pilots, you know. Besides, there’s not really any contest, is there? Against people who never invented the wheel and axel?
Isn’t the honest term, “in-group bond” or something like that?
That said, anyone who is not liberal at twenty, has no heart.
If you’re not conservative by thirty, you have no brains.
If you aren’t a Knot-Zee by forty, you haven’t been paying attention.
More people should read Leon Degrelle!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Do a deep dive and document how many slave owners were Jews. That would be entertaining.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

When a handful of parents becomes a threat to democracy you know you are just a hop skip and a jump from being accosted by a swat team. You wrote things, gasp.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

yep, and I used to publish studies about outbreeding depression, that’s why they shoahed my blog. Word was getting out that the mongrels have health problems especially mental health problems and they didn’t like that. Most of the genome codes for the brain so in proving mental health issues, it debunks the notion of Beige People hybrid vigour. Richard Kalergi was pushing race mixing because he was a European/Asian mongrel himself, and was likely infertile, had no children of his own (but the wives WERE fertile) and apparently offed himself (mental health issues?). They’re even more likely to be gay (Left wing admitted fact, like mental illness rates) so the mixing conservatives against gays and ‘gay marriage’ will get a shock when little Timmy likes other boys. But there’s a whole commandment about not adulterating your bloodline that they perverted in translations. If you look at the etymology, it doesn’t refer to having relations with someone who is married, it refers to bloodlines, up to and including that, since it mixes family lines. Mostly, the Bible warns of “strange” i.e. foreign women and there are stories of kings with foreign wives later enslaved by their gods and foreign ways. The Tower of Babel was multi-racial, that’s why it was multi-lingual. God hates the melting pot, there was a whole story about it. God said if a tree bears no fruit to chop it down and burn it, which makes the fertility issues of mongrels make a lot more sense. They also have a higher IVF failure rate when studied compared to pure white women, which angers ‘scientists’.
Well a Christian nation would have the death penalty for harming minors, committing adultery, blasphemy including Hollywood “art”, and a Jewish one would encourage those things but only among Christians. By their fruit, know them.
Honestly, I think if white people are dumb enough to promote the suicide of mixing out then we’re destined for oblivion. There’s only a few million of us (nubile) and BILLIONS of them. As Uncabob used to say, without Magic White Man, they’ll be doomed shortly after so that’s a small comfort. National IQ matters too. It also predicts GDP, as Wealth of Nations discusses. Typically mixers select from low IQ countries like India or Thailand, it should be illegal. Inbreeding is illegal for inbreeding depression at high proximity over several generations (Hapsburgs), but outbreeding depression should grounds for making that illegal too, and can happen in one generation. So either that happens or inbreeding is legalised, no way around it. Calling it now.
The controlled ops are full of cope, since it’s a great way to get white men to destroy themselves, either avoid all women with the gender war psyop or just white women with yet more anti-white racism they are conveniently blind to (it’s still self-loathing condemned by God). No pure white babies > no pure white men as a threat to Cultural Marxism. Men have less racial loyalty than women, as mixing rates are studied. The manosphere celebrates mixing, so another controlled op playing the long game. Our “Pathological Altruism” (there’ s a book by Prof Oakley) goes into all the research on self-destruction that’s common to whites, but doesn’t explain the racial slant. It’s a door stop of a tome.
Pic enclosed I found on 4chan explaining the problem:

2 years ago

I wish I could get specific, but 100% agree on the basic premise of this site. Many personal confirmations of formerly puzzling or simply unusual aspects of my life, including small details such as Playboy magazines (from a classmate) which, in retrospect, had a subtle but significant effect not worth discussing.

From the perspective of decades I can confirm that success is highly dependent on factors extrinsic to merit, and I am not talking about mere politics. It took me many, many years to realize that the mysterious reasons behind promotions and high level installations could only have a single possible reason, although a corollary understanding was that any institution needs people who actually know what they are doing. That is where you see highly intelligent people with integrity.
It makes total sense that the corrupt background has existed for all of human history. The technique is not hard to figure out, and the technique has become extraordinarily easier the past few decades. All you need are selfish, soulless assholes willing to do it. And there are plenty of those around everywhere at all times, with different degrees of talent.

The soulless asshole part is what makes the whole thing possible. Most people cannot even fathom the type. I dealt with soulless assholes all my life; I could easily fathom the type, I just could not until great maturity fathom that they would be influencing reality to any great degree.

But as a person reads history, even that is easy to fathom, and apply to present “reality.”

2 years ago

I’m sick of 2023 and it is only February. Six more weeks of BS?
Can’t wait for the unveiling, disclosure and wringing of hands. How many will heed the Come to Jesus moment and reevaluate their lives then opt to change for the better?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Don’t take this the wrong way, AC, but sometimes when I read these posts I get sick to my stomach. Maybe this is how Lot felt, living in Sodom every day.
In regards to hearing tests – the US military tests everyone. At least, they did when I was in OCS. Obviously there is a legit reason to do this, but at the same time it’s perfect cover for gathering data on everyone’s physical capabilities.
I breezed through the toughest class at OCS, the one that weeded out a lot of people who really wanted that commission. We all had to get psych evals from a Navy intel guy too. So they had an assessment of my hearing, my IQ, and the disposition of my personality. I was SO naive.

2 years ago

re: elephants/mammoths
One of the things I find unlikely is that hunter gatherers completely wiped out the millions of mammoths (and thousands of other species) in North America. Randall Carlson discusses the much more likely possibility (he has a youtube channel and pretty good podcast), in his opinion which he backs up well in my opinion, that some sort of meteor strike hit the ice sheets in Canada around 11-13 thousand years ago and that is what caused a bunch of extinctions world-wide at the time. Its called the quaternary extinction event, and was worldwide in scope rather than just north america although that was where it was worst. Also, the Clovis people’s were similarly wiped out like all of the animals.
So when they talk about how many mammoths ancient humanoids killed, I am always pretty skeptical that that happened much if at all. Typically I file it away under all the other more modern lies they put out. Why they don’t want us to understand actual history very well is another matter, but avoiding references to any sort of catastrophe around 12,000 years ago appears to be a high priority in the cabal playbook.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago


I thought it was called the Younger Dryas event? Anyway, there is an excellent 3 plus hours interview with Randall Carson and Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan show. It kept me enthralled. Highly recommended.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

Sorry I wasn’t clear, the younger dryas event coincided with the quaternary extinction event is what I meant.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

Graham Hancock just like Jordan Peterson Have too much of a liking for Hyauasca (Spelling?) To be taken too seriously.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

Rule 17
>Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can “argue” with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
So I guess we should argue about hyauasca now instead of the actual topic.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

The Younger Dryas was a time period (about 1000 years) — there were two Younger Dryas events. One started it, and one ended it. The Younger Dryas started over a period of two weeks to maybe 6 months max (an instant, geologically) and ended as quickly.
IIRC, Randall Carlson has pretty good evidence (although I might be confusing it with Robert Schoch) that at that time (maybe causal, maybe not) there was intense plasma discharges from the sun that made it deep into our atmo and maybe even to the surface.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

The Younger Dryas impact.

Graham Hancock’s “Ancient Apocalypse” series covers it quite well. It was on Netflix, but you can get it from the high seas if you look around. MSM attacked it for “white supremacy” because of course they did.

An alternate theory by Robert Schoch is huge solar outbursts.

Robert M. Schoch: Plasma, Solar Outbursts, and the End of the Last Ice Age (

All this stuff is resisted by “the mainstream” for two reasons.

They fear any flood myths because Bible, even though flood myths are as common as dirt around the worldCatastrophic climate change undermines the big bucks for climate “research”Everything is so corrupt and gay there’s really no coming back.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

That series is good, especially for the general public, but if you want the real meat and potatoes then you have to at least go read his books. But better than that even is randall carlson’s podcast which has something like 100 episodes which goes into very fine detail and cites the relevant studies.
I have personally experienced how “science” treats conclusions it doesn’t like, yet are fairly provable, when I was researching the topic of gender differences in intelligence. I have also seen similar trends with other topics I have more tangentially looked into.
The sad fact is that all this is a lot more controlled than is proper and it is likely plenty of other more far out topics, such as this one, are not as we are told.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

I’m skeptical of mainstream archeologists. They have been too wrong too many times for them to call someone else, such as Graham Hancock, a pseudo archeologist and conspiracy theorist. I’ve read some of his books and there is just enough obvious truth in them that I give him the benefit of the doubt. The fact that the sphinx shows water erosion and that the current pharaoh styled head has obviously been carved down from the original head disproves the traditional theory the sphinx was constructed at the same time as the great pyramids. I tend to think Hancock is onto something when he suggests nomadic post-apocalyptic humans stumbled onto the sphinx, a relic from before the great disaster, and settled there.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Should have kept reading, I was confusing Carlson with Schoch.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

They didn’t kill them off. They’re just elephants adapted for a harsher climate. They were wiped out by ice falling from the sky at the beginning of Noah’s flood, when the crust shattered and the underground water under immense pressure shot through all the way up into the stratosphere, which is how they were flash frozen well enough that in just the last two hundred years ivory hunters were able to dig them up in the arctic glaciers, thaw them out, and feed the dogs with the meat.

Dinosaurs are almost always found in the death pose with lots of broken bones. That because they were crushed by falling ice, but weren’t far enough North or South for the ice to remain frozen. Instead they got buried in sedimentary mud which became rock.

Neandertals were anti-antediluvian humans – adapted for the environment that produced dragonflies with three foot wingspans and lizards the size of a bus. They’re bigger, sturdier, with joints/bone structure/teeth/etc all adapted to last a life span measured in centuries instead of decades. Epigenetic changes caused by the new environment quickly made humans smaller and shorter lived, like all the other animals.

The text of Genesis makes reference to Noah planting a vineyard after the flood waters had receded, and then getting drunk off of the wine. It’s the first time drunkeness is mentioned in the text. I believe the reason is because the atmosphere was not only higher pressure but also higher in oxygen, meaning it wasn’t possible to get drunk before the flood. Just like that dragonfly with the three foot wingspan couldn’t actually achieve lift off in the thin atmosphere we have now.

It’s my supposition that tall mountains and deep oceans as we know them did not exist before the flood. Neither did earthquakes and maybe not even snow.

All of this happened within the last fifteen thousand years.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

people forget Darwin was a Christian and trying to explain strange Biblical events using selection pressures in events seen in biology. People just forget and go FOSSILS.
Natural selection certainly explains the reprobate mind.
I almost certainly agree with you on the climate thing, this is partially why the solar minima we’re in now is so damaging to crops. It’s almost unheard of in their evolution. That’s why Bill Gates is going on about blocking the Sun, he wants a famine. Something similar happened in the Regency era including a volcanic eruption during a Minima that if it happened today would be like an EMP, which we’re overdue by solar flare.
In Europe, a similar thing could happen as seen in discussions of this book “Cenozoic Volcanism in the Tyrrhenian Sea Region”. It talks about European weaknesses in the earth.
You might wanna pick up the Colour Atlas of Glacial Phenomena by Hambrey.
There’s also Earth: Portrait of a Planet,
Temporal Climatology and Anomalous Weather Analysis (useful to differentiate from HAARP activity).
Atlas of Bedforms in the Western Mediterranean,
Map Functions (Springer Geography),
Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry. (maybe)
Recently, the PDF by NASA called NASA Future of War Circa 2025 contains spoilers for the current situation. Discusses closing colleges due to online competition, up to self-replicating nanobots. Used term multi-polar world, years ago.
This paper explains our current problems with r-selection: The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection by Nyborg.
From the summary “The genotypic IQ decline will ruin the economic and social infrastructure needed for quality education, welfare, democracy and civilization. DRDS is currently unopposed politically, so existing fertility differentials may eventually lead to Western submission or civil resistance.”
^ I know people like Vox love to hate on Darwin but it’s a method of explanation, not a history. A book called The Sociology of Deviant Behaviour might also prove insightful re DRDS. This recent attempt to “correct” for DRDS with manmade pride and folly, is likely why the vaxx is a sterilizer, they would spin it as a national security issue later, intending to save people like Noah’s Ark.
There is also an r/k selection type paper explaining Empire Fall called “The Population Cycle Drives Human History – from a Eugenic Phase into a Dysgenic Phase and Eventual Collapse” by Weiss, Volkmar if you want some Fallen now is Babylon the Great – with added science. It discusses a “global collapse” that will destroy the mediocre or I guess, midwits and below. It explains the Malthusian push of the Freemasons to cull the global population and will be useful in taking them to trial, as the Guidestones they made (Masons>stones) predicted they would do it (pre-meditation proof).
Vaklov Schmill’s How the World Really Works discusses modern infrastructure flaws. Good for preppers. FYI.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

“…that some sort of meteor strike hit the ice sheets in Canada around 11-13 thousand years ago and that is what caused a bunch of extinctions…”

I can see that. I don’t dispute it, but I know of no reason for the spike in temperature, then cold, (Younger Dryas), then spike in temperature starting modern climate patterns. Why the double temperature rise? What did that? Why two spikes?

If I remember correctly the cycle of 90,000 years of cold, ice age, and around 10,000 of warm have been going on for 2 million years. This link says 1 million years but somewhere I read 2 million, I think.,000-year_problem

I have a very whacked, not even at the level of a theory, just an idea that appears to not be completely false. Based on a tiny sliver of different observations of others.

So people noticed that the outer corona of the Sun is far, far hotter than the lower levels and surmised the outer levels were huge electrical discharges(Sun flares). Makes sense. Fusion provides all sorts of radiation that could cause large charges. Now there was this guy, I can’t remember his name, only this little factoid. He watched the pictures from the satellites we have filming the Sun religiously. He happened to notice inside a Sunspot, cooler area, a large mountain type structure that when the satellites went around the Sun was the same structure on multiple sightings (hence him calling it a mountain). Now I thought that maybe what this is, is heavier elements that are made by the Sun that stick together easier than hydrogen, but they also are filled with hydrogen. A sponge. Like soap bubbles of heavier elements filled with hydrogen. These would heat up and rise to the top. These could be like electrical insulators. So these things build up in layers and as the charge builds higher and higher, because of the electrical insulation effects of the sponge, they eventually reach a large enough charge and it breaks the sponge insulator and large discharges happen. So…what if these sponge elements were continuously being made and after 10,000 years they covered the Sun such that it greatly reduced the Sun’s discharges leading to lower heat, leading to…Ice Ages.

Then over time charges would build up higher, and higher and higher, 90,000 years, until finally a big stupendous corona discharge breaks through, dumping all this charge in a vast electrical storm. If this happens to be pointing at the earth, it could create the “black mat” that covers North America, then. Total devastation. Then repeat every 100,000 years.

“…The YDIH adherents have argued that black mats hold the key evidence for their cometary impact theory…”


“…There definitely is a dramatic increase in the number and frequency of black mats throughout the Younger Dryas, but that’s not the only time in our geological history when black mats have occurred. Megafaunal extinctions were abrupt, but not that abrupt—the extinction period lasted several thousands of years…”

This fits the pattern of some sort of recurring event. Notice they say,”dramatic increase in the number and frequency”, so there were several, meaning less like one big comet event. And Tex Arcane noted that it appeared humans went underground way back, and there are tunnels all over. So these corona discharges could have been frequent until the Sun broke up the sponge layer and entered the present Solar climate age. This would still have the effect that Randal Carlson noticed by melting the Ice over North America, causing huge floods.

Of course, this has very minimal evidence. It would be interesting to see if “mountains” of sponge material could be seen in the Sun’s sunspots, and then have a spectrometer categorize what elements were in these as compared to normal solar areas. Possibly, just looking into sunspot areas and using a spectrograph would tell you something. If it appeared to be a slightly higher level of heavy elements, then…maybe. Next would be to test the electrical conductivity of any elements found mixed with hydrogen in bubbles.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Chick-fil-A to debut new Cauliflower Sandwich

“We are committed to chicken, but it’s becoming more prevalent that customers really want us to shit on what made us famous and destroy the brand.” said Leslie Neslage, director of Menu and Packaging for Chick-fil-A. “In accordance, we’re excited to roll out our new Krazy Karapace Sliders this summer.”

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Chitin fil-A. Cracked me up!

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

And if it doesn’t work out for Menu, Neslage can apply it to Packaging.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Ann K.
2 years ago


written on a sandwich board worn by a chicken

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

The mere mention of cauliflower produces images of UFC fighters and the sad parade of said ears.

2 years ago

Some migrants bussed to already heading back to NYC, after finding all the wonderful free stuff New York told them was up there wasn’t there when they arrived.

FYI, and this is nitpicking, but you copied and pasted the headline, but the fifth word “Canada” didn’t make it, so while the original headline was poorly constructed, the link makes no sense at all.

On the next item, I think all laws should have sunset provisions. There is a problem with legal codes being cluttered with too many bs laws. Legislative committees dedicated solely to house cleaning the law codes would also work. The Biden proposal was idiotic, as usual, since it was targeted at social security, pretty much the most honestly run and popular federal program, and four years for a sunset provision is way too short.

I would have a 25 years sunset or reauthorization clause, with a mandatory constitutional convention every 125 years. This would have made it easier for the cabal to get rid of programs like social security after they took full control in the 1990s, but at least that would have let the peasants know where they stand.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

> On the next item, I think all laws should have sunset provisions. There is a problem with legal codes being cluttered with too many bs laws.

If a law is shit enough to expire it’s shit enough to not pass in the first place. Just remove dead weight and stop passing new things that aren’t absolutely critical to the proper function of society is the real answer.

> social security, pretty much the most honestly run and popular federal program

Truly a stunning and brave endorsement of the current government when their most honest system is literally a legally enshrined Ponzi scheme that people under the age of 50 will likely never see the benefit of despite being raped for their paychecks every week their entire lives.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

>their lives are all derailed.<
Hey AC, what do you think about elementary school teachers who are assigned to certain schools for brief periods — just long enough to "derail" the lives of a few students who otherwise got along well in school and were liked by their teachers? Second grade, that happened to me, and I am not the only one, nor was that the only year, though the teachers changed. Both that I know about at that school are, I am very certain, Jewish. My younger sister ran into the second one, also in second grade. By her fifth grade year, that teacher had been switched to teaching fifth grade. The creature also derailed a good natured, intelligent, but not particularly robust German-Anerican boy. Anyhow, my sister has been a mess ever since.
Me? I didn't let it bother me too much, but in rebelling against this bitch, I decided to stop memorizing the multiplication table and to never again study or take our school system seriously, since it was not really education.
That went ok for me in English, History, Reading, and basic Science — including Biology…BUT it didn't work out very well in Algebra and Chemistry. since exiting high school, though, I have gotten by ok mostly living and working outside the established system. Never been able to be much of a threat to *Them* though, and looking back, that second grade teacher did arrange to have several tests done on me, including IQ and something hooked to a wired headband connected to a machine with a series of little pens that recorded lines on a roll of paper. That thing beeped if you gritted your teeth or clenched your teeth, which the operator asked me not to do, but I did it quite a bet anyhow.
The second grade teacher was gone the next year. This was circa 1960. My Folks were both college "educated," as were their friends. My Dad was a metallurgical engineer at NACA/NASA, working on the Nuclear Propulsion project that Nixon cancelled. Neither were very pleased with my results in school after that. Holy crap, we'd had the first grade teacher over for dinner. I think she was also Jewish.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Thank you for explaining your ideas on this. I went through this as a kid in 4th grade and one of my kids got it in 6th grade. It’s incredible how many people have to be involved to make someone tortured like that and then move along to fuck with someone else. It can’t believe the explanation that all of these people decide to go out of their way to abuse one school year and drop it the next.

this site is worth more than drudge at its peak. You should be rolling in it if the world was fair. It isn’t but the reward will come. Please keep it going. Cheers!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I hadn’t known about the Mathews story. That’s some serious food for thought. The description of an “Air Loom” sounds nuts, except he’d have had no idea of how something like that would really work, would he?

The school I was in was new– this was the second class that had ever attended. The first year, the first grade teacher was actually fired at the end of the year because three of her pupils had needed to be held back.

The other elementary school was far older. The town and those around it were growing in population and importance, with a new Ford plant attracting much migration, from West Virginia, PA, and even Canada. There was the newish NASA and also a NIKE site nearby. When we first moved in there was still a feed store. You couldn’t wear jeans to school as they gave a look of backwards farmers. At first we could roam at large through woods and fields, but that land was very shortly sold off and housing developments built. At first, a high school principal would live next to a mechanic, and an Illuminating Co. middle manager would dwell across the street from a lineman. People mostly got along and mingled a surprising amount, BUT with the new cul-de-sacs built, each for a specific income level it seemed, folks were much more atomized and antagonistic. If Cartel was active at the time, it would needed to be slithering into that place! And I think countless towns like that were developing across the country. On those days.
One other odd thing. In first and second grade, three of the more interesting boys in the class — all had been what we’d now call “cool” and friendly with most of the other kids — they moved away. They were quite tight with each other, too. “Ringleaders” you could say. Class of about 20. By third grade, a new wing was built and there were two rooms for each grade level. Flight to the suburbs, I think! Which was also planned social engineering, per E. Michael Jones.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Looking back, the second (of two) fifth grade teachers at that school was another Jewess — an aged, shriveled, scowling harridan with the surname, Baum, so you know what we kids called her. None of us knew about the JQ in those days though. We just thought that she was an ornery old witch.

I’m sure that you know how *those people” own and operate the used book industry and also our public libraries — all the better to take certain titles out of circulation. Why on earth wouldn’t they set up similar networks in the public schools, to take certain CHILDREN out of “circulation.”

2 years ago

“A secret Russian satellite has broken apart in orbit…”
Hit the firmament.

2 years ago

Putin chillingly threatens ‘response’ if UK gives fighter jets to Ukraine. It would be an act of war, and not the first.

It doesn’t even make sense. Ukrainians can’t fly or maintain F-35s and Eurofighters. The training would take years, even accelerated and the maintenance would be massive. It would likely be a complete waste of all of the modern jets of the RAF. Tornados, Harriers and Etendards might be a better fit for the Ukes, but all are retired and parted out/scrapped. Russian Su-35s would also make quick work of reactivated older jets.

The entire discussion is an exercise in futility and has demonstrated how utterly stupid Boris Johnson and PM Pajeet are. I thought they would be a little bit smarter, especially as PM’s. Nope, not even that. These are IQ 95 halfwits, at best.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

> Ukrainians can’t fly or maintain F-35s

The US Air Force isn’t doing do hot at keeping them in the air either. They complicated, break a lot, are hard to service, and they keep finding bugs that should have been stomped a decade or more ago.

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago


Re the socialite filming naked children. I read the article. It said she showed the footage to someone else, who remains unnamed. I wonder if the police got this person’s name. I was under the impression that the US legal system gives reduced time for snitching and, if you don’t cooperate (snitch) you get longer sentences.
Something definitely strange about that whole case, especially the short sentence and the records sealed. Reminds me of the Dunblane massacre where George Robertson MP wrote a letter of support to Scottish police recommending Thomas Hamilton (the shooter) be given a firearms license. Those records were sealed under the 100 year rule.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I think a better comparison would be williams syndrome, where the person is atypically gregarious.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Maybe the people they fuck with are a specific bloodline and that bloodline is either a known problem, has some special capability, or has some divine lineage that they are constantly trying to fuck with.

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

Indigo Children

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Wow, I was very similar and was protected the same way… Don’t know how else to say it, AC. Obviously there are differences but the bones of the story are like mirror images.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Men with Aspergers are much more likely to be atheist. Its interesting when they are saved and born again in the Holy Spirit.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

> I was under the impression that the US legal system gives reduced time for snitching and, if you don’t cooperate (snitch) you get longer sentences.

More specifically, the Federal, state, and territorial legal codes don’t say anything about that one way or the other, and don’t prohibit “plea bargaining”, which is where a prosecutor may offer to file a lesser charge if someone snitches.

It has become a pretty big problem, since most prosecutors can find some kind of felony to charge someone with if they look hard enough, then use that as a club against a defendant. A lot of people want plea bargaining to be banned, but the legal profession loves it.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> Disney+ Star Wars leans towards exploring Luke Skywalker’s LGBTQ identity.

Lol they’re turning Gay Wars IP into zero

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Oh yeah, Luke Skywalker gay? The guy started off with an erection for his sister.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

See why the Expanded Universe needed to be de-canonized? If they had kept it, they would have a really big problem making Luke gay, and that big problem is a redhead that goes by the name of MARA JADE.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Neanderthals lived in groups big enough to eat giant elephants

This only proves that they were able to dry meat and mix it with rendered fat to make pemmican, like the American Indians did with Buffalo. Nothing else. An alternative, if it was cold enough 125,000 years ago they could store the meat in ice caves or glaciers. SO what they are saying is a huge stretch.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Huge stretches is what they do, like entire “Dinosaurs” based off of one bone!

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

Chickens are dinosaurs but crocodiles arent

I read that so its true.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That’s because crocodiles are descendant from bowling balls.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

Do you know if there has ever been an entire dinosaur dug up? Meaning all of the skeleton? Not talking one metatarsal with the remainder being jobbed out to a Chinese plastics factory.
I remember seeing what was touted as an entire Brontosaurus at Chicago’s Field Museum, back in the early 60s.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

“…entire dinosaur dug up…”

Yes there has been though I can’t recall exactly when or where but there was at least one.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Not as far as I’m aware.

Dinosaur = Giant lizard

I think they’re still here… but smaller.

Historically Higher Atmospheric CO2 = larger plants = Higher atmospheric Oxygen levels = larger animals (humans too?)

Today’s lower CO2 = smaller plants/smaller animals

Personally, i think hydroelectric power generation (Green energy! Lol) is anti-life!

The nutrients that should be entering the oceans is being halted in the storage lakes created by the dams, causing lower fertilization of the seas and lower oxygen production by aquatic organisms, and higher methane levels emminating from said storage lakes.

Would make sense in the satanic antilife inverted
Clownworld we currently inhabit!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

Hydro-electric dams have been a known problem for the entire time we’ve been building them with regard to how they affect the freshwater ecosystems.

Up here in the Pacific Northwest everybody KNEW that the dams on the Columbia would kill the salmon runs as soon as they found out that the dams had been engineered without any provision at all for a working fish ladder. Between that and the Asian factory processing ships parked in international waters, the Pacific salmon don’t stand a chance and are probably going to be extinct without cloning.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

I can’t find an entire cat I buried in my back yard 5 years ago.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Take a look around, there are many groups today that look as though the are eating elephants, giant or otherwise.

2 years ago

I’d like to point out, very loudly, that this girl was beaten unconscious, but only taken to a nurse, not a doctor. This means no official medical doctor report.

I know of one high school where, officially, no problems. However, the problems get taken to a nurse, not a doctor, so there is not a good paper trail.

May that poor child rest in the arms of the Divine.

2 years ago

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood – Part 1

Kris Millegan’s foreword – Hollywood power politics

2 years ago

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood – Part 2

Social manipulation in Eyes Wide Shut

2 years ago

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood – Part 3 / end

A religious Bond film; dirty intel and clueless government employees

2 years ago

Democrat mayor, entire New Jersey township council switch parties, from Democrat to Republican

We must be wary of those who waited this long.
But anyone who holds out as a D until the storm is proven to be an enemy and a traitor who must be dealt with and not allowed to remain in our society.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Hey AC, heads up: currently away from home and there’s a high probability I got honeypotted on my way to family. I caught this one early so I was able to clearly remember this attempt from presentation to my escape. I posted quite a long writeup earlier this morning about it. But the pending approval message disappeared a few seconds after I posted so I think it got trashed like some of the other posts. I’ll try posting again tomorrow because I think there are some here that might be interested in a detailed report.

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Lee Kwan Yew shows up how its done:

Lee Kuan Yew refuses “BEHIND ME WAS A STRONG W*m*N” rote obeisance to matriarchy bait every American politician (possible exception Trump) would now submit to…these kinds of probings are furthermore demeaning, they reduce everything to personal and family life

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

US resembles Mexico & Ukraine more each day

2 years ago

Neanderthals lived in groups big enough to eat giant elephants. 
The vindication of Tex Arcane continues apace
AC, FYI the link to the first Vault-Co archive…its gone from what i can see, takes you to a login page
Like you have posted in the past (Vault-Co is Gone post), Tex was very very prescient regarding the Neanderthal question. Whoever they were, i don’t think the Grug sterotype is appropriate. Maybe that’s the point however, distract any curious mind from digging deeper, you come here long enough you’ll know the score
The Ice Age question: Tex was all over this well before the Hancock & Carlson popularized the subject. Granted, Hancock did touch on this in his seminal work Fingerprints of the Gods which was published 1995? IIRC. This was pre-internet though so it was only going to reach so many curious minds.
There was an author Tex popularized on the blog too, Robert Felix, who published 2 books regarding this subject; Not by Fire, but by Ice & Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary leaps, which if you can get your hands on frens, I’d recommend. Sadly Felix has since passed, his website gone ( and it may be difficult to find them
As to the cause of the end of the Ice Age, both the Bolide (asteroid/meteor) hypothesis & Robert Schoch’s Solar Flare both solid in their science, particularly the evidence of geological “Fingerprints” as Hancock & Carlson so eloquently put it
However, there is one thing I’ve noticed with their work and that it is they are secular explanations for what is possibly supernatural events, which is perhaps why they are popularized rather than someone arguing the great floods were caused by the literal Wrath of God. You think you’ll just get your own Netflix special & the imbroglio that follows Anon?
Now I’m just spitballing here, both of their work is peerless as far as I’m concerned, but I get the idea that TPTB may have sanctioned their work precisely because they give a scientific, observable, albeit unorthodox explanation for the catastrophes of the past.
I also don’t know the Mind of God, so perhaps He would use some natural force to reign down Judgement, but nonetheless, Hancock & Carlson have been critical, particularly to Christianity as well as organized religion in general.
Thanks for all you do AC, I also believe you are doing the Lords work

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  optimalrebellion
2 years ago

“…Tex was very very prescient regarding the Neanderthal question…”

No, he did not do anything of the sort. The information that Neanderthals were some magic font of goodness has NO DATA. There is little to no data that they were anything but smart human form animals. I suspect and the data does show, that they were nothing but animals in the mental mode of psychopaths. Psychopathic thinking is very much like a wild wolf or other wild animals. The Neanderthals were much the same. It’s astounding that these “supposed” brilliant overachievers, the Neanderthals, lived in Europe for over 250,000 years and did…nothing, nothing at all. Maybe a few scrapes on bones.

All the rest of your comment is misleading also. I own copies and have read Robert Felix and listened to many interviews and all of his blog and he doesn’t say a damn thing about Neanderthals being some good thing or bad. And I do not think it correct to give credit to Tex for the work of all these others, which are really good.

“…Tex was all over this well before the Hancock & Carlson popularized the subject….”

I’m not buying that.

Tex is a smart guy and I was attracted to his writing because he knew a lot of the stuff you mentioned and a lot of stuff that i hadn’t heard of. But over time I realized he was not telling the truth. I also realized as I began to see disinformation tactics all over the place that his end goal was demoralization of Cro-Mags, whites, by making them feel inferior to Neanderthals while the real truth is the Cro-Mags, who built EVERYTHING! Have nothing to worry about when it comes to accomplishments. You can see how he dd this. Building up Neanderthal skills from…nothing and calling Cro-Mags, saps, and fostering untruths about them. Like the only reason the Cro-Mags won was they had longer arms and could throw spears father. Well anyone with a lick of sense, even the dumbest humans know how to make throwing sticks to multiply arm speed to throw spears. What he said in the end did not add up. Not that everything he said was wrong but I believe ultimately his reasoning for what he wrote was, a big larp, with a little demoralization of Whites thrown in for good measure.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I have some sympathy for some people on the left. Not that they aren’t frequently wrong but that even if they are, a large amount of them do mean well and the ones that are honest will change their minds when they see what they believed before was not really the truth or the way to change things. Another good example was the guy who started Greenpeace. He was eventually kicked out because he realized that the best way to provide energy needs for all of us was nuclear power. I think he, as are many, was particularly enthusiastic about molten salt reactors. This of course was too much for the people around him so they booted him.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I don’t know if it was the same guy, but I once read a fascinating argument by a (the?) green peace founder arguing that burning fossil fuels has saved all life on earth. He took the view that fossil fuels are from ancient trees that fell before there were microbes that evolved to break them down and thus trapped an enormous amount of carbon. But even after all the tree decomposing organisms evolved, carbon still gets sequestered in the ocean where it is used by sea creatures to make shells, which end up being smushed into rock on the ocean floor- and not turned into fossil fuels, with no means of escape. That this carbon—> shells —> sea floor (limestone? Maybe?) sink had the atmospheric carbon levels nearly down to lower than what plants need to survive, and that if humans hadn’t happened upon the ability to burn fossil fuels and embraced it with gusto when we did, all life on earth, the plants and all the animals that eat them at least, would be done for.

I don’t know that I’m characterizing the whole thing correctly- I read it maybe 5-7 years ago and can’t find it now. But I thought that was part of the reason he became ostracized as well

2 years ago

Here’s a link to the affidavit from the former Washington University “the Harvard of the Midwest” trans “treatment center” whistle-blower sent to the Missouri Attorney General:—signed.pdf?sfvrsn=6a64d339_2

2 years ago

Anecdotal but on social media, women are discussing rape by fraud where men are lying about being pureblood and the women are experiencing THOSE serious, likely sterilising side effects (period issues etc). If you could explain your biology info on what you know about this live shedding duration, I think lawsuits might be in the offing and criminal charges, since misinformed consent is rape e.g. impersonating a spouse, impersonating a pureblood in future precedent? I don’t think the men realise they are sterilising these women or are deliberate agents sent to do it to them on purpose. I’ve seen no proof this life shedding will EVER stop, so does that mean most of the mudblood (to use the same metaphor) will need to be placed in a leper colony or the purebloods like the fiction film The Island? Would it be like HPV and skin skin contact like handshakes and hugs or merely sharing air or just sexual contact? Nobody is discussing this but I previously used to shared studies on sperm damage from similar materials so it affects men too, the women just show it first.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
2 years ago

Men who are more soy or more liberal are more likely to be vaxxed.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

True. And men sleeping with vaxxed honeypot women are likely being sterilised by them shedding (live shedding) via their vagina. With men it seems they can carry spike proteins with the semen, according to some covid-19 semen studies I read ages ago.