Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Liberty Authors has moved to, and retained all previous data.
Patrick Byrne’s last segment in his account of the post-election period.
A black Hyundai Elantra also drove into the TCF Center in the early morning on November 4th.
The Gateway Pundit was able to identify the vehicle. It was registered in Pennsylvania and then registered in Michigan in October. The car had a new title but they kept the old Pennsylvania plates on the car. We believe the vehicle is registered to Enterprise rent-a-car.
Interesting in that I had a run in with what appeared to be surveillance, and he had a rental car, with an out of state tag, which I had noted was an indicator long ago. I assumed the out of state tags were either fake and tougher for plate readers to parse (I actually saw a Hawaii tag in CONUS), or they were shipping people around to keep coverage fresh. But finding out one was a rental then made it appear they were renting cars to get unidentifiable tags and new cars, since I video everything everywhere, and they need to change vehicles out. Perhaps they own rental car franchises, or even companies, so they can change silhouettes and tags more frequently. Oddly enough they seem to get discarded plates from the DMV sometimes, which leads to old plates generating new tickets for previous owners on occasion.
Biden’s CIA pick, William Burns, leads a think tank with close ties to China.
Kelsey Awtry, Fidelity Charitable Core Operations Specialist told a Project Veritas
donor that they had “suspended grants” to Project Veritas and his donation was HALTED!
Ex-Parler CEO John Matze said he didn’t want the platform to work with Trump because the president might have ‘bullied’ employees into doing what he wanted. Add this to him wanting to purge Q-anon, purge ‘hate speech,” and probably shut down election fraud topics. So the Mercers shut this guy down and forced him out to prevent him from doing all that. Regardless, you can see why Trump would want to have his own platform, so he would not have to rely on the trustworthiness of someone else.
Gab received more traffic than NBC, TMZ, Breitbart, and Huffington Post in January.
Greenwald slams the culture of ‘jr. high hall-monitor tattling’ among prominent ‘woke’ journalists that’s like East German citizen surveillance. Does he not know? Or is he simply making it seem like the worst we have to worry about is reporters tattling on each other?
China is growing worried its boys are losing their masculinity. This will be interesting, because now we will see the effect of boys experiencing comfort and safety-producing levels of wealth, which are actively r-ifying them, and we will see if even the most dictatorial state can impose hardening experiences to K-ify them back in spite of the increased resource levels. If that nut can be cracked – if you can produce ever increasing levels of resources, and prevent them from r-ifying the population, that society will rule the world.
LA Times does a whole piece on how Andy Ngo is lying and twisting the facts in his new book to make the noble group Antifa look like some sort of bad organization, when really it is the most wonderful organization in the world. Just in case you had any doubt the reporters were an integral part of the same conspiracy as the spooks who run Antifa, and they knew it. Lots of people are in on the secret.
The Associated Press Stylebook has proclaimed there was no election fraud in 2020.
UK government planning to send officials door-to-door to enforce vaccinations on those who refuse.
Tesla invests $1.5 billion in bitcoin, will start accepting it as payment.
Only a fragment of Americans believe democracy is thriving in the U.S.
Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment.
Spread r/K Theory, because the military is still occupying DC.
The new Secretary of State Tony Blinken comes from an American Jewish family that has well established ties to Israel. Blinken’s paternal grandfather was one of the founders of an organization that eventually evolved into the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
Blinken said at his Senate confirmation hearing that the new administration would “consult with Israel” before any possible return to the 2015 nuclear deal and he also made clear that there will be “additional conditions for Iran,” an odd position to take since it was the U.S. that withdrew from the agreement and introduced a harsh sanctions regime even though Iran was in compliance. More recently, Blinken claimed that Iran is weeks away from having the enriched uranium needed to make a nuclear weapon. Strangely enough, or perhaps not, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been making the same claim since the 1980s.
>”Just in case you had any doubt the reporters were an integral part of the same conspiracy as the spooks who run Antifa, and they knew it. Lots of people are in on the secret.”
It’s called mossad. Proof:
==The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia==
==Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition==
==Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish==
==Trump’s Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews==
==Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist==
The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.
The etymology of Fascism shows that, at it’s root, it is about unity.
That means that antifa has been, and remains at its root, about preventing unity.
the dictionary definition of fascism is the marriage of big government and big business. it is in most if not all countries and always has been. sane folks prefer a healthy nationalism instead. Antifa are fine with fascism, esp the jewish version.
>”Same as Trump endured”
Bibi is an anti-West and anti-Christian faggot thou. And he feed the US fake Intel that sent thousands of Americans to die and lose their minds and limbs in wars for Israel. He is an enemy of the West, I hope he gets executed asap.
people need to see the twitter birthday card video israel sent trump in 2019. it was a death threat.
Good read:
Navy Fights Inside War to Purge Extremists from Ranks, Push for Diversity
“The Navy does not and will not tolerate supremacist or extremist conduct,” Nowell told Newsweek. “Discrimination of any kind, for any reason, goes against the Navy’s core values and will not be tolerated. Sailors participating in supremacist or extremist activities are acting in direct contradiction to the professionalism standards we expect Sailors to follow.”
Any individuals found to be in violation of these principles upon investigation “will be held accountable,” he said.
In an effort to shore up the internal war on domestic extremism, the Navy’s Task Force One issued 56 recommendations as part of a 142-page report released last week. The goal, according to the authors, was to “analyze and evaluate issues in our society and military that detract from Navy readiness, such as racism, sexism and other structural and interpersonal biases.”
“Reshaping the service is also a matter of national security. Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego, who served as a Marine corporal in the U.S.-led war in Iraq, discussed the importance of inclusivity.
“I think we’re having a cultural change in terms of who is in the military, and who’s going to be leading the military in the future,” Gallego told Newsweek. “I think we have to be more diverse, because that’s where the pool of people that we can get to actually join the military is coming from in the future, and also, just, the future is young and brown.”
If the U.S. military fails to recruit new generations, “then we’re going to have a national security problem,” Gallego said.
**Ruben Gallego** Aaaannnnd that is why you don’t allow immigrants into one’s country! This is stupid people. We don’t need no UN troops—they are turning the US Military INTO the UN. The Navy’s Core value—-IS MARXISM.
I’ve been on the Homeland Security Forum since last October—and is anything changing? This is bad folks. Very bad. —And then you can’t contact Senior Ruben Gallego by email —–because if you don’t live in his district—you can’t contact him. Ruben Gallego is affecting MY life—and I can’t contact him. The Anglo-Saxon has just committed Societal Suicide, Auto-genocide.
The POCs will flood into the REMF jobs, but they don’t want any part of the Rangers, SEALs, or Pararescue…and they just don’t have what it takes to fly jets.
Just a note AC, the title of post needs to be changed to the 9th. You have the 8th.
Once the shitshow is over, we need to crowdfund AC some quality vacation:
So here is one of our illustrious leaders changing our country Ruben Gallego
Ruben Gallego was born in Chicago and is a first generation American with a Colombian mother and a Mexican father.
He founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement, with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Gallego cited Arpaio’s immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama’s citizenship as reasons for recalling Arpaio
Gallego supports same-sex marriage and the inclusion of LGBTQ people under the Employment Nondiscrimination Act.[19]
Gallego has a 100% rating from the NAACP[20] and an 89% lifetime rating from the ACLU for his pro-civil rights voting record.[21] He also has a 100% rating for his pro-LGBTQ voting record from the Human Rights Campaign.
I’ve had enough. It’s time to tear this stuff down. Do we owe allegiance anymore to this crap of a situation?
Ruben Gallego—-Our Aztec in chief. Why oh why are we importing Aztecs for? Do we not have enough problems????
Those bleeding hearts aren’t going to rip themselves out of their own chests. Takes an Aztec to do the job properly. 😉
This is how it is done. No excuses:
>Sorry anon, your credit was refused for reading too much AC
Fug the rotten globohomo ziocunts.
Apparently, game streaming is chock full of White Supremacist racist Terrorist racist gamer girls. I’m trying not to be a Tier 3 simp because DHS might send me to GITMO. Posted only a week after the attacks of January 6th this chick (who calls herself Pokimane) is clearly communicating something in code at the 7:30 mark. Are streaming channels becoming White Supremacist Terrorist hangouts?
#Literally Shaking
Creepy Joes strikes again…
A picture is worth 1,000 words
On the Navy’s New Mission and Ruben Gallego:::::
Let me explain what this is all about. Plato talked of the philosopher’s job to foresee the future. It is “cause and effect” which can be logically seen.
In the late 90s, the Spotlight newspaper and the John Birch Society ran stories that UN Troops would occupy America in order to ensure the Marxization of America. That was part of the reason for the rise of the militia movement in America.
Knowing that would not pan out—it is NOW obvious that what our Der Leaders are planning –IS TO TURN THE AMERICAN MILITARY, itself, INTO A UN Army! They tried this already when Michael New protested wearing a blue beanie. That is why our Military is adapting to Euro weinie beanies. So that they will fill our units with browns, cucked whites, and multinationals who have no connection to America and then who will have NO qualms in shooting gringos and nativists who object.
Ruben Gallego. The future of America is YOUNG and BROWN.
That is why all of this White Privilege, White Oppression, White Supremacy is all about—THEY are stealing this country away from the Anglo-Saxon and giving it to a people that will vote Socialist.
The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson—he saw the steal a long time ago.
WE all bled red????? You can shove that up your behinds. And that is why Brennan is blabbering on about “nativists”. And Monarchy is bad? Look at what the Enlightenment wrought! A government geared to destroying its own people and replacing them. And creating a foreign army to shoot recalcitrant nativists.
America is ONE EVIL place. It was NEVER a great country but where Europe has come to die. This country is evil. The Social Compact is Gone. This whole thread is the reason that the government needs to be dissolved. The Constitution is a worthless piece of crappola. The Armed Forces of America are going to be re-made so that it can be turned on the real enemy—nativists. That is what every Good country does. But then America has no allegiance to blood—its a propositional country and when the nativists don’t want to join the Socialist bandwagon–well, they can be taken out.
Message Loud and Clear.
I’m going to start calling all those people who still cling to America and the Constitution—Duped, depraved Clingers—because IT IS ALL GONE PEOPLE.
They will be shooting us.
his exwife is jewish. he may be too, at root. Gallego may be connected to more standard j names.
Rubin is an idiot. He picks two characteristics to describe how young people of America are different than before and he says they are young. Well, OMG! Young people are Young now!? What will we do? As for brown… maybe. You know how you get more covid deaths? You pay hospitals more if the patient died of covid than anything else. WOW… suddenly everyone died of covid. You know how you get more brown kids? You give preferential treatment in scholarships to brown kids. WOW… suddenly you have a lot of brown kids. The demographics aren’t People of Color and Whites anymore. Now they are People getting that college scholorship vs. honest suckers. Who trusts the statistics nowdays?
Remember Lem, noticing is anti-semetic.
Everything is anti-Semitic when claiming things are anti-Semitic gets you more power:
The person who posted a membership application at timelessauthors as daven**** didn’t register so there is no account to approve, please come back and register.
I have hidden the last four letters of the account here for your privacy and so that nobody else can try to register using the same user name.
Good point:
Related to your comment, something I forgot to mention is how the feminization of our institutions and the mass influx of women into the workforce have enabled the narcissistic to thrive.
It’s not just because women are more narcissistic than men (though they are, as a sex). It’s mostly because women are drawn to narcissists, even attracted to them, and therefore don’t have the discerning eye and latent skepticism that men often bring in their interactions with narcissists.
More women, and more empowered women, simply means more avenues for narcissists to infiltrate government and other institutions, and to succeed wildly, beyond what they could accomplish in patriarchal societies.
If I was keeping a list of comments on this blog, this one would be in the top 100 all time, maybe even the top 10.
Where there is Cabal influence. There is homosexuality promotion:
Army War College Commandant Suspended Pending Investigation
ICE defies Biden and deports child asylum seekers to Haiti
I don’t understand how you only simply link to Patrick’s article. Are you only going to wrestle with it after March 4th?
I try to run this site to save people time. To that end, I really can’t do more with that than link to it. I have no idea what Patrick’s deal is, though I suspect all of his pieces are written to mold people’s perceptions, and not to fully illuminate with everything he knows. Maybe he is a whitehat who sympathizes with us, but has to maintain OpSec. Or maybe he is Cabal and is putting out what he is told. What I do know is there is no way he does not know about the degree to which this country is utterly fucked, and everyone is being kept in an invisible box, blind and clueless, by some intel operation that runs the country through incredibly extensive blackmail/surveillance and occasional murder operations, and decides who wins and who loses, and which makes sure nobody gets to the top unless they are controlled.
As for Biden, I don’t have the intel to tell you what is happening there, beyond the fact something very strange is going on, and it may be more likely things are not like the narrative they are feeding us than that they are. Understand, I went from the regular view of America, where we were all too busy with life and advancing our own positions in a free society we respected and felt loyal to, to seeing all my neighbors either threatened or bribed to move (and they got out of there, with even one who was a watcher desperately trying to buy my house, like he wanted me to get out of there because he was very uncomfortable with the state of affairs). Then they moved in people who were basically there to make sure I was under control and every moment was observable by them. I rapidly became aware of an entire parallel society of very significant size which itself is made up of people who seem to have stopped caring about their own fate and destiny, and who set their lives aside to serve some weird machine whose purpose is destroying the American myth of a free, constitutional republic with privacy and everyone getting to take their shot at the golden ring, and which also occasionally kills good, decent innocent people to maintain their shadow dictatorship. And which, by the way, was running America into the ground and actively trying to destroy her.
Literally nothing was like they teach you, and everybody who you hear talking, on the news, the pundits, the politicians, even many lower level authorities from authors to civic organization leaders, were all part of the conspiracy and lying to you. When I say this country is one big psyop, I am not exaggerating. If you are here, you have people you know, who know the truth, and are reporting back on you to the machine, just to make sure you are controlled. I would not be the least bit surprised if somebody who happens across this site ended up marrying the Israeli art student they sent in when they were younger, and now their spouse, unbeknown to them, is reporting back to command.
So Biden won? That’s what they say. But literally I have seen them lie about much bigger and far more unbelievable things. To me, that I have not committed to any one path being right yet, and I am entirely open minded, is just how you have to operate these days.
Fair points.
> What I do know is there is no way he does not know about the degree to which this country is utterly fucked
I got the impression from his articles that he agrees with all that. His CCP strong hypothesis literally talks about organ farming.
> something very strange is going on
Yeah, the national guard stuff is super weird.
> parallel society of very significant size
I remember reading a statistic that at least a quarter of East German citizens were paid spies. I was born in the Soviet Union so I hold no naïveté to what’s going on.
> Literally nothing was like they teach you
Agreed. But personally I have nothing actionable from that fact. Unless one devotes their life to trying to fight the cabal from the inside out, I think the best move is to mentally detach and detach from the government’s grip as much as possible. Then, build things that make the world better and build a family and community with good, shared values (see Bryan Caplan’s post Make Your Own Bubble in 10 Easy Steps).
I hope that Matt Ridley’s book The Rational Optimist is right that the free market can create faster than the government destroys.
Funny thing about March 4th. A Messianic rabbi once told me about the Holy Spirit delaying his move until a particular date. When he moved, it was March 4th. Then he realized, “march forth”. He laughed. God has a great sense of humor, full of puns and riddles. A lot of his work was in limiting or preventing the damage caused by the Cohen clan. When the general commands it, you march forth. So, if March 4th is a real inauguration date you can look at it as a pun; perhaps that is when the real action starts, when the side of good will start to visibly “march forth”.