News Briefs – 02/09/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The video:

  The Tweet:

  The Tweet:

  The Tweet:

The Tweet:


Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton notes Coronavirus originated close to a Wuhan ‘Super Laboratory.’ Clearly those in the know are at least aware of the possibility.

Two more passengers fall ill with Corona virus on cruise ship quarantined off Japan.

37,553 confirmed cases, 28,942 suspected cases- 813 fatalities. Actually, if these numbers are real, it would be encouraging, as over the last week or so, the day by day totals on just confirmed cases have declined from a 20% increase each day, to a 17% increase, to a 12% increase, to a 10% increase, to a 7% increase. Granted, you’ve gone from very few precautions to everyone is staying inside, wearing masks, there is street fogging, forcible quarantines supported by AI surveillance systems watching everything and people being welded into their houses, and roundups of the infected, but it would seem to be progress in slowing the advance in an environment where it had gotten an excellent foothold. It might make it much easier in the West where there will be far fewer cases to monitor and control. Plus we have the God Emperor, who appears undefeatable in every arena.

Africa braces for new virus, but says,  “We’re definitely not prepared.” Patients coming in from China who are sick are not isolated, the Doctor who is supposed to treat then takes off, and there is a clampdown on information.

Five people from Britain, including one child, are hospitalized in France with the new virus from China after contracting it during a holiday in the Alps. It sounds unpleasant in non-Asians, but it would seem as if it may be far less lethal.

Nigeria has a new disease that is killing people within 48 hours. 100 infected and 15 dead over the last 9 days. May be somehow related to the Solar Cycles.

How Christine Lagarde, Clinton, and Nuland funded a massive Ukrainian ponzi scheme.

Man deliberately rams vehicle into GOP tent full of volunteers registering people to vote.

Bloomberg is paying social media influencers to make him ‘seem cool.’

Iowa Democratic Party reviewing reported inconsistencies in 95 precincts. This is the big one, so they are going all in. Think 2016 was crazy?

An article at a Socialist website showing how they are feeling as if they are at war with Hillary, the Democrat Party, and the Media because of how Bernie is getting screwed at every turn.

Evelyn Farkas talks with Mike Morrell about her run for Congress. Nothing in the transcript will be remotely close to being true. What is interesting is Bug-eyed Farkas, who accidently spilled about spying on Trump illegally on National TV before visibly shitting her pants, ran for Congress, just like all the other criminals, most likely so she can claim her prosecution is politically motivated. Which means a lot of the Cabalites out there think the Storm will hit before the election.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she and Rep. Ilhan Omar had to hold hands at points during President Trump’s State of the Union address to comfort each other. I’m thinking there is a lot more stress flowing through the Cabal crew than we would think based on what we see on the evening news.

China’s Communist Party has infiltrated various levels of America’s infrastructure and is working to destroy the values of the United States, Mike Pompeo said during a speech.

Thai soldier kills at least 20 in mass shooting that he livestreamed on Facebook. Finally killed.

Jordan Peterson recovering from tranquilizer addiction in Russia. From the article: “He nearly died several times,” the daughter said, adding her father had been taking the drug for years to treat anxiety brought on by a severe autoimmune reaction to food. Doctors increased his dosage last year to help him cope with stress after his wife, Tammy, was diagnosed with cancer. The daughter and her husband took Peterson, a professor at the University of Toronto who has long battled depression, to Moscow last month; he was diagnosed with pneumonia and put into an induced coma for eight days…. One, I would bet with technology you could simulate an autoimmune reaction to food. Two, I have always suspected the tech deployed on your house probably increases cancer rates on everyone in the area. Three, if you have trouble with the machine, trusting medical staff is a difficult issue. And four, he may have more stresses on him as the Storm closes in than we know about.

Female genital mutilation rising in Germany because of  mass migration.

Democrat Chris Matthews warns that if Socialism wins, there will be executions in Central Park. It is tough to decide who to root for. If Bernie loses, it will be bedlam, and the nutty left will push for an even more radical candidate in 2024 and the war for the party will continue. But the moderates appear to think if Bernie wins, his people will take over the party and the same thing will happen.

WH Spox Stephanie Grisham says, networks are refusing the White House airtime after a very good week for Trump. This could be  more than that. We are on the cusp of the Storm. Don’t expect to see NBC revealing everything about the Storm honestly as it begins, and openly interviewing White House speakers to find out their perspective on what is going on.

Legal cases are being won which argue an AR-15 has no receiver as defined by law because the receiver is broken up into an upper and lower. Good, in that the regs should apply only to finished firearms capable of firing.

The US Navy quietly shut down its task force on climate change.

Top Bernie Sanders campaign aide rips DNC for ‘intentional’ Iowa disaster.

Bernie Sanders said, in 1972, “I don’t mind people calling me a communist.”

Steve Scalise says, I’ve seen classified information showing ‘people ought to go to jail’ over the Durham investigation.

New Hampshire Democrats would prefer an extinction-causing meteor over Trump reelection.

Trump’s war against the Coronavirus is working. What is amazing is the amount of things thrown at Trump, and every single issue is won decisively – and all at the same time. If he can hold Corona at bay until the temperature warms and the viral season ends, the economy should be good to go for November’s election. It looks pretty doable.

The New York Times admits – the election year economy is everything Trump could hope for. They have the balls to add that Presidents have very little effect on the economy.

Rudy Giuliani predicts Trump will be ‘totally vindicated’ by ‘smoking gun’ in Hunter Biden probe, saying, ‘We’ve got the documents.’

File this meme under, “God has a sense of humor”:

Spread r/K Theory, because God wears a MAGA hat

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5 years ago

>”The US Navy quietly shut down its task force on climate change.”

What a bummer, the only reason why I wanted to enlist on the US Navy was because I was expecting to be able to shoot some Mark 45 gun rounds at yacht owners caught using plastic straws in their sea parties.

5 years ago

RE: Bernie

The smartest thing the DNC could do would be to let him win…. but they won’t. If they let Bernie win his inevitable 400 electoral point loss will give them the ability to muzzle the socialist wing permanently and reform the party as lefty populist like they used to be, which would actually make them viable for 2024. Bernie knows the score – he’s 85, his last stolen-nomination netted him a few beach houses and bright red Audi R8(and I’m sure piles of cash). He’ll play along either way.

Instead they are going to feed people in that are part of the Blackmail Club, like they always do. And they will lose, probably not quite as badly as a Bernie ticket. The socialists will take over the party at that point and shatter it. For a good decade or two there won’t be a viable lefty party, right when they are needed to be gone in order to redistrict, overhaul the federal firearms laws, and overhaul the immigration system.

Why interrupt them when they are busy destroying themselves?

RE: AR15 receiver definition.

This has an easy fix. The ATF can just require a serial on the upper. This means that AR uppers and lowers would then be sold almost exclusively as matched sets. That will be the end of the 80% AR market because there’s no way to 80% an AR upper – there aren’t enough critical machining operations. The same has held true for companies trying to bring 80% bolt actions to the market.

I’m saying this as someone that is designing a new monolithic AR upper that can be made in a DIY shop on a cnc wood router, as well as a future spin on the HKG36, but made using AR15, AR180, & AK parts. The second one is REALLY ambitious, and probably not mass manufacturable because of the carbon-fiber&titanium. Lessons learned on the first will be applied to the second. Being a known quantity, the AR is a good place to get the feet wet.

5 years ago

Oh fug frens, habbening alert:

Mayor DeBlasio, the members of the NYPD are declaring war on you! We do not respect you, DO NOT visit us in hospitals. You sold the NYPD to the vile creatures, the 1% who hate cops but vote for you. NYPD cops have been assassinated because of you. This isn’t over, Game on!

5 years ago

Thread on 4chan about NYPD war declaration against Mayor DeBlasio:

Notable post:

I’m not in New York, but my city had a case of a black shooter abusing the anti-racism and anti-profiling laws by playing this “Red Light, Green Light” game with the cops. He was shooting at cops to kill them in a surprise attack, then instantly put his gun down when out of bullets. The cops can’t shoot him now that his gun isn’t even on him per the anti-discrimination law. It’s basically Free Shooting at police until the pistol magazine is empty.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

I bet most people didn’t know this but New York State used to have a law that anyone committing a crime with a firearm got the death penalty. Electric chair and it was fast. Like weeks. They had almost no crime. If you tried to rob someone you couldn’t have a gun so many times the criminals were beaten off by shop owners with baseball bats.

5 years ago
5 years ago

When Somalis keep jerking off in your bar:

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

BB nails it again.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

OT – A recent Trump tweet misspells “surveillance” as “survailance.” So I googled “survail”. Turns out in a AI tech that scans CCTV feeds for danger/threats.

Here’s a hunch: cabal will be brought to an end by seizing the gangstalking apparatus and turning it on all of the key cabal cheiftains, administrators, and henchmen. They are about to have inflicted on them what they inflicted on others. They will not be able to walk the streets again. Many will be imprisoned without jail cells.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago


That would be poetic and adequate. I find it oh so amusing to have some of my designated gangstalkers cry about “unfairness” regarding my deadman switch, trying to guilt trip me by calling it snitching. Kek, talk about a lack of self-awareness. Let the white hats burn the whole machine down. Let them have a taste of their own medicine, let’s see how they like it.

5 years ago

Hong Kong Activists See Virus Fueling More Support for Movement

5 years ago

African swine fever outbreak spreads in Philippines’ southern provinces

5 years ago

Cyprus president: Gas drilling won’t stop for Turkey dispute