Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
President Trump announces he is revoking former President Biden’s security clearance. That will cut Biden off from the Presidential Daily Brief, as well. Doge continues to be the big story, but this seems like the move you save for just before moving quickly to roll up the entire rogue intelligence network.
Terrence K Williams, a conservative social media guy Trump has invited to events, is claiming Trump has also revoked Obama’s security clearance, a claim you will see a few accounts on X making, but I see no other source, and am unclear if it is rumor or fact, or they are just confused about Biden’s revocation. But if Obama hasn’t been revoked, I would bet it is coming.
FBI finally hands over names of employees involved in Jan 6 cases to DOJ. You know what kinds of agents will be all over the files of the Jan 6th crew? Surveillance placed on them in the runups to arrest, and maybe even long before Jan 6th.
Note on that last one, some think Obama is using a fake Social Security number because his mother never got him citizenship, and CIA just papered it over for him with a fake social. So that DOGE algorithm could pop him out as a fake, and trigger an investigation there.
Federal court rules a ban on Machine Guns is unconstitutional. Interesting.
A letter from the US Attorney to the DOGE team references “networks”:
Biden paid $5 BILLION to “unnamed foreign sources” and nobody knows where it went.
Between stuff like this next one, and Milley’s portraits being taken down, and Biden’s security clearance being revoked, it is looking like they have evidence of something horrific, and are beginning the transition to acting against it and completely wiping it from the government:
I will tell you now, for the last decade (And I am a newcomer to it, others have seen it much longer), what I have seen is nothing short of a fully criminal, mafia-like force, which clearly illegally seized control of much of government, if not all of it. And it was acting criminally against me, even assaulting me in my home, simply because its criminality even extended down to wanting everyone lied to, because its control was so tenuous it feared the public recognizing it. If it were to be uncovered by honorable Americans dedicated to serving the ideals of our Constitutional Republic, this is very much what it would look like.
Democrats try to storm the Department of Education, to disrupt the DOGE Team in action. There were a ton of uniformed PD inside the building behind that security guy, just in case. So I assume the DOGE Team is rolling with a handpicked crew of uniformed and armed (or as Maxine Waters called them “Gun-loaded people”) Police to clear their path. It does look like panic on the part of the Democrats, and control on the part of patriots.
From the storming:
David Hogg demands Elon Musk be fired and replaced by Pete Buttigieg.
USAID funneled $799 million to a group that launched a global censorship platform and pushed radical gender ideology. Leftism is so retarded, it took a propaganda campaign funded with much of the entirety of US tax receipts each year just to convince people it could have been on even footing with conservatism. Imagine how dumb the people were, who believed such a stupid ideology. Probably a small group, I think most “liberals” were just conspiracy members signaling membership to each others and trying to get people on our side to convert and help destroy America. But still, there were a few true believers who fell for it.
Internews Network received $472.6 million. It does not take many of these to make it so no small independent news site can compete with their fully funded propaganda outlets, either in being economically sustainable, or in production value of the presentation. But I bet there were a lot of them anyway. Plus, when you have one outlet, and every presenter is a leftist airhead, but they are making $2 million per year, and getting invited to all the elite parties, and interviewed by the other “big” funded outlets, and the other outlet is some dude with a little set in his basement which he paid for off a $45K a year salary as a forklift operator, and no other big news outlet will give him the time of day, which do people take seriously? Anderson Cooper was an actor playing the role of a serious journalist and his salary was just a prop the intelligence operation provided him to make him look more legitimate. And bear in mind, since it appears USAID was taken over by CIA, that lump of cash is basically a CIA Operation Mockingbird slush fund to finance the control of the media by an organized and trained intelligence network.
Pete Hegseth just told Pentagon personnel that a massive audit is coming. “I believe we are accountable for every dollar we spend.”
USAID Funded the Muslim invasion of Europe. That was our tax dollars funding most of that.
USAID helped rig the 2022 election against Bolsonaro and called it foreign aid.
This one looks like the Seinfeld episode where George made up a charity – “The Human Fund – Money, for People” – and gave everyone at the office cards at Christmas claiming he made a contribution to it in their name. Only here the fake charity walked off with $1.8 billion in ne fell swoop. As they said in “The Outlaw Josie Wales, “It has a certain understated stupidity”:
Elon Musk’s DOGE Team enters Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after Biden holdover fired – and staffers are “mad as hell.” “Elon Musk’s DOGE team” is sounding more and more like a cover story for something bigger, like an entire unit of NSA devoted to financial fraud. Which makes me wonder if Grok is really Grok, or if it was an NSA or CIA AI he reintroduced as a civilian product, to give this whole thing the fuzzy look of innocent civilians uncovering government fraud, as opposed to an intelligence agency purging the government everybody sees on TV, which though criminal and illegitimate, might be able to leverage its familiarity against a group of faceless spooks, however patriotic and righteous they might be.
Elon Musk announces Customs and Border Protection has taken over USAID office building. What crimes would CPB oversee investigation of that USAID might have done? Could DOGE have uncovered something about human trafficking?
What Is NED? Elon Musk takes aim at agency founded by Reagan administration.
Wyoming doctor notes his Democrat patients are having an epidemic of mental and physical health problems due to Donald Trump winning the election. I will bet many are in the conspiracy. More and more, I am questioning how many people really supported trannies and big government and more taxes out of an honest belief, and how many supported all of that because their conspiracy knew it was stupid, but pushing it harmed our side and funneled money and advantage to their conspiracy. It would also serve as a good way to signal membership in the conspiracy covertly.
Tom Homan warns Gov. Phil Murphy: ‘This is not a game.’
Kanye reveals something from behind the scenes at X:
Trump’s lawsuit against CBS expands after release of ‘60 Minutes’ transcript, adds Paramount as defendant. He is demanding a nine-figure settlement.
Trump is eliminating the paper straw by Executive Order, allowing us to go back to plastic.
Former Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant has acknowledged ordering the army to use the Hannibal Directive. That is incredible ruthlessness. You kill your own people so the enemy cannot use them as bargaining chips later. And they had young girls in there from that music festival.
The FCC is now considering REVOKING CBS’s broadcast license after deceptively editing Kamala Harris’s 60 Minutes interview, per FCC Chair. There are rumors floating NBC is being investigated for putting Kamala on SNL at the last minute without offering Trump equal time.
Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) claimed Friday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that Elon Musk and President Donald Trump were conducting a “rapidly expanding and accelerating coup.” Let’s see. I am getting daily and nightly beamings from the present group of criminals running things. I think I am OK with the coup idea, it is just not moving fast enough for me.
The Pentagon has replaced CNN and NBC with Newsmax in their workspace.
We close with the best piece of evidence indicating that this might not just be a new group of bosses just like the old bosses taking over. I find it almost impossible to believe, given how redpilled everyone will be as this wraps up, they would let us arm up as we please. It does not fit with a small group of elites who we could find and kill. This would fit perfectly with a group of old school patriots, in the model of the Founders, who trusted the people more than any power structure, and who preferred dangerous freedom to safer control however:
Send people to, because you can feel the acceleration
President Trump announces he is revoking former President Biden’s security clearance. That will cut Biden off from the Presidential Daily Brief, as well. Doge continues to be the big story, but this seems like the move you save for just before moving quickly to roll up the entire rogue intelligence network.
Terrence K Williams, a conservative social media guy Trump has invited to events, is claiming Trump has also revoked Obama’s security clearance, a claim you will see a few accounts on X making, but I see no other source, and am unclear if it is rumor or fact, or they are just confused about Biden’s revocation. But if Obama hasn’t been revoked, I would bet it is coming.
When will he do it to W?
*falls on knees and prays this happens*
I’d never considered this possibility! The only thing better would be Dick Cheney to Gitmo for trial!
I almost forgot, he needs to do Billy Clinton too.
Lame Cherry writes about HAARP and weather terrorism
AC- if the survellience files are exposed what are your thoughts about how and the scope?
Would wife’s file include the type of porn her husband likes as a tip for derailing their marriage- so the wife getting her own file would lead to marital discord? Would a parent’s file have info on who their kid is sleeping with? Expose private religious conversions that a person’s family may be adverse to? I’m thinking of secrets that people might not share with their loved ones and could shake up family structures but aren’t things that need to be exposed for justice.
Also, how do you suppose the files of dead TI’s would be released, if they were to be? Supposed someone was gang stalked to the point of suicide, and their spouse may have been a handler. How would the truth of that get out, do you think? The file only being accessible to the wife would not bring about justice.
Or should we all be bracing for everyone to have full access to a searchable database if everything on everyone? The problem there being if there are falsehoods and errors in the file, lives could be ruined unnecessarily.
Q saying 90% of people can’t handle the truth could be less alien overlords and more that their lives would fall apart knowing some of the secrets of even their non-cabal loved ones.
I do not know the answers. My guess would be you could request your own file, and first degree family could get files of loved ones who had passed. I hope they do it, because it will be vital for people to understand the scope of the betrayals, and who was operating against them. Every person who operated against Brian Mancini must be known to the nation, and spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders, assuming they are not imprisoned for outright murder.
What will expect children/TI of one handler and one normie? From gov and from ppl?
There are going to be TI children of conspiracy members, unfortunately. They are going to have to come to terms with it.
I know they are. They will be seen more as threat or as victim? It will be safe to take a walk over the town?
There may be something weirder here than we are being told. I suspect I do not understand it fully, and there is a strong element of the demonic associated with it, tangibly involved.
The ideal situation would be a master list of the names of the operatives, which would be searchable, so you could search for people in your life. It would be good to request a list of anyone assigned to you specifically.
I think the organization is made up of small teams of about a dozen people, with only the two team leaders on any massive list, and they recruit and disperse funds to the rest of the team. But if the team leaders are identified, they could give up the other names.
They should be put on some sort of income and barred from employment, with criminal charges and lawsuits possible depending on the situation. I think if the surveillance is exposed, a lot of cabal businesses will collapse, so there will probably need to be some sort of basic income for everyone for awhile.
I don’t really need to see what information they collected about me. I do want to see who was giving them the information.
I drive around and lately I look in small strip malls, and storefronts, and am amazed at how many brick and mortar stores have no traffic. I would suspect either a lot are set up by Cabal for no other purpose than money laundering, and a lot of others were probably dying, surveillance saw it, and went in and told the manager they could get a regular daily baseline income, if only they would do surveillance this small favor, and push some dollars round for them. I would actually not dream now of renting a storefront and trying to start a small business, even if I was not expressly at odds with this thing. I just genuinely believe you cannot have a small business now and succeed. Surveillance competitors will get tons of baseline traffic from the conspiracy to keep them afloat and outcompeting you, and even if you could beat them through superior sourcing, and prevent surveillance from tracking your supply lines and giving them to your surveillance-competitor to undercut you, if you succeeded you would end up like me, beamed and punished to shut you down so their business could take over.
There is a decent chance over 95% of small businesses or more are their’s. Just a measure of how long this thing has been advancing. I mean they have advanced to the point they have now arrived at small websites like this, and are assigning hackers to tap out the database and shills to disrupt the comment section and drive people away. You think that multimillion dollar a year small business is still within reach of the normie?
Just give them money? Terrible idea.
This. Frankly, I don’t even want to know what information they collected about me. However, I desperately want to know WHO they and their collaborators are/were. I’ve got a feeling some of those names will verify my guesses, and others will break my heart. So be it That will be enough for me to deal with.
Martin Armstrong:
For those who understand, this stolen area should be called Greater Edom: the descendants of Esau believe they restored the Abraham/Isaac birthright blessing to the firstborn Esau. They have done so using the services of the Children of Gomer – the Ashkenazim/Khazarian Jews – converts – to lead the charge.
From Unz:
“Note on that last one, some think Obama is using a fake Social Security number because his mother never got him citizenship, and CIA just papered it over for him with a fake social. So that DOGE algorithm could pop him out as a fake, and trigger an investigation there.”
Hussein did use a SS# from a state he never lived in that had been issued to a guy who was dead by then.
I think they already know. If they want to do it they will, and at a time of their choosing.
“Could DOGE have uncovered something about human trafficking?”
Well, we know our ruling class is up to their necks in it, so that’s my guess.
Vox Day writes of the DOGE blitzkrieg against the deep state:
He is referencing this article:
Anons here might have noticed this: for the last few years, when I perused the comment section here, every single comment had a downvote. I’d come back later and every new comment had a downvote as well. Like it was somebody’s JOB to monitor the comment threads here and downvote everything. And probably post those comments sporting a little bit of truth mixed with a whole bunch of psyop to distract us from what’s important.
It appears whoever that was has not been at his post recently. Like maybe whoever paid them had to scale back that part of the budget since DOGE is in effect.
But they’re still paying the clowns who block access with the WordPress Install redirect.
Maybe the guys just a huge SLACKER. Can’t even get him to show up to his no show job!
“That is incredible ruthlessness. You kill your own people so the enemy cannot use them as bargaining chips later. And they had young girls in there from that music festival.”
If it please the Court, Your Honor, I submit…
Exhibit A: The Lusitania
Exhibit B: Pearl Harbor
Exhibit C: 9/11
Musk is doing all this in microseconds with algorithms and AI.
Looloutfa Charlie analyzes the Philly crash:
Watched it. Pretty damn disturbing.
It wants me to sign in. They can fuk off
Maybe it’s time to send a special message to the Intelligence Community, the Cabal, the American Stasi and any other name for the enemies of America: Be careful. 🙂
This insufferable little prick falls into the AOC category – give them a microphone and put them in front of the camera to broadcast EVERY WORD. Let them talk freely and behold as they do more damage in less time than we possibly hope to match.
I REALLY believe this whole category is just plants to do exactly that. These types are deliberate sabotage of the blue team.
> Biden’s security clearance
There’s a difference between “having a security clearance” and “receiving classified information.” Biden, the other former VPs, former Secretaries of State, former Cabinet members, etc. no longer have a “need to know”, and should not receive any information. However, unless there’s some specific reason (criminal conviction, for example) once someone gets a clearance, they keep it, subject to the usual 5-year renewal requirement.
A now-retired friend of mine wound up with a “Confidential” clearance, which is the least clearance there is. His employer at the time had to have clearances for everyone working on a certain project, and he was on the list. He turned that into an entire career, hopping from employer to employer on the Beltway, because almost any job of consequence required a current clearance, all the way down to “toilet paper inspector.”
Well, I made that up, but it’s required for a lot of jobs for no explicable reason. He had the clearance, so they could hire him right then, instead of going through a lengthy security dance with the FBI, so he often got hired over people with much better qualifications, but no magic certificate.
As far as I know he never saw any secret information in his entire career; the clearance was just a job requirement unrelated to anything he actually did.
What are the criteria for denying a clearance? I am basically curious if the fact I have been under criminal surveillance, and I call the Intel Community here out on breaking the law, and victimizing innocent Americans in criminal harassment operations, is enough to deny me a clearance.
Or does it require something concrete like a criminal conviction? Can they just say, “We don’t like this guy, he is denied.”?
In “general” it would be things like lying about ones past/criminal history, having a history of exploitable weaknesses such as alcohol or substance abuse, severe debt or extremely poor money management/credit, unsatisfactory explanations for frequent travel abroad. Maybe a few other reasons, but those are the common ones, iirc
I knew a guy about 20 years ago who lost his clearance because his driving record sucked so much the state took his license away. It took a couple years for the government to catch up to him though.
There was a time when being gay made you a risk for a clearance, but most of them stayed in the closet well enough. And now, seeing a psychiatrist or declaring bankruptcy are no longer impediments to obtaining or keeping a security clearance. Same for being a Communist. Makes you think about the only reason left for denying somebody a clearance is “because fuck you, that’s why”.
High level clearance can be given to anybody.
Since Clinton, Obama, Blair, Fidelito, being a traitor, communist, gay and blackmailable probably expedited the process.
> New US Attorney General Pam Bondi has disbanded a task force targeting Russian elites and redirected its resources to fight drug cartels.
Despite the best efforts of the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations, the Federation is not our enemy. Yet, anyway.
The narcos *are* our enemy, and have been for generations. The Musketeers need to look into the DEA, which has spent billions on their “drug war”, which never seems to get anywhere.
If the DEA can’t do what its charter requires, perhaps it should be disbanded and its funding allocated to someone who can do the job. The US Army, perhaps. Albanian mercenaries. Wagner Group. I don’t particularly care, as long as they’re successful.
Another Thanksgiving Day feast! The news density factor has ramped up magnitudes since Inauguration Day.
It is mainly DOGE uncovering the same thing in each agency for now. It will probably peter out for a short time, and then at some point, I expect an explosion, with probably more than I will be able to cover, unless it coincides with an end to the beaming.
It occurs to me that with the termination of the deep state slush funds, it might be revealed if Alex Jones is legitimate or controlled opposition; or something else entirely. This goes for a lot of other characters too – Juan O’Savin, Charlie Ward, etc. It is glorious to see the Panic in DC.
Large if accurate.
Wow Again. Thank you for posting these!
Sounds about right.
Wow. Great rundown.
Too small to read, would really appreciate a link to a full size rendition, thanks.
I stuck it at the top of the brief. Click the image, it will come up full screen, and you can enlarge it from there using cntrl +
The New American (The John Birch Society’s magazine website, which has slowly shifted towards having more anti-Trump articles in the last few years, including a recent one attacking his “unconstitutional” blitzkrieg of the deepstate via EOs) is currently suffering a Database error.
> For the record, I do not see anything on the EMF meter that is way out of whack, so if it is some kind of beam, they may be pulsing it fast enough to evade detection.
For completeness on GQ meter readings:
– Look at “Table Mode” > EMF/EF > EMF values for magnetic field (milliGauss) and frequency (Hz). The GQ meter range for low frequency EMF is 0.5Hz to 150Khz.
– RF Settings > RF Sensitivity > Sensitive (instead of Standard)
– RF Settings > RF Sample-Hold Time > Timeout: 1 second
Thank you! I will do that.