News Briefs – 02/08/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


This one seems significant. From here:  Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday decried alleged illicit police phone hacking, including of his son and figures involved in his trial, as a “dark day for the state of Israel.” “This matter concerns all Israeli citizens, not just right or left,” he told the Knesset plenum. “Something inconceivable has happened here. Elements in the police illegally spied, using the most aggressive tools in the world, on countless citizens — journalists, social activists from right and left, mayors, businesspeople, politicians and their families,” the former premier said. “They exposed citizens, followed them, listened in on them, and got into their most buried secrets. Who knows what improprieties they used it for? A spying application meant to be used against terror and to fight our enemies turned into an everyday tool for police to spy on civilians, in violation of every law and norm,” he added.

Paging David Patterson, please prepare yourself to be vindicated. Netanyahu is telling you where this is going. Understand, this is certainly, absolutely, going to come out at some point in the US. And it will feature its application, with the use of the children of the citizen spies in schools, used as spies against random children who just happened to score well in school and look like they might go places. There will be extensive citizen informants throughout society, even moving in next to targets to watch them in, and listen in their houses, with those neighborhood spy networks watching everyone generally, in addition to specific targets. We all have files. There will be secret tech deployment to alter outcomes and control who are winners and who are losers without anybody knowing what is happening, or thinking it could be human intervention. And if people internalize the lessons of it, they will realize it was to be expected, because intel happens, and once it does it grows, and it has no boundaries because it does whatever it can get away with. It infiltrates everything if there is no resistance – like in a population which thinks it could never happen. And that will all eventually produce this, inevitably, unless a population is savvy to that, and actively seeks its destruction every moment of every day. The Stasi is the normal state of affairs, if there is not constant, active, aggressive resistance to it, based on an innate understanding among everyone that all of this, from citizen informants and spies, to everyone eventually being watched and having a file, is natural, and not paranoia. But that revelation, in Israel, which is probably the spying capital of the world, where you would think such a thing could never be burned, is significant. They lost control over there, if the media is reporting it, and Bibi is taking it on openly. I almost wonder if Trump was burning Bibi, to create distance so Bibi could destroy this on his own, and it would look separate from Trump’s battles with intel over here, which I suspect will produce similar revelations in the near future.

Israel’s domestic spying scandal widened on Monday with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett vowing government action following new reports that police illegally used the #Pegasus malware to hack phones of dozens of prominent figures. Normally these operations are structured to avoid this type of exposure at several levels, including by recruiting the very media which would normally report on it, and controlling the very people who would investigate it and expand the scandal. You saw that with David Patterson’s news conference, which got a brief mention, and then was dropped, despite a sitting Governor saying he was approached and threatened by spooks who had been surveilling him for 30 years, and they tried to blackmail him into being their puppet in office. That this story in Israel not only got out, but keeps unraveling further, indicates something has changed. And in Israel, a spook capital where such perpetrators should have even better control over something like this than in the US.

Vox Day on how a top candidate in the Republican primary for Oregon governor has confirmed he was part of an invite-only Portland swingers group for swapping sexual partners. I will guarantee you that one, there is video, and two, the invite probably came from surveillance, and three, it is highly likely surveillance sent in swingers of their own to watch and take part.

A Chinese whistle-blower by the name of Tang Mengfing, who says he was imprisoned and tortured by the communist regime after exposing Amazon for abusing its employees and treating them like slaves at factories where Alexa-enabled spy devices are manufactured, is now asking for an apology. So the Alexas everyone puts in their homes, with mics that record everything and send it online, are being made in China, where the CCP can insert backoors. Nice.

A big win was delivered to Republicans when the US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to reverse a lower court order in Alabama that a passed Congressional map favoring Republicans must be redrawn. So a 6-1 Republican to Democrat map will now go into effect in 2022. Roberts dissented.

State Representative Mark Finchem introduces a resolution to set aside & decertify three AZ 2020 county elections.

Maricopa County election workers caught red-handed deleting “archived” files from server before delivery to auditors.

In Ottawa there is a movement online for everyone to carry around a gas can at all times, so those bringing fuel to truckers can have camouflage, and Police can’t check everyone. People not involved in bringing fuel are filling their little gallon cans with Gatorade and water, so they can tell Police it is for keeping hydrated. Of course surveillance may be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and help authorities, but at least you are making them work for it, and giving a visible show of support.

As Canadian Truckers are shut down by mandates, and unable to deliver Cargo, it turns out Bill Gates is the largest single shareholder of Canadian Railway, which I assume will have to transport the cargo instead.

“Prime minister Justin Trudeau remains in isolation at an undisclosed location.”

Man charged in Winnipeg Jeep attack is Antifa. And an Alleged Pedophile.

An Ottawa judge has granted an injection telling protesting truckers to stop hooting their horns.

Ottawa Police are exempt from any vaccine mandates. It tells you the politicians up there knew there would be problems with the public, and their hold over the Police felt tenuous so they didn’t want to press their luck.

Freedom convoy has raised over $5 million on GiveSendGo so far.

The Venture Capital firm behind Facebook and GoFundMe was led by the first CEO of In-Q-Tel, the CIA-technology funder, Jim Breyer.

Federal negotiator will reportedly meet with Freedom Convoy truckers on Tuesday in Ottawa.

FDNY NYPD EMS and other city workers shut down the Brooklyn bridge in response of the mandates. They demand all mandates got lifted while they chant ‘ save our children.”

UK government admits if vaccinated, people cannot produce nucleocapsid antibodies, and thus they are prone to reinfection with COVID, and possibly even enhanced disease.

STANFORD: Injected mRNA is not self-destructing as planned. Way back when they first announced mRNA vaccines and all the experts assured people the mRNA would self-destruct, I said no matter what the theory said, no matter the experts were touting it, you could not know that, and it would not be surprising to find it did not. Again, this whole thing feels to me like a big experiment they forced into being because there was something massive the elites would have to gain if it worked as planned, but something massive they would lose if they tried it out on themselves and something went wrong. If I had to guess I would assume they have some theoretical mechanism which will cause youthening, after which it needs to turn off, so they just go on younger. If it does not turn off, it risks triggering too much cell proliferation, and maybe cancer. So they designed this experiment to see broadly if in six months people are still producing spike proteins, and getting ill, and if so, how many it happens in. An immunogenic peptide that is toxic is a good marker as it will produce symptoms which will get reported.

Judge does not let Pfizer into the case seeking its Covid-19 docs from FDA. Holds its request in abeyance until Pfizer can show actual need to intervene.

Austrian government authorizes dystopian vaccine registry and imposes COVID restrictions through January 2024 as Police will begin pulling drivers over at random and fining unboosted citizens next month. Think it will really be random, anon?

Male nurse hired during staffing shortage sets female colleague on FIRE and bashes her in the head with a wrench in break room at New Jersey hospital before fleeing in his car.

Meta, Amazon, and Google accounted for more than half of all internet industry lobbying in 2021. In other words, CIA/Cabal assets, used CIA/Cabal profits to support CIA/Cabal propaganda supporting CIA/Cabal agents occupying CIA/Cabal political offices they were appointed to in rigged elections.

Outrage as Biden gives a Soros nonprofit $164 million to help criminal migrants escape punishment.

The Justice Department has signaled that the agency might be open to allowing so-called safe injection sites, or safe havens for people to use heroin and other narcotics.

San Francisco promotes illegal drug use, and overdose deaths ‘skyrocket.’ So is this some kind of eugenics program? Killing off the poor whose welfare is taking money out of the elite’s pockets? Selective breeding by the farmers who view us as their livestock?

The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance “racial equity.” They put these all out at the same time, almost like they want us to connect these dots. Or maybe because they laugh at how most people don’t, and they feel smarter than the population.

Goldman’s head commodity strategists sees shortages of everything – “You name it, we’re out of it.” A lot of times I have noticed they say things like this to get people betting this way as they take the opposite side, knowing it is about to shift around.

Tyson foods soars to record after hiking beef, chicken and pork prices by double digits. Kind of like when you control the rail lines, and you prevent truckers from transporting cargo so it can only go by train. The thing is, they make money on the way up, and the way down, so they will get everyone investing in it, and then crash the shortages, and create gluts. The worm will turn.

The FBI released a document dump of Mueller investigation reports that provide almost no significant or relevant information, but they redacted Hillary Clinton’s name in a document forgetting that in a prior data dump her name was provided.

Credit Suisse faces charges in cocaine trafficking trial for handling money transfers that facilitated laundering.

Jonah Goldberg, one of the two conservative political analysts who resigned from Fox News Channel in colorful fashion over its coverage, is joining CNN as a contributor, the WarnerMedia network confirmed Monday.

A video of anchors on the far-left Young Turks program repeatedly saying the n-word and “fag” (as a derogatory term for a homosexual) has amassed over 2.1 million views on Twitter, with no signs of slowing.

Trump’s social media platform is being delayed until the end of March. It has to be gotten right the first time.

And something completely different : The Met Police have raided a London property in connection with a bizarre cult known as Nullos that live-streamed castrations. The authorities spent days collecting evidence. All seven suspects have been released on bail. Nullos has allegedly been inspired by asexual Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama – who surgically removed his penis and testicles before feeding them to guests nine years ago for $215.

Is China using COVID quarantines to rig the Winter Olympics? They test everyone, pick who tests positive, and send them to the inhuman quarantine hotel with no food and shit conditions to degrade them.

A supernova will appear in the sky in 2022, predict astronomers.

Spotify CEO rejects mob demands to can Joe Rogan, says “cancelling voices is a slippery slope.”

Texas Health and Human Services released updated statistics Monday showing that number of abortions reported in the state decreased almost 60% in the first month after new restrictions went into effect.

Two people have been arrested amid clashes as protesters surrounded Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, shouting “traitor” and criticising his record on Covid – and there were some cries of “Jimmy Savile.”

A judge ordered the U.S. Air Force to pay more than $230 million in damages to survivors and victims’ families of a deadly shooting at a Texas church for failing to flag a conviction that might have kept the gunman from legally buying the gun.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Monday issued a legal opinion that determines that the ongoing crisis at the southern border is an “invasion” under the Constitution – a move he says gives the state the power to take additional measures to defend itself.

Tennessee adopts new Congressional map that nukes long-time Democrat’s seat.

Medicaid providers need surety bonds.

Lara Logan is quitting social media, accusing it of ‘glorifying’ pedophile content.

Rumble offer Joe Rogan $100 million over 4 years to move his shows to their platform. Does Rumble charge a membership fee? Where are they getting $100 million?

The parent company that oversees Facebook and Instagram globally says both social media platforms may have to be shut down across Europe due to European data regulations that prevent it from transferring, storing and processing EU citizens’ data on US systems.

Google sued by Swedish online shopping firm for $2.4 billion for using its search engine to shunt shoppers to google’s stores over others, after EU’s previous antitrust fine on google shows proof of anticompetitive practices.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will not use a third-party company to verify new accounts with facial recognition, the agency announced on Monday in a news release.

Trump supporter Peter Thiel announced he is leaving Facebook (Meta) board after nearly two decades to focus on supporting Trump-aligned candidates in the upcoming 2022 election.

President Trump interviewed by Kash Patel:

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


If Nancy Pelosi does her job on security, there is no “January 6.” So the corrupt Unselect Committee should stop its work immediately! The Committee is nothing but a cover up for Pelosi’s failure to act and Biden’s failed Administration. The more time the Fake News Media spends talking about this, the less time they have to talk about Inflation, the horrendously implemented Afghanistan withdrawal, rising gas prices, loss of energy independence, Woke military leaders, etc. That’s what the Radical Left Dems want!


Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible. Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist. That’s why the Democrats and RINOs are working feverishly together to change the very law that Mike Pence and his unwitting advisors used on January 6 to say he had no choice. The reason they want it changed is because they now say they don’t want the Vice President to have the right to ensure an honest vote. In other words, I was right and everyone knows it. If there is fraud or large scale irregularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out. The Dems and RINOs want to take that right away. A great opportunity lost, but not forever, in the meantime our Country is going to hell!


Republicans are getting absolutely creamed with the phony redistricting going on all over the Country. Even the Fake New York Times is having a hard time believing how ridiculous things have gotten. We were expecting to do well in New York and now, we’ll lose 4 seats and the Old Broken-Down Crow, Mitch McConnell, sits back and does nothing to help the Party. The only thing the Democrats are good at is cheating on elections, and the proof is out for everybody to see but hold on, you haven’t seen anything yet!


The ballot harvesting scam will go down as the biggest political scandal in history. It is totally determinative, and the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop the news from coming out. Republicans must be strong and unified in order to save our Country!


Mike Pence said he had no authority other than to send the votes forward to the Old Crow, Mitch McConnell. If so, why are the Dems and RINOs fighting so hard to make it impossible for a VP to do so in the future?


Congratulations to the Republican National Committee (RNC) and its Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, on their great ruling in censuring Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, two horrible RINOs who put themselves ahead of our Country. They have almost no approval ratings, and the Republican Party would be far better off without them!


On Monday the incredible people of Iowa exercise their sacred right to peaceably assemble and participate in the great Iowa Caucus! One of the most time-honored and American of traditions. Neighbors will join together to cast their votes and determine their future.

However, the corrupt and elitist Democrat Establishment wants to steal Iowa’s First-in-the-Nation status. They want to limit your freedoms, silence your voices, strangle your livelihoods, and restrict your God-given right to nominate your political leaders.

Coastal Democrats allow illegal aliens to vote in California and New York, but are attempting to stifle the free speech of great American Patriots.

With me, Iowa will ALWAYS keep its first-in-the-Nation status. The great people of Middle America will have a powerful vote and voice. Iowans, make sure you go out on Monday and participate in your precinct caucus!

Thank you to Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, and Chairman Kaufmann for fighting hard against the Radical Democrats!


My Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has written a memoir in which he explains how our foreign policy of “peace through strength” brought about unprecedented support for Israel and once-in-a-lifetime peace agreements between Israel and five Muslim nations (with more to come)—the Abraham Accords. His book is aptly named, Sledgehammer: How Breaking with the Past Brought Peace to the Middle East. Go to to order your copy and learn more about how American foreign policy is supposed to work—making us stronger, safer, and more prosperous at home and abroad. Congrats to David on a great new book!


Endorsement of Congresswoman Lisa McClain

Congresswoman Lisa McClain is a doing a wonderful job representing the great people of Michigan. A tremendous advocate of our America First agenda, Lisa is fighting to protect your rights against Unconstitutional Mandates and to prevent Joe Biden and Gretchen Whitmer from shutting down “Line 5.” She is working hard to Secure our Borders, Defend the Second Amendment, and Support our Military, Vets, Law Enforcement, and Energy Independence. Lisa has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because Peace through Strength is always a good thing.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“The Met Police have raided a London property in connection with a bizarre cult known as Nullos that live-streamed castrations.”

That’s some must see TV right there.

“Nullos has allegedly been inspired by asexual Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama – who surgically removed his penis and testicles before feeding them to guests nine years ago for $215.

Bro, if I’m feeding folks my junk I’m going to be charging alot more than $215. That’s barely more than a decent steak house.

He is Japanese though so maybe it’s a fair price for the smaller portion size and all.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

There was news about a German electrician castrating volunteers recently, near Munich. I think he got through about 8 uh well men before one died. Maybe it’s a new fashion, would fit in with the tranny agenda. I also note a lot of corporate stuff about mental health on e.g. Amazon and other large companies’ websites, seems it’s one of the things being pushed at the moment, this idea that everyone is insane or half-insane and should seek help. Don’t know if the idea is for people to think they are insane, or to suspect those about them are. Unsettling in any case.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

The whole world is completely mad. Maybe the Unabomber was on to something.

3 years ago

> Trump’s social media
If it’s in the App Store and on big tech cloud servers it will not be “right”
It will be beholden to those platforms’ terms of service
And that means no criticism of blacks, jews, gays, trannies, or women will be tolerated

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Criticism of blacks, news, gays, and trannies really isn’t needed right now. We’ve got bigger problems.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Not sure if serious.

3 years ago

Interactions with the Demon infested:

Demons completely helpless before the power of Jesus Christ. They seethe at his name and unutterable Glory.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Absolutely hilarious concept, thanks for sharing. It’s funny because this guy doesn’t even say anything to them directly with his original posts; it’s a simple declaration of fact that Jesus Christ the Savior has risen. He’s not calling them sinners or blasphemers or attacking them at all, but the simple mention of the name and the situation burns their souls as if poked with a brand.

Reminds me of C.S. Lewis’ “The Great Divorce,” how people actively delude themselves even when told the direct path to Heaven and choose to stay in hell rather than give up their chains when given the choice.

Nothing better to lift the spirits these days than a good trench raid into the enemy lines of Twitter.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Apparently Prayer and the name of Jesus Christ is very effective when it comes to Sleep Paralysis:

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Can confirm- it’s a pressed down feel and an evil presence like this article explains. Has happened to me twice. Banishing the presence in Jesus’s name and/or reciting the Our Father sent it away.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

· Feb 4
I can’t help but be excited to see a big portion of Millennial women descending into the madness of spinsterhood, without even the comfort of nieces or nephews as they age.×900

This asshat took some D-list influencer’s Insta post & constructed broad-sweeping generalizations to the entire Millennial generation. Not everyone wants children. Screaming, puking, shitting fleshbags devouring ever dwindling resources until they too reproduce & die. What fun!

· Feb 6
Replying to @RecoverinZombie
No point in addressing you, ma’am, I’ll just address your driving demon:
I know what you think of us “fleshbags”, but you have no power, Jesus Christ is risen and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. You have no power, even over this woman without her consent.

3 years ago

“Does Rumble charge a membership fee? Where are they getting $100 million?”
That is similar to the question I ask family members that still use Facebook, Twitter, etc.

How much do you pay? “Zero”
How much are they worth? “Billions”
How did they get so rich? “I don’t know”
Our data!! They stole it and used it to become super wealthy and then decide they get to decide who has a voice. They need to be shut down and the data warehouses destroyed.

Reply to  Leatherwing
3 years ago

Maybe they aren’t. But by making the offer they’ve got tons of free publicity.

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

A brief thread from Jesse Kelly on Twitter about where he thinks the Ottawa trucker protest could go.

But if it does turn into the Canadian government forcing accountants, developers, and other paper pushers into the fields, factories, and mines (in austere conditions but not nearly as grim as China or Soviet Russia) and it turns out, doing actual work doesn’t suck quite as much as being an Office Space TPL Report generator, then a whole cadre of Peter Gibbonses manifest themselves, and….

Just spitballing, but eventually, The Bobs must arrive, because you can’t just keep printing funny money by fiat. It has to stand for some kind of worth.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago
3 years ago

Thiel looks to be a weather vane not a Trump supporter. I’m thinking that changes are being made because cell phones and social media have made most of cabal’s human networks obsolete. Shortages are being claimed to get rid of inventory without causing panic or having people realize cabal plans. God is my salvation.

Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

He’s also obsessed with the anti-aging agenda and drinking or infusing people’s blood to keep himself healthy. If he’s legit about throwing money to support good people then fine, enemy of my enemy and all that, but I don’t trust him or support him a single inch.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

At this point I wish he’d get back on seasteading. We’re going to need a new country soon.

3 years ago

Yah know, lot of those folks walking around with fuel cans they are going to be on high K, like high where every sense is dialed to max super savvy, the rush of fucking with and out-fucking the network fuckers really shifts you into high situational awareness zone. Its a delightful kind of thing to sneak one up on the fuckers. A rush.
And many are going to recognize they recognize how gangstalker cops and their counterparts working the crowd of genuine folks and taking part in the protest, are linked and running an operation as agent provocateurs, how their overlords are flying blind, their K radar will instantly notice, almost on instinct, who is machine and who are one of them fighting for whats good beautiful and right. More so they will sense their compatriots High K state. The implications are enormous for something so externally sublime. This is the thing that changes the world for good beautiful and right reasons which is the purview of dirt people. There just are no others. Nobody is coming to save K but K. That is Samual Adam’s the great rabble rouser and insurgent leader, great plurality that will not be denied.

They will mention it to others, an exchange of sublime new found insights, validating their amygdala’s warnings. This they will not only never forget, they will be hooked on the power within themselves, they will feel alive, empowered, an audacity thats wonderfully innervating. Preference Cascade begins. Just how can that be stopped?

The machine has totally underestimated the natural power of K Strategists, this is the stage where shit is backfiring on the fuckers, they have no strategy, only brute force tactics, force and violent kind, because to them at this stage enough dirt people are supposed to be under the thrall of the machine, and they can not figure what to do because they have lost understanding of what K Strategist’s are capable of and how trying to crowd them into compliance and servitude is like trying to heard cats, millions of cats who are going to go full tilt fuck you. Look to all the Pure Bloods for reason. The machine can never death vaxx all those K’s.

Another part of the problem for cabal is scale, and its capabilities, it cannot cope with tens to hundreds of millions who see the machine and go total, organic, open source BFYTW. They see it as a gun problem, but the truth is every one of high K audacity are weapons, their minds are the real weapon, our rifles are basically long range and close combat fuck you’s with a death sentence clause, no bag limits.

If things get out of hand in Ottawa, control escapes its clutches, the machine is basically toast. Its avoidance of meritocracy is its weakness now, now when it needs all the critical thinking actors possible. Things will never return to the days of low hanging fruit and easy pickins’ before K Strategist grokked onto the machine. The clock gets reset to zero. The risk of a network gangstalker or glowie going full retard and striking out murdering a hand full of switched on K’s in-front of in full view of their fellow K’s is now real high. These operatives already are busting at the seams with contempt and inner rage, one of them will no longer be able to contain it as their gangstalker training requires. But this time its not Ruby Ridge or Waco, both Waco’s. No more Oklahoma Cities or 9-11’s. Too many high amygdala K’s to gull using false flags, K’s smell those rats from a thousand miles away. If your reading this you know what its about when your switched on K. I’m not saying anything special. I’m communicating with my fellow K’s. That is probably a main reason why the ranks of network comment trolls and shills are out in force. Same inside the Truckers protest. All those switched on K’s, in an uncontrolled spontaneous environment.
And this is only a tiny rendition of what is possible.
globo=peedo has effectively lost control they enjoyed out of hand, those halcyon days no more, now the sportiness starts, desperate measures decreed, extreme proscription of people and things, vast arbitrary writ of attainder and other dicktat. What else they gonna do? Take their ball and run home?

3 years ago

> Austrian government authorizes dystopian vaccine registry and imposes COVID restrictions through January 2024 as Police will begin pulling drivers over at random and fining unboosted citizens next month. Think it will really be random, anon?

Sorry for the shitty youtube clipper link, but just the first thing that popped into my mind on hearing plots for any sort of random stops or door-to-door program by the police:

3 years ago

> Canadian Railway, which I assume will have to transport the cargo instead.

Not hardly. It still take trucks to get stuff to the railhead, and to pick the stuff up at the other end. Depending on “union regulations”, you might have to pay for your cargo might have to be “warehoused” as well, even if it’s just moving from one piece of paper to another while the forklift is moving your pallet from the railcar to the truck.

Railroads typically move “bulk” cargo; they don’t like to dick around with little one or ten pallet shipments. And, at least in the US, their charges at *least* match trucking door-to-door prices, plus you still have to pay for short-haul trucks at both ends.

Further, the rail terminals aren’t typically set up to handle cargo; on the rare occasions some fool sends something, he’ll find his choice of terminals is only a small fraction of passenger terminals, particularly for anything that needs a forklift.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

possible sop to construction firms (who like dimrat/liberal $) and small cartage firms (some dimrat/liberal owned)

3 years ago

> “Prime minister Justin Trudeau remains in isolation at an undisclosed location.”

Probably crossed the border and is hiding in Joe Biden’s basement…

3 years ago

> Obama’s mansion in Hawaii

Quite a few Americans would recognize what *used to be* on that site, that Obama had demolished to build his fugly “mansion.”

3 years ago

> Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Monday issued a legal opinion that determines that the ongoing crisis at the southern border is an “invasion” under the Constitution – a move he says gives the state the power to take additional measures to defend itself.
The Constitution is primarily a contract between the states. Each state gave up some sovereignty in exchange for guarantees those functions would be handled by the Federal government.

The Federal government has failed to honor its end of the contract, and has declared it has no intention of doing so.

They’re treating Arizona (and the other border states) like occupied territories, not as member states. The Feds don’t have a (legal) leg to stand on if Arizona (or any of the other invaded states) declares its independence once again,

3 years ago

In Ottawa there is a movement online for everyone to carry around a gas can at all times, so those bringing fuel to truckers can have camouflage, and Police can’t check everyone.

Just saw word on twitter that they are giving all the gas they seized over to the Convoy and have stopped taking it. I guess the lawyers let them know about the whole “international human rights violation” thing.

3 years ago

STANFORD: Injected mRNA is not self-destructing as planned.

Reservoir is the lymph nodes. So, lymphoma epidemic in 3… 2…

Maybe we should start a pool of when they admit to the lymphoma outbreak?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

My grandmother, nearly 90, got lymphoma following long-Covid. Doctors said the covid directly caused the lymphoma. Would not be the least bit surprised if the vaccines do the same thing, but to everyone and it just frail old ladies.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

According to Robert Malone
The levels of spike proteins is higher than that in a severely ill CV patient.

As for cost: the summary says, ” When I was offered my treatment, the estimated price was $1 million – and that was even WITH being in a clinical trial”

3 years ago

Judge does not let Pfizer into the case seeking its Covid-19 docs from FDA. Holds its request in abeyance until Pfizer can show actual need to intervene.

Longer legal explanation — the documents are generally public once Pfizer sends them to the government. Some things can be redacted, and Pfizer is asking the judge to let THEM do the redactions.

Judge’s (correct IMO) ruling was, no, the government can do a competent job of redaction, so unless you can show — with evidence — some place where YOU have a legal privilege that the government is not already protecting, BTFO.

3 years ago

Male nurse hired during staffing shortage sets female colleague on FIRE and bashes her in the head with a wrench in break room at New Jersey hospital before fleeing in his car.

Dig the photo — that’s not a mugshot, that’s his DRIVERS LICENSE:

That’s not even sanpaku, that’s FOUR whites. Ought to be reason enough to commit you on sight.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago


3 years ago

FYI, Chrome helpfully “removed” the Coincidence Detector extension I manually added, and wouldn’t let me download the file again. I had to download it with another browser and then add it back to Chrome.

(((Someone))) REALLY doesn’t like being named.

3 years ago

“Man charged in Winnipeg Jeep attack is Antifa. And an Alleged Pedophile.”

As I’ve commented here before, pedophiles and other sex offenders become cabal slaves.

For the high status ones, they get to keep their status benefits and position, but become blackmailed and controlled assets.

For the low status ones, they do all kinds of jobs like this or risk having terrible things happen to them. And of course, no one wants to defend a pedophile, even if they’re subjected to grotesque violations of rights and even outright slavery. It’s so incredibly wrong.

Finnegans Fake
Finnegans Fake
3 years ago

Just go to 9 minutes. This was a BBC production done in 1968, about how the news is faked. They’re “planning” the news for 1973. Joint US-Russia space flight? In 1968? The bit about LSD being used to derail the antiwar movement was rather prescient; the Grateful Dead was just getting started. Woodstock hadn’t even happened yet. Almost like someone took a bet that they could reveal everything — everything! — and it wouldn’t matter one damn bit.

3 years ago

AC – your mailbox is full

3 years ago

Good thread on a Secular cult ending up infested by Demons:

Mental illness my ass.

3 years ago

Pelosi’s Capitol Cops Tried to Sneak Into GOP Congressman’s Office Dressed as Construction Workers, Illegally Took Photos of Legislative Documents

3 years ago

Speaking of Cabal women marrying their assignments only to blow up the family later…

I do have a hard time believing this is real. Maybe AC is correct and all we see is the curated content Cabal allows/feeds us individually.

This article reads like someone collected an inordinate number of topics and themes regularly/recently discussed on this website and combined them all into this one piece. It’s rather preposterous how many checkboxes are compiled and ticked in this one article.

If I did not read this blog every day, I wonder if I would have been fed this entirely over-the-top, tailor-made story obviously meant to demoralize.

Pity and prayers to this gentleman if this is real and true.

3 years ago

BBC admits they use HIV to make the covid vaccine