News Briefs – 02/08/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


 The tweet follows. I actually felt shock as I heard this, simply because I realized it has been a long, long time since I heard a politician not only not berate us about how awful America is, but rather actually speak of the greatness we have in our history, and inspire us to reach for even higher goals. Trump is the stuff of Legends:

The image:

The tweet:


Andrew Breitbart’s father-in-law killed when two cars hit him as he walked on the street. From the article – “Cops are currently investigating whether the collision was criminal or an accident.”

Chinese Government may be declaring dissidents infected so they can be thrown into a quarantine center and infected with Corona virus:

Some patients get better and their fever resolves, and then all of a sudden their lung function collapses and they need oxygen:

34,957 confirmed cases of Corona, 725 fatalities, 27,657 suspected cases.

A 60 year old U.S. citizen diagnosed with the new coronavirus died in Wuhan, China. No word on race.

5 evacuees from Wuhan at Travis AFB hospitalized with Coronavirus symptoms.

5 British Nationals diagnosed with Corona in France.

Corona virus so far has had zero effect on the US economy, and WHO says new cases are slowing. Still, even with the Chinese government literally fogging everywhere in bleach, a total emptying of the streets, and communities not only isolating but posting patrols to beat outsiders who try to enter, it is still spreading and increasing in numbers over all. It has the potential to be a huge anti-r pathogen. In China cases might be slowing because the amygdala of the Chinese are causing them to act very decisively, down to the individual level, to limit the spread, be it by self-isolation, to wearing masks, to violent exclusions of outsiders. But if this hits an r-population like San Francisco, those weakened amygdalae will end up savaged as a population. Could you imagine trying to block the entrance of outsiders to your street with weapons in a liberal city like SF? Or just shutting in for a month and not dealing with outsiders? It would not happen, because the amygdala is not there. Those places will have problems if this grows a little more lethal. And all of that ignores the mortal salience stimulus of a plague, which will drive everyone rightward psychologically.

I do wonder if we are getting the real story in China, when I see a story saying the government is warning government officials who run away from their duties that they will “be nailed to the pillar of historical shame.” Are government officials with the benefits of being an elite insider risking becoming an enemy of the state by running away because what they are seeing and hearing from inside is so bad? And why is Taiwan’s health minister breaking into tears as he talks about their 11th case being confirmed in this next one?

White House asks scientists to investigate the origins of the new Coronavirus. The timing is very, very coincidental, given the Storm’s imminence, and intelligence personnel do not believe in coincidence. Imagine the leaders of the PRC finding out elite financial bloodlines had released a disease which was genetically designed so it could have killed the families of China’s leaders, and crashed their government, causing them to be thrown out of power and murdered. Cabal would be hunted for the rest of their lives.

Coronavirus brings China’s surveillance state out of the shadows. People are suddenly realizing the surveillance state knows everything they have been doing and can find them instantly if they might have been near the outbreak. This guy was told to quarantine, and was shocked when he went out and found facial recognition found him instantly, alerted his boss he was not to be interacted with, and then police called him to order him to self-quarantine.

There is a global shortage of anti-virus masks, says WHO.

Singapore lifts virus alert to SARS level, sparking panic buying.

More than 2,000 people are stranded on Holland America cruise ship after four countries refuse to let it dock over coronavirus fears – despite crew’s insistence there are no cases on board.

On cruise ship quarantined in Japan, officials announce that any new case to emerge will reset the isolation clock.

Potential drugs are being tested against the Corona virus in China.

55 years after Malcolm X’s murder, the Manhattan district attorney’s office is reviewing whether to reinvestigate the murder. Somebody just happened to do a documentary which shows they may have arrested the wrong people. Imagine how even the radical Black Nationalists will feel, when it comes out the left is run by a conspiracy which murdered Malcolm X, and the only man who would oversee bringing the murderers to justice was our Holy God Emperor. That is the thing – Every political cause has had an honest leader or visionary who the members of it liked. And when they arose, Cabal had to kill them, to try to take control of the followers. So Cabal has sinned against everyone, and when that comes out, literally everyone will have reason to unite and converge on Cabal.

Mueller ‘pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann appears to have let slip they were trying to oust Trump by setting a perjury trap.

Sen. Chuck Grassley has asked for more information about payments made by the Department of Defense’s Office of Net Assessment to one of the office’s contractors, Stefan Halper.

Syrian Air defenses nearly downed a passenger jet while responding to an Israeli attack. Lots of plane crashes lately.

Virginia advances Assault Weapons ban and Magazine ban through committee.

Democrats line up possible new charges against Trump for Impeachment 2.0.

Ilhan Omar says the benefits of G.I. Bill should be applied ‘to everybody.’

Michael Bloomberg, as New York City mayor, honored Harvey Weinstein at a 2013 ceremony where the now-disgraced movie producer cracked sex jokes and praised Bloomberg.

Bernie Sanders’s support for racist killer Dylann Roof’s right to vote could pose a challenge in the crucial S.C. primary.

Buttigieg tries to capitalize by blaming Trayvon’s death on White Supremacy. They need you divided.

Bernie Sanders wins nearly all non-English speaking immigrant voters.

Hillary attacks Bernie again, says he is promising the moon and cannot deliver.

A bill sponsored by Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, would ban fracking. This is an overt effort to destroy the nation. I do not see how any of them can be allowed to stay in the nation after the Storm.

NBC news finds errors and inconsistencies in the Iowa results.

Buttegieg, surges in NH, and is tied with Sanders. All of these polls are bogus, but they do reveal what Cabal is up to, since they are a part of Cabal’s plan.

Bloomberg plagiarized at least parts of eight of his plans.

As his campaign is on the line in New Hampshire, Biden spent Thursday gathered with his top advisers at his home in Wilmington, Del., seeking a reset and last-ditch effort to save his candidacy.

Romney says he will not vote for Trump in 2020 election. As if he ever was.

Fox News internal document bashes pro-Trump Fox regulars for spreading ‘disinformation.’

Notice how since Netanyahu turned around on sending the African migrants to Europe, the left has gone virulently anti-Israel:

Joy Behar freaks out, tries to pull out her earpiece violently, and says. “I’m crazy today, he’s made me crazy this week,” she said. “He’s winning because I’m getting nuttier and nuttier.” 

Democrat door knockers are finding Republicans are unified like never before.

Appeals court hands Trump a win, ruling Dem lawmakers cannot sue over business payments.

Commercial database that maps movements of millions of cellphones is deployed by immigration and border authorities.

UK Council set to host Drag Queen Story Time in Muslim-dominated London neighborhood. Get popcorn, this should be good.

Rep. Elise Stefanik raises over $3 million, more than AOC.

Jorge Ramos admits that “Mexico is now the wall.” Does Donald Trump pay Mexico’s bills? Because if not, that would seem to imply that “The Wall” is being paid for by Mexico.

Mexico, under U.S. pressure, adds muscle to fight against drug cartels redeploying an elite marines force that had been largely sidelined.

President Trump to make campaign stop in Phoenix on February 19.

President Trump on Friday ousted Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland.

Vindman and his twin fired and escorted out of the White House.

Americans joining the workforce at a record rate.

Job Market continues to crush expectations in 2020.

Border wall construction begins at Organ Pipe National Monument.

Melania Trump will go into battle for her husband with major campaign role for the first time starting with two fundraisers.

Democrat turnout will be depressed while GOP turnout will be high in November 2020. Pretty obvious. On their side are awful candidates, and on our side is the God Emperor.

Economic indicators suggesting Trump will get re-elected.

Trump will get accused of photoshopping the image of himself as Superman in this video:

Spread r/K Theory, because it is always darkets before the dawn.

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Josey Montana
Josey Montana
5 years ago

AnonCon, my blood forefathers were on Mayflower suffering 50% casualties. They fought in King Philips War and were massacred by literally savage Indians during midnight raids on peaceful farming villages. They founded towns and cities that today are the life’s blood of their regions, including an intrepid band of aristocratic Huguenots that left title, land, cash, connexions everything in France after the Wars of Religion. They served with honor, for England, in the French-Indian War. They signed the Articles of Association placing a giant BLUE target on their backs. Others, fathers and cousins, found the Royal Army encamped on their Loyalist farm one morning in September 1777 and lost everything, including half their children. Others, Loyalists and Patriots, volunteered as Officers and Enlisted Men in the War for Independence. Both sides suffered beyond belief permanently reducing our family in numbers and wealth. They died in terrible farming accidents. Two were captured and imprisoned at Andersonville. One escaped only to be recaptured. The other sleeps there today.

And yet every day of my entire five decades of life these indomitable, inhumanly brave, loving family have suffered lies, calumny, insult, false allegations of heinous crimes against humanity.

ENOUGH. Long live the God Emperor. Now I want justice for my blood. I want the ingrates gone from the land of my fathers. I want to do it myself to earn my people’s Liberty and avenge these insults to my kind and thereby me. Q is a Godsend but he deprives us of our right and duty to TAKE our Liberty with our bare hands from our would be oppressors.

Do you feel it too? IT IS TIME. Now. Or never.

Reply to  Josey Montana
5 years ago
Reply to  Josey Montana
5 years ago

Yes, we are a country filled with Traitors. Treason is the name of the game today! There is a blog out there titled “Age of Treason”. If one isn’t trained in the Virtues, one is full of Vice.

If all our people was trained in the Virtue of Righteousness, would we be in this situation today? No!

To righteousness it belongs to be ready to distribute according to desert, and to preserve ancestral customs and institutions and the established laws, and to tell the truth when interest is at stake, and to keep agreements. First among the claims of righteousness are our duties to the gods, then our duties to the spirits, then those to patrida [fatherland] and parents, then those to the departed; and among these claims is piety, which is either a part of righteousness or a concomitant of it. Righteousness is also accompanied by holiness and truth and loyalty and hatred of wickedness.

V. 2-3 Loeb Classical Library. Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, Eudemian Ethics, Virtues and Vices. Vol. 285. pg 495.

We are going to be judged according to that. II Peter !:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete (virtue)”.

Reply to  Josey Montana
5 years ago

I copied/pasted your above words on an closed forum with this preface:

“Well, well … well. Our tribe may be rustling, XXXXX. Can you believe it? If we pull together against the government/state/Left, it will be a huuuuggge deal as we’re usually last to cohere …

So, count me surprised to find still another confrere! I saw the below comment on a blog I closely follow. Though it’s a small blog, and I don’t know anyone who posts on it, this man’s passion is concerning. There’s a part of me that claps and cheers for him … and a bigger part that wants to hush him, to restrain his passion until the time is ripe, as he’s putting himself in harm’s way by merely articulating how he feels in our intelligence-controlled, politically hostile environment.”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Romney says he won’t vote Trump not because his vote matters but because he knows followers of the Mormon cult will parrot him.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Let’s not bring religious differences into this.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

I’m discussing Romney’s calculated, pragmatic decision and the reason behind it. If you want to pretend Romney doesn’t realize what he’s doing, that’s your choice. And people he knows he’ll influence surely aren’t Baptists, Buddhists, nor any but one sect that happens to carry an entire state and influences several states around it.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

He’s making a joke, new guys. Calm down, have some gravy.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I only object to your use of the word “cult”.
I recognize that mos of my fellow Mormons vote as they are pressured to vote by the leadership and/or the rich among them.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“they are pressured to vote by the leadership”

Exactly. Cult behavior. I’m willing to drop it if you are.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Both of you need to stop accepting (((their))) non-denotational connotations of the word “cult.” All religious sects are cults. They want you to be afraid of the word cult because that allows them to demonize all religion and promote atheism.

It comes from the latin cultus, which means training or education and is the same root as for culture and cultivate. Why are you surprised that people who despise culture and never make (cultivate) anything want you to be ashamed of doing so?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Phelps, a cult follows a certain something and they are kept in line by the fear of loss if they ever follow a path of their own choosing not aligned with the choices made by their leaders. By definition, cultists also believe that only they have the truth, and others who disagree are lost. A cult is a cult, bro, and sophistry doesn’t make it not a cult.

Not all religious sects are cults. Pentacostals don’t believe that Baptists are damned. You are too cavalier in your assertions of what you [don’t] know.

If you’re going to hang around this site, you had better to be able to admit now and then that you don’t know everything. that is one of the founder’s most important discoveries and also what he preaches as a prerequisite to freedom from (((them))).

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
“the cult of St. Olaf”

Stop parroting pop culture bullshit. A cult is a sect is a denomination. Christianity is the cult of Jesus. They want you to think of other religions as “nasty cults” so that when they come for yours, everyone has heard you saying “cults are bad, m’kay?” Over and over and now your cult-cucking has made you defenseless.

Guess what? As soon as you are in the crosshairs, your religion is a cult. I have practically nothing BUT theological problems with Mormons, but anyone who proclaims ANY sort of faith in Christ is more my brother than the godless atheists who want you to adopt THEIR definition of “cult”.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Phelps, your reaction appears emotional. Says a lot. Your true colors are showing.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Which colors would those be? Passionate Christian? Guilty as charged. Do you think Christianity is something to be guarded against?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

On second read, and after a nap, your comment is fine. I think I overreacted based on the strength of your language. Fight the good fight of faith, brother.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Sure…let’s not talk about religion, or race or what country you come from or mental aptitude or color or…anything. See where this leads. That religion doesn’t make a difference is just another tool to stifle dissent. Now I don’t think you, personally, are trying to do this nor am I trying to be evil or hateful to you but I do disagree, respectfully.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I only object to the term “cult”.

I’m perfectly happy to discuss any relevant issues regarding religion.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago


ok got it.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

“I’m perfectly happy to discuss any relevant issues regarding religion.” right after you said “let’s not bring religion into this” as if you are some kind of authority here? You are backtracking hard, buddy. Moving the goalposts, perhaps. Man up.

5 years ago

Mueller ‘pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann appears to have let slip they were trying to oust Trump by setting a perjury trap.

Trump having the trap sprung on him:

comment image

5 years ago

In our Thursday, Jan 6, 2020, edition of a our weekly Shopper news is two full page ads, about the Fremont International Magnet School, here in Battle Creek, MI.

“”Fremont is a new, academically rigorous elementary magnet school with a curriculum based on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme. At Fremont, we see our students as internationally-minded critical thinkers. “”

Definition: “”International Baccalaureate programmes aim to do more than other curricula by develping inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are motivated to succeed.””

It is about creating world-citizens—NOT American citizens. “Caring”, means to turn them into Jews who are a sensitive group of people. This is NOT European. European education was based on training for war—NOT caring. It is about turning all their students male and female, into women.

What are “critical thinkers”? Marxists.

They say there are some 7000 schools world-wide that participate in this IB program. They are Marxist training schools. And it is happening right in YOUR neighborhood. Are these students going to be voting for Trump—-Or for Obama????

The European has LOST all control over his educational institutions in this country. They are NOT teaching Western values—but Marxist, globalist (Jewish) values. This is going on in my town as we speak. How are we to stop this crap? We can’t.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago


Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

What is the Fremont International Magnet School?—–IT IS A FEEDER SCHOOL to train future elites. It is these people that get into Harvard and Yale—-NOT the Anglo-Saxon patriot.

The Fremont International Magnet School is going to OUTPRODUCE any homeschool. Homeschooling in Battle Creek? Maybe 50 families. The Freemont School is going to produce Hundreds—that are getting a leg up. Once this IB is on one’s resume—you are fast-tracked. The Fremonst International School is a Feeder for the ruling elite.

In a Democracy—-It is MASS that wins. Democracy is a Numbers game!!!! When you say “Homeschool”—You’ve already lost!!! Because you don’t have mass, you have NO numbers!!! You may have quality—but it is quantity that wins wars.

Americanism is quasi Anarchism and your Bill of Rights allows for Subterfuge. Any Society needs discipline and control. You have none! And then allow Marxists to subvert EVERY institution in America—-and then THEY assert discipline and control.

Everything going on today—vindicates the medieval Roman Catholic Church and Catholic authority of kings. It took 500 years to overturn Christendom. It took 100 years to overturn America.

You have to take back the Institutions—of media, of schools, of colleges, of academia. They control the levers of Mass. Americans have NO idea how and why to control their own society! You can’t run or have a society with Americanism.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

“Mass” and “elite” are opposites, by definition.

Recalibrate you’re bullshit detector. You’re on level one, bro. Elites Arent,and they aren’t fed in by schools that you have heard of.

5 years ago

From the FR Q community:

“The following doesn’t qualify as much more than a rumor, but it’s the truth as far as I know.

My brother and his Chinese wife are hosting a couple from China. The couple have a relative working in the Wuhan bioweapons lab, 8 miles from the market reputed to be ground zero of the epidemic. The couple left China in December, and are not planning to go back.

The story from inside the lab is that the virus came from laboratory animals. The animals were stolen from the facility by cleaning staff, who sold them in the market.

Someone mentioned the movie Contagion earlier today. We saw it a couple of nights ago. Eerie similarities with the current situation, including a virus, China as the source, and deadly consequences. “

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“…The animals were stolen from the facility by cleaning staff, who sold them in the market…”

I said earlier that I had a suspicion that this could have happened as everyone is corrupt in China. It naturally follows that the cleaning staff could do this to make a few bucks. We’ll probably never know.

I wonder if the targeting of Asian genes in the virus was so they could find a way to block it or treat it???? Backfired. We will never know because if the Chinese people KNEW that this is what happened they would very possibly over throw the government. Those guys running things remember the Red Guards and want no more of that.

5 years ago

Pakistan Swiftly Passes Resolution Calling For Public Hanging Of Pedophiles

5 years ago

Canadian Scientist At Center Of Chinese Bio-Espionage Probe Found Dead In Africa?

5 years ago
5 years ago

Oh shit, Juden Peterstein just read all the comments against him here, and he just sent this to my email:

5 years ago

Saw this on Twitter tonight, post from a Brit, November 16, 2019,

“Reported to me earlier today :
An undertaker tells me that they have received a letter from the UK Government, stating that they will soon be inundated with bodies and they will not be able to cope! Emergency chapels of rest will be set up locally to deal with the huge influx!”

General scoffing in the comments but someone else said they heard something similar, thought it was connected to 5G. Another poster wrote,

“There was two cases of pneumonic plague being covered up in China.”


“I just rt’d ian’s tweet and it disappeared instantly! Will now try again!! – not sure why gov would warn anyone though because of risk of that foresight being later made public after something happened?!”

Curiouser and curiouser…

5 years ago

“New Freedom of Information Act Strzok/Page Emails-Seth Rich”

Thread just started, might get interesting, leaving link here for possible future reference.

Reply to  info
5 years ago


One thing I like to do after I wake up and have some water and do 20 mins of oil pulling is to take a fresh garlic clove, unpeel it, make some cuts on it and put it in my mouth for 30 minutes, and suck on it like a candy (to produce moar saliva). Also trying to get consistent with drinking juice from 2 lemons after that before having breakfast, I read that it helps getting the body more alkaline, and the vitamin C doesn’t hurt.