News Briefs – 02/07/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – The Dollar’s Reign Is Ending, According To Dr Doom

DFT – Rothschilds To Buy Out Family Bank

DFT – Goldman Sachs Predicts Oil price Surge Imminent

DFT – Yellen Says Jobs Growth Means Soft Landing Is Possible

DFT – Boeing To Cut 2,000 Jobs

Atavisionary, author of the really brilliant book Smart and Sexy, dusted off a classic and polished it up on how to moderate forums, and the tricks and schemes Cabal will use to disrupt them and push disinformation.

Darren Beattie over at Revolver News does a piece on Twitterer Ricky Vaughn, facing prison for posting memes on Twitter, and featuring his legal defense fund. Ricky is getting to be a big name again, with all the coverage he is getting, and it is important, as they would love to set a precedent with his case, where the government simply alleges a meme could be harmful, and never has to show any harm actually came from it, or even that is wasn’t free speech. However his Twitter account is still not reinstated.

Kentucky Gent writes in the comments:

I wonder just how lopsided the voting would have to be, for it to become counterproductive to rig the election. I mean, if the voting is going 65/35 for Trump, or some other massive disparity, and they need upwards of a million or even more votes in 7 or 8 states, they would need even more massive fraud than in 2020. At what point do they give the game away even to normie Dems?

Venezuela might be a good place to look. At some point, the real vote is immaterial, and they just say their guy won, and we may already be there now. And as their control increases, they say he won by more and more until it is like Chavez, and every election he got 99% of the vote. It both demoralizes the regular citizens, and allows you to spot enemies by finding the ones with the balls to point out how fake it all is.

It is a strange idea to us, that some guy just takes over, and kills anyone who opposes him, and installs his corrupt cronies in the lower offices beneath him, and then tells the nation he won every election, as he rules by fear and corruption, with millions of little cogs delighted to serve him to save themselves. It seems weird, because we think inevitably somebody would kill him.

But from Hugo Chavez to Saddam Hussein, to increasingly in the US, it happens. And increasingly I think it happens because we are missing the crucial element – the ground surveillance operation. With that thing, anything becomes possible, once it divides up the nation into neighborhood sectors, each with its own primary commander. From there, each neighborhood sector commander is doing micro-nano-overwatch at a granular, neighborhood level of each individual, with someone, and maybe two or three people, on your street who knows everyone on the street personally from surveilling them. Each person, they know what they are capable of, and who they associate with, and what their political leanings are. They are listening inside their homes to their most private conversations, watching them look at the internet, and just entirely devoted to knowing if anyone in their neighborhood might just take a gun and try to kill Hugo Chavez to restore elections one day. That is why the Stasi had an apartment in each apartment building, which during the day, while people were out, broke in and wired all the other apartments with microphones routed into their apartment, hooked up to tape recorders, and they were listening to everyone’s home conversations in each apartment.

The only difference in America today is the technology has allowed that to be expanded to suburban homes, and in many cases the homeowner installs the microphones themselves, by plugging in an Alexa, or a laptop, or a cellphone. And in the rare case they don’t, they get the geophones and pole tech, and stuff pointed at their house to listen in.

That machine will allow Cabal to install a Hugo Chavez regime, with fake elections that he wins by 99% every time, and it will simply turn America into a dictatorship, and there will be no ability by the citizenry to resist, so long as the surveillance continues to operate in secret, absent the public’s knowledge. Truth be told, we are already there, in a rigged dictatorship, they are just still denying it. But even that will give way at some point, and they will let it be known to the public for purposes of demoralization.

I see the surveillance machine every day now. And what it does is technically, by the rule of law, unmistakably, 100% criminal, right now. There are laws against illegal surveillance, harassment, stalking, invasion of privacy, and a lot of the other stuff it does, from opening mail, to causing car accidents, to zapping people through walls. But none of the individual agents care, so long as they are plugged into the machine and protected.

It is disappointing, because part of the reason we keep thinking it cannot happen here, that America will always be free, is we think fellow Americans will always be like us, and never let it happen. We think we are still a team. But I hate to say, there are millions of Americans right now who, when the time comes, will happily do whatever the dictatorial regime which takes over tells them to do, no matter how criminal or immoral, and they will happily turn America into a dictatorship, so long as they will be under the protection of the dictator. Right now, they are all a team, eagerly pitching in to flood this land with the third world, and bankrupt and destroy it.

The truth is, I am not even sure they think of themselves as Americans. They might see themselves as British subjects still serving the King against an enemy of the crown after our Revolution, or they might see themselves as citizens of Cabal, whatever that is, or there could even be a luciferian/satanist/Freemason/CIA/cult angle. I don’t know, but there is a reason they will so willingly help destroy the US and offer no pushback at all. They view us as some sort of others, and maybe even enemies.

We are astonishingly close to victory however, even if at this moment we are not heading in the direction of it. We are armed to the teeth, we vastly outnumber all of them, and we have more than enough dyed in the wool killers, who would take any lives they needed to unhesitatingly, to make sure America will always be free. All we lack is the interconnectedness to organize, and all of us knowing about surveillance – and understanding the real path to freedom, begins by passing squarely through the surveillance head-first. We need all of our kind to understand that the first thing we need to do is to deal with the surveillance. There is no other path to freedom which snakes around it, or deals with it later. And to make our fellow Americans realize that, we first need all of them to see it.

If you are a revolutionary today, and every real American at this moment must be, then you have one job – spread the word and open everyone’s eyes. We need three percent of real Americans to see the surveillance. At this point, it is all any of us should be doing. I hate to end this with a self-promotion, but IMO, the future of the nation would immensely benefit from everyone you know having heard of this site, and seen its surveillance page.

Account of a Predator-camouflage-character sitting on a branch next to an apartment building in the city of Chicago. Oddly enough these are very often described as taking up positions off the ground in trees or on on telephone poles, as if it is procedure. According to conservative radio host Tom Bauerle, this is definitely domestic surveillance using some sort of ultra-high tech. He had them all around his home, and he even photographed a few using a special technique, again, off the ground in a tree or on a telephone pole, IIRC. It sounded from his description as if the LEDs on the suit’s “TV screen,” which recreate the image behind it on the front of it so it appears transparent, emit polarized light, unlike the unpolarized light being reflected by everything normally. So by using an aggressive polarizing filter, as well as an app designed to brighten the darkened image produced by his phone-camera’s imaging chip filming through the filter, he was able to make them stand out in the images against the background. As the tech trickles down, you will see it used more and more, even in cities and populous areas. Personally, I think I once saw a cloaked drone over a parking lot reflect sunlight off its screen before disappearing again. And Dion, in the book Chameleo, claimed they had a car decked out in the tech which he saw drive on a beach, invisible, but leaving tire tracks behind it. It is possible the clown brigade that people see following them is to distract targets so they will not notice this higher tech which they may be using, as practice, or as a test.

New Mexico Senators with blessing of corrupt SoS Maggie Toulouse Oliver push legislation that fully corrupts NM elections and criminalizes those who investigate.

In Georgia, DeKalb County has announced it is accepting $2 million in private funding sourced to an election nonprofit from Mark Zuckerberg, accused of allocating $350 million in private funds to public elections offices to sway the 2020 presidential election in favor of Joe Biden. 

Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert say Speaker McCarthy has agreed to release it all and make public all security footage of the events that transpired at the Capitol building on January 6.

Congress is set to expose what may be the largest censorship system in U.S. history. Jonathan Turley on the House Weaponization of Government Hearings.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is turning up the heat on 51 U.S. intelligence veterans who signed a letter suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story could be part of a Russian disinformation operation.

Good article at Conservative Treehouse on the Twitter narrative they are telling you (Sundance seems to think all of this is not scripted), in which Elon uncovers government shitbaggery to use Twitter like China uses TikTok.

Around 180,000 people in the U.S. were paying for subscriptions to Twitter, including Twitter Blue, as of mid-January, or less than 0.2% of monthly active users.

Elon Musk Replying to @disclosetv: “The UN is more likely to cause, rather than prevent, disinformation.”

Hunter Biden weighs launching legal defense fund to afford high-powered lawyers costing $100K/month.

Hunter sells about a dozen paintings for under $500,000 each.

Computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac is threatening legal action against Hunter Biden for “knowingly using false information” to smear Mac Isaac to report an alleged theft of his laptop, when Hunter actually dropped it off for repairs.

Trump created a DOJ task force protecting the U.S. from Chinese spy balloons, Joe Biden shut it down over racism.

Chinese spy balloon was 200 feet tall with payload over 2,000 lbs.: NORAD.

A top military commander said Monday the US had not detected previous incursions by Chinese spy balloons as they took place during the Trump administration – raising troubling questions about the security of US airspace. Again, surveillance is not this amateurish. I could not float a balloon one tenth this size over Area 51 without them knowing, and me catching shit for it. Nor is this the first time a foreign actor tried to float balloons into the US for hostile purposes. There is no doubt this is utter bullshit.

This could be – Rep. Waltz says DOD told him China spy balloons crossed US during Trump years but Gen. Mattis did not tell Trump because he thought he was too aggressive.

General Mattis denies having any knowledge of CCP balloon flying over continental US on his watch. Although he would have to say this even if it were true.

Pompeo calls out ‘deeply dangerous’ accusation Trump Pentagon didn’t notify WH of Chinese balloons.

Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Cliff Sims on Monday ripped Politico for publishing a “fake headline” that claimed the “Biden admin offers to brief Trump officials on past Chinese spy balloon incursions.”

The Chinese Defense Ministry loudly protested America’s decision to shoot down a Chinese alleged espionage aircraft over the waters of South Carolina, claiming it could take reciprocal action against American civilian aircraft, without elaborating.

US authorities announced the arrests Monday of the co-founder of the notorious Atomwaffen neo-Nazi group and a woman he met online in the latest extremist plot to attack public electricity facilities – planned to acquire a gun and to attack five electrical substations around Baltimore, Maryland. “Planned to acquire a gun.” Sounds like a hardened actor with a plot that was quite advanced…

Counties across Ohio and Pennsylvania begin advising residents shelter in place as the winds have shifted after the controlled release of hazardous chemicals from the train derailment in East Palestine.

Documents provided to UncoverDC from a whistleblower at the FBI reveal that the Bureau has combined the “Insider Threat” annual training module with the “Whistleblower” training module – a subtle but unmistakable sign from the FBI that protected whistleblower disclosures are considered in tandem with Insider Threat actions now. Not a good trajectory.

Paul Sperry:

DEVELOPING: I’m told there’ll be surprises in Durham’s final report related to the FBI’s investigations of the Clinton emails & Clinton Foundation. Tho Durham inquiry focused on FBI’s probe of Trump, former AG Barr authorized him to look into FBI’s probes of both 2016 candidates

RAF plane in ‘near miss’ with ‘hollow-centered UFO’, investigation finds. Article says it may have been a drone of some sort.

Around 4 in 10 Americans in a new poll feel the state of the U.S. union is strong ahead of President Biden’s annual address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.

Poll: Majority say Joe Biden has not accomplished much during his Presidency.

Harris announces $1 billion US investment in Central America.

Biden State Department only offers ‘free speech’ grants to far-left activists – grants for as much as $750,000 are being offered to groups that promote far-left views on such issues as “transgenderism,” abortion, and the sexual grooming of underaged children.

Joe Biden expected to demand Amnesty for illegal aliens in State of the Union.

House Oversight Chair James Comer is building a killer case against Joe Biden. It is a headline, but obviously we have seen this movie before, and the endings before were less than uplifting.

Arizona rancher, 73, is charged with murder after shooting dead Mexican migrant, 48, on his land who had history of illegal crossings into US and multiple deportations – Judge refuses to reduce $1M bail despite plea his wife is now alone and vulnerable on the ranch.

Gen. Mark Milley’s January 6 transcript reveals he was extensively involved in assessing and even attempting to manage local law enforcement response on January 6. I can say with authority from the surveillance, somebody up there has the power to dictate terms to local law enforcement.

A George Soros-funded group targeted Twitter owner Elon Musk for daring to interact with “right-wing accounts” following acquisition of the platform.

A political committee that helped expand the Democratic majority on the Illinois Supreme Court, failed to file timely campaign reports as required by state law and didn’t disclose the bulk of its $7.3 million in spending until after the election.

Kanye West’s presidential bid receives zero donations. A big celebrity name, talking about Jewish collective power, which you would think would motivate one or two of those opposed to Jews to contribute something as a statement, but nothing. I don’t think contributions, or donations are really a thing, beyond the rare occurrence, or extraordinary candidate like Trump. For the most part, I think they tend to be script writers funding their productions.

Michelle Doyle, 52, died on January 16 after she had a seizure during dinner, causing a fatal stroke.

Lancaster: Man in his 50s collapsed and died suddenly in the street.

18 year old kiwi girl strokes out and dies after taking a long haul flight.

” It could have been a vaccine…” – UFC fighter Damon Jackson reveals his brother died suddenly following a COVID shot.

4.8x more cases of post-vax myocarditis than post-covid myocarditis, 10x more in 12-24 year olds, and 2x as many post-vax heart failure cases than post-covid. All those vaxxed cases were unnecessary cases.

Unvaxed women are reporting agonizing pain and menstrual cramps after sleeping with vaxed husbands. “Pfizer documents show that women are exposed to it [mRNA jab] from vaccinated men through sexual intercourse.”

An anti-inflammatory drug, already approved for use in rheumatoid arthritis, can turn back time in mice and reverse some of the effects of age on the hematopoietic system. Be careful in the future. There is something they want to do to everyone’s biology, and the vax was one obvious attempt. I could see an anti-aging cure being “discovered,” maybe which even works for a few years, but which is really a delivery mechanism for whatever it is they are trying to do.

NIH experiment studying transgender youth ends with 2 suicides by trans-identifying youth, never mind that the youth are now possibly sterile, likely have endocrine complications, and are at a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease and various cancers.

AI-generated ‘Seinfeld’ show banned on Twitch after transphobic standup bit.

Woke Disney sparks outrage with new kids cartoon that claims America was ‘built on slavery’ – as it pushes reparations and says Lincoln had no desire to liberate the enslaved.

A 6-year-old Virginia boy who shot and wounded his first-grade teacher constantly cursed at staff and teachers, chased students around and tried to whip them with his belt and once choked another teacher “until she couldn’t breathe,” according to a legal notice filed by an attorney for the wounded teacher.

With nearly 40-year-high inflation crushing American families in 2022, 41 percent of Americans say their personal financial health has deteriorated since Biden assumed office in January 2021 – worst result in 37 years.

The Goyim Defense League (GDL) targeted Jewish neighborhoods in the Atlanta area on Sunday morning with anti-Semitic flyers, which were found in the Atlanta districts of Dunwoody and Sandy Springs.

Last week, according to Politico, state officials in Wyoming dismissed the Biden administration’s plan to build charging stations for electric vehicles because so few state residents actually own EVs. The big reason I am 100% opposed to EVs now is I think the plan is to try and make all cars EVs so there will be no gas stations or infrastructure for old cars, and everyone will have to get a new electrified car, post-computer-control, which will inevitably have a wireless link up that can be hacked. Right now you can still drive an older car which cannot be hacked, and fuel it up anywhere. You can even get a kit and build a 1967 model year car yourself, which cannot be hacked. But once the only infrastructure is for electrics, and every car, even the kits, features a computer sending data to steering servos and wheel motors, and so on, everyone who uses a car can be killed in an “accident” with no risk to the hitters of exposure, whatsoever. Once you are in that position, everyone will be afraid to speak out, Cabal will have won, and it will only have to kill the handful of people who don’t really care if they live or die anyway in such a society. If the establishment is pushing something today, you can bet it will be catastrophic tomorrow, even if you cannot see how right now.

Departing from Africa, Pope Francis renews call to end anti-sodomy laws.

Assassinate Netanyahu? Anti-Bibi protests take a violent turn.

Scotland’s green-obsessed left-separatist government has been left with egg on its face by revelations that dozens of gigantic onshore wind turbines are having to be hooked up to diesel generators, leaking thousands of litres of hydraulic oil into the countryside.

Liberals in Canada folded amid backlash from farmers, hunters, and indigenous groups, and have removed hunting rifles and shotguns from the long list of firearms being banned under Prime Minister Trudeau’s “assault weapons” ban. They will be back for them later.

The Canadian Senate on Thursday voted to pass online censorship Bill C-11, sending the controversial piece of legislation back to the House of Commons and one step closer to becoming law – The text of the bill describes the plan by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party to increase the government’s ability to censor controversial and unpopular speech on the internet.

Most Canadians agree ‘Canada is broken’ — and they’re angry about it: National poll.

Second mega earthquake hits Turkey, hours after record 7.8-magnitude tremor kills more than 1,700 people: 7.5 quake strikes as Turkey and Syria reel from overnight destruction that saw families crushed in their sleep.

Norway to donate $7.3 billion to Ukraine for military and humanitarian assistance.

Outnumbered and worn out, Ukrainians in the East brace for Russian assault.

Ukraine’s defence ministry in turmoil as Russia readies offensive.

Russia prepares large-scale offensive in next 10 days.

Russia’s Investigative Committee said the Donetsk People’s Republic, one of Russia’s proxies in the territories it has seized and occupied, had reported the use of chemical weapons by Ukrainian drones near the two locations.

This Twitter video appears to show bomblets dropped on Russian soldiers which release a cloud which screws up the Russian’s nervous systems and abilities to move. It is not surprising the satanic side supported by Biden and Soros and those destroying our nation would routinely resort to these measures.

Ukrainian “military blogger” Yuriy Madyar posted a video showing chemical munitions and “hinted” that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were preparing to use drone delivered chemical weapons Bakhmut.

Russia and Ukraine has negotiated a peace deal but USA stopped it.

Fat satan Grammys deliver ratings catastrophe.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) says he is “tired of caving” on the debt limit and is dialing up the pressure on Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) not to swoop in to strike a last-minute deal with President Biden.

Texas has resumed building a wall along the state’s border with Mexico, after months of negotiations with private property owners.

Spread r/K Theory, because if Cabal wants it, it must be bad

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2 years ago

Internet has plenty of evidence of Ukrainian chemical weapons. Ukrainians are actually salivating at the sight of Russian soldiers suffering the effects.

From what I see of this conflict, Russians have not lied and do not gloat. The other side, lie, cheat, backstab, torture & murder, including women & pregnant women.
It is very stupid, because the Russians will take revenge.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Those types of monsters deserve to be wiped out.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The payback visited on those responsible will be biblically epic as the recompense must be paid; no slaps on the wrist except possibly to remove it.

Last edited 2 years ago by I am not crazy but you may be
Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

Hope you all are right. I hope these war criminals are punished, but history tells me over the last 100 years that Western backed war criminals tend to get away with it. Especially White Jew War Criminals.

2 years ago

Watch the Wives

Pink Floyd was one of the biggest bands of the 1970s. The conventional wisdom is that the synthesis of the dreamy David Gilmour and the combative Roger Waters resulted in their greatness.

We’ll get to Gilmour’s wife in a minute, but first some other inconsistencies in his Wiki:

-He was an impoverished musician in his twenties, but his parents worked for the BBC and Cambridge University.

-He’s worth more than $100mil, but his son got violent over student fees, very Antifa-esque:

The son of the Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour has been jailed for 16 months after admitting violent disorder during a student fees protest in central London last December.
Charlie Gilmour, 21, was seen hanging from a union flag on the Cenotaph and later leaped on the bonnet of a Jaguar car forming part of the royal convoy taking the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall to the royal variety performance that was attacked by demonstrators. He also set fire to papers outside the supreme court in Parliament Square and was seen kicking at a window of a Topshop branch in Oxford Street and later carrying the leg of a mannequin. Students attacking the store caused £50,000 damage.

Wiki makes you think that Gilmour’s wife Polly Samson is half-English / half-Chinese, but she says other things about her own ancestry:

wealthy Oppenheimers … My father was escaping the Nazis on the Kindertransport. … he did receive a very good education at the LSE and became a communist journalist. … My half-English, half-Chinese mother … She signed up with Mao’s army, rose to the rank of major and stayed for 10 years.

You wouldn’t guess their offspring would marry someone in a psychedelic rock band. Pink Floyd disbanded a while ago, but now David Gilmour’s reduced “Pink Floyd” released a new single in support of Ukraine.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Gilmour was a heavy cocaine user in the 80s. Originally he was qualified for Floyd coming from well to do parents that could afford equipment. He scouted young Kate Bush at a local show, ultimately kick-starting her meteoric career (co-wrote Running Up That Hill with her; at least one TV performance with him on guitar and backing vocals out there). Out of the ensemble, he was certainly the bougiest. Floyd pushed a lot of leading edge electronic music/tech of the time.
Actress Naomi Watts’ father was their touring sound guy. She married Tribe Liev Shrieber, whom you can see publically fondling their trans-son and kissing him on the mouth, after a two year relationship with Heath Ledger. After encountering Transcendental Meditation with David Lynch on Mulholland Drive, she started practicing a few years later on another film project relating to it.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Unvaxed women are reporting agonizing pain and menstrual cramps after sleeping with vaxed husbands. “Pfizer documents show that women are exposed to it [mRNA jab] from vaccinated men through sexual intercourse.””

As a Pureblood, if I have to step up and help re-populate the Earth then so be it. No darkie’s or fatties though. Too many of those around already.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago


Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago


Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

True, I dont have blue eyes and blond hair, but I’m not jealous because I have banged too many blue eyed blonde women.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Save some chicks for the rest of us.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

What kind of dumpster diving trash sleeps with fatties? The fact that they even manage to get pregnant. Vomit*

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

“Naturally, the survivors will breed prodigiously. There will be much time and little to do.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

An anti-inflammatory drug, already approved for use in rheumatoid arthritis, can turn back time in mice and reverse some of the effects of age on the hematopoietic system. Be careful in the future. There is something they want to do to everyone’s biology, and the vax was one obvious attempt. I could see an anti-aging cure being “discovered,” maybe which even works for a few years, but which is really a delivery mechanism for whatever it is they are trying to do.”
They’ll never entice me to take their anti-aging dog-shit. I’m not afraid of leaving this realm. God didn’t intend for us to escape death.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

I dated a lady who had been on the rheumatoid arthritis medication regime for 30 years, Her RA hadn’t progressed and her skin was smooth and much younger than other women her age. Don’t know the medication regime though.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Shy Ted
2 years ago

That wasn’t a lady; that was a latex sex doll

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Shy Ted
2 years ago

Wonder if it was ivermectin…

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Living forever in this world is a curse. I look forward to eternal life with God.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

The Goyim Defense League (GDL) targeted Jewish neighborhoods in the Atlanta area on Sunday morning with anti-Semitic flyers, which were found in the Atlanta districts of Dunwoody and Sandy Springs.

The Goyim Defense League? lol. No way this isn’t headed by a Jew.

You know that even if these cunts are successful in their campaign to wipe out the White race they’ll just have us brought back again and again so they can keep re-living the struggle. Psychos.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

He’s an actor with his own IMDB page and makes sure people associate his criticisms with the Third Reich.

2 years ago

Hey AC thanks for all you do. Post a link for the 1967 car kit?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I don’t know about 1967, but you can build a reasonably authentic 1932 Ford from a kit, aftermarket parts, and a handful of used parts that nobody has reproduced. (yet)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

All of a sudden I’m reminded of that Lee Majors movie The Last Chase. Ironically, “Free California” was the last place you could drive an automobile.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Well maybe IC kits are hard to find but non-controlled electric car kits are becoming common.

There’s lots more but this is good start.

Why people want to ugrade, snicker, their cars to some primitive IC engine that the government can cut the gas supplies off any time they want, I have no idea. Especially when you can charge an electric with a huge, massive, extraordinary about of electric charging options. Wind, solar, mini-hydro, wood or trash fired Stirling motors, on and on with the options. What’s the chances the government will cut the Sun off? There are an uncountable amount of ways to make electricity. I’ve never heard of anyone making a DIY gas refinery in their backyard but lots of solar and wind power systems. You get the best of both worlds. Low cost transportation, extreme versatility in charging and no government shut off switch.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Sam, these engines are easily converted to alcohol burning. I know more than one person who literally makes alcohol in their backyard, and already do it in spite of criminalization.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I missed that. True alcohol is an option and does negate a lot of my electric car reasoning. I wonder if you could make wood alcohol and run a car off of that. Can’t you make wood alcohol out of grass and paper and whatnot?

So I look this up and damned if I don’t find an online book on how to do this.

Another interesting article on making alcohol from trees.

I wonder if this would work with leaves and grass clippings? There’s just a huge mass of these. People pile them up on the streets for free. If you could use leaves in the fall, you could make an attachment to your lawn mower, put it in the pack of a truck and use a hose to suck up all those leaves and throw it in the truck. You could save up massive stores of wood alcohol. What was left from fermentation would make great mulch for gardens or whatever.

BTW here’s a link to a guy who heats his whole house in a cold climate all winter by saving up his grass clippings he gathers cutting his yard. He saves them, then ferments in the winter, creating enough heat to not pay any heating bills at all.

BTW I do know alcohol will rot rubber hoses so you have to change all hoses and o-rings to something that alcohol will not rot.

So I admit defeat. “If” you set your car up to run on alcohol and gas it would seem it is the far cheaper, more efficient way to have a survival vehicle. I will change my mind if I find info that is better than what I thought before.

I still like electric cars because of the performance aspects and I’m fond of alternate electrical schemes. But I may have to change my mind and think about how to make some alcohol out of grass and leaves. I wonder of you could store this stuff in a concrete tank, which is cheap.

If only batteries were cheaper I could go back to pushing electric cars. Sigh…

Thanks for this phelps even thought it ruins my electric car rant it gives me lots of ideas.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Concrete vaults won’t work, because ethanol is hydrophilic. You’ll need some kind of airtight container for long term storage, but there’s no real pressure dangers (unlike the volatiles in gasoline) so it can just be well capped jugs.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I didn’t say so but there coating I believe would take care of this. silane and siloxane.

They use these on old buildings and ancient statues and it’s stopped the corrosion of them people were so worried about several decades ago.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Production of flavorful alcohols from woods and possible applications for wood brews and liquors

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

As of the late ’90s, you could get such a kit for a 2nd generation Chevelle, + a few different model Camaros and Mustangs. Might want to check out Hot Rod, Car Craft, etc., and look at the ads. Sorry I can’t remember the company.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The cost is pretty steep; but you can get a frame for any classic car from Scott’s Hotrods & Customs; then acquire all the sheet metal from companies like New Old Stock (NOS). Some models, there are fiberglass body part replacements, too. Look into Alter-K-tion for better-than-stock front end assemblies and other companies offer 4-link rear setups. If ‘Vettes are your thing, there’s a company called Corvette Correction that sells frames.
I can’t afford to build that way, so I haven’t kept good track of who still offers what. But maybe that at least gives you a starting point for your own research.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago
2 years ago

> But I hate to say, there are millions of Americans right now who, when the time comes, will happily do whatever the dictatorial regime which takes over tells them to do, no matter how criminal or immoral, and they will happily turn America into a dictatorship, so long as they will be under the protection of the dictator.

Public response to fake pandemic and their willingness to take the vaccines (and cancel anyone who didn’t) proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is nothing left to bind us as a nation. At best we have small groups of family and friends we can trust.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Majority of Alabama didn’t get it. Your black-pilling is partially true, but Cabal doesn’t have the cat in the bag just yet.

2 years ago

I am willing to accept that the predator-camouflage tech is real
But whenever I hear “eye witness accounts” I inevitably think of this

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

it is “theoretically” quite simple.

A suit that is covered with light emitters and receivers. Light signal received at a position, and angle results in a corresponding light emission corresponding to a straight line.
Each emitter & receiver would need to manage light from all directions (or a semi-sphere).

This could be done with thousands of LEDs / photodiodes, and a cpu to determine where the light should be emitted. An optics solution would be more simple & better. Not certain how that would be achieved, but it would be theoretically possible

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If you were in charge of a disinformation campaign to discredit people claiming to have seen Chameleo type suits in action, what better job could you do than this video?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


2 years ago

AC thanks for the surveillance posts. I live in a dead end section of a neighborhood in a cul de sac. During the pandemic when everything was shut down we would typically sit in the driveway with some neighbors drinking beer. We alway noticed cars that would drive past that didn’t fit in and had no business being here. My wife even commented on the phenomenon. It never registered until reading your website. Now looking back it’s obvious they were surveillance operators. Looking back I wish I wrote down cars and license plates to figure out a pattern. Back then I was just awake to the COVID scam and not aware of the spying on normal citizens.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

You are probably right. I have noticed continually even through today more traffic than should be on our street. It is crazy and I have not noticed the same car coming twice or even same person. I have seen all types of cars from beaters to a nice $100k bmw come through. I just hope to wake people up. It isn’t working though as the cognitive dissonance kicks in when you hit a certain point with some friends.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I did it for a while; when they drove by I would say their license plate, make and model out loud and let them know they were burned. “White Toyota Tacoma Plate XXX-XXXX, you’re burned.” I assumed they were listening and recording as they did drive-byes, and that it might at least rattle someone up the chain if they listened back to it. Who knows if that’s the case or not.

The random cars did reduce over time when i started doing this, but that also followed an overall decline in the volume of noticeable surveillance in the area. I’m thinking they might have some new tech in the ‘hood that makes the cars less necessary for my area or something.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I totally agree with this. Once I starting talking about the domestic surveillance on my dead end street it stops for awhile. Then it picked back up with another neighbor. Again, I discussed the change in pattern/person, and it’s stopped for awhile.I am going to do what you do though and start saying when they pass.

2 years ago

> “Pfizer documents show that women are exposed to it [mRNA jab] from vaccinated men through sexual intercourse.”

While I’ve grown somewhat numb to the stories of vax injuries, this one is chilling
Given the promiscuous would we live in it’s not hard to envision this turning into an actual pandemic
Although one might argue that removing the promiscuous from the gene pool could be a win in the long term

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
2 years ago

[Unvaxed women are reporting agonizing pain and menstrual cramps after sleeping with vaxed husbands. “Pfizer documents show that women are exposed to it [mRNA jab] from vaccinated men through sexual intercourse.”]

Thus, these death shots are SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Instead of STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)
we have STB (Sexually Transmitted BioWeapon).

Reply to  Anonymous Blak
2 years ago

VD (venereal disease)
VB (venereal bioweapon)

Reply to  Anonymous Blak
2 years ago

No suprise there – but doubly true, for different reasons, when you know they used the HIV virus in the vaccine

2 years ago

‘Account of a Predator-camouflage-character sitting on a branch next to an apartment building in the city of Chicago.’

Lori Lightfoot?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

As AC noted in previous article, this doesn’t work in the face of surveillance. I think the border areas are likely to be heavily watched, to make sure the folks and things they want to get across the border do get across.

Reply to  Nels
2 years ago

Yes and No. They can’t be everywhere, but it might actually be a Cabal footmobile you eliminate. Out in the middle of nowhere border / near border ranch #15,478 there is a decent chance they won’t see, but there’s also a good chance a migrant will be carrying 2-3k worth of Apple or Samsung products and this is a low level Cabalite tech package, so Cabal will know.
Lawfully taking a life, even the life of a dangerous, lawbreaking, scumbag, it’s a personal decision.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Or raise pigs.

2 years ago

Unvaxed women are reporting agonizing pain and menstrual cramps after sleeping with vaxed husbands. “Pfizer documents show that women are exposed to it [mRNA jab] from vaccinated men through sexual intercourse.

Wouldn’t spike proteins be airborne as well from shedding? Wouldn’t the spike proteins start impacting the Cabalist depopulators who made sure to get saline or just plain lied about their vax status? Bill Gates and Fauci have to be getting spike proteins from the occasional shedder they encounter. The only way they wouldn’t be impacted is if their biology isn’t human.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Or they have some kind of legitimate cure/anti-dote. As far as killing off their own loyal servants, they’ll happily do that.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Or all the “contagion” vaxx transfer stories are fake, designed to isolate you and further atomize and increase levels of social hostility in the world.

They know they’re outnumbered and reliant on keeping people in the dark, alone, and scared. Their worst nightmare is you making friends with 20 real people and waking them up to the reality of the enemy’s evil.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

True. If there are things like NAC, ivermectin, eggs, Quercetin/Bromelein and Quinoline seltzer water, airborne spike proteins are probably no more dangerous than cigarette smoke or diesel fumes- things you are likely to encounter everyday.

Still you probably shouldn’t be having sex with idiots known to have been vaxxed.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There was a point when I considered avoiding all vaxxed people for fear of getting the, “spike protein”. And here you have at least 20 people. I have only been aware of this site for a few years but i can remember a bunch of the names here offhand.
Corn Pop
machine trooper
Sam J
Vox Day
Lowell H
Benny La Frenchman

2 years ago

Russia prepares large-scale offensive in next 10 days.

Why publicize this? Defenders typically are favored 3 to 1. Uko reinforcements could stall out a Russian offensive and bog it down by mud season.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I would like to see the mercs hung by the Russians: they’re not even the classical mercenaries such as the Hessians. Private mercenary companies should not be permitted to exist.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Cabal should not be permitted to exist.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Last fall Ursula van der Leyden let slip that Ukraine had suffered 100,000 dead soldiers up to that time. People were shocked. The best estimates I was reading at the time was 8-10 thousand dead Russians and perhaps 30 thousand dead Ukrainians, as a worst case. The 100,000 dead Ukrainians was triple what anyone thought. Since then the Ukrainians have poured men into Soledar and Bakhmut. Under orders from Zelensky, the Ukrainian forces in Soledar fought to the last man. After losing Soledar, the Ukrainians are going all in on holding Bakhmut. Here’s where the numbers get difficult. According to Ukrainian sources, conscripted men are being inducted into the army, then driven immediately to Bakhmut with no training. The Ukrainians have been talking about an average lifespan of 4 hours when these guys get to the fight. That is brutal. I read on analysis based on Ukrainian population figures to determine the available number of Ukrainian men of fighting age and health. The analyst observed that Ukraine is drafting government workers, corporate managers, etc., and now teens, old men and even men with physical handicaps. They have even gone as far as asking western European countries to forcibly return male refugees back to Ukraine for conscription. The analyst said all of this suggests Ukraine has most likely suffered 250,000+ dead, another 50,000+ missing and presumed dead, another 50,000+ captured, and perhaps 500,000+ wounded with a large percentage of those due to loss of limbs, traumatic brain injury and such rendering them incapable of fighting.

In other words, Ukraine no longer has an army. It may have a few surviving units, a battalion here or a company there, but Ukraine is now so desperate it is throwing untrained civilians straight into the fight. This is flat out brutal murder and Russia is letting them do it by letting this fight drag on and on.

I think when all is said and done, Ukraine will be like post-WWII Japan: a formerly militaristic country which will lose all stomach for war for generations. And from what the Russians have said, that is their primary objective for this war. When I think about this and how the Russians are destroying Ukraine and Europe with almost no effort, it’s stunning.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I have never been to the Ukraine so I don’t know from personal experience if this is accurate but it was often claimed online that Ukrainian women, on average, were Europe’s prettiest. If that is true, then the tragic loss of half a million, or more, young men – presumably including the country’s most “masculine” – would create an enormous cohort of available, attractive women. This may only be a secondary objective or consequence of the Cabal deliberately provoking this war in Ukraine. However, given how weird the cult may be about access to sex, co-opting or decimating competitive bloodlines, and just its usual sex/human trafficking criminal enterprise, the female story may have more meaning than we’re told.

Last edited 2 years ago by Huck
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The numbers are very high. I read that a petition was sent to the government from family members of Ukrainian Men who say they have not heard from them at all. No letters, no calls, 320,000 Ukrainians. Could these be possibly MIA if they have somehow vanished?

I’ve been reading Carroll Quigley’s “Tragedy and Hope” and I’m at WWI and the deaths. It’s unbelievable. It’s just unbelievable, the deaths. And they never learned a damn thing. They continued to charge across machine guns and artillery and be mowed down for years in the hundreds of thousands.

It occurred to me, reading about WWI on the book above, that this war is going back to WWI. Tanks now are really not a thing, as I’ve said recently, or at the least they are not the fearsome projections of power they once were. They only were for a small amount of time. They’re too easy to destroy with anti-tank weapons or with other tanks. So they can’t really break through. And airpower is also in sorry state from anti-aircraft missiles. Same for helicopters. So the reality is what’s left is charging across the land and being mowed down by machine guns and artillery. It’s a direct replay of WWI. And you know what, they still have not learned a damn thing. Even after all the deaths in WWI and the one’s now in Ukraine, they are still doing the same thing and slaughtering people by the hundreds of thousands.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

So where do you get your “3 to 1” argument. Citation please.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

It’s a common military rule of thumb. But since you asked for a citation, here you go. Granted it is Wikipedia, it took me all of about 10 seconds to find this by the way

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Barrage
Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

Citation please is npc/leftwing device to shut down discussion.

The 3:1 advantage is pretty standard in the British Army, which existed long before the internet & wikipedia. Lets take it as read.

Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

See here, “Citation/Source”…

Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

3 attackers for every 1 defender has been a long time military rule of thumb. It makes sense when you consider that attackers may need to move through open areas navigating through preplanned obstacles all while getting shot at by guys who are hiding behind fortifications. The rule doesn’t always work, especially if both sides are moving around the same sort of terrain. If both the attackers and defenders are maneuvering in open terrain, then things begin to even out and the edge goes to the side with the better training, leadership, and equipment. The same goes for combat in a fluid urban fight. Victory goes to the side with better training, leadership, and equipment. I’m thinking of the U.S. in the he Battle of Mogadishu.

My guess is the Russians, while they have an overwhelming numerical advantage due to horrific Ukrainian losses, probably could win with near parity because the Ukrainians have lost so many trained troops, experienced officers, and almost all of their pre-war equipment. Remember, the Russians have been using local militias, Chechen militias, and the Wagner Group to absolutely destroy the Ukrainian army. Meanwhile, the Red Army has been, aside for providing support, pretty much just sitting their waiting to be unleashed.

I bet Zelensky is absolutely terrified.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Destroying Ammunition depots, Fuel Depots and Weapons seems a far better guarantee of victory compared to simple attrition by human numbers.
How much less devastating WWI would have been if much of the artillery pieces and artillery ammunition for example was blown up.
The Germans miscalculated in WWI about this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

This is incredibly common knowledge for anyone who reads anything about military tactics. Whether you know it or not, and you don’t, you are showing that you know little to nothing about the subject by saying this.

Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

Reminder to all to not feed the trolls

Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

Door 1:
Door 2:
comment image
Door 3:
This cosmic Chad willed the citation into existence back in 1989, from present day.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Bit gay. Why isnt he wearing trousers?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

It’s an age-old military axiom with no specific source I know of. Instructors at the Infantry School often referred to it when I was at Benning.
But that’s (advantage-defense) at the tactical level.
At the strategic level, advantage is with the offense. What most dabblers in history miss about Sherman’s march to the sea is that he tried (successfully, you could argue) to combine the advantages of both offense and defense. The French plan for Dien Bien Phu was an unsuccessful attempt to combine those advantages.
The Russians can roll over Ukraine when they choose to do so. Their restraint so far smells to me like a very disciplined long game. I wonder if Putin’s generals are rotating formations in and out during this phase of the war so that the entire Russian Army will be blooded/seasoned by the time they take on NATO directly (if they do).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“…The Russians can roll over Ukraine when they choose to do so. Their restraint so far smells to me like a very disciplined long game…”

It appears to me he is trying to limit Russian casualties. In the beginning, I think he also was trying to limit Ukrainian casualties, but I think they have given up on this. The Ukrainians are practicing WWI human wave tactics and it’s working out just as well.

Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

The guys on this thread seem pretty well-informed:
Force Ratios and the 3:1 Rule Debate (

Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

It looks like you got your cite, but this is relevant.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

In the age of satellites, drones & balloons, it is not possible to assemble a force without being spotted.

3:1 is a traditional rule of thumb, and doesnt take into account :

  • Force Multipliers
  • Poor Morale
  • Superior firepower
  • Low Ammunition

Quite frankly, testimonies suggest Ukrainian soldiers have had enough. They are as “pieces of meat” and close to mutiny.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

what reinforcements? it isnt an even battle. so forget 3:1

2 years ago

> And as their control increases, they say he won by more and more until it is like Chavez, and every election he got 99% of the vote.

That’s how elections worked in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Close to 100% voter turnout, 95% for the Party-preferred candidate, 5% for the backup Party candidate, who only existed to show that elections were free and democratic.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I recall USSR “elections” being one party, one candidate, and mandatory turnout, i.e. you don’t show up to vote it was fines and/or jail time. Those Commies did not play with their elections.

2 years ago

Thanks for the link AC. Sorry if it is going slow for people who clicked on it. I installed a cacheing plugin so hopefully that will help a bit.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

I copied and pasted the text into a word document, to refer to it later. Its important information.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I think so too, and it would be a shame for it to be memory holed. If my site isn’t working, then here is an archive of it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Thank you for doing this Atavisionary.

2 years ago

Oddly enough these are very often described as taking up positions off the ground in trees or on on telephone poles, as if it is procedure.

People don’t look up. It’s a big part of tradecraft. Elevated positions are more concealed because people don’t look up. Dead drops positioned above eye level are better hidden, because people don’t look up.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

If it’s humans, it would have to be light, agile guys with a lot of bodyweight strength, like gymnasts or parkour runners.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

This us true. I avoided arrest once by climbing up a tree. My feet were about 10 foot off the ground. I had cops running around with flashlights underneath me talking about, “how did he disappear?”. I was trying not to laugh, in a tree in my underwear. What is not funny is how different it is hiding from a dog. If they had a dog the dog would have noticed me.

Reply to  Highangelhell
2 years ago

Confessions of a Pervert?

2 years ago

Atavisionary, author of the really brilliant book Smart and Sexy, dusted off a classic and polished it up on how to moderate forums, and the tricks and schemes Cabal will use to disrupt them and push disinformation.

AT broke his webserver. Well done, man. That’s like squatting enough weight to ruin your bar.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I have trouble with that. I really need to figure out why that is happening and try to fix it. One thing that is vexxing me today is that they want https on everything, but apparently that interferes with caching, which is supposed to reduce resource demands. In addition, I thought I had set it up for https, but for many of the pages it doesn’t show up (at the beginning of the URL) and I get told its not secure even though I told it to use https as far as I can tell. Its really quite annoying that google implemented that requirement a few years ago.

2 years ago

Atavisionary got picked up by Vox too.
The disdain for “conspiracy theory” at same time the commenter has a monomania (e.g. “why r u nutjobs till talking about JFK?!” ) is indeed interesting. If I dismiss quacks who believe Elvis is still alive, I don’t make it my mission in life to find the quacks online and argue with them–I just live my life.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

Ah, that might be why the load was too much. Here is an archive

2 years ago

It sounded from his description as if the LEDs on the suit’s “TV screen,” which recreate the image behind it on the front of it so it appears transparent, emit polarized light, unlike the unpolarized light being reflected by everything normally.

Yes, this is how LCD screens work. It requires a polarized filter to see the image. Remember those stupid Patriotic Sunglasses thing that was being hawked on infomercials in the early 00s? They would “magically” made an eagle image appear on a screen? That was because they took the polarizer off the LCD screen, and the sunglasses were polarized. The sunglasses played the part of the polarizer.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

Re: “Departing from Africa, Pope Francis renews call to end anti-sodomy laws.
New Headline: “Satanic stand in for Roman Catholic Pope renews call to end anti-sodomy laws.” There, fixed it for you.

2 years ago

You can even get a kit and build a 1967 model year car yourself, which cannot be hacked. 

I really look forward to building myself a Lotus 7 at some point, just like Number 6 from The Prisoner.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 years ago

I’ll just leave this here
Available to the civvies, how long have the .Govs been using this and embezzling the difference?

2 years ago

“This Twitter video appears to show bomblets dropped on Russian soldiers which release a cloud which screws up the Russian’s nervous systems and abilities to move.
I didn’t realize this was going to a snuff clip, watching a soldier drown to upbeat music. It could nerve gas, versus some new technology. If this depiction is accurate, this lets us know who the bad guys are in this scenario. It’s one thing to kill your enemy, it’s something else to film it, post it, and use it for amusing propaganda.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Isn’t it declared U.S. policy to respond to enemy use of lethal chemical agents with nuclear weapons? I would be surprised if this was not also a component of Russian military doctrine.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 years ago

What if it is commited by a US ally or tacit approved?

Expect them to try blame Russia

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 years ago

It’s not Russian doctrine. Russia doesn’t have the all-or-nothing lines that we (allegedly) have.
Russian doctrine is to respond to chemical agents with overwhelming chemical agents.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Convulsions & time to incapacitate suggest nerve agent… seemingly approved by EU, NATO & MSM

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The story on it said that it’s a basement lab nerve agent, made from readily available reactants. (Doesn’t really matter which one.) The same group showed a braggart shot of the hundreds of canisters they have prepared.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…Jonathan Turley on the House Weaponization of Government Hearings….”

BY exposing this they expose the surveillance, they expose the corruption and they expose the FUNDING for all this. The deep STAE has to be using public funds for this. No one can run a business and fund all this successfully. There’s too much competition, it would break them. The only way is public funds pushed their way.

Once you know the funds are there, then it’s time to unearmark them and make siphoning of funds towards the deep State apparatus illegal. They could add in that funds can be used by intelligence for following other States but only if some sort of strong controls. Even if they cut off all finds to it we would be safer even if foreign entities were allowed to operate mostly unopposed.

Another angle to this is to find a way to expose the other supposed allies operations in our country. They use this to get around laws not allowing spying on their own citizens. So an examole, Britain spies US, US spies Britain, etc. each feeding info to the deep State from their respective spies. Maybe they could hive off part of the CIA to only have its job as finding these spies. Another is to cut off all intelligence to anyone, any country. This would break reciprocity and make it difficult for our people to get info because we would not help others.

Unearmark them. Specifically cut out funds for these operations. Every single committee should add riders that do not allow any funds from any of their bills or areas they finance to be used for surveillance.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

The only thing that will truly convince us that Cabal is actually really short of funding is if they can no longer fund the Surveillance.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is turning up the heat on 51 U.S. intelligence veterans who signed a letter suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story could be part of a Russian disinformation operation...”

Unearmark them. Just like they earmark finds, unearmark these specific people so no government or government contractors may pay them any finds from the government and anyone who does all these finds come out of their pockets and they too are unearmarked.

Now it’s been noted that this may fall under “bills of attainder” rules in the Constitution where people van not be, “… guilty of some crime, and punishing them, often without a trial…”. “If” judges rule this way then the judges that rule this way could be themselves unearmarked. Difficult, but determined and stubborn people could do this and continue to do this until the whole pozz is defunded or the individual operatives decide whatever illegal operation they have been ordered to do they will not, because it could get them defunded and fired. We’ll never know the outcome of this until we try it. And even if it fails the first time, it will get their attention mightily. They will know that this tact will be tried over and over in other forms.

We have to get at the root causes of the extension of the deep State system and funding is the most basic level. These people have power due to them being able to direct public resources and people to do their bidding. We must unfound these by directly defunding the people calling the shots or their underlings that follow their orders.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…Documents provided to UncoverDC from a whistleblower at the FBI reveal that the Bureau has combined the “Insider Threat” annual training module with the “Whistleblower” training module – a subtle but unmistakable sign from the FBI that protected whistleblower disclosures are considered in tandem with Insider Threat actions now.…”

This is a case where people can be personally targeted and any funding for them personally eliminated though unearmarks could succeed. Congress has advice and constant laws for personal, and these persons could be considered as a part of this. Congress could say we do not consent to him being in any way funded by the government. They could call in a lower level FBI agent and ask him who exactly gave him orders to pursue this, and then go up the line all the way. At some point they will lie and try to foist it on someone else and they will deny giving the order. They will get away with it but by unearmarking everyone else the people below them will lose faith in being protected. It would put a huge hurt in the loyalty of the lover levels to do what the upper levels are telling them to do. If Congress protected the whistleblowers it could provide a cascade of whistleblowers because they would not want to be the one left holding the bag. Disrupts their whole operation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…Judge refuses to reduce $1M bail despite plea his wife is now alone and vulnerable on the ranch.…”

Notice they pointedly do not name the judge. He knows he’s at risk for threatening the ranchers’ family like this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…The big reason I am 100% opposed to EVs now is I think the plan is to try and make all cars EVs so there will be no gas stations or infrastructure for old cars, and everyone will have to get a new electrified car, post-computer-control, which will inevitably have a wireless link up that can be hacked….”

Your reasoning on this is not logical. All new IC cars have the same controls in them to lock them out as electric cars do. If they are going so far as to lock out all the cars and close the gas stations then the electric cars has MORE options to recharge from solar, wind, IC charger engines but the IC car ONLY has fuel at gas stations and that’s it. I’m not sure why the electric car haters can’t get this. Even long term driving, you can haul a generator behind you and charge the car. If you look at older tech you could run the trailer charger off of wood as in wood gasifiers. While it’s not plug and play, yet, you can get kits to convert older gas cars to electric.

If they are going to be so aggressive as to cut off all the cars don’t you think your IC car driving around will stand out? And don’t you think they would ration gas? The problem is not electric cars BUT it is the ability to shut all new cars off electronically and you have to attack that at the legislative level. All of you are barking up the wrong tree by singling out electric cars which are in fact more versatile in what they can be fueled with than IC cars.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If it were not for the existence of God. One wonders how many varieties of dystopias that could have occurred over the course of history that would remain permanent were it not for God pulling the plug.
Thankfully the nature of all existence requires the existence of God in order to exist.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Just wanted to say beyond your surveillance analysis this was one of your best. I’ve got my kids honing their driving and armament skills. Reading philosophy and understanding basic math go along with this. Enjoying the freedom of an Open Road in America is maybe the pinnacle of Western Civ.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I see your point about long range but not the short range in town. And I guess they could cut off gas supplies but I can’t imagine this could be anytime soon. But who knows, they do a lot of things I would not expect.

2 years ago

The NFL is now WWE. There is waaaay to much money involved for actual meritocracy anymore. It’s all fake and gay.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

That earthquake was terrible. It seemed to last forever.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Word on the street is it may have been a geophysic weapon.

2 years ago

I will reprint my own comment from yesterday, since it relates to AC’s extended comment and Kentucky Gent’s comment at the top of the links.

They key point is that its possible to get an estimate of the fake votes in an election, particularly in the 2020 presidential where the 20 million vote increase from 2016 is a tell. Also, the Democrats do get actual votes if only because the surveillance network is now instructed to vote Democratic, and that is woth 30 to 40 million votes in a presidential race. Their votes from normies actually has been decreasing in each election, so the fraud keeps getting more blatant. Here is the comment:

“The figures in the Wikipedia article for 2020 show a turnout of 62.1%, up 7.1% from 2016. I think there was a good deal of fraud in 2016 as well. In late twentieth century and early twenty-first century elections, turnout was normally just about 50%. So you can guestimate real turnout of 54%. That would mean 13% of the votes were fake.

“The Wikipedia figures show 158 million votes cast, with 81 million for Biden and 74 million for Trump. But with 13% of the votes being fake, that is 20 million fake votes. Deduct these from Biden’s total. Actually deduct 21 million votes from Biden and add another million to the minor party candidates, because minor party votes are always suppressed.

“That would keep Trump at 74 million votes, with 60 million votes for Biden, and 4 million for minor party candidates. That is a total of 138 million votes cast for president. In 2016, 136 million votes were supposedly cast for president (probably less, but not 20 million less). That translates into 53% for Trump and 53% for Biden, a 10% margin, which I find believable.

“As to who would vote for Biden, remember we have pretty good estimates of between 30 and 40 million people working for the surveillance. They were all instructed to vote for Biden. Half of the actual votes for Democrats are cast by surveillance, and that percentage will keep increasing. Remember that turnout is actually closer to 50%, not 62%, so if all the surveillance votes, they effectively form a fifth of the electorate even if they are only a tenth of the adult population.

“You could go state by state with this, but remember that most of the fraud was in places with Democratic and country club Republican controlled state governments. So you can probably switch 10% of the vote between Trump and Biden in these places to get accurate figures.”

So in this instance, 80 million votes for Biden, consisting of 30 to 40 million votes cast by the surveillance, 20 million fake votes, with the rest, 20 to 30 million coming from normies, low information voters, people with a tribal allegiance to the blues, etc. In the past they could not elect someone from Biden, since the surveillance network had fewer people in it, and there was a smaller capability to dump fake votes into the count.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

These kinds of back of the envelope calculations are really important. It helps in all sorts of things to know some number, even if not prefect, but some value of where you stand on an issue and once you see it then it can illuminate some method of attacking a problem. Musk talks about this a lot. Having an understanding of the basics underlying any problem and working from there instead of various tropes and notions. I bitch about our business leaders using just numbers to run things, but numbers do matter to know where to start attacking problems.

What the numbers you have dug up tells me is that the problem is so vast that even a small amount of voter anti-fraud action would lead to a huge win for us.

2 years ago

I would like to ask for your help.
A very good friend has just been diagnosed with Myeloma.
I already passed on some of the things that people have posted on FR for cancer but I want to find anything else I can and anything specific to Myeloma.
If anyone has information I can pass on I would greatly appreciate it.
Prayers would also be appreciated for JR.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I am so sorry. Prayers for your friend.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Thank You!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The articles above reference cancer fighting properties of Grape Seed Extract.
Of course, do your own research.
I can confirm anecdotally that it worked for someone I know.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thank You!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

No. 1 as stated before. Take him off sugary foods. Especially the refined carbs. Desserts are out. Sugary drinks are out etc.
Since Cancer loves sugar. And something else:
A diet of real food. Not processed food:

Also those videos:

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thank You!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

No worries. May your friend get well by Gods mercy.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The zeroith thing would be NO sugar. The first thing I would try would be Fenbendazole. I would do all the doctor says and try all sorts of other stuff. Fenbendazole is a newer anti-parasitic drug like Ivermection. Ivermection has been proven to have some effect on cancer. So has the anti-parasitic drug mebendazole. Fenbendazole is not for humans but it was formulated to be a better mebendazole. Yu can get it for dogs but I think they are trying t stop this so supplies might be hard to find. Aternative, in fact I have some for just in case, is for horses. You can get safe-guard in tubes at tractor supply. Has Fenbendazole written on the side. The thing is that these anti-parasitical frigs seem to have little to no side effects. OI did see a report from Japan where a wmen had liver problems that cleared up when she stpped taking it but I don’t know of any other side effects.

This link is fairly good and discusses other links.

Lady cured her dogs cancer with fenbendazole.

On this next one there’s a lot of stuff. I want to talk about one. Complete Remission of Stage IV Melanoma with IP6 Food Supplement Here’s how I think this works. Cancer cells I’ve been told need a lot of iron. From reading Mangans “Dumping Iron” book one of the ways to bind and remove iron is IP6. You can get this stuff at health food stores so easy to get.

Another chemical that binds heavy metals is cesium. There’s people who say that it helps cure cancer. I wonder if the way it and IP6 does so is by removing iron stunting the cancer growth? BTW take potassium with the cesium.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Thank you very much.
I’ll pass this stuff on.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

We need all of our kind to understand that the first thing we need to do is to deal with the surveillance. There is no other path to freedom which snakes around it, or deals with it later. And to make our fellow Americans realize that, we first need all of them to see it.

Hey AC–I don’t mention enough how grateful I am for your consistent news aggregation. Thanks very much.

You talk about the surveillance extensively; and you’ve mentioned the possibility of a hot civil war a few times. I ponder your comments often–especially when you’ve said that a civil war could never be successful unless we expose/get rid of the surveillance apparatus.

I see the latter as part of the former. They are linked. The surveillance state is not gonna go down peacefully, first of all. And secondly, how are we gonna expose it when the usurpers control the comms and will shut us down if we approach anywhere near effectively exposing their Orwellian operations? We would have to take over commo to reach enough people to make a difference, which again they would not allow unless forced to. Who’s going to force them, if not us?

You are educating people about the surveillance through your site; and others might be, too. You are providing an essential service. But it’s not the only action that’s crucial. If simply sharing information was gonna work, it should have already worked.

Limiting this discussion to just the USA, there are millions of patriots who want to keep their freedom. And for years we’ve had more than enough information to know that the enemy has taken over, hates us, and is working toward either killing or enslaving every last one of us. We have adequate information to justify a hot war to take back our country. What we are lacking is cohesive action.

Barring some sort of miracle, nothing short of cohesive action is going to resolve this shitshow in our favor. I’m not talking about a lone nut here or a handfull of Bubbas there, or a dozen folks, half or more of whom happen to glow, with some hairbrained scheme to destroy something, kidnap somebody, etc. Considering how the usurpers control every institution and all commo, the cohesive action would have to be somewhat spontaneous, proportionately equivalent to assembling to block access to the armory at Lexington. I don’t know how that might come about or if it ever will; but I do know that if we play by the rules the enemy has made for us (not for themselves, of course), we will never be able to overcome the advantage they have via their panopticon.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

One aspect of the surveillance dimension concerns the role of the infiltrater. There is an excellent book called, Undercover by Rob Evans and Paul Lewis and details the exploits of the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) of the UK police.

There is also a documentary online about this organisation, called, Confessions of an undercover cop, which details the activities of Mark Kennedy AKA Mark Stone. He was undercover in an environmental activist organisation for over 7 years, until he was outed. This environmental activist group were not terrorists or anything like that but were still the targets of long term infiltration.

He also liaised with activist groups from all over Europe, thus building up a continent wide database of networks, which I assume was passed to the relevant state organs in the particular country the activists hailed from. Definitely worth a watch, though not available on YouTube.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

There will never be enough electric infrastructure to support every existing vehicle owner to switch to an EV, much less to power everything they want to change to electric and everything else that is already electric in our homes.

Cabal won’t have to remotely crash your vehicle. You’ll live in their fifteen minute city, and you will walk, if not force-marched, to your job, and then one day, if your cell in the collective hasn’t achieved the minimum social score, they’ll remotely lock your doors and remotely turn off your “smart” electric and water meters, and let you die a slow and painful death, for the encouragement of the others in the wider collective.

Hunger Games is not a story, it is a blueprint for the WEF World of the Future™️.

2 years ago

AC, I’m riffing here. Maybe upon election of Hussein (this faction of Cabal knew it would be a red flag going up to other factions, the Clinton’s were back benched) they wanted more time to normalize a narrative that USA was progressive by having a black man elected President. Install compromised people at head of every Fed Institution with hiring practices that filtered downstream. Just keep the civil service train chugging along its natural path but push it into high gear while still looking moderate with wag the dog optics (Bin Laden taken out).
Trump is activated. Q isn’t a Russian construct or Chink but it may very well be a faction of Cabal that has decided to out some inner workings that seem confirmed by McStain death call. If your entire government/culture is being overtaken by hostile forces that seems to go by the playbook of “Unrestrained Warfare” then maybe the only way you combat their total victory is thru chaos theory and non compliance. The numbers are not in (((their))) favor.
If Trumps a plant/dupe then it still comes down to the individual just saying FUCK YOU to the System. If he’s on the side of a free individual then that’s just one more friend of our kind that we can support.

2 years ago

Vox Day:

How long Chinese money is going to support the 白左 aka baizuo, which literally means “white left”, that run these publishing companies should be interesting to watch.

For as long as it takes to destroy the rest of the world, that is their goal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I tend to agree with you Farce. Giving money to demons, ANY demons, even though they aren’t from your tribe and hurt other tribes is wrong. You’re literally feeding a devil.

Remember the words of Jesus Christ, who loves all of His nations, separate or not:
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Matthew 28:18-20

2 years ago

A couple of Telegram posts very relevant to this blog:
“Lets talk tools of the enemy you dont know about.

Forced Schizophrenia

Na-K-Cl and K-Cl cotransporters (proteins) are responsible for regulating intracellular chloride channels in your body, which in turn regulate your GABA receptors.
They are also responsible for a specific chemical’s ability to reuptake, namely D-serine, and L-serine, endogenous modulators of the glycine site.

Why does this matter?

Because if you floor a body’s D-serine levels, in part, you can cause a schizophrenic break in someone. The depletion of this specific chemical, when you block the reuptake channels, and flood the body with calcium ions (Ca2+), causes the body to no longer regulate neuronal gated calcium channels in the hippocampus.

What happens when this change in physiology occurs?

A schizophrenic break, and psychosis.

You can accomplish this via a chemical combination of Calcium ions, and chloride channel blockers injected into the body, that cause the body to go into violent delusional episodes.

Generally, in the IC, this tool is used by control agents who might need to stop someone from speaking out, or need to neutralize a leak or asset in a way that dismantles their credibility.”
Another on “voice to skull” tech that’s been mentioned here a bit follows at

2 years ago

Google-ex here, catching up after a couple weeks behind due to IRL stress.

Wanted to address the female poster asking about old Catholic grandma practices and the way out of a cabal marriage. I believe this was the same person.I apooogice if it’s not.

Seconding what some commenters said about not wanting to re-ignite the Catholic/Protestant flame wars. I came up Catholic, have been away from the church for decades due to pedophilic and adulterous priests thwarting my return. But I do try to keep the practice of praying the rosary daily. My inner peace, discernment, and personal relationships all benefit greatly when I’m rigors about it. I will look for the devotional you mentioned and appreciate the recommendation.

Regarding the great escape from a cabal marriage- I’ve told enough of my story and you didn’t ask for a rehash- also, as I was targeted for potential advancement and not abuse, sit might not be relevant to others in here so much.

But I wanted to mention that I have a female relative whose escape from a cabal-adjacent marriage was much more difficult and drawn out. She’s free now and some things stand out about how she got out that I thought might be valuable to you or others. Like my likely cabal is ex-husband, hers was not a psychopath, so ymmv. They met young, and had a good marriage until he took a ticket and ended up way deeper than he ever thought he’d be. I was close with him and he’s likely the reason I’ve been offered (and rejected) more than my sharing of enticing tickets and had myself a handler for that first marriage.

First, it took her the better part of a to notice she needed to get out and then actually pull it off. She had tweens when she first realized something was seriously wrong and did not file for divorce until they were legal adults. It nearly killed her, but she was able to keep the kids out of cabal schools, social settings, etc. and I think they’re better off for it.

Second, her cabal husband was rewarded with success so there were substantial assets in play. She played her cards well to get out of it with some of them. If I recall correctly the woman asking about how to get out is a scientist so she may have some assets in play as well. Wooderson- my heart breaks for your situation and I wish I could offer more assistance than just prayers.

Financial assets are very easy to hide, and even with a forensic accounting, there can be hundreds of thousands of dollars in a cabal divorce that just can’t be found. My relative got out ahead of this by moving much of their assets, cashing out stock options, retirement plans, etc into real estate. This was dual purpose, she was genuinely trying to save the marriage by getting him to quit and either move back to where they had family and were happy or retire to their favorite getaway spot. But it was also a conscious decision to investment their assets near her family in case she had to leave and in assets that couldn’t be hidden. Even so, nearly half a million dollars could not be accounted for once the divorce was filed and her forensic accountant did his work.

Second, if there are children or alimony in play the local laws will make a huge difference. In the US it takes six months to establish residency in a state, which can be done caring for a sick elderly family member, for example, and changing your license, voting ref, etc quietly while you are there.

It took years of the divorce pending before she was finally able to force his hand to sign the settlement. What it took was hard evidence if his drug use and adding his cabal handler’s boss, who is a famous cabal person, to the witness list for their trial. Having his handler’s boss hauled into a high profile divorce because “I want to know why that mother f-er was calling my house and what he might have been paying you for” was riskier to her cabal-adjacent husband than the bad publicity of a the divorce itself. He screamed at her about what a crazy bitch she was, but he signed the settlement the next day.

Finally, she took her alimony as a lump sum. Way less than what’s she would have gotten in a traditional structure, but enough to get on her feet and not leave her in a position where he could control her by withholding money.

I don’t know if any of that is relevant, but I hope maybe it can help someone.

I’ve been thinking of you and wooderson and praying for you both.

AC- thank you for providing this forum. I don’t know that I would have ever found women like me to compare notes with without you.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thank you. I really appreciate that you post here. You know the dizzying loneliness and off balanceness and distance this life has.

2 years ago

When I read the mention you made regarding anti-aging discovery as a vector for something more diabolical, it made me think of an unsold dystopian science fiction tv pilot I saw as a kid called “Island City” (1994). The plot being that in the near future geneticists discover a fountain of youth which they make available to everyone. However, for reasons unknown, the majority of people become psychotic superhumans resembling the classic Lou Ferrigno “Incredible Hulk” of the 1970’s, with a minority remaining otherwise unchanged, but everyone has long lives. This prompts the collapse of the previous civilization, leaving only one highly advanced north American city-state, and thus the name of the series.
As a kid, I saw the pilot as very sinister. The extent of government control and regulation was very unsettling to me. It didn’t provoke an immediate visceral response because it was so sanitized, but it was corporation friendly, and devoid of any sincere humanity. I saw something deeply troubling in such a soulless future. I include a link to a video for context and for anyone interested.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

And Dion, in the book Chameleo, claimed they had a car decked out in the tech which he saw drive on a beach, invisible, but leaving tire tracks behind it.”
This is incredibly dangerous technology, in the wrong hands. Which is clearly where it is now – exactly the wrong hands.

2 years ago

>Oddly enough these are very often described as taking up positions off the ground in trees or on on telephone poles, as if it is procedure.
RE: Surveillance
American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis’ newly released The Shards opens with his self-insert happening across a grotesque ‘senior prank’ late at night at his high school (koi pond killed and applied to Griffin mascot sculpture). Lights up on a bushy hillside flicker out in the dark, and he pulls out after seeing another flash light behind him at the gates. The beige van that appears multiple times later on turns out to be running surveillance on a mentally unstable kid (fresh of a looney bin stay after being a suspect in his step mother’s murder), even at an unoccupied house of said new student, using it as a ersatz black site for their ritual serial killer murders. He ends up a quasi-patsy, but the investigators ultimately absolve him (despite probably assaulting another man before his own death in the same manner his mother was defenstrated). The narrator is immediately suspicious of playboy cad’s Anti-Social Personality tells, and tails him after school at the beginning, when he notices the second instance of the beige van (clearly tailing the New Kid). Towards the end of the novel and many years after the fact, Ellis’ self-insert receives old crime scene photographs and others of him at school while in session taken from the hillside; more of a tryst with a movie producer quid pro quo situation at a hotel from an adjacent building are sent to his girlfriends home, outing them.

Ellis’ other novels bespeak personal experience of Laurel Canyon sort of encounters around the edges of LA affluent circles, and full blown Videodrome tier depravity. The literary autofiction conceit leads the reader to believe Ellis perhaps did run afoul of deadass serial killer(s), though he denies it; the main thing is the serial killings did have a palpable effect on him and his peers. The murder mystery and slasher true crime elements don’t really unnerve as much as the sustained effort of the ‘cult’ and The Trawler killer(s) still at large, and as mentioned above, continued their schemes going out decades with sending the narrator photographs well after the fact — it’s the surveillance that selects and kills, ultimately. Maybe this is what the horror movie genre has been missing since Y2K, Manchurian Candidate(s) in miniature, Invasions of Bodysnatchers right next door, Helter Skelter by a thousand cuts rather than a grand King in Yellow cult apotheosis.

>Kanye West’s presidential bid receives zero donations
Ellis worked with Kanye on a TV project for a time (said it was thematically related to American Psycho), had a charitable view of him and the controversy as strictly a free speech antinomian pose; did a long form podcast with Kim as well (Ellis is gay, currently with a Jewish boyfriend, and has had quite a few Jewish boyfriendds. The first death in The Shards is a jewish classmate he’s involved with sexually).

>Chinese spy balloon was 200 feet tall with payload over 2,000 lbs
Low tech EMP vehicle is the only non-passive intelligence use case I can think of. The ADV China guys show domestic CCP media marking its flight path over the entirety of the central restricted air space region within the country — the civil-military fusion policy makes the ‘civilian weather balloon’ cop out just that.

>100% opposed to EVs
~O’Connell, killswitch backdooring Internet of Things (gathering minutia for their grand AI communism calculators). On Star ought’ve creeped people out from the outset, as if cell phones weren’t already a thing.