News Briefs – 02/07/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Florida canvas finds 800,000 inactive voters in the 2020 election, and a third of those canvassed didn’t live at their registered address.

Martha Raddatz reports from battleground state on how election integrity is becoming a top campaign issue.

NY Times warns: Republicans can use January 6 committee’s precedent to pursue Democrats after the midterm elections.

The Durham investigation turns 1000 days old.

Lawsuit claims foreign powers sought to interfere in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton.

Downtown Ottawa ‘out of control’ with convoy protesters ‘calling the shots,’ says the mayor.

As of midnight, police are cutting off the fuel supply to Canadian Freedom Convoy/occupation supporters. Anyone bringing gas, diesel &/or propane will be charged with “assisting an illegal activity.”

The Justice Centre today warned that Ottawa police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.

Ottawa police are literally going around “confiscating fuel”…Pat King says to stand down for now. Tomorrow…every available body come to #Ottawa with cans of diesel! EVERYONE!

Ottawa Police seize all fuel and propane tanks from Freedom Convoy trucks, cut off supply route for protesters. Get the drones in the air with food and gallon jugs of fuel.

New Freedom Convoy crowdfunding campaign nets $2 million in one day.

Memphis Black Lives Matter founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

Prince Andrew ‘will try to cast Virginia Roberts as a sex trafficker by seeking testimony from Epstein victim that she recruited her at 14 and trained her to give sexual massages.’

NFTs create risk of art-related money laundering, says new study. To the creators, that is a feature, and not a bug.

More than 5000 contributors have joined @AssangeDAO and raised over US $20 million (6766 ETH) to free Julian Assange. All in less than 3 days.

RINO Lindsey Graham pushes legislation to allow government to read all your phone texts, emails and DMs. Another one who would have been primaried long ago if we were electing our leaders. The bill basically wants private companies forbidden to encrypt anything and given the power to scan everything so they can report anything suspect to the government.

Chris Christie said on Sunday that Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is “carrying water for Donald Trump” after the party censured two lawmakers sitting on the Jan. 6 committee and declared the Capitol riot by a mob of Trump supporters “legitimate political discourse.” He is doubling down on the Cabal narrative, clearly hoping Cabal will regain power and reward him with a rigged election victory.

Israel confirms its “neutrality in the new Cold War” – will not support Washington against Russia and China. LOL. There are no allies, and there are probably not even any nations. Just Kayfabe. And a lot of graft funneled overseas as foreign aid which ends up in corrupt leaders’ bank accounts and fueling the conspiracy.

The Democrat plan to steal the 2022 election was built around Obama’s corrupt AG’s nationwide redistricting effort knowing Republican RINOs would fold in the Democrat-controlled courts. They still face an immense uphill battle given everyone is increasingly hating them, and so many of their incumbents are bailing, but phase one definitely blunted our advantage in redistricting.

ZeroHedge Points out CNN has lost 9/10ths of its viewers, it most popular anchor (Chris Cuomo), and its CEO. They left out it is now being run by a pro-Trump billionaire.

Matilda Cuomo canceled – Andrew’s mom scrubbed from mentoring program she founded due to son’s behavior. Or did the Cuomo’s do something unconscionable? They were running intel ops, apparently based on Chris trying to leverage CNN. When Andrew was threatened, they may have threatened the wrong people in Cabal with the wrong intel, triggering a need to show the lower ranks you don’t fuck with the higher-ups.

Sens. Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski crossed party lines and endorsed each other during a joint interview.

Dr Robert Malone says part of the criminal cover-up that will likely go down as one of the most horrific atrocities ever perpetrated on mankind, Fauci and his associates allegedly used “burner phones,” held “clandestine meetings, and kept “difficult secrets,” in order to hide facts which contradicted their narrative of needing to control and vax the entire population, as well as their complicity in the creation of the virus.

Comedian Heather McDonald collapses on stage immediately after joking, “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted and flu shot.” God has a sense of humor too…

Triple vaxxed Chelsea Handler cancels several shows of comedy tour after suffering a hospital ‘scare.’ She is the one who got violently sick and went deaf in one ear after her second Moderna shot. And then she got a third.

EcoHealth Alliance, which worked with the Wuhan lab on gain of function research funded by Fauci, just was given $4,675,023 for a five-year project in Liberia, on the continent of Africa.

Covid-19 vaccines linked to menstrual cycle changes. Which means the spike proteins and/or the antibodies to the Spikes are having some sort of pseudo hormonal effect on the reproductive processes.

As many as 55 federal departments and agencies have created 57 rule changes to keep track of employees or applicants who have sought exemptions of various kinds, including exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, a Christian conservative lobbying group reports.

Navy SEAL candidate dies and another hospitalized following ‘Hell Week.’ From the article: “The sailors, who were not named, were not “actively” training when they began suffering symptoms, according to the statement. NBC first reported on the incident. They began suffering symptoms “several hours” after the sailors’ Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) class had completed Hell Week and were taken for emergency medical care, according to the statement.” Sounds like it could be Vax-related.

Olympic chiefs say Vladimir Putin walking around the opening ceremony without a mask ‘isn’t their responsibility’ – because he wasn’t on their guest list after ‘being invited by the Chinese Government.’ The more you hear about Putin, the more you like him.

DC school makes masked kindergarten students march with BLM signs while chanting Black Lives Matter.

Business down 40% at restaurants in Minneapolis “over night” after Democrat mayor imposes vaccine passport system.

Somali Muslim gets probation for setting fire to a school during BLM riots. Would you get away with this? New immigrant, brought over from an area we were operating intelligence agencies out of, after we left, engaged in domestic unrest that is organized by our political elites and intelligence-based, and no punishment for setting fire to a school during those operations. It is all right in front of you. A domestic, organized intelligence operation using a domestic network, generating the news and narratives the plebes consume, to effect control over the nation.

Biden official: Secretly scattering criminal migrants across America is ‘beautiful to watch.’

Democrats introduce “The New Way Forward Act,” which removes all deportations against those with aggravated felony convictions in immigrations.

Feds steer $200M in COVID-19 relief to left-wing nonprofit to aid illegal entrants.

A stray bullet struck an MTA bus in Harlem on Sunday, coming within inches of a passenger — and part of a wave of city violence that now has some drivers seeking bullet-proof vests.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has surpassed her predecessors, John Kitzhaber and Ted Kulongoski, in using her broad clemency authority to release prisoners as crime victims, and families feel blindsided.

California female prison ‘rape club’ exposed by media investigation.

Spotify CEO apologizes to staff for continuing to host Joe Rogan, says he will continue contract while investing $100M in artists from ‘marginalized groups.’

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (D) spoke to Slate about seizing firearms from people who refuse to pay the city’s new $25 gun owners’ fee or comply with the city’s new liability insurance requirement for gun owners.

Democrats are quietly building a gun registry as a first step in gun ban.

13 US states side with Mexican government in lawsuit against gun manufacturers.

An FBI database of police officers killed in the line of duty shows that more have died since Joe Biden became president than deaths dating back to 1995.

Democrats look to shake off ‘defund the police.’

TD Ameritrade Bartlett records storage warehouse burns after the SEC announced 60 hedge funds were to undergo investigations for manipulative short selling.

This twitter thread makes the case that the recent hits on Joe Rogan appear to be a coordinated campaign launched by a Leftist superpac looking to get the clout of having taken down Rogan. That looks like part of it. But it is not clear if that is the origin of the whole thing, or if they just jumped in with the one attack trying to get cache. I tend to think the whole thing is larger than that, and could even trace back to Big Pharma money because he attacked the vaxes, or even be a script to demoralize our side by making us watch one of our own try to apologize and look subservient to a machine you should offer no subservience to.

UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said Big Tech bosses could ‘absolutely’ be held responsible for failing to remove harmful online content under  new law.

Geologists ‘closely monitoring’ rising magma under Oregon volcanic region.

German Interior Minister allegedly wrote for far-left Antifa publication. Head of domestic intelligence. Wrote for Antifa.

Montenegro’s shaky government toppled by a no-confidence vote.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s team is “working… to prevent” Russia from establishing military bases in Latin America as the crisis in Ukraine is widening the diplomatic disputes between the former Cold War rivals. The US government doesn’t do itself any favors by being this blatant. Soros literally took over a nation filled with ethnic Russians, which had elected a pro-Russia-leader, and we are now going across an ocean, trying to get the puppet government we installed there to join an alliance against Russia, as we park our military all around Russia’s borders. I was once as pro-USA as they came, but the more I see the kiddie-raping assholes of Cabal like Biden, who abuses little girls on camera and was installed in a rigged election, just being this fucking blatant, the more it feels like my side is no longer the good guys. Not a good feeling.

Russian hypersonic missile tech has made America’s trillion dollar navy obsolete.

Lukashenko vows Belarus will fight by Russia’s side if Ukraine war starts.

Video showing ‘Ukrainian nationalists preparing a radioactive dirty bomb’ to use against Russian separatists’ is slammed as Kremlin fake’ by Western Cabal governments. Do I trust Biden, or would I trust Putin?

Just to remind us there are still corners of good in the world, a variety of Russian headlines off :

‘Morning Prayers’ is #1 Search Term in Moscow Metro During Rush Hour -With how beautiful the Moscow metro is, who can blame them for thinking they’re in church? Contains pictures of Russian train stations.

Arizona: Hillary Clinton’s Election Fraud Masterpiece In 2016

‘Refugees’ Harass Women in Russian Nightclub, Are Promptly Beaten and Sent to Prison

The Queen’s Church Wants Trannies to Be Priests, Russian Church Suggests They Visit a Psychiatrist

America Is ‘Committing Suicide’ By Allowing Trannies in the Military

Russia considers banning pedophiles from all internet access.

A Vatican source tells Newsmax’s John Gizzi that “Pope Francis is dying,” with insiders saying they believe the Pontiff will not survive past 2022.

In Florida, the Criminal Justice and Safety Committee passed House Bill 1355 (HB 1355) by a vote of 12 to 5 that would require law enforcement agencies to work in conjunction with U.S. Immigration and Border Patrol while also preventing local city governments and political groups from contracting with groups that house, assist, or transport illegal immigrants.

President Trump’s criticism of efforts to change the Electoral Count Act, a 135-year-old law that lays out how the Electoral College results are counted, highlighted how he will be a major hurdle in the way of the Senate changing how Electoral Votes are counted.

Former President Donald Trump’s said that if he wins the presidency again, his first executive action would be to restart construction of the wall on the southern U.S. border.

Spread r/K Theory, because America should be better than Russia, and it will begin with a new President Trump.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Democrats are quietly building a gun registry as a first step in gun ban.”

It’s as if they are driven by an otherworldly force to violate US law. Gun registries are illegal, also the 2A.

I knew a kid when I was in grade school. He liked putting glue, thumbtacs and things like that on peoples chairs before class or during recess. He got caught. Sent to the office. Eventually he was back in class but started doing it more and more. It was like breaking a rule was a power trip or something to him. Found out later that his step dad abused the him horrendously. Didn’t see him at all after that year. I imagine it’s the same way with Democrats.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Geologists ‘closely monitoring’ rising magma under Oregon volcanic region.”

Now that’s exciting. I’m going to get some extra popcorn just in case that thing goes.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Dutchsinse. But, YT censors him. He picked up on the fact that the USGS was coving up real- time data in that region. For a long time now. Dutch has bitched about this on his live stream.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“‘Refugees’ Harass Women in Russian Nightclub, Are Promptly Beaten and Sent to Prison”

A beautiful headline. I hope they are worked very hard in a Russian labor camp, then when they’ve served their time and are old, are sent back to Africa.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

That uranium’s not gonna mine itself.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The real question is why Russia allowed the Rapefugees there in the first place?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I had to. Excellent question

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“In Florida, the Criminal Justice and Safety Committee passed House Bill 1355 (HB 1355) by a vote of 12 to 5 that would require law enforcement agencies to work in conjunction with U.S. Immigration and Border Patrol while also preventing local city governments and political groups from contracting with groups that house, assist, or transport illegal immigrants.”

Finally some pushback on one of the sources. Florida Man really is a superhero.

3 years ago

“RINO Lindsey Graham pushes legislation to allow government to read all your phone texts, emails and DMs.”
Anyone who thinks this hasn’t been done since cell phones were invented is deluding themselves.
I know people who don’t think they’re monitored 24/7, and think when they shut them off…they’re off. God knows, some days…I’d love to be that much of an idiot. “Why oh why didn’t I take the BLUE pill”…

3 years ago

“Somali Muslim gets probation for setting fire to a school during BLM riots.”

Tariq Nasheed is a little nutty, but at least instinctively gets what AC explains in detail here. Tariq makes a big distinction between “Foundational Black Americans” and new black immigrants, who he sees as an enemy.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“Tariq Nasheed” is not a “Foundational Black Americans” name. He probably believes in the black nationalist Yakub theory and that blacks could levitate with their pyramid spaceships until evil White people started existing. Kang culture is part of the problem too.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I don’t know if he “gets it” so much as he views the unlimited importation of other blacks as dividing the power and money he can grift for himself into too many pockets.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Comedian Heather McDonald collapses on stage immediately after joking, “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted and flu shot.”

“Triple vaxxed Chelsea Handler cancels several shows of comedy tour after suffering a hospital ‘scare.’

It’s comforting to know that God hates female comics as much as I do.

“Chelsea Handler was forced to cancel several shows of her “Vaccinated & Horny” comedy tour after being hospitalized.”

She should change it to the Vaccinated & Hospitalized tour. I’m here all week folks. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

She can do her act from her hospital bed, while hooked up to oxygen and tubes coming out of every inch of her body. Comedy gold.
She’s a hoe anyway. She will recover. She is needed on big yachts so the big whigs can pee on her. A few years ago, there was a video circulating on YT of her in the water, next to a big yacht, and some guy was pissing on her & she was smiling and giggling. She has a purpose.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Somali Muslim gets probation for setting fire to a school during BLM riots.”

If Lori Lightfoot had a son.

3 years ago

Re: Meeting online personalities in real life

At the time of the Jack Murphy scandal, one commenter here wrote about reading and watching Cernovich for years, and then finally seeing a very different Cernovich (and wife, both seriously stressed out) in real life, at the Conservaball, IIRC. I just want to agree very belatedly that you can’t really know someone until you’ve seen them outside their curated online persona.

I recently got to meet one of my online heroes, a small-time blogger few if any of you ever heard of, but who writes smart commentaries and has shared some very unusual adventures he had overseas. In person, he misunderstood simple compliments about his work, obsessed over almost irrelevant details of what I told him while ignoring many of my main points, and twisted some very basic facts I shared with him. It was like telling someone about the time you spent with cowboys and horses, only for that person then to become convinced you told him something about going on safari in Africa to see the elephants. That bad, and none of that “logic” was in evidence on his blog or even in the transcripts of interviews other bloggers did with him. (The only similar experience I can remember was reading a film magazine’s interview with an actor who normally had his shit together, but then lapsed into incoherent therapyspeak psychobabble.) I used to believe his crazy stories because he had so many smart observations, too, but now I think I got fooled by a delusional fabulist. Commenters here seem mostly worried about paid influencers misleading them, and while I don’t discount that possibility in this case, there are also lots of people with major personal issues (how many Americans are on psych meds again?), some of whom are intelligent and devious enough to convince almost anyone of their fantasies.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“Commenters here seem mostly worried about paid influencers misleading them…”

I disagree. Paid shills are often mentioned here, but monetization is just one of many factors. I’d say most commenters here are far more interested in watching out for inconsistencies, distortions of facts, misplaced insights, and other features of whatever content they are analyzing, because that gives us more insight into whatever garbage Cabal is trying to push onto the masses (i.e., allows us to “read between the lines”).

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“I’d say most commenters here are far more interested in watching out for inconsistencies, distortions of facts, misplaced insights, and other features of whatever content they are analyzing, because that gives us more insight into whatever garbage Cabal is trying to push onto the masses (i.e., allows us to “read between the lines”).”

You hit the nail on the head.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I agree with that I great deal. It’s why I’m such a jerk when I think people are feeding us disinformation. I’ve heard this stuff my life and once I found out how wrong most of it is this continuous gas-lighting has become really offensive to me.

I can’t stand used car salemen either. Every since I read the book “Influence” where he talks about all the tactics used to influence you. It’s really annoying when people use these to try and fool you.

3 years ago

>Russia considers banning pedophiles from all internet access.

If you want to kill Twitter dead in it’s tracks this is probably all you need to do!

3 years ago

“California female prison ‘rape club’ exposed by media investigation.”

One main reason why I oppose prisons for both Men and Women. Don’t want a captive population for the wicked to exploit.

Either death, caning or fines. Jail only for pre-trial detention. Or Death Row awaiting execution.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

I would also add jails as a place to house those doing specific, defined fields of labor on public works as a punishment, with less time-intensive punishments. Plenty of highways need digging crews, and them potholes ain’t gonna film themselves. Nothing that’s going to be backbreaking, lethal work, but real labor every day. A year or two, 6 days a week, I can only imagine that will reform you real quick.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Agreed. The prison industrial complex needs to go.

The only true maximum security prison until the Last Judgment should be Hades(Realm of the Dead)

3 years ago

Fwiw, the better normie Russiagate researchers are realizing that Durham is heading right for Casolaro’s Octopus through Enron and BCCI. Not saying Durham is legit, just that the trail he is allegedly following (perhaps as leverage to be used by Trump faction) leads Russiagate>Enron>BCCI>Cheney>Bush>Queen of England>Rothschilds(?)>????

3 years ago

Look at the disgust smile
AC’s training on smiles and faces continues to be spot-on

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Not just the disgust smile. His eyes are outright psycho demonic. And he is in a swingers club. What kind of screwed up woman would want to sleep with a guy like that?

That is apparently the best Oregon Republicans can do.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Not just the disgust smile. His eyes are outright psycho demonic.”

Investigate, convict and exterminate.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

That’s not disgust, that’s the smile of a predator about to feast on his prey.

3 years ago

> The Durham investigation turns 1000 days old.

There’s no reason for it to take even 100 days. They’re holding the “investigation” in reserve as a weapon. Though probably even they aren’t sure against whom.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I think both. The path Durham is on leads right to The Octopus. It could take twice as long as 1000 days. And yeah, it’s leverage. Leverage against Clintons and also Bushes.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

If it’s just the Clintons and the Bushes 2000, 3000 or even 4000 days is small compared to a conspiracy from the 1960’s. Cabal would let Durham keep going because 1) the Bushes and Clintons have already done their damage 2) A tie off, like throwing the Bush/Clinton giftwrap in the trash and 3) It takes a lot of resources and time from the good guys to even do a Durham type investigation, which also exposes all of the good guys doing it.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Those are all fair points. I often get carried away by hopium.

3 years ago

> RINO Lindsey Graham pushes legislation to allow government to read all your phone texts, emails and DMs.

It’s a dickazoid bill… but it’s part of the NSA’s charter, and the FBI has been monitoring email since the 1980s, with texts and web comms as they came out. The FBI has been challenged in court several times, and they have managed to pull the “national security” card and keep on doing it.

Like the Patriot Act, Graham’s bill would just formalize something that has been going on for decades.

3 years ago

> Montenegro’s shaky government toppled by a no-confidence vote.

…and now the Chinese will move in advisors and “security” to protect their investments in Montenegro, which has been struggling to keep up its payments to Chinese lenders.

3 years ago

“This twitter thread makes the case that the recent hits on Joe Rogan appear to be a coordinated campaign launched by a Leftist superpac looking to get the clout of having taken down Rogan. ”

As you suspect, it’s bigger than that.

This goes back a ways.

Remember when Joe had CNN’s Dr. Gupta on, and stated, “if they are lying about this, what else are they lying about?”

That was a big punch in the face to Cabal. I’m sure it wasn’t forgotten.

Amy Siskind on Twitter keeps insisting on the importance of driving Spotify’s price down. I’m sure that beyond bloodying Rogan that there is a business aspect behind this. Either to consolidate artists (and listeners) over to a cabal platform or to acquire Spotify or drive other people out.

Rogan is a big risk to them. Particularly if you believe the Q narrative that a lot of bad information is about to come out. The media and big tech will try to control that information the best they can. But Rogan is a huge wildcard.

Now, after this smear campaign, after presenting Rogan as a dangerous, racist, sexist, whatever-ist, if he tries that they will shift the narrative to “anyone who believes that is just a Rogan racist”, etc.

Rogan is a huge threat going into the midterms.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This is a subject I don’t understand well but I have a thought that seems to fit regarding taking stock “public”. I remember after the “tech bubble” burst, it became a fad among some companies to buy back their stock and go private. But it seems like “going public” is the goal for most. It’s practically a sacrament.

We know Blackrock has trillions of dollars invested in propping up woke companies that have turned to shit. I’m starting to wonder if stock is a method Cabal uses to reward or punish companies for adherence to its agenda. It’s not a subject I have expertise in, and I find “finance” boring as all Hell.

The threats to punish Spotify made me think of that. If they didn’t have to be publicly traded, it would be less of a threat.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Good thought. When large, faceless, nameless groups of “investors” (or a few mega funds) can tank the value of your company and run you out of business on a whim, it’s almost certainly a tool for control and not an organic extension of the economy.

I don’t know jack about the details either, but I wonder i going public has some step in the process where normal companies get filtered out frequently and only select ones seem to be able to get through…

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This is why AMC and GME and BBIG are causing so much havoc (even though they are relatively small isolated cases) and TD Ameritrade accidentally had their records get burnt to cinders.

The hesgies and their shorting is a weapon.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

You are right, but the shorting is only a tool in the belt. This is why they’ve so quickly taken over r/WallStreetBets and created r/Superstonk. Actually, that’s the whole point of the Reddit echochamber. One thing Reddit’s taught us is that controlling the platform completely facilitaties the controlling of even the most subtle of narratives, such as any substantial community related to “stonks”. I know this because I spent a lot of time trying to crack this and hit wall after wall. Cabal can be FAST. Remember this, everyone, Cabal has territories where they can be incredibly quick. You’ve seen this in the MSM.

Anyway, in the post-GME world, the hedgies (many a part of Cabal Inc.) are now attempting to weaponize their autists (who they offer 6-figures or more to test good ideas) to harness the power of memes to pump and dump as many arbs as humanly possible. Might not be as powerful as their shorts (and other moves) right now, but doesn’t matter at all in the big picture. Anyone who knows finance also knows that hedgies would only be happy to sacrifice families to both generate and capitalize on a prime arb.

3 years ago

“Russian hypersonic missile tech has made America’s trillion dollar navy obsolete.”

But they really haven’t. The US navy can project all kinds of power to all kinds of places and Russia and China still can’t equal them. And is Russia going to intervene in all of those possible cases, or even have a remote interest in doing so? Unlikely.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

A Commodore 64 still works. You can still do all the same things with it.

It’s also obsolete, no matter how many hobbyists still enjoy it. We have a hobbyist navy.

Russia is going to push our shit in on the ocean anywhere they like. Will it be everywhere? Nope. It will just be where they want it to be.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

True. Only Virginia subs and some drones can even compete. If the subs are driven by diversity and the drones are programmed by pajeets all bets are off.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I’m not sure that a hypersonic missile really makes an aircraft more vulnerable than an ICBM. And certainly nothing Russia has made OEF or OIF impossible. Rarely is there one simple new device that renders everything useless.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

It doesn’t make an aircraft more vulnerable, because no one would target an aircraft (or a carrier) with an ICBM. They would just move off the X.

Hypersonic weapons make aircraft carriers MUCH more vulnerable. Shooting down an incoming missile with another missile was always tough, like hitting a baseball with another baseball. The Russians were always able to sink our carriers, but the plans in the 80s was things like throw 100 Froggers launching 3 cruise missiles each. They expected 30 of them to survive the US air wing, and a couple of the 90 missiles to oversaturate the SM-2 defense system of the US carrier group. That’s how Russians win battles, and they will put those 70 jets in the ocean for the 30 who make it through, if the carrier battle group goes down as well, and it’s a win for them.

We upgraded to SM-2 and Arleigh Burke tracking, they upgraded their EW abilities (and might be able to completely disable the AB class, according to reports), and so on. Hypersonic missiles change that. On a ballistic missile, they don’t have the long flight times that let you get off the X, and on cruise missiles, shooting them out of the air is a magnitude harder. Now you are trying to hit a bullet with a baseball, not another baseball. Hypersonic cruise missiles are the real threat, because they don’t need nuclear warheads to sink a carrier.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Forget the “Russian hypersonic missile tech has made America’s trillion dollar navy obsolete.”.

The vax will murder them all. We will have no military at all. They could have pitchforks and take over the country because of the Jew vax.

We need to pull back as much of our military as we can right now.

I didn’t really internalize what the vax is going to do to us until a few days ago. It’s just too damn painful. I see Jew hasbara on various sites whooping it up about this. They don’t say it directly but they clearly, to me anyways, are pointing out Whites are going to be exterminated in large numbers. They’re positively gleeful about it. You would think with all this info coming out they would be afraid. They are not. Not in the slightest.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Fair. And wokness was killing our operational ability before that, and endless sand wars were killing it before that.

Our military has been going downhill since the late 80s. We are now at 30 years of long, slow decline, and there’s no bottom to this hill in sight. Our 80s military could have figured out ways around hypersonic missiles. Our current military can’t figure out which bathroom to use.

3 years ago

Downtown Ottawa ‘out of control’ with convoy protesters ‘calling the shots,’ says the mayor.

No justice, no peace.

3 years ago

“This is not a peaceful protest,” said Huang. “It is an illegal occupation. These occupiers have used their vehicles to blockade downtown streets since arriving last week. They have displayed obvious symbols of hate, including Swastikas and Confederate Flags. They have defecated on a local residence bearing an LGBTQ pride flag.”

It wasn’t hateful, it was a show of support. The C in LGBTQCA is for coprophiliacs.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

HUANG. Sounds Canadian to me.

3 years ago

Memphis Black Lives Matter founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

Here’s the thing that confuses me — she did her illegal registration in Nov 2019. Surely she was neck deep in BLM at that point. Why risk it for just one vote? This tells me that their fraud operation probably isn’t as sophisticated as we fear — it’s simple but staggeringly widespread. We don’t need sophisticated computer security and data analysis. We just need to clean up the fucking voter rolls and implement voter ID.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

BLM screwed up thinking they could screw over the government, especially by not paying taxes on all those donations which was the govt’s cut of the profits for letting blm be lawless. Dumbass BLM leaders and crew thought they could be totally lawless. Whoops. Now the govt is coming after them left and right. They want their money, damnit. Or those mansions and vaca houses bought with that money.

Reply to  Stephanie
3 years ago

No, BLM didn’t screw up. You need to understand how Cabal works. Cabal never leaves independent leaders who can turn against them. Particularly if they are black.

They used BLM for the 2020 election, laundered a lot of money, got their political gain, and then they’re torching the current leadership so that they never have to deal with them ever again. Ever. In a few months now, a new outrage will go viral and they can start it up again with new leaders.

They can’t allow BLM to fall into enemy hands. Which is undoubtedly why they encouraged those BLM leaders to buy the fancy houses and, most importantly, IT IS WHY YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT. If Cabal didn’t want you knowing about it, it wouldn’t have happened.

Look at where we are now: BLM seems to have died. No one can point to a charismatic leader carrying on the work. It remains just a concept, just an idea. A very powerful idea for some sectors. A powerful idea free of the control of any known personalities. A powerful idea ready to be instantly rebranded with no visible power fights.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

In other words – use, dispose, replace – like toilet paper.

With no productive skills – what else are they good for? Besides maybe fertilizer or fishbait.

3 years ago

Chris Christie said on Sunday that Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is “carrying water for Donald Trump”

Yeah. She is. THAT’S HER JOB. You need to start acting like YOU are part of the party, you fat loser.

3 years ago

The libs are freaking out about Trump and document shredding and Comey trolling them with Trump pardon.

TD Ameritrade fire has to be reason for the first. How many Cabal are neck deep in the dark pool synth shorts?

The second I don’t see what they are projecting? Marc Rich pardon? Is that going to pop up re: Durham? I know that a doc regarding that popped up in disclosures for Sussman.

Comey is playing a smooth operator pretending to be a dork pretending to be a smooth operator pretending to be a dork I guess?

3 years ago

The moment I saw a picture of Joe Rogan my radar went off like crazy the guy is a glowie running a long game false flag operation. And nothing I have read or heard from his mouth changed that. Particularly the fake wrote industrial grade yellow media attacks and utterly typical dog whistle fake narratives which employ Rogan’s intelligence constructed persona as a pivot pin to fuck with us under this guise of plausible deniability, its the giveaways in their fake operation. Its so obvious once you see how they do it you can’t unsee it.
Rogan has all the little subtle tells and dis-ingenious characteristics of a network comment shill trolling for targets. Its so obvious, you can see its right out of the gangstalkers handbook. A highly skilled one give him that. But this shit is getting old, even folks who don’t consciously get it know something just ain’t right. Like with Tucker Carleson, and other influence agents, they just do not go past a certain line. It is influence control. Classic, right out of the marxist 4G warfare protracted struggle handbooks. Its a classic network agent tell. You see this in every unelected elected representative. Always there is the line they never cross no matter their dialectic and rhetoric. They can’t, they are conspiracy network shills. Keeping the secret of the surveillance machine is paramount. This drives everything and once you grok this you can not un-grok it.

In the end they all to the last one can not disguise what they are.
They really can’t because betrayal is their final act.
Betraying our high trust nature is what they do and are for. This is their weak spot their vulnerable underbelly of their criminal underworld. That it is industrial grade institutional corporate order brings with it all the weakness’s of mega corps, after all cabal runs its conspiracy exactly like a corporate entity, one thats totally criminal organized and tyrannical but corporate in every other way. After all look who is behind it and runs and constitutes its instruments of influence lucre control politics and power, all this machine and its shit. Its literally a monopoly of corporate industrial hegemony. Sarah Palin was always right. She seen it and fought it in Alaska. They hate her because she beat them so handily up there.

Super Corporate Crony Fascism in the 21st Century.
Rogan is like a corporate Super Bowl half time commercial. Fake to the core, strategic pandering to the little guy with identity tactic. Pssst… I am one of you. How they gull us.

Good folks simply do not betray their fellows like Rogan and his fellow lickspittles are want to do. Good folks do not fuck with each other, come on its so typical it literally hides in plain sight, like glowies in crispy new khaki mall ninja pants, tactical sneaks, little alligator shirts and tiki torches in Charlottesville, like this Rogan mind fuck operation they got running.
Like my states absolutely not elected senator joe mansion and fellow congressional cesspool shitstains.

Its not the vast size of the construct of the machine so much its how many of the lyin’ betraying fuckers they can get to fill these agent provocateur positions that so fucked up.
Its gonna be one heck of a target rich environment thats for sure.
So many of the fuckers if they all managed to bug-out to New Zealand it would sink.
How much of the ulterior motives driving them has to do with the everything to win everything to lose reality setting in as good folks rise up and resist the machine.
Really, where can they run to to escape the wrath of a hundred million pissed off ready to chew railroad spikes into paperclips really mean good folks? And what of the multitude of gangstalkers. What kind of predatory feral shit-stains do they turn into once their gravy train stops. They are already a networked criminal street gang. Trained ones. Who basically know who and what every one has socked away for JIC SHTF.

I know one thing from all the coverage so many of us been honored with, gonna be a need for a lot of boolits at that stage of collapse of the machine, because these little nasty insects already trespassed to the utter limit on us, invading our most intimate and private spaces, they got no sense of the violation of our codes and high trust virtues, their total lack of prudence is a capitol offense, its their ticket, their training, a license to cold blooded crime upon us without a secind thought, we are already less than human to them.
If your a farmer you shoot without mercy or compassion, with out prejudice feral dogs trying to kill your livestock, steal your means of life, endanger your loved ones.

We got some serious things to face pretty soon. Far worse for our consideration than what after Trump is. After all its in the end us they are after, good Ol’ Trump is our great fuck you.
Its no small thing we got The God Emperor to calm temper and restrict the worst the machine is capable of just by his presence on our consciousness and respect.
Imagine how many attempts by the fuckers to give Trump the dirt nap, and you begin to get an idea of how ruthless these fuckers are and how mean we are gonna get for their violating our codes and way of life, and our very lives and loved ones themselves.

Just saying, its an axiom of the necessity of such a thing, you can’t leave none alive. You must kill them all. If you fail they will come back. Another axiom is cabal see’s us good folks in the same light, as long as one of us is alive Freedom and Liberty exists, something the fuckers can not abide by, can not permit, it is the greatest threat to them, and the only way to avoid this threat is to kill all of us who hold our freedoms and liberty dear and unalienable.
War of existential existence. War to the knife. This kind of war.
Joe Rogan is like their special forces or soldier in their dirty jobs regiment specializing in running Psy-Op’s.
This is war just by another name. Sneekle War, war using high tech combined with mind jobbing us and Directed Energy Weapon Systems. Preparing the battle space.
At some point they are going to attempt direct action on us and our Rifles. No choice here. No tyrant worth their salt is going to leave a hundred million American’s behind their front lines armed to the fucking teeth they just tried but mostly failed to genocide using GMO biowarfare death jab.
No military ever existed would do such a thing. Sure bet the machine when it is ready to exterminate all of us in its way it goes for our Rifles pretty much at the same time. They are gonna run some Joe Rogon’s, all sorts of influence agents in crafty cunning guise who are disguised as 2nd Amendment and gun rights people, “on our side”, “one of us”, i can think of a few woman who fit that bill, they look like prepositioned agent provocateurs, trained schooled and established in key positions with already established fan base of useful dupes, it will be the signal to gird our loins, and prime pan’s. They are coming. Lets Win.

3 years ago

Cool analysis of a very scary video of unknown provenance. The vid purports to discuss the genetic engineering of viruses to attack the “God gene” by US mil

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
3 years ago

Somewhere within the above is this vid of an arsonist in Ottawa. It’s pretty frightening.
Arsonist claims to be part of the trucker protests.
And then you look at the photos of him. No.
Looks more like one of these –

3 years ago

Life in the Olympic gulag: Athletes are ‘crying like crazy’ in hellish quarantine with miserable food where ‘hope is dead’ as DOZENS miss out on their events after testing positive and being carted off to isolation camps

Athletes complained of hellish conditions in Chinese isolation hotels after dozens were confined with Covid
Valeria Vasnetsova, a Russian biathlete, uploaded a grim picture of food she said was served three times a day for five days straight, leaving her emaciated with ‘bones sticking out’
Natalia Maliszewska, a Polish skater, was left ‘crying and crying’ after being repeatedly taken to isolation over unclear Covid tests – including ‘horror’ wake-up by officials at 3am
German team boss said conditions ‘unacceptable’ with rooms too small, unhygienic, and Covid tests not given

3 years ago

comment image

3 years ago

Would like your comments on this:

The siege of Suiyang resulted in a prolonged state of famine, according to the Old Book of Tang, which wrote:

Yin Ziqi had besieged the city for a long time. The food in the city had run out. The dwellers traded their children to eat and cooked bodies of the dead. Fears were spread and worse situations were expected. At this time, Zhang Xun took his concubine out and killed her in front of his soldiers in order to feed them. He said, “You have been working hard at protecting this city for the country wholeheartedly. Your loyalty is uncompromised despite the long-lasting hunger. Since I can’t cut out my own flesh to feed you, how can I keep this woman and just ignore the dangerous situation?” All the soldiers cried, and they did not want to eat. Zhang Xun ordered them to eat the flesh. Afterwards, they caught the women in the city. After the women were run out, they turned to old and young males. 20,000 to 30,000 people were eaten. People always remained loyal.

— Old Book of Tang, Chapter 137.

The New Book of Tang recorded that Xu Yuan also killed his servants, noting:
(Xu) Yuan also killed servants to feed the soldiers …

— New Book of Tang, Chapter 192.

The New Book of Tang also claimed that cannibalism was practiced on a widespread level, and that such fear prevented rebellion:

After the city was besieged for a long time, at the beginning, the horses were eaten. After horses ran out, they turned to the women, the old, and the young. 30,000 people in total were eaten. People knew their death was close, and nobody rebelled. When the city fell, only 400 people were left.

— New Book of Tang, Chapter 192.

Yan Pyrrhic victory

Yan forces capture Suiyang
Tang strategic victory

Suiyang recaptured immediately after the siege
Turn of the tide of the rebellion against Yan

Because of Loyalty to the Empire and being willing to do anything to achieve victory. They defeated the rebellion as a result. But they ate the women and children and civilians in order to do so.


After the war, Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan were increasingly portraited by the imperial government and literati as icons of loyalty and patriotism. The plan by the Tang court to posthumously award Zhang Xun was originally met with controversy due to the mass cannibalism in the siege. However, it was eventually decided that his contributions to the Tang victory greatly outweighed those concerns. Shrines were constructed in honor of Zhang and Xu, first in Suiyang, and later also at the Lingyan Pavilion in Chang’an, where they were venerated alongside the most respected officials and generals in Tang history.

Tales of the heroism of the defenders were embellished in the works of famous writers and poets during the Tang-Song period, such as Gao Shi, Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Ouyang Xiu and Huang Tingjian. A popular poem by late-Song politician Wen Tianxiang cited the stories of Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan as examples of loyalty and persistence in order to inspire resistance in the face of the Mongol invasion.[1] The Tang, Song and Ming dynasties all organized state ceremonies in honor of Zhang and Xu; in some regions Zhang Xun was even deified and worshipped by belivers of the Chinese folk religion.[4][1] Meanwhile, the philosopher Wang Fuzhi harshly criticised the defenders, commenting that killing for food should not be accepted even in life or death situations.[4]

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Life is cheap in the Orient.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Indeed. But also being ruthless enough to do anything to win without consideration for Good and Evil. Even demonic acts that will damn their souls to hell.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Such Virtuous Paganism still inspires their culture today.

All hail the Virtuous Pagans.

3 years ago

“This twitter thread makes the case that the recent hits on Joe Rogan appear to be a coordinated campaign launched by a Leftist superpac looking to get the clout of having taken down Rogan. That looks like part of it. But it is not clear if that is the origin of the whole thing, or if they just jumped in with the one attack trying to get cache. I tend to think the whole thing is larger than that, and could even trace back to Big Pharma money because he attacked the vaxes, or even be a script to demoralize our side by making us watch one of our own try to apologize and look subservient to a machine you should offer no subservience to.”

I came across this on a lesser known telegram channel – Domestic Surveillance Exposed. The post was just the image I am linking here along with the caption: “If you talk about SURVEILLANCE, they will come after you with the full force of their global media machine.”

image link:
telegram link:

The very next post on their channel after this one discussed the Brandy Vaughn case and her harassment surveillance. Sadly, that channel only has 70 followers. Clearly, this is an issue that is not getting enough attention. Why aren’t more people talking about this? Out of all the well-known people cabal has screwed over, not one of them has called out the surveillance apparatus.

Thank you for doing what you can. At least you are making a difference.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m spreading that post.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’ve been reading more from that telegram channel and noticed today that they link back to you a lot! I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the admin is someone we’re use to seeing in the comments here. Whoever it is, kudos to spreading the message on telegram!

3 years ago

Gawker Announces It Has Obtained Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s Social Security Number

3 years ago

Newsmax counter-sues Smartmatic, widening fight over U.S. election fraud claims

3 years ago

“Ottawa, the police just did a 180 and handed over all the gasoline they seized yesterday to the truckers. I imagine that a government lawyer understood that they risked an accusation of an international crime against humanity.”

3 years ago

OT: A wall was put up around the White House. Rather ugly and solid, looks like it could hold back some determined protesters. Amusing that this was put there by the people who’ve assured us that “walls don’t work.”

But thinking deeper on this, perhaps the Patriots really are in control. Perhaps this shitshow we’re watching is part of a plan to slowly make Americans realize how awful the media and democrats are. And the powers that be are planning for a Trump return to the White House. They saw the BLM protests out in front of the White House, and realize that if the good guys win the elections in 22 and 24, the Cabal will have to rely on massive protests as it will be all that they have.

Is that wall preparation for that?

ANd perhaps the wall around the Capitol was just a test, a dry run, for what it might look like if we have a severe breakdown following some very big election wins.

Something to think about.