Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
South Carolina 2020 election canvass finds all the anomalies you would expect from a rigged election. Very extensive analysis and long report with all the dead voters, incomplete addresses, lost votes, and so on that you would expect.
Great RT article exposing all the anomalies pointing to how Epstein didn’t kill himself, and how it was all covered up. Epstein’s attorney was paying off his cellmate for some reason, maybe because the cellmate was watching him for Cabal. The cellmate became a focus of the investigation, “cooperated,” and then supposedly died of COVID, despite looking like a healthy guy – and all his records were sealed from journalists by the government.
The House Intelligence Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on Havana Syndrome this week. Most interesting recent revelation was the CIA tried to tell everyone it was nothing, while the rest of the intelligence community went out of their way to release contradicting findings from their research panel into it to counter CIA.
BREAKING: Three people injured after car appears to intentionally ram protesters at ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Winnipeg, witnesses say
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) February 5, 2022
Some guy in a mask, arrested and charged by Police after a fight, video follows:
BREAKING: "Reclaim Ottawa" group has called off their counter-protest to the truckers tomorrow after seeing that even more truckers and farmers are coming to the city from all over the provinces
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) February 5, 2022
Elon Musk calls GoFundMe ‘professional thieves’ for withholding $10M from the anti-vax rally.
GiveSendGo is seeing relentless DDOS attacks from botnets. That is something you would expect to see from a nation-state actor trying to disrupt their operations, not your normal lefty-pol.
Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin talks about having been in the CIA, then slides into talking about being in the CIA (present tense), then discusses how those with unacceptable views need to be deprogrammed or censored. More or less our modern government all in one sentence.
Ghislaine Maxwell retrial arguments must be public, prosecutors tell judge.
Man with a machine gun drove through the front gate of Michael Bloomberg’s home in Colorado, and demanded to be taken to his daughters so he could kidnap them and create an “international scene,” but when he found they were not there, he kidnapped the housekeeper instead. Nobody hurt, housekeeper rescued, guy under arrest. Probably as it seems. But if you were running a counter-Cabal operation and wanted to get all the Cabalites in line, showing them you can bypass the surveillance, get on their property freely, have their security happen to not be around at that moment, and take their children would be a good first step. Nobody was hurt, and who knows where this guy will be in a year with our mysterious justice system. Odd Bloomberg had no armed security.
Colombo crime family boss is freed on $5 million bond despite prosecutors’ objections. Nobody is running a Mafia family without the acquiescence of Cabal, due to their being a controlled asset. If I was running a mafia family, the first thing I would be doing is focusing 100% of my resources on exposing the illegal surveillance to cripple the FBI and law enforcement that were targeting me. But you never see that. Because the mob is Cabal, and enjoys Cabal protection from law enforcement, so long as its leaders are Cabal assets.
The government said Whitey Bulger’s health had dramatically improved, so they could send him to the prison where he was ultimately killed, but recently released letters paint a different picture of his health (From the caption in the picture at the link). Also, before he was caught, FBI thought they had tracked him down, closed in for the arrest, and found they were surveilling a 94 year old blind black man with limited mobility. So embarrassing and over the top it makes me think FBI must not have any access to Cabal surveillance, which was undoubtedly watching and laughing through the whole thing.
Mexican drug cartels turn to IEDs to use against the Army as drug war rages on.
Those at highest risk for severe COVID-19 often least likely to get monoclonal antibodies. These cocksuckers are trying to kill people.
Austria makes Covid-19 vaccines compulsory for all citizens aged 18 and over.
Scientists have developed an Oral mRNA vaccine that delivers twice the mRNA of injectables by putting the mRNA right into the cells of the lining of the GI tract. Note the single most complex, and precisely balanced interaction of the immune system and the environment occurs in the GI tract, between the immune system and the indigenous biota – the micro-organisms which inhabit the GI tract. Disrupt the balance, and you disrupt the ecology of the indigenous biota, and that can have profound effects on everything from health and systemic inflammation, to auto-immunity, to psychology. As before, there will be no way to predict what this will do. It is even possible it could be great, so let other people take it first. Unless they put it in vegetables, or other food in which case you will also have to grow and produce your own food.
Israel’s Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett described the Iranian regime as an octopus that for decades had encircled Israel with its tentacles in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, and Yemen. Iran seems some kind of center of Cabal, and Cabal has been referred to as The Octopus by reporters such as Danny Casolaro.
Former Iranian officials are concerned that the Mossad has reached officials high up in Iranian security and intelligence institutions. It has seemed New Mossad has been purging Old Mossad, as if the two were different.
Michael Yon has the surveillance video of the recent F35 carrier crash, and says inside baseball says the vaccine was likely to blame. Longer video on 4Chan here shows it from the other side going off the deck.
Colorado school district forced to cancel classes after nearly 1,500 teachers call in sick to protest recently elected conservative school board. Colorado, where all the intel data servers are, and probably a hub of Cabal ground surveillance.
Vox Day’s piece on the ticket takers highlights a study where those choosing the ultra-successful say they chose people who seek out elite positions, more than those who are actually capable. I see another level to the whole thing. The people getting interviewed, even the guy doing the article, are all Cabal. I think the whole survey is propaganda, designed to infuse the subconscious of our kind, with a perception that the capable are not who get the elite positions because of random silliness of the hiring officials. Those who are not elite will fall into two groups – those who have nothing extraordinary about them, and who were never going to be elite, and the extraordinary who should be elite, of whom there are more than a few here. The extraordinary will take from this article that the rainmakers are choosing people based on things extraordinary people place no value on, and they are doing it because they just happen to be silly or stupid. So you walk away thinking, well, I am not running things because I don’t hold those values. No. You are not running things because there is a secret society which runs things, they ran surveillance on you all through high school, identified you are potentially troublesome, and their command structure made sure you did not get into the elite school, or have access to the elite programs, while their assets, often of mid-witted IQ, did, even though they were morons. And they then put out an article saying the hiring office doesn’t hire people like you because they are stupid and superficial. If you buy that, you miss the bigger picture – the secret society of shadow elites who are placing their assets in all these powerful positions as they turn out reams of propaganda designed to make it all look like the product of innocent stupidity and random incompetence. The world is Darwinian. Either it is Darwinian and the best and most capable rise to the top, or it is Darwinian and a secret group of corrupt elites of lesser morality, intellect, and ability, but greater secrecy, corruption, and organization, control the top, and keep the best and most capable out, over a fear they might take over. Guess which model you are looking at.
Good grades barely matter in NYC’s new high school application process. And there it is.
Spotify is under pressure from the Obamas to drop Joe Rogan. Sometimes I wonder if a guy like Rogan’s role is to be /ourguy, and then have something like “racist comments” they can point to erupt, just so they can wreck him, and that is the show we are supposed to see – our guy getting defeated. Kind of like how all the movies about our military guys are never John Wick ass-kicking movies, but rather are about our guys getting shot up and being fucked up in life after combat. He did get $100 million, and I have yet to see how his show has produced $100 million in revenue somewhere, to pay that money back to the company. Somebody is getting $100 mil worth of something.
Gettr fired its entire cybersecurity team and never replaced them, due to financial problems.
Brits are being told to reduce their living standards and tighten their belts even as it’s announced that the government is spending £4.7 million pounds a day on housing refugees in hotels. Nobody is electing our leaders, and the people appointing them are pure evil, and bent on the destruction of all that of good, beautiful, and true.
Interesting article showing how there is an organized force seeking to thwart America. A company has a location where they can mine lithium, and begins the process of setting up a mine. Environmentalist’s find a little yellow flower nobody knows exists, and they get it listed as endangered, to try and stop the mine, and tie things up in court. No idea if the Chinese might be funding the “environmentalists,” or if it is just Cabal. But I would be shocked if there is not something like that behind the entire interlude.
The establishment media have taken notice how “weirdly well” Democrats are performing in nationwide redistricting battles. Between RINOs and the fact democrats have focused on getting leftist judges positioned to force maps to tilt, we are behind the eight ball.
German anger as Russia shuts international broadcaster Deutsche Welle. Germany did the same thing to a Russian outlet, but apparently turnabout is not fair play.
Trump-hating soccer player Megan Rapinoe dropped from US National Team roster.
“He did get $100 million, and I have yet to see how his show has produced $100 million in revenue somewhere, to pay that money back to the company. Somebody is getting $100 mil worth of something.”
I’m going to guess that Rogan brought millions of new people to Spotify. Tens of millions, maybe? And they’re likely going to get revenue from many of those people for many, many years. Shit, I’m still buying music on iTunes 20 years later. And honestly I don’t even know if there are better options. But I’m content with the service/price.
Rogan was to expand their userbase.
Interesting spy autobiography:
“‘By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer’ is a nonfiction book by a former katsa (case officer) in the Mossad, Victor Ostrovsky.”
Ostrovsky was a young idealist who thought that by joining Mossad he would be entering the Mt. Olympus of Israeli society, but wrote that instead he found Sodom and Gomorrha. He was a bad fit for the team and was forced out.
Damn they brought out their biggest propaganda cannon against Rogan. That’s impressive. Indicates Rogan’s true following size and reach and the loss of propqganda power
Bennet is Cabal and projecting, I think. But then there’s Barry’s love affair with them. Seems to be intra-Cabal conflict. Evinced by Mossad upheaval.
I also think the FBI does not have access to Cabal Intel network. I don’t think this makes them anti-Cabal, but they do appear to always be clumsy and stepping in it. Either still partially independent or set up to take the heat or both. Probably both.
Russiagate is looking like a small part of Clinton faction attempt to set up FBI leadership and then take it over. They got McCabe in their and almost had it done but it blew up somehow via Comey and Rosenstein and Sessions responses.
“Scientists have developed an Oral mRNA vaccine that delivers twice the mRNA of injectables by putting the mRNA right into the cells of the lining of the GI tract. ”
The FDA will brand it Vitamin R and it will find itself fortified into all American foods. Ivermectin meanwhile will be banned and will be more illegal to own than Cocaine. That is where the Cabal controlled Democrats and Republicans will take us.
“Michael Yon has the surveillance video of the recent F35 carrier crash, and says inside baseball says the vaccine was likely to blame.”
At this point it’s going to funny watching stealth bombers drop from the sky like billion dollar autumn leaves. RIP US military.
> Sometimes I wonder if a guy like Rogan’s role is to be /ourguy, and then have something like “racist comments” they can point to erupt, just so they can wreck him, and that is the show we are supposed to see – our guy getting defeated.
Rogan has never been on our side. His entire schtick is to bring on good people 1 out of every 10 episodes and make them sound like retards, or derail them off to some hyper fringe topic so they get distracted from their main topic and just end up boring. The other 9 people are soulless money grabbers, DMT junkies convincing you mind altering drugs are normal, Hollywood pedophile comedians laughing about the kids they groomed, or other satan’s minions just ranting on about wild shit. Anything even mildly reasonable that he has said can be attributed to his inauthentic near-bipolar flip flopping on every topic with any substance to try and maintain his “centrist” fence-sitting throne.
This is also ignoring that he’s literally three inches tall and a raging, butt-lusting homosexual who gets dumpster pumped on rollerskates behind the disco club.
Right! Owen Benjamin had a few comments about Joe Rogan after the two fell out. Worth searching out and reading, if you are overly hopeful about the guy.
Good Lord, some of you people that frequent this space need to really calm down.
Not everyone who doesn’t 100% share your world view is “on the other side.” Not everyone is your enemy.
I really don’t care how fringe anyone is. IF they are reasonably supportive of freedom, the bill of rights, and opposed to our insane foreign policy, I’m absolutely thrilled.
Not only do they need to calm down, they need to grow up.
I swear, half the commenters seem like plants and saboteurs.
You’re the reason gatekeepers work, tard baby. You see someone with a pro-ally label given by cabal and just assume they’re an ally because your analysis is puddle deep.
He has a track record of fucking over good people on his podcast, setting up gotcha situations to make them look stupid and discredit their positions. Just because you don’t know that or don’t care to look it up doesn’t mean it’s not true, it just means you’re lazy.
I don’t really get time to watch videos these days, but from what little I have seen of Rogan doing interviews, he ahs always seemed polite and respectful. DO you have any examples of him setting up a guest in a gotcha situation?
I’m not a fan of Rogan, but I have watched MMA for years and thus know who he is.
Rogan interviewing Dr. Malone did more to rupture the establishment narrative around the Covid Op than you or me or anyone we will ever know.
They are trying to kneecap him now because he disrupted their programming, as well as when he took Ivermectin and bullied Gupta from CNN and exposed how feeble and false the mainstream narrative really is.
For those 2 points alone Rogan deserves thanks, despite his ridiculous groveling apology over the fabricated racism issue.
That Rogan folded so easily is a serious knock against him, but he deserves credit for refusing to take the vax and using Ivermectin, as well as giving a platform to Malone.
“Dumpster pump” hahahaha I’m dying.
Totally stealing that.
“Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio has joined a growing group of people who think the U.S. is headed for “some sort of civil war.””
It will start with ever more obtrusive Federal over-reach, along with typical Republican softness. Generally Real-American nationalist Republicans will take control of their states (the Florida model) and will oppose the Federal overreach more and more, until you have 15 or 20 states at the level of practical secession. They won’t call it that, but that will be what it is. Then the Feds will mess up or someone will start WWIII. And it’s all downhill for the system from there, but for our side that’s a good thing. If there is political division, which is very likely, it will NEVER be put back together- that I can promise.
Re: AC’s comment on ultra-successful careerists
I had an acquaintance who was related to one of those ultra-successful careerists, a CEO with a big salary. Upper class yet not Cabal background, just a 140+ IQ, tough, no-nonsense yet smooth workaholic.
In itself, this seems to me a clear case of plain meritocracy. But I think that person’s role is just that of a very competent cog in the machine, a servant, completely caught up in optimizing the company’s performance. We’re trained to believe that CEOs are “elite,” and in a sense they are, but their salaries are just a pittance to the ownership / billionaire class; from their loftier perspective, it must look ridiculous to spend all your productive years giving absolutely everything you’ve got just to make a few mil. I don’t think that individual is “read in,” but steered by the group consensus of the CEO’s associates and contacts, some of whom seem like bad news, and at least one of them is only one “hop” away from someone who is definitely very bad news.
Some of the best and most capable do rise, not to the top, but to the positions where they are needed to manage complex technical systems, and it’s a temporary management task, not a permanent ownership situation. I do want to make clear that this is a niche situation, as there’s a lot of Cabal corruption happening at much lower professional levels.
One other exceptionally intelligent person I know has a good career in academia, but got diverted into complex but trivial research, totally forgettable stuff, another way to neutralize someone who could have done something far more interesting with their life.
Pence DID overturn the election!
Niet the liar has announced that President Trump said the VP had the right to overturn the election.
Wrong. The VP has the authority to do something*. That’s a big difference.
Authority is not a right, and Pence knows that, being a lawyer.
The “something” in question would not have overturned the election, because canceling /refusing to seat fraudulent electors IS preventing an election itself from being overturned e.g. “stolen.”
What is wrong with Mike Pence? By refusing to take the proper action, Pence DID overturn the election.
Sherlock Holmes would tell Watson that the CIA was behind Havana Syndrome. Dog that didn’t bark.
It seems like it, doesn’t it? I have assumed the ground surveillance in the USA was CIA, as I read somewhere CIA is the only American Agency which allows children to be used operationally with parental consent, and the kids are a huge part of the ground surveillance. If CIA was behind the attacks, it would explain how they could pull them off in DC, even right at the White House, on Trump’s staff people, without surveillance picking up on them and giving the intel to Secret Service, whose Presidential Protective Detail and tactical guys, I would think would be difficult to corral and suppress.
Still not sure why Secret Service wasn’t running its own surveillance, but it is possible CIA used some sort of pull to coalesce all domestic surveillance under an umbrella they control, and they forbid others from operating.
The line between CIA, organized crime and everything else is very thin. I’m quite sure that it all ultimately gives the CIA control of local police. I think the controlled elements of the FBI are just pretending to not see.
The thing about surveillance, however, is that everyone always things “government” and they always thing they are only concerned about subversive activities.
In cabal communities, criminals serve one purpose: predation of non-cabal members. And if they get out of line they risk jail. And as part of this, they carry out special favors for their handlers (break ins where they just rearrange furniture or whatever.)
Anyone on parole, or things like convicted sex offenders, are then managed by these people. They take shitty jobs where they can watch people, people. And if they don’t participate, their status as pedophiles will be used to make them very uncomfortable or threatened.
Think of it this way: cabal is the ultimate crime boss. It protects a criminal class that it can direct on anyone they want, while at the same time pulling back police protection. And on top of that, allowing these criminals to prey on non-cabal people is basically a way to keep these people paid. So cabal’s army is fed by cabal’s victims.
I learn a lot when I come here, AC, especially the comments as you’ve mentioned.
This all clicks now. The CIA is present is every embassy with varying staffing levels, etc. I guarantee they had field officers with the Cuban missions. LRAD technology has been openly used since the 90s. DARPA has spent a lot digging into transcranial magnetic stimulation which supposedly can allow people to “hear” voices in their head. I have no doubt the CIA has their fingers in that pie as well. MK-Ultra needs a technological facelift. Who’s to say they haven’t created focused “resonance fields” that can be pointed at someone’s residence or room? Havana was a suitable place to test an experimental system in an ostensibly hostile nation. Any complaints are answered as either “those dastardly Cubans” or “you’re making this up just like Gulf War Syndrome.”
As for the USSS, I wouldn’t be surprised that there’s a mix of “the Hidden Power” and true believers. True believers to take the bullet for the rare almost and Cabal to ensure the bullet arrives. All government institutions are infiltrated to a large extent. If the CIA gets the layout of Secret Service surveillance, they’re capable enough to counter and bypass. The Naval Yard shooter always comes to mind with the mental attacks. He was gankstalked and complained of hearing voices towards the end.
Possibly we are living the book of Esther and cabal will soon be hung on their own gallows.
Anonymous says:
> One other exceptionally intelligent person I know has a good career in academia, but got diverted into complex but trivial research, totally forgettable stuff, another way to neutralize someone who could have done something far more interesting with their life.
The blog post linked below is an amusing rant about the problem with modern academia. The author says, “And Zadeck’s goal was almost never to praise this paper. It was to rip it apart. It was to show us the clever ways in which the authors had disguised the fact that their work was, while still cool and certainly not inaccurate in any way, utterly useless for any practical purpose.”
So yeah… academia stinks (and I think most people subconsciously realize this), and it is *really* interesting to think of academia as a “way to neutralize someone.”
> FBI thought they had tracked him down, closed in for the arrest, and found they were surveilling a 94 year old blind black man with limited mobility. So embarrassing and over the top
Hey, they probably hired the LAPD cops who were looking for a black male (Christopher Dorner, ex-LAPD himself) driving a small car, and unloaded 50-odd rounds into two elderly women in a pickup truck who were delivering newspapers, plus various vehicles and houses downrange.
The officers were not censured, and LAPD said it was just a “mistake.”
Funny, without a badge, they would have had life in prison.
“One law for us, another for you.”
> [oral vaccine] Unless they put it in vegetables, or other food in which case you will also have to grow and produce your own food.
We’re pretty much down to the hardcore refuseniks now, that have resisted the Jab(tm) for over a year despite massive government pressure. Given how they’ve operated so far, it’s likely they would try to do it in secret.
Should some government officials authorize this, and those refuseniks found out, the results might be… more personal… than the nomenklatura hoped for.
> Sometimes I wonder if a guy like Rogan’s role is to be /ourguy, and then have something like “racist comments” they can point to erupt, just so they can wreck him, and that is the show we are supposed to see – our guy getting defeated.
Seems to happen pretty often, doesn’t it? Some fringer hardly anyone ever heard of becomes “the voice of the right”, gets tons of media coverage, then folds or jumps to the other side.
> Gettr fired its entire cybersecurity team and never replaced them, due to financial problems.
“Those guys were just useless overhead. Look at all the money we saved!”
(PCR was RR’s Asst Sec Treasury)
“Yes, there is a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy of the elite against the rest of us. It has been in operation for years. You can learn much about it from Kees Van Der Pijl’s just published book by Clarity Press, States of Emergency.
Van Der Pijl names names. For example, the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Conference reflects the ruling power bloc: Eric Schmidt (Google), IT companies (Palantir) and entrepreneurs (Peter Thiel), Belgian banker and media magnate Thomas Leysen, directors and executives of financial institutions (Lazard, Deutsche Bank, the Wallenberg investor group in Sweden), Henry Kravis of the Kohlberg-Kravis-Roberts hedge fund. Leysen is a member of the Trilateral Commission, Friends of Europe, and the Bilderberg Group.
This group connects to other groups, such as the Cercle de Lorraine. Among the members is Christian Van Thillo who owns practically the entire Belgian and Dutch newspaper market. Van Thillo also is a director the the German publishing group, Bertelsmann. Another member, Count Maurice Lippens links to Friends of Europe, a group that includes in its membership former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt and former European Commissioner Neelie Kroes.
The French, US, and UK media are also concentrated. All of the owners are brought together via elite organizations.
Think tanks are funded by the military/security complex and corporations. The purpose of think tanks is to provide studies that further the interests of their donors– Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, the Pentagon, the Air Force, the Army, the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department.
The largest beneficiary is the RAND Corporation which received more than a billion dollars. Other beneficiaries of military/security largess are the Center for a New American Security whose CEO was Victoria Nuland, the current Undersecretary of State, the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund, the Center for Strategic and International Studies where I held the William Simon Chair in Political Economy for a dozen years, and my colleagues were Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. I let pass the opportunity to be a well-rewarded intellectual servant for the ruling elite. I fought them and had to leave the chair. Not long afterwards I was kicked out of my media positions for the same reason. It has become impossible for dissidents from the official narratives to have a career in the Western world.
The elite rule us all. They subsidize conservatives whose patriotism supports “America First” and wars against orchestrated enemies. They subsidize the leftwing whose accusations foment distraction from the secret agenda. They subsidize liberals whose ideas serve to deconstruct and weaken the society and make it easier for the elite to conquer.
The vast bulk of Americans and Europeans are left in the dark and have no understanding that day by day their lives come under more control in order to clear the way for agendas of which they are unaware.
Didn’t Feinstein put the kibosh on a similar rare earth mine a few years ago, using the same EPA jibber-jabber about an endangered millipede or something?
Absolutely. The Green Menace has used various environmental laws, regulations, and resulting “interpretations” or “findings” to halt nearly any sensible resource exploitation or new energy production that isn’t bird-killing windmills and solar fields. Only China is allowed to exploit rare earths.
An old playbook. Exploit actual issues to push forward their agenda.
Like under the guise of protecting women and children find ways to do the opposite of what they proport to do. And also to increase totalitarian control and serveillance.
And instead of proper regulation that ensures clean air and water both above ground and underground. Declare CO2 a pollutant when it isn’t.
This just in:
So — several hours after securing Hell Week, while undoubtedly lying on their racks ingesting pizza and Gatorade, two superbly-conditioned young men have heart attacks. Wonder how many BUD/S trainees have ever died of heart attacks before?
Rogan fulfills role that Thomas Paine had in American Revolution. We seem to be nearing the climax and Rogan will probably lose most of his audience once we get to the denouement.
Hahah. Just realized Clinton plus Bush plus Barry equals 24 yrs.
Lowell may find this interesting:
Interesting about Rapinoe; graduate of the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” class of 2004. Among others in the class of 2004 are Mark Zuckerberg, Alexander Soros, a Rothschild, Tulsi Gabbard, and Dan Crenshaw.
So I am about 114 minutes into the Joe Rogan podcast with Robert Malone. Admittedly, it is very good because Rogan gives Malone ample time to make his arguments. Rogan also does not try to make Malone look stupid or fringe in front of his audience.
Some takeaways:
1) Malone was originally a cowhand and a carpenter before he decided to go back to school.
2) He had two years of computer science before he decided that he did not want to sit in a basement in front of a screen.
3) His education background ranges from UCSD, to Northwestern University in Chicago where he got his MD/PhD, to Harvard Medical.
4) His background as a founder in mRNA tech is bona fide. Nine of the early patents are in his name. He is a consummate vaccinologist, with a specialty in retroviruses and he developed techniques for manufacturing RNA for research purposes.
5) He has an extensive background in clinical research and he was one of the founders of the company Anovia.
6) He has extensive work for government, knows Fauci personally, did work for the DoD, and has extensive contacts in intelligence.
7) He got self-medicated in March of 2020 with what i think is Fluvaxamine, or something related to Pepcid.
8) He took the Moderna vaccine, both to protect himself from long Covid and to travel to conferences around the world, since other countries had restrictions.
9) He got severe hypertension from the second dose of the Moderna covid vaccine.
10) He confirms that hospitals make money from Covid patients. The coding system from Covid that establishes the payments for hospitals was made by the CDC. There are tier payments for covid diagnoses and hospitalization and another payment for intubation.
11) Hospitalists (hospital management) and doctors associated with hospitals are on the warpath against any outpatient medical treatment of covid patients and especially if ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are used. They are reporting doctors to state medical boards to have their licenses suspended.
12) Clinical research is a very dirty and underhanded business because there is so much money at stake. Research contractors have financial incentives to hide adverse results when they report data.
13) Malone is one of the few vaccine researchers who do not have a financial stake in the vaccine business.
14) Going back to hospitalists, the doctors that they are attacking are among the best and top specialists in their field in the world.
I will give you an update when I am done.
Montenegro Government Falls After Successful No-Confidence Vote
“Spotify is under pressure from the Obamas to drop Joe Rogan.”
I’ve seen this movie before.
Pew Die Pie
1. Posting Nazi joke shit.
2. Liberals try to ban him.
3. Are not successful.
4. Yeah, Pew is one of us.
5. Pew pushes Vax shit.
He isn’t one of us. Never was. Same with “I have a chick in my ear telling me what to say” Toe Rogan.
It’s the same gatekeeper playbook played out 100 times a year and people still don’t see it. The more a poor little embattled solo guy manages to swing haymakers against cabal, the more likely they are being allowed to do so to build up credibility as the next gatekeeper.
Just assume everyone with a profile in the media is not your ally and you’ll be better off. See the trucker protest as an example: there’s no Grifter in Chief leading the troops, it’s just normal people taking the fight to the enemy organically, and they’re doing great. If the whole thing was led by Toe Rogan, morale would have collapsed and the whole thing disintegrated the second he spread his cheeks and groveled over the racist stuff this week.
You don’t need a charismatic leader to win, you just need a lot of good, normal people.
Joe Rogan is nobody’s leader. He doesn’t pretend to be. He doesn’t want to be. And I don’t think that anyone looks to him as such.
However, he’s got the ability to deliver information to one hell of a lot of people. And he’s put out plenty that is very damaging to cabal. And they seem intent on making sure that doesn’t continue.
My guess is that they’ve not fully considered the risks of failure: making him even bigger than before and causing even more of his fans to question the Narrative.
This will be interesting to watch. He could end up leading to a lot of people being red pilled.
Another jew trying to divert the trucker fund.
Owen Benjamin says that there’s a shield around the earth that rockets bounce off of, and we can’t pierce. That’s what he says is the evidence that the Moon missions were fake.
RE: elite selection
An important facet to who gets selected is negative spiritual polarity. This is contrasted with positive spiritual polarity. When Jesus says “the meek shall inherit the earth” what he means is that upon graduation, those who have developed love, understanding and a sense of unity will be all that is left to populate the planet. People who can’t make up their minds about love and love of truth vs. being a power mongering dick will be sent elsewhere to reincarnate until they get it right and pick a path. Another planet or something.
What most metaphysical systems don’t mention is that it IS possible to progress towards god along a negative spiritual path of power and domination. Service to self. Most assholes on the ground here might be dabbling in that, but they aren’t actually to the proper level of ego-maniacal self-serving assholes they need to be to graduate along that path. For example, the sopranos guy is an example of mixed or no polarity. You can’t be a dick and murder during the day and then try to love your family at night. You have to either be loving all the time, or be a dick all of the time to get out of 3d hell. Most people are like Mr. soprano and will get the privilege of another 25,000 year cycle on another fucked up planet like earth where everyone constantly dicks them around. Those who do graduate along this path and are obviously at a higher level metaphysically than 3d humans were described as asuras in hinduism. Today we would probably think of these same beings as negative extraterrestrials.
Love and acceptance defines the positive path while control over others defines the negative path. Cabal is very much a negative path organization. And they obviously do recruit people that are new and weren’t in bloodlines and other stuff like that. Consciously or unconsciously, they would obviously want to recruit people who are more polarized negatively because they will resonate spiritually with each other better. The master accepts disciples who he controls and dicks over, while disciples accept a master to learn his ways so one day they can be the master who dicks others over. People who make all their decisions based on what serves the self best, and that means gaining more power over others. I think if you want to understand how and who they recruit, this would be the most fundamental way of understanding it. These decisions and whatever the articles discusses are probably examples of greater advancement along the negative path, which makes them perfect for a black magician organization like cabal.