News Briefs – 02/06/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The United States Supreme Court has now scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan election case, and Lin Wood’s Georgia election case for its February 19 conference.

An new video obtained by journalist from the Gateway Pundit reveals tens of thousands of ballots being secretly carted in to the TCF Center several hours after the ballot counting deadline had passed.

Michigan election officials are ordered to hand over records of communications with tech giants, Dominion Voting Systems.

Biden says Trump should not receive intelligence briefings anymore.

Microsoft suspends donations for politicians who attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

Over two weeks since Donald Trump declassified it, the vast majority of documents detailing FBI and Justice Department failures in the now-discredited Russia collusion investigation remain out of public view. Trump could have revealed it at any time of his choosing years ago, and even derailed the investigation and gotten his enemies fired. That he did not would most likely point to him feeling he had some sort of superior plan.

Judiciary Democrats caught on a hot mic mocking Matt Gaetz over his motion to begin their proceedings with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Biden orders USS Nimitz aircraft carrier home in possible signal to Iran.

Hunter Biden’s new memoir (release date April 6), “Beautiful Things,” is already #1 on Amazon’s “Best Sellers in Chinese Biographies” list. I had no idea so many Chinese speak English, and are so interested in Hunter.

Hunter Biden and wife Melissa have moved into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents staged outside the posh property.

Australian Federal Police find no criminal misconduct in mysterious Vatican transfers.

10lbs of c4 have disappeared from a Marine base (Twenytnine Palms). Freepers seem to think it is an accounting error, or grunts were burning it to heat up coffee and food.

Leftists are just talking about drone-striking us.

Harvard Law Review elects first Muslim president. The goal is to imbue you with a sense that they are not just promoting on merit, but rather on strange criteria like race, and orientation, and gender. Once they get that idea in your head, normal people will not think it strange to be ruled by morons. If they didn’t put this idea in your head, you might wonder if the leadership above you is corrupt, and being elevated by a conspiracy. They are very sophisticated psychologically.

Dominion Voting tells Facebook, Parler and other social media sites to preserve posts for defamation lawsuits.

Lou Dobbs fired by Fox as voting machine companies prepare lawsuits.

42 Senate Democrats support direct stimulus payments to illegal immigrants in ‘vote-a-rama.’

Oregon legislation repeals crimes of prostitution, commercial sexual solicitation and promoting prostitution.

Ex-Seminarian sues NY Archdiocese for $125M, says he was ousted after witnessing ‘totally inappropriate’ behavior.

Large migrant group in Mexico boards train for U.S.

Facebook this week banned a Second Amendment group without providing notice or a clear explanation.

Popular baby food brands contain toxic heavy metals, says U.S. report.

Florida cop is posted in a cruiser on the side of the road on traffic duty, and a car stops in the road a guy gets out, walks across the road and empties a handgun into the cruiser. Cop is missed by all rounds, returns fire, kills the perp. We may see a radical spike in shootings now, as the Democrats try to push for gun control.

Top Navalny aide asked alleged British spy for millions in funding, intelligence video released by Russia’s FSB claims to reveal. He is probably to Russia what Joe Biden is to America, and I will bet they are both being funded by the same organization.

Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create county-like governments for their property.

The city of Baltimore has voted to end a controversial surveillance program that monitored nearly every block of the city using planes equipped with high-resolution cameras. I find myself thinking, they must not need it any more due to new tech.

A Washington, D.C., man was sentenced today to over 17 years in prison for advertising videos and images of children being sexually abused.

Jennifer Horn, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, resigns with immediate effect over the John Weaver grooming scandal.

Key member of international cocaine conspiracy involving corrupt air traffic controllers and clandestine airstrips extradited to U.S.

U.S. Sen. Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the Senate’s fourth most senior member, has told confidantes that he does not intend to run for reelection next year.

The Newsom recall effort has garnered signatures from more than 1.4 million Californians. However activists note, they need, “a lot more validated signatures than the 95K more needed that’s being reported,” and they have a March 17 deadline.

GOP Rep. Boebert, a Second Amendment advocate, granted D.C. concealed carry permit.

Missouri bill would ban enforcement of federal gun laws.

Spread r/K Theory, because patience is a vitue.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Interesting article to see how the pro-White Genocide propaganda keeps going full steam ahead:

“How to Defeat The White Power Movement”

In this essay, leftist writer asserts all dissent that helps whites is the same, and must be crushed without distinction.

I’m now 5 hours into the 10 hour audio book of The Turner Diaries, and I can see why some autists on /pol/ say it is becoming reality right in front of our eyes (because the gaybal faggots want to ignite a civil war). Found it amusing how it predicts the war on physical cash and the mandatory 24/7 tracking passports to allow buying anything (no Vax passport, can’t go inside stores or leave country nor use public transportation) that the covid psyop is now trying to help push forward.

I’d have called the author of that book a paranoid retard just 5 years ago before I looked into anything outside of the official narrative, but alas he won the right to use this meymey:

comment image

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Michigan election officials are ordered to hand over records of communications with tech giants, Dominion Voting Systems.”

If they comply. A court order is like toilet paper for a democrat. They know they won’t/can’t be punished, so they won’t comply.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Do Not Hold Out Any Hope For The SCOTUS To Do Anything To Help Americans With 7 Popists And 2 Ashekenazis.

George W Bush43 claimed to be a Christian but appointed 2 Popists to the High Court. Barack Obama44 claimed to be a Christian but appointed an AshekeNazi and a born AshekeNazi who converted to Popism. And finally, Donald Trump45 who went on and on about how he was such a Christian but appointed 3 Popists to the High Court.

Please, AC, tell what I’m not understanding! Why are all these POTUSes who claim to be Christians only appointing AshekeNazis and Papists?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Silly person don’t you know it’s only the true church and the papist that will save us??? Why they will

Fling holy water and demand,”the power of Christ commands you…”.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

And you’ll be giving your biblical basis (chapter and verse) for Sola Scriptura in 5…4…3…

Oh wait.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago

Thanks for waiting:

‘I have written these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. 27And as for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But just as His true and genuine anointing teaches you about all things, so remain in Him as you have been taught.

28And now, little children, remain in Christ, so that when He appears, we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming.

29If you know that He is righteous, you also know that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of Him.’


‘All this I (Jesus) have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. ‘

Sola scriptura proves sola scriptura, cool eh?

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Note: There are more English speakers in China than there are people in the United States. With over a billion people and government backing it’s not hard to accomplish. And … most English speaking Chinese read it much better than they speak it.

East Asian cultures put a super high value on literacy while hear in America? Phonology was removed from Communist Schools 40 years ago, and Cursive Writing was removed 10 years ago, and now? The US of A is a nation of functional illiterates. This is how you get a POTUS Biden and VPOTUS Harris. You stupify the population.

There are a few exceptions but Elites including DT45 do not send their children to Communist Schools. Communist Schools turn naturally curious and intelligent children into BLM/ANTIFA types. Communist Schools strip a population of morality. They create a demoralized and depraved population.

Communist Schools are the bedrock of all Communist Consolidations of Power.

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Mike flynn interview

4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Obligatory meme:

comment image

The moment a civilian gets droned in domestic territory, the usurper has given explicit public casus beli for the gen pop to kill him and all who support him, and drones won’t save the traitors from 100+ million armed insurrectionists (in tye true sense of the word, not the gaybal theater of the Capitol break-in psyop).

The Patriots won’t even have to do shit to recruit insurrectionists to the cause, people will auto-join.

So yeah, let them do it.


We won’t even have to shoot the bastards. Rat poison in the catering will do the trick.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Good point. Sabotage would become a crippling issue for the usurper.

Not only the army would have a huge desertion rate, there would be anti-government gray man insurrectionists that would stay inside and sabotage it into complete ineffectiveness.

And given how fragile US infrastructure is, it wouldn’t be long until the usurper’s armed forces would be spread too thin to even achieve anything (when you have massive 24/7 riots in all major cities because the power grid got turned into shit, you never have enough man power to deal with all the shit that needs to be dealt with).

Post related:

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A threat to take into account besides the usurper’s armed forces is the gaybal paramilitary domestic terrorist forces, which are composed of antifa, BLM, ms-13 and all other gangs, as well as ISIS. They are very well supported and they’d come out with lots of brand new vehicles and lots of guns and ammo as well as everything else needed to fight a war. Another issue would be the ground level gaybal surveilance faggots (the TIPS/Stasi like network of treasonous civilians AC focuses on), who’d have to be killed asap as soon as the festivities start for obvious reasons (they will sabotage and report on your activities against the usurper armed forces and paramilitary domestic terrorist groups).

So yeah, if the military does not do their duty, the Tree of Liberty will have lots of blood to drink.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

If Trump fools you, so too will Putin.
Satan is the best deceiver, you are easy prey for him.

For anyone interested Jeff Nyquist has written a lot about the fake Soviet Union collapse, the fake perestroika, and Putin’s true colours as a diehard commie.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Also, globohomo is just part of the hegelian dialectic.
Your enemy will push that to the limits, then do a 180 degree turn, back to fake orthodox faith, fake morals, but you’ll buy it, as you’ve bought conservatism all these years.

They have every move plotted out, but they won’t stop the wars, plagues, famines and earthquakes.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Putin is busy defending his people, that sounds like Semitic projection to me.

4 years ago

FBI Faked Capitol Shooting:

Reply to  Riversofblood
4 years ago

Yep, it was all bullshit.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Riversofblood
4 years ago

Worth the watch.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Boris the traitor keeps pushing the gaybal globohomo agenda forward:

ignatious j reilly
ignatious j reilly
4 years ago

“East Asian cultures put a super high value on literacy while hear in America? ”

Hear? I bet you did that on purpose!

But you’re right about the schools. Reportedly, some dirtbag in history claimed “I don’t care what you think, I have your children.

4 years ago

> Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create county-like governments for their property.

Wal-Mart has such a thing at its big data center in Missouri. They have their own security – by agreement, the police have no jurisdiction there – their own fire service, etc. It’s like a little NSA enclave.

Apparently Arkansas wasn’t willing to let them have a police-free zone.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Germany destroying farms to “protect insect life forms”:

Martin Armstrong’s AI predicted famine and massive increases in food price starting in the 20’s, seems like it was right again. The gaybal doing a West wide Holodomor.

K splitting increasing:

Big if true: – “Somali Teen Who Brutally Beat Woman Reportedly Released ‘Because His IQ is 49’”

This is why you never allow the gov to take your guns, the moment you have no guns the gov will unleash packs of above the law urban youth on your ass to brutalize you and take everything you have (and will call you racist if you defend yourself in any way, but at that point it is a civil war scenario and killing all enemies is the only thing left to do).

These people need the death penalty.

4 years ago

> GOP Rep. Boebert, a Second Amendment advocate, granted D.C. concealed carry permit.

Interesting. After Scalise got shot Congress voted themselves the right to carry guns, even though many of them were from states where the people the represent are denied their Second Amendment rights.

4 years ago

This was honestly kind of entertaining. AJ seems to have finally figured out that Pieczenik thinks very little of him and just pushes his ego button every time that he needs Alex to shut up and let him talk to the audience, which is unfortunately massive. Remember that before Q we had Steve to let everyone know that an “informal” alliance within US intelligence had initiated a counter-coup against HRC’s coup, and that we weren’t actually alone in this.


He doesn’t say a cross word about Q, just kind of skips over it and redirects. Like General Flynn. Like Trump. The “Q Group” is known NSA. Even CNN did a piece on it. Pieczenik isn’t one of them, but he’s an ally. “Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT” doesn’t have to be part of the “Q Group”, but at this point I’m assuming. The Q Group would have to be an informal invite-only team answerable to nobody in order to prevent corruption. No membership roster, no official standing means you can’t be infiltrated. And why use “Q”? It’s the 17th letter of the alphabet, and there are 17 intelligence agencies, which says to me that Q is not limited to NSA.

I don’t think that 8kun[and thus us] will be hearing from them again.

Rules of the game. The CIA has made it rather well known that commendations given in intelligence agencies are never declassified. They take you to the basement, hold a award ceremony, the recipient hands the medal to a curator who puts it into a fancy cabinet with nothing hinting about what it was awarded for. As long as you can get into the building you can walk down to the basement and ask them to show it to you and they will. So for the people hoping for official vindication, maybe a pat on the head from GEOTUS I really wouldn’t hold my breath. It’s an intel op and those were the rules we signed on for. It’s okay, Q has done it’s duty.

“The ending won’t be for everybody”. I assume that means that officially there will never be acknowledgement of the anomalies of the Biden admin, like the possibility the whole thing is being filmed in Culver City, CA on a studio set. Assuming the election results are over-turned I assume that the public will be fed a staged legal fight while anons will know about the whole thing. There are 234,000 sealed indictments still waiting.

This is where I think we’re going :

Chris Yoon – I compared my prophesies with Kim Clement & found mine 100% accurate

Have faith y’all. This isn’t over. Remember Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Kim Clement’s “Two Presidents” Prophecy & More About Iran & Saudi Arabia

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Any plan can fail, and there is always the possibility you’ll have to fend for yourself.
Also do not fall for false sense of security, even if the plan from the whitehats works out, anybody can become a casualty in this war (just ask the people who got executed during the blm riots, who were allowed to continue in order to show people how the enemy operates).

Hope is always a good thing (dispair is worse than worthless, it’s a vulnerability), but do not let hope turn you into an easy or unaware target.

4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

For the keks:

comment image

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Native American game developer has good post:

4 years ago

Here is my take on the Jews in Biden’s Government:’

This looks like a Foreign government to me. 1% of the Population–and look at their POWER; Jewish Power. A Race that hates Christianity and Europeans–and they rule over us. What about Jewish Supremacy? That above looks like Jewish Supremacy to me.


And may I ask how does a Cuban born Jew run Homeland Security???? Doe he know of American history? Or about European history? Christian history? Any Classical education? Is he going to stop our genocide? Does he even care? How does an Immigrant get a high paying, very powerful job–What –no Anglo Saxon Protestant, who built this country can do the job? So a person from a Communist Country, a Jew, whose race created Communism, A Semite–is in Control of Homeland Security and now is going to charge us Nativists as Domestic Terrorists!


Righteousness? No, this is Jewish revenge. That is what that is. We are being ruled by a Genocidal Minority who has NO cultural awareness. Who his people have been attacking Christendom for over 1000 years spreading revolution–and he is in charge of Homeland Security!

That is SICK and Twisted–and that is what America has become–a Sick, Twisted Clown Show of Genocidal Maniacs.

The Spotlight, that old underground resistance paper, talked of ZOG. Proof of ZOG above! The real president of America is Ronald Klain. Jews Rule..

And one of the commentators are worried about the popists at the Supreme Court. I agree that the Catholics are garbage now—but there isn’t any Protestant any better. President Trump surrounded himself with Jews. You know a tree by the Fruit it produces. America is one sick, twisted Clown-show. \’

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Homeland Security was always under Jewish control, they had meetings where the Israeli branch of the ADL was dictating policy to them. It’s just getting consolidated now.

So yeah, if the usurper and his Jewish handlers manage to start a civil war, I guess Jews are going to get indiscriminately targeted as a consequence of Jewish collective power hostile and subversive activities against the American people. Not that the zionist mafia cares, they will gladly use any Jew as a human shield.

4 years ago

Leftists are just talking about drone-striking us.

I know some of the folks who run those drones. That might not work out the way they suppose. I see a lot of “oops” potential there.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


Israel has refused an American request to inspect the new Chinese-built Haifa port that will be operated for the next 25 years by SIPG, a Chinese company. This is being seen in both countries as a test case of Israel’s relationship with China and with the United States.

4 years ago

The city of Baltimore has voted to end a controversial surveillance program that monitored nearly every block of the city using planes equipped with high-resolution cameras. I find myself thinking, they must not need it any more due to new tech.

Or, they figured out it wasn’t doing them any good because someone else was getting it at the same time they were.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Border Patrol agents in parts of Texas have started to release some undocumented immigrant families after Mexican authorities refused to take them back under a Trump-era policy that has expelled thousands of people who have illegally crossed into the US.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

A classic, to show normies that the White Genocide phenomena is as real as gravity is:

The author is a deceased Jewish gentleman called Noel Ignatiev, who was a professor at Harvard:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

And the Turner Diaries scenario becomes a bit more close to reality once again:


U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order Thursday that denies state and local governments any authority to reject the drop-off of refugees into their towns and communities.

The military people better do what they need to do before the demographic issue becomes even more catastrophic than it already is (assuming they act quick enough to avert a civil war, which might kick off before they act (assuming they will, which might not happen), specially with all the gun control shit the usurper wants to shove down the people’s throats).

The more the demographics get fucked up, the more bloody and miserable the balkanization process will be (and the only way to avoid balkanization would be not only to revert the 1965 Immigration Act but also deporting tens of millions of people who are already legal citizens, and nobody has the balls to do it, so smart bald man is right (as usual) about it being impossible to avert).

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
4 years ago

Traumatic Experiences Disrupt Amygdala – Prefrontal Connectivity

AC may be interested in this and the book it comes from.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

I found this thread interesting, it’s /pol/acks discussing why democracy is cringe:

Notable post:

You only need sufficient power and you can nullify democracy. Even you alone can do it, provided that you possess the necessary edge over all the other power groups. Might is always right, and always applicable.

Notable pic (everyone should read):

comment image

For the keks (funny mustache man tells what many have been shown (the uniparty scam, fake news are mercenaries, gaybal plunders the nations and as long as they are allowed to do so the preastitutes and subverter will insist democracy is working perfectly)):

In case you want to see the video but you’re in Europe and bitchute is telling you the content is not for you, you can use this link (or just use a bitchute video Downloader with the original link if you don’t trust this one):

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Found out about this documentary, I’m 10 mins in and it’s worth the watch:

4 years ago

AC, I’m relatively new to the site, but the blog is excellent. To me, it’s a daily must read. Thank you for the time you put into it every single day. I really appreciate it. It’s one of the best aggregations of key news and information I’ve seen. Keep up the good work.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Steve Pieczenik. I don’t believe him. There’s poetry reading of him praising Satan. Maybe not sure. When confronted with this he has no explanation. More Jew gas-lighting.

“Impending Chaos” by Steve Pieczenik

I spent a bit of time writing the words to this by listening over and over. There’s a couple words I have no idea but most I think are correct and the times are close.

it’s called pending chaos fractals of
discontent swirl within the Brownian motions spheres of uncertainty cringe
through ether of binary remnants
filtering the ones and zeros
into an indeterminate pattern
not knowing what was or is right
or could or should be done
only the sullen silence of a distant butterfly’s wings
portend the rumbling cacophonous sounds of
impending chaos so distant so far
inviting the black widows
outreach to a death and destruction
once and for always
impaling the dignity of dissent and protest
forever inbye embedded
within the fears of the present and the future
incapable of accepting all those false narratives
recounted long ago
time and time and time again
chaos arise long forgotten
it abounding without infinite vitality
to eliminate and disintegrate battery into electronic pulse
penetrating invisible and the dead
silence becomes moowean?????
for those who will not die will disappear
gloria in excelsis yabofs????
lucifer will pair the morning star
forever and ever amen

Look at all the vulva pictures behind him. Now look at some of the commenters. You can sometimes learn a lot by following these people. She says,

Deb K
1 year ago
Our hero, Dr. Pieczenik is a poetic genius, too? Wow! This man is brilliant. He led the Revolution that saved our Republic. I was involved.

If you look at Deb K’s channel the only video she has is,

That Windows Guy Showing CIA how to take God out of the Genes(Bill Gates briefing to CIA)

In it they say that there’s a god gene where people believe in God have this gene and that, you’re not going to believe this watch it for yourself, here’s subtitles,”(3:00)Gates: …the virus would immunize again against this vmat2 gene and that would would have the effect that we see here which is it’s essentially to turn a fanatic into a a normal person and we think that will have major effects in the middle east

Q from audience:how would you suggest this would be dispersed

Gates:so the present uh plan and the test that we’ve done so far um have used uh uh respiratory viruses uh such as flu or or uh rhinoviruses and we believe that that’s a satisfactory way to get the exposure of the largest part of the population most of us of course have had have to been exposed to both of those viruses and and we’re we’re quite confident that this will be a very successful uh approach…

Holy Jesus. Look at this before it goes and copy it. Remember I got this from someone who supports Pieczenik’s lucifarian poetry. Post it all over with screen shots of the poetry video comments and Deb K’s channel. When I search for “Deb K” pictures I get

which shows a picture very much like Deb K’s picture and happens to be captioned “Deb Doyle is an experienced editorial-training consultant”

There’s been no arrest. The military is being purged. Pieczenik said all was marked. The ballots, the computers and Biden was still sworn in. There are no military tribunals. All this wishy washy nonsense means nothing because possession is 99% of the law and Biden is president.

Pieczenik says. “..we are taking over all the systems…”. They sure have a funny way of showing it. He says that this was the only way to expose them BUT they said over and over they know everything so…then why did they need to lose the election to prove anything??? They supposedly had it all but did nothing. If they had everything they could have taken over the press and non-stop poured data showing what was going on but they did nothing.

This is in direct contradiction to what they have been telling us. Gas-lighting. Bullshit.

Pieczenik says that by praying to Jesus we can have a constitutional republic. Right. Ok. But he’s a Jew and has never disavowed that that I know of and Jews are hardly friends of Jesus.

When I looked into this I had no idea about the Gates dna virus gene changer. It shocked me. Pass this on to others.