News Briefs – 02/05/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

I examined another head vibration bubble on waking up, using cell phone apps for EMF, Infrasound, and Ultrasound, which I set up before going to sleep, I saw nothing out of the ordinary while placing the phones within the bubble after sliding my head out of it, and before it moved. It is tough to draw conclusions with phone apps. The phone was disconnected from Wifi and mobile data, but the very platform is inherently compromised and could be manipulated. I also activated the Jacob’s Ladder, and it appeared the vibration bubble persisted, however it was after using the apps and moving around a lot with it chasing me, so it was not as clear to me. I should have laid back and let it sit on me for a half hour, but I had enough at that point. I suspect the change in rf clutter is temporarily disabling based on other observations, and it is possible that may still produce a useful countermeasure, but I think by itself their tech is able to adapt to the influx of rf signals after roughly 15 seconds or so. I may have a way around the vibration bubble though which does effectively block it, however that is awaiting some items for a final experimentation, and it will take a while to confirm the local unit is not just allowing it to be defeated before reapplying it, as a psyop, and to see if they can develop a countermeasure to the countermeasure. The countermeasures will not be pleasant, but they will defeat the alternative, which is immeasurably worse. We will see. I am optimistic now, however, and while I assumed it could be defeated, I was not so upbeat before.

Moving on, I was thinking this morning, this thing is trying to fry a portion of my brain to turn me into Mohammed Ali in his later years, when it hit me. Mohammed Ali was a threat to Cabal. A hero to the black community, a black guy who left whites in awe with his skill. Even today, the following video, of Ali in a demonstration match, during an off period when he was out of shape, against a fighter who was nearing the end of a training camp for an upcoming fight is legendary:

He even shimmies at the end he was having so much fun. Charisma coming out of his ears, fame, money, success, and an intellect, principles, and the ability to make himself heard – the deadliest sin of all – persuasiveness. When the Vietnam War came, and they drafted him, probably to arrange his killing over there to get him off the gameboard, he openly said to Globohomo, “Why should this black man go over there to kill those yellow men? Those yellow men never did anything to me! Why are all these white men sending black men to go kill yellow men, when they never did anything to us?” And when the time came to go to jail for his principles, he did. And then he came out and went back to kicking ass. That was a big fuck you to the conspiracy, which has depended on those wars to get its opposition killed and pad its pockets since time immemorial.

Ali could have run for office after his fighting career ended. Who knows where. He could have entered the world of politics, and seen what was up there in that rarefied air, filled with pedophiles, degenerates and the compromised and corrupted. And he was a warrior, accustomed to pain, who could endure anything for his objectives. Ali was one of us. And then suddenly his brain fell apart. Too many hits to the head, we were told. The guy who couldn’t be hit.

I would bet we would find there was more to Ali’s brain deterioration than most people would think. I mean, it didn’t hit Tyson, or Frazier, or Foreman, or Jack Johnson, or Sugar Ray or any of a myriad of other fighters who were nowhere near the threat Ali posed. Why Ali?

This thing, would take out a man known as “The Greatest.” first and foremost. He would be their primary target. Who else lost their mind? Reagan. Who lost their hearing, when hearing loss is associated with Havana Syndrome and Directed Energy Weapons? Rush. I will bet there are a few people this thing has taken out like that. We likely have been looking at this thing right in front of us on a number of occasions.

In an intelligence-driven environment, where everything is controlled by any means necessary, when fate favors the enemy, that is rarely fate. If they are hitting me with energy weapons – and they are – and I am relatively unknown, there will be a lot of knowns they took out, at least before their local Stasi networks got full control, beginning in the schools, and began shutting the doors more securely to the natural gazelles.

You can see where my forecast of what will happen when all of this comes out originates. This thing, will engender hatred from every possible direction. Nobody will view anyone in it as human.

From the comments:


He goes on:

No, they only guessed tuberculosis because I lived in a heavily East Asian area where people were transiting back-and-forth from areas where it’s commonly contracted. Still, never had any results come back for it. I had other symptoms, but everything went away during the day.

What did I say about my own situation, where the night would come, and I would look at my bed with dread, knowing what would await me the next morning. But then over the course of the day, it would all abate, and by the nighttime, I would again feel healthy, as I stood there looking at my bed. This has been going on for decades, to a ton of kids. And nobody could even imagine the cause, these people were that sick.

Look at the name he chose. “Trust_Lion_.” In choosing a name, he chose to include a representation of the warrior spirit in the Lion and a representation of morality in Trust. I will bet he was top .01% in his standardized testing. And the school was serving more as an intelligence gathering op on this conspiracy’s potential enemies than what we all assumed it was there for.

Imagine you are a parent. Your child, blindly loyal to you, trusting of you, does as you ask, works hard in school, adopts your moral, warrior-worldview, follows your lead faithfully. And in another house down the street, another parent decides your kid is turning out too well, and they decide to hit your child with microwaves, through the walls of your home, to damage their organs, to throw them off their path. Imagine those neighbors feeling clever, and viewing you as stupid, as you worry for your child’s life. Imagine one day, that all comes out. What do you think these parents are going to feel? It will be the biggest happening of our lives.

A Malaysia-born content creator has gone viral for sharing how she spotted her husband in the background of a selfie she took years before they met. Notice his arms are crossed, a subconscious measure of his being bothered by a hostile, as he is being photographed. And he has a backpack on, as he waits, supposedly to get a ticket to a movie. Do you wear a backpack to a movie? I am also suspicious of the woman who is sitting on the other side in the original post, who has turned her head to avoid being photographed. She is an online “influencer,” so of course she would have surveillance. And the husband will never say anything. He will have kids with her, live his whole life with her, and never let her in on the secret. She is an outsider, a hostile.

Arizona legislature considers removing key signature verification rules after counties renege on election-timeline deal. The legislature is trying to mandate rules for signature verification, but the governor and the conspiracy do not want official rules, they want to make it up as they go along.

Trump’s “election interference” trial which was to start on March fourth, and now is postponed, has leftist “journalists” upset, with Politico reporters Kyle Cheney and Josh Gerstein whining that “this delay may result in Trump’s conviction coming too late to ensure his defeat in the November voting.”

Newly resurrected video of E. Jean Carroll from her 90’s TV show reveals a completely Unhinged loon and deranged woman obsessed with men and sex.

Biden camp reportedly fears photos of how stupidly he stored classified documents, from special counsel classified docs probe, could devastate his re-election bid. The election is rigged, he is essentially caught taking bribes and kickbacks for foreign nations, his son is molesting his granddaughter, he was molesting his daughter, and he may drop dead at any moment, but he is worried about this? Sounds like bullshit.

Bill Kristol wants to see Tucker Carlson barred entry into the United States for going to Russia and maybe interviewing Putin.

FBI charged with Jan. 6 ‘cover-up’ in Ashli Babbitt shooting case by Judicial Watch. And yet a former Special Forces dude who was involved in Seth Rich’s murder reached out to them, giving Judicial Watch a very easy piece of data to subpoena which would prove if Seth was killed by Federal Law Enforcement, namely did a specific DEA agent run a specific license plate of a specific stolen car at a specific moment, and they did nothing.

Former President Trump said in a Sunday interview that he expected to see “some changes” at the Republican National Committee (RNC), when asked about its chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

Maria Bartiromo, after speaking with President Trump: “I think there will be major changes made in the Republican National Committee very soon.”

Donald Trump name drops Gov. Kristi Noem and Sen. Tim Scott as potential 2024 running mates as he reveals criteria for his next vice president.

Bill Mitchell has changed his tune, and decided he endorses Trump:

A South Dakota Indigenous tribe banished Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from setting foot on its land in protest of her administration mulling plans to dispatch resources to Texas to bolster border security.

NJ-based gang of migrants charging $6K a head to smuggle illegal immigrants into US from Canada.

Mayorkas doubles down, says ‘we need’ more migrants amid border debate, Impeachment fight.

In Arizona, illegal immigrant youths protesting for more rights traveled from the elite Brophy College Preparatory school to the state capitol to demand free college and drivers licenses for illegal immigrants, as well as occupational and professional licenses.

Senate’s long-awaited border bill released: allocates $60 billion to Ukraine but only $20 billion for U.S. border security.

Senate bill gives Ukraine 75 times as much funding as U.S. border wall.

New Senate border bill proposed by RINO Sen. Lankford will permit entry of up to 5,000 illegal aliens daily, tallying to 1.8 million annually.

Matt Gaetz – The Senate Amnesty Bill literally would force President Trump to let in illegals well into his term. Any Republican who votes for this is no better than a Democrat!

The immigration bill insures that any legal challenges to it (by Trump presumably) are only heard in the DC district court.

Rep. Mike Collins:

This bill is the worst screwing in the Senate since that Dem staffer filmed his porno on Klobuchar’s desk.

Denver Police at airport off the record “The media will not tell you this. — We’ve arrested, the Denver Police in Denver has arrested over 50 Al Qaeda members in the last 2 months.”

In the UK – Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week – what is this ‘silent killer’?

UK– I’ve been forced to declare my Range Rover off road and sell it for a £15,000 loss after insurers quoted me £890 a month insurance bill. Somebody had said as Covid increased the death rates, insurers would be hard hit due to having to pay out life insurance policies which they would otherwise never have had to pay out. They also said they would not just raise the premiums on life insurance, but would raise all premiums on all types of policies, to spread out the pain going forward, and hide how many were dying.

A doctor writes:

I have previously reported on my concern about the rise in stable cancer relapses that I have witnessed in my melanoma clinic.

None of these patients of mine presented with the classic prodrome of relapse that I had always noticed previously, such as severe depression due to bereavement, divorce or bankruptcy. Indeed the only thing I found they had in common was to have had a recent booster mRNA covid vaccine. I phoned around my colleagues not only in the UK but also in Australia to check their experience. In no case did they deny such a link. Indeed, they were equally alarmed at the association between booster vaccines and relapse that they too were witnessing, as well an increase in new cancers, particularly in those below 50 years old. In addition to melanoma these colleagues were also very concerned about a sudden big increase in young patients with colorectal cancer.

Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center warns that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines elevate PD-L1 levels, disrupting lung cancer treatments, progressing other cancers.

Cancer cases set to soar by 77% – WHO

Syphilis cases soar to highest level in more than seven decades in the United States.

Libs of TikTok:

BREAKING: Democrats in NJ introduced Senate Bill 2421 the “Freedom to Read Act.” It would create an exemption for obscenity laws for minors to exclude teachers & librarians and award monetary compensation to teachers and librarians who are criticized.

Teachers & librarians would get a free pass to show obscene material to minors.

They’re not even hiding their agenda anymore.

Here’s the email addresses of the 2 sponsors of the bill @AndrewZwicker and @SenMTeresaRuiz

MA cuts college degree requirements for 90% of state jobs.

Michigan city is on edge as Wall Street Journal article brands it ‘America’s jihad capital’ – with cops deployed to guard mosques and locals fearing Islamophobic revenge attacks.

Sharia Britain: Conservative MP Mike Freer resigns amidst Islamic intimidation and threats to his life.

Afghan granted UK asylum despite being convicted sex offender is suspect in acid attack that injured at least 12, blinding a mom and her young daughters.

France caves to farmers as Ireland ‘solidarity’ protests kick off.

El Salvador’s Trump, Nayib Bukele, declares victory in Presidential election.

Texas Latinos prefer Trump over Biden in presidential election, UH poll finds. At the very east, even if the election is rigged, then given these levels of support for Trump, we would be looking at a guaranteed reveal of the fact that 100%, the government is illegitimate, every representative of it is both a criminal and a traitor, and the citizens are morally freed to do whatever they want to it.

Poll: 20-point deficit on handling economy highlights Biden’s struggles against Trump.

Joe Biden falls to 16 points behind Trump in those who think he’s competent as ex-president stands 5% ahead in a general election matchup.

Trump scores ‘the biggest lead’ yet against Biden in new NBC poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because freedom is just doing what you want to do, and you can always do that, if you are willing to pay the price

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1 year ago

When you are done testing shielding ideas I suggest you try an “Everything at once” approach with as many of the things as will not interfere with eachother.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Defense in depth.

1 year ago

Maybe the TBI crisis in the NFL isn’t natural either.

1 year ago

Re: signature verification

I have not once used a computer signature pad where the results bore any resemblance to my actual signature. The results are always some messy scrawl, regardless of the care taken.

A couple years ago my polling place started using computer pads for voter signatures instead of signing in the registration book. I assume this is the method now used throughout my county and even my state.

IOW, signature verification has been eliminated. No one’s computer pad signature matches their actual signature. Making your mark is now the standard.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonawanda
1 year ago

I agree that guy is most likely surveillance but I do feel compelled to be honest, I have in fact worn a backpack into a movie theater. Probably half a dozen times at least. I don’t think it’s that weird or maybe I was just weird lol. I used to walk and take public transportation everywhere so I wore a backpack whenever I was out until I was like 23 or 25 maybe. I’d pack things like lunch, water, spare clothes, a book to read, a laptop, maybe a gameboy and some games. Stuff like that. Anyway thanks as always for todays news roundup AC.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Yeah, I was the same way. Might be a generational thing. I grew up watching shows and reading books where protagonists would carry backpacks as a prep. I’ve always thought it was only logical to have certain stuff on me at all times. To me, those without some sort of bag seemed strange.

1 year ago

Why would Trump name two repulsive rats as potential VPs?

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

To see what scurries where.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

I hope he doesn’t. I’ll be sick if he does.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago


Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

yeah, that’s it. “misdirection.” like Pence, Sessions, Barr, Kelly, Tillerson, Mad Dog, Chris Wray and allllllll the many many other DS plants were just… fiendishly clever feints. Jeez, folks, c’mon. refusing to see the truth is as bad as spreading the lies.

1 year ago

Someone said that those BP pictures were an attempt to fake a propaganda event of saving migrants from the trucker convoy.

They were NEAR Eagle Pass, not inside where the NG are guarding:

1 year ago

Virtuous Pagans the Biggest Losers in the Red Sea Crisis? China Merchants Port’s Profits Drop by 78%

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

From the Speaker:

1 year ago

Compromised and manipulated. This posture of skepticism needs to be applied to all of our gadgets and tech systems, all of them. I noted thermal/night vision scopes and optics have wi fi capabilities to upload your coolness videos via apps to online places using even other apps, etc. Major failure point there anons. Cabal would not allow any tech gadget or apps to not have a backdoor for their sole utilization. Without that, no product would see daylight and come to market for plebes to buy and use. Remember the ukraine foreign contingents filming with their own fucking phones, some guy playing a violin in a barracks, all giddy with camaraderie. Missle strike that night, target eliminated. Be functional in a ten days of darkness scenario, without tech and off grid, as possible. That will be the coopting blinding fog scenario necessary to mitigate their tech advantages. Thanks A.C. keep fighting.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Re Tucker:

The Fifth Circuit, in William Worthy, Jr. v. US, 328 F.2d 386 (5th Cir. 1964):

“We think it is inherent in the concept of citizenship that the citizen, when absent from the country to which he owes allegiance, has a right to return, again to set foot on its soil.”

The Supreme Court, in Tuan Anh Nguyen v. INS 533 U.S. 53 (2001) said that conferring citizenship on a person would give “the absolute right to enter [the US]”. This wasn’t necessary for the holding in this case, which was about whether the person was a citizen, so this could be considered dicta.

Fikre v. FBI, 23 F. Supp. 3d 1268 (D. Or. 2014). (not an appellate case) said:
“U.S. citizen’s right to reenter the United States entails more than simply the right to step over the border after having arrived there. At some point, governmental actions taken to prevent or impede a citizen from reaching the [border] infringe upon the citizen’s right to reenter the United States.”

But hey, since the Constitution doesn’t matter anymore, why not a bill expelling Neoclowns.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

So will have to show treason. Not a problem

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Very interesting article on Unz Review regarding hte rise of the Judaeo-Christian evangelism: Ziogelism and Israel First “faith.”
America’s Church: The Invention of the Evangelical Christian Movement; by Eric Sriker
It is time even past time for Protestant Christians to return to Reformation Protestantism.
Introduction: What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Or the Catholic Church. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Max Barrage
1 year ago

An OUTSTANDING article on the TV Evangelist Billy Graham being a Jewish asset! It is a great article also showcasing the Jewish control over President Eisenhower. I don’t have enough words to describe such a fabulous historical essay:
America’s Church: The Invention Of The Evangelical Christian Movement, by Eric Striker – The Unz Review
It is a must read.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Required reading!
Billy Graham exposed as a grifting con artist! Graham did more than anyone besides David Rockefeller and FDR to destroy America — chiefly by pumping Chistian dim-wits, e.g. most Christians of his day, full of harmful nonsense. Time was when every tin pot wowser worshipped the ground that this unprincipled hukster walked upon. Graham did more than any other proponant of the semitic desert demon to awaken many of us to the truth about the specious religion that rotted the soul of the European (Aryan) people.
Read here about his financial deals with subversive, “Satanic” Jews, who even then were hard at work to destroy our Nation. Anyone with two brain cells will see that Paul/Saul of Tarsus was in no way different in morality, character or technique than Billy Graham.
You would have received a lot more “zeal” at Little Richard concert.
FWIW, there exist some convincing presentations that Graham, his wife, and all his children were inverted transsexuals.
Don’t miss the additional material in the post comments and be sure to scroll down the other posts, just in case your public schools, fake media, and subverted religious affiliations didn’t teach you how to detect the difference between boys and girls. And the Unz author says that Billie had movie actor looks! Lol. If you look into “things” you will learn that he’s not kidding!

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Bill Mitchell has changed his tune, and decided he endorses Trump…
A grifter has to grift.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

He’s sees the handwriting on the wall, just like Jamie Dimon and several other Wall Street clowns, and he doesn’t want to be left in the dust in 2025.

1 year ago

He could have entered the world of politics, and seen what was up there in that rarefied air, filled with pedophiles, degenerates and the compromised and corrupted. And he was a warrior, accustomed to pain, who could endure anything for his objectives. Ali was one of us.

There is also this:
So yeah, dangerous in politics.
Lame claim to fame: I answered a call from Ali once at the music studio I was working at. I’m chagrined that I couldn’t even understand him enough to know who he was, but just seeing my confusion was enough for the workmate to know who it was and snatch the phone away from him.
Would have been nice to have been able to tell him, “love you, champ” before handing the phone over.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago
1 year ago

If you accept the purpose of public school is regimentation and negation of the intellect, then obviously you’d need tools emplaced to net those that resisted their programming.

And if your racialist demonic holy book considered everyone not you to be mere animals, then using any weapon against the beasts would be not only acceptable but an act of kindness, of mercy

And if your stealing, skimming and suppressing of all kinds of tech over the centuries provided you with esoteric scalar weapons that were for all intents and purposes undetectable, you’d want to employ them in the service of your race and god…

1 year ago

(((Bill Kristol))) wants to see Tucker Carlson barred entry into the United States for going to Russia and maybe interviewing Putin.

So… you want to deny an Natural Born American Citizen from entry to America.
Oh, look, Cohencidence detected.

1 year ago

A South Dakota Indigenous tribe banished Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from setting foot on its land in protest of her administration mulling plans to dispatch resources to Texas to bolster border security.

Time for Noem to start the busses to the Rez.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

“ya-ta-HAAAAY, my red brothers! Here’s you a passel of mojados to feed & shelter! Father Wolf and Brother Raven and The Great Spirit would be so proud of you guys for doing this!”

“we’ll check back in a coupla weeks – might wanna keep a close eye on your daughters, tho. bye!”

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

The reservations are theoretically independent polities. In practice, they’re subject to the BIA for government and the FBI for policing. Until recently, nobody acknowleged tribal police powers, even on the reservations.

Back after WWII uranium ore was found on part of the Navajo rez. The Feds told the Navajo they were going to be “relocated” somewhere else. The Navajo had wised up considerably since the last time that had been done to them; they weren’t messing around: they sent an envoy to the USSR, asking for military help if they needed it, and the Soviets said (basically) “sure thing, anything to help out an oppressed minority.”

The Fed had no leg to stand on, particularly with generations of broken treaties, and while the likelihood of the Soviets actually doing anything was close to zero, it was propaganda boon for the Soviets and a disaster for the Feds. The Feds backed off after that.

Nietszche Guevara
Nietszche Guevara
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Forget where, but a while back I heard that in many instances tribal authorities have been taken over by Arabs (and probably Latinos and Asians) masquerading as Indians, who then control the casinos, human trafficking and any other profitable activities on the reservations. This could explain the hostility towards Noem when logically you might think Native Americans would be antagonistic to the interlopers/gibs competitors.

Reply to  Nietszche Guevara
1 year ago

Is this why all of those Native American girls are disappearing on the Rez?

Reply to  Nietszche Guevara
1 year ago

Perhaps, but they long ago sided with the destroy America and give out welfare to everyone left for the most part.
I’m sure their leaders are almost all cabal assets with blackmail control.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Imagine you are a parent. Your child, blindly loyal to you, trusting of you, does as you ask, works hard in school, adopts your moral, warrior-worldview, follows your lead faithfully. And in another house down the street, another parent decides your kid is turning out too well, and they decide to hit your child with microwaves,”

Homeschooling is the only real way. So is homesteading, living in a rural area (where you know who lives around you) and keeping your kids off all social media. Become a hard target, and don’t let them know how to target your family.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

I used to think this way, too. But I now think the “only homesteading/homseschooling is the way” philosophy is also a psyop. We absolutely need men and women who are broadly educated. Who go to engineering and study science, and the humanities. The elites who run societies need the liberal arts educations (and engineering and science) to be contenders. No – we must fight and reconquer our institutions. Sitting around on “homesteads,” while letting the bad guys take over everything is not a good strategy.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Beowulf
1 year ago

You’re right too. Homeschooling and institutional higher education are not mutually exclusive.

Homeschooling for the fundamentals I think is fine, even optimal. I’ve never gone beyond AP STEM, but I basically taught myself most of the fundamentals up to the limits of what public high schools offer. The only class I couldn’t take was AP Calc C. I refused to take chemistry because I hated it. I would have learned everything MUCH quicker if I didn’t have to contend with normal curricula, maybe by 15yo perhaps sooner. Once the limits of self-study are reached, systematic study with instructors, labs, and additional resources would likely be more helpful than a hindrance.

It also depends on the subject matter one’s trying to master.

Last edited 1 year ago by Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Beowulf
1 year ago

AC, first time I’ve ever seen this. I edited my response to this comment and it jumped the comment back into “Waiting for Approval”. The comment is as follows:

“You’re right too. Homeschooling and institutional higher education are not mutually exclusive.

Homeschooling for the fundamentals I think is fine, even optimal. I’ve never gone beyond AP STEM, but I basically taught myself most of the fundamentals up to the limits of what public high schools offer. The only class I couldn’t take was AP Calc C. I refused to take chemistry because I hated it. I would have learned everything MUCH quicker if I didn’t have to contend with normal curricula, maybe by 15yo perhaps sooner. Once the limits of self-study are reached, systematic study with instructors, labs, and additional resources would likely be more helpful than a hindrance.

It also depends on the subject matter one’s trying to master.”

Some of these bugs are pretty strange.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Editing has done that to an approved comment since AC reinstalled the site.

1 year ago
This video lays out a big reason why they’d want Muhammad Ali off the board
-Host: Society made us different
–Ali: No, GOD made us different, bluebirds fly w/bluebirds, redbirds fly with redbirds..tell me when I’m wrong

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Just noticed that’s from a show called Parkinson on BBC:

Muhammad Ali later gets Parkinson’s? Weird

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Michael Parkinson was a very famous TV interviewer in his day. Every famous person with proven staying power in the public eye ended up on Parkinson’s show.

1 year ago

> Do you wear a backpack to a movie? 

Unless it was a brief thing I didn’t notice, no theater in my area has *ever* let someone with a backpack into a theater, at least since the mid-1970s.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I live in Los Angeles county and have my entire life. Even after 9/11 or the Aurora, CO shooting no one here cared about bags of any kind being taken into a movie theater. I admit I haven’t been to many movies the past 5 years or so (mainly because Hollywood sucks) but if anyone, including theater employees, care about backpacks it would be a pretty recent thing in this area of the country. So I’m guessing maybe this is a regional thing more than anything else.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Precisely. Marked up 5x over normal store prices, too.

1 year ago

> Senate’s long-awaited border bill released: allocates $60 billion to Ukraine but only $20 billion for U.S. border security.

Fool! Ukraine’s borders are *much* more important than America’s borders. It’s perfectly obvious.

Well, if you’re a Democrat, anyway.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

It’s all about the skim. 60 billion is a lot easier to hide the skim in.

1 year ago

> In the UK – Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week – what is this ‘silent killer’?

“Oh, that’s perfectly normal; it has always been that way. Or at least that’s what the records will show when we finish altering them.”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Good share of all those deaths are from spike protein blobs that form in lungs or wherever and then get sucked right into the main arterie. Game over

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“insurance, but would raise all premiums on all types of policies, to spread out the pain going forward, and hide how many were dying.”

Based off of increased mortality rates, especially among those with jobs requiring the vax, and thus also, health insurance, the system can only do this for about another year and a half, assuming there is no recession. Curves are touching that actuarials never thought would. This will inevitably lead to full government control of the insurance industry in the states, with all the crappy things that entails. Private insurance will be like a beach house or private jet, only available to the wealthy.

1 year ago

> MA cuts college degree requirements for 90% of state jobs.

Well, good on Taxachussetts! Most of those jobs should have never required a degree in the first place.

Don Ballar
1 year ago

Just a Suggestion But it may very well extend your reach.
If you Anon can arrange in any way with appearing regularly with this high level program it will raise your level of recognition with a like audience in many levels. They appear to have paid subscribers of + 10K.
It only costs subscribers $3.00-$4.00/ month.
Another metric to consider that they have been removed from YouTube is x 10 for telling the truth.
They have an arangement with for only about $4.00/month.
On this program you can say what you the want to say without being worryied about being prevented to speaking.
They have many friends that reveal the things the same that you do.

Reply to  Don Ballar
1 year ago

You appear to have forgotten to say what program.

Don Ballar
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Forgot to put in the link to the program, Crownsource The Truth
Jason Goodman runs his programs on about 6 venues.

Don Bollsar
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


1 year ago

Not related to the links. I sometimes bookmark the better Quora essays I come across, and this one is by Ian Kunmer, whose “Reading Junkie” blog I’ve sometimes linked to.

Kumner was an enlisted soldier in a public affairs unit in the US army reserves, and now lives in Russia. “Reading Junkie” is a left-leaning, pro-Russia blog that sometimes has good comment on military theory and history.

Reprinting the entire essay, before I transfer it to a deeper folder in my computer. Because its Quora, you have to do a search for “Kumner” on the link, to find it after about a dozen uninteresting essays, so I think its better that I just copy and paste the whole thing.

Since this is a long essay, here is the takeaway. The Cabal, which Kumner calls “the Globalists”, penetrated professional military organizations, but from my own experience somewhat less deeply than civilian government and most of the private sector (with “non-profits” and the larger corporations under complete control). But they sort of kept the professional military around since the Cabal was built for fraud, not force.

Gradually, they started amassing their own para-military forces, starting with organizations under contract with the defense bureaucracies, and eventually including cartels and mafias, and now the “migrants”. So they don’t need professional military and are making it irrelevant.

“Why did you not re-enlist in the military

“Spring 2021 I was in a veteran in-patient program and scheduled for a medical review board. Early on in the process someone will ask if you want to stay in. That’s an important question because it is actually pretty easy to stay in the military if you want to even with serious medical problems, especially as a reservist.

“But by this point I was tired. The US covid lockdown was entirely irrational and authoritarian and basically killed my business start-up. It was also very obvious that Biden had rigged the election and was not a legitimate president, more like an illegally-installed dictator.

“The entire corporate media was hysterical about the “siege” of the capitol, that’s what they were calling it before eventually settling on a different buzzword, “insurrection.” The media myths of “stopping the electoral college vote” or “taking control of the USA’s nuclear arsenal” or “assassinating congressmen” were all invented retroactively. It sounds like absurd propaganda by an evil Soviet dictator in Hollywood movies, yet that’s what real-life American news outlets were going with. Even at this early stage, there were videos on social media of capitol police lobbing tear gas into the crowd, as if they were deliberately trying to make people angry and violent.

“Practically from the first day he took office, Biden’s regime started hysterical saber-rattling over the Ukraine. At this point I knew very little about Russia or the Ukraine. If you’re skeptical, feel free to browse my posts from 2020 and 2021, I was mostly repeating the same anti-Russian stereotypes, there wasn’t any danger of confusing me with a Russophile. But I could put two and two together. The war in Afghanistan was scheduled to come to an end and the Biden regime desperately needed to replace it with something to justify continued military spending.

“At this time, I found it unlikely that there would be enough public support for large troop deployments, and Biden’s woke witch hunts would be extremely detrimental to the armed forces, which wasn’t logical if they were going to be needed soon. So I concluded the next war would be fought by local militias and mercenaries, all that needed to be done was give them American weapons. Wars that used to be fought by the American military would be fought by proxies, perhaps proxies directly controlled by non-state entities rather than a functioning national government. In March 2021 I wrote:

“After the Federal, state, and local governments have all collapsed into total chaos and corruption, they can be replaced by corporations. In this new Dystopia that will likely come to define 21st Century America, corporations will be free of rulers. More than that, they will be the rulers…

“Now on to the second and equally important lesson; Biden and the globalists can safely destroy the American military because there is a clear replacement. Not only is a functioning national armed force unnecessary, it is counterproductive to the globalist agenda.

“Luckily it was still fairly easy to reasearch the Ukraine back then because the subject hadn’t been completely buried in vomit yet. Most western news outlets agreed that the Ukraine was controlled by a nazi regime that openly celebrated nazi collaborators from World War II, and was backed by nazi militias like Azov battalion. Not to say western media was pro-Russian, far from it, but they were equally hostile to the Ukraine, everyone agreed it was an awful and violent regime that oppressed its own people. Maidan was acknowledged as a violent coup that tore the country apart and the separatists had some legitimate grievances. It was also easy for me to look-up firsthand accounts of Americans dealing with the Ukraine. They all unanimously said it is bad place to put your money, because it is so corrupt. Your money will always be stolen, it’s just a question of how much. If you try to complain, the corrupt justice system will throw you into prison on trumped up charges. Back then, no one pretended the Ukraine was some sort of force for good that deserves western support.

“The Ukraine was corrupt, and it was noticeably entwined with Biden’s corruption. He used the Ukraine as a place to launder money for his crime foundation, so it was very obvious there was a huge conflict of interest in a US president directly interfering in the politics of a country he uses to launder money.

“Bottom line: the general concensus of most Americans who knew about the Ukraine back then was that it was a violent shithole, so if they got into a stupid fight with Russia it wasn’t anybody’s fault but their own.

“Still, I noticed media representation of Russia seemed a little ridiculous, and I started looking at Russian websites and blogs, with the help of machine translation. The first thing I noticed is that 99% of Russian news is very silly; vapid celebrity gossip and uproar over local scandals, basically the same as American media. This was an important revelation, because Russia is always portrayed in the USA as some miserable place with only one state controlled TV channel and no internet. I started following Russians on Twitter, and they were mostly sharing photos of their cats and vacations. So this was the people the Biden regime wanted to start a war with.

“That’s why I left the military.”

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

the states are all corporations now and have been for some time. An organic state is known as “the state of” as in “the State of Idaho;” the corporate state is known as “___State,” as in Idaho State. The counties and cities are corporations as well.
the question becomes “who owns the corporations and to what extent do they control them?” If the Vatican and the English Crown own the USA(tm), is much of what is happening here due to their ownership? (united states of America and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are two different entities.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Texas Latinos prefer Trump over Biden in presidential election, UH poll finds.”

Austin is the problem here. The creatures that inhabit that place are liberals and they are White. They will ‘vote’ frequently and often and vote for any minority area with pallets, yes pallets of fraudulent votes. If Abbott was legit Texas state law enforcement would crack down on that crap so hard every White Democrat in Texas would be making license plates and picking up trash for the next 20 years. We shall see just how high, or low T wheels really is.

1 year ago

I used to get my links from a finance blog, “Naked Capitalism”, which increasingly became left-leaning and not concerned with finance. At some point, the main blogger, Susan Baker (“Yves Smith”) had to deal with a serious family medical issue, and pretty much abandoned the blog, though she or someone with that handle still posts on occasion. The quality of the blog nosedived and by the time they went full in on promoting COVID hysteria, I had stopped going to it.

But I’ve taken to still going through the comments on the links pages on my phone, normally on the weekends when I am stuck someplace and there is no other internet comment.

A comment from “Chris” on February 3rd, 2024, caught my attention and is worth posting here. Basically he gives an account of the Cabal imprint/ surveillance in the corporate world. The comment could just have easily been posted here:

chris February 3, 2024 at 2:20 pm

“I remember being in the room during a big meeting at the enormous company I worked for and hearing about the exciting opportunities for us as global warming accelerated and the arctic was cleared of ice. How “big water” would become the next profit center for the company as our exposure to the oil market reduced. How public contracts to rebuild large infrastructure components due to predicted wars would bring in billions of dollars of revenue.

“I remember looking around at my fellow engineers, and not seeing doubt in any of those faces. I remember staid corporate jokes following the slides, even though we were talking about a situation that suggested suffering on a massive scale for millions of people. There were no bankers in the audience. No Koch brothers. No cloaked illuminati members cackling in the back of the room. This was just an executive senior vice president sharing details with mid level management and those bellow what was going to happen and how the company had plans to navigate that future.

“That was the moment I decided to start looking for another career.

“I don’t know who is pulling the strings of the puppet governments around the world. I don’t know who is the money behind the money at Davos. I don’t know why all these wealthy people seem to earnestly believe that the common man should bear all the burden of climate change and the wealthy should be spared. I don’t know why we will never see a peace dividend. I don’t know why we will never stop sowing chaos in the south so the poor and desperate have no chance but to travel north to live as slave labor. There is obviously some coherent principle behind all of these. There is obviously some group making decisions on a somewhat coordinated basis. But I don’t know who they are or where they are.

“But I know two things about them. I know is that they have no interest in preserving human life. I know that they are excited about the world to come because of these unfolding disasters.

“And I know the scale of what they’ve planned terrifies me.”

I realize many people reading this think “global warming” is a hoax, but put that aside. The takeaway is that the Cabal team embedded at this company thought it was real, and were actually excited at the “opportunities” cause by the damage they thought it would cause. Its an insight in the psychology of who we have to deal with.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Excellent quote, surprised it made past the censorious “Yves”; she went full-convidian, and NC became self-parody for the most part. Made me doubt her analysis of the rest, since she was so wrong about that major part of the economy/reality.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Re: Teachers & librarians would get a free pass to show obscene material to minors.
Does anyone know where we can get more millstones?

Nietszche Guevara
Nietszche Guevara
1 year ago

Don’t forget this classic from Ali that put him firmly in the camp of the CrimeThinkers. Incredibly eloquent and deep thinking for a guy who reportedly couldn’t read.

Reply to  Nietszche Guevara
1 year ago

Wow, I never saw that.

1 year ago

This arrangement seems to help. Fan about 4 feet from bed out from where my chest is. About a foot higher than the level of the bed. Airstream blowing towards feet such that it can barely be felt. maybe 30-40 degree angle.
Obviously can’t be sure that isn’t just coincidence, but the overall bed vibrations have so far seemed a lot less since adding this.

1 year ago

Re fan. I forgot to mention, the bed is in a corner of the room with my head towards wall. This makes the fan closer to the center of the room, though not the exact center.

1 year ago

I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet….

The Targeted Individuals Symposium. Runs long, at 3 hours. I haven’t watched the whole thing, but suggest Richard Lighthouse @ 40 minutes and Len Ber MD around 1:37.

Also, the Targeted Justice website “#1 Website for Targeted Individuals and Havana Syndrome. ”

Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I usually don’t watch Shawn Ryan’s interviews but started watching this one:

Interesting bit at “1:27:38 – The Medicine Man” about 2 cases of assassings potentially preternaturally quiet, fast, and strong way back during the Vietnam war. One took 1 shotgun slug and 1 set of shot but was able to escape even climb over concertina wire. The other one got shot twice in the side, and it was a medicine man in his 80’s. Might be advanced tech or demon possession. Close to some of the stories of people in full body suits that comes up here.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Much more inclined to believe a soldier missed his shots and is fibbing or exaggerating for clout than some 80 year old tanked a chest full of 00 buck. Even demonic possession doesn’t animate the dead or give supernatural durability.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Ghost shirts?

I’d say demonic possession.

Random Anon
Random Anon
1 year ago

Pet vaccines are even worse than human vaccines…”
Some sad stories in the comments.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Random Anon
1 year ago

well-noted! most seem to understand that pet food is worse than human food, so why not vazzes? they create more of a market for more interventions.
-a colleague of a friend recently spent upwards of $4k on a lovely stray dog. the vet kept trying different interventions (all costly, none with any guarantees), but the poor canine just got worse and died a month later.
-given the number of older people who have a pet as sole companion, the amount of emotional extortion by the nice white-coats is off the charts. the video is heart-breaking.

1 year ago

He could have entered the world of politics, and seen what was up there in that rarefied air, filled with pedophiles, degenerates and the compromised and corrupted. And he was a warrior, accustomed to pain, who could endure anything for his objectives. Ali was one of us.
I’ll agree to disagree and I’m probably too pessimistic. IMO, no one is outside their control at his level. He served their purposes as much as Elvis going into the Army or other bullshit propaganda. The script called for a draft dodger, so they got one. Then, there is the “phantom punch”.
They control everything and everyone. Fit the agenda or have an unfortunate series of events occur. Sadly, professional sports are just the WWE. I know little of the man, but if he was truly a threat….
He would have had plumbing company no one heard about visit his house and they would have found him hung with 12 shots to the back of the head in his house that burned to the ground. His kids would have had a series of unfortunate “accidents”. And they would have said his life was just a sad tale.
And this upcoming weekend’s ENTERTAINMENT EVENT, we have the white QB, that was drafted last in his year, against the mulatto QB, the TE pushing the vax and playing the beard of the singer, and the TE’s girlfriend (the lesbian singer who’s Mom was the wife of the Temple of Satan’s leader).
My money is on the Satanist’s daughter and team blue’s use of her for the next election.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

when asked who would win the game a few weeks back, my mother, not a fan, said, “Taylor Swift is going to win.” no sports or football knowledge needed, just an understanding of marketing.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Uh, that “tight end” has been “wide receiving” since his teens.

1 year ago

Elon Musk joining Battle for DISNEY, teams up with Nelson Peltz against Bob Iger!? | MEitM Clip

1 year ago

WHOOPSIE @harrylitman just admitted Fani Willis is getting help from “outside lawyers” to write her court filings

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) February 5, 2024

Even on their own side they suppress the competent and make them do the work for the elevated incompetent.

1 year ago