News Briefs – 02/05/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Emails + docs obtained CBSNews suggest there were multiple versions of draft orders calling for the seizure of voting machines after the presidential election that were not acted on. Trump definitely threw the match purposely. Which is very unusual given he is a thrill-seeking personality whose whole brand is winning. He could not have made things more thrilling than to expose the election fraud, and he could not have won bigger than to follow through. And yet in retrospect, do you think Cabal left evidence for him to just grab up and expose like that? These things are war-gamed. And if he did seize all the machines, and failed to prove fraud, we would have been in an even worse place – with rigged elections, and successfully faked evidence to the contrary. Then we have the characters like Byrne, who kept reporting all the hard evidence being accumulated. Either it never existed, or it is being saved up for something. It feels like there has to be more coming.

Maricopa County FOIA emails reveal gross negligence, and missing internet connection logs, either lost, or never created to begin with.

In a 17 minute video with Gateway Pundit, Garland Favorito reveals he and VoterGA are planning a press conference on February 9, 2022, where they expect to show more videos of ballot harvesters rigging the 2020 election.

Representative Mark Finchem calls for Arizona to end participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) like Louisiana just did.

More than 200,000 mail-in ballots were not counted by Elections Canada in the last federal election in September 2021, more than the 190,790 votes the Liberal Party of Canada lead the Conservatives by. If the US Elections were rigged by Cabal, every Western election was rigged by Cabal.

Florida Republicans have advanced a voting law package that would establish a police unit for election crimes, embracing a proposal pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

A new bill, meant to increase trust in elections, would direct the Idaho secretary of state’s office to audit elections in randomly selected precincts around the state.

GoFundMe bows to Trudeau and CANCELS the Freedom Truckers: Donation site refuses to return $9M and will instead distribute it to charities it deems fit as Canadian PM is accused of acting like a dictator. ie, Cabal charities. DiscloseTV tweeted about it and it was deleted. These people will not act decently until we are rid of the surveillance. The surveillance has to be the first step. Get rid of it, and everything will change, because nobody will feel safe enough to commit shitbaggery this massive. Nobody is more tyrannical than a coward without threat, and nobody is more polite and respectful than a coward unprotected. The surveillance is their only shield. And it is a criminal enterprise which will collapse the moment it is exposed. There is no more devastating, bang for your buck, strike at the heart of Cabal, than simply revealing that little criminal empire to the public.

Georgia Attorney General to investigate it as theft.

You can request a refund from GoFundMe by Feb 19th. However Patriots are saying everyone should have their credit card Chargeback the charge as fraudulent to fuck over GoFundMe on the service charges credit cards hit them with for chargebacks.  It is being called Operation Chargeback.

There is a link to GiveSendGo’s Convoy fundraiser here, according to Q’s board. Do your own due diligence because I do not know who personally is running that fundraiser, but it is getting posted everywhere.

Bannon’s legal team accuses Chris Wray’s FBI of secretly spying on his defense attorney and files a motion to compel discovery.

Ottawa Police team up with federal intelligence agencies, including US DHS and FBI, to  launch “enhanced intelligence operations and investigations” against Truckers for Freedom Convoy.

$10 Million lawsuit filed against convoy organizers, seeking damages on behalf of downtown Ottawa residents.

The anti-Trump political organization the Lincoln Project has settled a court case, making allegations of sexual abuse of minors go away.

Pence breaks with Trump, says he had no right to enforce election integrity. There are no rules, there are no laws, there isn’t even any decency. This is the age of what you can get away with. Pence could have gotten away with giving us honest elections, and he chose to let Cabal rig our elections.

Roger Stone, a prominent ally of former President Donald Trump, attacked former Vice President Mike Pence in a Thursday post on the messaging platform Telegram, calling him a “disloyal POS.”

US whistleblower alleges Israeli spyware company NSO offered ‘bags of cash’ to access global mobile networks.

New York Times has recently claimed India bought the Pegasus spyware as part of a USD 2 billion defence deal with Israel in 2017.

Another Israeli firm, QuaDream sells a no-clicks-required exploit that hacks into iPhones and almost any other smartphone including Android ones without the need for phishing.

A recent attack on News Corp affected publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, and more, as hackers attempted to gain access to email and documents of employees and journalists, came from China and was designed to “collect intelligence to benefit China’s interests.” Everything is all about the control afforded through intelligence, because those with the guns who could do violence are entirely off the game board due to being blind to the intel/surveillance game. Say what you will of violence, it keeps systems honest and polite.

Ex-Australian embassy staff member charged by Thai police after cameras found in women’s bathrooms in Bangkok mission.

Malcolm X’s daughter calls for federal inquiry into his murder.

An interview with James Woods on his experience before 9/11, when he reported four of the hijackers who he spotted doing a dry run. Interestingly, he identified the four hijackers, and said they ended up hijacking four different planes on 9/11, so the operation was not compartmentalized into cells, and the 19 hijackers were mixing and matching as they ran different operations. A subtle point, but one which means if surveillance spotted one hijacker (like when a report came into FAA a month before from a pilot and flight crew who said they saw a hijacking in progress), surveillance and domestic intel would quickly have noted the interactions, and been all over the entire operation. No way to tell how 9/11 went down. It could have been remote controlled planes for all I know, either backing up the hijackers to make sure of how the tale ended, or even taking over the plane remotely and flying the passengers and the hijackers (who only thought they were doing a dry run) into the buildings. But however it went, from what I have seen, chances are better than even surveillance command knowingly sent a few watchers on their last operations that day.

Avenatti was convicted on charges of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft in connection with cheating Daniels out of nearly $300,000 in proceeds for her book, Full Disclosure. He faces up to 22 years in prison. The amazing thing is he is most likely entirely broke. When he was at his peak, driving a Ferrari, living in a multi-million dollar mansion, running a law firm, there was an article on his life, and everything was rented. The Ferrari was paid for by the month, the house was a rental, law office was leased, everything was hand to mouth. Apparently using Stormy’s money to keep it afloat. It is just interesting he couldn’t keep a shoe-string operation afloat despite the fame and political backing.

Stormy Daniels testified  about a “dark entity” which entered her home through a portal and explained her participation in a project called “Spooky Babes,” described on its website as a group of “investigators, occultists, psychics, and healers” that examines paranormal activity including “poltergeist” phenomena, “shadow figures” and physical attacks from invisible assailants.”

The misconduct of three FBI agents who investigated the alleged Michigan governor kidnapping plot won’t be used as evidence in court, a U.S. district judge has ruled.

Judge lets convicted Hunter Biden business partner freely roam globe while awaiting sentencing. From the article: His travel log, enumerated in the court documents, reads like the travels of an American secretary of state: Russia, Mexico, China, Spain, Italy, the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the money laundering capital of Latvia, Hong Kong, London, Singapore and the French Antilles, to name a few.

A NSFW meme off Q’s board, purportedly featuring a picture from Hunter’s laptop, which shows him banging his daughter. There is a lot of misinfo, and I have not reviewed Hunter’s laptop so I cannot say this image is even from it. But given the video with his niece, it is not impossible, and the rumor is floating out there so consider this merely putting the possibility on your radar.

ATF is proposing a point system to determine if a stabilizing braced firearm is designed to be fired from the shoulder. If your AR pistol as a forearm, they are proposing it should be a no-go if there is a brace. So if you want the brace, you will have to remove the forearm to expose the bare barrel and gas tube. What is weird is, nobody fires a handgun with one hand, really. Every handgun is fired two-handed. I’ll bet ATF agents practicing with Glocks never fire one handed, unless preparing for en-extremis cases where they lost the use of one hand in a firefight.

Billionaire Trump donor who is the largest shareholder at Discovery and wanted to restore left-wing CNN to impartial journalism insisted on Zucker’s departure after affair was exposed.

Four Congressmen, including a Jan 6. Committee member, called CNN because they were ‘devastated’ at losing Jeff Zucker.

Chris Wallace, who bolted to CNN for Jeff Zucker’s favoritism now has no staff, is livid, “feels stiffed,” and may get the boot.

Following the vaccines, investors are going long on funeral homes, and short on life insurance.

Alberta’s premier announces an end to all restrictions, beginning with the vax pass next week.

FDA suddenly removes data on Moderna vaccine approval which showed 2.6x heart inflammation due to vax.

Insiders with the Liberal Party and Prime Minister’s Office have revealed that Justin Trudeau is showing extreme worry over the ongoing truckers’ convoy.

A newly hired high school football coach was supposed to appear for a signing ceremony Wednesday after just landing his dream job, but a day later, he was dead from unknown causes.

Spotify appears to remove more than 70 episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast.

Biden grants nuclear sanctions relief to Iran.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams gave a speech where he talked about white NYPD cops, saying he “kicked those Cracka’s asses.” Again, he may be a racist, he may not. He is high-ranking Cabal, given he ran some BLM-type union group in the NYPD. My impression of Cabal is it is more in-grouped with itself against normies than anything else. He could have been running surveillance with other white kids in a school growing up – and they were the only other kids he could talk freely with, whereas he had to be on eggshells with black, non-Cabal kids. When I hear him saying this, I see a Cabal operative playing the black rubes who still think race is what is fucking up their communities, when Adams knows full well what it is doing it. It is the real group that he has pledged his loyalty to. And it is the only reason he is mayor.

Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, is donating over $130 million to an organization that pushes woke diversity, equity and inclusion materials to be taught in schools. She is another one I will bet is Nickle and Diming the landscaper over the square footage of her lawn and what each mow should cost. And then she dumps $130 million on something which is probably 99% laundered (and she has to know), and which will have no effect she can gauge. And that money is power. She could invest that, and with compounding interest have billions just from it in a decade, to do real good like helping the families of wounded service men or finding cures for diseases. But she will leave her kids with a relative pittance as she blows this all on Cabal groups which will evaporate the money on the surface, and send it back to the source deeper beneath.

China is “developing the world’s largest bio database,” using DNA from COVID tests, ancestry testing, and other things, said Edward You, who is the U.S. national counterintelligence officer for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies.

U.S. heating oil, diesel stocks dwindle as demand rises.

New eruption at Krakatoa volcano. Nothing major, just volcanic activity monitoring in the event we see a spike.

15% of women have slept with their bosses — and 37% of them got promoted for it.

Russia and China proclaim ‘no limits’ partnership to stand up to U.S. Actually, I think nations are K-ified by having national competitions. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the period after, where the US had no opposition in the world, was a major r-ifying force.

Bloomberg accidentally reports that Russia invaded Ukraine.

New HIV super-strain is found in the Netherlands: highly infectious variant makes people ill twice as quickly and has been spotted in at least 109 people.

Emails between New York Times editors reveal they ignored fact checkers and ‘sneaked in link’ between Sarah Palin and shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords in editorial, defamation trial hears.

Paedophile ex-DJ Ray Teret who was Jimmy Savile’s ‘shadow’ died from cancer in Strangeways.

Florida named the second-freest state in the U.S. after New Hampshire.

The nearly 3,000-page bill includes massive investments designed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S., including roughly $52 billion in grants and subsidies to help the semiconductor industry and $45 billion to strengthen supply chains for high-tech products, according to an official summary of the bill, though a budget watchdog group, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said the cost of the full bill is unknown.

RNC voted to formally censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for their involvement with the January 6 panel.

Trump’s DWAC stock up 50% year to date.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Bernie Moreno of Ohio is leaving the race for Senate, but I would like to thank him for his time and effort, and that of his wonderful family. I was very impressed with Bernie who was tough on illegal immigration which, after the Biden disaster at the Border, has become a big issue for all candidates. He has done much for Ohio and loves his State and our great MAGA Movement. His decision will help ensure the MAGA Ticket wins BIG, as it is all over the Country. Thank you, Bernie, for your support and keep fighting!

View Bernie Moreno’s statement here.


Facebook’s number of daily users has plunged for the first time in Facebook history. This means people are tired of Fake News and abuse and especially tired of their political shenanigans. It could also be that people are waiting for TRUTH—the highly sophisticated platform that we look forward to opening in the not too distant future. Time to straighten out what is happening in our Country!


The stench of Jeff Zucker is finally leaving CNN. The air over there, the Radical Left will be happy to hear, is being made more “environmentally friendly.” The carbon footprint is looking better. But the stench remains, and also at low-rated MSDNC, where weak leaders like Brian Roberts, of “Concast,” who are under the thumb of the Left, don’t allow the truth to be told. Stockholders should not treat these companies well. We need a free and open press in our Country, and we need it now!

Spread r/K Theory, because everybody should have an arch-enemy.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“China is “developing the world’s largest bio database,” using DNA from COVID tests, ancestry testing, and other things, said Edward You, who is the U.S. national counterintelligence officer for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies.”

The issue is that, since all populations are to some extent, related, and so many have taken DNA tests and COVID tests- in all races- there isn’t anything that can really be hidden. You can use bayesian methods or AI to figure out an untested public or TI person’s likely DNA. You can also use basic undercover/PI techniques to recover a TI’s DNA. With only a little bit of info, I could tell you what Trump’s, Putin’s, Xi’s, Schwabs, Netanyahu’s, Soros’s, and others YDNA and mtDNA haplogroups are. A lot of it is already public.

So, a special targeted disease would have to target a specific persons mutations- ie. DNA code fragments that makes them unique from all other people with similar gene sets. That would probably be very hard to sequence, and it’s doubtful if it would work covertly. If the target absolutely had to be taken out quickly, a more basic targeted disease would have to be designed- targeting essentially that ethnic or sub-ethnic group- leaving significant collateral damage.

Ethnic bioweapons are dangerous, not because of their sophistication but because they are likely to mutate. For example- if China developed a bioweapon to kill common Western Y chromosomes, this would take out Russia and Latin America as well. Russia would retaliate. Even if China avoided this retaliation, since some Chinese have Western derived Y-chromosomes (from historical migrations thousands of years ago) the Chinese would also annihilate part of their own population. They would also take out parts of the Middle East, Jews and Indians- likely inviting more retaliation. If their ethnic bioweapon mutated even slightly, or was further engineered by a retaliating government, ALL Chinese Y chromosomes could be at risk, since there is a common Eurasian/Middle Eastern ancestral pattern that exists. Furthermore these types of ancestral lines exist for all Human genes- making ethnic bioweapons especially dangerous because of the lack of control. Mutant variants of a released weapon could just keep going and going until it eliminates all variants of a targeted gene- ie. all Humans.

China should not be trusted with this stuff. It’s not just bad for the World, it’s bad for China too.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Just recently watched No Time to Die. Don’t know much about the tech myself but looks like the targeted bioweapon (I believe they even mention racial targeting) meme is big enough to be a major plot device in a Bond movie. I don’t watch movies very often and haven’t encountered the device much in fiction, so no clue about how long the concept’s been circulating (I’d imagine quite a while.).

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

> If their ethnic bioweapon mutated even slightly, or was further engineered by a retaliating government, ALL Chinese Y chromosomes could be at risk,

They could still be using their Cold War strategy: if they lost 90% of their population in a nuclear exchange, no problemo, they’d still have the survivors on the other side outnumbered.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Very true, but bio can always be worse than nukes. Nuclear attacks can cease, or at least be controlled by a government, bio could just keep going and going, long after any conflict had stopped. So decade 1 would take out 90% of Chinese, decade 2 would take out another 9%, and so on, until China’s basically back to just a few of these guys running around;

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Here is a good link for everyone that wasn’t mentioned in the briefs,

Ivermectin has anti-cancer effects,

Given how much big pharma made off of cancer treatments in pre-2020 years this info would be obviously suppressed. Given where we are at now expect the FDA to REMOVE approval for all Ivermectin and the DEA to reclassify it as a controlled substance.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago


I recommend fasting and refraining from sugars to help combat cancer:

Why Cancers love sugar:

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Ditto. Cancers only seem to be able to grow via glucose, not glycogen.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I suspect High-Fructose corn syrup alongside seed oils and other chemical additives are what causing and exacerbating so much cancer these days.

Reply to  info
3 years ago


HFCS is also the likely cause of the fatty liver epidemic. Your liver has to metabolize fructose, and it shits off all the same byproducts and toxins as ethanol, PLUS some more nasties on top. An endocrinologist I watched called a can of coke “a beer without the buzz” because it hits your liver with the same stress.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“15% of women have slept with their bosses — and 37% of them got promoted for it.”

The article highlighted productivity losses from this activity. Although, does diversity raise or lower this phenomena? Can a converged business with near-zero productivity populated almost entirely by black women, pajeets, gays and trans have this problem?

Note that in the grand scheme of things it matters little- something like 50%-75% of jobs in the US are non-essential and have basically been created by our system because of regulations and a need by the FED to create a larger consumer class. That means between automation, downturns and hyper-inflation everyone here reading this is impacted by this- odds are you have a functionally useless job that adds nothing to society- your paycheck only exists for you to go and spend it. When you can’t do that anymore pharma extracts as much wealth as it can from you, and then you die.

Thankfully this system is coming to an end, and it will be an abrupt end.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

As an extension to this: get a real skill. Build, make or grow something people need. That was the way things worked for thousands of years, and is the only way out of their gay ponzi system.

3 years ago

“If the US Elections were rigged by Cabal, every Western election was rigged by Cabal.”
Fixed it for us…below:
“If the US Elections were rigged by Cabal, every election is rigged by Cabal.”

3 years ago

“More than 200,000 mail-in ballots were not counted by Elections Canada in the last federal election in September 2021, more than the 190,790 votes the Liberal Party of Canada lead the Conservatives by. ”

The Conservatives led the Liberals by 1790,790 votes in 2021, according to the official count, not the other way round. This is noted in the first paragraph of the Rebel News article. The Conservatives also got more votes than the Liberals in the 2019 election.

Its not news, because as we saw with the Arizona audit, there are legitimate reasons to reject absentee ballots. I actually suspect recent federal and provincial Canadian elections have been getting rigged, but Canada has much stronger election integrity procedures than in the USA, so I’ve been wondering how they have been doing this.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

I have often seen it stated that Canada uses voting machines. This is incorrect. There is no usage of voting machines for governmental elections anywhere in Canada. (Dominion do not sell their machines to federal, provincial or municipal election authorities in Canada—these are exported to countries that use this form of election engineering.) It has until recently been all pencils and paper ballots in Canada, with observers at every poll and a transparent counting procedure with boxes securely sealed and stored to make audits and recounts possible. The Covid psyop introduced vote-by-mail, which is brand spanking new.

3 years ago

“15% of women have slept with their bosses — and 37% of them got promoted for it.”

Its mentorship!

The sources for the claim in the article are all mainstream, even normie, sources.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

They put women in a situation away from their husbands for 70% of their day where there’s a clearly defined hierarchy: this man is “better” than that man, and act surprised when women ladder climb for higher status mating options.

They know how human nature operates and bastardize or corrupt it at every turn. Just assume every norm in the current society is engineered to ruin your life and you’ll be better off.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

15% have admitted to it, and 37% of them were honest about the reason for their promotion.

3 years ago

Both the underlying blog post Vo Day links to, and Vox Day’s gloss, are worth reading:

Its pretty much more confirmation that meritocracy was a sham.

3 years ago

It feels there is something more coming.

AC, I agree. Either Trump is a complete idiot, and fraud, and a coward, or this is the plan. Wake people up. As many as the patriots can. Now, there HAS to be a certain line the cabal cannot cross. And we keep seeing all of these normally sure things they cram down our throats, failing. We all know Trump isn’t an idiot. He told us they were going to steal the election, and how.

If for some reason he was part of the cabal, as some people think, then why would there be Q, why would Trump expose everything? Makes no sense to me. Waking people up is the last thing you’d do! It would just be business as usual, with the bushes and clintons, etc.

The cabal wants a world War, civil wars. They want chaos. With wars and chaos, comes their great reset.

Another thing patriots are doing is inspiring the silent majority to run for office. Get more involved, etc. So many little pieces are falling into place. It does seem to me, something more is coming. Drip, drip, drip…FLOOD! God speed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Secular logic says that an area is controlled by the military commander of its most effective military force (often organize crime). The saying that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away doesn’t have meaning in a cell phone era. Trump loves his kids and grand-kids and wants his image carved on Mount Rushmore. As Patton’s troops said, “our blood, our guts”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Yep. This is the necessary conclusion from the Election Fraud revelations. DC/IC/Cabal believe they are the source of Sovereignty. And they may have always been or been for a very long time. But now the Kulaks are demanding to be the source of Sovereignty.

I think it also explains the Brandon Admin’s and media’s bizarre policy choices. They are satisfying those who they believe confer Sovereignty.

It may also explain why Black Women are so catered to: they are placed in crucial chokepoints for election fraud (mid and low level offices nationally and state level).

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

The supposed power black people wield politically is wholly imaginary.

Blacks make up about 13% of the population. Maybe 8% are old enough to vote, and of that number maybe half actually bother to vote.

That means blacks who vote regularly make up maybe 5% of the U.S. population, and yet, politicians abase themselves before the black community and act as if they made up half the population and hold this incredible power, which numerically, they obviously don’t.

Something doesn’t add up.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

“I think it also explains the Brandon Admin’s and media’s bizarre policy choices. They are satisfying those who they believe confer Sovereignty.”

I sincerely believe that the Biden administration, amongst many other things, is a demoralization or punishment op. A way of grinding the country into dispirited depression, for several reasons. One of the major reasons is to simply punish those uppity MAGA people. Our rulers have heard quite enough of that “make american great again” talk, thank you very much.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I have thoughts, Trump and the patriots rolled things out to expose it, seize everything, pull a “coup” as the fake news would portray it, only to pull the rug out from under the cabals feet on Jan 20th.

I think it was part of the trap, it just seems like such a brilliant plan to completely wipe out, destroy the cabal. It at least more completely than the exposure. Q says this was more than another 4 years election.

I know you’re probably too busy to listen to him everyday, but I’m sure you’ve occasionally listened to X22report, Dave seems to have a pretty good sense of how things are going, as he’s just another guy like us, who can only speculate.

I agree with you, the other sides support, is 20-30% tops. Probably less daily, as more and more are waking up. Everything’s rigged, the cabal answers to no one, they fear no one, as long as we’re not awake. Now they’re panicking. They really are rushing things, there is a reason!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Just so you know, IDAHO COUNTY in Idaho has no building codes.

In Idaho county, one must obey two laws which are state-wide and have to do with 1) your well (you can’t dig it anyway, so it will be done by someone who has an inside track to approval) and 2) septic (you can dig your own septic, but the state will have to approve it when you’re done.)

That’s it. Well and septic. Everything else is unregulated including solar arrays, assuming you don’t hook to the grid.

Idaho county is HUGE. It stretches from the west side of the state to the east, starting about two-thirds north of the southern border. It includes forests and some elevation (4-5k) as well as desert and a lot of rolling wheat and ag farms. It’s jumped in price the past couple years, but not as much as the resorts and Boise area.

I’ve done the research: few places remain in the US without building codes. Idaho county used to have codes but rescinded them about 25 years ago, which hints strongly about the libertarian ethos of that area. There are places in the South and a few rural counties in the Midwest. New Hampshire is surprisingly regulated as is Texas, though west Texas is pretty much free (but who would want to live there?)

If “Sam” wants to build an underground house for his family, this county could be a good place to start his search for property, particularly if he and his wife/kids can work remotely. Check out Elk City, Idaho, 83525: hunting, fishing, isolation, lotsa snow, forests, grizzlies and wolfs, grazing cattle, running creeks and rivers. (As I think about it, the water table may be too high, for a mostly underground house; maybe not.)

The housing market may settle: my bet is that land prices will decrease by about a third in the next two years … but who knows!

Always happy to hear of good people building good houses in good places …

Reply to  KR
3 years ago

Kooskia, Kamiah, Orofino…

Reply to  1984
3 years ago

The Obstacles is the Way, Some people are familiar with the term from Stoicism. I would rephrase in a different way for what Q and Trump have set into motion: Flip the Plan”. take the Cabal’s own plans and use it against them. The election fraud would not have happen if Trump would own. More importantly, the general population are see how controlled everything is. Its kind of brilliant and simple when you think about it.

3 years ago

Devon Archer going around the world collecting money and introducing his replacement?

3 years ago

Checked on Posobiec’s Gettr account (apart from everything else, Twitter is now requiring registration even for just viewing tweets in a laptop browser), and he is claiming that the truckers are preventing a war over the Ukraine by dominating the news cycle, preventing the cabal from doing whatever it was planning to do for a psyop.

This sounds plausible, and interesting, but since I avoid watching mainstream news, I don’t know if mainstream news is covering the convoys at all.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

replace your in the address with to bypass twitter new login rules.

3 years ago

You aren’t supposed to talk about the female side of office hanky-panky, or, by extension, any application of wiles to induce males to do anything. That isn’t within the acceptable discourse being allowed by media, academia or other gatekeepers. Too many awkward questions, too much narrative questioning.
Therefore, keep at it!

3 years ago

“There is a link to GiveSendGo’s Convoy fundraiser here, according to Q’s board. Do your own due diligence because I do not know who personally is running that fundraiser, but it is getting posted everywhere.”

The website Small Dead Animals in Canada says it’s legit:


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago


Based in California, yes? Then isn’t it vulnerable to the arbitration system attach pioneered by VD and Big Bear?

Johannes Q
3 years ago

Off topic but I was listening to this stream from Academic Agent

and at 27:23 he says “what the hell is this, what was that, there’s massive shaking going on, the ground is shaking, is there a helicopter around here?”

He’s streaming from “the lodge” a hut he bought somewhere in the country (England). If he’s in the Brecon Beacons it could be British military training but I thought it interesting that it made the ground shake.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago


Crap, just realized that the arbitration system attack hinged on them interfering with Big Bear’s membership system or something. That’s a component which isn’t present here.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Some people are claiming there are other grounds for arbitration.
But the chargeback campaign has caused them to issue automatic refunds to everyone so I don’t know if that is true anymore.

3 years ago

I’ll bet ATF agents practicing with Glocks never fire one handed


ATF agents never practice.

3 years ago

“He could have been running surveillance with other white kids in a school growing up”

AC, as in your comment today about NYC mayor Adams, you’re always bringing up the high school-age surveillance networks, so I wanted to share the following nugget.

I just read an article on the British spy novelist John le Carre in The New York Review of Books from February of this year (Volume LXIX, Number 2). It’s well-known that le Carre was in British intel before becoming a writer. From the article: “Le Carre became a junior officer in MI5 in 1956, when he was twenty-five – though he had worked for the agency infomally since the age of sixteen, including by keeping tabs on his left-leaning peers when he was at Oxford.”

Today it would conceivably be right-leaning peers, but the historical example still stands.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, as someone who lives and works in NYC, I want to point out that in no way, shape or form is Eric Adams top tier Cabal.

He is a low level political hack that was tapped to run because he does what he is told, despite his ranting about kickin’ cracker asses.

He works for crackers whose name he will never know, and whose bidding he will do if he wishes to be considered “middle management” at some later date.

Top tier Cabal are the nameless and faceless financial and aristocratic elites in Europe and western Asia who control the chokepoints of power on this entire globe.

Eric Adams will never get to sit at the same table with those elites, let alone be brought into their inner circles.

3 years ago

As to James Woods reported seeing the hijackers on a dry run, I believe the purpose of these patsies is to go out and seen and be visible and engage in attention getting behavior so that you have people come forth and say, “Yeah, I saw those dudes!”

Someone going into a flight school saying that they just wanted to learn to fly a plane but not land it would obviously catch everyone’s attention. And then the media could go to them and they’d say, “Yes, he tried to learn to fly from us!” And the flight school would perfectly “play along” and run their part of the script without having to be “in on it” or have any sense that they were being manipulated.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Webster Tarpley’s book “9/11: Synthetic Terror” gets into this quite a bit. Tarpley is at times kind of a kook, but he’s extremely well-educated and informed. He lays out a lot of useful information into how these things are organized. My guess is that he’s actually cabal, because he always seems to come to the wrong conclusions. But he brings up a lot of interesting information before he does that.

You should be able to find that book in PDF form.

His writings on the Venetian System give a very good insight as to how Cabal works at the upper echelons.

The guy is smart and always has informative things to say, he just seem to frequently use it to mislead people at the end. But he’s worth reading.

3 years ago

Very amusing thread on “yachting”. I just know this is going to hit the Russiagate madness (as the author implies).

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Rumor has it that Megan Markle was quite the yachting enthusiast before she landed her prince.

3 years ago

My maximal hopium thought is that maybe structurally crucial Cabal members (not the top of the top) have been pushed back to their last holdout: Ukraine. And RUS has it almost entirely bottled up. Maybe that’s why the pressure? Maybe that is why Brandon admin is harping on a RUS false flag? Said false flag may be cover for extraction or elimination? This means we are in the end game or very late mid-game if true (it’s not but hopium-hell-of-a-drug dot txt)

3 years ago

> Emails + docs obtained CBSNews suggest there were multiple versions of draft orders calling for the seizure of voting machines after the presidential election that were not acted on. Trump definitely threw the match purposely.

But wait! The Fed has “no standing” to get involved with elections, which are held by the states. At least, that’s what the Supremes said later.

There’s also the question of who would do the seizing. The FBI is a tool of the enemy. Neither the Marshals’ Service nor the Secret Service have jurisdiction.

Then there’s the precedent… any future President or Party, unhappy with the election, could then seize all election equipment, ballots, and records, which would be under their sole control, and results “adjusted” as needed. Remember the NYT’s bragging story about how the Democrats “fixed” the 2020 election? They were out, proud, and bragging about fraud. Do you really want those people to have the lawful ability to alter election results?

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

We are beyond the “well we better not do the thing because we don’t want them to do it!”

They are doing it, right in our faces.

You’re playing gentleman’s rules while they are cheating every way they can.

Stop it.

3 years ago

> Maricopa County FOIA emails reveal gross negligence, and missing internet connection logs, either lost, or never created to begin with.

If the machines were hooked to the internet, its “malfeasance”, not “negligence.”

If they’re using machines instead of hand-counted paper ballots, that’s another layer of malfeasance.

3 years ago

> Florida Republicans have advanced a voting law package that would establish a police unit for election crimes, embracing a proposal pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

There’s no need for that. Call up the Florida National Guard for on-site manpower, have them call the State Police for enforcement.

What the RINOs want is another bureaucracy to leech off of. And then the vermin will take it over, expand it, and it will eventually wind up in complete control of all elections. But they’ll be entirely trustworthy, right? Right? Bueller?

3 years ago

> GoFundMe on the service charges credit cards hit them with for chargebacks.

Some states, and even a few sheriff’s departments and city PDs have Fraud squads. Find out if yours does, and file a complaint with them too.

And don’t forget the Better Business Bureau, which already has a buttload of complaints about GoFundMe, going back years.

3 years ago

> The misconduct of three FBI agents who investigated the alleged Michigan governor kidnapping plot won’t be used as evidence in court, a U.S. district judge has ruled.

After ABSCAM Congress passed a bill prohibiting Federal entrapment of Congressmen. Note they didn’t extend that courtesy to the people they were being paid to represent.

3 years ago

> What is weird is, nobody fires a handgun with one hand, really.

I do. If John Moses Browning had wanted people to fire the Model 1911 with two hands, he would have put two handles on it. And the Army was still teaching one-handed shooting when I learned it.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Weird that ARs don’t have two pistol grips then, yeah?

Training one handed is good for contingency plans, instinctual/point shooting, stuff like that. Relying on outdated fuddlore as a first line of tactics despite the relatively conclusive proof that two handed shooting is on average more accurate than one handed is probably not a great idea, but hey if it works for you then it works, who am I to judge?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

John Moses Browning was a great man. We would all do well to emulate his life and certain aspects of his upbringing.

3 years ago

> A newly hired high school football coach was supposed to appear for a signing ceremony Wednesday after just landing his dream job,

I have a hard time figuring how teaching high school feetball is supposed to be a dream job, and as far as a “signing ceremony”… whuuuut?

In the real world a new coach might get down around and introduced to other teachers on his first day. But a ceremony?!

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It absolutely happens. There’s some communities where high school football is near the level of college football in terms of the importance to the community. And have you ever considered the importance of having a winning football high school football team to the desirability (and property values) of a community? I can assure you that it’s very high.

I’m familiar with one case where a community was taken over by cabal by building up a football team for one school and covertly destroying the programs for nearby schools. It caused the influential people in that community to move into that zone, brought all sorts of favoritism and kickbacks, the works. Let’s say your child wants to varsity letter for a winning program, it could help out on his college education. But he’s really not that good. But to get that varsity letter, he only needs to play a few games. If you’re in a position of power to offer someone something in return, I promise you the coach will be advised to put your son in for a few games so he can get that letter.

I’m familiar with another case where a coach was building a winning program and the nearby cabal controlled school, fearful of losing influence and star players, sent a honeytrap after the rival coach and ruined his career just to sink the program.

Every now and then, you’ll hear stories of a youth football league having its storage broken into and all of its pads and gear being stolen. Since the resale value of that material is very low, and pretty hard to find a fence for, it usually just ends up in a landfill. A real “senseless crime”, eh? Probably carried out by bored kids that have nothing better to do, right? Wrong. It’s one community landing a blow to a nearby community so all the good players are drawn to the cabal school.

This shit happens all the time. And since cabal has control of the press, the courts, and the cops, they get it away with.

As Q said, “You can’t imagine the size of this.”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Ever been down south? Some of those states high school football is a big fuckin deal even to the adults.

Don’t go to Alabama and say anything negative about their team. Just say “Roll Tide!” so they dont threaten to bury you in a hole in the woods where no one will ever find you. They aren’t joking either.

3 years ago

> I’ll bet ATF agents practicing with Glocks never fire one handed, unless preparing for en-extremis cases where they lost the use of one hand in a firefight.

You assume ATF, or any fed law enforcement, are gun guys. They’re not; they’re DMV clerks with weapons. They don’t enjoy or care about firearm culture, training to be the best, or appreciating the responsibility of their position of authority. They view a gun as a button to press to make dogs be quiet and make people who want to be left alone compliant.

I’ve never meet a person in the actual gun community who gets less liberty-focused with guns over time. It’s always some dude who likes to hunt progressing into a full-on repeal the NFA and give me machine guns now kind of guy, or a girl who hates guns getting a concealed carry and supporting constitutional carry after a crime scare.

I’ve never once met a real human who owned guns and then flipped later into a “braces are SBRs” faggot, but that’s always the trend these law enforcement agencies take over time. Just more evidence of them being 100% cabal tools to destroy legitimate ideas by force.

3 years ago

You’ve talked before about how you spent money on adverts on facebook only to get zero return on the investment cause its just a scam/money laundering for cabal and no one really clicks those adverts. I agreed because in my entire internet lifespan I’ve never clicked an ad banner or link (on purpose) let alone bought anything. But I’ve noticed since gab started doing adverts, I have clicked on several ads and actually bought stuff from them. Like I saw the ad, said hey thats actually useful, and made a purchase. Again, I’ve never done that before and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Like maybe they cracked my code and now I’m getting manipulated subconciously.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Hmm. That could be it, yeah. Although I’m seriously questioning that due to recent events.

There’s been a bit of an uproar between Torba, America First Groypers, and a lot of Gab’s long time userbase. Torba gave America First a $20k donation while at the same time the long time users are discovering America First is a very questionably funded and likely false conservative movement. Lots of bickering back and forth over it during the past couple weeks.

The AF’s front man (who many suspect to be gay) boasts about being the most censored person in America. Yet somehow he’s still able to operate and grow. Can’t help but think all that censorship he’s suffered is artificial to give him more cred.

Also makes me wonder if Torba is similarly backed and controlled. Supposedly a small time struggling operator of Gab but is able to drop $20k to these guys while developing the site, an advert system, and soon a payment system. Quite a bit to tackle for a small time operation. Hmm. If either were truly a threat they could have been taken down or at least prevented from getting as far along as they have. Unless of course, they are controlled behind the scenes and supported by our enemies.

Or perhaps the cabal is losing some edge and guys like this are succeeding due to their weakened strength.

I really don’t enjoy this mindfuck war we’re in lol.

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

I bought a couple funny coffee mugs from Gab the other year and when I saw the storm over his backing of Fuentes’ America First PAC I figured, well if that SOB can afford to throw 20K around he doesn’t need any money from me. Torba tried explaining his position and has been avoiding the issue and posting about things where he gets positive reinforcement. The guys over at warned about Gab along with all the other social media based on their experience calling in drone strikes against targets in Afghanistan based simply on cell phone calling data.

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This right here, only consciously. When you set up your “testing” payment thing, I’mma have to keep reminding myself “I ain’t clicking that”, because I’d luv to have a way to support this blog. Some days, you and our frens are my only positive interaction.

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

Maybe Gab has somehow merged your economic and political preferences.

3 years ago

“But she will leave her kids with a relative pittance as she blows this all on Cabal groups which will evaporate the money on the surface, and send it back to the source deeper beneath.”

Cabal is about wiping out rival families or “houses”, so to say, in the feudal way of looking at it. They don’t leave anything to their kids because they know that if they did their kids would be destroyed.

You’ll also find that in many well-to-do families who are in cabal, that one or more of their children have been fucked up in some way. Turned into addicts or worse. Failed in school. This is all done purposefully to keep any family from rising above the family that is over it.

In previous postings you’ve expressed a certain confusion as to why people would take this deal. It’s worth noting that many aren’t offered a choice. It’s a deal you can’t refuse. And they mean it. I knew this one cabal family where the eldest daughter was just gorgeous and utterly brilliant. Honor student. Homecoming queen. Her younger sister was a crazed slut fucking everyone cabal wanted fucked.

What will happen is that this homecoming queen will likely be paired with a great husband and the other sister will have no influential mate of her own so the homecoming queen becomes locked in with who is provided to her with no network of support outside of her husband.

It really is human trafficking and human slavery, carried out with no paper trail, only a series of orchestrated events, organized gaslighting, dropped hints, mysteriously opening and closing doors, etc.

The important thing to remember is that both their “chosen ones” and their “enemies” get the same treatment. Both are “created” by forces controlling them behind the scenes, through “chance encounters”, post hypnotic suggestions, and more.

3 years ago

Curious about your rhoughts about the deceased Ohio congressman Jim Traficant. The part that stands out to me from this old news article is his claim that he was targetted by the mob and both the FBI and the mafia worked together to go after him. Don’t know if he was dirty or clean or half-half, but his story reads different after time spent on your site.

Reply to  cadwveo
3 years ago

I remember following Traficant in the 1990s. I have no doubt that he was heavily targeted by the machine. He went down the way they take people down.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  cadwveo
3 years ago

In the link they “conveniently” left out what brought down Traficant.

Just guess. Who is it that’s involved when something F’ed up happens. Take a wild guess. Yes them.

Trafficant was an old time pol and ALWAYS looked after his constituents no matter what. There was some old German guy that the Jews decided to punish, so they made up or screwed up and said he was a concentration camp guard. The guy wanted help, goes to Traficant. The Jews tell him to back off. He does not. Traficant went to Israel and proved to a Jewish judge that they had the wrong guy. Goes all out for the guy. Says , look he’s in my district and needed help so I helped him.

Now we all know the Jews never make mistakes, so they take this personally.

They get him redistricted to get him out. He wins again. They tried to primary him, he wins again.

Finally, they cook up some felony he did, bribery, some really stupid thing and he goes to jail for like 5 years or so. He’s mad at the Jews and let’s them know it publically.

He gets out prison and says he was going to, or might run again for Congress.

Next thing you know he runs over himself with his own tractor by, somehow, pinning himself between the FRONT of his tractor, he was driving, and his barn.
Now people get run over by the back tires of their tractors all the time by falling off but I’ve never heard of anyone run around the front of their running tractor while it’s moving and get between it and a barn but that’s what they said happened. What do you think happened?

M.S G.
M.S G.
3 years ago

“The surveillance has to be the first step. Get rid of it, and everything will change”
Okay, but how? If there’s one thing “we who wish to be left alone” can do to lessen surveillance’s grip on our society, what in your opinion is that one thing?

3 years ago

Read the book (or watch the movie) Pretty Maids all in a Row. In certain places high school football is big business. The movie has Scotty of Star Trek in a bit part and the TV show Kojak probably owes it existence to this movie. Rock Hutson massages Angie Dickenson’s breasts. Dark humor directed by Roddenberry.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Keep going, stay rooted in Him, only a few will understand what I’m saying

3 years ago
3 years ago

“U.S. heating oil, diesel stocks dwindle as demand rises.”

Lots of plastics otherwise thrown into landfill are good sources of oil:

3 years ago

Plastic to oil plant India:

Great way to deal with current fuel costs.

3 years ago

World leaders will soon join Olympic athletes already hospitalised in Beijing

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
3 years ago

New HIV super-strain is found in the Netherlands: highly infectious variant makes people ill twice as quickly and has been spotted in at least 109 people….

…aaaand’s the Vax.

3 years ago


He also mentioned how the mRNA vaccine is constructed. I will go back and copy that description.

3 years ago

Why wouldn’t high school football be a big deal? What else are you going to do for entertainment on a Friday night? You cannot get more local than the footprint of your local high school.

You have the marching bands, the cheerleaders, the drill team, the dance team. You have the football players. You have the announcers. You have your whole town in the bleachers, your rival town in the bleachers across the way.

Everyone involved is dressed up. What they do to make the kids feel important is tinsel and ribbon and sparkly paint. The tickets, the tee-shirts, the programs, the stadium food, stays in the school to pay for extras for the school.

What else would you do on a Friday night? Go to a movie made half a continent away, or watch something on television, made by strangers?