News Briefs – 02/05/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Another Dave made this comment, which I edited for the relevant parts:

… AC… will [n]ever fully admit he got taken for a ride…

They bought into a cult of personality built around Trump, and no matter how many mistakes or obvious errors in judgement Trump made, they continued to believe in the “plan”.

Right now, Governor DeSantis is hitting Big Tech where it hurts, to the best of his limited ability.

Ask yourself, why didn’t Trump do that, and more, back in 2017?

Because he was trying to draw out his enemies, or some other esoteric excuse for Trump’s bad decision making abilities?

AC is still willing to wait months, maybe years, for the impossible day when Trump retakes the throne and the bad guys all go to jail.

Vox has simply stopped talking about it altogether, as if he wasn’t obsessed with Q for 3 years running.

Vox hopes no one will remember any of his former positions in 6 months.

AC still has to decompress and get over the shock of Q’s failure.

Yes, nothing adds up about the current admin, and the inauguration did not follow the standard ritual requirements.

As I’ve said here before, that doesn’t mean the good guys won. It can actually mean quite the opposite.

I’ve spent now close to a decade in a weird place, where everything I was taught about this country and America has been shown to be nothing but gaslighting. All I can really say for sure is, nobody who is not the top of the pyramid in intel has any idea what is going on.

I’ve been pretty clear about what I don’t know here, and never said anything was certain. I have always been clear that Q said everything was finished (which is accurate reporting of his narrative), but I also added I felt the enemy got a say and would fight back, though I hoped Q was right. I have even been clear I felt Q was most likely a legit insider, but I have said it was possible he was not.

I believe in Trump, and still do, and don’t care if he won or lost. It is not a cult of personality, I just like him. He treats his people well, he seems kind, and I feel like he is really an introvert forcing himself to be an extrovert simply because you have to if you want to succeed among the masses. It is possible he failed, but we can’t judge that at this point.

At this point we just know too much which doesn’t fit with any normalcy-biased explanation to make any conclusion about what is coming. We know the following:

Trump has no TFR over Mara Lago, like an ex-President should. That is up to Secret Service, it relates to protectee security, which is sacrosanct to them, and it is strange.

Biden didn’t get Air Force One to fly into DC for the inauguration, despite Secret Service normally doing that, just for security purposes.

There were numerous anomalies about Biden’s inauguration, and Trump’s departure, which conferred more Presidential aspects on Trump’s ceremony than Biden’s.

We have thousands of National Guard in DC, first on Donald Trump’s orders, and later with Biden’s acquiescence, occupying the Capitol, which is still surrounded by seven foot tall fences and razor wire, despite there literally being no threat extant of which we are aware, nothing for the National Guard to do, and no upcoming events which would be of significance. That there is no reason for that, makes it seem there must be something enormous going on we are not aware of.

We now have a known Chinese spy, installed in the Presidency, by a fraudulent election, which appears to have been rigged by a foreign power. And it was all done in a strange way which made it blatant, when it could have been done more discretely, with a more plausible candidate, in a way which would have continued to hide the fact our elections are now fraudulent.

We have some sort of foreign conspiracy which has penetrated every aspect of our society –  government, intelligence apparatus, federal law enforcement apparatus, political class, judicial system, cultural and entertainment institutions, Fake New Media, business/economic leadership, book publishing, even private occupations from plumber to doctor, and they are all working together like a secret parallel society, working to keep all the unknowing plebes under control of the conspiracy. I’ve seen this thing firsthand, and it is right out of the Twilight Zone. I still can’t come to full terms with it.

Trump, who loves shitposting at his enemies and has done it for four years non-stop, is totally silent. Not a word, despite everything fucked up that is going on. He let Twitter force him to stop talking, and he never opened an account anywhere else to retaliate. Just silence, as he took what they did to him. That is not normal, and I would only see him doing that if it was some immutable part of a plan.

There are reams of evidence the election was rigged, but all of it seems under wraps, the entire government appears copacetic with it, and Trump s not tweeting about it.

Trump knew the fraud was coming, produced an EO specifically designed to deal with it, the forces he was allied with beat it once from outside the government, and yet it was able to still hack the election.

Then after the fraud, Flynn presented Trump with a slam dunk way to expose the fraud publicly, win this election, restore future elections, and destroy a degenerate enemy bent on destroying the nation (Biden), but Trump chose not to. Trump chose to lose, and let people trying to screw over him, and his family, win. That is strange.

And then we have Q, who has been talking about just such a thing before anybody grasped how fucked everything was. He said it would be revealed to us, and then rode along with us  for three years as it was. If before Q you said things were as bad as this, that our elections were entirely fake and rigged, that a shadow-dictatorship-conspiracy was everywhere in government and civilian life, in full control, nobody would have anywhere to turn to resist it, and all these people we saw publicly were a part of it, it would have sounded crazy.

It is easy to say now, well, Q didn’t give us anything, we were going to learn about this all along. But we weren’t, until after Q predicted we would. Now it is mainstream. And if Q was enemy action, why reveal our elections were rigged? That would be a Cabal crown jewel. They would hide that at all costs.

Has Cabal won? Has Q lost? Did Trump really lose the war? I can’t say with certainty. But Q was right about a lot of stuff. He said nothing could stop what was coming, and they had already won. I don’t understand it. I can’t figure out why the traitors in this country are not already dead. But Q said it was over and won, no matter what you think, and here we are, with Cabal looking like it won, but enough weirdness about it all that it is clear nothing may be as it seems.

Look, if the dictatorship of Cabal is securely ensconced now, I am fucked, probably more than the country, because there is no way I am settling for this shit and continuing on as before. But right now I really don’t feel anything more than the slightest irritation at all the sanctimonious pricks larping as leaders, as if the battle is over and the country will now lay down and die for them. I don’t feel even vaguely like the show is over or the credits are rolling. There is just too much weirdness going on, and too much out there which shouldn’t be, if the narrative we are being fed is real. I just don’t bother to write about it if there isn’t anything new to write about.

I wrote the above before it was noticed President Donald J Trump may have posted a lettter from his attorney to Congressman Jaime Raskin to the Gab account opened and reserved for him. Letter was rejecting the call for Trump to testify and notes the Impeachment trial is unconstitutional.

Patrick Byrne has a new piece out. From it:

The next day, a shredding company in a neighboring county got a phone call to pick up an assignment to shred. The truck pulled up, and loaded approximately 3,000 pounds of ballots. It has been confirmed to me that the order was paid for by someone with a credit card from “Dominion Voting”. The shredding truck pulled away. Through a mechanism I will not explain, that shredding truck was intercepted, its work stopped, and ultimately 10,000 pounds of shredded material was dumped out on the floor of a local police station, so there would be a chain-of-evidence. Roughly 3,000 pounds of the shredded material was the ballots (the other 7,000 was from prior customers). The shredding that had been order by the Dominion Voting employee had not been normal shredding (turning things into long strips); it had not been the special shredding (turning the material into confetti); it had been the super-duper military-grade shredding, where the ballots had been shredded then crushed down to spitballs.

An Atlanta DHS agent arrived and took command. A discovery was made: some of the shredded ballots had not been completely shredded. In fact, a few had stuck to the walls of the bin, and were whole. Also found, I was told, were receipts and shipping labels from the outside of the boxes that held the ballots: these receipts and shipping labels were from a Chinese print shop in the south of China. The DHS agent acquired all of these (and that particular agent is one with an expertise in matters Chinese, I am told).

Call that moment, “T = 0”. Based on the continuous reports I was receiving from Atlanta, here is how the next two days unfolded:

T + 6 hours: Rudy Giuliani was informed of what was going on;
T + 9 hours: Mark Meadows was informed of what was going on
T + 18 hours: FBI arrived on the scene to take over. DHS resisted.
T + 24 hours: I received a message that the DHS agent in question was highly uncomfortable with the political pressure he was receiving. If I understood correctly, he was saying that Mark Meadows himself (Chief of Staff of the White House) had called him and told him to back off the investigation. It was not clear to me whether I was receiving the message just as a bystander, or the DHS agent was deliberately causing that message to come to me, in the incorrect hope I could do something about it (e.g., get it to the President).
T + 36 hours: The FBI took control of the operation. They instructed the shredding company to come back, and told them to pick up the 10,000 pounds of material, complete the shredding, then continue with their normal procedures. That meant the shredded material was mixed with water and acid, melted, then reconstituted as recycled paper….

… At this point I will insert one important sub-story. In those days of swimming around with people who were in various proximities to the President, I was told something by someone very much in Trump’s inner circle. What I was told was this: Melania had been warned by a government official that if Trump served another term he would be JFK’ed. It may even have been someone in the Secret Service itself, in a “We will not be able to protect him” sense. The threat included another family member as well, per the telling. I find it hard to believe that anyone in the Secret Service itself would ever say that, but the source of the information to me had otherwise been blemishless, and the claim was that whoever (perhaps Secret Service, perhaps someone else) had said this to Melania, it was someone from whom such a claim would be taken seriously. Melania was begging Donald not to fight, and simply to concede and get out of Washington with his family.

I doubt Trump would listen to Melania on that. Especially since then the push would really be on to JFK him once he had no White House protection, and they could go after his family as well, and he would have no power to do anything about it. The idea he would walk away, with victory at hand, and give his enemies an even better position to attack him from is far less likely. Not impossible, but far less likely. However it would make an excellent cover story for why he was standing down at that particular moment. I still wish they had just exposed the surveillance, and blinded the machine up front. Nothing would have united everybody behind the Trump like that, and I cannot imagine their cause was aided by having everything everyone outside the White House was up to being known to the enemy as soon as it was contemplated.

A letter is also floating around from President Trump to the Screen Actors Guild. They were going to hold a disciplinary hearing and revoke his membership so he told them to go screw themselves.


Ghislaine Maxwell seeks dismissal of her indictment, saying the Epstein plea deal gives her immunity as a co-conspirator.

This article points out the fraud program used by Biden was the same fraud program employed in 2016 by Hillary. This is another data-point which doesn’t fit well. Somebody was inside DNC operations enough to be able to short-circuit the fraud in 2016, so Trump won, but they did not interdict it in 2020, despite having additional advantages of the full resources of the US government and the authority of the President, as well as four years to shut it down.

From Paul Sperry – Repubs on intel panel want to see comms b/t Chinese honeypot spy & Rep Swalwell (impeachment 2.0 manager) collected by FBI FISA warrants targeting Christine Fang b/t Jan 2015, when Swalwell named to intel panel, & when Fang fled US. Did he tip her off/leak US secrets? If he tipped her off, there will be inarguable evidence somewhere in the form of audio, albeit probably not with FBI, sadly, even if she was a target.

Vermont Secretary of State pushing to make universal vote-by-mail permanent.

Time magazine admits to a conspiracy between big business and the unions they would normally fight, as they and others combine forces to fix the election so Trump would lose. But it was done to fortify the election, they say, instead of fix it. Now why would titans of business and unions join forces, unless they were both comped by the same conspiracy? If there is a counter-conspiracy on our side, they could easily destroy everything just by revealing the surveillance. That they don’t either means we are really fucked, and there is nobody on our side, or our side thinks they see a better way, and are on a path to win now.

Chase Bank tries to cancel Covfefe Coffee, won’t process payments for pro-Trump coffee brand.

Jeff Bezos was forced out as Amazon’s CEO.

Bank of America secretly flagged the purchase history of customers and sent the data to the Feds after the Capitol riot. People who weren’t even there had the feds show up to interrogate them over some suspicious piece of data. I told you a private-industry informant network was part of the network working against us.

Biden is shutting down all American space innovation, starting with Elon Musk. I wondered whether the two SpaceX failures we just saw could have been sabotage.

Biden signals ‘anti-terrorism’ campaign is coming against his political opposition.

President Biden announces his intent to increase the admission of more refugees to the United States during the pandemic.

Hunter Biden ‘nets $2m advance’ for his upcoming memoir about his battle with drugs – despite Joe saying his family would NOT cash in on presidency. You have the desire to buy this book, the time to spend hours reading it, and the money to throw away, right anon? 99% of publishing is a scam.

Stark County GOP head makes a lengthy public statement in support of the Dominion Voting machines his county just purchased, telling everyone all the stories of election fraud are just fake news.

Present all your meticulously gathered evidence of election fraud to the FBI, and they will tell you it isn’t trustworthy evidence. Then they will turn around and submit to a court an exhibit featuring a picture of the Capitol Hill riots they grabbed off 4Chan which features a large naked black man photo-shopped into a painting on the wall (pic here).

Smartmatic voting technology company is suing Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, and Sidney Powell for $2.7 billion.

Dominion voting systems sent letters to the social platforms requesting them to preserve posts of Trump, certain individuals, and of the media outlets OAN, Fox News, Rebel News, and Newsmax.

Greta Thunberg accidentally shared a message showing she was getting told what to write on Twitter about the ongoing violent farmers’ revolt in India — leading Thursday to her being probed for criminal conspiracy by police there.

Graphic surveillance video shows an argument between neighbors over where to put shoveled snow turn hot fast when one neighbor and his wife call the other neighbor a pussy, only to watch him pull out a handgun and empty it into both of them, and then come back with an AR and finish them before committing suicide. Notice the lack of amygdala in the couple as they see the gun, fail to recognize the threat, and continue to taunt the shooter, and are disbelieving as they are being killed. You always have to wonder these days if something like this would somehow be more than it seems, and if the shooter was under “therapy.”


House legislators reportedly caught trying to sneak amnesty for illegal immigrants into the coronavirus relief package.

In bipartisan vote, U.S. House strips Rep. Greene of committee assignments. Why are Democrat telling Republicans who they can have on committees? The next time we gain power, can we pass a resolution along Party lines saying Democrats must expel every Democrat from every committee, making them all ineligible to serve on any committee?

Retired General says, “One of my bigger concerns is that there has long been a strong Trump following in the military,” and that they need to be kicked out.

An Army commander recently briefed U.S. Special Forces candidates and trainees they could be detained or chaptered out of the Army if they are found affiliated with certain imagery popular on the political right, like Pepe, III%, or other symbols, Breitbart News can exclusively reveal.

US Navy must rename warships that have ‘racist’ and Confederate names, policy task force says.

President Joe Biden’s administration denied multiple President Trump-era aides their previously established maternity leave, some days before birth, reports Politico.

Youtube censors testimony from physicians to a Senate Committee on early treatments for Covid-19 patients.

Steve Schmidt, one of the founders of the notoriously anti-Trump Lincoln Project, is a registered member of an ultraconservative political party, voting records show — just weeks after he claimed he was becoming a Democrat.

Kinzinger slapped with censure by Illinois county GOP for Trump Impeachment vote.

U.S. Navy has patents on tech it says will ‘engineer the fabric of reality.’ Part of a portfolio called the “UFO patents.”

Space Force provided a critical early warning of the Iranian missile launch in retaliation for Suleiman’s killing which saved American lives.

11 Iranian migrants arrested for illegally crossing border into Arizona.

Hundreds deported under Biden, including witness to El Paso Walmart shooting. Might Joe Biden’s Presidency not be having actual effect, or is it just taking time for his orders to take effect?

North Dakota legislators plan to nullify Biden’s Executive Orders at the state level.

U.S. gun sales last month crushed records.

A Newsmax anchor who stormed off during an interview with Mike Lindell made a grovelling apology to the MyPillow boss last night.

An amendment to the FY2021 budget proposed by Senators Todd Young (R) and Tom Cotton (R), prohibiting illegal immigrants from receiving future stimulus checks, passes the Senate 58-42 with the support of 8 Democrats.

Mike Lindell is coming out with a documentary on Friday documenting the election fraud in a way he feels will make it inarguable.

Gateway Pundit also claims they have security video from Detroit polling location coming out Friday which will blow everything open.

Spread r/K Theory, because we all are looking through a glass, darkly.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

>”Graphic surveillance video shows an argument between neighbors over where to put shoveled snow”

/pol/ autist comments on it and makes a lot of sense:

Schizo here, this video is an attempt at creating a trigger with which to activate the people who are too pissed off or scared to care anymore. Notice how one side provokes (smarmy pricks) the action, the other guy MODELS his rage, the guy talking shit screams like a girl, the one bitch can’t stop talking, this video has everything! And everything is needed to instill the idea that violence gets results.

If you’re into MK Ultra psyops, think of this and its marketing campaign (post related) as an attempt at planting a principle into the population to get someone, ANYONE to take a stand against verbal provocation. The subjects have no distinguishing characteristics to identify with. Thus, fearful types could see this as the potential death that awaits them if polarization continues, or angry types would see this as proof of how those who anger them will show respect when faced with a gun. Point being, this video works on both sides and provokes equal respect for action. They WANT something to happen.

Of course, this could all just be a natural dispute (caught on high def. security cam with audio recording) from the house of the two people who just died, which got uploaded in time to match Biden’s Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, telling the entire US military to stand down. And if it IS just a natural phenomena, then we’re especially fucked because everything is going to start looking like a provocation for one to pop off, short of someone actually popping off.

Do not give them what they want, for it’s how they win. Violence will be blamed on us and give them everything they need to claim power. Don’t give it to them.


The strangest parts are
1. when the angry guy fires the first few shots and the couple just stands there.
2. How does the pistol guy not finish the woman off with the pistol up against her head? Very strange

Reply to  apilgrimofeternity
4 years ago

video spoopy. audio spoopy. but see this article. the couple are named the Goys. got to disarm the goys! ff/op.


Did you catch the last name of the deceased couple????

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Day of the pillow soon.

Mike will make the gaybal crack.

They tried to put him out of business, so now he’s going to put them to sleep (in high thread count high quality Egyptian cotton sheets).

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

All Jewish sources admitting and bragging about their push for the ethnic replacement of Western natives in their own homelands:

comment image

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Notice the lack of amygdala in the couple as they see the gun”

Humans, always deadlier than any animal. An animal can easily be scared and controlled, a brainwashed human? Not a chance, so plan accordingly. You’ve got to train your amygdala on what is a threat and what isn’t. Strange humans (even neighbors) can, and will be a bigger threat than any animal.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Retired General says, “One of my bigger concerns is that there has long been a strong Trump following in the military,” and that they need to be kicked out.”

The military looks to be about 60% cuck. The result will be involuntarily taking a dip in the South China Sea. Make sure guys like this have their floaties.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

The good news is that if they are successful, the military will be 100% cuck and 40% smaller, with that 40% hardbois all here home with us, pissed off, and in fighting shape.

And, like you said, the best portion of the remaining 60% contributing to future oil reserves in the South China Sea.

4 years ago

You may have missed something in the list of anomalies with Q, Trump, and the current state of affairs..?

No one has leaked what are in those sealed indictments. I can think of only one organization that could put that many together and never let out what was in them: Military. And I have seen nothing to say they are being opened yet.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago
4 years ago

> Just silence, as he took what they did to him
Unless they have his family at the end of a gun barrel

> Nothing is as it seems
Amen to that brother

For me there is no harm in continuing to let this play out before I totally make up my mind about Trump. We literally have no other “easy” options. If he has failed I think we will know after the Senate trial.

4 years ago

I may have said this here before, but I believe that Trump did receive “The Warning”. Extinction of his family tree. So Trump now needs to completely get out of the picture before anything can happen. And it won’t be coming from him when it does.

The US are -imo- at the point where a coup could significantly change the future of the republic for the better, and more and more people start realising this. Hence every day the likelihood for it to happen increases as does popular support.

4 years ago

There is a possibility for Q to be like a mindtrap:

A made puzzle causing us to chase mirages. A possibility like the Cicada 3301:

Made puzzles leading to Red Herrings whilst making a lot of sense in its own world.

Some people remain skeptical due to the similarity with such a thing.

I am not quite sure since I am not privy to all information.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Good one for the normies:

comment image

4 years ago

The Military is pausing regular operations for 60 days to take time to purge extremism and white supremacy.

Retired General says, “One of my bigger concerns is that there has long been a strong Trump following in the military,” and that they need to be kicked out.

An Army commander recently briefed U.S. Special Forces candidates and trainees they could be detained or chaptered out of the Army if they are found affiliated with certain imagery popular on the political right, like Pepe, III%, or other symbols, Breitbart News can exclusively reveal.

And they called Senator Joe McCarthy evil? Senator Joe McCarthy was right! There were Communists in our government—hiring more communists. And now, the American public listened to Jew media back in the day—believed the Jew media—and now the PURGE of nativists and patriots from the military forces.

Get this—INSTEAD of purging Communists—The Communists are engaged in McCarthyism—-the very same thing they condemned Senator Joe McCarthy—IS THE VERY SAME THING they are doing now!

What are they doing????? Exhibiting Prejudice, discrimination, religious/ideological tests —everything THEY condemn—THEY ARE DOING. It is the Double Mind.

It’s all Jewish. This is how Jews work–they get the goyim to think like them. And here you have it the Suicide of America. The Stealing of America by Jews from the Anglo-Saxons!

It’s all lies. Everything we were taught—is ALL lies. Everything they attacked us supposedly doing—they are engaging in.
America is dead and gone. Throw out the whole of the Enlightenment. All that has happened is the Jewish takeover of Russia first, Spain, and now Europe and America. All the Enlightenment did—-was bring the Jews to Power and destroy Europe. What a fascinating piece of warfare!

4 years ago

> and if the shooter was under “therapy.”

I’m more interested in why the couple continued to taunt an angry man with a gun. They were so focused on enraging their neighbor they failed to see their own danger? Really? And then the suicide?

Neighbor disputes can be long-term and vicious, but that’s basically a triple suicide, not a murder/suicide. And you don’t normally see either without some sort of mental illness, drugs, or both.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

ff/op. spoopy audio and video. and the couple was named… the goys.

4 years ago

> U.S. gun sales last month crushed records.

Looks like Barack Hussein will lose his “greatest gun salesman” title…

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Das rayciss

4 years ago

Graphic surveillance video shows an argument between neighbors over where to put shoveled snow turn hot fast

I dunno…. this seems a bit fake. That woman took several shots point blank, even from an AR, and you can still see her moving at the end of the vid.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

Human bodies regularly twitch and writhe after headshots, especially if they were in high activity or fight-or-flight mode before the head shot. I’ve seen it about a dozen times. It’s very likely real footage.

Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

It still takes minutes to die for most victims. Forget the movies. After having shooting dogs and such, it takes a while for the animal to expire. Twitches always happen as the muscles go into spasms for the lack of oxygen. Dying is not pretty.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

I’ve shot my fair share of animals and know how they die.

Look closely at the vid… it looks like she lifts her head and looks around so as to see if the “all clear” sign has been given.

However, MSM is reporting on it, so it must be true.

Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

The Army’s propaganda calls it a “high power” cartridge and they tell the grunts ridiculous stories about how effective it is. However, it’s basically a military version of the older .222 Remington, which was designed for groundhogs and similar small game. The 5.56×45 isn’t even legal for deer in most states.

Unless you nail a human in the right spot, it can take quite a while to die from a 5.56×45 or .223.

4 years ago

> Gateway Pundit also claims they have security video from Detroit polling location coming out Friday which will blow everything open.

Aaannnd? Those of us who care already know. Those subsumed by the Faceborg don’t care. And if they can find a lawyer who’ll make a case, every court will sneer as they have their lowest-level flunky kick it back for “lack of standing.”

The Supremes set the precedent now; anything that conflicts with the Narrative will lack standing. Q.E.D.

Another Dave
Another Dave
4 years ago

AC, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I sincerely hope to be proven wrong about Trump and Q.

If they pull a rabbit out of a hat and the good guys win, I will comment here and admit my complete stupidity.

That being said, Byrne’s intel claiming Melania begged Trump to fold for the safety of her family makes the most logical sense in light of everything we have seen the past 3 months.

Trump probably no longer cares about his own personal safety, but if credible threats were made against his kids or grandkids, then I can see him acting like the caring patriarch and walking away.

You know full well cabal is so desperate and staffed by so many degenerates, that killing Trump’s kids in broad daylight would be easy for them to pull off.

That makes more sense than anything right now, because nothing else adds up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

one theory is that America was held hostage to the Samson option. well hostages usually get killed anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Trump has to know that they will do it anyway and he has no way to hold them to any deal.

4 years ago

despite there literally being no threat extant of which we are aware, nothing for the National Guard to do, and no upcoming events which would be of significance. That there is no reason for that, makes it seem there must be something enormous going on we are not aware of.

And at the same time, we are being told that the guardsmen are still redlining and psyching out of duty.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

>still redlining

Must be from the enormous willpower it must take for them to not make all the traitors in the building eat a grenade right then and there. Imagine making your oath of protecting the Constitution and being 6 feet from the biggest traitors every single day.

comment image

4 years ago

People who weren’t even there had the feds show up to interrogate them over some suspicious piece of data


“Come back with a warrant and I’ll get my lawyer.”

You’ll never see them again.

4 years ago

Then they will turn around and submit to a court an exhibit featuring a picture of the Capitol Hill riots they grabbed off 4Chan which features a large naked black man photo-shopped into a painting on the wall (pic here).

Sam Hyde is also there dressed as a cop to the (picture) right of the yak suit clown.

He can’t keep getting away with it!

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Naked brutha looks like Bob Sapp.

4 years ago

A Newsmax anchor who stormed off during an interview with Mike Lindell made a grovelling apology to the MyPillow boss last night.

I bet Mike has invested a significant sum in Newsmax and this clown wasn’t aware. You don’t insult your investors, especially when your network is growing and can’t take the hit of that investor withdrawing his money.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Could also be a stunt. Who knows.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Top kek:


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


4 years ago

Here is the mike lindell video

4 years ago

As for Vox, his increasing petulance about being called out for his words about the “God Emperor’s” alleged 5G chess and about Q proves that Vox is a Gamma. His railing against Gammas all these years has been classic projection. Vox = Gamma.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  RedPillPharmacy
4 years ago

Vox is very thin skinned, as he just had to post a response to my rather tepid comment that AC highlighted today.

He doth protesteth too much, me thinks.

You guys need to take a deep breath. Random comments shouldn’t hurt that much.

That was followed by VD’s legions of fanboys screeching about low-t and how feminine it is to dare to question anything about Trump and/or Q.

Guess what, rational adults are capable of looking at events and coming to different conclusions as evidence rolls in.

Right now, things don’t look good. The military is ordering a months long stand down to root out “extremism”, meaning patriotism.

An obvious CCP asset is sitting in the WH furiously signing EO’s that his staff of degenerates cooks up for him.

None of the ritual requirements for assuming office were followed. Some were blatantly violated.

Commenting on this does not mean cabal has achieved absolute victory, although it does mean they are winning big right now.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again, there are obviously various factions vying for control behind the scenes as we speak.

We may never fully understand what is going down.

Byrne’s intel about Melania asking Trump to drop it because of credible threats to the kids makes the most sense to me in light of whats happened.

I agree that it is highly unlikely Trump would just walk away with all of the evidence he had unless some serious threat was brought to his attention.

And the UFO, and UFO related tech releases, is even more disturbing. We should all hope that the same guys in the military pushing trans mania and CRT don’t have their hands on reality altering tech. That would mean we really are screwed.

Pray for the best, prepare for the worst.

Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

nah. vox doesn’t give a shit. shills cant handle it there.

Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

Vox Day wrote a rebuttal to your comment. Which means you pegged him good and hard, and he has to do damage control.

Reply to  GCM
4 years ago

We live in Teddy Spaghetti’s head rent-free, it seems.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  RedPillPharmacy
4 years ago

Gammas. Plenty of people hold the seeds of Gammism within, and to truly understand the behavior, but to avoid manifestingb it probably means considering it as the Fate worse than death + there but for the grace of God go I. Many of us backslide on occasion, given sufficient cause.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  RedPillPharmacy
4 years ago


Banned from Vox’s comments, so come on over here eh.

Vox is a Sigma.

4 years ago was Lindell’s ‘Absolute Proof’ video. Gone already, at least for me.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

The day of the pillow is here:

Gonna watch the docu now.

4 years ago

Musk represents the irrepressible action of free human beings to secede from tyranny, the ultimate physical act of secession and desire for ultimate freedom. Space. The final frontier.

If there is a final grand frontier, in many ways an unlimited manifestaion of what transpired with the birth of fire of liberty in the new world colonial America, space really is the great frontier.

As you say AC, the chi-coms and their conglomorate part in the axis of evil, in no doubt as is their method to power; to steal technological and intellectual property thus avoiding the time and costs of technoligical research and development, which only healthy properous free civilizations can create and do invest in, as this is the ultimate expression of wealth creation, of unfettered economic activity so vital to liberty and realization of its blessings, being the marxian chinks, their specialty among the various factions of cabal power elite is to steal this form of wealth to sustain itself. Because to permit its own slave race unfettered economic and technological activity is to commit suicide, self destruction. And in a much larger scope this is the machine in every sense just multiplied by its magnitude of tyranny.
I cant help surmise stopping Musk and control of all high technology and its natural advancements when unfettered by tyranny, is a most profound element in attempting to once and for all snuff out free K humans yearning and actualization of, and at the minimum be gone from the tyrannical machine’s fetid clutches, we have come to begin to fathom of late what lurks in the shadows all around us.
If i am capable of outlier thinking with a 7th grade education and tiny rural village way of life, to at least put 2 & 2 together making 4 in a matrix which tells us it is 5, how dangerous is Musk and his tribe then?

Cabal once free humans have reached escape velocity from the bounds of tyrannical earth will have obtained a frontier so vast so rich in resources having reached this essential milestone of freeing people from the essential sustinance of earths physical resources, in otherwords humans living self sustainably in space will become the freest safest people who ever lived, live actually.

Its not rocket science no pin intended, the machine can not permit this escape, the penultimate secession, the ultimate physical world Paradigm, a true sea change of thinking in the vast expances of space, of wild K humanity free, free at last.

Musk and his people are commiting the ultimate defiance. They are accomplishing feats and beyond held in check for 50 years, to keep freemen from escaping the cabal’s shackles, through technnological tyranny, may be its another vrrsion of the marxisms like cultural and economic marxism, or more to the point based on foundational marxian methods of control, lets say its called technological marxism. And if my perceptions are close to what slinks in the shadows, the clinton regime was the establishing faction which instituted methodical repression and destruction of technology and its natural advancements. Their advent as usurpers in the executive branch of the deep state herald this phase of control, subversion, undermining and destruction of all technology as such can not be permitted on principles of the rules of absolute world power.

In no uncertain terms, Musk and his free unfettered tribe of ultimate K technologists and fearless focused adventurers, represent the ultimate Great Fuck You to tyranny. In no uncertain terms will the machine using every weapon at its disposal stop untill Musk and SpaceX end upin the grave of the Challenger.
And that slimy insect and apex shitstain Bezo is following orders to leave Amazon, and devote all resources to cabals space technology front he controls.
As paradoxical as that might seem, why the machine seeks to itself enter into space, thats pretty simple, as the great Sci-Fi author and redoubtable space propononant Larry Niven put it, “Its raining soup up there”. And just like it was in the colonial age of the establishment of the new world of North America, the machine desires all natural extractible riches and wealth and territory solely and utterly for itself to assure its existance and power for ever, while enslaving a suitable population of slave humans on the ultimate plantation.

If I could define cabal in the abstract this is what I would say the machine is. And that it will stop at nothing to reach its ultimate objectives. And that all that stands in its way, all that ever has defied and fought and inhibited and yes very much so won decisive battles against the machine is the dirt people. And it is the dirt people who will ultimately defeat cabal. Actually this truth is possible as liberty is essentially a baby, born not but 250 years ago, its inception in the new world in a very special place called Jamestown, in 1609.
In the final analysis, Liberty, ordered and individual, is revolutionary, yet at its crux is evolutionary, and Liberty is going thru its informative stages, that tyranny is facing extinction for all its vast insidious structure, is stagnant, statist in nature, at its crux it is confined by its very illegitimacy in the realm of human activity, it can only adapt within the confines of its inherent evil, it can not adapt, think outside the box, it must control all advancement in technology thinking science art religion history and economic activity, in order to bring humsnity down to its level, in order to remain and retain preemenance, totalitarian control. The clinton regime again, is prologue. Its purpose to stifle and control technology ussered in this phase of cabal iron fist control of cyberspace, the technological vehicles of free dissemination of information ideas and history. Some moments I wonder if the internet was created for the same purposes faceborg was, another system of control, the ultimate gaslight operation, to gather all of humanity into one great system of control thru technological monopoly the clinton regime first set in order. Remember your Al Gore, the shitstain could not keep himself from tooting his horn and strutting his credentials, of course only as cabal could you read the signals, a thoroughly network tell of projection and self agrandisement typical of psycopath shitstains like Gore, never mind the wealth transfer/strip mining operations the cabal neo-nomenklatura class level network money laundering scheme they named gobullshit colding. Control right down to all “alternative energy” technology and its use.

Nope. Absolutely fucking nope. No fucking way is a basket of ungovernable deplorable audacious dirt people going to steal the new frontier and its unlimited wealth/resources a second time.
Thats the machines primary objective. It will not survive another Great Fuck You by the dirt people. It needs space for its own if it will survive, its reached critical mass on earth, it can not extract enough tribute and lucre from down in earths gravity well, it must have space’s resources and riches. But its incapable of reaching escape velocity, it needs the Elon Musk’s, but Elon Musk is the existential threat.
Like so much with the machine it is its own worst enemy.

It may be why so much WTF? is happening, we are over a space/time hump into a new paradigm. For what its worth, and for now it is no less or more an outlier possibility as nothing we can see reveals a shred of evidence of WTF? happening, we entered the Age of Aquairius on December 21, 2020. A portent of great change and the advent of peace and prosperity, an age of enlightenment, and spiritual growth. It certainly is at the least a far more palatable idea than the machine itself exists in all its insidious scope for the mormative construct, its matrix, it has created to control us, which as Morpheas stated to Neo, unfortunatly it is something which cant be told, you have to see it for yourself. Come, take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes…

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Elon Musk is a grifter selling electric cars that he couldn’t build at a price the market would pay without enormous welfare checks from Uncle Schmuel. Now he’s selling pie-in-the-sky dreams of space colonization to people who should really know better.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Graphic surveillance video shows an argument between neighbors over where to put shoveled snow turn hot fast.

Look I’m not saying we should shoot people for throwing snow on our property but people are fed up with assholes. These guys throw snow on the other guys property then throw things at him, berate and scream at him when he tells them to stop. They tell him,”we will make your life a living hell”. What kind of idiots throw stuff on others peoples property then tell them they will make their lives a living hell? These people are so ignorant when he comes out with a gun they keep on taunting him. They are, were, idiots who think that everyone should just order their affairs to suit them.

I suspect this, and his reaction, is a part of a much larger irritation of the left stealing the elections and just thinking they can run all over everyone with a lot of bluster. This works until…it doesn’t and people decide they’ve had enough.

The Republicans are no better and just a bunch of grifters. Except for what, 7 Republicans, all the Republicans voted to certify an election that by any reasonable standards was stolen. Certainly it was abundantly clear that there was no assurance that it was not stolen. I hope they are punished for this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think its all made up. timing too convenient. the couple were named the goys. intended takeaway is that we have to disarm the goys. and none of them sounded like goys.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Plains Township, site of the event, is part of Bear Creek Township apparently. close to Wilkes-Barre. 30 miles from Scranton. now who is from that neck of the woods?

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Musk represents the irrepressible action of free human beings to secede from tyranny, the ultimate physical act of secession and desire for ultimate freedom. Space. The final frontier…”

I don’t know if Musk is a Jew or not. Says he’s not but look at his early pictures where he was losing his hair. He has a Jew looking face. It’s different now though I don’t know why. He also has hair he didn’t have before.

“If” Musk is not a Jew what they fear more than anything is uncontrollable global internet which he can fund at super cheap prices due to his cheap launch cost. Many of the satellites he has launched have been on reused rockets. It only cost him fuel and overhead he already has. This ungovernable internet also means people can have their own video, news sources that the Jews don’t, can’t, control.

I want to plug a decentralized internet service I just ran up on

This is exactly what I’ve been saying we need or at least a really good start. Add in some decentralized links for video and you really have fucked them good. This can also be “eventually” tied into anonymous connection services like I2P, Tor and Lokinet. Just a few of the anonymous routing services.

Eventually this will also be tied into Interplanetary File System(IPFS) which is a massive data store that uses BitTorrent type services to have multiple decentralized copies of any type data. Be great for video clips.

All this is coming fast. The people doing a lot of these are not conservative. They are leftist. I really don’t necessarily have problems with heritage leftist which are mostly interested in workers rights, fair laws and stuff like that. I think the base of the left which is not crazed has always been in favor of free speech.

I generally feel very glum about our prospects so I at least want people to know that there some sort of good things in the works that are coming together nicely.

4 years ago

I owe you an apology AC.
Read Dave’s comment yesterday, the first reaction I had to it was this is a clear shill concern troll to gaslight us and diminish your bonafides. A cunning sly one, and perfect thrust for the other gangstalker shills to reach under your guard and stick their shivs in you, gang up on you while your distracted.

Don’t get me wrong dude, have zero doubts your courage and convictions, yourself, needs rescuing. I really know how strong a man you are, and respect you for it, never mind your bravery to stand in the face of derision subversion and doubt, the threats arrayed against you for your audacity and in particular your motive power as a great Freeman and Patriot.
Not crying your attributes and virtues here to flatter you or get brownie points or any ulterior motives. I owe you a debt of gratitude for providing a forum where I can run my smart ass mouth and dig at the fucking shitstains out to destroy us and our great western Christian culture, our civilization. Add my humble just about inconsequential 2 cents worth for what that counts for. If, for only one reason, you never say die, never quit, persevere, because you got the fucking balls to not bend a knee to the assholes and its machine. And do it on your dime and sweat. Let alone the risks inherent to you and your loved ones. Is there a better reason to stand by you?

Owe you an apology because I didn’t stick up for you, as in solidarity, as good folks must if we are to win.

Even if Dave has good intentions, is not a cabal insect, its still despair coming out of his piehole, its nonetheless destructive, it plays inadvertently into the intent of censorship and adhominem attack against all who defy, resist. From my perspective, and there’s no lack of resistance is futile the sky is falling 1 dimensional thinkers, it is a commentary not on you AC, but a chicken shit feckless nasty comment meant to besmirch you personally, it really sucks in no uncertain terms, and yes its a learning moment and yes you graciously used Dave’s comment to positive effect, it is Dave’s comment, he typed it, it stinks, and if your reading this Dave, and your only a regular Joe, shame on you, shame shame shame. Where’s your courage grace and virtue and appreciation you so take for granted of a Patriot who affords you a place to speak freely free of costs or risks to you?
The bottom line for you, I, AC, and all of us who are Freemen, is its our greatest strength, in our best interests, to create and nurture solidarity, to stand together in common cause. There can be no exceptions, no excuses for anything less. We are Legion or we are easy targets picked off piecemeal, in detail, alone, isolated. Shame Dave.
If your a shitstain shill troll Dave, fuck you. I see you.
Your end is coming, you and your sick fucking ilk. You and your gangstalking network. Your all toast. Kaput.
You can not stop us Freemen. You can kill us, try to destroy our lives, set us up, use threat of and violence against us, but you will never win.
Winning is our purview.
We beat you all before.
We will beat you all again.
We have not even got started.
Shutting us up don’t stop us.
Killing us don’t stop us.
It makes us more powerful, more indomitable.

Great rebuttal, always something new to learn everyday on your blog, appreciate you, You Go AC!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I post my feelings about the evidence presented because I assumed this was an open forum.

I think AC gets that.

It’s disturbing that many commenters are so terrified and enraged by differences of opinion or perception, but there it is. That says everything about their own fragility and nothing about my intentions, which are positive.

I think adults should be able to look at both sides of the coin to gain better perspective.

I assume the worst right now based on what we are seeing unfold before us.

I have repeated over and over that I hope I am wrong and that I will own up to it if events take a genuinely positive turn.

One thing I know for sure, based on historical precedent, and family ties to people who grew up under communism in the Soviet Union, is that pretending everything is going to be OK while reality circles the drain is not a mature response to a crisis.

I think, based on some of the more obscure links AC has posted, as well as 3 decades of personal research into ancient history and fringe conspiracy theory, that we might be on the cusp of something far larger than even Trump or Q or the U.S.

Everything seems unreal, as if we really are watching a movie. As if reality is a stage play and Mom and Dad will be coming home soon to spank junior for being a bad boy and put the house back in order.

Only time will tell.

I will refrain from commenting on this site from here on out as it seems to terrify too many of the people that read AC. I don’t need anonymous strangers belching insults and curse words at me for asking tough questions.

I thank AC for his relentless commitment to the truth as he sees it, and providing a clearinghouse for cutting edge info the mainstream ignores or suppresses.


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Kek, if I left everytime I get shit for posting something someone gets triggered by I would have been gone a long time ago. Don’t go, people argue from time to time, nothing special about it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thats good advice AC. Appreciate you. Good shit to ponder and take serious.
I understand where your coming from. I hope I do. Thats somehow lots of ways very important.
It’s not personal with me so much, as its war the trolls are waging on us. Its really nasty. As you say it might not be personal with them, sure, but its war none the less, a small but effective part, and war is a very personal thing on one level and cold as vacuum in space on another. Regardless there’s no doubt its hateful and malicious in intent and totally unacceptable, and they are part of something really evil, nobody is making them do what they do, and they are grownups, they made the choice to be destructive for the benefit of evil.
We are all on this plane to do what we are here to do.
This is your blog, to be clear I wrote you personally before your blog your rules, I have to respect that, if I’m causing you grief, or you don’t want me to comment, you say it, your God here. I don’t need a reason from you. Don’t expect one. Prefer I tone it down, no problem. You want discourse to stick to certain topics, I’m your man. I don’t like it I can leave. No hard feelings.
I’m a fighter. Been going at it near 16 years now with trolls, I do not like trolls of you ain’t noticed. I come to know a lot of them by their tells, there are certain things they do gives them away, another tell is good folks don’t talk to good people in certain ways, its a kind of disingenuousness thats very difficult to disguise as trolls, they cant avoid it, but some are pro’s at it, some hide behind the concern trolling technique, others punch specific buttons which cloaks them because nobody pays them enough mind once they get people turned off or turned against each-other, the really sly ones, they love doing the sympathy gig, the take my ball and go home gag, add in some technique to psyc out the lurkers not involved in the discourse to take sides, the poor me nobody loves me routine, or be distressed, or afraid, whole gambit of useful reactions to troll peoples heads. Its classic school yard bully tactics, very refined, and highly targeted, nasty.
I have a manual from a .gov agent provocateur program, in it are notes which tally a staf with almost 1200 hired trolls, from early 2006. Its outdated probably, but the basics probably remain pretty much constant. An anonymous soul mailed it to me early on. Its quite a piece of intelligence.
Thats another thing. This troll war has more than one set of actors. Got zero idea whats going on, though a number of very unique and unusual things have shown up in my dead tree mail box and digital mail, anonymously. Things make you really wonder who is who and the concept trust but verify really has a lot of meaning. Sure looks like there’s at least two diametrically opposing foes. Beyond that, WTF? Could even be a total larp just to confuse things, maybe I got to near some truth, and it was to misdirect me. Have no idea, only nothing is impossible and at least one “side” is so freakin evil nothing is beyond the pale, everything goes.

Couple of these shills been at it a long time, couple are particularly sadistic and I get the sense at certain times they really dig pushing good folks buttons. From what is my experience, they sent some heavy hitters for your blog, the big guns. None of them like being called, their avatar and cloak blown, spotted out or sunlight shone on them. Probably professional pride. Usually they back off, as you say its not personal, they change up avatars and trolling technique/style, come back and dig right in looking for vulnerabilities and targets, or are assigned targets.

Some days all there is is to fight back. Some days you back off. Its a true call it as you see it thing.

Bottom line, its a great touchstone in a world turned upside down, where good folks don’t do certain things to good folks, good folks don’t say certain things to good folks. Good folks don’t push good folks buttons. And good folks will look you in the eye and say what they mean and mean what they say. Good folks don’t need em, and don’t expect them, excuses and apologies. Because good folks are honest folks. And treat others honestly, and don’t take other good folks for granted.

Trolls shills agent provocateurs, they aren’t like that, they cant be, what they are what they are doing is dishonest, not genuine, and to be a troll you got to violate that, its dissimulation. Even the real slick ones. They are just real good at disguising it.
Kids and honest people do not dissimulate. And gaslighting other people’s arses is not even in the same galaxy as them.

Hey, you could be the most fantastic larp evah, AC. I believe not. Maybe your Q even. Head Savant in your other life on 4chan. You started Kek. Hows that for a laugh?
One thing you ain’t is disingenuous. You never dissimulate I ever noticed. In fact your self effacing in a nice way.
And you got an outlier mind. I like the way you think.

Shoot my ass if I’m wrong.
Some things in life you got to take on Faith. Great thing Faith. Moves mountains, changes the world in positive ways. Good folks got Faith. Even bad good folks got Faith. Trolls? Not. They love them some fake faith though, hideous weapon. Says a lot that right there. Like faith, as Sam said to Frodo, there’s good in this world, some things are worth fighting for. And some people are worth fighting for, sticking up for.

Like to know why I’m a fighter like you may see? Its something I think we lost, but its coming back, as men, its really our fault things where possible to get to this way it is right now. Not saying good men are to blame, but we lost something in us and we got to find it there in us. I think its more important than the lack of prudence today, thats really bad itself.
Only way I can explain it, goes like this:

I’ll be damned is some other guy gets the dirt nap because of me, because I did not, I failed, to make a stand and defend liberty, not just my liberty, but defending Liberty itself.
No half ways about it. Like no such thing as a little bit pregnant, or its only a little bit of slavery.
Like TINVOWOOT. There is no voting our way out of this. Coined it not because of despair, but because its a really important concept, yeah we could vote our way out of this, Trump is all the proof you need of that. Tricky business, puts too many of your eggs in one basket. We might be greatly surprised her, that would be awesome.
What TINVOWOOT is, is the way this republic works best, is voting was never intended for voting our way out of anything, it is for not getting into the pickle of having to vote our way out of anything to start with.

It’s not gonna fail cause of me.
Thats how we got in this pickle. Too many of us forgot that or never got to learn, understand that. Lot of reasons why. Whose to blame, whats to blame, doesn’t matter. What does is as Men, as a Man of The West, I’m not gonna let some poor guy die because I did not stick up for my Liberty, that means some other guy is gonna die for my liberty, stick up for my brother and sister in freedom too. My fellow American. We are all fellow Americans.
Freedom, it all begins with each of us, then its all of us, then we win.

Don’t matter how many of them they got in their network. Nothing can stand us.
If it weren’t God’s honest truth, cabal would not give a flyin’ fuck about what we do. Donald Trump and his loved ones would not be under a death writt. We would be cannon fodder, useful dupes, or weaponized some way. Be no troll’s infesting everything around us. They would have zero reason to worry about what we are, what we think and say, or fear what we can do to them.
If the machine, cabal, aliens, globo=pedo, WTF they are, are so big, so powerful, why is IT afraid of us then?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think you will like this analysis:

The real rules of reality always applies and there is weaknesses in every system and exploits that can be taken advantage of. And results in this but toned down:

Usually the game takes hours to play. But quirks when exploited or bugs will result in strange things.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Explanation of a tool assisted speedrun:

Maybe this system also has exploits and quirks that can result in strange results like this one.

4 years ago
4 years ago


4 years ago

Here’s something that we can do.
Groups of 1-3 people.
Get a printer.
Get a sheaf of 500 pages of plain paper.
Print out the Declaration of Independence.
Spread it everywhere.
Do it smart and your and your buddies are anonymous.

Call it the anonymous Declaration of Independence initiative.
Everybody can participate.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  rightwingterrorist
4 years ago

Given that we live in clown world, if you do this get a printer bought with cash because printers print out micro dots that allow tracking:


Winner of this week’s most useful comment award! Thanks LD6T.

Alternatives to cash: Buy an old mechanical printer (dot matrix or daisy wheel) in which case you should probably throw it away after a few uses (might be able to tie the printer to anything you print due to mechanical differences or wear) or less certainly buy a printer that can’t do color.

4 years ago

10 USC 252: Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority Text contains those laws in effect on February 5, 2021

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Elon Musk is a grifter”

Whenever people say this I will disagree. We had incentives for electric cars BEFORE Musk started making them.

I am for electric cars for three reasons. While I don’t believe oil is about to disappear overnight at some point the price if it will become very high and definitely cause economic grief. This scarcity causes us to need to be globalist and have the military very large to intervene where oil is. If cars are run off electricity then it takes away the monopolist and the governments ability to control Americans. They could use solar, which I also support subsidizing as long as it’s made in the USA.

An aside there are prototypes already built and tested of carbon batteries and solid state sodium and potassium batteries that will vastly lower cost. The solid state sodium and potassium batteries were designed by the guy who invented the present lithium-ion battery so this is not some spoof. There are new solar cells starting production this year that give 43% efficiency and have a new cell type combined with older types.

The newer type cells perovskite solar cells are really low cost.

Get the cost low enough on batteries and solar cells and you could make gasoline from solar cheaper than you could drill it. refine it and transport it across the planet.

Energy is the ultimate weapon the Oligarchs have and they know it. Notice these guys never mention these advances.

The present cost of batteries is around $100/kwh making a car have about $10,000 cost for batteries. At $10/kwh which should be reached 2030-2035 the cost plummet to $1,000 and the total cost of cars are vastly lower.

As for space travel his new low cost satellites and launch systems will dramatically reduce the cost of spreading information on the internet. Think of the cost of hundreds of thousands or millions of cell phone towers or TV towers or millions of miles of cable and then compare to satellites in space launched by reusable rockets whose fuel cost are comparable to a 747 carrying the same weight weigh from California to Australia. You see the cost benefits are huge and these cost will eventually be passed on.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I am suspicious of Musk’s neuro-interfaces.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“I am suspicious of Musk’s neuro-interfaces.”

I don’t blame you no way I’m putting that shit in my head. I have no idea how he threads those things in a brain without destroying tons of neurons. He already has monkeys with this stuff in their heads playing video games with this brain interface. WOW! Planet of the monkeys. They will escape from Musk and learn to wire up all the other monkeys, hack the defense department and then defeat us.

The concerns he has publicly stated about AI are exactly the same I have had and have been complaining about for a long time. There’s all kinds of links of me warning about the dangers of this all over the place. Look at this damn frightening gif

People just have no neurons for exponential growth. Even if they see it they refuse to believe it. People tell me all the time that computers will never do this or that or the other yet the advances have been extraordinary. By 2030 at the latest there will be worker bots that can do most anything an average100 IQ person can do but most likely will be much, much, much more capable.

I, just like him, have no idea what to do about it. I think Musk brain interface is the only thing he could come up with and while crazy as can be it does make sense given the concerns of AI supremacy which is just a matter of time. I can easily, very easily see where he came up with this in exasperation.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I agree with you 100% on the dangers of AI.

We need to return to monke (just kidding, but AI is dangerous).

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

The crux of the matter is, I think, that we’ve been promised Strong AI Real Soon Now by (((Marvin Minsky))) and other grifters and hucksters for fifty years now, and since the Nixon Administration it’s been all sizzle, no steak. And now Moore’s Law is running into physical barriers. The features in a computer chip made by current processes are now only a few hundred atoms across. They can’t get much smaller or faster than they are now. That leaves software–but we’re no closer than Descartes was to a working or usable definition of consciousness that gives us a starting point to try to simulate with software. We have NPCs in games and chat bots that can sometimes fool people. That’s nothing new either. ELIZA, the first chat bot, is 55 years old. The computer running it has no more consciousness or self-awareness than a toaster, and that is true whether it’s a PDP-8 running TSS-8 or your laptop computer running Windows 10.

If strong AI, general purpose AI, turns out to be possible, and someone creates one and gives it Internet access and turns it loose, God help us all. A “paperclip maximizer”–the AI that runs a robotic paper clip factory, that improves itself and the factory so much, so quickly, that it soon turns the entire planet’s crust into paper clips and destroys all life–is the least of our worries.