News Briefs – 02/04/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Tweet with Joe Biden jokingly introducing a guy in Blackface as Michael Jackson:

The Video of Hillary calling black youth Superpredators:


Rush Limbaugh reveals he has advanced lung cancer, and may miss shows due to treatment. He kept the movement alive and focused through some dark, dark times. Prayers have power, so it can’t hurt to give him a few. But I will say, there are amazing therapies coming out every day, so I’d think with his ability to find and access the best treatments, he has more than a fighting chance.

Lindsey Graham says, the ‘day of reckoning is coming for…Joe Biden and the FISA warrant process.’ 

NIH doctor says 25% of Coronavirus cases in China are ‘very serious,’ requiring ‘intensive care.’ Is this the 5 out of 120 who are admitted to the Hospital and logged as Corona?

More than half of China, responsible for more than 80% of national GDP, and 90% of exports, is under a lockdown. They would not risk their economy lightly.

Whistleblower is arrested in China after secretly filming ‘piles of body bags at a hospital in coronavirus ground zero Wuhan.’

Corona virus survivors may not be immune and may reacquire it. Not sure if that is based on hard experience, or if he is just extrapolating out assumptions which may or may not hold.

Former Carnival Cruise passenger tested positive for Coronavirus. The Diamond Princess cruise ship was being held by Japanese authorities under quarantine at anchor in Yokohama, after the passenger already came and went.

Wuhan virus may transmit along faecal-oral route, Xinhua reports. The real issue is how long can it survive and remain infectious when deposited on surfaces.

One study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed. Turns out a patient who said they had no symptoms actually did.

Video of China using yelling drones to enforce people to wear masks outside.

Footage of government officials in Wuhan appearing to take face masks intended for health workers battling the coronavirus has fueled rage among citizens.  It is entering every man for himself territory.

South Korean woman travelling home from Thailand tests positive for the Corona virus.

Trump wins Iowa Republican Caucuses easily.

Unreleased final Iowa poll had Biden in fourth. Bernie Sanders led with 22%, Elizabeth Warren in second at 18%, Pete Buttigieg with 16%, and Joe Biden in fourth with 13%. One guy claimed he didn’t get asked about Buttigieg, and they canceled the poll out of an “abundance of caution.” Conspiracy theories are flying it was canned to protect Biden.

App used by democrat precinct chairman was made by a company who got paid by Hillary for America.

Iowa Caucus results a total clusterfuck, with snafus and glitches meaning nobody will know any results until tomorrow. Both Buttigieg and Bernie claim victory as Warren says it is a three way battle for the top with Biden a distant fourth.

Campaigns call Iowa Democrats to try and figure things out, things heat up and Iowa Democrats actually hang up on the campaigns. This Donald J. Trump Presidency just keeps getting better every single day.

Video of Joe Biden snapping at a reporter when asked about son Hunter’s business dealings.

Biden helped launch a business for his son-in-law from the Oval Office, and repeatedly briefed investors privately.

Judicial Watch reveals, eight Iowa counties have total registration rates larger than the eligible voter population – at least 18,658 extra names on Iowa voting rolls.

Iowa Democrats all fear their candidates will not have what it takes to take on Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton blames her 2016 loss on Bernie constantly attacking her.

Ilhan Omar’s campaign continues to divert tens of thousands of dollars to her alleged boyfriend’s consulting firm.

Michael Bloomberg’s campaign spent over $180,000,000 in first month of Presidential bid.

Elizabeth Warren is pushing a massive gun control bill, with everything from an Assault Weapons ban, to a registry, to raising the minimum age, to a mandatory waiting period and more.

Former GOP N.J. governor Christie Todd Whitman blasts fellow Republicans over their impeachment votes to forego witnesses. The same cunt who told all 9/11 first responders the air around ground zero was fine and not a worry. Amazing how little shame they have.

Deborah Batts, federal judge set to oversee Avenatti’s Stormy Daniels trial, dead at 72. Unknown cause of death, but she passed away in her sleep. Maybe innocent, since I have no idea why she would be prone to need a Cabalizing. But I have a general theory that directed energy weapons are best applied after a target has gone to sleep, when they will be stationary and easily pinpointed, as determined through thru-wall technology, and prone to not be moving, so you don’t need to worry about a glancing hit on a moving target. All I know is the mortality of everyone that comes near these high-profile figures seems sky high lately.

Ukrainian President rejects Iran’s compensation offer over downed passenger plane.

NY crime skyrockets, shootings up 60%, following prison reduction agenda.

Washington Democrats push mandatory LGBTQ-focused sex ed for kindergartners.

Greta Thunberg nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.

Scotland Yard officers guarding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have said they are forced to do ‘menial tasks.’

The pace of growth in the Russian economy fell by almost half last year.

While the press and public focus on Iran, the US is preparing for war with Russia.

Trump is expanding his base among black, Hispanic, and suburban voters. 51% approval at Zogby.

Sen. Murkowski says she “cannot vote to convict” Trump.

Boy Scouts bankruptcy is ‘imminent’ amid sexual abuse scandals. Another presumably Cabal organization which would offer early access to those young kids who might succeed and pose a threat to Cabal’s control, has mysterious financial problems. Though in this case it’s embrace of gays and acceptance of girls probably didn’t help.

Proposed assault weapons ban misses deadline to get enough signatures for Florida’s 2020 ballot.

Spread r/K Theory, because the winning never stops.

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5 years ago

The blog title says 02/05 instead of 02/04

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Is it possible to fix the glitch where if you click on comments, it defaults to halfway up the blog?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  2Q2Q
5 years ago

It doesn’t do this for me with firefox.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It happens to me too when I use muh crackphone to browse the site.
But on Fox it does not happen.
If a solution is not found, then lets just face it like a amygdala strengthening exercise, got to exercise those zen muscles frens.

5 years ago

“Boy Scouts bankruptcy is ‘imminent’ amid sexual abuse scandals.”

What a sad day. The best time of my life was in the Boy Scouts. I learned a lot and had much fun. In an old Scout manual from the 1950s, it stated that it was about “training a boy to be a man”. For any boy, to find masculinity, he must be separated from the female, from his mother at some point. (q.v. Leon Podles’ book “The Church Impotent”). The Boy Scout Oath is really the Virtue of Righteousness. Also the camping and hiking in dangerous terrain, sharpens the mind “Nearness of death, quickens the mind”.

The Boy Scout program was based on the military societies of the Spartans and the Zulus. The Boy Scout program would correspond directly to the Spartan Agoge. The point of the Boy Scout program, originally, was to prepare boys to serve in the military. It was warrior training.

But like all things, hostile forces, SJWs, like Roy Tillerson, and the Jews, converged the program to destroy it. Don’t want masculine boys. It is amazing to see Boys and Girls clubs advertised and supported but the Boy Scouts are nearly drowned out in obscurity. It is a great travesty.

Every boy needs the Boy Scouts—to encounter and live in Nature. That was its purpose. To take the boy out of the city — and put him in Nature where he belongs.

It is a sad, sad day that the Boy Scouts go under. The disappearance of the Boy Scouts is a sign that a society is totally devoid of Virtue and knowledge of what it takes to be a man. We live under Jewish civilization and culture and it is slowly killing all aspects of European vestiges.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I went with my son to Boy Scouts for a few months. All of the scout leaders were women, except for the main leader in our small troop.

The weekly activities was more suited to “ARTS AND CRAFTS” (woman crap).
We had a big activity (camp out). Here’s how it went:

Setup a tent in the Legion Baseball field. Yep, we “CAMPED” inside town in the baseball outfield.


1. Had a Sheriff deputy come in and show how they do forensic work.
Great a man job.

2. Made homo beads things for the soldiers overseas.
Good reasoning bad execution. Sounds more like girl scout work.
How about making Ranger beads with paracord?

3. Made bead thing for uniform. More stupid arts and crafts.

4. Played half assed version of dodge ball. Did I mention most of the adults and kids were OBESE?

5. Learned how to assemble a small emergency kit (pencil, bandaids, etc.). HOW ABOUT LEARNING FIRST AID? Instead of learning how to be a factory robot?

6. Finally, to wrap up we had…….you guessed it……a PLAY!!! Fucking homo shit.

I pulled my kid out of this homo factory after the fag training “camp out”. One of the pancake breakfasts they did, the idiot and obese scout leader was so happy his daughter could now participate. The sooner this garbage dies the better.

I learned more life skills than your average boy scout going deer hunting and snowmobiling when I was a kid.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

That is really sad. Women, femininity destroys masculinity. After the age of 7, boys need to be around other boys and real men. Manhood is not by instinct; manhood is by education. Machismo is by instinct.

What the Spartan Agoge attempted to do was to “aristocrize” (coined a new term), the soldiers. Virtue, (V-I-R, Latin for ‘man’), means “To be a Man”. The Greek is Arete, Excellence. Arete is the Excellencies of a Man, i.e. to be an aristocrat. Arete has the same root “Ar” as Aristocracy. I saw the link below about Putin. Yes, that is great, but all one does with that is Brutalize a boy. Without conscience training in Arete, man just becomes a barbarian. Virtue, Arete are the values of character of the Greek Nobles.

St. Peter, II Peter 1:5 taught, “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. One has the Boy Scout Oath and then the Boy Scout Laws, to ingratiate Arete into the mind of the boy. Lord Baden-Powell grew up in Victorian England and was a Victorian Age Britain. Victorian England was immersed in Greek Classics. It was the Greek classics that formed the Victorian Age and the Victorian Age can be said to be the Height of Anglo-Saxon Cultural history. He transferred his Classical training into the Boy Scout program. The Boy Scout program was the best gift to come out of Victorian England.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

This is what I needed and my sons need. Training the mind (classical literature) and the physical (weight lifting). Then, the application (sports/work/etc.) of that training.

Here’s the bright side. What was poisoned can be made clean again.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

There is more to it than that. Plant identification. In the Boy Scouts I grew up in Plant Identification was very important.

Why? It is about noticing Details. It trains the mind to notice Details. “Attention to Detail” is important in engineering, science, and politics and Wisdom. To Notice Particularity. To be obedient to Particularity. To Notice Differences. Marxism, is the opposite. Marxism seeks a person to NOT notice things. Revolutionaries seek—a person—NOT seek details. To learn to Distinguish.

The next thing is Tracking. The American Boy Scout program also initiated many things from the American Indian. This is connected also with the foregoing. Tracking is important; it creates the detective. To follow facts. To notice the small things and creates logic. To follow a track thru the countryside. To notice differences. To Be Aware. Which is needed for the hunter, the Soldier and the Wise. To learn to Pay attention.

These things are all needed for training in manhood. To be a Warrior.

Sneaking up on things. As well.

Pick up an Old Scout Field Book.

To be attracted to Nature. To Live in Nature. To Love Nature.

We live in a Gnostic culture which is the Hatred of Nature.

What does Nature Teach. This is one aspect of the Boy Scout program.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

I wish we would have done all this fun stuff all we did was push-ups.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I am a woman, and I agree! I grew up being raised by women. My father left when I was 10. I watched him walk out the door. I have been walking around with a broken heart ever since then. I always tried to figure out why he didn’t want me. I went through life feeling worthless. I’m sure many boys and girls have gone through this, and much worse. But, I can’t blame my fathers behavior on men. He made his choices. Just like I made mine. My father came from a communist country. He came here wanting money. And he made a lot! He owned a business for 50 years. He was a black jack million dollar winner. I just find it a bit odd that he became a millionaire in this way. Did he come here with the intention to make money and destroy lives? I’m starting to think he was paid to do this. Anyway, when I was 27, he ended up marrying a woman my age, and adopted her kids!The woman he married was from a communist country! He educated her and got her a govt. job. Juvenile justice detention center, working for a judge. Fast forward to now, the system she works for, releases juvenile criminals onto the streets the same day they murder someone. Did he bring her here by design? Maybe I’m over analyzing…
anyway, thank you for your time, I wish you well in your endeavors, and God have mercy on America!

Reply to  Ajah
5 years ago

Black Jack counting can make you a shit load of money, but you need to have a shit load of money in the first place for it to work out (source: trust me dudette). And it requires more than just knowing how to count, you need to drill A LOT, and master the counting process (your brain adapts if you drill regularly, it just takes a long time, consistency, and it is extremely boring) so you can then count while you act naturally, so you need acting skills as well on top of the mastery of the counting process, so you can count while pretending you are not counting.

Unless he had at the very least 200-250K as a start for a bankroll, it is extremely unlikely he could make big bucks counting cards reliably (there is some nerdy math behind the reason why it is this way, you are never granted a 100% mathmatical certainty of making a profit counting cards, but the bigger you bankroll, the better the rules on the tables you have access to, and the more you can minimize risk (for various reasons I am not going to delve into)).

Also note that some people get blessed with positive variance in their gambling even if they don’t engage in advantage playing (the card counter is called an advantage player because he puts the odds (which are always in the favor of the casino in regular circunstances) in is favor), but those are the exception rather than the rule (obviously). This means that if he was not counting, the more time he played, the more likely he was to lose money instead of making money.

So, if he was working seriously on counting and he got the money to invent in a bankroll, it is plausible that he might have gotten that BJ money without fuckery (counting is not illegal, although the casinos will blacklist you if they suspect you are counting), if he was NOT working seriously on counting nor had an adequate bankroll AND he played for a small amount of time, then it is plausible that it was likely luck, BUT if he was not working seriously on counting and he did not had the bankroll and he spent a lot of time at the BJ table, then some kind of fuckery is more likely (perhaps he got financed and his handlers laundered the money to him via the casino using a collaborating croupier, if he was some kind of agent as you seem to suspect).

Also, I’m sorry you had to go thru that, I wish you a great day fren.

Reply to  Ajah
5 years ago

Thank you responding Lem!
I often thought he counted cards. He not only won a million, but just before that (6 mos) he won $250,000. After he won the million, he stopped going to LV. He told me the hotel/ casino stopped inviting him.
Anyway, good for him. I’m sorry I went on about my sob story, and I really appreciate your response. You guys are great here. God bless all of you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I was in the Scots for a small amount of time. I liked a lot of it, knots, making trails, camping but…push ups. Our scout Master was obsessed with push-ups. I can’t remember why he had us do so many push-ups but it seems like that was what we spent a LOT of time doing. This constant PU drills eventually, for no reason I could discern, made me decide that’s not where I wanted to be. I can’t to this tell you why he did this.

Maybe he thought we were real Spartans and if I would stayed they would have started starving us and beating us with sticks. 🙂

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I think I have something in my eye! Managed to finish your comment though.
(Former Cub, Scout, Venture Scout)

Having received an appalling education in the 70s80s
Physically abused Neglected by Boomer parents
2 acrimonious divorces by 10yrs old
Uncles many Aunties like wise, though not in sight already Grabbling the fake fiat and taking the easy divorces

Going into the Army at 17 was the saving of me… found it easy really and can only attribute that to the men of the Greatest/Silent? (Long passed on anyway ) Gen who guided me through my childhood installing a few virtues and taking me out into the countryside when leading my Town Scout group…. aka Refuge.

My own Boomer family are a fucking vile disgrace to a man and woman.

Mustn’t grumble tho.. thanks to the Scouts

I’m crushing and they’re already in Hell.

When mine reach that age I’ll wade into Leading, until then I’ll let the Convergence play out and see what remains, right now I’d do more harm than good or go down with it… no thanks.

5 years ago

Florida prosecutors release trove of Jeffrey Epstein files

5 years ago

According to Chinese scientists, the Corona Virus attaches onto lung receptors that are five times more likely in Asian males:

Also… white people are essentially immune because we have the acetylcholinase inhibitor against the virus.

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

Off topic – I thought POTUS knocked it out of the park in the SOTU address. Best line of the night, after stating the huge number of judges appointed:

“…and we have many in the pipeline” 😂

Followed quickly by addressing his commitment to 2amendment protection (with Nan absolutely flailing in the background to try and silence her goons)

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

Will be a blueprint for decades to come of how to defeat the Left and unite al Americans, focusing on our true hero’s and role models of the past which are never talked about anymore, and all of our Past greatness and future potential, guided by the Hand of God, while massively triggering the American hating, traitorous liberals, leftists and sending them running!

That was 90 min of sheer triggering brilliance.

Reply to  Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

There were a few flaws.

I hope they are a temporary move to try and take halfway human left leaning voters away from the Demoncrats or transition measures to avoid too much damage from destroying the cabal and what it has done to us and that these don’t become part of MAGA conservatism in the long run:

‘Every child should get a great education’ – That’s not a federal power and is best handled privately or at the local level.

The federal government also needs to get out of healthcare entirely and it would be best if government at all levels did.

Mandatory paid parental leave and government funded child care are definitely not a federal power and are r selecting, children should have a family with a father who provides for the family and a full time mother who cares for the children.

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

I agree with what you are saying, but you cannot push for traditional intact family until you get cabal out of the way in government, schools, and media. Then we begin to change the messaging back to life affirming, God and nation affirming, family and child affirming messaging and show all of the half human leftists (lol) what cabal has done to them in their world and all of the lies it told them, and allow the half humans face saving to come back into the conservative fold and be re-molded and saved. The hard leftists… To hell with them literally.

I trust the God Emperor’s message. If he fails we are all screwed anyway, but I feel sure in my heart the hand of God is on him. At times he has appeared questionable on the second amendment or some other issues that you think to yourself what? What are you talking about?, And then at some point later usually not very long he does a roundabout! 🙂

5 years ago

The act of fostering a child (circa Medieval Europe) was by definition to take a young boy of middle or high rank and send him to the household of a noble or a ranking knight with boys of his own age. The idea was to remove the boy from the smothering influence his mother and place him in a different but protected environment where those boys could work and fight together, to understand the natural pecking order that develops, and to hone those skills best needed for their station.

Remember: young boys were often used as hostages; pledges of good behavior in times of war, when alliances could shift at a moment’s notice. William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, guaranteed his fealty to Stephen of Blois by doing just that, to the point of allowing the boy to be led to the gallows.

Reply to  Zippy
5 years ago

Oops. Meant to attach this to the above post re the Boy scouts.

5 years ago
5 years ago

China’s airlines told not to axe global flights as thousands cut

5 years ago

360 Billion & Growing: Locust Plague Of “Biblical Proportions” Destroys Crops Across Middle East, Africa