Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
I am getting beamed, so I am a little slower, but check out these two videos, which are at the top of this NY Post story, which I had stupidly first assumed was filmed from some airport surveillance camera’s monitor, using a cellphone:
Turns out, those are two cell phone videos taken by people of the crash. They were taken from more or less the two perfect positions to film the crash, from right in front of the plane, and from 90 degrees, perfectly from the side, and in those two exact spots, somebody just happened to have their cellphone up and running, and be filming the Blackhawk as it flew straight into the plane. Do you often have your phone out, to film helicopters? That feels like two spotter, monitoring the progress of an operation, and filming the operation for the Cabal scrapbook of videos and pictures of such things. Maybe it is me, but that seems weird.
Watch the video again, and imagine you are just filming a Blackhawk as it flies by, when it crashes into a passenger jet and both fall into the Potomac. I am adapted to high stress, but even I would tend to move my phone to the side, to look past it at the crash, and as those planes fell you would lose frame. If however I am an operator, sent out to capture the video of a crash of a Blackhawk, which was going to be driven into a passenger plane, I would be laser focused on that cell phone screen from beginning to end, and you would see that plane perfectly framed as it crashed into the Potomac. And that is what you see in both videos. Both videos even kept the aircraft high in the frame, as if they knew they were going to move downward, and wanted space in the frame below them to be sure to catch the splash.
Surveillance is like that. All of them did the same thing with 9/11. They were all cool with it. That is why I say, I am not sure they are even humans, or view us as their race. I think those were two domestic surveillance people who were briefed on what would happen, and captured the video for their command. And did it flawlessly. Go back, look at the video, and model what the person behind the cell phone would have done if they were uninvolved and filming a helicopter, or if they were surveillance who knew the planes would fall in the frame, and see which feels right for the videos. If I am correct, they knew that Blackhawk was about to hit that plane, and I doubt they sold the pilot of it on crashing it into the plane. The remote-hijacking option now would seem more likely.
You can see why the two workers who leaked the videos were arrested in that Post story. Those were never supposed to be seen by the public.
Elon Musk shuts down USAID with Trump’s approval hours after taking control of it and locks out 600 staffers overnight. This will definitely point to the current dismantle of Cabal being real and meaningful, whether it is a skit or actually a hostile action in a war. Assholes like Bill Kristol who were milking this will definitely be unhappy about the loss of income, so we could enjoy it just for that, and its almost certain there is much more to come.
Trump preps order to dismantle Education Dept. as DOGE probes data.
Trump and DOGE plan to slash 70% of bureaucrats in top federal agency in latest shock move. Office of Personnel Management, OPM. You can see the planning by how fast they are going, and how little gets in their way. Were this not planned, and pre-accomplished, Trump would have told Musk to go into USAID and audit it, Musk would have tried, they would have said no and called security, security would show up with guns and say no, Musk would call Trump, and Cabal would have foreseen everyone Trump would call and make sure they were all agents, so none would help. And as with Reagan trying to bomb Iran, Trump would have given the order and nothing would have happened. That it is happening means it will likely happen a lot now, because all they are doing is parallel constructing what intel already knew and showed them.
US to again withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council, stop UNRWA funding.
Senator Hawley proposes jail time for people who download DeepSeek.
Those given no-show jobs would become assets, and when their work was done in Africa, they could be imported and recruited into domestic surveillance here, to operate against us. I cannot tell you how many fresh-off-the-boat migrants I had involved in my follows. And this was fine with the native surveillance, because it was their gang against us, and the migrants were their gang.
This is true. Even if this was arranged by the leadership at the top, now either the mid and lower level operators, people presently above the law and living lives of ease which allow them to expend resources targeting enemies, are impoverished and rendered powerless, or they will rebuild and come back for Trump and Musk.
“Elon Musk is a five-alarm fire.” — @chucktodd
Former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe is giving out free boners:
Expecting a bloodbath at FBI today and tomorrow. My guess is acting FBI director Brian Driscoll will be gone by this evening for defying a direct order seeking names of FBI employees—perhaps more than 6,000—involved in Jan 6 cases.
Hard to see how James Dennehy, who runs the NY field office, keeps his job after sending defiant email to colleagues over the weekend promising to “dig in” and not step down or follow orders.
The NYT obtained the email.
Dennehy: “Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own, as good people are being walked out of the F.B.I. and others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and F.B.I. policy,” Dennehy wrote.
Dennehy also said the removal of top officials including at Miami and Washington field offices have caused “fear and angst within the F.B.I. ranks.”
He compared his insubordination to being a Marine “in the early 1990s, when he dug a small foxhole five feet deep and hunkered down for safety.
“It sucked,” he wrote. “But it worked.”
Don’t think this is going to end well for Mr. Dennehy.
Names of FBI officials who worked on January 6 cases and Trump investigations identified. 5,000 worked 2400 cases.
FBI Agents who are part of a secretive group investigating UFOs fear being purged for Jan 6th work. Why are leftist FBI the ones assigned to investigate UFOs? Is it just a fun assignment they were able to pull due to being in the club?
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy revealed he is housing a immigrant at his home and dared the Trump administration to do something about it. He later claimed he misspoke, and there is no migrant living there.
Tom Homan will go after Dem. Gov Phil Murphy for harboring a migrant above his garage.
Oklahoma forms its own DOGE as the idea spreads.
PA official reverses ‘suicide’ ruling for woman with 20 stab wounds, previously upheld by Democrat Josh Shapiro. Shapiro, now governor of Pennsylvania, as AG ruled it a suicide, when he was friends with her fiance’s cousin, and the fiance had called the cousin right before calling the cops and saying he found the body. And her wounds, which Shapiro claimed she must have done to herself, looked like this:
This is an incredibly lawless land, if you end up in the wrong place. I have a sneaking suspicion if I tracked down her house back then, and did a surveillance drive around it, you would see a Postal Service Truck of Death parked outside. Pretty girl, too.
Joe Biden has signed with Hollywood talent agency CAA.
You will probably see lots of this – Infowars was under surveillance, Mike Flynn was under surveillance, Ben Shapiro was under surveillance, even FBI Asset Patrick Byrne was under surveillance. But all of that is bullshit. All of them will be plugged into intelligence, as assets or agents, often of people in the agencies surveilling them. Look to see if they mention CIA targeting Vox Day, or FBI on the Burning Platform, or who it was who planted surveillance children in the house next door to me. My guess is those will not get press, unless it is forced on them.
Wikipedia blacklists all Conservative media outlets, prevent any from being cited.
New virus discovered in Alabama raises pandemic fears. Excellent reporting. They found some new virus in shrews, and it has never infected a human, there is no reason to think it might infect a human, but if it infected humans and was really contagious and deadly, it could prove to be the next global pandemic.
Mexico folds: Sending troops to secure border to avoid Trump tariffs.
Mexican government announces arrest of top cartel commander right after Trump’s phone call.
Trudeau caves to Trump, announces more border security in return for a 30-day pause on tariffs.
In other words, self-deport, or you may find yourself in an El Salvadoran prison surrounded by MS-13. And that applies to US criminals, as well.
Czech Republic: Women who are covid vaccinated are 66% less likely to give birth.
Democratic party unfavorable rating hits 16-year high.
Never Trump Lincoln Project closes 2024 with hundreds of thousands in debt.
Trump gets Ukraine to agree to repay us for what we have contributed to their war effort with rare earth elements and Uranium.
Russia is taking the parts with the minerals.
I expect that Trump will use it as a reason to dump Ukraine when the deal falls through.
“The Art of the Deal.”
4 years ago, there were many expressions of “boom” and “habbening”
Those cliches are retired. That said, it looks like the Phoney War is over.
Gov Murphy needs to be investigated. If he “mispoke”, he needs to be charged.
Wasting police time is “disorderly conduct” and can result in imprisonment for up to six months.
It is a Zero Sum game.
Ed Note: I am leaving this for historical purposes, and its interest as a likely AI-generated time-wasting post.
Its massive cover for human trafficking having direct cabal Rothschillian bloodline families controlled distribution and sale of illicit organ harvesting, which is said to be the single best profitable illicit operation going, and those families are in serious need of cash infusions to remain relevant in the global order of things, keep in mind these bloodlines are literally “genetic shareholders” inside central banking and global financial systems, which are in deep shit liquidity wise, some now defunct in all but name as the hard currency required to keep them afloat is drying up and they are inhibited from themselves allocating new disbursements of new money1, its unknown how many of these “deportees” end up with parts of their bodies in igloo lunch pails and freezer packs, remember the instant they are nabbed they become non-entity/non-sovereigns, they do not exist, and if you think USAID was out if control you ain’t seen nothing yet, and who is lucky to be sent as slaves for some other cabal operation requiring totally undocumented human beings, and who knows what those destinations are about, but its bound to be satanic and involving blood and other dark magic/energy harvesting, these special bloodlines and their fellow dark controlled organizations, you pick it its been co-opted for centuries, torture and death is critical and lots of it, they are constantly conjuring employing torture and violent/mass murder-death, its what they do its what they are and it goes directly back in time to King Solomon, Babylonian black money magic, and underlying it all is worship and blood connection to the dark prince. Keep in mind part of their power is derived from their direct bloodlines from Solomon to present, can it be imagined just what this implies for us mortal light energy people? How much power to control this provides, how embedded like a tick they are in the underworld they control and how that is so almost inexstricably woven into the fabric of life of planet earth? Yet it seems some thing has been taking place which has up-ended the institutional order here, more and more things are in flux, especially the need for trillions of dollars annually required to maintain their global domination game, but as we watch, though still so much is kept from our view, clouded in doubt, uncertainty misdirection and in some cases direct action, is employed by masters of these particular dark arts and Babylonian cult ritual, used for centuries to control most of the human race as slaves in one way or another, it seems, out on the fringes that institutional order, its begun to fail at least out on those fringes, which appears to be money related problems, in simplest terms they are either running out of money or their central bankster system is experiencing loss of control, possibly total access to new money to keep this system functioning. Not everything is as it seems is the critical thinking way of looking at the world, of course, goes without saying, yet, right now, that thinking may be as relevant as anything can be, giving that a good think, what we are seeing with the advent of new control, a new public seen boss, at least figure head, going about all these new fangled/found sources if corruption, like angels who come to set things a-rights for the little people, which is nothing of the sort it being a truly professional operators and agents provocateurs busman’s holiday, its beautifully orchestrated what has always been orchestrated, but its shown to us slaves as this beautiful butterfly with poison under its wings, as Patrick Henry called the institutional tyranny dressed up as The USC, and he was dead nuts correct, as he himself in his personal recordings ran up against the exact same cabal, how it was just insidious, brilliantly capable at disguising its self, the fox right inside the hen house, no matter his efforts at every turn hidden agents inhibited him from his labors of Liberty. And thats this Trump “administration” in a nut shell regardless the particulars, MAGA even if it was at its beginnings a true grass roots movement, and still is at least in many hearts and minds which will never be altered, some things are just wholesome and good and right and beautiful, it, like others, almost imperceptibly at least at its start hi-jacked co-opted, by operatives agents spies and gangstalkers, whose sole purpose is to stop any and all true grass roots movement from reaching escape velocity or “Plurality of People” Adam’s spoke of that could not be denied, it is absolutely critical to the nth-degree such Sovereign Humans never become that plurality of people, the point here being MAGA was corrupted in the worst way, they turned it into a beautiful butterfly with poison under its wings, and again we are duped, gulled by supreme experts at such dark arts. And everything presented to us is literally in every way fake. Everything, everything we are being told to believe in, everything they are showing us, everything is a lie.
And you know something, once you embrace this last, its realky funny, cause its so plain to see and understand connections so important that a luteral road map becomes evident clearly.
Attn AC: This comment feels likes it was generated by AI and posted to waste our time.
I agree.
I will annotate it.
Take your blackpill ravings elsewhere.
‘Joe Biden has signed with Hollywood talent agency CAA.’
The fuck’s he gonna do, be an extra in a zombie flick?
What’s he gonna do? He just joined the Freemasons 2 weeks ago. So, maybe he will do Freemason things.
Senior citizen commercials, retirement homes etc
Biden will be shilling for reverse mortgages and diaper services just for starters.
Get some JOEY POOPYPANTS, kontrol yer krap with the best of them…squat toddler!
‘New virus discovered in Alabama raises pandemic fears.’
So anyway, my money’s on the Philadelphia Eagles.
“CBS anchor Margaret Brennan attempted to justify the government’s spending on controversial foreign aid like transgender operations in Colombia and atheism overseas on Sunday, saying it’s a ‘small amount’ in comparison to the entire budget. Pretty big balls.”
I’ve noticed this is common among these cocksuckers. I was attempting to find common ground with a “moderate Republican” about 15 years ago, and having no luck, when we got to the subject of giving foreign aid to the CCP, then borrowing it back from them. His justification was the same: “It’s not that much, really.” I asked him if he’d like to give me a “not that much, really” amount of money every month, then borrow it back from me at interest. No response. Now I look back at him and several other idiots I’ve come across, and think they were probably Obama’s Online Army or some other flavor of paid glowie.
Go back many years before that and another guy (overt communist/Democrat) used the same logic when I bitched about Congress voting itself payraises. “It’s not that much.”
We were never arguing the same thing, because they knew it was just laundering funds to their operation. We were arguing the fantasy of whether foreign aid was necessary, when probably none of it was going there anyway.
What people are going ot be blown away by, is how many normal soccer moms and regular retired folk, detested the idea of a free, constitutional government, where we could all do anything, preferring a shadow dictatorship which would fuck over everyone, and drop trinkets at their feet for helping them fuck us. This was outright treason, and betrayal of the loyalty we all showed them, and it is unimaginable so many “Americans” would just be outright criminal thugs, even signing up to ruin the lives of innocent gangstalking victims, just to perpetuate the control of the psychos at the top of this thing.
Those guys were clearly part of it, nobody is that stupid.
And the Constitution needs to be changed so that the states pay their Senators and Reps and compensation is determined by their legislatures.
The feds can set up basic room and board dorms to make sure they can’t claim they can’t afford to live in the capitol to do their jobs.
That’s a pretty good idea, Farce.
Kill all shrews! No, I don’t mean your mother in law.
Maybe after looking at the USAID takedown, she realises now really is the time to throw off the shackles of her Deep State handlers, and Tulsi as DNI is a way to do it.
I tend to think more likely, before this all got started her blackmail file was assembled alongside the files of everyone they needed, by whoever is doing this. I do not ascribe morals or decency to any of these assholes anymore. They all wanted a dictatorship which would fuck us over and drop trinkets at their feet along the way.
They are all enemies, and in my book always will be.
I mean, that is what Q said. They got hold of the blackmail files so none of the cabal plants should stand against them on critical matters. It actually is looking like Q, the alliance, the plan etc was real from how things are going.
I agree Q was real. It will be awesome if it is really good people restoring a free republic. Of course if they nuke the surveillance, and we purge the assholes which did this from the country, I am not sure it matters practically too much whether this is real, or just a new skit to downsize, and rebuild the machine from scratch. It will still be a massive step forward.
How much of that is the vaxx, how much is that insane wine-aunt cat ladies are the most fervent worshippers at the idol of vaxxdom? A certain amount has to be these bitches being unlovable, broken monstrosities of humans and not just totally getting uterus-jacked.
Agreed – there is some element of C causing both A and B here, and not just A causing B.
Correct. They (femdom) have as much to blame for the cultural/sociological fall of family structures and child rearing-nurturing shortcomings way before any Vax excuses for fertility bar graphs being in decline. Especially in america, with western aligned nations trailing as well. If women valued their eggs as much as my “merchants” have been charging for them there would be a lot less whoredom and abortions and fatherless youths. Just saying.
True. A great reset is needed.
“Unpaid prostitute”
Sometimes a couple of words bring complex concepts in to crystal clear clarity.
McCabe worried that his reputation is tarnished.
In other news, water is wet.
Meanwhile, in Georgetown, restaurants will be struggling after the USAID fat cat expense accounts get slashed. Some Dem will probably suggest a humanitarian aid package to protect them. ROFL.
Had to. The flight was directed to take Runway 33 just seconds before the crash. Doesn’t “33” hold significance to the cabal?
In the air traffic control audio, a controller can be heard directing American Airlines Flight 5342 to take Runway 33.
The way I view USAID currently is through Hillary Clinton’s self-conception of “Doing well by doing Good”. These people are siphoning off trillions in the name of “doing Good in the World”. It’s criminality in the service of “the Good” in their eyes. Which is definitionally the activity of the CIA. That’s how they sell the covert ops jobs.
Bill Kristol is a part of the Bush Faction. That is why he has access to the funds. He puts in work for the Bush Faction.
To me, DJT has been almost entirely aimed at dislodging the Bush Faction from cintrol of the GOP apparatus.
I have never seen it discussed, but since Nixon the Bush Faction has had total full spectrum dominance over the GOP apparatus. They have had control of what was allegedly 50% of the vote for a long time. That is significant because the DEMs are riven by factions: Clinton, Obama, Pelosi etc. It is the politically dominant position, despite how they portray themselves as hapless losers.
To me, this means that the current state of affairs is exactly what the Bush Faction and their donors/backers want.
That may seem counter-intuitive, but I think it is logically undeniable. And, it makes a great many confusing things clear if one makes the effort to see domestic politics from that vantage point.
DJT is Nixon’s revenge against the Bush Faction. It seems obvious when one views “Watergate” as a Bush Faction op to take over the GOP. DJT’s coalition (unbeatable) is the same as Nixon’s. The effort to remove him followed the same pattern. DJT’s domestic policies and For Pol are eerily similar to Nixon’s (I think this is fantastic. I love Nixon).
Terms like GOPe, RINO, Establishment types, squishes etc etc are all misnomers for the Bush Faction, in my mind.
Post 2008, the Bush Faction occulted itself and disappeared from the stage as a cohesive force. But, to me, that was only a brilliant illusion. RINO etc replaced Bushie.
Mitch, Ryan, Graham, Collins, Thune, Tillis, McCain were and are all part of the cohesive and skilled Bush Faction. The leader is quite likely Dick Cheney.
Remember, they have had the power and ability to place their people into the Deep State since Nixon. DC is crawling with Bush Faction types..
DJT has a huge job removing them. And they are absolutely treacherous and very fond of direct action. I myself attribute the direct actions taken against DJT to the Bush Faction and not a DEM faction.
Ugh, apologies. Addendum to my earlier poast
I want to believe that the Bush Faction is behind the Beam ™. But I don’t think so. Mitch got beamed a few times on National TV. Which was bonkers but amusing (I don’t feel too guilty because he seems ok).
If I am correct about my theory that the Bush Faction has held dominance in the US Deep State since Nixon, and my additional theory that Aliums are rral and here, then it seems undeniable that Bush Sr was the one who cut a deal with the Aliums way back in the day.
It also seems undeniable that the deal was absolute crap and we got lame ass tech in exchange for trafficking humans to the Aliums.
And, it is Aliums behind the US Stasi and The Beam ™.
But this is just, as AC brilliantly reminds us, a probability. And I obv lack the kind of evidence/facts to assign it anything other than a strong gut feeling..
Both of the filmers had the incredible foresight to zoom in right before the helicopter strikes. The first also zooms out right after to keep both aircraft in frame as they hit the water. A normal person is either going to move reflexively in response to the unexpected, or go completely still in shock. These did neither. They were actively manipulating the recording device to capture an event they knew, for certain, was going to happen.
Yeah, those are three of our military folk, and a massive group of women and innocent children who just wanted to skate in life. It is shocking, and another datapoint indicating we cannot apply common logic to this enemy, or assume they think anything like us. They seem pretty much totally inhuman, and prone to kill innocent women and children just like taking a sip from a cup of coffee.
It does make more sense of them wanting to live in a surveillance panopticon ruled by shadow dictators, rather than a free, elected Republic, and all of them being cool with 9/11. They are, by our standards, just basically total psychos. It is why I cannot rule out the stories like the one by Bill Corrigan of sleeping with the girl, they are both totally naked, he turns for like a cigarette or something, turns back, and she has morphed into something which is definitely not human, and she proceeds to tell him her kind lives among us, hidden.
So weird, because so many look so normal. There are a few I would have been willing to bet everything had normal emotions. It is the most massive incongruity of the whole thing.
I’m absolutely certain that whatever the cabal’s backers are, they’re creatures that should best be described as demons. I’m not sure if they’re the literal legions of Hell, but malign corruptors, shapeshifters, and destroyers of innocence are hard to describe as anything else.
AC, You say from time to time that you estimate 10% of the population are in Cabal.
I read from time to time that 10% of the population are psychopaths. The math works out that Cabal could still be mostly, or nearly all, human.
No, and I don’t blame for not understanding the fscts, because they weren’t known at post time, but the arrests today told the story: the videos were official cameras, and likely best of set of fixed points, part of a network setup in DC, and the users who had access re-recorded onto their cellphones (shooting the screen, and likely doing some zoom/pan), so they could sell the footage to the media. They were arrested for leaking these videos.
In other words, the ‘cellphone footage’ wasn’t, and it wasn’t live, it was already a recording.
But would it have seen the light of day, without their leaking, huh, buttercup?
Never give them the benefit of the doubt – oh, it would have come out eventually, just like all that 911 footage the fibbies confiscated from every convenience mart gas station around the pentacrap ASAP. Timeliness delayed is justice denied and keeping everyone in the dark about a scripted story not being picked apart with inconvenient facts the same day.
Both this site and AC personally are under attack, but I’ve noticed the site is taking some damage.
This is the first time in several days I haven’t gotten the WordPress screen when coming here in the morning. I’ve noticed for me that comments don’t appear or tend to get dumped all at once late, sometimes after the next day links appear. This makes it difficult to comment or follow the comments. I wonder if comments will have to be turned off for awhile.
I just read through the comments from yesterday, before reading today’s links. I want to highlight the comment from “Bump in the Night”, posted at the end of the thread. There is lots of information about how dissidents have isolated, and I’ve experienced the same things.
I’ve personally noticed less gangstalking or street surveilance activity around me, but last night I had trouble sleeping, and so did everyone else in my family. So I wonder if the beam is going on where I live.
This comment from yesterday is also worth reprinting, an Anonymous response to lindseywheeler:
“I’m of the opinion you don’t really know what Fascism IS, hoss. 90+ years of Hollywood/MSM lies have confused people – almost certainly by design – as to what fascism is. What folks *think* it is, is one guy telling everyone what to do, with his government backing him up. (or Hitler’s bullshit word salad you linked to there above.) Nope. Fascism is this, and only this: when your government and your corporations are equal partners in the business of managing (and shearing) us ignorant blind sheep. Italy & Germany had their governments in bed with their big corporations – Krupp, Fiat et al are who put Mussolini & Hitler in power, no? – and china has its state-owned enterprises.
“And here in Murrica, as pretty much everyone has come to understand these last 20 years … we have a government run by the banks and Big Pharma. and the MIC, but what is the MIC? A: the military-*industrial*-complex. You want fascism in America, Wheeler? No problem. We’ve had it since 1933.”
This can’t be emphasized a lot. A lot of people’s view of fascism comes from World War 2 propeganda put out by the American government, particularly “The Great Dictator”. Particularly the part about people following a charismatic leader. And of course a lot of people on the right like that.
As the commentator described, the 1920s and 1930s fascist regimes were fusions of government and corporate power, with a tendency to be obsessed with race, and eerily like the fusion of corporate and government power we have seen in western countries in the past decades. The entire USAID stuff were exactly how 1920s and 1930s fascist governments operated. This is important for situational awareness, to understand what we are up against.
They are definitly knocking down the database at much more regular intervals. Our traffic now is about a third of what this site once handled fine, it si going down when there is almost nobody on, late at night, and as often as you are seeing the install screen, I am resetting the database to give us another run of displaying the site before it goes down again. If I were not resetting it you would see it twice as much.
The beaming is just wild. I cannot imagine how it works, but absent shielding, this would be impossible in the house and I would have to pick up each night and do it mobile. I shudder to think what my brain will look like long term. That should definitely be a death penalty offense. It will affect my performance here, but fortunately much of the content which is quality are the commenters.
This is the game. I had no idea they were this psycho about people just talking, but here we are. You see why the fact we are in a reality with a non-zero chance of getting to kill them all keeps me going.
My town watertower nearby just bristles with antennas like a forest on top of it. I drag ass tired half the day and everyone is lazy and lethargic in behaviors, so I think they blanket beam the general populace as a sedative and direct beam the more threatening or critical thinkers like you directly one on one. I feed birds daily and they would gobble it up and play around like my yard is a playground rest area. They have been gone or absent for near a week and barely touch the seed, here in dead of winter. Frigging weird happenings.
So sorry. Hopefully when we get rid of all of this, our world every day will be so beautiful, because we will know how bad it was.
AC, I know you are reluctant to invest more time in tech rabbit holes, but could you please post a few RF measurements from your room where the targeting takes place, when all local RF sources (phones, BT, WiFi, router) are turned off? Record the peak value shown by the GQ meter in the “RF Browser” menu, in the screen footer, as watts per sq cm.
Hopefully the baseline shows near zero. If not, you can use the meter to locate any device you forgot, and turn it off. This is just to find the baseline, nothing to do with any active attack. If the baseline is not near zero, then it can be used to track your position in the room, for any purpose. If it’s above zero, there may be unexpected RF sources that can be found and blocked.
I have pegged the meter out in rf browser. I believe it was like 33 watts per meter2. It was an exact measurement like 33,788 mW/M2, and when I searched it, others had the same thing. I called the company and spoke with an engineer and he said the older sensor on the last model pegged at twice that and he was getting calls back then from people who were pegging it out.
Are you saying the RF meter is constantly showing the maximum value, for any location in your room, at any time of the day?
If so, the meter is broken, damaged or sabotaged. Even if RF in your room was that high (near impossible), it should be varying from second to second.
If the meter is working and still has a max reading, you can place it on a sheet of kitchen foil, then move another piece (24″ x 12″) of foil above the meter, or around the sides of the meter, which should give you constantly changing values.
You can also take measurements outdoors, which should be relatively low and variable. If the GQ meter is not working reliably, you will need a different meter.
NO, what happens is, when you start to feel electricity, that little running scroll on the bottom acellerates to lots of black bars blowing by fast in clumps, and the peak value begins to climb, as the measured value pops around, jumping from the low which is like .00 something, up to values around ten, and then in the hundreds, and then a thousand, and then six thousand, and back around 50, and then that running scroll of black bars will go almost solid black, and the meter will register 33,784, or whatever it is, and it may do it ten or twelve times, before dying back.
I have gone through all the spectrums, when I an certain it is doing that, but none show any really high peaks, so I am thinking it may be pulsed.
That’s helpful. What are some sample values of that low meter reading? Are the units in milliwatts (mw), nanowatts (nw) or picowatts (pw) per square cm?
When you had constructed a faraday cage, did the meter get maxed out in the same way? Was the faraday cage grounded? If so, what size/gauge of ground cable did you use? Was it solid copper or stranded? Was it connected to physical ground, e.g. a pole in the earth outside your window, or the ground pin of an electrical outlet?
My baseline readings in the kitchen, which has the least pollution would be 0.008mW/M2 to just under 0.30mW/m2. The scrolling bars will be empty, with just a spike here scrolling bay, and maybe another 3 seconds later. on average. And that is with my computer in the room.
When I would start to feel weird sensations, like electricity, I would look over, and there would be like an average of six to ten bars scrolling by in groups, usually irregular groups, so it was not like I would see a pattern. The reading would begin to go all over the place, beginning from the baseline in the kitchen, jumping up to 6mw/m2, then back down to 2, then 4, then 2, then 1, then back to .0030, then up to eight, then down to four, and so on, with the high one gradually increasing, and the high meter reading getting reset to a higher number. Over ten minutes, it will still be like only 20mw/m2, but there will be short bursts where it hits 600, then back to jumping up and down from 6-35, then 1200, then back to 6-35, and all the while the scroll bar goes nuts during the jump. Maybe it does 6,000, then bac jumping around from 6-36, then the scroll bar will go nuts, and suddenly it is 33,548mw/m2, or whatever the exact peg was (I abandoned this a while back and have not done it for months, just because I assumed it would be unproductive, as every target has the GQ, and it seems difficult to catch whatever this is on a traditional spectrum analyzer, I assume by design.) I searched the peg amount back then, and saw others had put up the same readings, and though maybe it would reveal something, but I called the GQ manufacturer and talked with an engineer, and he said they saw that all the time, and it was just the sensor was saturated. He said the old sensor pegged out at over twice that though, and they had people calling back then saying their neighbor was zapping them and their’s was pegged at like 70 watts/m2, so he would assume whatever the spike was, was probably over 70w/m2, since the devices were probably not getting weaker.
Right now I am at 0.092mw.m2, with jumps up to .3, and only one thin, high bar scrolling by like every 2 seconds. Max signal on the TinySA is a -60dBm at 41.2mHz. But I am not getting the head pushes at the moment, and do not hear spatter on the shielding.
I did not have the meters when I did the Faraday cage, which was at the beginning of the tapping, nor was it grounded. It was basically a wooden frame with a couple of layers of sheet steel, all overlapped and nailed on, forming a bubble which, when I pulled the one side I got in through on, completely encased me with no holes to the outside.
Between how strong the effect was, and the fact Bill Binney, who I knew would know how to build a proper Faraday cage, said his had no effect, I assumed they had come up with something new, maybe spot pulsing of EM or EMF fields on the surface to move charges in small spots of the surface and affect the inside with the fields from that, so I gave up on it.
I tried sleeping by it hoping putting it between me and the neighbor would help, and was crushed by the hot electricity that night, to the point I felt like I got a weak sunburn for a day. So I assumed they had a way to use large sheets of metal against you somehow, and I disassembled it, and got the metal out of the house entirely.
Defeating them will take something new, because at this point I assume they have seen a lot of attempts to counter them, and even when I have had success, it does not last forever. They seem to regroup and figure out a way to get around what I am doing. It is am arms race, and they have been doing it longer than us, and may even have some kind of scalar physics knowledge we do not.
Have you heard the recording of the tapping? It is here:
If the GQ meter is consistently overloaded, then we can find another meter with a higher limit, or construct a custom RF sensor circuit with a higher limit. That too-big-to-measure value is itself a valuable signal, regardless of which frequency is being used.
It is not consistently overloaded, but some spike comes in which consistently overloads the sensor for an instant and pegs that maximum-reading reading, saturating the sensor.
But I have never seen the spike on the spectrum analyzer section, in any of the slices of spectrum it offers you, so I think the spike happens so fast it is caught in rf browser mode for some reason, but the spectrum analyzer does not catch it. Maybe they are reading off different hardware, and one sensor can work that fast, and the other cannot.
I also do not see on the spectrum analyzer slices, at any range it offers, any difference in pattern of the spectrum, between times when the rf-browser shows almost no black bars scrolling by on the real time scroll, and when the thing is amping up to peg and has large black swaths of black spikes scrolling by like mad, and then goes almost all black, with just a blank bar here and there when it pegs.
I have also tried to see what those black bars are, by looking at a Tiny SA on all sorts of spectrum ranges, trying to speed the sweep with small spectrums, or catch as much as the spectrum as possible and hope it sweeps over it just is a pulse hits out of luck, or just limit it to slices under 2gHz, which is the limit on the GQ, which I assume applies to rf browser mode as well. But I never see anything. And you would think at over 33 full Watts/m2, just once that Tiny SA might show some massive spike somewhere. But nothing. Maybe it is above 20gHz which is the theoretical limit on the TinySA, but then why does the GQ meter catch something, since it is limited to 2gHz?
I almost wondered if that energy could be spread over the whole spectrum somehow, and it is all lifting like -1db or something.
Also, I do see very little spikes of the same amplitude, at regular intervals on the EMF-390’s spectrum analyzer in the lower ranges, and there was a guy who did an analysis of the tapping recording I did, and he noted very regular spikes at the same amplitude, on the recording at specific, regular frequency intervals in different recordings at different times, using different microphones, which he felt was significant and might represent some emf effect on the microphone, creating regular vibration pulses in the capacitor plates in it, at numerous specific frequencies, in a single amplitude, evenly spaced apart on the spectrum, for some reason. But the spikes seem like they are always there on the EMF-390.
I am a little unclear how to read specturm analyzers, as I would design them to all show zero amplitude everywhere, unless a signal was measured, but for some reason the base spectrum shows different amplitudes for different frequencies, as baselines, when no signal is there, so on the TinySA, for example, a -20dB signal might be huge at 240 mHz, but the hole spectrum begins at like -20dB (or something, I am not looking at it right now, but just ballparking what I remember) up at 18Ghz. To me that whole curve should start at zero from 0-20gHz and only spike where there is a signal, but smarter minds than me designed it differently for some reason. But it leaves me unclear if at 18gHz a jump from -20dB to -23dB is big, compared to a jump at 240mHz from -90dB to -70dB.
Maybe it is above 20gHz which is the theoretical limit on the TinySA, but then why does the GQ meter catch something, since it is limited to 2gHz?
Perhaps it is below the bottom of the range of one sensor and not the other rather than above the top.
If all devices were turned off and the baseline RF in your room was that high, you would be living under the equivalent of a football stadium floodlight.
If so, great! You can block that RF and make it much harder to find/pinpoint/target moving objects in your room, including humans.
But a static/max value is likely a busted meter.
i almost never see comments posted until the next day. That’s seems to be my silo version of this site/
There are two approval periods without fail, at 5PM to 8:30 if there are a ton of comments and I have a lot to do around the house, and at about 6:30-7AM. I try to get one in at about 12 midnight, but it can be iffy if I am getting beamed and between not being able tp think of it, and I am not moving fast enough to finish the aggregation, I may get to the morning and realize I never did it. I may get here at about 10:30 AM some days.
I think probing data is the right term. I think that they named it DOGE to hide what it really is — GROK. I think that every morning, Elon and his Tism League get a report that Grok has spent all night producing, going through all the email that Elon has gotten access to. The OPM server was about getting access to the email stream. Grok is reading all the emails, and in the morning, it’s producing a summary of what all of them are doing for the Tism League, and then they are asking it follow up questions, which is knows the answer to, because it’s reading all the emails.
It highlighted USAID as the core of the funding. Now, they are asking it things like, “where are they shifting their efforts now that USAID is shut down” and it told them something like “the department of education.”
Or, Elon send Grok in to audit USAID, it IDed all the agents, and they fired them all in one fell swoop.
Correct. Capture the comms, current and all of those forever archived ones either in house, in the .gov systems, or in the tech companies that handled or were the transmission mode facilitators. A.i. or grok etc is enabling a rocket fast method of searching and dissecting these comms. Even using coded language (hot dogs and pizza tonight!) or terminologies will get tripped up by this scanning. Following money is a solid path but comms are the master link in the chain. The comms captured is evidentiary for prosecutions by the legal brainiacs, or will provide a valid certification for anons to go forth and punch these punks tickets extra judiciously. (In minecraft games, of course).
Comms that can’t be used legally can also guide parallel construction.
I don’t think we want to get anywhere near court on this. No martyrs. (I was reading about this this morning.) Prosecuting gives them process. Don’t give them anything with process, including firing.
Just send them home. Put them in golden handcuffs. You have no clearance. You are still an employee, so if you GET something classified you are in violation, and THEN we fire you for national security, which you have virtually no process for. You have no duties, no email, no phone number, no tasks, no budget, and no authority. If you take another job, you are violating the moonlighting clause. If you act politically, you are violating the Hatch act.
Don’t give them a play. Put them on the bench until they quit.
It is the true hell for a pompous self-righteous bureaucrat.
Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.
We need prosecutions followed by executions.
That is brilliant. It sounds exactly right.
I should really ban you here. I am not sure I like having people this much smarter than me on my website. Of course Id’ have to get rid of ten or so others here too…
China hacked the opm servers. What are the implications? Cheap disgruntled ex- swamp critters available on the open market? The REACTION might be more harmful than some of these critters ‘ previous ACTIONS.
Wouldn’t it make more sense that Q team has been laying all of this out for 8+ years and is using Elon and his merry band to be the public face of this?
Pentagon creates lifelog.
Pentagon “kills” lifelog (aka goes Public).
Young kike actor is made the hero/public face.
Meanwhile, DOD sucks up all the data in a massive hose
They don’t need Elon’s AI to do it. The Govt is where all of those AI’s came from in the first place.
This was all explained in a Q drop in 2019. Q knew what USAID was 6 years ago. Elon is the “face” of a parallel construction effort. GROK plays no role. THINTHREAD from 2001 was capable of this analysis. the NSA has known for at keast 20 years. they were waiting on us, according to Q
There is a ridiculous amount of news, and I hate the fact that everyone has moved from writing blog essays, which I can read through quickly, to podcasts. I don’t want to quit trying to keep up, but its too much.
Z Man posted an essay this morning, that can actually be read quickly, and is as good a summary of what is happening that I have seen. It gives some idea of what the “Q” plan might have been:
For those who prefer a podcast, the Taibbi/ Kirn effort from February 3rd is the most up to date and comprehensive I have seen:
Good link, cheers. But I still think the author and comments below it are missing something…central. Here is a comment I just posted there:
About 2,000 comments into this thread so far and not a single mention of that letter of the alphabet situated between P & R. Despite the fact that DJT has retweeted *between P & R* memes a comparable number of times over the past 7 years. A fact I attribute to no-one, absolutely NO-ONE, wanting to be seen as a *between P & R tard!* VERY declasse!
And yet if between P & R was actually real, as (the obviously hallucinating) DJT has inferred many times via his retweeting, this would explain so much of what this author and thread is struggling to understand. What if between P & R is an anonymous spokesperson(s) for an anti Clownworld insurgency that has been in existence and growing in strength for a long period of time? What if this counterinsurgency had embedded its agents throughout Clownworld over the years, thereby knowing EXACTLY where all the bodies are buried, so to speak? Enabling laser focussed, pinpoint action against all the Clownworld players and funding sources when the time was deemed right?
I sometimes get the feeling that it is only the between P & R tards who really understand what is happening right now. But I would never express that publicly. Wouldn’t want to be seen as a between P & R tard, obviously.
For one thing podcasts are much easier to create nowadays.
They should create better transcription though.
From the Z site,”…When Trump first appeared on the scene as a politician, a brilliant observer compared him to a character in the Asimov novels called The Mule…”
I wonder if that was me, because I defintely commented that but can’t remeber where. The resemblance immediately came to me.
But rememebr I also said, and still think, Trump is a fake Hitler. They are only waiting til AI gets strong enough and cheap emough and then they will fall on us…maybe.This is less than five years, ten tops, we will know one way or another.
“…Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity…”
Thanks Sam! I love the sound of Yeats in the morning 🙂
I think the science fiction angle is of underappreciated importance. The Faction which is taking power is the first political faction in the history of humanity to have been influenced in their formative years by sci-fi. Really ponder this.
Furthermore there seems to be a nuance between sub-factions that prefer the simple ‘Mightism/Rightism’ of Tolkienesque fantasy (Thiel, Luckey) and those who have already mentally moved beyond the past and the now into the accelerating/accelerated technospacetime (Musk, Russia, China)
“The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed.”
We have gone from ‘the end of history’ to ‘the beginning of the future’. Absolute morality has been replaced by absolute capability as the pole star.
Elon is named after a Werner Von Braun character, Grok is named after a Heinlein idea, the SpaceX barges are named after Minds in Ian M. Bank’s Culture series.
These people are completely done with the status quo ante, but critically, they are inspired by a powerful combination of the visionary and engineering mentalities to build a ‘better’ world.
> AG ruled it a suicide, when he was friends with her fiance’s cousin, and the fiance had called the cousin right before calling the cops and saying he found the body.
Of course! Nothing to be suspicious about. Anyone would do that. “Nothing to see here. Move along.”
Since I’m posting links, the fixing of spectator sports is important as a window about how everything is fixed.
And the Superbowl is coming up, and the question is whether the NFL continues to fix games for the Chiefs, making them the first team to win three of these in a row, or they hand it to the Eagles, which would be better for the league, as even normies are waking up, but may not fit the Narrative.
Brian Tuohy posted an hour long interview to his site which is worth watching:
“I’m not shocked the Commanders lost, but it wouldn’t have surprised me had they won, either. Saquon Barkley has been a story since Week 1, and while RBs don’t drive the NFL’s ratings like QBs do, he put together a near-historic season in 2024. Add a few Philly controveries on top of that, and it makes for an interesting will they/won’t they implode story. And thought Hurts hasn’t gone nuclear like Mahomes, he’s only 24 and has a lot of tread left on those tires to exploit.”
“The league makes $12+ billion a season in revenue. Why can’t it update how some of these on-the-field calls are made? I’ll tell you why: Because then they could not control the outcomes. It’s pretty simple. If the NFL really wanted to “get it right,” they’d actually try to do just that. But they don’t. So, what does that tell you? It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
“I mean, not that I can show any sympathy for Patrick Mahomes, but he’s not the one making the calls. Maybe he’s really clueless as to the special treatment he and the Chiefs are receiving. And what’s he supposed to say? “Yeah, the refs keep giving us an edge every week. What am I going to do about it? Ask them to stop throwing flags?” I would hope Mahomes is not that oblivious, but again, what’s he supposed to do about it? He’s programmed to win games. That’s what he does. The refs – in his mind, one would assume – are just a small part of that, and out of his control.
“This is how an NFL player could play an entire career in the league and not see this for what it is. It may just never factor into his mindset.
“So, now there’s talk of boycotts and other fan knee-jerk reactions to this outcome. The NFL won’t hear about it or feel its impact, so, ultimately, the league won’t care if a few extra people don’t watch. The Super Bowl will be playing in every bar, restaurant, casino, etc. whether you like it or not. And if the Chiefs win, and Kelce proposes to Swift afterwards, whether good or bad, people will be talking about it. And that’s what matters to the NFL and its broadcast partners.
“But look at it this way, the Super Bowl will be the last NFL game for about six months. So, there’s that to look forward to.”
good point.
What is the origin of “super bowl”? What bowl?
Correct, on every point. I worked around the Vegas sportsbooks for decades, seen it all as described play out. Any one who wagers their money on this fascade is a fool. Perhaps the A.I. systems can be tuned into being an overwatch monitor of the games, seeing the same things we see via video, and cross match with actual rules of the sport. Take the obvious corruptible human elements out of refereeing, and give unbiased calls or at least reviews. The referees can just place the ball back on the field and manage the timers, that’s all. Maybe we can start our ten days of darkness during this and shut everything down. Play cards or boards games with friends or family instead.
I agree with you. One of the best ways to reach the normies is showing them their beloved Sportsball is completely fucking rigged.
…..Mahomes is not that oblivious….
Pretty sure it was him running around on the field trying to draw a roughing the passer penalty. He is in on the gig.
They are all in on it.
Lamar Jackson literally laid the ball on the ground.
Two more.
A minor MSM story, from New York magazine, about how blue dissidents are in the MAGA camp, and its important enough now to draw MSM articles:
They were in the blue camp because their main deal was opposition to the Military Industrial Complex, which between Reagan and GW Bush was more of a Republican thing. But the MIC has now taking over the Democrats more completely than they ever had control over the GOP.
And here is a good example, the COVID operation. Some put a substack together of almost all the relevant links, all in one place:
Its 39 pages. I didn’t read it. I think this is good as a reference, so I did a control-P, then save to PDF to save it as a PDF on my desktop, and I recommend lurkers do th same.
> Czech Republic: Women who are covid vaccinated are 66% less likely to give birth.
Similar statistics have been announced several times for the last few years – in other countries – but the mass media squelches the stories.
Remember, the Death Vaxx is “safe and effective”, comrade. Get another booster today!
“CBS anchor Margaret Brennan attempted to justify the government’s spending on controversial foreign aid like transgender operations in Colombia and atheism overseas on Sunday, saying it’s a ‘small amount’ in comparison to the entire budget.”
If the behavior of the media and the bureaucrats is not irrefutable evidence that they’re on the same team, I don’t know what is. Brennan and her ilk are defending the defrauding of the American taxpayer.
“Who cares about “small amounts” in regard to taxpayer spending,” is their mantra. “There’s plenty of money to spend on anything.” The Bible says, if one can’t be trusted in small things, how can one be trusted in larger things? Applying the “small amount” argument to all of government spending indicates THEY DON”T CARE.
The US federal government budget is seven trillion dollars. It is an unfathomable amount. What if the “small amount” was only one percent? One percent of one trillion dollars amounts to ten billion dollars. How big is $10B?
Let’s complete a financial exercise. If a person had been given that sum of money on the day of Christ’s birth and invested it with a 5% APR, what amount could be spent everyday from that day through today to wipe it out? The fortunate person would have been able to spend 1.4 million dollars A DAY over 2025 years. Now, convert that spending pattern to seven trillion dollars. It’s pornographic.
By “okaying” the “small amount” the greater amounts become “okayable” as well. Fraud perpetuates fraud. Trump is having done what should’ve been done ages ago. He and his team are making most recent administrations look like incompetent fools. LIVs are noticing this.
And there are hundreds or thousands of “small amounts” that add up to a very large pie slice of the big amount, maybe even the majority of it.
If Rubio 1.0 software does not respond to keyboard commands, order free copy of Rubio 2.0.
This FAQ also applicable to Fetterman 1.0 users.
Yeah, it was peculiar Trump picked him up for a cabinet position since they competed in the previous primary run up and they did dust it up a bit. He is from Florida as well, so Trump may have vetted him out , and/or turned him into a useful foot soldier in some manner and reprogrammed him with Maga software.
To be honest, I would guess the fastest easiest way to dismantle the surveillance would be to cut the funding and money laundering used to route payments to the ground crews. It was inevitable these guys are/were getting paid through elaborate schemes shuffling money from the govt through 7 different orgs and finally to the ground crew with the fake reason they are getting paid something like “Grant to get fat latinos to walk in parks more.” Which was a real thing:
So out go the crew with their phones out walking around recording everything. But anyway, they will stop the surveillance if they aren’t getting paid almost immediately. Plenty of time to come back later and arrest them for their crimes, but getting them to stop asap is a priority.
Trump and DOGE plan to slash 70% of bureaucrats in top federal agency in latest shock move.
“Office of Personnel Management, OPM. You can see the planning by how fast they are going, and how little gets in their way. Were this not planned, and pre-accomplished, Trump would have told Musk to go into USAID and audit it, Musk would have tried, they would have said no and called security, security would show up with guns and say no, Musk would call Trump, and Cabal would have foreseen everyone Trump would call and make sure they were all agents, so none would help. And as with Reagan trying to bomb Iran, Trump would have given the order and nothing would have happened. That it is happening means it will likely happen a lot now, because all they are doing is parallel constructing what intel already knew and showed them.”
Most important link and commentary of the day, and the last two days have been great.
These operations were clearly planned well in advance, and I’m encouraged. As Walter Kirn noted in the podcast I linked to in an earlier comment, they seem to have found the “chamber of buttons” (camera dei pulsanti) where the orders for these operations are set out.
Here is more on the OPM in particular, probably too much to read, from Jim’s Blog:
One thing that bothers me is that they have to go after the private equity money too, which may be more important than the siphoning from the US Treasury, and I don’t see any sign of that yet.
The other problem is why the Cabal let the counter-operation to get as far as it did. They had their midwits running their North American operations do various things to prevent the election result, that failed, but we haven’t seen anything out of Switzerland, or their operation in China that they used so effectively in 2020. The international leadership seems to be holding back and not assisting the North American branch.
Jerome Corsi wrote one theory which is worth considering:
Slapping down North American operators like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jill Biden, and Doug Emhoff who get ideas above their place in the hierarchy may be part of what has been going on, in 2016 as well as 2024.
I still hold to my theory that there is a big operation coming, which needs a critical piece of tech to be ready to launch, likely tied to the beam.
I don’t believe they are standing down to punish Clinton etc., it’s too risky and Trump is destroying the American branch too much.
Something else is going on to restrain them.
Corsi is a snake..
There is just cause to believe New Jersey governor Phil Murphy is harbouring fugitives.
A warrant for a raid, a-la Mar-a-Largo, should be authorized and executed. If it turns out to be otherwise (fugitives are already gone), Murphy should be arrested for wasting ICE time
You folks ought to have a look at Jim Stones recent site. If what he says is true and is specualting, things are really really hot. He speculates that the helicoptor crash was remote controled, I believe this, and that it might have been to kill Trump but it could have killed one of Trumps doubles.
He says the Treasury has been closed down and that they discovered 1.36 trillion per year going to agencies and organizations that do not exist. My God the cash they have been stealing. People need to be shot.
Like AC says, if Trump does not completely crush these people, I have no doubt they will kill him. At some point he needs to take over the FED and all their assets and claw back all the ones they made sweetheart deals with others to take over the economy. If he doesn’t deal with the Fed then due to their cash fountain we will soon be right back where we started.
I posted this a few days ago:
Look what I just stumbled upon:
Lockheed Martin demonstrated this remote Blackhawk technology…IN WASHINGTON DC…Mere months ago.
2 weeks before the 2024 election.
Trump and DOGE plan to slash 70% of bureaucrats in top federal agency in latest shock move.
I think Trump is telling a fib when he says he wasn’t going to run again but he decided to because of how the left has screwed everything up. He was always going to run. I think he and his team spent the last four years planning on how to tear down the fraud structure of the government.
“First, we’re going to take down x. Then we’ll move on to y. We’re going to open the Overton window so far the bureaucrats and grifters won’t know what hit them. They’ll push back on such and so for particularly important things to them. That will tell us what they want to protect the most. Then we’ll hit them from z direction where they’re even weaker. We’re going to break them.”
The bureaucrats and grifters operate with a view out of the standard Overton window. The public is operating in concert with Trump’s view out of the Overton Window. The former are overwhelmed with fear, grief and trepidation because their gravy train is gone. The latter are overwhelmed with cheer, elation and confidence because the gravy train of the bureaucrats and grifters is gone. It’s been a long time coming.
Trump and his team are executing a great plan. Even so, I hope they increase the tempo and determination of it.
“First, we’re going to take down x. Then we’ll move on to y.”
Pun intended? If not, tweet “no about x”.
> Mexico folds: Sending troops to secure border to avoid Trump tariffs.
So did Canada, under nearly identical terms.
No word on changes to the 10% China tariff yet.
NAGR in the Whitehouse
AC wrote “I cannot tell you how many fresh-off-the-boat migrants I had involved in my follows. And this was fine with the native surveillance, because it was their gang against us, and the migrants were their gang.”
Same here.
A couple of years ago, after I just moved from Western US to Eastern US, I would go to morning Mass at the Catholic church closest to my apartment. Walk in about 1 minute (or less) before the start of Mass at 8 AM. (After I had studied your website, AC, and learned about the illegal surveillance. Didn’t want to give them any lead time.)
There would be 20 to 30 White people already seated in the middle sections. Maybe a couple of brown people in the same middle area of the pews. I would choose a pew way off to one side, where NO ONE was within 30 feet of me.
Within 3 or 4 minutes, 7 or 8 people would stream into church, obviously either from Central or South America. They would all come over to me. Sit next to me, behind me, or in front of me. It was the boys/young men beside me or behind me. Women and girls directly in front of me.
Catholic Mass involves a lot of standing and kneeling. Those sitting exactly in front of me would not kneel. This is VERY out of place. Young, healthy Catholics kneel at the appropriate times. If you don’t kneel, you are inconveniencing the person behind you. If you are healthy and don’t kneel, it is practically rude. So this was purposeful Cabal harrassment. It was obviously ALL Cabal “migrants”.
This is just a drop in the bucket of the lifetime of harrassment, persecution and stalking I have received from Cabal. I have zero pity or sympathy for any of these servants of Satan.
USAID to put nearly all staff on leave Friday; overseas missions shuttering
We had the same shit in the UK when i was a child.
On the narrative: AC, you keep talking about the script. It (almost) absolutely has to be true.
The Harris campaign in 2020 was getting absolutely dismal vote percentages. Almost no one liked her or voted for her. It was almost over.
But then she gets on the ticket and supposedly Biden/Harris win all the “swing” states? And at the top of the ticket they put in Biden, who never in his life even got double-digit percentages, even in Dem-only primaries. He was a loser from the 1980s, but suddenly 2 losers get a massive win against a sitting Prez?
Then in 2024 Harris gets over 200 electoral votes? It should have looked like 1984, when Reagan got about 500 electoral votes.
While in office, the Biden/Harris admin ran amock criminally, for 4 years, blatantly ignoring or even outright subverting the rule of law (southern border, for example). Plus, there was essentially no one leading an opposition, at all, even in the RINO party. Er, I mean, the GOP.
But now, in 2 short weeks after regime change, there is a total and complete reversal? Trump is winning everything. EVERYTHING. All his nominees. All his anti-bureaucracy actions. All his foreign policy. Winning everything, with mere token opposition.
This looks like a script written by someone who writes screenplays for the ridiculously impossible stunts in James Bond movies. I would not be surprised, at all, if Cabal literally, in real life, took their asset off of James Bond screenwriting, and put him in charge of US politics. I AM NOT JOKING.
Q’s movie is trash, but at least we are in the part where we finally start to win.
It’s not cabal’s 007 writer’s it’s McMahon’s WWE writers, which explains why it’s so childish and extreme.
Have you seen the end of Thunderball? Childish and extreme.
I know, but the style is more like WWE.
And Trump is close with McMahon.
I must have missed the part of Make America Great Again where American taxpayers and American servicemen get stuck bailing out Israel. AGAIN.
Fucking small hats can pay their OWN DAMN BILLS and fight their OWN DAMN WARS. Is that really too much to ask? I don’t want them in camps or whatever, I don’t care what they do in Gaza because it’s NOT AMERICA, I just want them to pay their own way and fight their own battles. America always gets stuck paying the check and I am damn sick of it.
I have yet to see any evidence that America gets anything out of this other than more debt and possibly dead servicemen. Trump also still hasn’t ruled out bringing the Palestinian’s here, so that we can get suicide bombed at our expense while cleaning up Israel’s mess.
“saved til last”…?
The CIA just offered its entire workforce a buyout to quit their jobs and receive 8 months of pay.