Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Jeffrey Epstein’s secret bank account is still moving millions and no one knows why. Probably always a Mossad-Cabal bank account, and they are just continuing operations. Sloppy tradecraft, though.
Tucker Carlson spotted in Moscow. Some wonder if he is going to interview Putin.
The White House has declined CBS News‘ request for a sit down interview with President Joe Biden tied to the Super Bowl, the network confirmed. He must be pretty bad, and that tells you something. Why wouldn’t Cabal pick somebody who was quasi-passable? Why choose the worst possible candidate? Something strange there.
$340 million in Covid relief payments went to illegal aliens in one state alone. Again, that is Cabal giving a salary to its assets, using your tax dollars. Those migrants are here for something big.
California bill would give unemployment benefits to illegal immigrants. ie offer a salary to the conspiracy’s recently arrived assets.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg says he released a group of young migrants accused of assaulting two New York City police officers last weekend because he lacked evidence against them. Like a video of them assaulting the officers?
Progressives are trying to pester liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 69, into RETIRING over fears she could die on the job like Ruth Bader-Ginsburg while conservative president is in office. LOL “Look at you! You have one foot in the grave and the other is on a banana peel! If you live another two months, we will be blown away! Go away, let us put someone younger and healthier in there!” I love the considerateness. But again, I would have to think Cabal intel controls this, so it will be whatever Cabal decides.
Former President Trump’s supporters are going after Taylor Swift amid chatter about whether the superstar could wade into the 2024 election with a coveted endorsement for President Biden. Nobody cares. It is just a ploy to convince her followers that conservatives hate them, and thus make them hate conservatives. They are probably looking at how K that generation is going to be, and this is a desperate ploy to at least turn some of the women leftist.
44% of all single family home purchases in 2023 were by private equity firms.
The US has a $6 trillion problem over the next twelve months. Basically it will have to pay off $6 trillion in bonds, and while it will just borrow the $6 trillion to pay off the old $6 trillion in debt the new $6 trillion will come at higher interest rates, which will jack up yearly interest costs for the national debt signifcantly, and that will continue to repeat. for the next few years.
House GOP propose $17.6 billion for Israel, with no offsetting cuts to IRS.
Rape in England and Wales has risen by 340% in just 10 years.
Russia says it has evidence US Patriot missiles downed its military transport plane.
Big win for gun owners as South Carolina Senate approves Constitutional Carry.
Spread r/K Theory, because where there is a will, there is a way
Why are all these rappers suddenly pro Trump? 50 cent, Snoop Dogg, and less recently Ice Cube and Kanye West. That doesn’t seem normal but I can’t really figure out the angle. Moving Blacks further to the right? Setting them against Democrats and migrants?
At this point, it’s just the primitive, God-given gift of common sense. Anyone with an IQ north of room temperature can see that we were much better off under Trump than we are Abidin’.
Those guys have made their money and have nothing to lose by speaking out.
They see the graffiti on the wall…?
Worthy of Wodehouse!
I think it’s a combination of:
It’s all so tiresome.
Perhaps they are waking up to reality; or, they have new orders to create another divide within hte society.
Rappers have always loved Trump. They built businesses before they sold their small business to big business. They would name check Trump in their lyrics. Trump makes flashy, gold covered buildings on the East Coast. He’s an East Coast rapper’s aspiration.
These guys might have come from nothing but they did not stay nothing. They developed sophisticated tastes in consumer goods. They are on production teams, not consumer teams. Like, every rapper made perfumes, for a while. They were not trying to cater to suburban white boys. They were trying to make good things to impress other rappers. They had also been on world tours, including in Europe and the Meditteranean. We have photos of them on yachts around rich people. They developed a palate of high end scent references. A white guy is going to build something out from, like, his father or grandfather. It’s going to smell one way. The rappers don’t, in general, have dads around. So their scents are built out of teen boy sports locker rooms and then rich Europeans. They worked with scent companies to create some really innovative fragrances. These were marketed to urban and suburban youth.
Benny Medina, Will Smith and Jennifer Lopez’s original manager, pushed all his stars to make fragrances. They all tend to be really nice fragrances. That is, by the way, a worldwide, billion dollar industry with huge margins. If you were keeping track of how the establishment makes so much money, this would be one way.
Jennifer Lopez “Still” frag is a really nice, under $30 bottle, if you like.
Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, has a whole suite of nice fragrances. They stay close in, so they are suitable for office wear. He has interesting interviews about why he chooses the names for his fragrances. He wants the guy saying “I am King!” when he’s looking in the mirror, getting ready for the day. He wants to build up young men’s confidence.
Guy on twitter describing how, when he was 16, he would have massive fever spikes whenever he slept. It was cooking organs and causing internal scar tissue, doctors mystified. Then it just went away.
I replied, tagging your @rK_Politics twitter acct and linking the new DEW page, will he even get to see it though?
Including screenshot in case OP vanishes
Wow. Just a fucking kid. I’ll bet he was a genius at something. That is exactly what that was. And as he went to doctors, the risks of somebody exposing it grew, so they backed off. The more you learn, the more this thing looks like just full-blown psychos. I mean Dr Mengeles, sprinkled all throughout society, and given Epstein’s “With Intelligence” jurisdictional authority to do what they want and keep Law Enforcement at bay.
I mean that chubby grandmother following you through the grocery store will look so normal. She will smile t the right times, and say the right things, but you could tell her this, and she would shrug, like a total psychopath. So long as she gets her perks.
That must be what they are looking for in the schools, so they can recruit them as adults. If they breed with each other preferentially, it could even concentrate and enhance the trait. If it has been four or five generations, they could even have begun to diverge in that direction considerably, almost like a different species which only shares the external phenotype, but is really a totally different animal inside.
I would not be surprised if war broke out, and the surveillance was removed from society entirely, you would be getting rid of 95% of more of the psychopaths in our population. Because I think this thing was grabbing them all up.
I am just blown away. That had to be what was fucking up my brain when I was 18.
Yep, you are describing psychos to a T. Unfortunately, some of them are sometimes attractive in general, and hordes of women will follow ‘the bad boy’ and guys will get with crazy girls (Guys, never stick your anything in crazy just don’t do it). That’s how psycho genes spread. Did you want to know why single moms first born sons and daughters are such a pain in the A, while their kids with a stepdad are better behaved? Psycho genes.
There are about 12 different genes that encode for psychopathic traits, and believe it or not, most people have 3 or 4 of them. Some people (the rare Saint) may have none, but criminals usually have more than average. There are certain ethnic and racial groups that have more than average as well. When people with more of these genes start ‘breeding’ with each other people emerge who have 7, 8, or 9 of them and these people are fully psychopathic. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer probably each had at least 10 or 11 of these genes. There are an increasing number of people these days who have all of the defective genes, and more (that are presently unknown to science), and they may have very high IQs and a lot of money, so be advised.
Note, this is also a perfect mechanism to explain the periodic collapse of societies. Civilization can frequently become a psychopath breeders. When the psycho genes die back enough, the society starts regrowing again.
The New Culture Forum, a British organization, expresses what most American patriots, even Christians feel about our perverse, lawless, and wicked elites:
Fight For An Elite That Despises You?
Kim Dotcom is thinking small. With a combination of carrots and sticks the invaders could be made to run back home.
“New Program for REAL Americans!: report any wetback you know of who’s still in the country after the ‘get out’ date, and we’ll send in troops to kick em out and lawyers to seize all their shit! Businesses, property, cars, bank accounts, loose cash laying around, all of it! Just as if they were those hateful christian racists! And as your reward for de-illegalizing the USA, you, Mr. Dime-Dropper, YOU get 40%!”
Just the sticks will cause it.
r selected people can’t stand sticks.
They walked here, they can walk home.
They’re here on orders and are being compensated for that effort. Do not assume they are rational actors responding to “real” systems of incentives and outcomes.
“…The White House has declined CBS News‘ request for a sit down interview with President Joe Biden tied to the Super Bowl, the network confirmed. He must be pretty bad, and that tells you something. Why wouldn’t Cabal pick somebody who was quasi-passable? Why choose the worst possible candidate? Something strange there….”
Not saying this is so, but it fits. Last time Jews got stopped, it was Hitler. So this time they get fake Hitler, Trump. Steal election to produce turmoil and ramp up hatred. Trump elected. The left succeeds. Fake Hitler, being authoritarian, allows him to start civil war with law enforcement and military following him. Murder lots of White people, put in dictatorship due to war. Jews rejoice. Lots of dead White people from war and vax deaths and as the fighting reaches the top, illegal aliens activated to finish us off.
Things to watch. Lots of military equipment and ammo moved from Red States to Blue states. How does the quantity of ammo stored in Red States in the past equate to present storage?
There is no reason to think Trump is fake Hitler.
And real Hitler did a pretty good job of getting a lot of White Christians (particularly Germans) killed while setting up anything good he did to be blackwashed thoroughly in the post war era.
Wrong. Real Hitler did all he could to avoid the war, but Polish were murdering dozens of thousands of German nationals along the Danzig corridor, so he needed to stop that.
USSR was set to invade Europe and roll across the continent on armored vehicles equipped with rubber tires, made for paved roads. Russia then had no paved roads.
German high-command was riddled with traitors who sabotaged the effort. FDR’s government was also filled with traitors.
CRUCIAL: Germany expected to encounter 250-350 Soviet Divisions.
Stalin actually had around 800 Divisions, armed with tanks and trucks paid for by American taxpayers.
I’m not saying I know Trump is a fake Hitler, but he does fit the pattern. I have damned him from early on for some of the hair brained decisions he made, but if he were fake Hitler, they would make perfect sense. He’s done a lot of things like that. A big one is the constant “Q” references he made with arm movements and pictures Q posted that appeared he had high level access. I don’t remember Trump ever categorically separating himself from Q and that’s a tell right there.
“Q” was nothing but a distraction. I say totally fake and whose only use was to get people to sit on their hands while “Q” and his buddies handled everything. (Note that I have said numerous times Trump must be voted for because if he is a fake Hitler…well it’s not any worse than any of the other alternatives, and WE WILL KNOW 100% if elected what he is. On the other hand, if not fake Hitler, he could, if not killed, wind these people up really good.)
“…real Hitler did a pretty good job of getting a lot of White Christians (particularly Germans) killed…”
I don’t think I ever wrote it down, but I did calculations on the deaths of Jew run USSR and compared it to ALL deaths under Hitler, and Hitler comes out smelling like a rose. Especially since a large proportion, almost all, Hitler deaths were from wars with other controlled countries. He saved a lot of lives by fighting them off as long as he could. I think this had an effect on the Jews, who were more careful not to push Germany too far for many years afterward. They of course are all in now, but I think it saved a lot of Germans.
You are completely wrong about Q.
If Q is an enemy operation it is a completely different kind.
“You are completely wrong about Q…”
People say these sorts of things, but what exactly is the reasoning behind this statement? Q said that all was under control. People were behind the scenes doing all this stuff, yet, Trump was defeated, we are flooded with what may very well be an alien army to kill us. If they were active, as they said, they have been completely ineffective.
“…If Q is an enemy operation it is a completely different kind…”
No, the exact same thing was done in the USSR. The EXACT same thing. Nothing new about this and Steve Pieczenik, whose job for years was overthrowing countries and political psyops, went on Alex Jones many times saying the exact same things that “Q” supposedly was doing. After the election and Trumps defeat, he stopped and kept mostly quiet. In my mind he did what he set out to do which was to psyop people into inaction, which worked. Here’s the operation in the USSR that mimics what happened with Q. My strong conviction that this was a Jew operation is that the Jews do the same thing over and over and over and over with not much change as people are much the same, so they use the same tactics to take over again and again. Read this link and see if it does not sound just like Q.
It’s the exact same thing. You can try and argue that it’s not “exactly” the same thing, but you would be using sophistry. The end result is the same, even if the operation is a little different. One of the big tells is Steve Pieczenik talked ad nauseam about how they had a handle on the vote fraud. Which we can see, they did not. The operation used Q for the broad base of patriots to assure them of behind the scenes control, control they had but not in our interest, while Pieczenik’s job was to assure the much more paranoid, actually those that knew more, that things were being handled.
The only thing people have told me that, supposedly, verifies Q as being, on our side, is that it told people that something was up and that clued them in. Well I say if by this time you don’t know something is wrong you’re too stupid and ineffectual to be of any use at all. People knew that the government was corrupted well before the Q operation. “If” Q were on our side, he had zero effect on the outcome of anything favorable for us. Once they have complete control, it becomes much more difficult to change things.
In fact speaking of ineffectual. I think I’m wasting my time. Instead of commenting on this stuff, I should be concentrating on working on a boat I bought, which is much more productive. I have very odd ideas for sailboats to make them safer, faster and more versatile. Good for deep Ocean and for shallow bodies of water also.
You points are all, of course valid. And I am by no means a fan of Q, nor do I think this is a good plan, if it were one. I have no idea why if patriots are in control, the surveillance is still out there Havana’ing people.
That said, there are things which do not fit with your model either. Why are we being given our guns? The technical lethality in the hands of the masses is incredibly dangerous. From the precision of most ARs today, to thermal scopes, night vision, IR laser/illuminators, night vision scopes, and so on. If the surveillance came to light, and everything it did came out and enraged parents kicked it off, Cabal would lose the surveillance in a day. All of them would have to go mobile and dark, and run, and Cabal would be blind to what is happening on the ground.
And there is a lot like that. “Main Stream Media” is now a joke. Everyone knows, the elections are rigged. Pedophile networks are commonly recognized as legit. Intel is known to be out of control. Congress is saying some private sector intel op has stolen alien technology. That is a lot of critical machinery for Cabal to lose. As we arm up, foreign savages are imported, and Cabal DAs and courts turn them loose on us. I really see somebody setting the stage for cork to pop at some point.
And I think there is a difference between, all these politicians were corrupted and bought off and bribed here and there individually, and there is a foreign criminal conspiracy, and all of these people in it are traitors who have so betrayed us and the nation that they are no longer Americans, and we can freely and morally wage war on them. That latter themes is why I think people are believing of the surveillance when I present it now, where as ten years ago, everyone would have thought I was crazy.
Q became the face of conspiracy theory, then Q keeps being proven correct to the public at large, consequently many more people are more open to every conspiracy theory.
I do want to add that if I had my way everyone in charge of making the Q plan would be executed for malicious negligence amounting to treason.
“…That said, there are things which do not fit with your model either…”
I disagree.
“…Why are we being given our guns? …And there is a lot like that. “Main Stream Media” is now a joke. Everyone knows, the elections are rigged. Pedophile networks are commonly recognized as legit. Intel is known to be out of control. Congress is saying some private sector intel op has stolen alien technology. That is a lot of critical machinery for Cabal to lose…”
None of these are part of the “model”. As none of them prove or disprove the validity of “Q” being on our side or on theirs.
All the things I said of Q are…that they won some, not stopping the election box stuffing, does not mean they win all. You can only say “2 weeks”, or “trust Huber”, so many times before people tend to disbelieve you.
Q got more people more active resisting.
That’s the opposite of OT.
I don’t know of anyone who became less active.
“Q got more people more active resisting.
That’s the opposite of OT…”
One thing you are not taking into account. The people who thought up are a bunch of wacko Jews. That it didn’t work exactly as planned has nothing to do with the fact they thought it would work. I base a large part of my belief that Q was a Jew/s on the fact that everything he said of an “actionable” nature, “trust Huber”, all this sort of mess. “we have everything”, blah, blah, was a total bust. Nothing. NADA.
Except last time, they didn’t get stopped. They got Israel, endless support from the U.S., a get-out-of-jail free card for any illegal or immoral activities for the last 80 years, and full access to elite society. If that’s losing, I don’t want to see them winning.
Yes, you are right they did not get stopped, but the potential was there, and it was very close. I think if Hitler had dropped that damn fool Goering, built thousands of this super cheap transport. Look at this excellent plane they put together in record time. It was a transport plane they cobbled together from a massive glider project. It had wheels all along its lower body so it could land on fields even when they had ditches across them. Think if they had a couple thousand of these earlier in the war. Supplies would not have been a problem.
The war in the USSR could have been totally changed. The problem was transport. If they had these they could have captured the oil fields AND had lots of supplies for Stalingrad AND flew supply missions all over the steppes of Russia. The Germans lost from lack of transport and slow movement in areas with no roads. I read a great deal about this. The Germans would move around to try and engage the Russians and they would just move off. The Germans lost lots of initiative this way and at the same time in Stalingrad Hitler was told that a certain amount of supplies could be flown in by Goring, but Goring KNEW he could not. He lied. There’s documentation and first hand reporting on this from David Irvings books on WWII.
Another really big mistake was they did not take Gibraltar. If they had, then they could have cut off the Med and collapsed a large amount of British advantage. The straits are tiny. They could have piled up supplies across the straits, including aircraft and attacked Gibraltar. As soon as they took it, or at the least made it of no use by constant attacks, they could have cut the British off from supplies and then, by the lack of supplies, taken the Suez Canal and all the Middle East oil fields. The Arabs would have easily gone over to their side and then their oil problems would have been solved. Later on the lack of taking the Med. would hurt them BAD.
Think if they had 5,000 or more of these ME-323’s. I think they would have run over everyone. Speed was what they needed. In the beginning they had good planes and equipment, but after a few years of war the allies also had as good or better.
Who else is looking forward to Trump’s Presidential Press Conferences?
You know, the ones where he has a captive audience of journos and he brings the receipts! He shows the American public how those journos have lied, and pans across the audience to get their reactions.
Following that up with a few Town Halls would make great entertainment.
It will be even better if he pulls a Mohammed bin Salman, the doors to the press briefing room slam shut, and he announces the kind folks from Blackwater will now escort them up to their hotel rooms, they have a few questions for them.
We need 24/7 TrumpTV.
Ding, ding, ding. Let’s make it one year instead. With just the cost for school fees for illegal aliens kids, (and this was several years ago), we could pay for it in 4 years. Cost for them MUST be way higher now.
Deport the aliens, rapeugees or public charges, how. I actually did the math on deporting 100 million people from the US and it could be done in a timely and cost-effective manner if we decided to determinedly to do so.
This link covers deportation and how that would completely bring to screaming halt the idea of having a civil war.
How to take over the whole country and run it for our benefit in a very short time. A step by step plan for a Constitutional Republic that WE control in our best interest. Total control in less than 6 years.
It is always funny to read your stuff, which is well thought out, common sense, and would clearly fix the complete collapse of the nation, and picture surveillance saying to each other, “Yeah we can never let this guy get anywhere near any place where anyone might listen to him. Put anther team on him, and double the mics in his house.”
Nobody would ever be stupid enough to let me run anything, anywhere. I have the charisma of a granite rock.
Stick with it, Hoss. The older I gets, the more I value honesty & common sense – and the more I despise charisma. I have zero interest in being entertained by the charismatics – the men, anyway; a beautiful charismatic woman is a gift of the gods – so knock off the minstrel show bullshit and just DO THE FUCKING JOB RIGHT.
This attitude makes me a tad unpopular nowdays. It confuses and vexes the young, especially.
Sam will be in charge of the Mechwarrior Army and related R&D.
Yes! Also developing countermeasures against the CIA gymnast girls. Never want to forget them.
“…countermeasures against the CIA gymnast girls…”
Armored neck braces!
Competence is charisma for the intelligent.
The thing is we didn’t bring them here, we don’t need to forcibly deport them, per se. We just need to make it so intolerable here for them that they voluntarily self-deport. Sure, we might need to forcibly deport some, but if we deny them any kind of public assistance or hiring opportunities and start hunting them down at every turn, we could probably get 2-3 of them to self-deport for everyone that we have to forcibly deport.
Give them 30 days to self deport – and after that the government pays out 10 silver eagles per illegal ear or $500 – your choice. 1/2 oz gold eagle for every person that demonstrates, accommodates, hides, speaks in favor of or aids any illegal in any way after the 30 days expires.
FUCK paying for free plane rides. Oh, and if you employ an illegal it’s an automatic flogging of 10 strokes per illegal. Second conviction, you hang
It’s a fact that only the most severe measures will work to reverse the invasion of illegals. You don’t go far enough and your plan is too expensive. Here’s a much better plan.
Illegals encountered or taken into custody will be subject to daily DECIMATION, with the winner’s heads being placed along the border wall.
AMERICANS who aid the invasion — including politicians – or who hire illegals, shall be DECIMATED, with the winners being passed through a wood-chipper and used to fertilize the grounds of a public park that will be built along the border.
DECIMATION shall be carried out as follows:
The total number of current captives will be taken, then reduced to a number equal to the Prime number just below the total, with the excess then being placed back into holding, for tomorrow’s game.
Those left in the game will then count off by ten, to decide the winners, and receive their rewards.
Survivors will be “trimmed” of one finger each, before being returned to the holding pen for tomorrow’s game.
In other words, all captured illegals will eventually receive processing, just not immediately.
HOWEVER, any captive invader who has survived one DECIMATION may be bought out for a fee of $6000, to return where he or she came from.
Beheadings of illegals will be carried out in special small stadiums at the border, with bleacher seats and refreshments being sold to the public, to help cover expenses.
Yes I’m sure all these invaders here on orders and compensated well for their troubles will just leave peacefully if you ask them politely.
The enemy combatants will fight you to the death, and so will at least some portion of the opportunistic leeches. Many many more will hide, run, clog up the system with legal challenges, etc.
No plan survives first contact with the enemy, and naive optimism is a bad plan in the first place. There will be mass bloodshed involved in retaking the nation whether we like it or not.
Here you go: an example of lefty, liberal construction. forwarded by an email list. confidently religious, but not christian. politics, making stuff, lobbying. It has a structure.
> California will soon implement an “equitable” policy to base electricity bills on income, rather than usage, even as public and political opposition to the idea builds in the Democratic coalition.
From the linked article, the Dems passed the bill, public reaction was enough to scare them, and they want to amend or repeal it, except Newsome, who is crazy for it.
You know something is bad when even the Dems who passed it are trying to distance themselves from it.
Social Security and other entitlements are not considered income for tax purposes. So this will mean free elctricity to those who receive entitlement monies.
It’s even worse than that in California! There’s a new bill that a male who dates a woman he really likes must, the next weekend, take out one that turns his stomach.
“Taylor Swift is not a psy-op” (lots of TV stations repeating this exact quote)
Sorry for the fake news, that was just a parody of “danger to our democracy.”
Rhonda, your TA account has been activated.
If you’re really going to go down the decoy route… man, I don’t want to suggest this… sure maybe a melon would look like a head or a space heater would look like body temperature…
Two other ways this could go. One, you go the cheap route, I bet you could find a secondhand… man-like silicone product that is close to your build for pretty cheap.
Or spend a lot more to get something customized nearly identical to you. Then cabal will think they have some good blackmail against a serious perversion I never would have thought existed! I imagine the high end ones have a system to make them close to body temperature.
Sorry! I had to put it out there!
Mann, a government intelligence analyst from Fenton, Missouri…..
When Paul Mann was diagnosed in June of 2022, his chest, abdomen, and pelvic region were riddled with tumors. The cancer had invaded his spine and sternum; it was in his ribs and shoulders. His PSA level, the prime indicator of prostate cancer—where the cancer began—was “off the charts,” said Ruddy, who trained at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and cared for 10,000 breast cancer patients.
That was when Mann got the call from Ruddy. A month later, he started ivermectin. But he took other things too: ground flax seed to reduce tumor-feeding testosterone; chaga mushroom powder and antioxidant-rich soursop extract; high-dose vitamin D and zinc. He stopped eating sugar.
His current PSA level is so low that Ruddy said it indicates “complete biochemical remission.” The tumors disappeared and cancer in other parts of his body appear to have stopped growing. “His clinical remission over the past year has also been remarkable—very close to a ‘complete clinical remission’ at this point in time.”
Beyond that, the scientific literature is rife with studies of common, old drugs—ivermectin, mebendazole, fenbendazole, and more—that killed cancer cells or otherwise facilitated the process.
This stuff is super interesting.
People might want to have a look at this. It’s about fenbendazole. Which is only for animals but appears to be even more powerful in activity than ivermectin. It’s a parasite drug for animals and I think it has the same sort of activity but it’s newer and more powerful.
“Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways”. Scientific Reports. 8 (1): 11926
“…Fenbendazole is known to have a high safety margin and most species tolerate it very well. It has very low degree of toxicity and high degree of safety in experimental animals. In this study, we show that fenbendazole (FZ) exhibits a moderate microtubule depolymerizing activity towards human cancer cells, but possesses a potent antitumor effect as evident from in vitro and in vivo experiments….”
Of course, you will never see this studied in depth or have the FDA approve it because there’s no money in it for the drug companies. You can get this at farm supply stores and other places.
I got an email touting a report that tinnitus can cause memory loss, never know if they are predicting or just selling snake oil, maybe both. No mention of the beam, just protein migrating to the brain, but I didn’t catch how that was supposed to make the ears ring.
Tinnitus is a symptom of Havana Syndrome, so Directed energy. Memory loss may travel with it for a reason.
This stuff will be found to be a lot more common that you would think. Because they know everything about everyone, and in ou population, I would assume there are a lot of threats to their control which would arise every day, and need to be diverted.
Asteroid the size of 8 Taylor Swifts to pass Earth Tuesday – NASA
I am on record as saying that I don’t know if Hoffman is a glowie or not, but I know for certain that even downloading this is not a safe thing to do if you are trying to avoid ATF scrutiny. To date I have avoided it because I’m trying to slowly start a small business and grow it into something that can give me a comfortable life for my upcoming old age.
Starting to think that I am going to play around with stuff like this, though.
PSR – Testing The Spiciest Safety
UK’s “Online Safety Act” Officially Grants MSM Premission To Publish Lies
“The US has a $6 trillion problem over the next twelve months”
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to declare war on the FED and kill off all the owners of the FED and whole banking cartel? Declare any and all assets they have are now ours.
Yes, and all other Jews who are guilty of felonies must be similarly stripped of assets and deported to Tierra del Fuego.