News Briefs – 02/03/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


There’s one senior Republican who’s willing and able to fight for maintaining the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development budgets: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Such a principled stand…

This is a way to make sure only your media outfits are profitable:

ie, USAID was being used to fund CIA/Cabal’s propaganda machine.

USAID security officials put on leave and faced arrest after refusing access for Elon Musk and DOGE auditors. “Anon, if you just work hard and get good grades, you can be anything. You could even get a job in USAID, where you would make sure all the money the US spends on foreign aid there is legal and appropriate.” In reality, you would apply, and get rejected. And if you objected, you would probably end up gangstalked and beamed. There were so many doors which were closed to us, because of all these secrets and crimes, it is amazing. Telephone poll utility workers – forbidden. FBI – forbidden. Local cop – forbidden. Intelligence – forbidden. Politics – forbidden. Any government job either distributing or receiving money – forbidden. Most charities – forbidden. What jobs were open to us?

Elon Musk just tweeted in response to Benz’s tweet, “Not anymore,” so these political figures will have to find new avenues of funding. However before DOGE took it away, it is possible Kristol gets $9 million of his yearly expenses handled by USAID if he can argue it is related to NGO activities. It is interesting, because notice, such a scheme could allow you to live an extravagant lifestyle, but one, it is probably quasi-legal, in that so long as nobody is given an order to take you down, you can argue it is legal, but if the winds change, they can tear you down in a second. And two, you cannot bank anything more than a reasonable salary, maybe, without really opening yourself up to being taken down hard. So while expenses can be taken care of as they come, you are kept dependent. The 15/16th of your $20 million mansion which you use exclusively for NGO activities like parties will only be paid for, and give you tax deductions, if you behave. Break the rules and the authorities come in, your NGO salary is gone, and you need to pay your full mortgage and property taxes yourself, and give up the tax deductions from it, as well as cover all your other expenses, from catering, to vehicles, to clothing and jewelry, all of which are free if you behave. Guys like Kristol and Jonah Goldberg and all the others were always puzzles, as you would have trouble making $50K per year from a conservative newsletter with no overhead, let alone a magazine with printing costs and reporters to pay. Yet they are all living life as if they are worth millions, and have yearly incomes in the seven figures.

Meanwhile, everyone in America who pays taxes, pays around 15-20% of what they make to the federal government, at least. When have you gotten something from the government, which was worthwhile, outside of the highways? Has FBI, or DOE, or HHS ever even interacted with you? Is there some place you call up and get concierge service, even just one time per year, for trinkets? Has the government ever sent you just a box of chocolates on Valentines day? When was your last contact with the federal government? That money goes up there, and I will bet almost no American sees anything from it, save for the EBT crowd, who are probably only getting paid for surveillance work targeting the rest of us.

I will concede, I am probably unusual in that I get a lot of expensive stuff from the government, all of the time. I get a massive 24/7 surveillance operation tracking me, and living in every single house bordering any house I stay at. I get two 24/7 beam teams assigned to the houses I stay at, as well as my own Blackhawk helicopter and tracking team every time I go out. And I get the standard show every American is provided, consisting of contemptible corrupt assholes in DC pilfering the treasury so they can live like millionaires and LARP as important political figures. If you get rid of the surveillance and the corrupt assholes, I will bet you can fund what little is left just off of tariffs. You can see why FBI and probably much of the other LE apparatuses had to be compromised. Nobody could get it in their head to look at any of this.

I would love to know if you could track that NGO money around, and find out it is funding operations like Ben Shapiro’s, just like it appears to be funding Kristol’s, or does any go to the production companies behind all the YouTube influencers. I mean Shapiro was talking about dumping something like $76 million on Crowder, just to get control of his audience and message. The streamer “Destiny,” who recently had pics of him giving dudes blowjobs leak out, was claiming he made something like $15 million per year, and nobody is looking up to him as a leader. You cannot get that kind of money off of just regular, honest subscribers. They are not out there. Maybe it is coming from Cabal “billionaires,” but you have to wonder if this USAID is funding it, in  roundabout fashion, given it is funding Kristol, who also cannot make that kind of money for his lifestyle off subscribers, even if he was popular or respected, which he is not.

Clearly DOGE’s subplot in the script is proving to be quite consequential. And I am struck by the fact that all of this is something the old conspiracy would not have wanted revealed. My alternate hypothesis has long been what we are seeing it the Cabal scaling back its operations. The local boobs in surveillance got stupid and began operating openly turning gangstalking into a meme and risking open civil war, the theft began to go too far, to the point it was impacting government function, everything about the conspiracy became so bad and extreme it was crushing reproductive rates (slave production numbers, by Cabal logic), the slaves which were being produced were more consumers than producers. Things just went too far, so Management decided to light a match to it, and burn it to the ground, and start over.

But all of this is a bit extreme for that. And it is educating people, and creating a historical record which will make it tough to rebuild all this again in the future. Maybe Cabal is counting on mankind being stupid and forgetful. Maybe they intend to write all of this out of the timeline, and indeed it had happened hundreds of times before, which we never knew about. But maybe this is good people striking out at evil. Time will tell.

Clearly them shattering a CIA piggybank, and implying they will do it everywhere there are such piggybanks, and move to a form of taxation which will not support such a scheme in the future, implies the machinery of Cabal will be gone, even if the leadership holes up in hibernation. Whether real or kayfabe, I am not sure it matters for us immediately, as things will get better. And most of all, I do not see the surveillance being able to afford millions of dollars in houses and property, as well as the staffing it needs, just to try and wrangle control of this little website.

Of course if the surveillance comes down, a lot more things become possible.

Musk calls USAID a ‘criminal organization’ that should ‘die.’

Agents “have started to pack up their desks” as fear of FBI mass firings swirls.

CBS Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan was taken aback by a Republican congressman stating he supports the “purging of people throughout the State Department.”

‘No immigrant should be detained,’ says left-wing nonprofit with $769 million federal immigration contract.

Taxpayer-funded nonprofit homeless shelters in New York City are filled with nepotism and conflicts of interest, and their executives take home salaries of up to $1 million, according to a report from the city’s Department of Investigation.

Anti-ICE protestors block the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles.

“Whose streets? Our streets!” chants as anti-ICE and pro-immigrant demonstrators march in downtown Dallas, Texas.

Five-Alarm-Fire appears to be some kind of code word.. You have to wonder if it is Cabal people looking at the USAID situation, and saying to each other the conspiracy is coming down for real:

Tom Homan, the Trump administration’s border czar, revealed on Sunday that border crossings are down 93%.

High-level U.S. Customs and Border Patrol sources confirmed to NewsNation that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed an order (MOU) deputizing the Texas National Guard with immigration and arrest authority.

Cartels authorized the use of weaponized drones against ICE agents.

Pentagon plans to start migrant flights to Guantanamo this weekend.

Automatic voter registration let non-citizens in South Dakota, Oregon onto voter rolls, report says.

Democrats have just elected David Hogg as the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Dad was FBI, so probably Secret Society, maybe Freemason, and who knows what they have gotten on Hogg.

Armed Forces Press asks if DOD colluded with the family of Rebecca Lobach, the DC Blackhawk pilot who crashed into a plane full of passengers, to delay the release of her name while her social media was wiped. She was big into LGBT stuff, so if her Twitter was full of it, she instantly highlights the dangers of DEI in the military.

New audio from Black Hawk helicopter says they had American Airlines jet ‘in sight.’ It would seem a pretty decent chance they were driven right into that plane remotely.

Officials said the control tower recorded the Black Hawk helicopter flying at an altitude of 200 feet at the time of the collision, in line with its maximum allowed altitude for its flight path, however, data from the passenger jet’s flight recorder showed the collision occurred at an altitude of around 325 feet, plus or minus 25 feet.

Very interesting video at the link. In it, the tan cat is hit with their EMR beam, and freezes in that position, with just its tail flicking. People walk up, walk by and it is oblivious and frozen. The black and white cat sees the commotion at the end, after a few minutes has passed, andwalks up, noses the tan cat, who remains frozen, and then turns his head, and freezes himself, just like that:

Note that is a proven arfare technology which could be rolled out on the battlefield, and allow our side to just walk up and disarm and handcuff all the enemy troops, and take them as POWs. But they will never use it there. Why? It would not kill our kind, and might become the end of warfare once both sides could use it. You should check out the video.

I do not think this is what I am seeing, though I cannot say for sure what is going on in the cat’s head. But the head is not slumped down. In my case, I am working, and fully awake. If I do not have shielding, then without warning I am suddenly dreaming. Early on, I would get a head push, and awake sitting up, with my head slumped so far to the side on a limp neck, that my neck would hurt as I straightened up. I have not been able to block it with 4×8 sheets of insulation, which I think would blunt a compressive wave, and which definitely block most rf due to the reflective thermal foil lining them.

And I have had some times where I know it is a dream while I am in it, I know I am supposed to be doing the blog in real life, and I consciously force myself “awake” to get back to it. I never have lucid dreams in regular dreams, which implies whatever they are hitting to trigger the dream state, they are hitting it incompletely.

If I have shielding on my head, which includes a dense mass of positive and negative salt ions of various types as well as iron filings, water, and polymerized sugar molecules in an almost-solid gel, it will alert me to the start of the process, by evincing a subtle gyroscope-type wobble to my head about five minutes before there will be knockout attempts. movement will only be probably a quarter inch to eight inch, but it is noticeable. Again, do not ask me how they are applying force to matter at a distance, through house walls. But Bill Binney has noted the same thing, with the two impact holes through steel shielding he installed to try and limit their beaming of him.

The wobble will increase, and can only be broken by chewing ice. If I do not break the wobble, it will progress to sudden head pushes, with decent force, and it will feel as if the force causing the push is passing through the shielding, and through the brain, which is an unpleasant aspect. The pushes will only knock you out maybe one in five times if you have shielding on.

And when I say knocked out, It is different from being knocked out. I have had a wrestler get my back on the ground, I stood up with him on it, and though I felt him back there dropping lower than me with his hands around my waist, and knew what was coming, I could not get lower than him fast enough. I was not ready for the power and speed of the suplex he delivered. Though I tucked my chin, I still ended up out for about twenty seconds. That was different, as it was just black. This is just entering a pleasurable dream state, with very vivid dreams which you do not want to wake up from, and it is consistent enough I am confident somehow they are purposely pushing specific spots inside the brain to induce both the dream state, and create pleasure/happiness/fun/joy emotions in conjunction with it and the dreams. The dreams in my case are mostly shooting dreams, I don’t think they control that, though it is very recurring. The other type of dream is sort of post-apocalyptic, where everyone is gone, and I am alone in a block neighborhood in suburban America. Both have a notable fun, pleasant, happy feel as I force myself out of them to finish work on the site. I think they are somehow triggering that pleasure, probably as a way of making the experience siren-like, where you do not want to leave the catatonia. As I think about it, I do not think I am dreaming much now in normal sleep, and I have no recollection of experiencing the pleasurable/fun/joyous emotional state which occurs with the knockout dreams. So my regular dreams are not normally like them. Also, whatever they are doing during these events dries out my eyes for some reason.

I put all that down, just because you never know where one of the small details might cause somebody here to see something which would do it, or how to stop it, or know how it was being done, or it might relate to something they are experiencing. For the record, I do not see anything on the EMF meter that is way out of whack, so if it is some kind of beam, they may be pulsing it fast enough to evade detection.

As I have said, their tech is strangely advanced. I do not know how they can shut off some spot in the brain to trigger a dream state without shutting off other things, I do not know how they trigger the pleasure, and I am not even sure brains are standardized around those things, so they may be mapping brains somehow. Even applying force at a distance is bizarre, let alone doing it to a living, moving target without destroying something.

That said humans have a long history of demons which put you to sleep. This may have been around going back to that.

Sean “Diddy” Combs has been transferred from his jail cell to a hospital for an MRI, with no clear reason given for the move. Some are saying something may have “happened” medically. MRI could be brain issues like stroke symptoms due to damage from beaming.

Kanye shows up at the Grammy’s despite not being invited, and has his wife remove her massive fur coat, and she is wearing a mesh, fully see-through miniskirt which is barely visible, leaving her looking naked. They were subsequently kicked out. She looked very stressed, and unhappy. My guess is she is a plant, he knows, and so he is just abusing her to blow off steam over them kidnapping him and doing whatever they did for the two weeks he was gone, to make him stop talking about the Jews. The amazing thing is they can tell her to go with him and do whatever he says, and she will give up living a normal loving life with a normal guy, just for the conspiracy. And for him, this is the best he can hope for as a life – simply venting frustration on some woman he holds in contempt.

Since 2018, over 75,000 Canadians died waiting for health care.

US President Donald Trump has reiterated his proposal for Canada to become the 51st state of the US, promising that such a move would lead to “no tariffs” and “much lower taxes” for Canadians.

It appears an invasion, and seizure of the Canal was Trump’s opening offer in negotiations, and he may have gotten what he wanted when a deal was struck – The President of Panama just terminated Panama’s agreement with China immediately after meeting with Secretary of State Marco Rubio.

Russian President Putin says Europe’s elites will soon stand at Donald Trump’s feet and ‘gently wag their tails.’

Donald Trump is right: Hillary Clinton’s State Department sold hypersonic tech to Russia. Patrick Bryne is a notorious bullshit artist, however he was adamant Hillary Clinton was taking bribes from foreign nations and FBI was documenting them. Was this one bribe?

Kiev given green light to spend UK loan tied to ‘stolen’ Russian assets.

Now that the war in Ukraine is all but over Zelensky gives an interview and says, “Oh, by the way, America says it gave us $177 billion for the war, but I can tell you without doubt, we only ever got $75 billion, and I have no idea where the rest could have gone.” And if we kept the spigot open, he would not have said anything.

On Twitter, the President says:

South Africa is confiscating land, and treating certain classes of people VERY BADLY. It is a bad situation that the Radical Left Media doesn’t want to so much as mention. A massive Human Rights VIOLATION, at a minimum, is happening for all to see. The United States won’t stand for it, we will act. Also, I will be cutting off all future funding to South Africa until a full investigation of this situation has been completed!

DHS to end temporary protection for approximately 350,000 Venezuelans.

Send people to, because when you hit a vein of gold, you keep digging

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1 month ago

Acting FBI Director Driscoll used to be a roadie for Ozzy Ozbourne
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Reply to  Anon
1 month ago


Last edited 1 month ago by Stephanie
Reply to  Anon
1 month ago

His left eye is open wider than his right. Did all the good guys get told to do this for opposite picture day?

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 month ago

To me his face is saying “yeah, I dont know why I got the job either”

Reply to  Anon
1 month ago

Brandon Herrerra’s party cousin.

1 month ago
Reply to  Anon
1 month ago

More about knowing your enemy’s capabilities than stealing tech. Russians seem smart and don’t need to steal the whytepeepo’s tech like China, India, etc.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

They steal too, they did it a lot in the Soviet Union.
Why wouldn’t they? if they steal our stuff they can use it to improve their stuff.

But you are correct that they don’t need to the way the Chinese and others do, they also do a much better job of implementing what they steal as well.

1 month ago

Armed Forces Press asks if DOD colluded with the family of Rebecca Lobach, to delay the release of her name
The chain of events & accountability goes all the way up chain of command and it was a political act.
The following class action will focus on the chain of command, a political decision that overrode safety, and resulted in an act of terrorism.

1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago

> “Oh, by the way, America says it gave us $177 billion for the war, but I can tell you without doubt, we only ever got $75 billion, and I have no idea where the rest could have gone.” 

His country is in desperate straits, and he waits until *now* to casually mention that more than half of the aid allocated to Ukraine never showed up?

Pull the other one, it has bells on.

1 month ago

> Also, I will be cutting off all future funding to South Africa until a full investigation of this situation has been completed!

South Africa has gold, and diamonds, and the offshore oil deposits that were discovered recently are supposedly bigger than all of the Middle East.

They’re sitting on a giant pile of wealth, and all they can create is filth, poverty, and corruption.

Cut them off, and don’t give them anything more. Ever.

Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

Arm the Boers.

1 month ago

More comms?

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

My guess symbology / comms

Keep Sch-tum. What you know must remain protected.

1 month ago

The United States built the Panama Canal in 1903. The Torrejos-Carter Treaty in 1977 gave the Canal, which we paid for the construction and operation of, to Panama in exchange for… basically nothing. “Goodwill” and so forth.

I can’t remember ever meeting anyone in favor of it, who wasn’t a politician. My Senator at the time (Dale Bumpers, D-AR) supported giving the Canal away. When asked what that might do to his chances of re-election, he replied – in public – “by then the voters will have forgotten the whole thing.” And unfortunately he was right, since he got re-elected continually up to 1999 when he retired.

Most younger people don’t even know that the Canal was ours to start with, and come up with some kind of “colonial imperialism” drivel if you mention it.

Frankly, considering how important the Canal was to US naval operations, I don’t understand why the Fed just didn’t send some troops to Panama and make it a territory. It’s way more valuable than most of the places we’ve done that to. Really, who gives a damn about Samoa or the Marianas?

We should take it back, *and* arrange to build an extra one in Nicaragua. It’ll let us make some use out of illegals until their home countries pay for their upkeep and repatriation.

Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

unfortunately he was right, since he got re-elected continually up to 1999 when he retired.

I’ll bet my left nut he was never elected even one single time, simply installed. To have such brazen contempt for his constituents means he knows his place was secure no matter what.

Reply to  Anonymous
27 days ago

Quite likely. The electoral process was a big fat target that nobody wanted to defend, and it got pwned long ago.

California, New York, etc. keep “electing” the nutcases that are continually installed in office? No, the jackboot went on the scale long ago. But again, nobody was willing to deal with the problem. That’s how we got Biden, Obama, Clinton, Carter, Newsome, Hochul, Whitmer, Pritzker, Polis, Adams, Johnson, Bass, and other governors and mayors.

1 month ago

South Africans who can leave have already done so. The rest that are desperate to leave have to attempt to dispose of assets that would fund their ex-pat lives. Fire-sales are not a tenable situation.

Reply to  Kruger
1 month ago

Know any way to purchase some orania currency? Asking for a friend. Give some USD in exchange for getting mailed a few orania bills.

Reply to  Kruger
1 month ago

They need an Operation Solomon.

A better solution is the establishment of a Boer homeland – which would benefit S.Africa, Africa and the world.

1 month ago

> As I have said, their tech is strangely advanced.

Any tech is mysterious until you know how it works.

The MASER was coherent radio waves. Theoreticians had proposed the idea in the 1950s, and similar ideas for decades before that. It looked like it might be useful for radar and a few other things. But some of the greatest minds of the day – von Neumann, Rabi, and Bohr, among others – didn’t think it was possible, and there was no known technology to implement such a thing anyway.

We eventually for MASERs, but they are almost irrelevant by comparison to their higher-frequency sibling, the LASER. (acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, if you didn’t know where the name came from.)

By a technological fluke, coherent light was easy after Maiman made the first working laser. Lasers popped up everywhere. The first patent for a practical application for lasers was an agricultural field grading system. Bell Labs used lasers to transmit telephone signals over glass fibers. Solid state lasers came out later, and were so cheap they’re in give-away “spiffs” and children’s toys. Cops use laser speed radar. (boo! hiss!)

My point being, technology often moves in discrete jumps. Imagine trying to describe a laser to someone from 1945. The theoretical background to explain it didn’t exist yet. But they could have built gas lasers in 1945 if someone gave them a blueprint. They had all the supporting technology already.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Crop circles?

1 month ago

I’ve still never had any sort of beam hit me, thank God, but the enemy operations are absolutely NOT slowing down, they’re ramping up dramatically.

First obvious event: There’s a public park at a school near me that I go to regularly. There’s always a few people, but it’s never packed-busy with people, so it’s great for watching the watchers. Like clock-work, every time we go, a car will pull in within 5 minutes and play out the most retarded and obvious skit you’ve ever seen. Yesterday was an old guy in a Subaru. Pulled in, unloaded a car cleaning/detailing kit, and spend 20 mins going at his car, with occasional glances around to monitor the AO. He abruptly packs up and leaves without finishing the full task, and his replacement shows up not 30 seconds later: 80+ year old guy, can barely walk with how stiff and whacked out his legs are, pushing a cat in a baby stroller. Walks into the park, straight past me, no eye contact, goes 50 yards, turns around, walks right by me again, and leaves the park. This was so blatantly absurd and obvious my wife, who has been VERY skeptical of all this, is finally convinced we’re 100% right now.

Second obvious event: I live in the same town as my high school, so I run into people I used to know occasionally. Few weeks ago this one girl (jewish, btw, and very involved in their local “community”) that used to date one of my buddies “coincidentally” bumps into me while I was out running errands with the kids, wife at home. Haven’t seen her in 15+ years, and there was ZERO interest between us in high school. Over the top flirting immediately, touches my arm, tries to talk directly to my kids. I’m not a male model, so obviously pretty ladies throwing it on heavy is NOT the norm. Tell her I don’t know who she is, got the wrong person, immediately leave. Looking back, my buddy’s grades took a serious hit while they were together in HS, and he ended up not getting into a couple colleges he really wanted to go to. I’ve only been a reader here for a few years now, and didn’t ever put the dots together until this bitch shows back up again. He’s doing fine in a different field now, but she absolutely derailed him from his path back then, and was probably sent in to see if she could get an angle on me now.

Not a specific third event, but I’ve been repeatedly having “bad drivers” cause me significant delays over the past few weeks. Dudes on motorcycles chatting with “homeless” panhandlers that camp out near intersections causing me to miss green lights. An old guy actively accelerates and rear-ends a car right in front of me, leaving me stuck in a parking lot between that wreck and a dozen idiots behind me who won’t reverse to go a different way. Near side-swipes on the highway that require serious defensive driving to evade. All sorts of nonsense.

And yet, they’ve never beamed me. Makes no damn sense.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I’m not expecting any of the overt head-pushing, skull thwacking beam activity, and I’m just not seeing any effects at all. I sleep great, never get sick beyond a mild cold here and there, sharp as a tack at work and in my personal time. Not power-leveling too much, but I have a small business that’s very mentally and physically demanding, and if I was getting degraded it would be extremely evident in worsening results on the business front. I’ve been a reader here for a few years now and I’ve followed all your accounts of the various manifestations of their fuckery, and just never experienced anything beyond the gangstalking.

Not saying it will never come, and praying to God to protect all of us on the side of good here, but it’s baffling that I get zero of it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I’m in a pretty large city (top 25 in the US), so I’m 100% sure there’s elements active in my AO, especially given the density and history of the ground crews and childhood operations against me throughout my life. Just never had beam effects.

I keep a pretty tight community out of admitted paranoia, could be that I’m just not spreading the word as much as you are so not a threat on their matrix in the way you or others with more reach here are.

I’ll report back if/when that ever changes though, with an inciting date or event if possible.

Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek
Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

Yep. Next time you go to the grocery store or wallymart, just stop, and sit in your car for a moment…look around, see all the other people sitting in their cars, ostensibly looking at their phones…later you go to a gas station convenience store, notice how always when you are heading to the entrance, someone always shows up out of nowhere, so right when you enter, they enter too. Watch them as they prowl the aisles, shopping? But, why are they looking at you the whole time? Gets real annoying it does. I am over wondering “why me?” Hey Rando, it is what it is and they do what they do for reasons you may never understand –
this is my day almost every day

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I wonder if USAID was a major way they funded surveillance.

Reply to  Wolf Creek
1 month ago

It boggles my mind how frequently a place will be completely dead when I first show up, and then is literally as busy as can be within minutes. Very annoying because I try to avoid crowds.
More locally, and this iritates me to almost no end, is how I can go outside to my front yard at seemingly random times and someone just happens to drive by. It never fails. I live in a sparsely populated area on a culdesac to boot. It makes no sense outside the context of surveillance.
Another thing that happens nearly 100% of the time, as I leave or enter my sparsely populated neighborhood, again at seemingly random times during the day- morning, afternoon, evening or whenever- along the road in and out of the neighborhood is the same dog walker. He is literally there walking his 2 dogs no matter when I’m leaving or returning. Its just plain crazy. That though is not as irritating to me as the drive byes, but still annoying and not to mention nearly unbelievable except in the context of surveillance.

Reply to  FtR
1 month ago

Seconded. Been the same way all the way back through childhood. Parents always commented on being “trend-setters” due to how the crowds always followed us, much less funny when you realize what it is now.

Reply to  FtR
1 month ago

(I can’t speak for everyone or for actual TIs).

New Zealand might be a place. Basically almost everything is dead always.

Though, surely that is true in rural areas in every country if you seek it out.

Reply to  FtR
1 month ago

It turns out, the dogs are HIS handlers.

Reply to  Anonymous
27 days ago

> There’s a public park at a school near me that I go to regularly. 

Oddly enough, I have the same thing going on here.

The city has a couple of lakes with walking tracks around them. One of them is adjacent to a public park. The trailhead officially starts there, but there are always skeevy-looking people hanging about, so I usually drive straight to the lake, which is a quarter-mile away, zigzagging through sportsball fields.

There are always cars parked around the lake. One of them I see almost every time, morning or evening. I think the guy lives there in his car. It takes me about 20 minutes to walk around the lake, and in that time I’ll usually see four or five cars – again, at any time of the day – pull in, stop, sit there for ten minutes or so, then leave. Others are obviously there to meet each other. Now consider there are no signs to the lake trail, and it’s not obvious it’s there, even if you’re driving through the sportsball complex. I’ve lived here for more than 40 years and thought I’d been all through the park, only to have someone point it out to me last year. So it’s not like people were just cruising around idly and finding it.

1 month ago

Re: FBI director refusing to turn over the FBI Jan 6 list:
He did this after getting the results back, which means that this is in response to the list. One of two things happened — either the list was crazy long, or it was crazy short.
I think if it was crazy long, he would bluff and send it over, daring the administration to fire half the FBI, or whatever it is. That leaves the list being crazy short, which makes more sense. He looked, and realized that they had kept this close to the vest, and he would essentially be handing over a list of the cabal plants in the FBI, and if they fired them — which if its <200, it’s in the scope of what they are already doing — then the cabal would be essentially kicked out of the FBI.
So now they are desperate to hide the list. Their primary strength has always been blending in. They no longer blend in.

1 month ago

Clearly DOGE’s subplot in the script is proving to be quite consequential. And I am struck by the fact that all of this is something the old conspiracy would not have wanted revealed. My alternate hypothesis has long been what we are seeing it the Cabal scaling back its operations. The local boobs in surveillance got stupid and began operating openly turning gangstalking into a meme and risking open civil war, the theft began to go too far, to the point it was impacting government function, everything about the conspiracy became so bad and extreme it was crushing reproductive rates (slave production numbers, by Cabal logic), the slaves which were being produced were more consumers than producers. Things just went too far, so Management decided to light a match to it, and burn it to the ground, and start over.

If they think of humanity as a big herd, we have an unhealthy population mix. You need rams and sheepdogs to protect the herd. However, if you don’t control the size of those populations, then the sheepdogs fight among themselves, start going feral, the rams all end up competing with each other, and the ewes end up getting killed and injured by the parade of rams trying to rape them.
So what do you do as a farmer when this happens? You pick your best, most domesticated sheepdogs, and you kill the rest. You pick your best ram, you keep that one, and you put the rest in the pot.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 month ago

Anti-ICE protestors block the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles.

With so many invaders self-identifying (even flying the fags of the foreign powers they’re loyal to), seems to me these protests would be the ideal times/places for ICE raids. Protestors who are non-criminal US citizens can be charged for blocking traffic or simply left alone if they’re only carrying signs/shouting agitprop on the sidewalks. Everybody else should be arrested, processed, and catapulted back over the Rio Grande.

Synchronize the raids so you can hit as many cities at once as possible, because the protests might end after several thousand get caught in the net.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 month ago

I suspect if they went after them that it is actually some staged event and there would be some huge massacre blooshed cataclysm and Trump is not falling for it. They can pick these people up one by one later.

1 month ago

Very interesting video at the link. In it, the tan cat is hit with their EMR beam, and freezes in that position, with just its tail flicking. People walk up, walk by and it is oblivious and frozen. The black and white cat sees the commotion at the end, after a few minutes has passed, andwalks up, noses the tan cat, who remains frozen, and then turns his head, and freezes himself, just like that:

I’m less convinced. Cats also do that with prey, and the black cat didn’t go into stalk mode until it turned and looked in the same direction.

1 month ago

Hey AC have you ever considered its not tech beaming you?
in the 80s at 14ish, i woke in the middle of the night with every hair on my body standing straight up and i knew something was beside me.
TLDR i rushed to the door, turned on the light and turned around to see a small being standing on my nightstand, making it eye level or about 3ft tall.
MAYBE it used tech or maybe organic power but it gave me a buzzing feeling in my brain like it was trying to control me.
I felt like i should get away and get my parents to help BUT MAYBE thats what IT WANTED?
I did get them but when we returned , i said OH ITS GONE.
and my parents said or did nothing and we all supposedly went back to bed without a spoken word.

  1. if its tech , how did it get in there? this is in concrete basement of a farmhouse and as far back i can remember or maybe cuz of this im a VERY light sleeper.
  2. if its tech how did i not see a machine? unless so small it fit on its arm like a watch…

AND thats not normal for my drunk father prone to fits of anger.
AND i woke the next morning with a FAKE thot put into my head saying YOU WERE SICK WITH THE FLU & DELERIOUS but i had no memories of being sick in anyway and somehow that THOUGHT seemed fake and placed there if that makes any sense. Maybe i HEARD it in my brain? i dont know.
theres possibly way more to the story but i remeber way less details of them than this so inconsequential to mention.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I suspect that sufficiently advanced beings can do beam like things with mind alone. The tech merely mimics this and allows morons to do that sort of thing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Nephilim: as in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the final days.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Yup, I was around 4 or 5. It was a goblin right out of the fairy tales. When I screamed, it ran down the hall past my parents’ room, and my mother saw it go by.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I saw a little gremlin once in the corner of my bedroom. I cried out to the Lord Jesus and it vanished never to return.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  ck
1 month ago

I’ve had some sort of creature sitting on my chest stroking my head for a while overnight, whispering in my ear something like “You are mine.” I was in a state of complete sleep paralysis. It integrated itself into multiple progressive dreams.

When I first set eyes on the creature, it had a face like a blank oval mask with with a smooth texture, but colored in black and red tribal patterns. Then I fell asleep, beginning the progression of dreams. Each time I’d wake up from one dream, its face would grow more and more grotesque, until it became a monster with long, razor sharp teeth jutting past its lips.

The final dream had me walking into an enormous stadium with perfect turf. Sunny, perfect weather. There was an endless line of people in a single file. The line ended in a simple wooden chair. The demon was perched at the top of the chair, such that it would be right behind the head of whoever sat in it. As I got closer, I saw what was going on: A person would sit on the chair. The creature would bite the person’s head clean off in one bite, then throw the remains onto a truly huge pile of headless bodies. Then the next person would sit. And so on.

When I woke up, the creature was in its final form, smiling with all of razor teeth too large for its head. It opened its mouth, lunged at me as if it were going to behead me, then just vanished. My sleep paralysis broke instantly, unlike any other times it happened.

I believe I was 14 or 15. It was an exhilarating experience.

1 month ago

Interesting you bring up beaming animals. The last couple days the deer have been getting very aggressive on my farm.
This was a small buck that just lost his antlers. He got fixated on my dog for well over half hour. I would have wrote it off as crazy buck but the next day a very small yearling doe did the exact same thing. My doggo is well over 100 lbs and normally chases them off the yard into the bush.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Dr. Pierre Gilbert said an irritation type technology was used to ramp up the Rwandan genocide.

Reply to  English Tom
1 month ago

I’d read they flew over with planes that had broadcasting eqpt. to send out that signal (not implying audible), and in Iraq they had items they called “poppers” IIRC that were used to pacify the population and hold down protests placed on high rooftops around cities, so maybe the tech has an anger on and anger off setting, or some such yin/yang component.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

“…have had family fighting over nothing, when suddenly one person stops, and says something, and everyone realizes their irritation is almost not emotional, but like a physical feeling, which they all can feel is not logical or with any cause, but seems consistent with some kind of irritation beam bathing the house.“

I may have to rescind my comments about coverage leaving me alone and maybe ramping down in my location. This happened to me yesterday, getting out of the car and going into my house, briefly irate in a physical way for no reason at all. Felt physical and not biochemical (ie different than pms hormones.) And I just started reposting again here two days ago after a nearly 2 year hiatus (been following AC since pre-need briefs).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Yes, that was exactly it. Moving from the vehicle into the home, I had an irate physical chest sensation that was totally unfamiliar to me. Have never experience anything like
it before. Was similar to anger, but not quite it- I’m more of a head person than a chest person for feelings.

I thought “what even is this?”and went into analysis mode right away instead of picking a fight with the other person in the car.

It subsided as I thought about and/or went into the home …which is covered inside and out with 4-6 layers of lead paint. Like the exterior and each interior wall each have that many layers from before the 70s, including the ceilings and some floors.

I’ll need to ramp up my alertness, or, hopefully not, disappear from here again 🙁

My harassment appears to be directly correlated to actively engaging with your content. It does not seem to correlate with engaging with Vox Day’s content, or my own political and religious activity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I’ve been here for a very long time, and this is the second ramp up when I started commenting. You’ve helped me connect so many dots – i was in on the googleplex convo when it was first happening, the convos of women here reporting sexual assault set ups, and the discussions of people being married to handlers.

I hope I get to thank you personally, in the next life if not this one. I would be much more ignorant and foolish if I had never “met” you all.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 month ago

The EcoHealth Alliance funding for GOF research was reported by The Daily Mail in June of 2021. And now Musk comes along and acts like he is reporting breaking news? Very sus.

Here is the link:

And an excerpt:
It’s unclear exactly much U.S. government funding was going to the WIV, but at least some of it was being routed through a nonprofit called EcoHealth Alliance.
By 2018, EcoHealth Alliance was pulling in up to $15 million a year in grant money from an array of federal agencies, including the Defense Department, Homeland Security, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, according to tax filings.
EcoHealth Alliance and its founder Peter Daszak have been working with Shi Zhengli, the WIV virologist known as the ‘bat lady’, for more than 15 years. 
British-born Daszak, 55, is the president of EcoHealth Alliance — and in the early days of the pandemic, he was key in establishing the veneer of a ‘scientific consensus’ that the lab-leak origin was impossible.
Daszak not only signed but spearheaded a letter signed by 27 scientists rejecting the lab leak hypothesis, which was published on February 19, 2020 in the medical journal The Lancet.
Leaked emails later revealed that he encouraged colleagues who do gain-of-function research on coronaviruses not to sign the letter, in order to obscure the connection.
The letter declared that the scientists had ‘no competing interests’ — but it seems clear that Daszak did, as a lab leak origin would likely derail his entire field, but an animal origin would justify his life’s work.  
The Vanity Fair article also noted serious concerns about safety and upkeep at the WIV facilities that handle hundreds of strains of bat coronaviruses.
In 2019, in an article pleading for more funding, top WIV scientist Yuan Zhiming describes widespread deficiencies in biosafety training in China’s biosafety-level 3 labs.
China has dozens of BSL-3 labs, but only one BSL-4, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, though it plans to build half a dozen more. 
Yuan noted that ‘most laboratories lack specialized biosafety managers and engineers.’ 
He also wrote: ‘Maintenance cost is generally neglected; several high-level [BSL-3 labs] have insufficient operating funds for routine, yet vital processes… some BSL-3 laboratories run on extremely minimal operational costs or in some cases none at all.’
Last July, Yuan claimed on Chinese state television that safety protocols are so tight at WIV that ‘not a mosquito can fly into the building without authorization’. 

Daily Mail had at least one more article about this story. here’e a link:

Again, from June 2021

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 month ago

I gave up on the news 15 years ago so the last month is almost shocking.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Chapter 58
10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
11 So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

Amen brother. Amen.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 month ago

South Africa is confiscating land, and treating certain classes of people VERY BADLY.”


Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 month ago

Has nothing to do with the arrest warrant for Bibi, right?

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 month ago

Who cares?
The UN and its “courts” are illegitimate anyway.

And the timing indicates you are wrong as well.

It’s long past time someone stood up for the Boers.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 month ago

The stuff in SA has been going on for years and years.

1 month ago

“And two, you cannot bank anything more than a reasonable salary, maybe, without really opening yourself up to being taken down hard. So while expenses can be taken care of as they come, you are kept dependent.”

My cabal-adjacent relative handles his children like this. He’ll pay for lavish vacations, make month-to-month or quarterly payments for the private schools of his choosing, golf and piano lessons, etc. He even offered each of them a “free” house to live in the location of his choosing- by “free” he meant a rent-to-own situation with him at market rates where they would lose everything they had put into the house if they failed to make payments, had no right to sell to recoup what could have been their equity in a normal situation, and would only come in to ownership of the home at the end of all payments being made. He was offering this arrangement only on $1m+ houses even those his kids and their spouses could only realistically afford in the $400-$500k range.

The man is “worth” tens of millions but will not/is not allowed to create generational wealth for his kids and grandkids. He will not provide a down payment for a normal house they can afford. He won’t put money into 529 accounts for the grand kids’ educations, he will not transfer the yearly gifting maximum (or any amount) in cash or stocks. He stopped his wife from giving the grandkids gold coins in a treasure chest for holidays and stopped her from giving them gold charms for charm bracelets, as well as stopped her from giving gifts of real jewelry and art to the grown women in the family. He will not set up a life insurance policy for their benefit or a family trust, or any of the other structures actually wealthy people use to ensure that their wealth benefits their progeny and doesn’t get sucked up back into the government.

The entire structure of his offers of “help” to his kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews is to structure dependency, getting them to scale their lifestyle to one they cannot afford on their own, and would be fucked if he stopped providing for – homelessness and loss of wealth if they stop making house payments to him, car payments they cannot afford on their own, schools they can’t afford on their own. Cutting the string wouldn’t just be giving up the vacations but would be homelessness, car-lessness , and upheaval for their children.

The adult children/nieces/nephews have only bitten to varying degrees- all gave up on the school game early and sent their kids to schools they could afford themselves or public schools. One couple, the spouse put his foot down on not taking the fancy house deal. And another set bowed out entirely, living on the edge of poverty for years (choosing bills based on what whether electric or gas was more likely to get turned off). The halfway financially controlled branch of them family is constantly under his thumb and there is great strain on their marriage. The branch that bowed out landed on their feet, told him to fuck off, and seems ok.

Reply to  Anonymoose
1 month ago

Cabal seems to aim to undercut children in any way possible (porn fairy, distract with bad girlfriends, GATE, targeted bullying campaigns, etc), so if this guy is cabal why would he not also participate in undercutting his own gifted children?

The motivation is so totally inhuman that it has to be spiritually aimed by a supernatural evil like Satan. There’s just no mortal explanation for why a father would destroy his own children other than pure evil.

Reply to  Anonymoose
1 month ago

Read Parkinson’s Laws. He has a hilarious story about a Chinese coolie trying to break the Hound Barrier.

1 month ago

“…USAID was being used to fund CIA/Cabal’s propaganda machine.“

So, the public is about to find out if any of the mainstream news media machines are organic news gathering operations or front groups for the CIA. Let’s see how long they last without subsidy.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
1 month ago

Regarding the situation in South Africa, and Trump’s reaction to it, this is now the second Trump prophecy from 100 years ago to be fulfilled. Donald Trump was known by God before he was conceived in his mother’s womb. It is good to live in such days.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
1 month ago


1 month ago

What a great blog post today, AC. Thanks for all the hard work you put in, day n, day out. Still praying for your safety, well-being, and success.

And justice. Always justice.

Eyes for eyes. Teeth for teeth. Lives for lives lost and wasted.

God bless.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I shall pray that relief is coming for you. You kept a flame burning and you probably don’t realise how important you are.

Does that sound ghey? Meh.

1 month ago

Vox Day writes: “Increasingly, it is becoming obvious how derelict in their duties the various branches of the US federal government have been in their favoring foreign interests over the national interests of the American people. Nationalism is observably and conclusively the moral position vis-a-vis the corrupt globalist ideology that necessitates dishonesty and favors corruption.”

Totally agree. I’ve been myself saying this for the longest—the 2020 Coup, the 1965 Immigration Act, Eisenhower using the 101st to desegregate a school in Arkansas, the Iraq War, the Serbian Airwar, etc. Our own government has failed us. 36 TRILLION in debt.

I now have come to a healthy respect for Hitler and Fascism. China is Fascist–and it is successful. In the face of Jewish soft war against us, this is the only way. America has become a total shitshow. Sorry. That is the ONLY logical clear conclusion by looking at events. We need Arete and Fascism.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 month ago

China is not successful, it burned brightly but is about to flame out, just like NAZI Germany.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 month ago

I’m of the opinion you don’t really know what Fascism IS, hoss. 90+ years of Hollywood/MSM lies have confused people – almost certainly by design – as to what fascism is. What folks *think* it is, is one guy telling everyone what to do, with his government backing him up. (or Hitler’s bullshit word salad you linked to there above.) Nope. Fascism is this, and only this: when your government and your corporations are equal partners in the business of managing (and shearing) us ignorant blind sheep. Italy & Germany had their governments in bed with their big corporations – Krupp, Fiat et al are who put Mussolini & Hitler in power, no? – and china has its state-owned enterprises.

And here in Murrica, as pretty much everyone has come to understand these last 20 years … we have a government run by the banks and Big Pharma. and the MIC, but what is the MIC? A: the military-*industrial*-complex. You want fascism in America, Wheeler? No problem. We’ve had it since 1933.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 month ago

Much of that destruction looks like the Cloward-Piven strategy.

1 month ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

*cucknada and mexicuck

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

They got to virtue signal, farm media praise and posture like real leaders for ~24 hours, huge win in their own minds!

1 month ago

Trade war is MATERIALLY BENEFICIAL to any country with a negative balance of trade

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

The only real risk I see is a world-wide coalition of hostile tariffs against the USA. If every single nation controlled by Satan launched a strict tariff campaign against the US, there’s a small chance it could cripple us enough in the short-term to cause problems.

However, I view their analysis of the exposure of the One World Government system as too high if that plan is enacted. Plus, if we survived that short-term pain, we’d build back 100x stronger after being forced to do it ourselves domestically.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

They would lose faster then we would.
It would be a great victory and a swift one.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

Seems tariffs are great when they increase industrialisation, and bad when they decrease it. It seems the bulk of wealth creation now and in the 20th/definitely late 20th century is industry.

Still, tariffs which decrease industrialisation can’t possibly be income tax level bad.

Not Cabal Hubby
Not Cabal Hubby
1 month ago

In terms of The Beam, have you considered shield modulation ala Star Trek? My simplistic brain imagines a contraption attached to a ceiling fan above your head, with four arms descending to head level, that rotates shaped iron, your polymers, water, lead, etc. round and round. And you with the rheostat to change the speed whenever they have tweaked their own settings to maximize penetration.
I am sorry this has been done unto you.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Your recipe for the helmet?

Reply to  Just a Medic
1 month ago

Read his previous comments from days ago, he mentioned salts and other bits, do some looking, hope for the best,maybe someone remembers where it was.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Maybe some motor or mineral oil for “fat” that won’t rot.

You could even use used motor oil.

Last edited 1 month ago by Farcesensitive
Not Cabal Hubby
Not Cabal Hubby
1 month ago

Another thought- after seeing that Amazon Ring is sending out notices that ICE is in the neighborhood (in an attempt to allow invaders to hide), I thought, “Brilliant! More! MUCH More!”.
I’d love to see someone hack this script and turn in on pseudo-randomly 24/7 across LA, for instance. Could you imagine getting that warning four times a day when you are out at your job, and your wife and kids are home? When you are sleeping at 2:15 AM? Then again at 4:45? It’d be like our own little counter-beam, using their tech against them.

Bix Noodleman
Bix Noodleman
1 month ago

I don’t know if this adds to your body of facts but…. My daddy was subjected to a ton of weird experimentation as an Airman at Lowry Air Base in Denver. He was there in 1952, 1953. Including some extended duration ELF bombardments.
I don’t believe he ever viewed it as experiments. He saw it as unconnected moments of incompetence. But there were so many incidents.
There were several, but sticking to ELF. He said the tech guys had “stored” an ELF generator in his barracks. There was a very notoriously lazy guy. He was antisocial, refused to go to town on leave. Some of th ise guys got an idea to stay behind and bombard this guy with ELF. My dad stayed to watch.
The victim became a ball of nervous energy. He spent hours shining his boots and polishing buttons. Then he stripped and waxed the barracks floor under the bombardment.
Dad always told this story as a funny joke. Just the guys, clowning with equipment they shouldn’t have had access too.
If you have anything about Lowry Air Base I’d be grateful. Dad’s life took a very sharp turn for the worse while he was stationed there and he never recovered.

1 month ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

Mexican President arrested?!

Reply to  Anon
1 month ago

I see where you went there…

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

That was quick, too quick: it appears Mexico has its own version of fascism: a a partnership of government and criminal enterprises and Trump just broke up the partnership.

Reply to  teotoon
1 month ago

Why we should marvel at the “effectiveness” of cartels evading the law and army, because backdoor bribes keep a nice, normal corrupted gov’t in place and only providing lip service to catching those that somehow, conveniently, get warned about the occasional raid, and numerous investigations get thwarted by a timely leak, or hit job on the investigator, really makes for an action packed movie but is really screwed for the extras in the film that become collateral damage throughout their lives made miserable.

1 month ago

China is facing two big lawsuits at the beginning of the year. Xi is preparing for doomsday

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

Sovereign immunity

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

You really think that will hold?

Last edited 1 month ago by Farcesensitive
a x
a x
Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

I call it sovereign impunity from now on, how about the rest of you?

1 month ago

Need Military and Crash Survivor Role Players
© craigslist – Map data © OpenStreetMap
compensation: Daily rate plus meal allowance
Position Description: Role Players will replicate friendly and enemy personnel and survivors of an airplane crash. Work hours will range from one to four hours each day. Role Players will be needed February 2nd to 6th in and around Dugway Proving Grounds, UT. Some Role Players will fire blank ammunition from contractor-provided weapons. Some role players will have theatrical blood applied to simulate injuries. Work will occur in outdoor settings. Role Players will be paid a daily rate plus meal allowance for their services. Lodging will be provided. Transportation from lodging to the training sites will be provided each day. Role Players can elect to work one or multiple days.

Required Qualifications:
-Over the age of 18 and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
-Possess reliable transportation to the lodging sites
-Some positions will require an active security clearance
-Former military service is highly preferred

If you’re interested, please reply to this ad and include your phone number or apply online via this link:
Select the Position:”Military and Crash Survivor Role Players”

Reply to  Bman
1 month ago

These things tend to pop up AFTER similar events. Usually just some idiot LARPing or trying to make some gay ARG thing off the “clout” of the recent events.

However, always worth keeping an eye on it. Good find for the record book.

1 month ago

comment image?width=568

Last edited 1 month ago by Bman
1 month ago

 #BREAKING: President Trump has just signed an executive order to “dismantle” the Department of Education, per WaPo

“I will shut down the federal Department of Education, and we will move everything back to the states where it belongs!”

Trump administration finalizing plans to shutter Education Department

An executive order — which President Donald Trump is expected to sign sometime this month — was expected to lay out a two-part strategy for shuttering the agency.

Last edited 1 month ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

It needs to be killed at the states and local level too.
No more bullying.
No more propaganda.
No more surveillance.

Bump In The Night
Bump In The Night
1 month ago

I’m one of your younger readers, young enough to have recently graduated from college. I experience bad dreams nearly every night, even going back to my childhood. They vary in subject and setting from night to night. I frequently suffer from sleep paralysis too, and I have recently been experiencing dreams where I’m dreaming within dreams. The worst torture is experiencing sleep paralysis in one of these sub-dreams, and finally waking, only to find out that I’m just in another dream, where I’ll eventually have to experience another round of sleep paralysis to break out of it. One of my earliest traumatic dreams happened when I was five. A demonic figure kidnapped me and whisked me away onto some kind of underground high-speed rail. I watched helplessly as the lights in the tunnel whizzed by, and the dream only ended when the demon turned me around to show its hideous face. Come to think of it, I am never in control of my dreams and it’s like I’m forced to watch an evil movie. Only recently have I had a dream where I could fight back. I was treading water at sea and suddenly, a muscular demon grasped me and pulled me under the waters. It announced itself as the evil one and mocked me for refusing to serve it. As it jeered at me, I was able to wrestle my leg free and kick it in the face, abruptly ending the dream.

I am a devout traditional Catholic, and I’ve tried many spiritual weapons to combat these dreams, but after years of trying, I haven’t gotten any relief. While I feel that the dreams are demonically inspired, I don’t think they extend from some kind of curse or demonic oppression. Rather, I think human actors (Cabal) have been manipulating my brain in a way that makes these kinds of dreams possible. To add insult to injury, whatever they are hitting me with degrades my health and I have only 25% of the energy I should have during the day. I might feel halfway normal as the day is winding down. I also suffer from persistent post nasal drip, and for the last two months, my eyes are constantly achy and irritated. I should also note that my dog is probably experiencing bad dreams as well. She frequently yelps, frantically jitters her paws, and her eyes twitch while she sleeps.

Some other data points that might click for others:

Cabal has been beaming me for nearly my entire life, even as a child. Each school year, I would accumulate about a month’s worth of sick days because I had numerous nagging health issues. I suffered from daily severe post nasal drip and digestive issues, yet no doctor could find anything wrong with me. I went to a Catholic parochial school and Catholic high school. Both were lukewarm in terms of faith. From 1st grade to 8th grade, a gang of bullies routinely targeted me. Each member at one time or another initially befriended me but shortly found ways to betray me. As a group, they never physically assaulted me, but they used psychological tactics against me. For example, they tore up a drawing my Dad made for me in front of the whole class. The teachers did nothing, and the principal straight up told me that she wasn’t going to do anything about the bullying. Even worse, the bullying often happened right in front of parent volunteers, and most of them did nothing. Once, one parent tried to intervene, but then that parent’s child started to get bullied and the parent pulled the child from the school. Teachers sabotaged my attempts to excel academically. For example, I wanted to compete for a scholarship opportunity. My teacher neglected to fill out paperwork for my submission, disqualifying me. However, the same teacher filled out my classmates’ paperwork.

Strangely enough in college, Cabal initially laid off the electronic harassment. I still suffered from bad dreams, but I had significantly more energy. However, when COVID happened, Cabal seemingly resumed the regimen and my health faltered badly in my final semester. I graduated at the top of my class, but I could not find work in the field of my study. I had a promising lead initially, but it had weird written all over it. The massive company handled everything from building hospitals to designing missile guidance systems for the military. I applied for a mundane entry-level job, and before everything was finalized, some very high-level suit at the company intervened in the process and requested an interview. The whole interview was off-putting. He gave me the sense that I was going to be cordoned off to the company’s basement for the rest of my life. I ended up passing on the job, and I haven’t been able to find anything since.

My “best friend” throughout high school, college, and beyond was a narcissist. I still can’t tell if this person was a Cabal agent playing a role or an independent narcissist, but the effects were devastating nonetheless. I was recently able to cut ties with this person, but Cabal has increased the electronic harassment to compensate for my newly found freedom.

Oftentimes now, I hear a high pitched tone during the day. I lasts for about 3 to 5 seconds, and it sounds like an old tube TV turning on. Within fifteen minutes of hearing the tone, I get some or all of the following symptoms and they last for about a day: sinus congestion, increased post nasal drip, ear aches, irritability, loss of balance, body aches, invisible localized burning/stinging sensation on the skin, tiny blood scabs across the pores of the scalp. Whenever I heal from these symptoms, I get hit with this tone again, and then the symptoms dutifully return. The tone is “smart” in that it seems to strike whenever I build any semblance of momentum. In the past, Cabal deployed the tone sparingly (once every month from 2023-2024), but recently, I hear it nearly everyday.

My Dad had an extremely high IQ. He recently passed away from an aggressive cancer. It particularly fried his brain. He had the highest integrity. He was not Cabal.

Also, as I wrote this post, my computer kept freezing up. It normally never does that.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

Thank you for your account. I and many here have had similar experiences. I can particularly relate with the dreams, work-barriers, and narcissists. Sending prayers up. I hope you keep seeking Jesus Christ and reading your bible.

I’m curious: As a younger person, what was your pathway to discovering AC’s site?

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

Heartbreaking! Thank you for sharing.

Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

I am a devout traditional Catholic, and I’ve tried many spiritual weapons to combat these dreams, but after years of trying, I haven’t gotten any relief. While I feel that the dreams are demonically inspired, I don’t think they extend from some kind of curse or demonic oppression

It’s very rare (if ever? I’m not 100% sure) in the Bible that anyone performs healing miracles on themselves, or frees themselves from possession. Usually it’s a servant of God healing/exorcising afflicted third parties. Have you tried getting a trusted person to lay on hands, or pray for the power to drive out any demons / heal you of your afflictions?

Not saying the tech is an impossibility, but never hurts to try all outlets if only to rule out possibilities. Worth a try at the very least.

Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

It’s God that has the power, not an institution of men on earth. Study scripture, seek and you will find.

Reply to  Potato
1 month ago

GOD has the power, but for his own purposes he allows satan to have power in this world and satan gives power to men who worship him.

Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

I believe bad dreams are brought by demons. If you are a good person, it makes you of interest to demons.

Sterilise your life and your house… Hollywood & Netflix… curses, OMGs, Holly-Shits & blasphemies as punctuation… souvenirs of idols from south america…. pokemon cards…. dungeons & dragons etc?

Demons are real and I suspect many of us carry demons without knowing.

Here’s the thing…. we collect sin without knowing we committed them. We carry them around. We dont need them, they weigh us down and attract demons. When was the last time you went to confession?

Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

I have some problems, but not even close to yours. I’m just speak theoretically.. If you have nothing to lose, no person who need you, let’s try to fight with them? Buy a glasses with camera to collect evidence of gangstalking, and hand out leaflets in rural area? It looks like they gonna kill you whatever you do, so why not spoil their game?

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

I and many here experience the high-pitched tones lasting 3-to-5 seconds. Indeed the tones remind me of the high-voltage power supplies which once were coupled to cathode-ray tubes. Each tone is preceded by broadband noise lasting several minutes. The broadband noise ceases at the moment the tone begins. The tone fades away over 3-to-5 seconds. Some days the tone hits repeatedly, maybe a dozen times. Some days I wonder why.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bump In The Night
1 month ago

I can’t help you with everything but I promise I can help your nasal drip. This stopping your breathing may be part of the problem. Follow this link where I made a back up of my post on this long ago. Also it will temporary relief immediately, but not long term relief immediately. But over time it will provide sustained relief until you don’t need the wash anymore.