News Briefs – 02/03/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

A commenter asks:

AC, you’ve tried all the mitigation techniques. What should we have on hand for when we need protection? Only thing I remember working are dental blankets. What’s the best source / price / method of deploying? Would you add anything to the list for” standard ” cases?

I am not sure yet, I have not tried them all. I am working through ideas right now, kind of haphazardly. Last night I probably should have taken a night off and tried to get away to recoup, but I wanted to see something, so I was exposed, and I was hit pretty hard. I am trying something new tonight, and we will see if it works. I am going to have to take at least several bad nights before we find anything, if we do. I do have one ace I am assembling which though a Hail Mary, might fit with some observations I have made.

The blankets worked for me to attenuate about 90-95% of the the vibrations, if you got low enough, and made sure they came all the way down on all sides. However they are only a slight mitigation of the brain tapping/buzzing, which is a very strange tech, and worse than the vibrations, I suspect. The brain tapping/buzzing is not infallible however. I got my head out of it once, and I could feel the buzzing/electric “blob’ in space slide and engulf another part of my body, and sit there, apparently thinking it was my head, or it was unable to decide which way to go to find my head. It feels like it is somehow automated, or self-actuating, maybe based off an AI program which allows the user to point and click, and it does the rest, giving the blob the air of an autonomous organism hunting your head. I will need to gather more data before I can offer even remotely solid advice on that. But it has several quirks, which though I do not know yet what they reveal, I think are in some way revelatory about key aspects of how it works.

The bottom line is, we are not at the point you are hoping for yet, and we have a lot of work to get to that point ahead of us.

If any of you here know experts in electromagnetic waves, radiofrequency beams, sound analysis, spectral analysis, microwaves, radar, electric fields, magnetic fields, pulsed energy, we need them here looking at recordings and reading my observations, and proposing experiments. My bio background is of little use here. If anybody, by some weird chance, knows, or has the juice to reach out to Dr Gary Nolan, or Dr Louis M French, or Dr James Giordano, or some other expert investigating Havana Syndrome, for the private sector, or the Pentagon, get them here, and ask them to get what specialists they can make contact with to come here, and propose experiments.

I now have two of the best audio recorders, thermal imaging, I bought a genuine/non-clone TinySA Ultra, as well as a bone conduction mic. I am open to doing anything. Ask them to come and check us out just to see if they can add anything to this. I am an active live case of Directed Energy Targeting of a citizen, and I am gathering hard scientific data off every hit. You look at the MRI of someone who was hit six months ago all you want, I can offer detailed data in a myriad of areas taken during a live incident, and I can get specific custom data if you ask.

I am starting a dedicated Directed Electronic Weapons Page, to get all our insights, research and observations on one page, rather than have them get lost in the briefs each day. I will still post updates on the briefs when they happen, but please stick all related technical comments and insights on the page for the research so we can find them all. I will try to move over all the comments we already have there at some point.

Finally, if the TinySA will have radio, does anybody know what would record changes similarly in electric field and magnetic field, specifically, sudden pulses? What that would be called? Ideally something cheap, as I cannot really afford expensive tech at this point. And able to be set when I go to sleep and burn the data to a microSD card for review later. Something like the TinySA would be perfect, even Chinese machines. It feels like if we can get a record of timestamped hard data, when I am being hit, of electric field, magnetic field, radio emissions, sound, sound inside me, thermal, and video, it would be a pretty solid foundation to begin figuring out what is happening at the point of impact from a physics perspective. The only other things might be ultrasound and infrasound.

We are history here. We have the greatest evil in history, on the face of planet, and the future of the United States, as well as the future of freedom in the world, all right here in the palms of our hands. We can put or names in the history books.

Trump’s top prosecutor in Georgia admits dating DA Fani Willis, but says they always went halfsies on travel.

The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed unscrupulous Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis to turn over documents from her office.

DA Willis, alleged lover Nathan Wade subpoenaed by Trump RICO co-defendant.

Another raid incoming? Jack Smith leaks dubious story about “hidden rooms” FBI didn’t search at Mar-a-Lago as his cases against Trump falter.

FOIA documents reveal government officials notified of election fraud in Michigan following election day in 2020.

Former President Biden fundraiser testifies he loaned brother James Biden $800K, but he only repaid half.

The federal agents involved in exposing a luxury L.A. brothel that catered to business titans, military officials, and politicians are probing whether the trafficked women were part of a Korean spy sting.

All US Presidents, with the exception of Martin Van Buren, (and including Obama) were relatives of King John Landless. If the King retook his colonies covertly by elevating the members of his old colonial spy network in our society with funds from the Royal treasury, and then got them elected to offices, as part of a much greater infiltration and subversion operation which eventually took over everything, that might be exactly how it would look. The article was written before Trump took office.

An email address allegedly associated with BlackRock Managing Director Abigail Gold Geller was found on a leaked database of registered users of ‘dark web’ site known to the Department of Justice to engage in child exploitation.

It takes 38,000 children being vaccinated to prevent a single serious case of Covid.

Democrat negotiator: Border deal struck, text remains hidden.

Schumer and McConnell want Senators to pass their $106 billion border bill without reading it.

Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it’s not a friendly migration.” He sits down with Tucker Carlson to explain.

NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families.

CNN hosts stunned after law enforcement expert says illegal immigrants steal in New York, not Florida, because in Florida ‘you go to jail.’

Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom saw a shoplifter steal from Target without any employees stopping him, but when he asked a worker about it, the worker blamed Newsom without recognizing him.

Libs of TikTok:

Starting this month, Chicago airport has shut down and moved their entire bus shuttle center and are using it to house illegals. I’m told it’s already causing a lot of confusion.

The City of Chicago and Chicago police also warned that media is not allowed to film in the shuttle center.

Why are they trying to hide this??

House passes Child Tax Credit expansion bill which will offer the credit to illegal aliens, over Freedom Caucus opposition.

As Texas faces a brewing showdown with the Biden administration over the escalating border crisis, the Lone Star state finds itself entangled in multiple lawsuits, with at least three challenging its efforts to defend the southern border.

Flashback: Ilhan Omar’s father was top propaganda official in genocidal Somalian Barre regime – Then he changed his and her name and entered US illegally.

Indian family flees the US after a teacher tried to turn their kid trans behind their back.

New York family court officials have denied a father the legal right to stop his eight-year-old son taking life-changing hormones that would begin his medical transition to a girl. Crazy ex/mother is pushing the kid trans.

A widowed single father filed suit against a New Jersey school district that he alleges “transitioned” his minor daughter behind his back. You do not work your whole life to get a job and then endanger it with gratuitous fuckery against a parent’s child like this. This is an asset following orders from a command. Nobody risks their entire life for something this ridiculous.

Gay teenagers disturbed by their own sexuality have described deciding life would be better as a transgender person and undergoing surgery to remove their genitals and breasts, – only to regret it several years later.

Brussels saw a chaotic farmer’s protest on Thursday as demonstrators clashed with police, throwing stones and objects in front of the European Parliament.

Three people wounded in Paris knife attack at railway station.

Did Iranian agent serving as Pentagon Chief of Staff cause death of 3 soldiers?-How were terrorists able to perfectly time their drone attack without inside information?

US launches strikes against more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria.

Great Britain has invited NATO allies to consider sending an expeditionary force of the alliance to Ukraine.

Turmoil in Kiev escalates as Ukraine loses ground to Russia.

The Ukrainian government has informed the White House that it plans to fire the country’s top military commander overseeing the war, General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi.

Russia masses over 40,000 soldiers, heavy armor near Kupyansk, hinting at plans for further advances.

Putin vows to make military gains in Ukraine as he meets with his campaign staff.

‘Peace has a name: Donald Trump’ — Viktor Orbán says Trump only leader ‘strong enough’ to end war in Ukraine.

Joe Rogan inks new Spotify deal ‘worth $250 MILLION’ that will allow his hit podcast to be spread across multiple platforms, including on YouTube.

Charities that run bail-funds for suspected rioters to be criminalized under new Georgia senate bill.

Majority in new poll say Biden, most members of Congress don’t deserve new term: Gallup.

Spread r/K Theory, because the greatest evil needs the greatest website commenters, and we have them both

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1 year ago

I haven’t been following everything…sorry…but what if targeting requires a heat signature? And most of what you are doing spreads out the heat? The lead isn’t stopping the beam. Instead it’s hiding you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

He may have something, in so far, that you’re after all a heat image on a computer circuit board, not the human you/we see. So actually, perhaps a wild experiment is a cheap ‘space blanket’ stretched atop you. Maybe two, three or more, but I do believe for targeting, masking your thermal image might help.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

And maybe your furnace burner gave it a “better” target.
Using candles as chaff is worth a try. Or an approximately head-sized cube space heater.

Reply to  jj
1 year ago

I’d be curious to see results of doubling up with space between. For example, one layer against the body and the other 1-2ft away, creating an air gap diffusion zone.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Good article by Vox: The Russian Art of War
Don’t forget Sun Tzu.
Why do we even have West Point?

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

yeah, that’s quite some Art of War Russia’s got goin’ on there. Invade an enemy one-eighth your size and – I have no idea who’s “winning” that gawdawful shitshow, we live in the time of lies now – but I know this much: they’ve spent 2 freakin years, burning blood and treasure and time at a hugely expensive rate…. 2 years, many thousands of irreplaceable military-aged male lives*, & what must now be in the tens of billions of rubles to gain 20 or 30 or 40 miles of still-not-locked-down land. While the enemy continues to fight on, costing Russia even more blood & treasure & time. All while being utterly outplayed & outclassed in the court of world opinion – as if they were small stupid children. Think about that for a second: UKRAINE, one of the scummiest & most corrupt countries on the planet, has been “the good guys” in this deal from Day 1, they have utterly outclassed suave sophisticated Russia in the arena of propaganda, which Russia supposedly excels at. WTF, Ivan?? That’s not very Art of War-ry…. Meanwhile, month after month, year after year, the war drags on in what would have been a ‘2-week’ battlespace in 1941. Shit, in 1917! At this rate, we can expect mop-up operations sometime around 2035. It’s the anti-blitzkrieg clusterfuck from hell. Because that’s what marks a truly successful military operation, right? Tying up all your troops and materiel for years on end for what should be a 2-month job, right?

Sun Tzu would bust a gut laughing at such pathetically impotent military incompetence. As would Napoleon, Caesar, and all them guys. “At this rate, they’ll roll into Belarus in 2050 LOL!” 

And yet unusual sources are repeatedly and ever-more-stridently exhorting us to _admire_ the laughable pathetic shitshow, insisting that pissing away all that blood & treasure & TIME is **secretly** the mark of a Jesus-lovin’ sigma **supergenius**, while at the exact same time telling us that our lying eyes are lying again and china is incredibly honorable and also like totes ON THE RISE, rubes!!, which is…. very, very interesting.”

*which, per Russia’s nightmarish {and ever-worsening} demographics, they absolutely cannot afford to lose. next up: 55-y.o. infantrymen

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

He’s also letting the west destroy itself trying to prop Ukraine up.
They are exhausting their military supplies and tanking their economies, while gutting their popular support.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

uh-huh. and can you name me any other wars in which other military geniuses – Hannibal, Caesar, John Churchill, Nappy, Subotai, one of them guys – in which they dedicated 2+ years to subpar weak-ass military action against **a much weaker enemy** – so don’t tell me “Scipio!” – in order to “not quite yet” control a relatively microscopic area of strategic ground? Is that something Patton woulda done? Or Guderian? is that how Murrika destroyed the entire Iraqi army with very low casualties to themselves? Why didn’t the victors in the 6-Day War drag it out to 600 Days? Or better yet 6000? Why was that?

Now, Zhukov might have done something like that – commies, who have zero regard for human life, commies **love** them some human-wave tactics. Back then, they could afford being on the bad side of 5-to-1 kill ratios. “We’ll bleed the enemy white! Like those geniuses at Verdun did!” (comrade Stalin was impatient, though) But Russia 2024 ain’t USSR 1944: they don’t have enough bodies for humanwave wars, + plus those meddling kidskis with their pesky internet makes this… problematic. Also, in _this_ war, they don’t have Uncle Sam paying for every single fucking thing like last time, now do they. So how exactly – in real-world military terms, not glossy ‘KGB Vlad loves Jesus and Jesus loves KGB Vlad’ bullshit, pls – how exactly does dragging on and on and ON a pathetic little war help a Russia with extremely finite money & manpower resources? Hmm? Why not just win fast and harden/lock down your gains, and go forward from that position of strength, like every other competent military in world history would do? How is pissing away limited resources “preparing for WW3”? Are y’all saying that Less is Better than More? Is that it? The ‘Thing’ that all those previous military geniuses never grasped??

Why is this site and its commenters so {gullibly} eager to explain away ‘grotesque military incompetence’ as ‘never-before-seen-in-world-history-strategic-brilliance’? Especially coming from a country that a) simply can’t afford that kind of very long-term commitment b) couldn’t manage to beat fuckin Chechnya LOL and c) has never, not once in its history, demonstrated a capability for that kind of strategic brilliance? (“Finland Whips USSR! Details on page A3!!”) Russians have always fought {and won some, it’s true} their wars according to 3 very basic military lodestars: 1) trade space for time: AKA ‘retreat 500 miles and burn everything on the way, comrades!’ 2) the sacred holy human wave 2.1) “Kill ratios be damned! Throw more serfs/kulaks/convicts at em!!” 3) Trust in General Winter. That’s it. That’s who and what they are. The same bozos who lost 2 entire naval **fleets** in just 2 (count em) 2 battles to an unknown and untested navy back in 1905? Those guys?? But now suddenly they’re Strategical Supergenius Soldiers? I beg to differ…. if, say, India were to invade, say, Burma, I’m pretty sure **they** wouldn’t need 3 frickin years to win. And the entire time they mucked through their pathetic clusterfuck, the entire world – this site included – would jeer at them for their utter uselessness. “Battalion of elite paratroopers pinned down by savage rock-throwing mob!” And rightly so. But somehow the Rodina gets a pass? Because the Rodina is so full of such Good Guys?? srsly?

Fun Fact/little ‘Glorious Army of Mawther Rawssia’ true story: not too long ago, like maybe 2015, Rawssia announced they had adopted for their army a “new footcare system” that “greatly reduced the incidents of rotten, busted feetskis” in the soldiers. This new “system” was “just further proof of Rawssia’s glorious!”… etc etc. WOW! What a Great Leap Forward for Russia! A whole new high-tech footwear SYSTEM!!! Chechnya & Ukraine sho betta watch out NOW!!! So what WAS this glorious new quantum leap??? AI/Nanotech/Heads-Up Sukhoi/Terminator wizardry? Something like out of The Jetsons?? yeahhh, no. They’re called “socks.” See, up til 2015, Russian soldiers wore “traditional serf/peasant foot wrappings”, because if it was ‘good enough for Pyotr the Great!’, etc etc. That’s the army whose brilliance you’re all falling over yourselves to praise.

A final word about Russia’s wonderful, honorable chinese “allies” – quite some time ago, china began making noises about ‘we can’t help notice how empty Siberia is, maybe we’ll just human-wave 400,000,000 coolies over the border and just TAKE Siberia! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wouldn’t be too much Ivan could do about that, no?’ Russia had a very short, very unsubtle response: “Do that, and we’ll nuke you that very day. No Infantry. No tanks. No artillery. We’ll go straight to nukes, and we’ll start with Peking.” Russia has never withdrawn that statement, and china will never forget/forgive it. losee muchee plentee FACE, you see. So who here thinks china is ever really gonna help their commie brethren? They’ll sell em some overpriced P.O.S. mil gear that breaks down on the first day, sure. Maybe some 150-mile tires. MRE’s made of sawdust & cardboard & rat. But that’s about it.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

Russia is winning the economic an production wars against the entire west while also bringing western governments to the brink of revolution.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Spenser Rapone’s crew need their West Point credentials.

1 year ago

With regard to the electronic “blob” that is searching to encompass your head:
what if you designed or brought to bed with you a “dummy” or “decoy” cranium, to try and “trick” this AI electronic blob that continues to search & target your head? Maybe a watermelon (summer is coming), or a canteloupe or honeydew melon?
I don’t know. It’s just an off-the-cuff idea that I had all of a sudden, when reading your first paragraph (up at the top).
BTW – I found you via Big Country Expat, who linked to your site a few weeks ago in one of his posts.
Thanks for doing what you do. Now that I see some of these cabal and other meta-patterns, I cannot un-see them. And that’s good. .
Keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure I’m not the only one who keeps you in my prayers.

1 year ago

Mar-A-Lago to be searched again… this came to mind:

1 year ago

> New York family court officials have denied a father the legal right to stop his eight-year-old son taking life-changing hormones that would begin his medical transition to a girl.

They can feed him enough estrogen boosters and testosterone antagonists to make him grow breasts, but that won’t make him into a girl. It’ll just make him a eunuch, and probably a suicide later.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

There will not be enough millstones to go around.

Lurker No. 12.7
Lurker No. 12.7
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

It’s nearly always the mom driving / encouraging this. Not sure if it’ll be enough to cause a ground-swell of support for repealing the 19th, but it might.
Related: BPD and trans kids.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Lurker No. 12.7
1 year ago

interesting link. I note the comments mostly deflect blame to men being “testerical” as the cause; wimmen wuz victimz! several accounts of men grabbing girl’s toys from boy’s hands, which is defined as toxic. who could imagine a man would not want a “pansy” for a son?

Last edited 1 year ago by a non anon
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

As long as he is unable to breed, then they have succeeded.

1 year ago

> Schumer and McConnell want Senators to pass their $106 billion border bill without reading it.

Well, why not? That’s how they passed two gigantic “bailout” bills and the (un)Affordable Care Act. Multi-thousand-page monsters they bragged about not reading. Remember Pelosi’s “we won’t know what’s in it until we sign it?”

That’s literally malfeasance in office, but the only ones who can hold them accountable are – wait for it – themselves. The people they claim to represent have no way to punish them for that. We can’t even vote them out of office.

1 year ago
a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I am certain he brings in 3-5x that in revenue for the platform with his deep insights and bong hits…because spotify is so lucrative, doncha know? That is how the free market works, anon!

1 year ago

Bruce Charlton sums up our current predicament:

I don’t think I can craft a pithier summation than the essay itself.

AC, I suggest you write up your evidence for the Beam, along with a summary of Bill Binney’s findings, and send them to Bruce Charlton. He is a retired doctor who specialized in neuroendocrinology (the study of the brain and nervous system). He is cabal aware and open to heterodox theories (see his wikipedia bio at

I am not sure how to get in contact with him. Vox Day might be able to help. There is no email address listed at his main blog, and the best I can find is I’m not sure if that is active since I don’t think he is at Newcastle University any longer, though the university itself might have current contact information.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Richard Delingpole is another independent journaliat who has been.down the rabbit hole far enough he would be open to this also

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Do you mean James Delingpole? Vox just wrote about him savaging that piker Icke.

Reply to  a non anon
1 year ago

Yes. James Delingpole. He has a substack & he’s on Musk’s X. I think his brother is Richard. Sorry for the confusion.

1 year ago

> House passes Child Tax Credit expansion bill which will offer the credit to illegal aliens, over Freedom Caucus opposition.

Not just bringing in illegals, but encouraging them to breed at our expense as well.

1 year ago

> Great Britain has invited NATO allies to consider sending an expeditionary force of the alliance to Ukraine.—That would, by agreements all parties involved are signatory to, an act of war.
They can’t drum up popular backing for war, so they’re trying to disguise it as an “expeditionary force” hoping people would think it was something else.
The USA, by the way, has done this before. Like when it invaded the Soviet Union and tried to overthrow the Soviet government. The American Expeditionary Force (North Russia) was a complete fuster-cluck and they ran back home with their tails between their legs. Yeah, it was in 1918, but Russians are culturally paranoid, and it gave the Communist propagandists some real meat to work with later.
“We’re the good guys, aren’t we?”

Last edited 1 year ago by TRX
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

While a great benefit to communist propaganda, the intervention of the western powers during the Russian Civil War was really an attempt to get back some of the equipment shipped to the Tsar’s armies during World War I. They never got beyond the ports, nor really co-ordinated with the White armies, neither did the White armies co-ordinate with each other.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

On US Presidents being descended from King John.

King John signed the magna carta and is the King John featured in most Robin Hood movies. Yes, THAT King John. Unfortunately, most people with any British blood are descended from him (probably 100 to 300 million people). This includes african people (like Obama), some Hispanics, probably every American, with the exception of some Dutch and Amish. It also includes Scottish people, including clan Mccloud (MacLeod), which President Trump descends from. All of the Scottish Kings in the 1400 and 1500’s were descended from King John and leaders of most highland clans,(like McClouds) would have intermarried with Royal Scottish princesses by the times of union, and Johnian lines of descent would have spread from there to eventually include most or all members of a clan, especially leadership, which POTUS Donald JOHN Trump’s mother descended from.

Also most Irishmen are descended from King John by essentially the same process. Any nobility or descendant of nobility in any other country (especially Germany, Scandinavia, Russia) would also be descended from King John. Sorry but it’s almost impossible to be White and not descend from King John of England, a King who sired progeny 800 years ago.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

These claims use King John because of Robin Hood fame. The wikipedia article indicates that he did have eleven children, and unusually they seem to have all lived to adult hood. So maybe most Englishmen are descended from him.

However, anyone descending from John by definition would have descended from his father, Henry II, a much better King, so John keeps getting brought into this due to the Robin Hood connection. He might be the only medieval king most people have heard of.

And yes, Martin Van Buren was the only president without any English ancestry, and also the only one who grew up speaking a non-English language. The English descended elite of the thirteen colonies couldn’t exclude the Dutch elite of New York, so you had that one exception.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“…King John. Unfortunately, most people with any British blood are descended from him…”

People say this sort of thing all the time. So and so population is mostly descended from King whatever…I don’t believe it. Not even slightly. Look at the basic arithmetic of the situation. In 1200 there were under 3 million. The numbers themselves show he could not have had sex with that many Women. Let’s not even get into the logistics, as it took forever to travel a few miles back then. Now compare the fecundity of 1.5 million horny boys throughout the country to one horny King, and you will readily see that the idea that everyone is descended from the King is foolish.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

According to “Find a grave”, I’m descended from some English dude on my mom’s side. There’s a pic of the headstone in someplace England for him and his wife, “Unknown Wench”. hahaha – Not quite royalty, but I proudly carry on.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Seems entirely false on the face of it. For all those varied lines of current people to come from one common ancestor, there would have to be a mass extinction event of all other lineages. You can’t be a king of nothing, so what of all the serfs and lesser nobles etc. that propped up said King-dom? They all died out? Stopped having kids?

It’s not probable, nor really even plausible. It’s an open showing of the hidden hand of selection by the enemy that has gone back to the Garden of Eden. Our enemy is supernaturally evil and able to work over thousand year time frames, there is no explanation that is not biblically literal as being Satan and his minions.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s called intermixing.
People produce sons and daughters who marry other people’s daughters and sons.

For many generations you have a larger and larger number of ancestors in a given generation until you get back far enough that it starts to narrow down headed back to Noah.

There is only so much room in the Royalty, eventually the G_G_Grandkids of a king start to fall down into the mere Nobility and eventually into the Merchant and lower classes in succeeding generations.
If you go back far enough White in America is going to be related to some king or other.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Mike G.
Mike G.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You’re picturing a family tree upside-down. Every one of us has two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, sixteen great-great grandparents, 32 great-great-great grandparents, in geometric progression. Our ancestry, tracing back in time, doubles in number every generation.
So King John isn’t the “one common ancestor”, he’s only one among many thousands, (perhaps millions) of common ancestors that everyone in 40 or so generations of English descent all share.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Mike G.
1 year ago

The problem with this is that until recently almost everyone everywhere stayed very much where they were. So intermixing is not the answer.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

It doesn’t have to happen quickly.
If you marry a woman who has an ancestor a generation or two back who has a King from 1200 in his family tree today all your children will be descended from that king.
The process has been going on for centuries as the royal decedents multiplied and fall down the social ladder.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

That King John could have a little dna in a lot of people..ok. But these sorts of blanket statements like,

“…King John. Unfortunately, most people with any British blood are descended from him (probably 100 to 300 million people)…”,

no, not true. The numbers do not bear this out because they negate the unbelievably VAST number of other people that are having children. It’s just not true.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Democrat negotiator: Border deal struck, text remains hidden.”

Normies, Dems and Boomers: Hidden text is “Democracy”.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“The Ukrainian government has informed the White House that it plans to fire the country’s top military commander overseeing the war, General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi.”

Although ineffective, he’s still the best the Uko’s have. But he committed two unpardonable sins, out shining Zelensky, and not being Jewish.

1 year ago

Kind of side commentary: but, your plants? One the English modern Christians- Lewis or Tolkien, noted that witchcraft was specific anticivilizational acts- blighting crops.

Your wilted plants? That totally falls in with the ‘witchcraft’ label. No matter where or how that is accomplished. Witches use literacy, technology, chemistry, physics, biology, botany, to accomplish their ends.

And on that note: let us all continue praying for AC, because this is, quite technically, a witchcraft attack on his person and property.

1 year ago

Here’s an idea; a rotating bed, like in those 70s movies. And a swinging hammock until you can build the bed.
Would make targeting haphazard

1 year ago

Finally, if the TinySA will have radio, does anybody know what would record changes similarly in electric field and magnetic field, specifically, sudden pulses? What that would be called? 

For magnetic, ferrofluid comes to mind.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Just point a video camera at it with a timestamp OSD. Or a watch in the frame.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ferrofluid poured over non-magnetic screen wire, perhaps half aluminum and another half next to it of plastic screen (on level surface like inside coffee can plastic lid), just enough to cover the wire intersections, placed in view of a close camera to show creeping up/across the filaments, patterns might expose themselves.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Here’s the manufacturer’s page for a roughly $100 EMF meter that does everything one could hope for, including 3-axis low frequency magnetic and electric fields, several bands of RF spectrum analyzer out to 10GHz, auto-recognition of wireless data transmissions and transient signals, built-in gyro, data logging, USB connector for data saving and charging, and windows software. Amazon had a good deal, YMMV.
GQ EMF-390

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Thomas Rousseau, Patriot Front’s leader interviewed.
Not that boomers or gammas would ever listen to even a few minutes of such talk before damning those better informed, in better shape, and possibly more intelligent, but if you are not a Secret King, you may be able to decide what the group is really all about if you just spend a few minutes at a random spot or two. Of course most of us here have passed the “twenty pull-up” phase of life, but still, this might be inspiring or give you some ideas.
I think that the first time the group was observed, there were ten or so showing up. Now it’s up to 200 (last time, I think he said).
Anyhoo… the ideas he presents are the meat of the thing.
Check it out, however briefly and make that the interview part, not the live activism clips lol. Longish, though.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Patriot Feds almost don’t even try to hide it.

1 year ago

For me, the lead blanket and hood seem to effectively interfere with directed spot targeting over the areas they cover. The hood rolls off in sleep, I wake up and put it back and the tingles i noticed in the head go away. Unfortunately, it seems like they can still cause more generalized vibrations I guess through shaking the bed itself. Lead blankets don’t help with that

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Perhaps some kind of vibration dampening under the legs of your bed?

1 year ago

For your directed energy weapons page, I think you should mention also that the term psychotronic weapons has also been used for them. In case people want to do searches about it its important to have that term for some searches since that has been used in the past.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

I think this substack writer means well, but he’s retarded. His entire argument is akin to: “table salt is sodium chloride – made from sodium, a highly reactive toxic metal and chlorine, a highly reactive poisonous gas – literally a chemical weapon. Go eat your salt, but know that you’re eating explosive metal and chemical weapons!!! Omg!!!” He seems to have no clue that chemical reactions create new compounds.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Aanon
1 year ago

Right! Just like water is a *mixture* of hydrogen and oxygen. You must avoid water, anon, there could be an explosion!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

I wonder if the recent articles attacking vitamin D and B mean we should be taking a LOT of it.

I look at this “Agent131711” other post. Lots of NASA fake, which I don’t believe at all (negating present NASA which…who knows), he even has an article that they have a fake Sun. Oh come on. Fake Sun. He covers a lot of stuff that may be true, may be not, but in a sort of hooky way, and he packed all this in since Aug. 2023. I say he’s a disinformation agent. Looks that way to me.

I think this, to me, leads to the idea that I should really start taking a good deal of B and D vitamins.

Maybe this is an offshoot of the miles mathis committee who are now attacking vitamins since the CIA gym girls didn’t go over so well. And since map is linking it, and map loves miles mathis committee links…well…

So I actually read what he said and followed the lonks to get to the root of this and found,

“…Vitamin B12 dosages are measured in micrograms, that is in millionths of a gram. The recommended daily intake is 2-3 micrograms, but supplements can contain up to a couple of thousand because B12 is poorly absorbed from the gut. Even at the highest doses, the amount of cyanide released is about 20-40 micrograms which is far less than the amount of naturally occurring cyanide to which one could be exposed by consuming flax seeds, unpasteurized almond milk, fresh apple juice or apricots…”

So if you’re worried about this you should not drink almond milk, Apple juice or apricots. The guys link above is using a MSDS for BULK material and saying you should not eat it, but B12 is used in micrograms.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Miles Mathis does not attack vitamins. There is nothing on his site that indicates that. Mathis did state, for example, that he takes Biotin for hair and skin.

Anyway, the point of the guy’s article is not that cyanide may be contained in Vitamin B. The point is that we’re supposed to ingest something that is supposed to be healthy for us but which MSDS indicates is not for human consumption.

The guy just wants you to go to google, type “Vitamin B+MSDS” and then read the sheets from ThermoFisher. And, yes, when you read the MSDS sheets for B and D, you get the sheet telling you this is a chemical for lab work only and not for human consumption:

The problem, however, is that also works for aspirin.

What’s probably happening is that MSDS sheets are associated with a very large container of synthetic vitamins and aspirin that would represent concentrations large enough to be poisonous, so care in handling and breathing around this stuff is necessary. The MSDS is warning you about that.

Still, it is very interesting that it does appear very difficult to find info on how synthetic vitamins are made.

1 year ago

On dental blankets: does anyone have a good source? Amazon has many options. All appear to be 0.5mm lead. Is this sufficient? If not, maybe just double up?

1 year ago

Greetongs.AC. I have some ideas that might help but it would be easier to send by email. I didn’t find it, so i registered and i decided to communicate this way.
I’ve seen your compass experiment. Try to find an iot electromagnetic sensor that acts as a compass that you can monitor wirelessly, spread them inside but around the house on a two circle formation ( outer and inner ) on the same plane that you lay down. Align them all to north. Log the data for all of them. When the em distortion happens they will all start to change. The em pattern will point the direction of the beam and the differences in alignment will show the distance. When you know the home, then try to check where they get their energy. If you pinpoint the powerline you then can get information about how much energy they are using for the beam. That stuff must be powerful, so it must consume a few kw. If you know where they are you can engage in disruptive actions.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I get mine on aliexpress at around 1.7€. search for magnetometer. Gy-271 or gy-273. You can hook this up to a uController and sample them multiple times per second. A small teensy or rpi pico should work just fine. You need to have some soldering skills, and they may not be very precise, but they should work. You may need to have some programming skills but its not that complicated either. Ill see if i can find a premade project to provide a link for you to follow…

Meanwhile, good luck and may God bless you.

1 year ago

A comment of mine sent a couple of days ago seems to have gone into a parallel universe. Nothing controversial – just commenting on essential oils. The context was the oregano oil in the CDF protocol. I did add a shout out to Wooderson – I thought seeing as she was recommended supplements to recover from trauma the EO info might be of interest.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I can see it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thank you. On your recommendation I bought a bottle of calming essential oils. I don’t like the scent of it, though. Do you know enough to recommend something not–earthy, I guess is the description? I’m not familiar with essential oils.

I know oregano oil for strep throat. I read about that in a cheap supermarket women’s magazine. It works great. We’ve used it for twenty years. That is swallowable.

The more complicated stuff, for diffusing or for body care? I don’t know anything about it.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Wooderson we need to figure out how to get in touch outside here. I can help you with this. Over the years i have accumulated a stash & friends also gave me bottles when they were downsizing etc. More than happy to mail samples to help you decide on a scent you like. (Not trying to sell you on the brand I have – just helping you figure out which particular ones seem to work for you – then you know what to look for.) As for the calming blend if it does help calm you, apply to your feet (soles). That way you’ll still get benefit via topical application but the scent won’t bother you. Of course this means it will end up being used as an intentional daily habit – & not in those sudden moments of high stress. Quality EOs can be used as an aerosol – dispersed in a diffuser, applied topically or ingested – either put into capsules or else taken in beverage/food. Note, many are useful to flavor food in place of the usual herbs & spices, tho are far more concentrated. Topical can also include adding to epsom salts for a bath.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ty for looking in the trash folder.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Try connecting on the Timeless Authors forum. You can retain anonymity there. Just tell Wooderson in the comments here what alias you registered under. TA had private messages.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I replied to this specific comment yesterday (2/5). Strange it hasn’t shown up yet.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Not your fault. The topic was banal & non controversial. I was addressing W00derson directly saying we should get in touch re her questions about oils because it’s a boring topic for others & there’s the unavoidable delay between her question & my reply. Ha! Her username seems to be a gremlin trigger perhaps. Or just coincidental.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Maybe you just have been busy and haven’t gotten to it, but there is an unimportant post from me that is still showing as unapproved.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s approved now, you probably just got it.

But it was unapproved when I posted the above.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

re: online kerfuffles: Delingpole fingers Icke and throws in a reference to Star Wars being theosophical, like it’s some big shadowy thing he’s guessing at noticing.

There’s an interview with the chief librarian/metaphysical bookstore manager where he talks about how George Lucas came to research all this esoteric stuff while he was writing the original treatment for Star Wars. It isn’t hidden, shadowy anything. Kathleen Kennedy is mostly horrible for graffiti-ing on the bones of a religious pageant, which Star Wars totally is. The light sabers colors are definitely metaphysical. It’s an in depth interview. Geo Lucas definitely used theosophical concepts and images to tell his very religious story.

Ya’ll: It’s not disorganized outside the church, or the right wing industries. It’s very organized. They don’t win by accident. You are allowed to do the same thing: create the cultural artifacts that you like, host the events that make you happy, make the world one that you want to live in. Write books, make movies, make music, write comic books, have businesses, be ardent fans of good things.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I listened to that interview Delingpole did with Icke in Dec 2023. I haven’t read his books or paid much attention to Icke, but his ideas in that interview were basically rehashed gnosticism. Very incoherent & lacking depth. I don’t understand the appeal except people like having their ears tickled & I agree with Delingpole saying he’s a distraction.

1 year ago

I don’t think we can wake any more people up than this.
What is Q waiting for?

comment image?w=600&h=773

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

just 2 more weeks, and THEN…!!

1 year ago

Possible place to reach out presenting your case as a source of information, and asking what measurements they would recommend: Golomb Research Group:
They have a contact page. From their specific research group hosted on a UCSD subdomain

Dr. Golomb was the first to propose and defend in the peer-reviewed literature the now leading hypothesis for the so-called “Havana Syndrome,” that it is due to pulsed radiofrequency radiation. hand waves away Havana Syndrome as a toxicity issue but the abstract mentions

Subsequent mass-spectrometry and blood analyses documented reduced serum cholinesterase activity and the presence of organophosphates (Temephos) and pyrethroid metabolites (3-phenoxybenzoic acid or 3-BPA).

No idea if that means anything to anyone with a bio background. Knowing literally nothing about the topic, I would assume you could biohack to increase “serum cholinesterase activity” if they are correct in saying that it is an outcome of HS.

Also stumbled across which looks like it has some gems in it, including which itself has more gems in it. Might be able to translate that instructable to use the TinySA instead of a setup with a laptop and a Software Defined Radio (SDR).

Ran out of time tonight to continue the dig, but those last links are worth exploring more if anyone has some spare time.

Lurker No. 12.7
Lurker No. 12.7
1 year ago

It might be helpful to add a link in your menus to your DEW blog page.
As always a lot of thought-provoking stuff. Thanks for what you do.

1 year ago

Straight from the Michael Trust playboy on confounding narcissists:
US soldiers confronted in Poland about why they’re in the country, local man accuses them of being in the country to spread US agenda:
“Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

or, as #87 would remind us, “Why not two things at once?”

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Playbook i meant, facepalm

1 year ago

Reminiscent Of Communist Times, Patriots Are Systematically Purged From The Romanian Army

1 year ago

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Khan were sentenced to seven years in prison and fined on Saturday by a court that ruled their 2018 marriage broke the law, his party said.

It was the third ruling against Khan this week and comes ahead of national elections on Thursday that he is barred from contesting.

Khan, 71, has in recent days been sentenced to 10 years for leaking state secrets and 14 years along with this wife for illegally selling state gifts. His representatives say he will launch appeals in all three cases.

More at:

1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

DignifAI is the thin end of the wedge that will crack a lot of their BS.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

#dignifyAI 🫡

Let the salt flow.