News Briefs – 02/03/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Switzerland Directs Energy Suppliers To Set Aside 15% Of The Nation’s Annual Consumption In Reserve

DFT – Oil Heads For Second Weekly Loss As China’s Reopening Falters

DFT – Amazon Posts A Mixed Report As Cloud Division Slows

DFT – Apple Misses On Q1 Earnings Report

DFT – Impossible Foods Will Cut 20% Of Its Workforce

Ricky Vaughn was an epic Trump-supporter on Twitter, and even supported this site with links. He was so successful, prosecutors took his retweet of one of those memes jokingly telling liberals to vote from home by text, as official federal election interference, and they launched a full-fledged legal prosecution of him as if he were a foreign criminal who hacked the election machines. While his meme was a joke, those kinds of legal bills are not, and he has taken a real hit for supporting Trump, and trying to help our side. His Twitter is still banned, despite Elon’s promise to reinstate everyone, so he has no ability to reach out to fans. Below is him on video vouching for this site below being his official legal defense fund. Spread the link around to help our brother out, and let him know we remember all his work for our cause;

Doug Mackey, AKA Ricky Vaughn, Legal Defense Fund If any of the big hitters we have here can help this guy, what they are doing to him is not right.

Right-wing blogger, Psy-op victim: Scaring a man to death. Neoreactionary author is enjoying big success writing, when the domestic surveillance begins the psyops, doses him with hallucinogens through the medication he had to take each day, and eventually gets him committed, where some of the patients in the mental hospital are even “them,” and the fun continues, until he finally gets endocarditis and dies at age 30, probably from the stress. This is how they do it. They go to great lengths to make what you see seem unbelievable so if you try to explain it to someone, it comes off as impossible, and nobody will realize governments create Stasi-like domestic intel ops, even in America. It is a procedure for them, likely developed over decades, if not centuries, designed to let them do this free from the threat of exposure. And it works to stress the target too.

If you watch the first half hour of the movie Enemy of the State, add in some of the bizarre, almost supernatural aspects of Denzel Washington in Fallen, and wrap it all up in the Twilight Zone, and then make that every waking moment of your life for years, you will have the Cabal experience. They design it that way, so if you tell someone, you look crazy.

It is tough to explain to normies how little control you have over your own brain, when it is presented with violations of expectation, unreality, and threat, and confrontation. The brain reacts reflexively, pouring neurotransmitters into synaptic clefts, and dumping adrenaline into the blood. Your brain will rev up all by itself, neurochemically, without asking you for permission, and you will get manic. The “you” inside, will have to then try to function within a brain like that, with nearly uncontrollable drives to act, flee, fight, do anything. Hopefully you will be able to keep it in manageable parameters, and your innate intelligence can cope with the new brain mode of operation for the year or two it takes for the effect to wane as you adapt to the new world you live in. But if they begin dosing you with something, all bets are off. Maintaining health would be difficult under those stressful conditions even if you were 100% starting out, and they didn’t have things to point at the house which degrade health through the walls, as with Aaron Alexis.

What this guy’s case will show you though is one, if you have a weakness, like you need to take pills from a pharmacists and consume them, you have health problems, or you have kids and a family you need to protect, don’t get involved if you can avoid it. You do not need this battle. There are others who will gladly pull your slack. You will not make money, the effect you have will be minimal due to the suppression, and there will be costs.

Two, if you are under it, you are protecting guys like this guy, by eating up the resources which would otherwise be devoted to destroying the weak on our side. Take solace in the fact that by simply being under it, you are protecting the weak in some form, day in and day out.

Finally, don’t play their game. I do not get the coincidence thing any more because I did not play the game and go home and look everything up, and excitedly tell other people about it when they were showing me things. I couldn’t have cared less, it was not relevant as far as I was concerned. Oddly enough if I am ever doxed, you will find I even have the same number as one that this guy had in my official data, and put there so early in life, now I wonder if it is part of some procedure they have, and was supposed to later on be presented to me and really fuck with my head. But you can never know, it could be chance, and caring is just a waste of time. They have the power to do it, and it may very well be a procedure they get off a checklist.

These are flesh and blood people, operating as part of a coordinated organization, with tangible objectives, running Zersetzung ops in the real world. That the cashier checking you out can be one of them, and do something they are told to do, to fuck with your head, or that they can post something just to fuck with your head on 4Chan, or that your roommate is one and was placed long before the official festivities began is not relevant to your mission. Understand what is important for you, is to understand how to get from point A in life to point B despite this thing, or if you do not really know, as I probably do not right now, focus on trying to understand it.

And know above all else, you are not alone.

Also interesting is this guy, and his circles, feel to me like they were in a different world I never set foot in, even though I was operating in this sphere for all this time. And in the beginning as I promoted EvoPsych, I was digging for new outlets and personalities to reach out to for spread, but I never found any of these people, even as they were on Daily Caller. I get the impression they could never have stumbled on me, nor could I have ever stumbled on them. I get the impression we were both bubbled, walled off, and isolated from each other in separate sandboxes on the internet. And there may be many, many more of us out there right now, and we are all being kept apart through some mechanism online, so we cannot find and ally with each other.

Probably in large part because we would all give each other strength, and make the weakest among us less vulnerable. We need to find a way to do something about that, and get connected more.

Nevada Republicans introduce voter ID proposal, additional mail-in ballot verification. Republican governor is supportive.

More Project Veritas: Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women’s Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Pfizer Director is apparently a urologist which is why he says he knows something is messed up about it. Trust the science. What does the science say?

“There is something irregular about the menstrual cycles. So, people will have to investigate that down the line.”

“The [COVID] vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that [menstrual cycles]. So, we don’t really know.”

“I hope we don’t find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body and like — because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles.”

“I hope we don’t discover something really bad down the line.”

“If something were to happen downstream and it was, like, really bad? I mean, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.”

Note how retarded this guy is. “… it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles.” Of course it is impacting something hormonal. The Spike protein binds to the ACEII receptor, which means it mimics angiotensin, either as agonist or antagonist. ANGIO-TENSIN. As in tensing up blood pathways. Would that be related to blood flow, maybe? He has no idea. Somewhere is a genius who could not get a slot at med school because this asshole was in the local surveillance network.

This is what happens when you coke up and liquor up a gay Pfizer executive who is half-retarded to begin with. And it is why he freaked out like that. Good thing for Pfizer they got that government immunity.

And if there is a genetic predisposition to politics, and there is, this will be a pretty decent evolutionary pressure favoring the recalcitrant, independent and free thinker genes.

The sudden decline in birth rates post-vaccination — and the shocking silence.

Top insurance analyst finds 7% increase in aggregate mortality for each Covid vax dose received.

The federal government is tracking unvaccinated people who go to the doctor and to the hospital due to CDC-designed surveillance program. A little unnerving, as it will be a small pool which they can go through and decide – This guy is a problem, so we will vax this guy with a recombinant GI microbe through his food where he eats regularly here, this NPC is meaningless, so lets ignore them, this diabetic woman will need to be vaxxed through her insulin because she opposes the Great Reset, etc, etc.

Scientists say an outbreak of avian flue in mammals on a Spanish mink farm and in UK foxes is the kind of ‘spillover event’ that could spark a human epidemic. Cabal likes to tell stories like these so later events are more plausible.

Eleven more U.S. airports plan to adopt a new way of landing planes that reduces both emissions and noise — all by having incoming planes turn off their engines and glide down to the tarmac like a paraglider. I am sorry, could you run that by me again? Don’t planes periodically fuck up the landing and need to hit the gas to stay in the air so they can circle around and make a second pass? And are we going to be doing this with only a single vaxxed pilot on board, too?

FBI to search Mike Pence’s home, office for classified documents. Something strange about all of these. These are not really searches per se, since they are scheduled with the target. Pence could just as easily have all his documents delivered to FBI, for review, rather than have FBI going through his entire home while he and his family are kept outside, and FBI is maybe even planting tech in his home and bedroom. It isn’t like he is hiding papers in the rafters and leaving them there for the scheduled search. Something more to these, though I don’t know what. Maybe a show of subservience, to let FBI plant tech?

Attorney for Hunter Biden says letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is, in fact, Hunter’s.

House GOP launches probe into John Kerry’s secret negotiations with China.

Cuban and Haitian migrants who arrive in the United States under the new humanitarian parole program are eligible for financial aid of around $400 a month, along with food stamps and Medicare for a period of eight months through the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. That is money Americans busted their asses to earn, just taken and given away to foreigners we don’t even want here.

Planned new FBI HQ is twice the size of the Pentagon. And I do not even think the big domestic surveillance machine is FBI. It would be stupid to put in under FBI as then you would have a place to dig for documents about it which could prove its existence, or a place to send infiltrators to expose it, which would be deadly. I think FBI is like a minor support/muscle operation called in at the surveillance’s behest.

Republicans plan to launch investigation into Biden family ‘influence peddling’ HOURS after President delivers his State of the Union address.

A Hunter Biden email sent to an American aluminum company and promising information on Russian oligarchs is raising fresh concerns about the first son’s access to classified documents recently discovered in his father’s Wilmington, Del., home as lawmakers prepare to investigate allegations of influence peddling.

Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin moved Joe Biden’s documents from White House to UDel – Not the only time Schwerin handled government docs.

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a handful of other federal politicians – including two Democrats and one Republican – have shelled out thousands in campaign payments to a Chinese foreign agent – Sing Tao U.S., a subsidiary of the Hong Kong-based Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd, for advertising expenses during the midterm election cycle.

Biden said, “More than half the women of my cabinet, more than half the people of my cabinet, more than half the women in my administration are women.”

RINO Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has pulled Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and Mike Lee (R-UT), who both tried to oust him as the Senate’s top Republican in a bruising leadership race, off the powerful Commerce Committee.

What the media is told not to say – The number of Police officers shot in the line of duty has more than doubled since 2020.

Mother slams Biden’s border policies after daughter’s murder by suspected gang member in the U.S. None of this has to be. The elites could easily have kept ruling from the shadows and maintained power while operating benevolently and fairly. Why we see them sabotaging their own rule to inflict misery like this is a puzzle which seems only solvable through a spiritual solution.

New Jersey Republican Councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour shot to death outside her home in apparent hit.

On Tuesday, Democrats in the New Mexico House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee killed a slew of bills sponsored by Rep. Bill Rehm (R-Albuquerque) that would curb crime relating to fentanyl trafficking, illegal firearm trafficking, and retail theft. They actually want the crime. The spiritual battle is all that makes sense with a lot of this.

CitizenFreePres Reporter: “Do you think Ashli Babbit was murdered, or do you think the police officer who shot her was doing his job?” McCarthy: “I think the police officer did his job.”

Donald Trump on Truth Social:

I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, in that the Police Officer “Thug,” who has had a very checkered past to begin with, was not just “doing his job” when he shot and killed Great Patriot Ashli Babbitt at point blank range. Despite trying to keep him anonymous, shielded, and protected, this MISFIT proudly showed up on NBC Fake Nightly News “bragging” about the killing. He was not a hero but a COWARD, who wanted to show how tough he was. ASHLI BABBITT WAS MURDERED!!!

Jim Jordan: “At least 80 FBI agents collaborated with Twitter to help monitor the social media site. Don’t you think that has a chilling impact on free speech?”

Founder of Revolver News, and former Trump Speechwriter Darren J. Beattie on Twitter:

Jordan Petersen, Lex Fridman, Bari Weiss and the IDW crowd are basically spokesmen telling you what the algorithms give you permission to say

Rest assured, you can still be good CATTLE and think the pronoun stuff has gotten out of hand

Elon Musk only scheduled meetings with conservative leaders during his first visit to the U.S. Capitol as the CEO of Twitter.

Trump posts video of Nikki Haley promising not to run if Trump runs.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) used a press conference Wednesday to make clear his response to recent mass shootings in California will be to limit concealed carry.

Gavin Newsom’s wife made over $1.4 million after charging schools to screen her documentaries. She has come a long way from banging Harvey Weinstein for bit acting gigs.

Satanic statue honoring pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to go on display in Texas. This was the horned statue erected over a New York courthouse. Turns out it features a lacy thing around the neck which Ruth Bader Ginsburg would wear, as an homage to her. So even the people who like her, liken her to a demon.

Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota.

A new study out of England published Tuesday links ultra-processed foods with heightened risk for developing and dying from cancer.

New Jersey councilwoman shot and killed in possible targeted attack outside her home.

U.S. will pay $1 mil to empower marginalized racial, ethnic communities in Europe.

The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is flying over the continental United States right now.

Speaker McCarthy requests a ‘Gang of Eight’ briefing about the Chinese spy balloon located by the Pentagon over the continental U.S. 

Now there is a second spy balloon.

Massachusetts bill would allow prisoners to ‘donate’ their organs in exchange for freedom.

Continuing yesterday’s story of Jackie Chan not leaving his son a penny in his will – Hong Kong superstar Jackie Chan was already an adult when he discovered that his father was a former spy operating as a gangland boss who fled to Australia and his mother was a drug dealer. Foreign spy, brought home to the West, son becomes A-list movie star. Mom and Dad were probably running surveillance in Australia on Aussies going to the supermarket.

El Salvador has doubled its prison capacity after opening a 40,000-person facility this week in an effort to further crack down on the country’s gang violence problem.

British Columbia becomes the first Canadian province to legalize heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, and other dangerous narcotics to fight overdose crisis.

The White House and the CIA have responded to a report that CIA Director, William Burns, offered Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth of Ukraine’s territory to end the ongoing war as part of a peace plan drawn up on behalf of President Joe Biden.

Ukraine warns Russia massing 500,000 troops on border for offensive.

Bakhmut has been encircled trapping nearly 25,000 Ukros and supplies cut off.

A fresh Russian assault around the southern Donbas town of Vuhledar, which began towards the end of January, demonstrates that Moscow’s forces are becoming more capable before a critical – and increasingly uncertain – spring period.

Moscow provides more evidence of US biolabs in Ukraine.

Rep. Thomas Massie vows to strip Ukraine funding from must-pass spending bills.

Just a picture of Red Square in Russia, featuring St Basil’s Cathedral, which I thought looked interesting:

Harvard University is forcing out the school’s so-called misinformation expert, Joan Donovan, a noted expert on disinformation surrounding the coronavirus, white supremacy, and critical race theory, notifying her that she must leave the Ivy League school by the summer of 2024.

“Terminal List” gets renewed for second season.

Democrat Rashida Tlaib MELTS DOWN as Republicans remove raging bigot Ilhan Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee. AOC threw a fit too, claiming it was discriminating against brown women, and Muslims.

Former RINO Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a moderate Republican who has long been a critic of former President Trump, said he would support Trump if he is the GOP nominee for president in 2024.

President Donald J. Trump called for peace negotiations to end the war between Russia and Ukraine on Wednesday, describing the situation as “very dangerous, explosive, and escalating by the day,” while President Joe Biden sends 31 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine forces.

VIDEO: DeSantis and his wife gush over and praise Trump. DeSantis does not strike me as stupid. If he makes an enemy of Trump, he will end up like Ted Cruz. He will know that – it is patently obvious. Either he will work with Trump, maybe playing the heel for a time to lure out enemies and help Trump, and Trump will one day help him in return, or he will be compromised somehow by Cabal, and work against Trump, and commit political suicide because he was given no other choice.

A reportedly record-setting 80-million-people watched 45th President Donald Trump’s first two campaign events this past weekend with two stops in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Donald Trump on Truth Social : Our campaign is off to a GREAT START and we are leading BIG in all the polls! If the election were held today, there is ZERO doubt that we would WIN in a massive landslide! Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Spread r/K Theory, because we need to see the voting fixed before 2020

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Right-wing blogger, Psy-op victim: Scaring a man to death.
From the article:
“Bryce published a piece at The American Sun in April 2019, in which he tried to make sense of what was happening to him. They pulled it at his request, but you should read the archived version—and the editor’s note. It has all the tropes of writing we associate with the insane, he mentions “gangstalking” at one point and claims to have been dosed with LSD. He blames President Obama, domestic security services, and neo-Nazi hackers. He claims to be an MKUltra subject, and that his writing is what exposed him to this persecution. He writes of invoking demons—I’m old-fashioned enough to feel very strongly he should not have done this. (Even if you don’t believe in demons, if you invoke them and then get psy-opped, you’ll start to believe in them and wonder if they’re to blame for what’s happening to you, so just don’t do it in the first place.)”
Not diminishing the ground surveillance involved but the point above can’t be stressed enough. Do NOT EVER invoke, summon, or engage with the demonic. Always try and keep your mind focused on Jesus and his Word. People on our side spend so much time and effort focused on what our enemies are doing that we damage ourselves spiritually if we don’t take breaks. I’m guilty of this so I have to pull my head out of the muck regularly to focus on the Word of God. It’s essential for our souls.
I can not ever imagine what made this guy turn to demons for help but that alone could drive you mad. It brings musician Graham Bond to mind. A firm follower of the Majick (he believed he was Aleister Crowley‘s son) that threw himself in front of a bus to escape the demons he invoked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

On this topic, I haven’t seen your take on the “Pure living for life” you tube channel. Vox blogged about it. Basically a homesteading channel that got the attention of this thing, or something similar and is trying to navigate through it. Many angles on how even one guy with a dozen or so well crafted sock puppets can create havoc in someone’s life. Maybe I just missed it if you did comment.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

More Project Veritas: Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women’s Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Pfizer Director is apparently a urologist which is why he says he knows something is messed up about it.“
I can’t believe this guy left his dream job of being a penis wrangler and went to work for Pfizer. It’s like a rodeo cowboy that decides fuck it and goes to work for McDonalds selling the beef instead of riding it.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Mcdonalds sells Beef?


Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

They also sell cheese-like substances.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Planned new FBI HQ is twice the size of the Pentagon.

“Our new state of the art headquarters also features mandatory glory-holes installed in all bathrooms for both he and she penises.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

FBI to search Mike Pence’s home, office for classified documents.
“Those butt-plugs are not mine! Put that back please.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

The federal government is tracking unvaccinated people who go to the doctor and to the hospital due to CDC-designed surveillance program. A little unnerving, as it will be a small pool which they can go through and decide – This guy is a problem, so we will vax this guy with a recombinant GI microbe through his food where he eats regularly here, this NPC is meaningless, so lets ignore them, this diabetic woman will need to be vaxxed through her insulin because she opposes the Great Reset, etc, etc.”

Even if they manage to get their bug juice inside of me through my food or some sort of emergency situation like a car wreck I still didn’t give them permission. My suddenly will be avenged by the Lord.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Exactly this- I’ve harped on it before but I think the reason they “have to tell everyone what their doing” is because if you’re held down and vaxxed it’s not sinful and doesn’t separate you from, you’re martyr instead. They need you to have at least an inkling that what they want you to do is wrong and for you to decide to do it anyway in order to drive in the wedge between you and God.

2 years ago

“we are all being kept apart through some mechanism online, so we cannot find and ally with each other.”

I only found your blog because you were recommended by a commenter deep in the comments section of Chateau Heartiste’s blog. The only big person or site that seems to regularly reference you is Vox Day. I spent a lot of time on Bitchute and Gab last year, and basically none of all those conspiracy nuts talk about you although your work is far too interesting to ignore.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If I post something to Gab that I found at your blog, I normally post a link-back and say I found it there. When I find someone looking for info sources, I always have your name / blog in the list. I push as many people as I can your way without being a total pest about it.

🌲no longer forestanon🌲
🌲no longer forestanon🌲
Reply to  R
2 years ago

I do the same thing on Gab, and by text. I’ve also flat pulled up the site on my phone and walked people thru finding the site IRL on their own phone. Often browsers seem to refuse to find the site so I’ll even coach them thru pulling it up on alternative browsers. Screen capping your commentary and then posting the link addresses to drop them into text conversations works well too (I always say hey this is from AC’s blog).

I found out about you from the old commentary system at Vox Day’s other site.

Thanks for all you do.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

We are definitely getting silo-ed. I have a real life example.

I was out at a community event and “randomly” a woman approached me and recommended a local Facebook group. It is run by a peculiarly named woman.

Fast forward, we’ve had a weekly worker come to our house for a year. Our worker is a member of this Facebook group and has attended some of their functions. “Coincidence”.

I know, I know. Probably a Cabal set-up, but I’ve also had God arrange some pretty spectacular occurrences in my life so I cannot always distinguish between what is God-driven versus Cabal-driven.

Here is the silo part – between 3 cell phones, 2 computers, 3 highly intelligent people, we could NOT engineer a join request for me.

Literally all 3 of us (me, Cabal hubby, weekly worker) sat at the kitchen table and could not get our various electronic devices to show us the same results. We searched using both the exact name/location of the Facebook group and the very peculiar name of the lady who runs it.

Weekly worker easily pulled up the Facebook group so we saw it, in person, on her phone. It exists on Facebook and in real life.

Any search we (me + Cabal hubby) tried on our phones or computers would NOT show this Facebook group as an option. There was zero way we could find it. If we didn’t know it existed prior to our exhaustive search, we’d have no idea there was this local social group.

Plan B was to create a Facebook account for me and have weekly worker extend an invite to me for the Facebook social group since she was already a member of said group.

We created my account, and utterly failed to link it to weekly worker to obtain the invitation.

We tried every way to find weekly worker on Facebook. Using my new account, and having weekly worker sitting next to me with her Facebook account open on her phone, we literally COULD NOT make my computer or phone find weekly worker.

Ditto for Cabal hubby and his personal phone and his Facebook account. I think he even tried using his work phone as well.

On weekly worker’s end, she could NOT find me or Cabal hubby on Facebook either. We were utterly and totally blocked from connecting with each other.

We spent a large amount of time on this as none of us could believe it was happening.

If we were not all physically present and working together, we’d have ZERO knowledge that “someone” or “something” was actively preventing us from connecting.

On an almost totally unrelated topic… I do NOT want to reignite the Catholic versus Protestant thing here again, but Father Ripperger has a book of Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity. I’ve been Protestant all my life, but dang, these prayers are providing me some deliverance when nothing else has. Wooderson is a smart, smart lady and she shared recently that granny Catholic practices are helping her (I think it’s saying the Rosary).

I’ve gotten enough relief/deliverance (plus Wooderson’s experience) that I’m now attempting to explore Catholicism. Found a TLM church here and reached out.

Circling back to the original “silo” subject, the person with the job of onboarding new Catholics at this church has not returned any of my messages. I suspect my attempts at contact have been intercepted and spiked.

Through multiple examples like this, I’ve been learning that I must be physically in the presence of the person to be certain the communication happens.

Again, if anyone is having a problem with evil in their life, look into Father Ripperger’s prayer book. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

As always, AC you are a star. God bless you and keep you.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

What happens if you tried to use a VPN?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This is fantastic information, thank you for this post and the book recs.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Re: God-driven vs cabal. This is something I think about a lot too. In fact, I think a lot of the machinations we see are a form of playing God, like they are trying to mimic what He does. They see you or know all about you, and play puppet master for their own plans vs God trying to place you somewhere you can do the most good and use your unique skills/traits.

I have three different scenarios that played out over some length of time (years in one case) that I am 100% convinced were God. And I think about them all the time because it builds my faith that He is there and making things happen that cannot be thwarted unless He allows it. The most humbling aspect of two of the three was Him working thru particular ‘personality traits’ of mine that have driven me crazy so many times in life (getting obsessed with some stressor or idea or personal experiment to the exclusion of everything else for a time) and the third got started by my husband getting laid off, which caused us enormous stress at the time, but he ended up at a new job quickly and there’s a long and amazing chain of circumstances that blows my mind every time i think about it.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

As with you, my reply is NOT to bring up a Protestant vs. Catholic debate. So for others reading my post, I am genuinely trying to share my experience with TLM to the OP.
I’ve been going to TLM for more than three years now. Before attending, I reached out to a different TLM church and could never get in touch with anyone. I started going to the SSPX and it’s literally the best experience I’ve ever had regarding church/religion and I have had some weird experiences growing up. Very great people and our priest is very based, for lack of a better word.
I grew up pretty much agnostic/borderline atheist, but during 2015/16 had a conversion due to realizing the high prevalence of evil in the world. Like, I was an Obama voting, pothead liberal, on anti-depressants, etc. (Fast forward to the present after receiving God’s Grace, and I’m drug free, med free, Catholic/Christian Nationalist, wife, mother = total 180). That realization can absolutely be attributed to supporting Trump and following Q posts. That eventually led me to Vox Day, which led me here. I’ve been a daily reader now for 3 years or so also.
Back to the Catholic thing, I live in the South so just naturally started attending a Baptist church (they’re on every corner down here) in 2018 and was immediately baptized. It took about a year to realize something wasn’t right. Long story, somewhat shortened, I am now a confirmed Traditional Catholic (I’ve only attended a Novus Ordo church twice in 3 years due to funerals and even then prayed the Rosary the entire time and would not take communion). I pray the Rosary daily and attend Mass weekly or more when it’s available. The daily Rosary has literally changed my life. If you get confirmed get yourself enrolled in the Brown Scapular and the Miraculous Medal. And even if you don’t join The Church, get a few blessed crucifixes and blessed St. Benedict medals and put them around your house to ward off evil. A very close friend of mine did this on my suggestion and her literally demonic boyfriend left the same day. Also, check out Bishop Williamson, he’s got quite a few intelligently worded things to say about a certain tribe. Actually, several figures within the TLM are worthy of their salt.
God bless you and thanks for sharing.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Also not a Roman Catholic, but I have invoked the prayer to St. Jude at crisis points in my life and have received positive outcomes to my problems EVERY time.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Wooderson here: I have family that is Protestant, Jewish, Catholic, Pagan, Mormon, Atheist, Hindu, Pentecostal, Other.

They all have parts that work towards the Divine or the Good, however you define it.

I am happy that you are finding what works for you. I rejoice that you are finding a boat to cross the river.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Google-ex wife here- been meaning to respond on the divorce stuff from a bit ago but haven’t been able to collect my thoughts yet. Super stressful IRL stuff right now.

But dropping a note to say that I came up Catholic. My attempts to return to the Church have been somewhat hindered by priests who are creeps. But I finally got Google-guy annulled and am hoping to move my current marriage into the Church. I find praying the Rosary daily to be very helpful, especially when I’m in need of discernment. Which reminds me I dropped the practice while travelling and need to get back to it. Thank you for the rec on the prayer book- will check it out for sure. I’m keeping you and Wooderson in my daily prayers and wish there were a safe way to connect and be more helpful to each other. .

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’ll hang a website banner on a bridge over I-95!

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It was a commenter on Disqus back long ago when I read Breitbart (2015/16) that pointed me this way, a bit of a hit and run really, because I never saw much of them afterwards.
Thank you “Porcelain Princess” whoever wherever you are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

This is also how I found this site, although I don’t remember who the commenter was that posted the link.

2 years ago

Has anyone here read this:

Thieves Emporium by Max Hernandez

2 years ago

Anarchopapist was one of the best writers in Neoreaction when he was going strong. Definitely one of my favorites. When I had first started the reddit, his backlog featured heavily and always was well received. When his site went down I had thought it was taken down against his will and made some effort at archiving it. This was in 2015.
However, that was quickly followed by requests to pull it down, including from Bryce himself and a couple of other guys active in nrxn. I followed the request by privating the posts rather than deleting them. I suppose it isn’t all that important now, years later and now that he has passed, so I can give some insight into what seemed to have occurred.
1) Before he started in nrx and converted to catholicism, he apparently had some relatively embarrassing blog posts he made as a teenager. According the mutual friends, though, this didn’t have much to do with why he left. Although it likely contributed to anxiety. I’ve never read these posts and am not sure what the content was.
2) More likely is that a large amount of private communications were gotten and he was threatened with having all of that leaked if he did not completely eliminate his internet presence. Probably from a slack or discord type of thing. If you combine that with likely gangstalking (which I don’t know anything about, but is likely enough) and legitimate health problems that was enough to neutralize him as an influence. The bad guys got a big win with that, as he was really good.
The whole thing definitely has cabal influence all over it. It is a damn shame he died so young, but if he already had heart trouble since birth it probably wouldn’t take much to push it past the breaking point. I don’t know if he got the vax, but the timeframe adds up. You would think he would resist that given his previous involvement in right-wing skepticism, but on the other hand he had been pretty thoroughly worked over by the machine and may not have been able to resist the social pressure at that point.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

When Alien Abductees had enough they cried out to Jesus. “Jesus help me”. The abductions, all stopped.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Scientists say an outbreak of avian flue in mammals on a Spanish mink farm and in UK foxes is the kind of ‘spillover event’ that could spark a human epidemic. Cabal likes to tell stories like these so later events are more plausible.

Oddly, perhaps due to my being elderly, I recall from the ancient times — pre Real Science! — just as COVID was becoming fashionable reading that almost all animals have a variation of the flu which is unique to their species and does not transmit to other species: frog flu does not transmit to prairie dogs; but, that was just science; thankfully, since then we have discovered Real Science!.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

It’s always the scientists, never the farmer who says his animals are sick. I bet they’re using dodgy testing like PCR which can find anything in anyone or any animal if you multiply the tests enough.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Shy Ted
2 years ago

@Shy Ted

Apparently they actually were using PCR tests on chickens, and the results of said tests contributed to the massive culling of the chicken population.

These bastards really want us to starve. Plan accordingly.

2 years ago

Well some weirdness has happened with the psyop kill author article. I read the link yesterday morning and later that day in the evening I heard my printer running and thought it was my spouse printing something so I didn’t worry. This morning I actually looked at what had printed and it was the obituary for Laliberte that I had looked at. Was curious as Iive close to St Paul. Anyway. This morning I went to click on the article that AC reposted and the site went down. Just FYI

Reply to  Rizzo
2 years ago

When I clicked to look at the obituary it popped up to print it. I clicked cancel. You probably just accidentally confirmed the print. For whatever reason, that link tries to print any time you click it.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

You wrote “Two, if you are under it, you are protecting guys like this guy, by eating up the resources which would otherwise be devoted to destroying the weak on our side.”
I don’t have a day job, so I go to the grocery during working hours on weekdays. It’s much less crowded. At first. Very often when I am looking for an item, it is in an empty aisle with no shoppers. I like to read food labels to avoid bad stuff like HFCS, seed oils, etc., so I will spend 3~5 minutes in the aisle, depending on the number of brand available to choose from.
As I am trying to compare the ingredients of different brands, the aisle will almost always begin to fill up with “shoppers” who “need” items that are right next to where I am standing. This happens nearly every time – the formerly empty aisle suddenly fills up with people, and a crowd forms around me.
I’ve started just leaving, and going to an empty aisle nearby. Which, “coincidentally”, also fills up with “shoppers” looking for items right next to me. I’ve even changed aisles more than once, going back to the original location I was at. Before, these aisles would have been vacated again, but recently there is usually at least 1 “shopper” still in the aisle, lingering from when I left the aisle the first time. The number of people at the grocery during normal working hours
When you said “Finally, don’t play their game…”, I assume you’re not talking about changing aisles as I do. I figure that, as long as I am drawing a crowd of survellance, then this is the kind of “eating up resources” that you were talking about.
Yesterday, I bought some Gin at one store, then went to a different store to get the tonic water (where it is much cheaper). Second time in a row buying tonic that there was already someone there, shopping for the exact same thing, blocking the shelf where the tonic is. This time, as I arrived, I saw her putting back on the shelf(!) a 4-pack of the same brand I buy. Needless to say, I did not select the pack that she put back.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Your mother was pro the illusionary freedom oriented government and pro just authority.
They knew they planned to destroy the illusion with both and anyone who loved the illusion would be a problem.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Odd coincidences happen often enough for me at the grocery store. Once a tranny and two girls seemed to be following me, and this is in a rural country town where trannies shouldn’t be.
One recent one that comes to mind is a fairly attractive girl saw me coming down the aisle and as I move to go past her, she blocks me off by kneeling down and pretending to look at items. The other side of the aisle was blocked by her cart. Clearly aware I was there and looking to continue, she just lingered for about two minutes while I silently observed her. Finally she got out of the way without taking anything she was looking at and let me pass.
It was very bizarre. Or would have been if I hadn’t known about how this stuff works thanks to reading sites like this one. If you are detached enough, these skits can be somewhat fascinating.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Probably a honeypot trying to get your attention.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Anon wrote “If you are detached enough, these skits can be somewhat fascinating.”
I used to get angry when I didn’t understand what was going on. But now? It’s fun to just keep changing aisles. Then the question becomes, who is really leading the show? Y’all gotta follow me? OK then, pick up the pace!

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Seems to happen to me all the time. No matter what time of day I go to a grocery store, no matter how empty, any time I stop in an aisle to grab something, somebody comes rushing in right to the spot I’m at. Sometimes up to 3 people in succession.

I hate shopping with my wife, because it can take her a while to find what she needs, and people just keep coming to where I’m standing. I cannot find a spot to stand to wait for her where somebody doesn’t rush in to grab something behind me. It’s exhausting. I never understood it, but statistically, it shouldn’t happen.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

You are right about the statistics. Shouldn’t happen so often, the probability is way too low. What about telling your wife you’re going to check another aisle for something? Then lead the parade around the store 🙂

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

I guess if I can’t do anything about it, maybe I should amuse myself by fucking with them.

I wish there were a way to break the game, since none of us want to play it in the first place.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

OMG this EXACT thing happens to me! I could have written this. I usually try to buy the item in the back or a few items back but from now on I am going to be more mindful to do it every time.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

They are moving in close to document how you are buying things.”
As Andy Grove said, only the paranoid survive.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Anon, I guess I’m just lucky that I am kind of choosy. If a can is dented, or a label is torn, or if a price sticker covers the ingredients, I won’t buy it. And I usually don’t get the item at the very front. I’ve always been like this – what we used to call “anal retentive” in slang.
Plus, I am fickle. I will get one brand of something, chili sauce for example, after having read the ingredients of all the brands. But often another brand seems good too, and when the stalkers come to the aisle I leave and come back later, and put back the brand I selected and get the other brand. Or not. Or I just put it back and don’t get it at all. Like AC said, no patterns.
And switch up your staples. I usually buy refrigerated hamburgers, but today I bought frozen hamburgers for the first time in years, and a brand I’ve never had before.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Will do; thanks.

2 years ago

In reference to the latest Project Veritas dump, these guys are pretty poor investigative journalists. I’ve managed to dig up plenty on Dr. Walker, and the whole thing stinks to high heaven. There are just too many discrepancies in this guy’s background. That said, Pfizer knew exactly what the mRNA vaccine would do. They are setting up plausible deniability with these videos. I guarantee you if Walker was legit, he’d already be dead. People who butt heads with Pfizer don’t seem to die of old age. Australia has had a problem with the European hare for about 70 years or more. About 20 years or so ago they came up with a novel approach to control the fertility of wild rabbits—a self-disseminating vaccine with two spike proteins that would initiate an autoimmune response in the rabbits’ ovaries rendering them sterile. Sound familiar? That’s what the mRNA Covid19 vaccine is doing to people. A few months into the pandemic all of journal articles about the rabbit vaccine were magically wiped from the internet. If you read through the brochures for the various Johns Hopkins tabletop exercises like Event 201, you find mention of self-disseminating vaccines. Infertility is the intended consequence of the vaccine. Back 20 years ago researchers were joking that they now had the ability to control the fertility of every mammalian species on earth—If they needed more African lions, all they needed to do was tweak the spike proteins in the vaccine. Welcome to 2023. Someone can now decide that you are less necessary on earth than an African lion.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Syncytin-1 is necessary for placental development (and thus necessary for successful pregnancy) and homologous to spike protein.

I believe Dr. Yeadon was correct, and yes, OF COURSE they knew.

Self-disseminating vaccines are definitely real, but as CornPop says above, we don’t give our permission or consent to these, so God will get the final say, and mete out appropriate justice on our behalf, in the end.

2 years ago

> Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota.

“No wreckers will be allowed to deflect the glorious 3-Year Plan!”

2 years ago

> Massachusetts bill would allow prisoners to ‘donate’ their organs in exchange for freedom.

Larry Niven wrote a science fiction short story in the 1960s, about a future America where transplant technology had been fully developed. However, due to the shortage of available organs, some states started “disassembling” criminals instead of simply executing them. And that eventually worked down to the death penalty being applied even for traffic violations, because the organ banks always needed more material.

It was too far out to be credible then. Now…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I’m a huge fan of Niven and like, Herbert, Pournelle and that “organ legging” was in a lot of his stories.

Some good series are “There Will be War”(Vox Day reprinted some of these and assembled new stories), the “Man-Kzin Wars” the Niven “Known Space” series.

If I had to pick one, the “There Will be War” series is outstanding.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Joe Haldeman was pretty damn good sci-fi writer too

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

What the PTB have been saying all along: China is the Model, and China is the Goal. We wanna be like China.


Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Just wait till they add full body gestational donation.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

And none of the offspring will Breastfeed, so they’ll be natural immunity deficient humans from the get go.

2 years ago

> Planned new FBI HQ is twice the size of the Pentagon.

Built in the shape of a pentagram, no doubt.

The FBI has stained itself too often and too publicly. It had a long run, but it’s time for it to be disbanded. It has institutional rot; simply swapping new bodies into the executive level won’t fix that.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

More and more of our institutions are becoming like that.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Anybody else remember that pet project of Obama’s, a “civilian national defense force?” They only reason the FBI needs a headquarters larger than the Pentagon is because it plans on being a lot bigger than the military.

2 years ago

> Gavin Newsom’s wife made over $1.4 million after charging schools to screen her documentaries. 

Every day, I’m reminded again how much the modern USA has come to resemble Communist Romania under Couesceau and his wife.

On the other hand, I smile when I think about what happened to them when the citizenry finally decided they’d had enough.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I shared this same Newsom story with a conservative friend of mine. His reply: “that’s how capitalism works”

… sharing in case you still have faith in conservatives to not be stupid

Last edited 2 years ago by Fart Simpson
2 years ago

> A new study out of England published Tuesday links ultra-processed foods with heightened risk for developing and dying from cancer.

It’s not the first study to find that, and won’t be the last. Most of the time it never makes the mass media, and when it does, the authors are made to suffer for it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I want to point out something used to control vit. A but seems to have a lot of other good effects. The rice-fruit diet.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“Ultra-processed” seems to mean very high carb levels. In other words, eating via the USDA food pyramid, which promotes high carb diets.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Nels
2 years ago

It is not a fact that carbs are bad. I don’t understand it, but some people eat total carb diets and have great health. And some eat next to none and have great heath. A caveat, it should be noted the Eskimos at mostly meat and fat but aged very fast. It seems that the mix is a problem and we don’t really know what mix or why. It’s a big mystery. There’s papers on the kempner-rice-diet and they had hundreds of people follow this with outstanding results. Many reversed heart disease symptoms. They even got pictures of their eyes which shows levels of heart congestion. Google had a research project to make equipment for this. The rice diet people’s eyes cleared up so much that some even regained their sight when they were close to blind, They could see after the diet. At the same time there was huge Stanford study on all the popular diets and the Adkins came out best. And to muddy the waters even more people constantly jumping and down about sugar but there was diets with lots of carbs and increased sugar and they did well also. It’s confusing as can be.

I wonder…if that guy who is really vitamin A adverse is not on to something. I would also throw in concentrations of iron in the blood with this, like Mangan’s “Dumping Iron” book. Substances that do good in very small amounts but are difficult to get rid of when older and become toxic.

Knowing what we know now about Bill Gates…did you know he financed a genetically engineered rice that made vitamin A? His stated goal was to spread this all over Asia. What was that about? When he did it, it made sense to me as we are all told we need all this vit. A, but it looks like this may be a bad thing. Could it be he knows something about vit. A and is in fact pushing poison? It really makes you think. I have often said you can disconcern what is fake or bad by looking at what they are pushing and also what they refuse to talk about. I see anything Bill Gates is pushing as likely to be bad.

Here’s another thing I’ve observed. Of all my Mom’s brothers and sisters one lived the longest and she was a strict vegetarian but we know a lot of vegetarians get sickly. We also know that tribes in Africa and in the Amazon that eat almost all carbs live very good healthy lives with no heart disease. Could it be that more wealthy western vegetarians eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that have a lot of vitamin A in them which poisons them but a more primitive diets, like the rice diet and just eating a lot of tubers, does not have all this vit. A in it. Just a thought because diet is a confusing mish mash of who knows.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

> It is not a fact that carbs are bad. I don’t understand it, but some people eat total carb diets and have great health. And some eat next to none and have great heath.

“Assume a spherical patient of uniform density…”

A lot of medicine is driven by statistics, and statistics make it easy to view all patients as the same. They aren’t. I’m well off the end of the bell curve on several things, which is a problem every time I see a new doctor, who assumes I’m mistaken or lying.

Carbs are cheap and easily digested, and probably the main cause of the “obesity plague” of the 20th century. And though Established Medicine tried to blackball and deplatform him, Gary Taubes’ assertion that not all calories are the same is absolutely true, at least for my own personal biochemistry.

If you want to see Woke-ism and scientific fraud in detail, going back 75 years or more, try Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories.”

It’s not an easy read, as he documents every tweaked study and misleading report in tedious detail, but it’s worth your time to grind through it, just to see in detail of “Teh $cience!” gets manipulated.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories.” I know all about this. I’m not uninformed on this and I’m saying that the facts show that categorically calling all carbs bad is wrong. There are people who eat mostly all carbs in various tribes and they are in stellar shape. No tooth decay, extremely good vascular systems and no plaque build up in their blood vesicles. They do not die from heart attacks from plaque build up. They do die off from lack of heath care but until they do, they are in extremely good shape. Especially compared to the west and I bet even the people on Adkins type diets.

“Assume a spherical patient of uniform density…”

I assure you, you are propping up a straw man here. I’m not saying you are doing it maliciously, only that this is the case. It is a 100% fact that people eating traditional, largely carb diets are in very good health. I’m not saying I know why. I’m not saying I know why a more meat and vegetable type diet with little carbs is better, Adkins type diets), it is, but I expect the total carb stone age diet is even better. They didn’t get much meat. Only a little. I also know that Eskimos diet with almost all meat and lots of fat prematurely ages them. Overload of vitamin A maybe being the culprit. This would be from fish so maybe a high meat, no fish diet would be good. All fish is not bad only the oily fish from cold waters that have high vitamin A content. In fact the same fish that they keep telling us is so good for us.

The reason I believe the guy I provided links too about vitamin A overload is he has huge, very large regional statistical data on the rates of disease due to eating large amounts pf vitamin A in fish. He even has data from when the diet of a large region stopped being fish based because of overfishing and how this directly led to changes in diseases. That’s hard to beat. We’re talking millions of people with records from the government health care system. They may not be good at anything else but the government is damn goo at keeping lots of records.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

BTW I own Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories.” in paperback.

2 years ago

>Moscow provides more evidence of US biolabs in Ukraine.

US media: [squeezes eyes shut, sticks fingers in ears, shouts “LA-LA-LA-LA…”]

2 years ago

> Rep. Thomas Massie vows to strip Ukraine funding from must-pass spending bills.

Fine talk, but he doesn’t have the power to do it on his own.

Therefore, he’s a weasel trying to get some public support by promising something he can’t deliver.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

It’s called Grandstanding.

2 years ago

> Former RINO Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a moderate Republican who has long been a critic of former President Trump, said he would support Trump if he is the GOP nominee for president in 2024.

He’s planning to run for something in the future, and he’s attaching himself to DJT’s coattails hoping some of the shine rubs on on him.

It’s amazing how many of these weasels trash-talk or backstab DJT, yet expect he will let them ride the wave… and even more amazing how often he lets them do it instead of bitch-slapping them into last week.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

He’s trying to pull a “Jeff Sessions” on DJT.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

Power-off landings help build pilot skills. Screw the passengers, it’s for the environment, dammit!

Seriously, though, even if they’re only pulling the levers back to idle thrust, it still takes turbines time to spin up to thrust that might save a botched landing, so yes, this idea, like single-pilot operations following the days of mandatory Death Stabs is the concept of a PC/ESG/DIE Kool-Aid®️ drinker.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

Coming into a smaller airport that had the main ramp on one side and a smaller, private ramp on the other side, the tower guy cleared a fuel truck to cross the runway from the main side over to the private ramp just as I was in the flare. The flare is those last few seconds before touchdown. I went around. If I hadn’t, we would have hit the fuel truck.

2 years ago

> Harvard University is forcing out the school’s so-called misinformation expert,

Not a change in policy. Someone else now has the favor of the regents, and will be awarded the position. Probably with a hefty salary bump, too.

Extra credit if the new appointee ticks more diversity checkboxes.

2 years ago

> Donald Trump on Truth Social : Our campaign is off to a GREAT START and we are leading BIG in all the polls! If the election were held today, there is ZERO doubt that we would WIN in a massive landslide! 


You’re not going anywhere, Don. Not while the Democrats control the polling and counting process. Whatever sock puppet they run against you will win by the largest landslide in history.

You talked big about election reform after you were elected, and then you dropped that ball. Yeah, I understand you had a lot on your mind, but there was nothing you were doing that was more important than safeguarding the electoral process.

And that inaction is going to cost you a second election.

Yeah, I’ll stand in line and cast my vote for whoever is running against the Democrats. You, if your name is on the ballot. But I’ll just be going through the motions, because voting is just a joke now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

When you see one of the Soros family show up in Mar a Lago to negotiate a peaceful handover of power with Trump, then he or someone like him will win the next election. But not until then. And Trump will probably have to do a stint in prison first.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Voting is a farce, but I realized the other day…Trump will “win” in 2024. Whoever is pulling the strings wants to enrage as much of the populous as much of the time, as they can. The political see-saw further widens the divide amongst the people. Lots of wild cards of course but my gut says 2024 will be fixed for DJT just like 2020 was gifted to Biden.

Reply to  NostraBallotus
2 years ago

If that happens then Trump MUST seize the pendulum.
He will have 4 years to prepare for martial law and he’d better do it this time.
But I doubt there will be anything left to save if he waits that long.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Worst plan ever, worst movie ever.
If America and Brazil are saved it will be by the grace of GOD while Trump and Q go down in history as the stupidest Jesters who ever tried to get rid of a usurper.

I will do and support whatever I can to save my nation, but I no longer believe Trump to be a genius, I’m starting to think that he really is the fool that the enemy thought him to be and that whoever runs him as an asset is the mediocre brains of the operation.
Q looks like a bunch of military intelligence types playing way out of their league and throwing ill conceived Hail Marys but never having the guts to go kinetic in a way that might disrupt the cabal’s control.
Both Trump and Q may be being played by Putin who wants to destroy us as much as he wants to destroy cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It doesn’t do us much good if cabal is broken along with the federal government but we are overrun by the cartels.
They are probably cabal and even if that is not the case they will try to genocide us anyway.
Kill the Gringo will become like Kill the Boer in South Africa.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Completely disagree with the idea The Cartels in Mexico hate whitey. The Cartels run their business along the lines of “you don’t shit where you eat”. The freedom to get shit in Mexico is breathtaking compared to USA. Cabal doesn’t run Mexico, old school corruption runs it.

Reply to  Leverage
2 years ago

I lived in the South West, you have no idea what you are talking about.
La Raza means The Race.
The Mexicans plan on a “Reconquista” to “retake” “Aztlan” from the “Gringos”.
They are just as racist as all the other invaders and more than some.

And the Cartels are slowly but surely conquering the Mexican government.

2 years ago

AC, your writing has always been very dry, and I mean this as a compliment. I see others disparaging you, presenting you as a kook, but you’ve never struck me as kookish. You seem just to be saying things as you see them, and you provide reasoning based on facts. Don’t change, and God Bless.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
2 years ago

Just as a helpful FYI, video downloading for rumble and bitchute, I post this comment:


Video downloadhelper (free) works for me on rumble and bitchute, one machine is so old with old firefox version that bitchute won’t display, but VDH will download even then, and then I can open and play with SMPlayer, good stuff for freebie. Can’t find a good Youtube downloader, the ones I had been using were deactivated by firefox, being an old browser version. For some reason, VDH doesn’t pull off youtube for me, maybe because it is an old version that I have not looked to see if updates were available.

Hope this helps. I really appreciate this site and all of the intelligent reader comments, thanks to all.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous the eighth
2 years ago

Also, JDownloader2. You can download pretty much any content on a site by putting in the URL of your chosen site. You can even copy an entire list of hyperlinks from download sites and it’ll parse it for you.
It also makes it really simple for you to choose video format/size, audio only, image, etc. when downloading YouTube videos. Hope this helps.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous the eighth
2 years ago

@Anonymous the eighth

Thanks for that. Been looking for something that can download from bitchute.

For YouTube, copy the url of the vid you want to download and type in on a search bar on a new tab, getvideo/

This will take you to a russian site. Inpute url into box and hit enter. The video will display several settings (hd/etc) in green tabs. Click one. It should download automatically. If not, click the tab to play the vid and right click save as.

Hope this helps.

Reply to  Anonymous the eighth
2 years ago

I use 4K Video Downloader (professionally.) It grabs youtube with all the options you would want, including getting entire channels, playlists and subscribing to channels. I just tested it with bitchute, and it worked fine. Rumble seems to be getting stuck on “parsing video” but that sort of thing gets patched pretty quickly by the devs.
I bought my license years ago, so I’m not sure which version I even have. Looking at it, it looks like I have the pro version, but I don’t think I have ever used any of the “pro” features other than commercial use and the extra simultaneous downloads.

2 years ago

“are we going to be doing this with only a single vaxxed pilot on board, too?”

Friends with an airline pilot. Push a button and the autopilot does it all, from takeoff to landing. Comforting to know, so long as that autopilot remains uncompromised.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago

I mentioned this a while back, we only have pilots because
A. Pilots unions
B. Passenger confidence

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

No. You are incorrect. Commercial flight requires safety redundancy. 2 engines. 2 wheels. 2 hydraulic systems. 2 Radios. 2 Nav systems

Some years ago, an airliner on autopilot in a hold crashed. Ice accumulated on the control surfaces. Autopilot was applying increasing force to maintain the attitude. When it could no longer maintain that pressure, autopilot disconnected handing control to the pilots. At that point, human recovery was not possible.

So points are:

  • Autopilot was not able to detect situation was deteriorating.
  • Manufacturers do NOT want autopilot blamed

Critical Systems need to be monitored. Even with AI, there must be at least one person, and another for redundancy.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

C. Emergency situations. Chesley Sullenberger. “My aircraft”.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

RE: Ricky Vaughn…

Ricky’s biggest enemies were Jews, Feds and white nationalists (aka white n*ggers)

Obviously the three are one in the same

2 years ago

Democrat Rashida Tlaib MELTS DOWN as Republicans remove raging bigot Ilhan Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee. AOC threw a fit too, claiming it was discriminating against brown women, and Muslims.

The lamentation of their women.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago


2 years ago

Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin moved Joe Biden’s documents from White House to UDel – Not the only time Schwerin handled government docs.
Hunters Partner Bobalinski knew what was happening, Everyone involved or not who saw his “10% for the big guy” moniker drop Tv interview see’s how far that went. Zero event amplification. Yet the10% for the big guy Meme was created and went Viral instantly. Most everyone recognizes the references implied.
My money says Schwerin saw that too, realized he needed an Insurance policy. So he arrainged for hunter to provide him the documented proof to get him and his investor group onboard. ,Then once hunter was safely in another room smokin with another crack ho, he quickly snapped a phone photo of the document that convinced him what crack head hunter was saying was credibile to those within his own circles , and world changing .. (a peek into the future) would be included in a deal that would make them all billions $$ deal and he would thus have a “get out of jail card” as insurance. An early care-free retirement in Palm Springs or Miami Beach was even closer than he’d ever dreamed.
Hunter’s laptop probably has an image copy in an email from Schwerin as well. Along with the message ‘you said your Dad had this deal covered right? No way to lose/No personel Risk ? It’s a sure thing.
Fix it !! ! remember this? (image).
Scherwin has to know once an investigation is started, all his and any associates and contacts personal devices/iT stuff will be scoured and the image discovered. To most or all of the recievers the email was quietly deleted.
The lessons here are too numerous to count.
Lets start with,.. stay away from crack heads, Even the association is dangerously negligent.They will say and do whatever it takes to acquire their next hit, always , like clockwork looking for the next. As a consequence things that impede that score are simply things to go around ..includeing YOU.Jobs don’t matter, they have no stable home-life, Their entire life is a slow-motion train wreck.
With them.. things can and do usually go sideways … unexpectedly ..slowly at first then suddenly all at once. Once you see it, you can’t unsee or unrecognize the patterns the crack abuse effect has on others.
Very few people have the ability to live two totally different lifestye personalities at the same time. One or the other will fail. Even fewer overcome this walk on the wild-side sadly.
Everything ,all the time. Life in the fast lane.The Eagles.

2 years ago

The White House and the CIA have responded to a report that CIA Director, William Burns, offered Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth of Ukraine’s territory to end the ongoing war as part of a peace plan drawn up on behalf of President Joe Biden.
I hope the Lavrov/Putin team goes Don Corelene and make the recorded offer by brandon throwing Zelensky under the bus public. Then let those two bozo’s fight it out on Tv for all to see. Name Names. Faces. Interests and connections. Expose all the back room deals implied deals and in in writing.
An admission of corruption from the UN to the world.
A complete and total public humiliation.
A fist fight to first man down with old senile brandon and midgit comedian zelensky would be Pay for view gold.
I’d up the ante and insist brandon guarantee the UN restaff with members more favorable to Russia with concrete mechanisms in place to enforce any agreement . In other words leave them defanged/denuded powerless.
Force them to expose their own hypocrisy and history of “interventionism” accross the Globe. And admit the failures.

2 years ago

AC, Matt Gaetz is talking surveillance! Not to the extent you have but hey, the overton window is observably shifted.
He raised the topic right in the first couple of minutes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

A new study out of England published Tuesday links ultra-processed foods with heightened risk for developing and dying from cancer.

I’ve been meaning to post this link but haven’t. I commented on overdosing of vitamin A before. Here’s another article on,

Obesity Causation

It’s common to blame all obesity on the weakness of Americans, but we were not always obese, and it has really taken off in the past few decades. It’s odd that they seem to think all Americans were super diligent good eaters up until a few decades ago. I don’t think this it true. The article submits the idea that there is something in food that is causing this. I don’t disagree.

As for vitamin A it appears vit. A causes inflammation, and inflammation is likely to be a large part of why people die off. They either can’t handle what causes it as they get older or it manifests itself as they get older.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Deu 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: 
Deu 28:22 The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation*, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. 
*either in the inward parts, as an inflammation of the lungs; or in the outward parts, as carbuncles, burning ulcers, and the like…[John Gill]

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

There is a problem with iron overload as we age as well. Iron does not leave the body unless blood letting occurs or heavy dosing with chelating supps

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
2 years ago

“Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota.”

Big Dairy is Bigger, Badder than the Five Families!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: The balloon

Just a thought, but if the CCP has enough control over the White House that they can do this, then they don’t need to do this. If they can just tell Biden that they want to violate US air space with no consequences, then they could just as easily ask for all the classified technical data on anything they want.

This is theater for the benefit of the rest of the world. They’re flexing.

Also, there’s no guaranty it’s a spy drone. There many bad options available here. It could be:

1)Some sort of relay for a DEW.

2)Some sort of relay for radio based weather modification.

3) A cloud seeder.

4) A chemical weapons delivery drone.

I could keep going, but you get the point.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

It is all very Gary Powers U2.

Of interest, it turns out Soviet SAMS did not bring down the U2. It was flipped by a stripped down fighter. All the SAMs manage to do was shoot down a friendly Soviet fighter.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Can’t reveal my source, but someone I absolutely trust knew the ground crew for Gary Powers’ doomed flight. The crew said that when they were loading the oxygenator tanks, they “felt light” on the equipment. Reported it to the officer in charge, who told them “it’s all taken care of.”
If Powers ran out of oxygenator for the engine, he would be forced to drop his altitude — which puts him at an altitude to be taken out by SAMs and interceptors.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I read a book by Barry Goldwater who had flown a U2. He said he thought the plane stalled, which was super easy to do, (the plane was incredibly hard to fly and the missions were long), and he lost altitude and that’s how he got shot down. He said he asked Powers point blank about it, and I think he said he would not answer the question.

I may be wrong but from memory, I think there was only about 5 or 10 knots between flying and stalling. It was some incredibly small number.

Here, “…The U2 has only ~10 knot window between slow speed stall and high speed stall[actually flutter speed] at high altitude.

That is absurd, and it would be extremely hard to maintain this for hours. Even changes in the air stream would be dangerous to you.

2 years ago

The White House and the CIA have responded to a report that CIA Director, William Burns, offered Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth of Ukraine’s territory to end the ongoing war as part of a peace plan drawn up on behalf of President Joe Biden.
Vlad : hmm ,a fifth you say? .. Can I remind you , A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ??
What have you to say in regards the 300 billion you allowed to be taken from Russia? ..or the income stream lost by Nordstream distruction?, any idea how that happened? .. No? ..are you serrious? Think maybe it was UFO’s?Will you remove all sanctions immediately, resume normal trade worldwide as a gesture of good faith? No? How about removing all US forces from Europe? And about al those Bio-labs throughout the World? Will you allow us free and open access? No?
We would like to raise the offer , We’ would like to see a more Eurasian friendly (BRICS staffed ) management team of our choice seated at the UN.

The West’s “I will gladly pay you tommorow for a hamburger today.” is a pretty weak hand these days.A Micheal Correlleone

2 years ago

Musk uses his get out of jail free card again:

“The Jury Got It Right” – Musk Wins Lawsuit Over ‘Funding Secured’ Tweet

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
2 years ago

There was a post, yesterday I believe, on the top 11 most dangerous American cities. I couldn’t get it to loud until today, but was curious if the nearby city made the list. It did.
Two things I found interesting, New York City was not among the 11 and Memphis beat out Chicago. We live near Memphis, it’s awful and we try not to venture there too much. My husband wanted to visit an old family friend in Chicago. I told him there’s no way we’d bring our child there. Too dangerous, but apparently even with BeetleGroot, it’s not as dangerous as Memphis. Just found it interesting enough to point out. There’s no way Memphis is more dangerous than NYC.

Reply to  TruthSeeker Bear
2 years ago

Probably not. But I’m going to assume this ranking was based on “data”. I wouldn’t put past these cities to lie when reporting data. Memphis hasn’t figured out the game yet.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s easy to designate a drive-by shooting of an empty house or vehicle as a “vandalism”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TruthSeeker Bear
2 years ago

I think corruption of the police force goes hand on hand with cities being violent. The cops are involved in attacking people they think they can get away with, instead of going after criminals, cause they might shoot back. Seeing Albuquerque NM there it reminded me of a couple videos I saw. One a homeless guy lived out in the desert out of town somewhat.The cops come to move him or something and he has a pen knife. They of course murder him. Where he was staying they had to climb up to get to it. He was not like in the center of town and he as not close to the cops. There was no need to kill him or to even bother him at all.

Another, a schizophrenic guy cussed at a cop so he called 4 more and they beat him to death. It’s all on video him crying for his father, a cop, while they literally beat him to death. They had the cop on video before they started in on him, saying they were going to fuck him up.

2 years ago
2 years ago

400 Million deaths in China?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

What do we think those container concentration camps were for?