News Briefs – 02/03/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


President Trump’s Superbowl interview with Sean Hannity:

On this next tweet’s image (click the image to see the full thing), the next week will be critical, to see if people realizing Corona was a problem, donning masks, washing hands, not going out, and the state shutting down public activity and travel will all slow that spread. If the rate of increase stays that high, it will be a problem:

Britain is hunting for 480 Wuhan travelers that are lost in Britain. Britain has as much citizen surveillance as the US. They are following random citizens on the street, and everything is in a searchable database. I have no doubt if the government had access to the database they would know exactly where every one of these foreigners, from a nation that is a major espionage threat, are at this very moment. But that machine appears not for law-enforcement/public-health usage, even in the face of a major pandemic, even as weasels like Eric Schneiderman openly use it to psychologically corral the girls they are beating and raping. You can see why I am 99.99999% certain people knew 9/11 was coming, and just let it happen. And once you go there, and realize the full scope of the machine, it is entirely possible they did it purposely.

The most reputable outlet in China did a piece, translated here, on how China did not have the ability to treat Corona virus patients, and was sending them home to die, and then recording their deaths as unrelated pneumonias, meaning the stats on Corona virus are much worse than reported. The piece was censored, but not before the internet archived it. The test strips are limited to ten per day at one hospital, so confirmed numbers probably mean nothing as it is just a measure of how many test strips they have available. Of 120 fever patients, 80 have lung involvement, but only 5 get admitted to the hospital. The rest are sent home and will never be recorded. If they die, they are immediately cremated, and it is called general pneumonia, and not recorded as Corona. And only patients admitted to the hospital can be listed as suspected, which means when BNO reports 20,000 suspected cases, the number correlates to 320,000 lung-involved patients who showed up at the hospital, and 480,000 fevers who felt bad enough to go to the hospital, all of which were sent home, save for the original 20,000 who get listed as suspected. This is why we were seeing the unusual images of people laying out in the street – it is really bad over there. Bear in mind, it appears even those who beat it continue to shed, possibly indefinitely, meaning everyone may eventually get it. And it is not clear if having it degrades you physically after beating it, or if it may hang around to re-emerge later with stress or immune system degradation from other issues, maybe killing you later. Our only hope is it is Asian specific, though that may not do much for Asians across the globe, who will need a vaccine. This is why nations historically had borders, and why we need to establish them again. This was always going to happen.

Corona virus looks increasingly like a pandemic. 4 suspected cases in Africa.

Ninth US case of Corona confirmed in California.

Thai medics claim coronavirus break-through: Patient is declared ‘disease-free’ in 48 hours using HIV and flu drugs.  Big if true. If we began stockpiling these two drugs now, so we had enough to treat our Asian populations in a month or two when this hits in full, this might not affect us.

New Zealand announces Chinese ban amid Corona virus fears.

American who caught Corona during a 2 hour stop-over in Wuhan on his way to Vietnam was Vietnamese-American, so he was Asian. They should let people know the races of the deaths, and even the confirmed cases in nations. Although they may think if it is Asian specific and everyone knows, non-Asian races will be less assiduous in avoiding it, and they may facilitate Asian exposures, so we may not find out for a while to protect Asian populations.

More than half of China extends shutdown over virus. So China is massively debt-funding development predicated on massively growing their economy, which was hanging on by a thread back when they were raping the US economy on trade, and now everybody is suddenly on lockdown. Could Corona’s release, almost perfectly timed to peak on the Chinese New Year celebration, have been a shot by Cabal at the global economy, designed to hit around April or may? Once China collapses, how will that ripple out and affect the broader global economy? It is strangely timed to the Storm’s seeming peak.

Rand Paul calls for stripping John Bolton of his security clearance.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. has agreed to pay more than $130 million to settle SEC charges that it won business from clients and corruptly influenced government officials in the Asia-Pacific region by giving jobs and internships to their relatives and friends in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Sounds familiar…

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said Sunday that he and other Republicans will begin calling witnesses within weeks for hearings related to Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine, as well as the FBI’s surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, and he wants to hear from John Kerry’s stepson.

Adam Schiff declined to comment on whether the House would subpoena former national security adviser John Bolton.

Bill Kristol announces he is a Democrat until Donald Trump is not President.

Someone broke into investigative reporter John Solomon’s car parked near the White House using a sophisticated electronic jamming device to open the car’s lock the night before the senate impeachment trial began, stealing his laptop which contained sensitive information on former Vice President Joe Biden and Ukraine. Anyone in the game would know there was massive surveillance, including official government of some flavor, there and they were going to be clocked in detail. Anyone not in the game would not realize that. But anyone really in the game would control the surveillance there, and be able to move them out of the sector for that moment, or make sure it was their people and they turned a blind eye. Since they dumped the materials in one of the only unknown [publicly acknowledged] surveillance darkspots, it would seem whoever it was, knew all about the eyes everywhere, and was really in the game. Bear in mind, Solomon has to be a favorite of the God Emperor, but it had no effect. There are no rules, and control over the government and all other actors is still in flux.

John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of ‘Sanders taking down the Democratic Party.’ Given liberal logic, he can’t be investigated for any crimes, if he is running. Though he denies he is running.

New South Carolina poll is a disaster for Joe Biden. Biden once led by 31 points, now he is just five points ahead of a closing Bernie.

Bernie’s wants a federal takeover of electricity production, with federally owned utilities building massive amounts of wind and solar to compete with private companies.

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for the Democratic Party’s 2020 nomination for president on Thursday. Newman said, “When you control the mail, you control Information! The truth is, the Post office has guys all over the nation, in funny little shorts walking up to everyone’s houses, knowing who lives there, and keeping track of who contacts them through a means of communication many think is prone to be ignored (and thus would be used to send illicit communications you didn’t want anyone to know about), and getting packages which could contain anything from bomb-chemicals to weapons. Of course Cabal is all throughout the Post Office. Interesting they have made the move to Bernie. Cabal may just be selling him as the anti-establishment candidate, but in reality, he already took the deal.

No citizenship proof required for voter ID at the Wisconsin DMV?

British terrorist stabs three before being shot to death.

Colleges ask if it is fair to award scholarships for scholarship, saying the SAT is racist because whites and Asians score higher. Again, this is organized propaganda, released on orders from above by these outlets so you will not wonder when the imbecile that goes to school with your kid, whose parents are in the Secret Society, gets a full-ride scholarship and your child does not, even though they are much, much smarter and worked much, much harder. It is just a meme, pure and simple, to blind you to the increasingly obvious corruption.

I don’t know whether to be pleased Antifa Trannies are battling Lesbians in this next one, or depressed we have so many degenerates they have begun fighting with each other:

My favorite CIA Officer wants vengeance on the Cabal. Michael Scheuer, head of the Bin Ladin unit calls for executions and penitentiaries being filled.

Brad Parscale says, “[Impeachment is] bringing in so much money. The fundraising is out of this world. We raised $463 million last year, which is a record. The president is continuing to have a great fundraising month. Every metric we have shows the president up since this happened,”

Spread r/K Theory, because best President ever.

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5 years ago

A good video on young blood and how it rejuvenates the body:

5 years ago

Dear AC, You’re one of my heroes, thus my request:

Your phrasing here: “British terrorist stabs three before being shot to death.” was less-than-optimal. This was NOT a “British terrorist”: It was a “terrorist IN Britain.” In this case, dialectic can mesh perfectly with rhetoric, because didactic accuracy also points up the (should-be-glaring) mismatch between the two descriptors.

I know you’re racing to sweep up and post every darned thing (and thank you so very much for it!), but it helps to enforce clarity if you can ensure you get your descriptions in “the right order.”

5 years ago

Excuse me, but am I to believe that Solomon was THAT careless about his laptop??!!

Why he doesn’t have his laptop handcuffed to his wrist AT ALL TIMES when out and about is ludicrous.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It also may have been a sting operation.

5 years ago

Rare Direct Clash Between Turkish & Syrian Armies Leaves Scores Dead & Wounded

5 years ago

Remember this article?
Coronavirus Exposed, Part 1: Communist Coverup, or Pandemic Bioweapon of Mass Destruction?

It now is unavailable:
This account is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Always archive EVERYTHING.

Use both everytime you find a interesting link. Also save the articles to your computer, and make backups.

5 years ago

4 Plagues Are Marching Across Asia Simultaneously: Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu, & H1N1 Swine Flu

5 years ago
5 years ago

Pakistan bucks trend and resumes flights to virus-hit China

5 years ago

Head Of Iran’s IRGC Operations In Syria Killed Near Aleppo

5 years ago

John Dennis for Congress stands up to Antifa bully.

5 years ago

Just a comment to Farcesensitive, take it for what its worth. Please stop posting links to Yahoo. Most of us will never read it. Yahoo … IS A FARCE. Fake news, lies, and bs. Deep state shrill. And there is no way I will take the link so they can profit off the clickbait. Don’t think I’m alone in this. Yahoo is one of the axis of evil. Avoid at all costs. In addition, Yahoo publishes nothing that they actually create … somebody else actually posted something of value and Yahoo is just feasting on it to make money. If you must, find who wrote the original article and link to them. But please just stop with the Yahoo nonsense … in addition to all of the above, you’re just making yourself look silly for not knowing the above. Thanks. And peace out, not trying to be a dick or anything.

Reply to  mega
5 years ago

I use Yahoo as a news aggregator and almost all of the original sources are no better than they are.

I’ll consider your point of view but it’s easier for me to just post the Yahoo link and sometimes the original content is behind a paywall.

If you don’t want to click on Yahoo links you can put the headline into your favorite search engine.

5 years ago

Here’s another interesting thing. Youtube SHADOW CENSORS final arguments of impeachment trial. Thumbnail shows 8 hours and 54 minutes. Click on the link and it’s only 4 hours and only democrat deepstate fags. You only see what they want you to see and they hope you won’t notice.

comment image

5 years ago

Hover your mouse cursor over the timeline of that video. Notice it pops up a preview that doesn’t match up with what’s actually there. Something’s fucky.

5 years ago

Air Force colonel slated to command base that hosts Air Force One is sentenced in child porn case

5 years ago

Someone in China after the virus got loose:

5 years ago

Deputy VA secretary fired after less than 5 months on the job

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Commenting on Far’s link about the VA secretary firing. The reason for the firing is so vague!!! These people need to get their shit together & build hospital & homeless HOUSiNG for our beloved veterans! These people put their lives on the line for everyone and they get treated the worst.

5 years ago

Burdened by sanctions, North Korea sees coronavirus threaten economic lifelines

5 years ago

>”This was always going to happen.”

Sure feels like we truly are in the middle of some Biblical shit frens. The 4 horsemen seem to be ridding together all right.

5 years ago

>”Solomon has to be a favorite of the God Emperor, but it had no effect. There are no rules, and control over the government and all other actors is still in flux.”

Humanity has seen war since its dawn, but this war that the white hats are bringing to the cabal is something of a magnitude that I can only describe as Biblical.

I still remember the words of James Alefantis Rothschild, when he tried to shill against the Pizzagate investigators on 4chan and ended up stupidly giving himself away, he said that (((this))) (the enemy of Humanity, this inter-continental criminal cabal which white hats have began moving against putting in motion plans hatched decades before) is so big that nobody could escape it.

He tried to put the blame on the cartels only, but cartels are nothing but the closest the cabal has to an official army (although they infiltrate all Countries armies), they are a very important tool in the cabal tool box, but certainly not the only one (the main one being, IMHO, as regulars here know, Jewish collective power), and certainly not the head of the beast (but it still has to be eradicated).

This semi-silent war we are watching unfold is certainly the biggest war in the story of humanity, and the zionist globohomo NWO cabal hegemony does not hesitate to plunge the world into total chaos, death and misery as a response to their inevitable defeat (and it is inevitable because GOD WINS). But until the beast is finally slayed for good, and people learn how to stop it from ever rising again, the struggle keeps unfolding, and moves and counter moves keep happening in this dance of death and treachery.


5 years ago

>”Colleges ask if it is fair to award scholarships for scholarship, saying the SAT is racist because whites and Asians score higher. Again, this is organized propaganda, released on orders from above by these outlets so you will not wonder when the imbecile that goes to school with your kid, whose parents are in the Secret Society, gets a full-ride scholarship and your child does not, even though they are much, much smarter and worked much, much harder. It is just a meme, pure and simple, to blind you to the increasingly obvious corruption.”

And as a bonus, it also raises racial tensions, which is one of the most used tools in the cabal toolbox.

5 years ago

AC, I think you will be interested in hearing this (it resonates with a lot of things you have said about the cabal using/creating the serial-killer phenomena as a tool in their toolbox):

“Vyzygoth Interviews Dave McGowan About His Book “Programmed to Kill” – February 2007″