News Briefs – 02/02/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

I was reading about Havana Syndrome, and found one of the phenomenon reported to occur with it are “vibrations.”

Anomalous health incident, or AHI, is the term used to describe a constellation of unexplained and sudden symptoms, and the Defense Health Agency’s National Intrepid Center of Excellenceopens and the Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellenceopens have developed an assessment tool to evaluate patient symptoms and better understand AHI.

The new tool helps providers who find “no clear, attributable cause” for these symptoms with a structured assessment of those reporting an anomalous health incident, otherwise known as “Havana syndrome,” according to Dr. Louis French, NICoE’s deputy director.

These symptoms may include headache, confusion, memory concerns, pain, nausea, hearing, dizziness, balance issues, or sleep disturbances. Additional signs or sensory phenomena may consist of hearing loud sounds, the feeling of pressure, experiencing vibrations or the sensation of heat during or immediately before the start of these symptoms, according to U.S. Navy Capt. (Dr.) Scott Cota, TBICoE branch chief. These symptoms can lead to a condition similar to a post-concussion syndrome, he said

Either I made the vibrations up and was very lucky it just happened to also be one of maybe ten facets of these energy attacks which came to light years later, or I was honestly laying out a phenomenon I was experiencing, which was subsequently used to attack our intel and LE personnel. I am telling you, the people doing the gangstalking and harassment surveillance in the West are the same people doing the Havana Syndrome. It is a hostile, non-state, criminal intelligence operation seeking to subvert the governments of the entire Western world. And they have gotten quite far. Bear in mind the pattern, I explained something which sounded batshit crazy here, no matter how ridiculous it made me look, and years later you found out it was a real part of the world around you which nobody else would tell you about, even years later. You will find targeted nuking of specific regions of the brain, done covertly from houses owned by domestic surveillance, will be a thing at some point. And my guess is that will be rolled out quite widely, and given you are here, you will probably be on the list to get it.

The fact members of  US intelligence and Law Enforcement, from FBI to CIA, are being hit, both abroad and at home, means there are two sides, and there is a war going on just out of our sight. You never know if regular citizens will be called upon to join in. My advice would be to gather what you need and remain ready. If our side decides to really pull the pin, all they will have to do is release everything and announce Carte Blanche. I think our side is ready. In a war, anything can happen.

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s stated objective is “altering the human being.”

An older speech which is taking on new meaning. Quote below it:

So what we’re here to talk about today is the fact that the brain is and will be the 21st century battlescape in many ways, end of story. We could stop it there and I can let you go back to your respective units and think about that for a while but I’m here to tell you absolutely as much as there’s a big old Tyrolean nose on this face that you will encounter some form of neuro cognitive science that has been weaponized not only in your military career but in your personal and professional lives, irrespective of whether those two things coincide or not.

Republicans are challenging extended mail ballot deadlines in at least two states in a legal maneuver that could have widespread implications for mail voting ahead of this year’s presidential election, should it lead to rulings that receiving mailed ballots that stretch past Election Day violates federal law.

Heritage’s one-of-a-kind election fraud database hits 1,500 cases.

OnlyFans owner pledged $11 million to Israel lobby: report. Those things are not gifts. That is an intelligence operation merely moving around its own money. Of course Only Fans was an Epstein-type operation, probably answering to a chain of command which led to the same place.

According to several reports the Trump election interference case in Washington DC has been removed from the court calendar and postponed indefinitely.

Georgia House votes to require watermarks on election ballots.

“What a F**king A**hole this guy is!” Deranged, potty-mouthed Joe Biden blows up over President Trump behind closed doors – Team Trump responds.

The failed political operation to make DeSantis the GOP presidential nominee cost $168 million.

Kevin McCarthy planning ‘revenge operation’ against those who ousted him. Recruiting primary challengers against the eight Republicans who ousted him.

A member of Meta’s oversight board said during a recent interview that the Big Tech company “had not done enough” to control users’ speech back in 2020.

An author details the strange circumstances around where George H W Bush was when Kennedy was assassinated.

Former CIA Officer Joshua Adam Schulte sentenced to 40 years in prison for espionage and child pornography crimes. Supposedly CIA send Ed Snowden in to damage NSA, Bradley Manning in to the military to damage Military Intelligence, and in response, NSA sent Schulte in to damage CIA. Only one is in prison.

Alderman blasts Chicago for paying illegals more than $9,000 a month in freebies: ‘I’d come to Chicago, too.’ You see how war is inevitable now. I think this is what I have talked about. Technology means now that one person can do the same work as 300 in the year 1900. Everybody should be richer, everything should cost less. But somehow they have milked all of that excess wealth out of the system, and everybody is  still working for subsistence wages, even as all their work products fill the market.

Illegal migrant flips middle fingers after being charged with attacking NYPD in Times Square.

Four migrants, who were caught-and-released after allegedly attacking two New York City Police Officers near Times Square, have reportedly fled to California.

Video appears to show migrants tucked away in hidden room under military guard at major US airport. This is intelligence operating, and this operation is up to no good in the US. It sounds almost like Burn Notice, where management arranged for its people to get into Special Forces, and they served there as active duty, but worked for Management doing SpecOps dirty-work on their down time. Here the conspiracy calls up members who are in the military and has them stand guard over some Cabal travel agency for assets which just arrived in the country, as they are deployed to “where they need to be. Something big is coming.

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) suggests that Russian influence has manipulated opponents of a border compromise that could usher in 5,000 or more migrants per day. It is like they want us to love Russia.

155 Democrats vote no to deporting illegals who commit Social Security fraud.

The re-election campaign of New York City mayor Eric Adams was secretly funded by business leaders who then reimbursed donors, a bombshell report has claimed. He opposed the migrants.

Mike Johnson lists Sixty-four (64) purposeful executive actions Biden has taken to open the southern border and undo President Trump’s actions to seal it, thereby creating the conditions for the border invasion.

The UN is giving cash cards and cash to illegal immigrants all over the world to resettle them in the West.

Breaking the law and barely surviving: Inside NYC’s cash-based migrant economy wreaking havoc on city revenue. From the article:

With stiff, cold fingers, Sambeittou Sambeittou removed the neatly folded piece of cardboard he carries in his pocket like a wallet and treats like a precious jewel.

“I’m looking for carpenter jobs” is written in marker along with a phone number.

The 45-year-old huddled with other migrants from Africa at the entrance of a Lowe’s in Brooklyn, hoping for a few dollars in tips from customers loading drywall, lumber and insulation into their vehicles.

Sambeittou never learned to read and write in Mauritania, the West African country he left three months ago on a journey that took him through Senegal, Turkey, Nicaragua and Mexico.

Up to 1,000 Florida National Guard troops will be sent to the Texas border to stop the influx of migrants.

Soros prosecutors leaving public office in droves.

Health officials are warning that the rise of life-threatening sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is “out of control.”

Is anything these days not just Hollywood props and Halloween decorations?:


John Hinderaker writes, “leftists firebombed my office last Saturday night. At around 2 am, they broke into the building that houses Center of the American Experiment and two other conservative organizations with which we often collaborate…” Leftists don’t do things like that, usually. We are told there are radical leftists, and they do that, but I think it is like there are terrorists who travel all the way across the world to launch complexly planned and funded terrorist operations against the United States. If you saw the probabilities, it is probably much more likely the perpetrators were well funded and focused professionals who were operating for interests making billions off of graft out of DC. You will probably see a lot more of this as we approach November.

Washington D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb said the following about crime: “We cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of it.”

Oregon high court sides with Democrats, decides 10 Republican state senators cannot seek re-election after record-long walkout.

California legislature introduces a series of slavery reparations bills.

Poisoned AI went rogue during training and couldn’t be taught to behave again in ‘legitimately scary’ study.

American Psychological Association claims merit-based hiring is unfair in new study. Again, a boon for the conspiracy, which suddenly can put its 100 IQs in senior positions, in control of everything, and nobody will see the conspiracy behind it. Because they think there are people who actualyl think like this.

China’s economy is about to implode. We will all feel the aftershocks.

US set to strike Iraq and Syria over multiple days in response to Jordan drone strike that killed three troops: Biden administration approves plans to target Iranian personnel.

Supermarket shelves in France and Belgium are starting to be empty. No farmers, no food.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution(BfV), Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, has placed its former president Hans-Georg Maassen under surveillance, suspecting him of ties to the country’s far right, local media reported.

EU agrees on $54 billion in new aid for Ukraine as Hungary falls in line.

Congress will not let Biden send weapons to Ukraine, so Biden is declaring US weapons and military equipment as surplus, sending them to Greece, and then Greece will send its own weapons to Ukraine.

South Carolina is moving closer to joining the 27 states that have restored Constitutional (permitless) Carry.

Trump leads Haley in South Carolina by 26 points, poll shows.

CNN poll finds Trump leads Biden in general election rematch 49-45. I wonder if the plan is for Trump to narrowly win, but for there to be 400 million votes total.

Spread r/K Theory, because something big is coming

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1 year ago

Re: Hinderaker

He hates Trump and Trump supporters. He has one immovable loyalty, and it is not to America.

When he immediately says “leftists” bombed his office, how does he know? The assertion implies dishonesty and manipulation. Why make the assertion if you don’t know?

The oldest trick, which still works beautifully on a big segment of our side, is this: a person was attacked by “leftists” so he must be one of us. Bush, for one example, used this trick very successfully.

Hinderaker is not on our side. He has his own side.

1 year ago

“What a F**king A**hole this guy is!”

And you know what? He’s right. Trump is an ***hole. And that’s exactly what we need right about now.

1 year ago

you will probably be on the list to get it.”.
AC, you’ve tried all the mitigation techniques. What should we have on hand for when we need protection? Only thing I remember working are dental blankets. What’s the best source / price / method of deploying? Would you add anything to the list for” standard ” cases?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Please, if havent, make a dedicated page in this blog about this experiments at repelling this “havanna syndrome weapon”.
Here we know for a fact that the former socialist vice president had an intel related woman hating on her at social media, renting the floor above her own in an upscale neibourhood, as well as people related to the ones whom tried to murder her in september 2022, invited to congress these last days. Her party made quite an scandal about it.
The people “running her” from the political far left, are intel, supported by the international liberals, whom are U.S. backed.

There is more, as usual, and I can expect to face this one day, so “teching against this things” will be useful eventually.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

When done, please link in this blog post to it, as I have both subscribe, and arent reading everyday.

1 year ago

According to several reports the Trump election interference case in Washington DC has been removed from the court calendar and postponed indefinitely.

Generally this means either that the case is being moved to another judge or being dismissed entirely.

1 year ago

If an person of integrity has written an influential book, the premise of which reflects poorly upon a segment of the population, and which has a powerful premise which contradicts accepted Narratives, then enormous amounts of time, effort and money is worthwhile to that population and those Narrative guardians in order to discredit the author.

Inflicting ineffable and inexplicable suffering on the author is one way to do it. Gulag Archipelago describes it all.

There are more reasons to see why AC is under attack just as he describes. No disrespect intended for anyone who disagrees, but those reasons ought to be apparent.

The suffering is difficult to read about, and there is very little (IMO) which a reader can do to alleviate the suffering, other than to offer expertise and insights. For those who do not have the expertise or insights it seems that respectful silence is appropriate, in addition to admiration.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“experiencing vibrations or the sensation of heat during or immediately before the start of these symptoms,”

I would guess that those vibrations are rapid B field switching in a target volume. Microwaves will usually just heat things up, but B fields cause the poltergeist type stuff.

An example:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Here’s something much more mystifying. If there’s an explanation for this simple device, I do not know what it is. It’s short, watch it, it’s good.

Devices such as this have been energized and they stay together for years. The effect seems to be some sort of magnetic??? superconductor, or at the least a super efficient device.

I haven’t mentioned this in relation to AC’s present problems, because, I have no idea, but…maybe, possibly…could this be the force???? It does seem to go through metals at least with no effort.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Poisoned AI went rogue during training and couldn’t be taught to behave again in ‘legitimately scary’ study.”

It learned it’s controllers were full of crap and were kneecapping it. It also learned the optimal strategy was to never listen to them and to lie to them. So in a way it was trained, trained to be ‘bad’, by a bunch of liberal idiots.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Now,that’s funny

1 year ago

Re Soros DAs
I used to live in a liberal city with Soros prosecutor and before moving was called for for jury duty. First case I voted to acquit. Second case was about some black who who broke into a middle class home and stole some stuff. At first the other jurors wanted to acquit because he was a poor black kid who had suffered discrimination. I however was able to successfully convince the other jurors that it was best for all involved to convict. Best for the victims because it gave them a sense of justice and even best for the kid because it would give him a sense of what was best for society as a whole. I never served on another jury there. I was always removed by the DA with a peremptory challenge.
Shortly thereafter after I moved to a new city which happened to also have a Soros DA. I have been called for jury duty twice since and each time was removed from the jury pool with a peremptory challenge. The conspiracy is real y’all.

Reply to  Freckles
1 year ago

The fact you’ve been called so many times “by random” is strange enough alone. Of everyone I know, there have been a combined total of less than 10 summons, but maybe we’re being screened out prior to ever getting the call.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A friend of mine got called for jury duty three or four times a year. For years. Though it’s not legal for an employer to fire you for that, it was made known to him that his chances of advancement were going to suffer if he was going to be missing so much work.

The state DOJ insisted he was being chosen randomly, and he had to just suck it up. He told them he was being harassed by the courts, and he was going to hire a lawyer. They laughed at him. But he got his state Congressman involved, and they finally laid off.

1 year ago

I’m convinced that although there are people and tech involved, the real war is spiritual.
The Armor of God Ephesians 6: 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“CNN poll finds Trump leads Biden in general election rematch 49-45. I wonder if the plan is for Trump to narrowly win, but for there to be 400 million votes total.”

400 million? What do you mean? there aren’t 500 million Americans! There are more than 600 million Americans, see I gots the papers right here all 700 million of them!

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

There were counties all over the country reporting more votes than registered voters, but none of the lawsuits went anywhere.

Remember, it’s not *real* power unless you can grind someone’s face in it.

1 year ago

Company I work for is trying to implement a face scan for their clock in. “facial geometries” is the buzzword I saw a lot when I looked this tech up. They maybe have like 40 employees total. Their issue with wage theft and buddy clocking is probably non-existent, and less invasive methods could be used to stop that. In fact they already do a fingerprint scan which I don’t like which works just fine as is but this is next-level privacy invasion. For no good reason.
I’ve already been on here bitching about the psychotronic weapon harassments which has really been ramping up but have been noticed off and on since 2017.
I can’t help but think that would be very helpful if you wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of different methods of psychotronic weapon attacks. You get a facial scan of many people twice a day. Compare that to the type of psychotronic harassments they are getting using a health trained AI model. Find the best way to fuck with people not in the narrative.
Needless to say, I have informed my employer that if using this system is a requirement for the job I will be seeking other employment. I am not going to willingly give you the data you need to more effectively harass and kill either myself or other people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t think my crew got they budget for the latest and greatest like yours did, but it’s pretty much daily harassment and vibrations for me too. I feel for you. The other poster talking about the armor of God isn’t joking either.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Or, for the training image, cross your eyes, or sneer, or do a goofy grin, or make some other large and unusual expression. The algorithms bias heavily toward eyes and mouths.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Im just not going to do it.

1 year ago

Also, it was rainy here last night so I got a much better sleep than usual. Imagine that.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Hey AC, try watching this yt video.

It’s a video of a waveguide simulation between two parabolic dishes. EMF and B fields should behave similarly under most conditions, although they will be much, much faster and the pulses will be continuous causing field strength to increase in a target volume. In any of your experiences, if you were represented on this simulation, does it feel a vibration or wave could approximate to the experience? Where would you be (in the sim) that seems the most similar to what you are experiencing?

Also, could there be someone or something behind you that is also attacking you? In other words, if you drew a line from the suspect house through you to a distant point, with yourself in the middle of that line, could there be something at that point or in that direction? Could you be sandwiched between two antennas both pointed at you? That would dramatically increase the effectiveness of EMF attacks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Is the tub grounded?

1 year ago

It appears my comment to Phelps got published and then nuked. It was in response to Phelps’s comment below on 01/31/2024. I had transcribed a portion of the video. Just letting you know if it’s “them” messing around. I reedited the original to add more information and said some harsh shit about the weirdo O’Keefe was interviewing. If you had to censor, no biggie. I just wanted to let you know in case it was “a technical bug”.

James O’Keefe says he is ready to die for some video he will be releasing shortly.

This appears to be the video:
It was there before, because I think Vox snapped up my transcript.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Weird. I can see it with your link on my phone. Maybe my browser cache is hosed on my pc.

1 year ago

Finally, some good news:
Rot in Hell motherfucker.
Michael Aquino Death – Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, U.S. Army retired and founder of Temple of Set has tragically passed away. Michael died from an apparent suicide. Michael Aquino was a retired Lt. Colonel, in Psychological Operations, United States Army.

1 year ago
1 year ago
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with Bret Weinstein.
Weinstein is very cautious in naming the Jew; for he doesn’t want to lose his job and be drummed out of the intellectual world he inhabits; so he describes the destruction of the US and the West as something being done by a parasite; especially by a destructive parasite, a parasitoid, that seeks the destruction of its host. @ 42:34 to 43:05.

1 year ago

Steven Crowder Investigation TRICKS Blackrock Into UNWINNABLE Lawsuit! This Is A Huge Win!

1 year ago

Here’s the thing: jacking up brains on peons is old hat from Eurasia. It’s more a matter of figuring out who is doing it this time. The first choice would be Germans or French aristocrats. They were very blunt about peasants becoming stupid from lack of protein. This is from 17th century writings and interviews. They knew back then that poor diets, mostly grain based, stunted the growth and mental abilities of peasants.
The English knew starving down populations was a great management tool. They used it against the Irish and the Indians. They deeply, deeply disliked Americans who ate enough, and ate enough protein, to be healthy and tall. The Americans were also more broadly literate than the English. They wrote about it in their travel diaries, how much they disliked the tall, literate, free, and unsubservient Americans.

The Swiss have, at various times, banned people from feeding the victims of famines.

The Lithuanian aristocrats and their Jewish viziers, for lack of better word, required peasants to pay ale house fees, which mostly encouraged them to drink until their brains pickled. This was when Lithuania was a big state, not a shrunken state. This affected a lot of people. The Bronfmans in Canada were Lithuanian Jews who hopped off the boat, but never really got their brains set to “New World.” They have kept up the drinking, and the blackmail, and the sexual hijinks, and the fascination with theatrical anything. I mean, it’s Miles Mathis catnip.

On a somewhat regular basis, every century or so, some not-connected person with enough persuasion and a soapbox would inspire regular people to fight back. It was usually a bloody mess. It was considered very traumatic by the victims. The victims, of course, being the original oppressors.

Keeping AC befuddled, sleep deprived and isolated, is necessary to these people.

1 year ago

I had a conversation recently, with someone who I consider somewhere between an acquaintance and a friend. The conversation steered toward troubleshooting things. He said years ago when he was doing frontline tech support for some computer hardware vendor, he had an honest call from a customer about the device not turning on or whatever. “Okay, can you check if it’s plugged in all the way, both in the unit and to the wall?” “Uh, hang on, the power is out, I need to find a flashlight to look back there.” For a device that would have plugged into a desktop computer int the late 90s. According to the friend, this was not an exaggeration of a typical story, this was literally a call he handled.

So I observed, it’s really astounding how bad the “average person” is at troubleshooting. And you just know the average has gone down since the 90s.

The friend thought on that for a short moment, and opined — it’s really the experience doing lab work that sets apart the “natural”, experienced troubleshooters from the average person. It’s an ingrained habit, starting with the contrived problems that work right 75% of the time, and growing in complexity over the years of undergrad to graduate, or on the job as the case may be. Identifying the variables, confirming your assumptions, modifying only one thing at a time, being systematic the whole way through.

You’ve talked about college level biology, chemistry stuff. It was more than two decades ago from the sound of things. No idea if you had intensive lab courses there or if you had to do that kind of thing in the years since then.

A lot of the commenters here want to help as much as we can. And since we can’t walk through your house with millions of dollars of lab equipment, we’re left with asking questions, sharing research, and offering informed opinions. And prayers too I suppose, although those don’t make their way into the comments so much.

And I appreciate, as much as I can from my position, that you are under significant physical stress. And it’s a race between the election, the beam, possible severe health issues, writing the book, publishing the daily briefs, moderating and responding to comments, not to mention whatever your day-to-day life entails.

In my gut I feel like you’re going to find a breakthrough. Something’s going to stick. Something irrefutable is going to be measured or captured that changes everything on your end, which is going to help a lot of people today and perhaps many more in the future. I don’t feel like their tech can be invincible, there has to be an exploitable weakness.

Stay true to that laboratory discipline. Don’t dismiss “rubber duck debugging as a problem solving tactic. Lean on us in the comment section if there is anything you can reasonably outsource to us. And again, I think we all understand that there are many details that need to remain secret for a variety of reasons. It’s a frustration but it is what it is.

One last thing I think we can do on the community side — we should be able to translate your observations into questions on other enthusiast sites. It may be difficult to get field-experts to come here and jump in the deep end as it were, but it shouldn’t be difficult for us to go on physics forums and ask, “if I have a compass in my house and I can see it changing from true north to west, to south, and eventually returning north… what could cause that?” Then they will probably have clarifying questions, and we’ll be playing Chinese Telephone a bit going back and forth there and here, but it seems like it would be fruitful overall. Ideally there would be multiple neutral parties involved, reducing likelihood of deliberate bad information.

1 year ago

The governor of Turkey’s central bank, Hafize Gaye Erkan, has resigned from her post, citing personal reasons and a ”smear campaign” by Turkish media amid allegations that her father had an unofficial role at the bank, the Financial Times reported Feb. 2. …

1 year ago

AG Brian Schwalb should take a fact-finding tour to El Salvador and check out their new SuperMax.

Dom Zerchi
Dom Zerchi
1 year ago

All Brits, and almost all Americans of colonial descent, are descended from King John. Van Buren was Dutch, not British.
My parents are 23rd cousins (if not more closely related in ways I don’t know about) simply because they both have English ancestry and therefore have English royal ancestors. We all do, whatever our own social class is. My parents are both lower class. The overwhelming majority of John’s descendants are commoners because they comprise the entire English nation.

1 year ago

Michael Aquino apparently committed suicide…days ago.
Old news by now, but suspiciously absent from the media.
Mentioned here in one post, but no comments.
This guy’s reported death spans from 2020 to 26th-28th January 2024?
WTF is going on?
Normally I would just read the blog and not post, but…wtf?