Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Over at American Stasi – How The American Stasi Uses Citizen Informants Like Bomb Disposal Robots. Another ground surveillance operative shot dead on the highway by a target. If everyone knew the guy shot was part of a foreign conspiracy to take over our government and turn it into a dictatorship that would enslave us all, and as part of that he was ganging up with other conspirators on the guy who shot him, you literally would not be able to find a jury to convict the shooter. It would be open season, no tags, no bags. If you are not telling other people about you might as well be helping to turn our government into that dictatorship.
Wall Street Journal s[peculates Trump may lay waste to Five Eyes spying agreements.
Trump administration forces out multiple senior FBI officials and January 6 prosecutors in major DOJ purge. Six most senior leaders at the FBI, numerous field office heads, as well as about two dozen federal prosecutors, most big Jan 6th prosecutors, all purged.
Pushback from the FBI Agents Association, which represents more than 14,000 active and former FBI special agents as it called possible plans by the Trump administration to dramatically increase its purge of law enforcement agents “outrageous” — and said it will put the nation at risk. Obviously that organization will be manned by Cabal operatives.
Just spitballing – the surveillance is either FBI, or it is not. If it is FBI, Kash Patel will be overseeing a major criminal conspiracy, which is assaulting and terrorizing innocent Americans, as well as targeting children, using its own kids as spies, when he takes the helm of the FBI. If he waits to take it out, it will become a massive scandal which is more attached to him each day he allows it to persist. If it is not FBI, it will be a major criminal conspiracy of terrorists targeting innocent Americans, which will only exist because Kash’s organization allowed it to exist. Again in that circumstance, each day it is allowed to persist, it more deeply attaches itself to him and his tenure, and each day it becomes a more potent weapon for his enemies to use to take him down, by exposing the fact it is operational, when he could stop it. Either way, it will be in Kash’s interest to quickly out the surveillance, note he had no knowledge of it when taking office and pin it all on the previous leadership, and destroy it very publicly, to avoid getting tarred with it. The only other possibility is, you are looking at Kayfabe, the fights are fake, and there are no real enemies to out the surveillance as an attack on Kash, in which case, you could expect Kash to do nothing. If he takes the helm, and two or three months pass and the surveillance is not destroyed, you will know that this is all just more Kayfabe, and nothing is really changing.
FBI is still stalling and refuses to turn over the Seth Rich records.
There’s a new video making the rounds, and it’s raising a massive red flag and asking: Did Obama and Eric Holder get paid to rig court cases? The machinery to do it is there, though they might just be bagmen handling the money for the conspiracy.
Newer video of the DC Blackhawk/plane crash:
Black Hawk helicopter in DC plane crash was rehearsing emergency POTUS evacuation route.
Another plane crash in Philadelphia takes out buildings and homes, as well as some pedestrians:
People on the ground were set aflame (Twitter video of a flaming dude walking around on fire). Oddly enough, maybe I have been bent by the prevalence of surveillance around me all the time, but I would almost bet it is more likely than not the video is of a roving foot surveillance operator which was walking the streets when the plane came down.
Dashcam footage captured the crash.
Another doorbell video seems to show the plane explode into flames prior to crashing.
Drone footage from over the crash.
Poll: Before even launching Ohio Gov run, Ramaswamy has big lead in GOP primary. Makes me think the polls are still fake.
You know, if I was assigned that job, I would move the sofabed in, just because I would think it less likely I would get beamed in the top floor of the building…
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has EVICTED the New York Times, NPR, NBC, and Politico from their Pentagon offices, per a DOD order. They are being “rotated out” to give space to OANN, Breitbart and New York Post.
Homosexual Dragons and Black Samurai: Woke Game Companies in Crisis as Consumers Walk Away.
Kyle Odom said the aliens tormenting him originally inhabited Mars, before apparently coming here:
Ukrainian MP calls for Putin’s murder at Council of Europe.
Trump to sign executive order installing ‘massive’ 10-for-1 deregulatory agenda.
This is a decent amount of damage to the conspiracy, though obviously I am still getting beamed, and am waiting to see the responsible parties strung up by their nutsacks:
Every day since 1/20/25, reading this site has been pure joy!
OK, welcome. Change the screen name. Homosexual propositions to other strangers or in public discourse is frowned upon. Think before typing please people.
Lame Cherry on Tulsi Gabbard:
> The Documents Trump Has Ordered To Be Declassified Will PROVE LBJ Ordered The CIA To Kill President Kennedy & Seal The Deep State’s Fate – Roger Stone Reveals Shocking Details Of What President Trump Recently Told Him
Fap, fap, fap, fap… Roger Stone, ri-iight.
A link to someone’s monetized video, not even worth the time to click on, much less suffer through the usual spaz-and-mumble.
Hard core conspiracy theorists I’ve talked to were all of the opinion that LBJ was tipped off on the assassination and cover up, but not involved in the planning and execution. As was Nixon, btw (though GHW Bush is a different story). One clue is that he was obviously very worried that day about being killed himself, and with good reason.
> Wall Street Journal speculates Trump may lay waste to Five Eyes spying agreements.
There’s a lot that goes on with those agreements, that we know about from public information. And there are almost certainly secret agreements.
It’s more than time someone took a good hard look at what’s going on, and decided whether we’re getting our money’s worth.
Note also that the CIA and FBI have both been caught barefaced lying to Congress and gotten away with it. An investigation is going to need more than just their unsupported word on what they’re doing.
> Six most senior leaders at the FBI, numerous field office heads, as well as about two dozen federal prosecutors, most big Jan 6th prosecutors, all purged.
Maybe he can make a deal with Vlad and send them to Siberia. Hell, I’d even kick in Britney Griner too. “Sorry, we made a mistake on that one. Tell her to see the Embassy when her sentence is up.”
> Pushback from the FBI Agents Association
Yeah, they’re going to… what? They’re the representatives of an institution of crooked cops.
We got along fine without an FBI for more than a century. It passed its discard-by date long ago. Distribute their assigned duties among the hundred or so other Federal police and “intelligence” if any seem worthwhile to continue.
> FBI is still stalling and refuses to turn over the Seth Rich records.
Sure. That tactic is almost always successful against Congress and previous administrations.
Now, “Let me know how that works out for you.”
> 11 days in and the swamp has been drained.
Don’t get carried away, Buttercup. It’s a good start, but it’s a just a start.
Right now Don has the advantage of “shock and awe.” They’re still paralyzed with astonishment, that he would do exactly what he said when he was campaigning. Fairly soon they’re going to start organized resistance. They’ve already tried protecting DEI positions by going against direct orders. More will come.
The legacy media will also get their orders soon. Twit-Tok-Fake-Gram are all sucking up to Don at the moment. That will be a discordant message for the proletariat as “social media” and the boob toob start disagreeing with each other.
They wargamed out and are making the correct moves against the North American branch of the Cabal. I’m worried about the international leadership of the Cabal, since they have gone very quiet. I think they have something big planned.
Since Q said many air crashes are enemy action, and a passenger flight crash in DC in the first two weeks of the presidential term is statistically unlikely, I wondered about the possible significance. My first thought was “who was on that flight?” Now I’m looking at the event in another way …
Based on the specific purpose of this helicopter flight (“rehearsing emergency POTUS evacuation route”), if the crash was due to the helicopter being directed by remote control (unknown but that’s what the video looks like, and it would explain the helicopter moving so far outside permitted airspace) … then this crash could be a deep state threat to POTUS demonstrating that evacuation routes from the White House are compromised. That would be a very serious escalation, and if this is true, I hope the response from POTUS is swift and effective.
That would make sense of the heli flying without ever pulling away. I saw a Blackhawk pilot say that was strange, because they are basically omnidirectional, and can change direction in a moment, so you would expect at the very last second, to see it at least make a slight change in vector. But on the video it just made a beeline right into the plane, while flying at the wrong altitude. Statistically, that seems odd.
“Then this crash could be a deep state threat to POTUS demonstrating that evacuation routes from the White House are compromised.”
Why bother to show your hand? Why not just do it for real? Does Cabal savor creating fear in its targets before striking? I guess they feel confident enough of victory that they can afford to play with their food.
I guess they do not feel confident enough of victory.
Word of the day “Panic”
I didn’t even know they were even thinking of doing this. A$750 pistol dot that will be eligible for US government contracts.
Primary Arms’ HTX-1: A Completely US-Made Red Dot Sight
Forgotten Weapons
Another missing piece. Where is North America in scripture? The very BEGINNING. “As in the days of Noah…” North America will be an echo of what it was when he closed up the doors to the Ark sitting in FLORIDA.
100% Proof That Noah’s Ark Departed From America
Old World Florida
No offense man, but it doesn’t matter at all where noah did or did not come from or whether it ever existed at all. Its an absolute fact that a group of 8 people (father and 3 sons making up the males) could provide a founding stock for a population. Let alone the various races currently in existence. Whatever that story is trying to tell us, its is for sure not the absolute literal truth of what could or did happen. Its cringe.
You are cringe.
You are showing that you don’t understand the genetic degradation that has occurred in the thousands of years since, the power of GOD, or the fact that alternative secular theories have much worse problems.
There may be a real event loosely being referred to by this story. And the lesson is true, people shouldn’t be shitty. Or half alien either I guess that’s what they mean by Nephilim. But as it is presented its is straight child tier fantasy. It’s like how you would expect someone trying to explain to a 5 year old a complicated event and issue and they have to make a lot of shortcuts because the child really isn’t going to get it at all if its too complicated. And that is being generous and assuming there was some real events behind the story that have been washed out with time. No actual guarantee that is the case.
The story of Noah, or knower as i call him, whilst it may have happened, is also an allegory for a massive change in human consciousness, from a more hive mind type of mentality to a more individualistic one.
The story details modern consciousness to a t, the ark is his ego, there are binary oppositions, naming things, sequential progression, taxonomies, etc.
Whilst thete is credible historical evidence of a major flood in both the geological record and in myths found worldwide, the actual flood could possibly be a change in the energy structures that bathe the Earth constantly.
Just a thought.
Imagine being so clueless and ignorant to call the Bible “cringe”.
I apologize, but by the end of doing these briefs, I am often in no condition to read comments.
AC, you’re doing more than anyone would ever ask and have NOTHING to apologize for.
The bible has a lot of positive teachings in it, and the moral of the story of Noah is true. That is, immoral shitty people experience karmic return. In this case being killed by a flood.
There is little doubt that this is a child’s Storytime rendition of a possibly true event however.
However, the bible is very much a political document. The council of nicaea was a political meeting, not a divine meeting. God wasn’t there, just men. The idea that the bible is 100% literally accurate on every point and is infallible is totally a delusion. That mortal men haven’t messed with it just cause is a bad, cringe take.
I called the story of Noah, as presented, cringe because its set up like how you would teach a 5 year old. Maybe there is a real event there somewhere, but this story is too simplified to seriously believe its a really accurate description of the past. The moral of the story is true however. Shitty people acting shitty experience negative karma. Or half alien hybrids, who were shitty, had to be wiped out according to chuck misler.
First rule of holes, STOP DIGGING.
Your opinion matters to me as much as mine matters to you. There is no hole. There is just you making assertions without justification because you probably don’t really know much of anything, let alone have much discernment about relative degrees of truth and fiction.
To be fair, it isn’t the bible which is cringe. Its people who have a literal absolutist interpretation of the stories that are cringe. Word for word this is what happened historically. Its baby tier understanding.
Maybe most or all the stories were based on real events, but they (at least the old testament) were often simplified to focus on the moral lessons.
Yeah, God could NEVER do anything that modern scientists say is impossible!!1!1!1 *tips fedora*
If what you’re saying could be reposted by a bot with zero noticeable difference, think harder.
just because you dont understand something doesnt make it “cringe”
I love these accusations about not understanding something without even the slightest effort about how my descriptions are at fault.
New Law Forces VitalSource To Tell The Truth About ‘Lifetime’ Licenses
Louis Rossmann
As an aside benefit of “DOGE” and musk/crew conducting a forensic audit of Opm or Treasury as well as the other hundreds of agencies, departments, and corner cubicle offices, they may (undoubtable certainty) turn up a few gorillion billions of parked slush funds and earmarked expenditures that are held back or squirreled away not used as intended by congressional approval or from the Department’s stated budget usage. Recall that >pallet< of shrink wrapped cash found in collapsing Syria that had a Treasury qr code on it, and was earmarked or shipping ladled for Iraqi .gov purposes. If Trump or his MAGA crew wants to rub the deep states face in shit for points, and cool off a lot of really pissed off folks, they should bundle up or pool together a good load of the “found” money and those that are confiscated from bullshit purposes (condoms for Gaza, wtf?) and disburse it out as an “apology / stimulas” payment to all of the veterans (only category allowed – period) as a payback and “reparations” for all those veterans who served under all of the previous administrations and had to bear those corrupted government management practices. Going forward after clean out and termite tenting of the entire .gov they can unleash a properly programmed closed loop A.I. system to fine tooth comb monitor every frigging red cent earned and spent. Everything accomplished thus far is all well and good but my / most veteran’s kitchen table economics is still a shit standard and not indicative at all of “American Exceptionalism”. Show me your works Maga, then I may remain on the porch, out of the way, and staying frosty.
Picnick at hanging, saggy dick.
Who knew White House press secretary had a 6 mth old baby at home? She’s great at her job but…
Also married to guy 32 years older. And Elise Stefanik and Boebert support her.
Damn it.
Secret Sun bring the meme…
Worst memes ever!