News Briefs – 01/29/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Man interrogated by Police for a hate crime in Britain, because he liked a Trans-phobic limerick. Notice the guy is a business owner. Imagine there was a secret society, formed to serve Cabal. Imagine it wanted to quietly neutralize competitors to its members societal dominance. Would making up stupid things like “hate crimes” and “hate speech” serve to universally criminalize everyone who wasn’t Cabal-friendly, and then allow that secret society to either take out individuals to dominate a market, or control the society better? Ask yourself where we are really going with these things, and why.

14 year old boy jumped and mugged by 20 African Youth in a train station in Melborne as PSO’s stand nearby and do not intervene. Disarm the cops, and then import the savages. This is not illogical – it is a plan.

Twitter says telling fired journalists to Learn to Code is targeted harassment. It was fine when the left said it to coal miners.

Washington Post calls conservatives “rubes.” They say McConnell knows what the “rubes” he is playing to want to hear. WaPo says officially it does not support its reporters using derogatory terms for anyone. But they won’t do anything.

Microsoft NewsGuard blacklists proven stories, and labels hoaxes credible. You can guess which stories get labeled hoaxes, and which hoaxes get labeled credible stories. And every Breitbart story is labeled fake.

Pelosi introduces legislation to assure Democrats never lose another election. Some provisions:

Requires states to get “preclearance” from Washington, D.C., before changing their election procedures.
Mandates taxpayer dollars fund candidates who citizens actually oppose for office.
Forces all states to allow all convicted felons to vote.
Requires all states to allow same-day voter registration, which leads to voter fraud.
Makes it difficult for a state to discover if a voter is also voting in another state.
Prevents states from limiting early voting.
Prevents states from limiting voting by mail.
Requires all states to provide free mail-in absentee ballots.
Criminalizes political speech that the government deems “discouraging” to voters who are statistically more likely to vote Democrat.
Takes redistricting away from elected leaders to give to left-leaning commissions.

Fox News promotes Newsguard as a great idea? I increasingly thing presenting News is not by itself a profitable endeavor, unless you have Cabal support, and everything that entails, from cushy cable contracts to exorbitant advertising fees. Watch what happens even to Fox if Trump succeeds in the Storm. I will bet mass layoffs, and no more multimillion dollar lawyer cunts as hosts.

Terrorist who bombed a US Embassy with a hand grenade has now taken over a Drug Cartel on the border.

WaPo : A paid agent of the Clinton Campaign approached the Russians looking for dirt on Trump, that could affect the election. Think Mirror. They accuse Trump of what they do.

The Atlantic’s Dick Polman puts out word that the Democrat gun control measures really need a new massacre. So if anyone happens to have a big massacre laying around, the Democrats could really use it. If this was a go-code, we may have another MK Ultra-windup toy about to take off.

Planned Parenthood develops new chatbot designed to talk about sex with children.

DC homicide rate soars despite national decline.

CBC pulls fact-based firearms article for being too pro-gun.

Dems put five loud-mouthed Freshmen on the House Oversight and Reform Committee to investigate Trump. Ocasio Cortez will have a prominent role.

Experts who tied Israeli spy firm to Khashoggi killing targeted. Notice all of the surveillance fielded for something which could have been done with one guy and a pen camera.

Remember the assassinated UN Secretary General whose plane crash looked like a Cabal hit courtesy of a fighter jet, with Harry Truman saying “They” killed him, and then saying, ‘You’ll notice I said they killed him.’ NY Times has just done an article which says a documentary thought it was a white Militia in South Africa that crashed the plane for our CIA, but when they tried to prove it they uncovered a white guy who said that militia was injecting blacks with fake vaccines filled with AIDS. No need to read it, it has no evidence, openly admits the AIDS claim sounds wrong, and in one line admits the plane crash was questionable too, but by how it was written, it leaves people with the impression the plane crash was most likely our CIA and the White Militia of South Africa, and gets the AIDs accusation out there too. Total fake news in action.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro undergoes new surgery to repair some of the damage from his stabbing. Think it was coincidence that the one guy who could save Brazil from the clutches of Cabal almost was put under by one lone nutjob?

Border Patrol struggles with a flood of sick migrants.

For your consideration (click for full size):

As long as we are on conspiracies… SAIC popped up in the book Chameleo as well. It appears it has morphed into an almost quasi-government agency hidden in the private sector, and tasked in part with conducting human experiments of all kinds, and developing head-fucking means by which to camouflage them as alien abductions, giant paranoid conspiracies, or other events which will leave the subject unable to be believed by the rest of the population. Oddly they are located in the DC Navy Yard where Aaron Alexis went on his shooting spree for revenge, after claiming he was being used as some sort of guinea pig for the testing of sonic/emf weapons. Non-conspiracy takeaway quote in the thread : “The entire US secret intelligence community information technology system is absolute crap in 80 stovepipes that do not share, and they are about to make a YUGE mistake, along with DoD, in giving Amazon a chance to own everything they are willing to share. Amazon will make Google and NSA look like retarded ugly girls plastered to the wall once Amazon gets going — Jeff Bezos is the new Dr. Strangelove. Watch Amazon closely, they have become the hub for the police state.” What has Q been saying about Amazon, Bezos, and Cabal? That may be a carefully crafted plan.

From the link above, Rh positive blood status protects you from the negative effects of T. gondii infection. I had not heard this. Seems this could be the foundation of a bioweapon which would take out the Rh- population if it spread, which may be why the Cabal has not infected everyone with it, and tried to turn the whole world r. As my understanding of Cabal grew, I began to wonder why they hadn’t given everyone T. gondii, given how much more quickly it could have reduced much of the world to a porn-version of Idiocracy, compared to just using modern TV. Now we know why.

Cubans describe a tornado touching down which looked red, and “hit like a fireball.” Suspiciously similar to this?

Vatican to be exposed as one of the largest homosexual networks in the world in new book.

Trump says Awan server scandal is key to much of the corruption we see today.

Taiwan has a Yellow Vest movement:

Buzzfeed UK cutting half of its editorial staff.

Maduro tried to pull $1.2 billion in gold from Britain, but was denied. He may be planning to bolt, and we are putting a limit on how much he will be allowed to flee with.

Trump also sanctions the Central Bank, which would be a big no-no if the Rothschilds had any pull over Trump:

Might mean Cabal was using Venezuela for banking or laundering using oil and cash exchanges, and that is going to get stopped.

The Supreme Court may be about to kill Roe without even issuing a decision.

Judge postpones Manafort sentencing indefinitely. No idea if it is good or bad, but this isn’t a Trump-supporter being summarily tried, sentenced, and imprisoned, so it is something different, and would seem therefore good. Although Manafort’s judge is an Obama Appointee who does not like conservatives. Then again, they are probably the most blackmailable.

China trade delegation shows up in DC for 90 days of Trade negotiations.

Trump opens with pressure:

Remember when these types of things were frowned upon because they might disrupt negotiations, and yet we always lost negotiations anyway?

If I were Q and Trump, I would certainly look to get a Third Party candidate going who would promote “commonsense” leftism, and appear more likely to win than whatever leftist freak the Democrats nominate, if Shultz backed out.

Mike Bloomberg put out a statement saying a moderate independent candidate would hand the election to Donald Trump.

Liberals want to boycott Starbucks:

Feds bust sex trafficking ring in Oregon which operated in over a dozen cities, as well as other Asian sex trafficking organizations. Renegade anon described shipping containers coming into an area of the LA port which was closed off to everyone – even the government, and they were filled with young Asian girls, not all of whom survived the journey due to what the traffickers called “spoilage.”

Trump says chance of a border deal is less than 50-50. And so chance of a National Emergency is more than 50-50.

Pelosi invites Trump to deliver State of the Union on Feb 5th. Q had implied earlier that some of his posts about happenings last year were actually referencing events this year, albeit he noted this year they were two days ahead of schedule. The post about the State of the Union in 2018 asked if Anons caught the most important line in it, which was an activation code. Might be why Nancy wanted to delay it this year.

Interesting graph making the rounds which shows Hillary pulled highly socially liberal, and highly economically liberal voters, while Trump pulled highly socially Conservative, but only moderately economically Conservative voters:

When things are this r, and the nation has pulled almost limitless debt with absolutely no consequence for decades, and regardless of what happens we are going to give illegals of all people free college, and health care, and food, and housing, and smartphones, and even in some places a stipend like a living wage, it is tough to advocate for cutting spending to everyone else. We are just too r as a nation. It makes me think, look at how the waste hacks the Overton Window of our mind with respect to corruption. If we weren’t wasteful with respect to the illegals, and the welfare queens, and so on, we might look closely at spending. If the graph is accurate (always a question) the question becomes, does he get more blue dots by emphasizing and getting the economic conservative blue dots, or the social conservative blue dots? Or could he get both?

Mueller investigation near completion, which would seem something I would expect would correlate with Storm-related happenings.

State of the Union should be Feb 5th. Another marker?

Spread r/K Theory, because every movie has a climax.

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6 years ago

The man in the article at your first link was an ex-policeman himself, so handled the call from the investigating police officer very well. Fortunately he knew the law and was able to challenge what was said to him. However, it does give a chilling insight to the thinking of our current serving police force and what the years of indoctrination has done. No common sense any more.

6 years ago

If the graph is accurate (always a question) the question becomes, does he get more blue dots by emphasizing and getting the economic conservative blue dots, or the social conservative blue dots? Or could he get both?

Wrong question. The first question is does he even need more dots? If he does, the graph make it clear that the easiest targets are the socially conservative economically liberal. Those are your “Christian Coalition” Rod Dreher types. But you get the same office for 270 as you for for 538.

I also would like to point out the complete nonexistence of votes in the libertarian corner. Also, for the people who think that we are somehow going to get a free market, you need to explain how we do that without any sort of cluster on the right side of that graph.

6 years ago

Given what you are finding out about Rh+/-, and how fundamental blood is to our biological processes, what is the probability that the various “conspiracies” around various biological topics are also connected? Are they shopping, testing, experimenting, and folks are picking up on the loose threads but can’t seem to connect them together accurately, but so long as they go off in a direction where they can’t discover the truth, they’re allowed to go as far as they’d like with their conspiracy because it will poison the well?

That some conspiracies, if they’re really true, would have killed off the people who were actually onto them, unless the conspiracy is meant to distract, to misdirect, to throw people off the genuine trail.

Tangentially, in “The Division” video game, the players are members of a clandestine government organization, inspired by the actual “Operation Dark Winter”, who are essentially “sleeper agents” whose goal is to sustain the government in times of dire consequences.

Notice the timing on that, just a few months before the 9/11 “attacks”.

And I think the trailer for the sequel, due out in the coming months, in the same timeframe as “the storm”, is disturbingly prescient:

Now, that’s all supposed to be cloak-and-dagger fictional, until we add in Q, or at least all that Q is fronting, compared to what the folks who created The Division IP described:

“The main difference from any other agency, organization or department is that the Division is a last resort measure. As such, the members of the Division supersede any other operative, agent or federal employee in the field. They have a form of executive power and answer directly to the President.”

The details won’t align exactly, but “the Division” actually exists in some fashion, and it’s already active in trying to prevent a possible future before it has come to pass, right down to the use of advanced and classified technologies in order to achieve their ends.

“Trust the plan.”

What did Q say about predicting the future (2606)? Control.

Having played the first game a lot, it “woke me up” to the disturbing reality of a post-civilizational United States in a way which nothing else could. One thing they added to the game was short audio clips from before, during, and following a viral outbreak that results in 90% of the NYC population dead.

The one recording particularly responsible for the K-ifying was a phone conversation between a father and his son, and he is trying to tell his son how to get his pistol out of a safe, and then in the background we hear shouts and banging on a door, and the son starts freaking out and the father tries to calm him down and direct him, and then the recording cuts out.

I was already a parent at this point, and the plausibility of the scenario was so realistic that it shook me badly. The whole game is filled with stuff like this, exposing the darkness of humanity and forcing the players to try and rebuild from the proverbial ashes.

In one “mission”, you come across a room where a police officer has been hung on the wall in the middle of a bullseye painted in blood, and an axe is sticking out of his chest. In the commercial kitchen next to that room, another officer is hogtied stomach-down with an apple in his mouth, blood trailing off the table onto the floor, and smeared in blood on the wall is the phrase “Dinner is served!”

Most players are zipping past such gory scenery in trying to “play the game”, but the stuff that is in there rivals some of the videos that you’ve shared, in that what’s the real difference to our brain between a video of really disturbing stuff and a video game with really disturbing stuff?

Is it crazy to think that the Q team may have been communicating through other means, prior to the chans? That they’d be trying to “wake up” folks who were primed but just lacking the necessary stimuli? That they’d be trying different ways to start priming people for what was to come? How many coincidences are required before I can’t see it as accidental?

I mean, just how long has the “Q team” really been active?

It feels like that moment from V for Vendetta where the character reveals that they had a sense for how everything was connected, but they couldn’t really quantify how. Been feeling that a lot, and I know pathetically little compared to you.

Sorry for the long rant, but your comment today about the connection between T.gondii and Rh-, and your previous post talking about how folks think stuff you say is crazy, I just had to share.

6 years ago

>NewsGuard attacks Breibart
Perhaps to get people to trust Breibart blindly because both NewsGuard and Breibart are backed by neocons, which are zionist, and zionists are ALWAYS traitors, according to Theodor Herzl (the father of modern political zionism) himself.
Breibart has some legit stuff, but don’t expect them to tell the truth about Israel and Jewish subversion, they are zionist backed.

>Foxnews says NewsGuard is good
Because 95% of ALL MSM around the word is owned by zionists and in the US almost ALL MSM is staffed by zionists.

Pics related: – Zionists are always traitors, primary source – NewsGuard is neocon backed

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

There is also an argument that R/K, though very valuable as far as it rationally goes, is yet another excuse to avoid addressing the jq.

“Oh No! It’s not the jq. It’s just science and evolution! We’re all just people! Don’t look behind the curtain, they’re after all of us!”

In this respect it’s totally possible that “cabal” (judeo-masonic-bolshevism) wouldn’t start, and control to some extent, a site such as this as a limited hangout / revelation of the method. In fact it would be ridiculous to assume they are not.

Love this place but even AC would agree that anything is possible.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

“… zionists are ALWAYS traitors, according to Theodor Herzl (the father of modern political zionism) himself.”

In addition to ALWAYS being traitors, zionists are ALWAYS batshit crazy. So says me.

However, they are not alone.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
6 years ago

I haven’t seen or heard any evidence whatsoever that would lead me to believe that Khashoggi is even dead and not in hiding somewhere let alone the story that everyone seems to be going along with.

6 years ago

AC, you’ve probably already seen this but just in case. ..

6 years ago

Interesting link to this article from Voat showing that Alexander Downer who met Papadopoulos is on the board of Huawei.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It’s even more complex than this. Meng was on her way to Mexico, via Canada. Huawei has a large office block in a business area owned by Carlos Slim. Seems there are connections with El Chapo’s bribing ex Mexican President, NXIVM, AZ Mafia (human trafficking) and Bill Clinton signing NAFTA. All the stuff about Mexican Cartels funding the Dems is coming to light now.

Guild on Gab has several posts with interesting links.

Sorry, I don’t know how to copy a link to a single Gab post. There are several. All were posted about 7 hours ago before I wrote this.

Oh and Trudeau now wants to waive visas for Mexicans.