News Briefs – 01/26/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Trump does a three week deal on the budget. Media couches it as a cave, but what hit me right in the face was, back pay for federal workers, but no pay for any federal contractors. I strongly suspect the domestic surveillance/intelligence machine is primarily contracted out to private sector intelligence companies to keep it from generating FOIA responsive records on its targets which might reveal the program, and give targets a means of legal redress. I suspect Trump is blinding Cabal’s eyes on the ground, forcing Cabal to fund its coverage, and its extra-governmental intelligence programs, as well as maybe other contractor programs doing other things – and those Cabal-coffers may be running dry. If he is blinding them now, he wants them blind to something about to happen, because I do not think he can do this forever. I have seen a few indices indicating to me this is happening, and funding and manpower is reduced. This may be the final run-up to something happening. I suspect this was simply lessening the hurt on the Federal workers who do not need to be hurt, while drawing out the drain on Cabal capabilities and resources even longer.

The bottom line is, any other leader does this, and I would say they were doing something dumb, they had weak will, they sold out, or they didn’t want to win bad enough. You cannot say any of that about Trump. He is smarter than us, he knows vastly more intelligence than us, he cannot sell out because his life depends upon this, he has a will of steel and gives no fucks, and he is more driven to win than anyone else we will ever see. This was the smartest play to win – bet on it. I just hope Pelosi and Schumer get the McCain treatment when it is all over.

Ann Coulter hammers Trump over deal. IIRC, a law school friend of Ann’s said she was never really conservative in law school, but was rather open to everyone back then about how she intended to jump in on the Conservative side as a pundit/author because she felt advocating for it was a good way to become a respected pundit and make lots of money. At the time I thought she was just loose lipped. But knowing what I know now, if I only wanted to make millions and be a well known political pundit, that is exactly what I would have openly said to everyone, while making it clear I was not conservative. My guess is Cabal’s ears picked it up and greased her skids.

Leftist father in “Smash the Patriarchy” shirt shows up at his kid’s school, intending to take him from his mom in a custody dispute with the ex wife, when cops decide otherwise. He pulls a gun and gets killed:

He freaked out so much, even trying to kill a cop, that you have to wonder if he had the gun to kill the son to get back at his ex. Whenever you see any sign of rabid leftism you have to assume mental imbalance, and act as if the person you are dealing with is mentally ill. Ironically, I almost wonder if the God-Emperor could put a notch for this kill in his own gunstock, as a lot of these mad leftists might have been a little less insane if Hillary had won. Regardless, one less we will have to deal with when the unrest begins, and a mother and son who will probably sleep a lot better now that their mentally ill terror has been laid to rest once and for all.

Border Patrol agent tells CBS the border crisis is the worst he has ever seen. If true, why is this peaking now, just as the Storm is preparing to take off? And Q did say the border was more important than we could imagine.

Koch Brothers tell donor network that they will not support Trump in 2020. The vast majority of those who dominate industries are going to be Cabal. The benefit to Cabal is that until 2016 every election was Cabal’s liberal candidate vs Cabal’s Conservative candidate.

Mt St Helens’ lava cap is rising 5 meters per day, as risk of eruption grows.

Fake News and other forms of “information warfare” could hasten a doomsday scenario. The only answer is to listen to the Mainstream Media and think what they tell us to think.

Martin Luther King’s Son thinks the FBI silenced him. Coincidence this comes out now?

Japanese arrest two Israeli business men for smuggling $17 million in gold into Japan. Article adds later it is thought they had already smuggled $281 million just between March and November of 2017. Supposedly they were just one group doing it for the Yakuza. I remember an article on Cabal saying Cabal-CIA were thoroughly buried throughout Japan, from the political world to the Criminal. Here you have Yakuza and Israeli businessmen working together, with contacts in Hong Kong as if organized by something that unites all of them.

The Washington Standard notes the Obama regime is still making deals as if it were the official government of the United States. A lot of what Q says jibes with what you see.

Australian Shipbuilding company in Alabama raided by the feds. US Navy, DOD, , NCIS, and DCIS have been seen on site. If Q was right, and the plan was to slip substandard steel into our Naval Fleet to weaken our ships so we would lose a world war with China, you would have to also compromise the shipbuilder company, lest it notice the steel was substandard, and let word get out. Again, a crumb of data that fits the script.

And this fits too:

Seems a libel lawsuit should be in the cards for this little cocksucker:

This is Greg Allen Carlson, a serial sexual predator on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list. FBI is offering $100,000 for information leading to his capture, he is probably armed with a handgun, willing to kill to stay free, and he looking to keep a low profile:

Last seen in Florida, but was seen, so he has likely moved on. Unfortunately from the FBI site it looks like delivery of a dead body will not yield the $100,000, FYI, so if you wing him good with a shotgun, have a tourniquet on hand.

Russian contractors have been brought in to protect Maduro in Venezuela. He probably was never going to be killed anyway. He’ll do a Batista, and raid the treasury, taking a few hundred mil on his way out the door, before settling in Switzerland. The contractors are probably just to secure safe passage out. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Storm-forces offered him a bribe to take off once things became clearly untenable.

Not matured research, but very suspicious, an anon who claimed to be an insider in Cabal Pedo circles said anons should look into the Italian city of Bellinzona, and a waste company called Teris, whose website has all the pedo imagery and a strange password protected section with a price list that looks like a pedo menu. If Cabal needed pedo services in Italy, I would imagine they would subcontract out to organized crime, and one thing the Mafia is known for is laundering graft through city services like waste management.

Buzzfeed is now looking to merge with another media company to conserve resources.

Interesting study on Iceland which reportedly has a non-dating, one-night-stand hook-up culture. I remember reading a long time ago Vikings would use Iceland as a redoubt where they would store the beautiful women and riches they poached in raids throughout Europe. So Vikings would conquer, and the r-selected women would let themselves be carried away, while the men in those r-selected cultures failed to protect their women. K-cultures would either protect their women, or the women would rather die than live the rest of their lives as some sort of concubine. As a result, Iceland became a sort of selectively-bred r-selected gene pool and now, all these years later, you can actually see it in the mating strategy. A potent warning about discouraging any migration that is in seek of easy resources, rather than hard-fought freedom. Those r-strategist genes can screw with your population centuries hence.

Russians publicize a Melonhead skeleton just discovered in a Bronze Age dig in Russia. Were those Russians really binding skulls too? Why do we see skull binding all over the world, in civilizations which never met each other, and each adopts the practice for their “elite” members? And might the timing of this vis a vis the storm not be coincidental?

Michael Cohen’s Father in Law loaned $20 million to cab company mogul’s wife who was listed in the FBI warrant for Cohen’s home and office.

Facebook caught allowing kids to rack up thousands of dollars in game charges on their parent’s accounts without the parent’s knowledge. It is good to be the Cabal’s favorite pet.

CNN scrambling to explain how they knew there would be a raid at Roger Stone’s house, and just happened to put cameras there just before the raid. They basically say it was a lucky guess.

But note, it is not FBI:

The question is, when will law enforcement be in charge of law enforcement, instead of having worthless political shitbags telling them what to do?

Clintons taking off for Puerto Rico:

According to Soros, China’s leaders use “Artificial Intelligence” algorithms to locate any threats to their power among the citizenry. Which means you may do something which doesn’t mean to threaten their power, but the algorithm recognizes something which may indicate you are the type of principled person who would oppose totalitarianism, and suddenly your life turns to shit as the spooks move in unseen, and suddenly everything goes wrong for you. And that is if you are lucky.

As leftist unions collapse, the left has a new plan to get local leftist governments in union areas to agree to fund every worker’s union member dues, so none of their members have to pay dues – and all of their member’s dues get paid to them, and rerouted to the Democrats. Oregon looks like the first testing ground.

Female Soldier says she can beat any Marine in a boxing match – does not go well. Posted mainly to trigger any lurking feminists and SJWs:

Minnesota has a TB outbreak. Interesting, in that Minnesota is a big immigrant destination, which probably means it has Cabal-significance for some reason.

Plane passenger screams “Allah Akbar, tries to storm cockpit in France. Think about how bad Macron could use a terrorist attack. He’d lead the charge against the terrorists, protect the people, help the nation heal…

Unnatural deaths have killed 72 Chinese billionaires in eight years. Murders, accidents, illnesses, and suicides. Might be Cabal filling its coffers and installing its own in those positions by creating job openings.

Cartels distract Border Patrol by using sick migrants and large groups as cover for their movements and crossings.

A reminder : Science shows, journalists are drunken imbeciles, dumber than everyone else and unable to control their emotions.

Laser Beams can beam voices directly into one individual’s ears as they stand in a crowd. Maybe related: Man with no criminal history goes bonkers, starts attacking people with a hammer, says he heard voices in his head telling him to kill.

Roger Stone is asked if he has ever asked President Trump for a pardon after his arraignment, and he responds the only person he has ever lobbied for a pardon for is Marcus Garvey. Marcus Garvey is an interesting, possibly Cabal-related story:

Garvey thought there was a leadership vacuum among African Americans… The next year in May 1917, Garvey and thirteen others formed the first UNIA division outside Jamaica. They began advancing ideas to promote social, political, and economic freedom for black people… Garvey worked to develop a program to improve the conditions of ethnic Africans “at home and abroad” under UNIA auspices… By June 1919, the membership of the organization had grown to over two million, according to its records… [Ed note – you see where this is going]

Edwin P. Kilroe, Assistant District Attorney in the District Attorney’s office of the County of New York, began an investigation into the activities of the UNIA. He never filed charges against Garvey or other officers… On 14 October 1919, Garvey received a visit in his Harlem office from George Tyler, who claimed Kilroe “had sent him” to get the leader. Tyler pulled a .38-caliber revolver and fired four shots, wounding Garvey in the right leg and scalp. Garvey’s secretary Amy quickly arranged to get Garvey taken to the hospital for treatment, and Tyler was arrested. The next day, Tyler committed suicide by leaping from the third tier of the Harlem jail as he was being taken to his arraignment…

An important aspect of his career was his thoughts on communism. Garvey felt that communism would be more beneficial for Whites by solving their own political and economic problems, but would further limit the success of blacks rising together. He believed that the Communist Party wanted to use the African-American vote “to smash and overthrow” the capitalistic white majority to “put their majority group or race still in power, not only as Communists but as white men” (Jacques-Garvey, 1969). The Communist Party wanted to have as many supporters as possible, even if it meant having Blacks but Garvey discouraged this. He had the idea that Communists were only White men who wanted to manipulate Blacks so they could continue to have control over them…

Garvey recognized the influence of the Ku Klux Klan, and… went to Atlanta for a conference with KKK imperial giant Edward Young Clarke, seeking to advance his organization in the South.. After Garvey’s entente with the Klan, a number of African-American leaders appealed to U.S. Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty to have Garvey incarcerated…

In a memorandum dated 11 October 1919, J. Edgar Hoover, special assistant to the Attorney General and head of the General Intelligence Division (or “anti-radical division”)[31] of The Bureau of Investigation or BOI (after 1935, the Federal Bureau of Investigation), wrote to Special Agent Ridgely regarding Garvey: “Unfortunately, however, he [Garvey] has not as yet violated any federal law whereby he could be proceeded against on the grounds of being an undesirable alien, from the point of view of deportation.”

Sometime around November 1919, the BOI began an investigation into the activities of Garvey and the UNIA. Toward this end, the BOI hired James Edward Amos, Arthur Lowell Brent, Thomas Leon Jefferson, James Wormley Jones, and Earl E. Titus as its first five African-American agents. Although initial efforts by the BOI were to find grounds upon which to deport Garvey as “an undesirable alien”, a charge of mail fraud was brought against Garvey in connection with stock sales of the Black Star Line after the U.S. Post Office and the Attorney General joined the investigation…

When the trial ended on 23 June 1923, Garvey had been sentenced to five years in prison. Garvey blamed Jewish jurors and a Jewish federal judge, Julian Mack, for his conviction. He felt that they had been biased because of their political objections to his meeting with the acting imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan the year before. In 1928, Garvey told a journalist: “When they wanted to get me they had a Jewish judge try me, and a Jewish prosecutor. I would have been freed but two Jews on the jury held out against me ten hours and succeeded in convicting me, whereupon the Jewish judge gave me the maximum penalty…”

Professor Judith Stein has stated, “his politics were on trial.” Garvey’s sentence was eventually commuted by President Calvin Coolidge. Upon his release in November 1927, Garvey was deported via New Orleans to Jamaica, where a large crowd met him at Orrett’s Wharf in Kingston.

Pelosi seeks to nationalize California’s ridiculous voter laws. If we fail to get Trump elected in 2020, it will all be over. At least the peaceful solutions.

Advocacy groups are pushing to break up Facebook. Do they fear the entire ship taking everything down, and hope to preserve some part?

Army to test 1000 mile super gun that can hit China from well outside Chinese defenses. We seem to be preparing.

By controlling social media, online activity, and the surveillance state, all openly, while managing the “social credit system,” China is able to control every of its citizen’s behaviors, from what they say, to how much they borrow, to what they talk about online, to how many steps they take. Truth be told, the US does many of the same things, just it isn’t as open about it.

Russia and Ukraine refused to supply information on their passengers aboard MH-370. Could a Russian spook who had discovered too much have been flying somewhere to hand off a thumb drive to SVR?

Gay Congressman flees Brazil, citing death threats.

Iran is in the midst of a drought, and sinking from excessive water pumping. Adding to amygdala, adding to K.

Duterte calls Communism a rotten ideology that leads to mass insanity.

Japanese Fighters intercepted a record number of Chinese Spy planes in the last nine months. What do they want a closer look at so suddenly? Is there US activity basing out of there for North Korean operations, or have Q and company set up shop there to target Cabal in China, or Asia more generally?

Buried in this article is that an Iranian news anchor was detained in Washington, D.C., and released after she had been forced to testify in an unidentified Federal Investigation.

Nicholas Sandmann’s family retains well known lawyer specializing in libel and slander.

Self aggrandizing “News Museum” to shut its doors because of lack of funding.

Comet Ping Pong caught fire. Actually, I remember a case on CSI where a father knew his daughter had been killed by someone in his neighborhood, but the cops couldn’t prove it. So he dug up a dead body at the morgue, climbed up on the neighbor’s roof late at night while he was away, and dropped it down the fireplace chimney. When the neighbor smelled the body and called the police, they had to search the house, and in doing so they found the daughter’s body mortared in behind a brick wall. If arson, probably just some normal vigilante, but you never know, the way things are going today.

Pompeo mentions a Storm at Davos:

“New winds are blowing across the world. The central question is this: Do they signal fair weather or foreshadow a storm? Is this pattern of disruption a force for good or not? I’d argue that this disruption is a positive development. Truths like this: Nations matter. No international body can stand up for a people as well as their own leaders can. Strong borders are key to strong nations”

“Do they signal fair weather or foreshadow a storm?” Notice he then answers his own question. “I’d argue that this disruption [storm] is a positive development.” Positive development indeed.

Trump talked for 2 minutes and got India to cut tariffs on American Motorcycles by 50%.

A preview for the new documonial “Walk Away,” about blacks walking away from the Democrat Party:

A big sign Trump is not Cabal, because Cabal needs that division along racial lines. If he was Cabal, he would never try to bring blacks to the right because the Cabal needs them feeling victimized and isolated to keep them democrat and maintain the fight to distract us.

Michael Flynn’s brother tweets:

A good summary from Q’s board:

Spread r/K Theory, because winning the battle in front of you will not necessarily win you the war

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6 years ago

I was involved in Martial Arts for most of my life… that lady trying to box was an idiot. A female cannot take a hit from a male like that. Most women in MA learn empty space a lot faster than the men–they have to. There are even MA specifically designed around women being smaller, lighter, and less able to take a hit; she clearly has no training in MA on how to fight against a male aggressor. So, she earned that.

Can a woman take on a man in a fight? Some… if they know what they are doing. On equal footing the women in MA know that they could never stand toe to toe in full contact–Rhonda Rousey pointed this out to people. Clearly this dolt didn’t get that memo. Again, she earned that.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Thank you for that boxing vid. I loved it when the male shrugged, “What did you expect?” as the chick is counting birdies flying around her head.

Pisses me off, though, that he was booed and not cheered. In the years since that “fight”, our armed forces have become exponentially more feminized. They wouldn’t let the “fight” even happen today

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Minnesota is America’s Sweden. Like Sweden it was so White for so long that it lost its ability to recognize strangers as threats.

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
6 years ago

It’s not ALL good news on the California front. Despite being forced to clean the voter rolls in LA, Democrats succeeded in getting drivers licenses for illegals that default to registering them to vote, and to do so by mail. We saw how that worked out in the November, 2018 election, when EVERY Republican candidate for Congress changed from appearing to win on election day evening to somehow losing days later as Democrats continued to deliver as many vote by mail ballots as necessary to steal each election. And it was all legal, according to the latest election laws here in California. Worse, there’s an attempt already to reproduce the California laws legalizing this theft nationwide, with several other blue states very interested, as well they should be, because unless it is stopped, no one but the Democrat will ever win an election again anywhere, as fraudulent but legal votes in blue areas overwhelm honest votes everywhere else.

6 years ago

Re: Mt. St. Helens:

The article linked is about an event that ended in 2004. Note that most of it is talking about a documentary on Amazon. USGS has active monitoring stations providing data to here:

There’s a link to the most current alerts on the left.

While I wouldn’t put it beyond any gov agency to lie (USGS is known for downplaying the Richter Scale readings of EQs long after they’ve happened, though they’ve never been caught in anything as damning as what NOAA and NASA have done), in this case, I don’t think they are. Those ongoing little EQs listed on the right are actually good news: Like @ Yellowstone, they indicate that energy is being continually released in tiny, happy increments. If either site goes silent for an extended time, or other larger geological happenings start happening along the north, north-eastern part of the Ring of Fire, then it is time to have some concern.

That said, with the dwindling magnetic field and resulting increase of cosmic rays hitting the earth, volcanism in general is increasing, and can be expected to increase until the magnetic field gets stronger again. So keep eyes open in general.

Suspicious0bservers and Oppenheimer Ranch have been solid resources that I’ve followed for years. Would recommend for those interested.

6 years ago

For the police shooting link, that was in Eugene, Oregon, a very lefty town, so his shirt is no surprise. They have flyers posted up on poles protesting the shooting, interesting if you study lefty stuff. Here is a link:
Check the very bottom of the page also.

6 years ago

Ann Coulter’s dating history does not resemble that of a conservative woman. And now that we know Bill Mahers story of being involved in sex clubs, her history with him seems even more gross than it previously did.

I do think she believes much of what she espouses, however.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Well, The Donald did in fact unfollow her on Twitter…

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Rob
6 years ago

I’m convinced that Coulter is owned. I don’t believe that she believes even half of what she spouts. It’s far too calculated. I simply can’t imagine it being any other way.

Let’s face it, the woman is a clown, she is a caricature, she’s something branded. Her task is to create an easy to dislike persona thru which all conservative women can be branded, and most of what she writes is completely irrelevant. The conservatives that do read her get their heads filled with a lot of trivia that really in no way gives any insight as to what is going on. And then there is all the glitzy media coverage. Most tellingly, not long after the election, after a few years of feigning Trump support, she threatened to withhold that support if the wall wasn’t built. See the set up coming?

This raises another interesting point, and that is the roll of women in cabal. I suggest that it’s much larger and simultaneously more important than anyone has suggested, other than Q, who more than once had the telling phrase, “watch the wives.” Look into the black-hats, and then take a look at who their wives are and their biographies. You’ll see parallels.

Additionally, the psychology of women is different from the psychology of men when it comes to joining things like Cabal. Cabal appeals simultaneously to fear and also to material gain. It’s part of being in the in-crowd. It allows a way of life otherwise not obtainable, and it also offers security/protection.

I’d guess that there is a connection to all of this to the pressure of women to get into the workplace and the breakdown of the family. Control the wives/mothers and you control the men. Note the anti-patriarchy talk in cabal circles.

In many cases you’ll find women are the direct agents working in local business and government offices, and also a means of controlling their husbands. Women can also be strikingly indifferent, cruel, and ferocious in situations where they feel that retaliation against them is impossible.

And I’d not overlook the way the courts of dealt with alimony and divorce settlements as being part of this: It gives additional control of cabal over women members versus their dependence on family. It also serves as a means for the cabal to entice men who are seeking a mate.

Secrecy is what makes the cabal work, and part of secrecy is being too fantastic for most people to believe. Another part of secrecy comes from using manipulation and psychological techniques most wouldn’t consider. Women are more likely to be taken in by the temptations that the cabal offers, and in my experience more willing to look away and pretend to not see injustice or unfairness if that’s required to maintain an advantage in security for them and their children. The cabal offers what appears to be empowerment through becoming a slave.

This thing is bigger than you can imagine.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I fully expect Ann Coulter will become an anti-Trumper for the 2020 campaign, doing everything she can to erode his support from conservative women. I’d be shocked if it was otherwise.

I’d also guess that many of his books are actually sold to overzealous leftists who believe that they are engaging in opposition research. Related to this, a huge problem that i have in talking with Leftists is that they are convinced they know where I’m coming from. It’s because they are only presented with caricatures about what conservatives actually think.

Reply to  No Name
5 years ago

This thread is worth revisiting in light of Q saying she’s been paid by Mittens to switch on Trump. Also worth noting Neon Revolt said her name appeared on an HRC doc indicating she would be a pied piper for Trump, whom the dems believed at the time would be unwinnable.

I am now of the opinion she is a play actor for cabal. Her orders changed just as Trump started winning. So she switched sides.

Reply to  No Name
5 years ago

Here;’s the Neon Revolt link. I missstated it slightly. Nevertheless the point holds.

6 years ago

On the iceland link.

What is puzzling is that if r-strategist women are masculinized wouldn’t they fight the invaders in open battle like men. As the video of the woman foolishly challenging a man to a boxing match shows?

Plus some viking women seem pretty masculine in this incident:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

”Plus, you have what drives the woman, and what drives the woman. How many leftist woman are fighting off the subhuman, genuinely awful migrants in Europe.”

Interesting. It seems that however much the female(aside from genetic freaks or hormone injections) tries to imitate the male they don’t surpass the best of manhood.

What does seem to throw a spanner in the works though though is female leftists who do end up fighting the subhuman savages like ISIS in Syria in the (Kurdish women’s protection units):

“We’re not scared of anything,” she says. “We’ll fight to the last. We’d rather blow ourselves up than be captured by IS.”

Like the followers of the Islamic State, most Kurds are Sunni Muslims. But that is where the similarities end. Diren says that, to the fanatics of IS, a female fighter is “haram”, anathema: a disturbing and scary sight.

“When they see a woman with a gun, they’re so afraid they begin to shake. They portray themselves as tough guys to the world. But when they see us with our guns they run away. They see a woman as just a small thing. But one of our women is worth a hundred of their men.”

and others who participate in guerilla warfare in Latin America and in Vietnam(as Vietcong) when American troops were there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Building a feminist democracy:

”It is also hard to conceive just how radically the Kurdish administration has overturned the existing state structures in Syria by putting women’s emancipation at the forefront of the the sociopolitical agenda.

Women in Rojava have equal status in property law, forced and underage marriage has been banned, quotas for women and ethnic groups ensure representation at all levels of politics – and of course, the armed women’s fighting units, known as the YPJ, have played a central role in the liberation of towns such as Kobani and Manbij.

What the Kurds broadly want, despite some infighting and extreme pushback from neighbouring Turkey, is ‘stateless democracy’ – the idea that in a federalised Syria, their autonomy can be maintained on a local level, with a focus on ‘bottom up’ power and little to no interference from the state. ”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

RT has a documentary about this:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

From their own website

”We defend Northern Syria and Rojava because we defend a world without fascism and patriarchy”

This shows opposition to K-strategist values in their own press releases.

6 years ago

Interesting sloppy spy craft

6 years ago

“At the time I thought she was just loose lipped. But knowing what I know now, if I only wanted to make millions and be a well known political pundit, that is exactly what I would have openly said to everyone, while making it clear I was not conservative. My guess is Cabal’s ears picked it up and greased her skids.”

The “Cabal” greased her skids to do what, hold his feet to the fire? Trump was about to cuck on the wall back in December – only last-minute pressure from Ann Coulter made him stay in the fight that time. If he cucks again three weeks from now, like Ivanka and Jared want, it’s over. He won’t get another opportunity to build the wall, and the margins are so tight that if even one percent of his base walks away he will lose the 2020 election.

No, she must be a CIA agent. What other reason could anyone possible have for criticizing the God-emperor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Just like how Trump has gotten millions off of his book sales?

6 years ago

> 1000 mile cannon

The Army has said it wants one, and the Usual Contractors are demanding big chunks of money for research into it… but the only “plan” I’ve found basically involves using a cannon to launch a missile, essentially a booster for a two-stage rocket.

So… sort of like the Navy’s underwater-launched missiles that use compressed air to launch, except with Moar Launch. They words-what-are-coming-out-of-their-mouth are “gun”, but what they’re asking for is an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile.

“State of the art” for big cannon flattened out a century ago, in 1918, when the German Empire built its “Paris Gun,” which had a range of 75 miles. Wishful thinking and unicorn farts aren’t going to get more than an order of magnitude range out of a cannon. Not unless you decide to call an IRBM a cannon shell…

Hey! Maybe they can use a nuclear-powered rail gun! Remember, Lockheed promised us safe, portable reactors in 2014, and 2007, and 2000… maybe they should ask for an appropriation to determine an effective substitute for uniforn farts.

6 years ago


Regarding this article:

I am not reading where this does not fund federal contractors.