News Briefs – 01/25/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Roger Stone was just arrested in Florida by the FBI for witness tampering and other crimes by the Special Prosecutor. Charged on seven counts, including obstruction of justice, false statements, witness tampering.

CNN was alerted by either FBI, or more likely the Special Prosecutor’s office, so it could film the arrest. I Trust in Trump, but he must have his hands full.

Mass Murder at a Sun Trust bank in Florida. These things can always be a lone nutjob. But it is worth noting that he quickly killed all of the bank employees, seemingly for no reason, and Sun Trust was caught wrapped up in a money-laundering investigation sending millions overseas to drug cartels previously. Officially it was part of an LE investigation, where Police broke the rules to gather evidence and get the bad guys. But Cabal has a way of walking into local Police offices and telling them they are going to take Cabal’s risks, and Cabal’s blame, and if Sun Trust was doing it for one agency/organization/who-knows-what, there is nothing saying it wasn’t doing it for other organizations. If so, no telling if any employees might have stumbled on something in the paperwork or the database which they weren’t supposed to see. I’d love to know if this shooter was seeing any therapists.

North Texas drivers stopped at a Police road block, so federal contractors can get blood and cheek swabs for a private DNA database. One of the things which is going to have to happen post Storm is local law enforcement is going to have to be placed higher in the jurisdiction hierarchy than anything else. Notice how it appears Cabal came in and had a couple of local officers do this, outside of the local PD’s awareness, and with no records generated. But as it began to blow up, they were able to get the Police Chief and force him to take the blame and say it was his mistake. Also notice, they would push until the citizen would settle for a breathylizer, which would give them the saliva sample and DNA they were after anyway. I am at the point I would assume some Rothschild needed a kidney, and nobody in the database had yet turned up as a match.

BuzzFeed’s CEO and Founder has a history of pretending to be other people online to malign them. He bought, registered the domain in John Lott’s name, and pretended to be pro-gun researcher John Lott, while advocating for gun control in articles and emails to legislators. He was even telling other people who emailed him with questions on the law, that illegal actions with guns were legal and they could do them without concern.

Accusations of two different police reports, one of which has disappeared, in the Seth Rich case. First report supposedly said Seth heard the suspects speaking Spanish.

Judge who called Michael Flynn a traitor seals up all discovery in a lawsuit against media outlet looking into the Seth Rich case.

Venezuelans are working around state-controlled ISPs for bitcoin transactions by using mesh networks and satellite links into the internet.

How does your major Drug case go, if you are a Cabal-approved drug runner? Dog didn’t fully sit to alert, because of a curb behind it, so 27,500 Fentanyl pills will not be held against him, even though the dog handler called an alert, and the drugs were there.

50% of Facebook users may be fake. Notice how easily this would allow Cabal to declare winners and losers. Myspace was fighting honestly, meanwhile Facebook’s numbers skyrocketed as automated bots, probably powered by AI, created fake accounts faster on Facebook than natural users could create accounts in Myspace. Then all those fake accounts could control which stories would trend. And then those bots could click ads, and run up ad costs for anybody buying advertising on the platform, giving Facebook a massive infusion of Cabal-created fraud to fund operations, as Myspace struggled to cover its bills.

A very astute play by James Woods, because it links “Socialism,” the word, with disgust in the amygdala, and disgust is one of the most powerful amygdala activators. Also hits fear of personal harm and mortal salience.

A disturbing video James Woods tweeted out, of a baby being slapped around and suffocated, the maker of which is being sought. The tattoos would seem to be something someone should recognize:

There is evil out there that takes pleasure in that. Think about how differently its programming runs.

Mexican Volcano blows again at night. Geological system is still cooking.

Ocasio Cortez votes against funding bill because it funds ICE. Only Democrat to vote it down. Is it possible she is one of our’s?

Microsoft Bing blocked in China.

Democrats spent as much on their fake Russian bots to manipulate the Alabama Senate race as Russians supposedly spent on real Russian bots to manipulate the entire election.

China and Russia are building super EMP bombs for blackout warfare. This would make sense as Cabal’s next move. I think Cabal wants to balance the welfare-consuming voters with the slaves those voters give them power over. Too many slaves maybe they vote themselves into freedom. But too many welfarite voters, and they will consume everything the slaves produce. An EMP weapon is a good, controlled means of paring back the welfarites. A Plague could get out of hand, kill all the welfarites like in the Renaissance, and then Cabal has to hide until it can produce enough welfarites again. By contrast an EMP will put the lights out, and begin the 90% mortality experts expect as the cities consume themselves. Those will be mostly welfarites, as the Cops and the Feds close in and begin dealing with the most animalistic. Then, all Cabal has to do is time the fixing of the electric system, and it can precisely control the welfarite to slave ratio. Also, it will be tough to view Russia or China putting out our lights as being in the same category as glassing an entire city. And in the chaos, Cabal could take out a lot of troublesome individuals, and nobody would notice.

Kamala Harris helped cover up a plethora of illegal wiretaps.

An article on how Kamala Harris took on a politically powerful Sugar Daddy, and suddenly all the doors opened for her.

Baltimore City School Board votes to ban Police Officers from carrying weapons in schools. You have to wonder, is stupidity of this magnitude possible, or are there some plans to deploy MK Ultra windup toys in Baltimore in the near future.

Elizabeth Warren wants a wealth tax on Americans worth more than $50 million.

Harry Reid lobbies for more UFO research. Not sure why. Skinwalker ranch was some sort of paranormal hotspot (which I assumed meant Cabal was using it as some sort of tech-testing facility). It was supposedly bought and researched by a Nevada aerospace millionaire. It turned out that was a cover/front for a research project funded in secret by American intelligence. Meanwhile Reid was getting funding for the military to research UFOs, using that same Aerospace millionaire, who supposedly has a warehouse full of artifacts made of materials with unusual properties. Can’t tell if the Aerospace researcher is the civilian cutout fronting Cabal’s Space/research program, or if all the parties involved, maybe even Reid, were working for the Storm and the Military against Cabal.

Judge orders all NIXIVM defendants except Bronfman to show Tuesday to discuss an Irrevocable Trust which is paying all their legal bills, and who is putting money into the Trust.

Pelosi may have stage VI dementia according to experts. Dementia in the elderly can present quite strangely. Things they do constantly, like human interaction can stay relatively stable, but complex decision-making that occurs behind the scenes in highly variable ways can go, and make them unable to function, even though in social situations they will seem perfectly fine. I knew an old guy with dementia who didn’t look bad if you bumped into him and talked to him, but behind the scenes he was doing things which were utterly bizarre and made no sense, even though he was sure they were the right things to do. So Pelosi could look fine on TV, but be going home and storing her shoes in the freezer to preserve them, and making all sorts of weird decisions elsewhere that make no sense. The point being she already looks fairly bad, and she will be worse than she looks. And one of the worst things you can do to someone with dementia is pile on stresses they cannot cope with. Sadly for Nancy, she has to deal with President Trump.

And Nancy is flubbing lines, and seems to have a coping mechanism of laughing it off already developed:

Trump postpones State of the Union until after the Shutdown ends. Could be. But remember Trump likes to tweak rabbit amygdalae by utterly conceding defeat, letting the rabbits dance and cheer until they settle back down and just accept the victory as normal. Then he pulls the rug out from under them by announcing he doesn’t concede after all, and he is going to just take what he wants from them by force, making them feel utterly helpless to stop him, and violating their expectations of fairness because they feel they already won, and his upsetting that is unfair. I will not be surprised if in a few days, he just has McConnell invite him and then gives it the way he wants. Also, some anons on Q’s board think Trump is purposely screwing with the date, because Cabal wants to time Ginsburg’s death to it, and now they are giving her lethal injections, and then giving her the antidote once they realize Trump was just feigning it, only to give her another injection, and then another antidote when it appears he is feigning again. By now, we should all know Trump is a far more driven competitor than anyone we know, including ourselves, and he has more intelligence than we do on what is going on. Whatever he does, it will be the best possible move, most likely to win in the long run. It may also mean he plans on having a major win to announce at the speech, and he wants to gloat at an official SOTU.

Looks like half-assed attempt, based on the fact he survived. If you are a liberal and want to do this, call a good Conservative friend and ask them to help you do it right.

Global terror deaths lowest since 2009.

France and Italy increasingly feud as the K-shift kicks in.

China’s leaders are increasingly worried about internal unrest due to the economic effects of the trade war with Trump. Big win coming there.

Mike Rogers of Alabama introduces a bill to withdraw from the United Nations. I’d be tempted, but only after we had seized Cabal’s power, and used that power to abuse our authority in the UN to brutally fuck over everyone who had it coming, so horrifically that nobody would ever want to rejoin such an organization ever again.

Orthodox Jews emerge as Trump’s biggest supporters. I do not know what this means, but it feels interesting that an Anti-Cabal President is supported by the insular orthodox Jews, but opposed by the non-insular regular Jews. Does Cabal need to infiltrate, and it is easier to infiltrate regular Jewry than it is to fake being Orthodox among the Orthodox?

Venezuela has seen 50,000 anti-government protests since Maduro has seized power.

US Intelligence official says Brexit will not harm intelligence sharing. Britain is a nation which tried to overthrow our election with a hostile intelligence operation in collusion with our own traitorous left. I’d be surprised if that relationship could be harmed, or get any worse.

Verizon media, parent of HuffPost, announces sweeping layoffs. This is in addition to Buzzfeed’s 250 layoffs, and Gannet doing its layoffs. Altogether, 1000 jobs lost in one day. When you don’t have any experience in the field, it is easy to believe the story everyone is told. HuffPost has X number of people read its materials, and a percentage of those people see ads, and buy stuff, and the sellers of that stuff pay Huffpost for sending them those sales. It sounds good. It seems possible. But if I put a picture in the upper corner of this site for Acme paper towels, how many here would change their paper towel brand because of it? And we have a more personal relationship than the average HuffPo reader has with the nameless, faceless cog that writes one of their articles. HuffPo is not a money making venture. It does not sell products, I do not care how many visitors it has. And because the writers are salaried, it is a very costly, money consuming venture. So who is paying their bills, and why? Why is it that now, just as Trump has supercharged the economy, as everybody has jobs, as money which was previously going to China, and Europe, and Canada, and Mexico is instead being spent in America, why is it that now, when money is flowing more freely, all of these companies are having to announce sweeping layoffs, and downsize massively, or even go out of business like the Weekly Standard? The evidence is there to understand how things have really worked all these years, but you have to look closely at it to see it. Everything was corrupt, and everything was an illusion, designed to keep you enslaved by your own faulty beliefs about reality.

Jobless claims fall to the lowest level since 1969. And yet Main Stream Media Fake News companies are laying off left and right, when they weathered 2008 just fine.

Kim Jong Un has “Great Satisfaction” from the Trump letter he recently received. Kim has been waiting to see his nation enter the first world and thrive. No doubt Trump is dying to make North Korea a success, so any other nations out there will see it is vastly better to be President Trump’s friend than his enemy. I suspect that letter said the day is rapidly approaching, which probably means the great cleansing is also rapidly approaching.

Slate article says the Supreme Court is about to make very state’s gun laws look like Texas’ laws. Sleep well friends, with our God Emperor, this is our time.

Spread r/K Theory, because things are beginning to go public more and more

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6 years ago

Two little bits of info today. Trumps new WH chief counsel is ex Covington and maybe the media layoffs are a result of lack of Govt funding because of the shutdown in the same way as funds were cut off from FB, Google etc.

The 22 working days before RIF can happen are now past. Took longer than originally reported as they couldn’t include the holiday days as working days, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens from now.

6 years ago

“Extend the second amendment”
They lie like a patio.

6 years ago

Roger Stone was just arrested in Florida by the FBI for witness tampering and other crimes by the Special Prosecutor. Charged on seven counts, including obstruction of justice, false statements, witness tampering.

The witness tampering is actually the biggest deal in this. What Stone (allegedly) put in the texts/emails was stupid. I am disappointed.

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
6 years ago

I don’t see how someone not Orthodox could infiltrate an Orthodox community successfully. The life places great emphasis on marriage and children and community life generally, so there are observers everywhere who will notice if a person is not fully adhering to the religious law—and that won’t get a pass. I knew someone who was denounced from the pulpit for lighting a cigarette on the Sabbath, and someone else who was shunned because her teenaged son was seen going into a McDonald’s. The law governs every aspect of life, for example the correct way to get dressed in the morning, and it goes on from there. For men especially there are commandments which must be fulfilled at set times of the day. Someone not genuinely committed would be experiencing monumental strain.

There would also be a problem with the backstory because the community is intensely aware of lineages. You couldn’t just show up and start in; there would be too many questions, and conversion is very difficult and is becoming more so.

I suppose someone raised in the life could be turned, or blackmailed; but that sounds like a path to mental breakdown.

6 years ago

Looks like half-assed attempt, based on the fact he survived.

Liberals — unable to handle technology as advanced as… fire.

6 years ago

Orthodox supporting the PTOUS, a different viewpoint

The reality of this is IMHO as follows. Almost all Jews are “born” Jews that is have a Jewish mother. Jews do not seek converts so the population stays relatively stable and has been through out history. What is happening today is a schism between real Jews, that is orthordox in some form and everyone (Jews) else aka Jinos. The everyone else (Jino = Jew in name only) is essentially a secular humanist who does not conform to the traditional belief in thought or in practice.

To be an orthodox Jew you must be free at least in your mind so you can seek G-d. As the cults of Cabal, Socialism, Communism, Globalism, Hyper Consumerism and the rest are all mind control efforts to subvert and enslave; you cannot be Orthodox and submit. Therefore is is natural for the Orthodox to reject anything that is not a full belief in G-d and is divine and not of the invention of a cult leader.

It is from this mindset that support for our current POTUS emerges. Lead’em to the ovens (Senator to my shame) Chuckie and the rest are Jino’s (Jews In Name Only) and they are what the Citizens of the US see. You cannot be a Jew and accept any form of cult and there are thousands of cults. They (Orthodox) do not seek to control society other than to be allowed to live in peace and practice their religion. This is VERY different from the Jinos with their in your face flaunting of whatever.

History is replete with the revolts and warriors of Jews especially in earlier times. After many times IMHO the warriors were killed off and the survival mechanism showed as pasiftism. This existed for a thousand plus of years but after WWII the survivors went to what is now Israel and the warriors emerged and claimed the land and would have UN vote or not.

Most US and European Jinos are fearful, confused and lack a base of religious morality. So when the next cult emerges they flock in and bask in the cults stupidity. Fortunatly they do not reproduce very well and will soon be going the way of the Dodo Bird.

The real Jews I know, like me, see themselves as Americans first, second and third and then family then religion. We carry and believe in the righteous ability of you and I defend ourselves ( see and seek to live in peace and never rule over our neighbor.

G-d helps those who help themselves so; Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum.

Reply to  Goose
6 years ago

Judaism is fucked up thou.
The religious ritual of child genital mutilation is disgusting, and damaging for the children.
I don’t see it not getting banned in the future.

6 years ago

According to the Bank murderers girlfriend he got kicked out of school because had a dream about killing his class. He clearly wasn’t a professional hitman, he didn’t try to get away with the murders, and if he wanted to kill people why didn’t he walk into a grocery store or on the street? Why bother going to this specific bank?

Based on what you wrote about Sun Trust bank , taking into account the mans lack of motive, his dreams, this looks like a mc assassination.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

“Only Democrat to vote it down. Is it possible she is one of our’s?”


6 years ago

Oh the poor SJW journos. Gonna be a run on box wine this weekend.

6 years ago

Trump ran as the chief executive, of the executive branch. He is now mired in border funding, with the legislative branch. He’s playing the legislative game. While he’s being hunted by the judicial branch. He’s not playing the executive we voted for. Sure: The Storm. But those moves are not public.

Very disappointed he hasn’t played this better. Legislators couldn’t be more unpopular and his drive to bend them to his will is making him just as unpopular as them. I do not understand his strategy. If he has the good, Q et all – what is he waiting for? The legislative branch to agree he can destroy them. The judicial branch to order him to destroy them? Absolutely disgusting how the meek have inherited the earth.

Robert What?
6 years ago

You keep talking about the coming storm. I’m sorry to say but there will be no storm. It’s too much to ask to have Trump create the storm on his own, and no one else is pitching in. If there is a storm, look for it fifty years from now or more.

Reply to  Robert What?
6 years ago

If it happens, it happens earlier.
I think Trump is going to clean the swamp up because if he doesn’t guess what, too many pissed off people see him as the last recourse.
He knows that if he doesn’t pull it off, people will lose their minds, and they won’t be lacking motives to do so (all the anti-White racism and anti-Christian bullshit that the zionist MSM and SM circulates 24/7, all the tax payer money going to Israel and minorities who are anti-American, etc).

Robert What?
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

I voted for Trump but more and more I am thinking he just is not up for the job, or that we have totally misread him. Rather than draining the Swamp, Trump keeps appointing Swamp creatures to important positions.

Reply to  Robert What?
6 years ago

I see that as part of his strategy.
Just look at the way he got the general public talking about the hypocrisy of the Israeli dual-citizens that support Israel 100% having their wall and then claim that walls don’t work for the US. At the same time that he got people to talk about HOW MUCH aid Israel gets from the US.

He needs to expose the zionist traitors on the Dem party before he can bait the zionist traitors on the Rep party into exposing themselves.
Time will tell if he will be able to fix it, I trust him 100%, but as the saying goes, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

6 years ago

Stock market crash next 2 weeks, 1987-style.
Nothing to do with Cabal though, other factors involved. Won’t be helpful to Trump.

Reply to  glosoli
6 years ago

I would say that a radical market move at this point is quite unlikely. In fact we put in a market bottom at the end of the year and now are probably going to see a trading range for a while before re-establishing a trend. Wyckoff calls this “building a cause.” It is a prerequisite to any major move either up or down. In this video, Bruce Fraiser uses Apple as a case study in showing how Wyckoff methodology can give us insight into these market moves and where we currently stand.

Reply to  RedMoonProject
6 years ago

Jehovah is with me @RedMoonProject, watch and see.

John Doe
John Doe
6 years ago

Re: layoffs.

And right after the layoffs at Buzzfeed and HuffPo Trump announces a 3 week suspension of the shutdown, very interesting if those media outlets were indeed financed by this construction.

Trump might be playing with them now, giving them some air to breathe for a bit. The fake news media is trying to spin this as a victory over Trump to assuage their stress and offering a mental escape to their happy place, but they know they are going to be held under water again. Those next in line for layoffs may just be a bit less anti-Wall the next 3 weeks.

6 years ago

We’ve been waiting for the “great cleansing” for a long time and things look to be getting worse and worse.I am losing faith that Trump is going to do anything about the corruption.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I can’t remember if this has been noted here or not but it seemed the kind of info people here would want to know about.

President Trump’s new attorney general is a career CIA agent

I heard about it from

Hmmm…does this mean that Trump has been deep State all along??? Could it be that deep State still has power to place agents in influential positions??? Or could it mean that Trump needs someone who’s turned and knows where the bodies are buried????

Every now and then I think I know what’s going on but…then, I don’t. It’s very frustrating.

It’s said CIA Director William Casey said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”?

I would say we are either there or very close.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

There is a war between different elements of the deep state. Some pet of it is allied with Trump.

6 years ago

As far as Trumps so called “cave”? I see it as him just toying with the Dems.

It all goes back to something you always write about: Pelosi and Schumer cannot handle stress. They need an equivalent of a safe space to operate and they cease to function when it is not available.

Remember how stressed they looked when Trump brought the media into the White House at their first meeting? Remember how euphoric they were when it looked like Trump was going to cave on the wall before Christmas? How dejected they were when the government shutdown and how euphoric they are now with the temporary re-opening?

The euphoria is well beyond what they actually won, but the relief from stress is so welcome and so pleasant that the dopamine rush is orgasmic.

It is also a severe weakness and an important tell. Equally so is the information that a sizeable percentage of federal workers can’t miss a paycheck without falling into dire straits. That is also an important tell. Having a president oscillate you between highs and lows like this is something these Democrats have never experienced. They can’t handle this kind of conflict.

They need constant validation from outside stimuli that they are on track. Consider, for example, that they have the numbers right now to impeach Trump. What do they need from Mueller? What is Stone going to offer that would change your minds? Really, nothing.

So why can’t they pull the impeachment trigger on Trump?

Reply to  Kumquat
6 years ago

I agree with you.
Regarding this:
“So why can’t they pull the impeachment trigger on Trump?”
I have no idea, but there is this theory floating around that it has to do with the Chabad Jewish mafia not being able to let that happen because (according to said theory), Kushner (which the theory claims is part of the Chabad Jewish mafia) would lose its proximity with the POTUS and thus lose a lot of leverage by no longer having plant of their own on the WH.
Time will tell who is who, I want to trust Kushner, but one thing is certain, if he proves himself to be Jewish-tribe first, he is going to create a fuck load of backlash against all Jews in the West, including the non-criminal non-subversive Jews. I hope he is committed to the Western people and put America first, and not his tribe.

Read about the theory I referenced here: