News Briefs – 01/24/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Madonna Tweets:

She’s telling people not to turn, which means she is hearing people are getting pressured to turn, which means something is going on.

Ludacris promotes Lucifer to his followers. Maybe the devil is just misunderstood? Given all the “God is their imaginary friend in the clouds” rhetoric we have been given non-stop for the last 40 years, this sudden turn is mind-blowing, even as it is entirely predictable.

Girlfriend of soccer star whose plane crashed says she believes the crash was not an accident and “soccer mafia” people were behind it. Increasingly I think if you are a celebrity, you have an understanding of the real world the rest of us could barely imagine, though each one assumes it only applies to their little corner, because what they see is so big, the idea of it being *everywhere* is unimaginable.

Somebody tried to prevent the Superbowl from being the Patriots vs the Goat-heads by hitting Tom Brady in the face with a laser multiple times as he was trying to execute plays. Seems a little sophisticated for just a football fan, or somebody who placed a bet. And it was pretty good aim. I’d think this would be tough with a little laser pointer. Give me a laser on a handgun, with a rest, so I can use the sights to try and place the laser precisely, and I am not sure I am easily tagging his face that precisely from 100 yards away. And whoever was doing this, wasn’t lugging around a big device to precisely place the beam, unless they were in some sort of concealed position:

Imagine being Brady, just thinking his objective is to play a good game, and the morons who run the world want to upend the game because it might be seen as a metaphor for the bigger battle going on, so they hit him in the eyes with a laser and burn his retina, blinding him. And all he wanted to do was play a game.

Sarah Silverman says Trans-troops are braver than the entire rest of the military. What is amazing is she can hold up the transvestites as superior to the warriors who protect the nation, and the entire dialog is not about what an idiot she is. That is the degree of control Cabal has created.

Judge still won’t certify NC House election, based on fraud allegations.

A Scientology video which makes the case that psychiatry as an industry is evil and appears to have used military members as guinea pigs for experiments. And now it wants to destroy masculinity and says transgenderism in children should be treated with sex changes. I do not think these things would arise without some evil force at the top driving them. And I do not think any elected leader would ever allow this. As I look at it, if Cabal is about psychological control, it is very likely it has infiltrated much, if not almost all of the industry. I’d love to go back into Scientology’s history, to what it was, at some moment, that turned it against psychiatry. What did somebody see that triggered this awareness?

Tensions between Iran and Israel are rapidly escalating. Could Cabal try to start a war with Israel to divert us from the Storm.

Some investigators say they believe two Iranians traveling on stolen passports hijacked MH-370 and crashed it. Iran, Cabal, competing Rothschild-owned patent holders on board? And how is it there are two Iranians on phony passports on board, and we are still wondering what happened?

Assange’s lawyers take action to unseal the charges pending against him.

Nancy Pelosi’s $2 million in travel expenditures for personal junkets is getting attention finally.

Thirty years ago three Trump executives died in a helicopter crash which the Donald almost got on. Article features a disgruntled employee claiming Trump wouldn’t have gone, but I believe Trump. It could have been a simple accident, but then again Donald probably had a file by then, was identified as potentially wanting political office one day, was identified as “bad psychology” for a Cabal puppet, had the money and media savvy to run, and could have become a real threat – and all that is assuming assuming Military Intel had not already ID’d him as a potential candidate for running the Storm one day. I could see Cabal deciding to take him out early and young, before he ensconced himself and hardened himself, and then decided to run. Whether it was Cabal or not, it was incredibly lucky.

There was a weapon we deployed in Iraq, which exploded over a power station, releasing a cloud of graphite fibers which shorted out the transformers at the station. It turned out to be a pain in the ass, because after we got control, every few days winds would pick up, put the fibers back in the air around the station, and the power would go down again. I wonder if Cabal might have rigged up a drone with a little bucket of fibers which it could drop from a few hundred feet overhead, and these are tests of the project in preparation for a multi-pronged attack that will knock out power nationwide. Most figures show if you could kill the power long enough across the US, the US would see 90% mortality within a year. That might slow down the Storm.

Microsoft sets Edge browser to warn users that the Daily Mail is fake news. There are a lot of stories you will see on the Mail that are clearly blacklisted on the rest of the web, particularly conspiratorial stories.

The Microsoft blacklist will include Drudge, Breitbart, and Wikileaks, but Buzzfeed gets a top-level green rating.

China starts using location services on cell phones to alert nearby citizens to the fact you have displeased the state. So basically wherever you go, people nearby are told you have displeased the state and you are shamed.

Frontpage contrasts the APA’s concerns with the evil pathology of masculinity and the effects masculinity has had upon history.

Sweden has four bombings in 24 hours.

NBC has a $400 Million investment in Buzzfeed. I will guarantee Buzzfeed does not help sell enough goods and services for advertisers to justify a healthy amount off of advertising. These media operations will never be a big money-making operation, except in so far as Cabal will pay big bucks to control that voice the public hears when it goes looking for an idea of what to think about various issues.

The spigots do seem to be drying up for these Cabal media outlets, even as Trump is supercharging the economy.

National review apologizes to Covington teens for piling on them.

Rush Limbaugh still spanks National Review for seeking MSM approval by jumping on the teens.

John McAffee dares the IRS to come after him, and now his 2020 Presidential run will have to be run from exile in Venezuela. When Cabal seems to want to punch your ticket, it is not a good idea to head to a third world country where the leaders will do anything for money. I’d have thought he figured that out by now, after his last adventure. Then again, he may have been in more danger in the US. Tough to judge what his circumstances are these days.

Mastercard slapped with $650 million fine by the European Commission Where will that fine go? Who will audit it? Cabal is short on cash, and who will know if it disappears?

House passes bill preventing us from pulling out of NATO and demanding other countries pull their weight. It must be tough to be Trump, and know so much about negotiation, and then see these idiots do this.

Migrant Caravan growing, 8000 applied already for legal visa to enter Mexico, many more already over the border backtracking to apply as well. Technically it should make it even tougher to get asylum, if they already have legal status in Mexico. May make it easier to deport them too.

Fusion GPS was part of the anti-freedom media-wing of Cabal, both getting paid by media to dig for dirt on Cabal opposition like Trump, and turning around and using that money for bribing reporters to dig for dirt on Cabal-opposition like Trump. Notice how the flow of money back and forth produces more motivation and more action, and ultimately more control and more money. It is also probably a nice way to launder Hillary campaign cash, which began with Hillary, hit Fusion, and then got passed to reporters who wrote nice stories for Hillary’s campaign.

CNN commentator says they are as triggered by a MAGA hat as they are by a KKK hood. If the mission was to drive the left so crazy they begin losing it over nothing and look fully insane to the public, Mission Accomplished.

Centrist Dems preparing a letter to Pelosi asking her to give Trump a vote on the wall.

US confirms that the US had an envoy talking with the Taliban.

Davos claims the cost of bitcoin will go to zero. Bitcoin is to money laundering what VIX is to volatility. I can’t help but wonder if Cabal is going to try and shunt what it can salvage into bitcoin, and thus is talking it down in preparation for jumping in.

A White House Lawyer was an alumni of Covington High School. Interesting.

Bonfires and riot Police in Spain as Yellow Vests take off there.

Maduro orders ‘total revision’ of Venezuela-US diplomatic ties after Pence calls for regime change

Venezuelan opposition leader declares himself the rightful President of Venezuela.

Trump formally recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader as President of Venezuela.

Venezuela prepares for massive anti-government marches.

Venezuelans burn a statue of Maduro.

Maduro gives American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country.

America refuses to withdraw diplomats from Venezuela.

Prominent Australian winemaker charged with child sexual assault. By itself not much, but each one of these can become the one thread that unravels a network.

Arizona lawmaker looks to back state reserves with gold and silver.

Trump administration takes the census citizenship question to the Supreme Court.

North Korean leader in secret meeting with deputy director of the CIA.

Poland summit will cover the threat Iran presents to the Global community.

DHS issues emergency notice to non-national security agencies to safeguard their DNS data against a cyber hijacking campaign that appears to be coming out of Iran. Was hijacking and rerouting emails and other data back to Iran. Cabal may be having an intelligence gathering problem. Interesting this is happening during the shutdown.

Attorney for the Covington teens says media outlets and personalities have 48 hours to issue retractions and apologies, and then the lawsuits will begin to fly.

Interesting, in that the only thing which has kept these outlets operating financially, was Cabal. And now suddenly we get stories like this about Gannet about how they seem to be going under or tightening their belt.

White House announces 51 judicial picks, including 2 for the liberal Ninth Circuit.

Mulvaney is making lists, possibly in preparation for RIFs? Or is Trump looking at what he will fund on a shoestring, and thus test-run a radically pared-down government to see what can be cut without much pain?

Major node in Planned Parenthood baby-parts selling business prosecuted, forced to pay $7.8 million and shut down, as well as admit they broke the law. Which means Planned Parenthood broke the law.

Trump’s new motto is, “Build a Wall and Crime will Fall!”

Trump preparing two State of the Unions, one for a traditional delivery to Congress, and one for a rally audience.

After Pelosi refuses to allow security teams into the Capitol, Trump says he is exploring alternative venues. A rally, with a hundred thousand diehard MAGAs in an arena cheering and holding signs will be much better.

James Woods thinks so too:

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a lot going on of late

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6 years ago

Sorry to say the plane crash that killed the soccer star was just an accident waiting to happen. An old Piper with questionable safety record. Part time pilot who said he was ‘rusty’ on the landing procedures. Took 4 attempts just to take off from the airfield near Nantes. Seems it may have been a build up of ice that brought it down near the Channel Islands.

As he had already told friends he was scared on the trip over to France, it wasn’t very sensible of him to get back on board for the return journey. Even more so when the club had offered him a commercial flight out of Paris which isn’t that far from Nantes. A free flight in an old plane belonging to a football agent has cost him a lot more than that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Agreed. Now it’s coming out that the pilot was not licensed to carry paying passengers. He was a plumber, in debt and would pick up odd flying jobs to make a bit of cash on the side. The son of the football agent who hired him didn’t exactly protect their asset very well.

6 years ago

The Convention Attorney is giving msn 48 hours because of Christian forgiveness?

No. Sue them. All of them.Take them to the cleaners. They will keep lying as long as they can get away with it.

Reply to  E
6 years ago

I’d like to see the family press charges against some of these blue check marks on Twitter that encouraged violence. Specifically against that Jew “comedian” whose schtick is to pose as a Country & Western singer but sing degenerate songs and mock country & western fans (i.e. Heritage Americans).

But even getting one person gaoled over the threats would be a huge win. Making @Jack face court for his companies tacit support (by failing to reign in the left blue check marks) would be great.

Reply to  E
6 years ago


Reply to  E
6 years ago

On the other hand, the 48 hours looks good in court. Much easier to claim damages when you can show “we tried to be reasonable, all we asked for was a retraction and apology”.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
6 years ago

The European Commission has always leaked money in huge numbers, and I think I am correct in saying that it is many years since an Auditor was willing to sign off the Accounts.

The general assumption has been that it was corruption within the Commission, and Mafia involvement. The notion that those creatures may have been subsidising Cabal is even more infuriating.

Reply to  Jeff Wood
6 years ago

Which is why I support a Hard Brexit. It will stop the loopholes between the EU and U.K. that has allowed Cabal access to money laundering (as we are not in the Euro) through the City of London and helped Cabal owned companies to pay very little tax.

People here are finally waking up to the fact that there will be no 2nd referendum and no delay to Article 50. They can’t delay an Act of Parliament that is set to activate on 29 March. Parliament cannot take over the legislative agenda from Her Majesty’s Government. If they try to do that, the Queen can prorogue (dissolve) ‘her’ Govt., and we will have another General Election. Any legislation they try to pass has to be given Royal Assent before it can become law. There are times when having a Monarchy can be useful.

As for the EU, I expect all this kabuki theatre to go to the wire. Downside for them, is that after we ‘crash’ out, all other countries will see that the EU could not even negotiate their way out of a paper bag and start queuing up by the exit. Wonder who will be next?

6 years ago

Roger Stone takes credit for saving the God Emperor from that helicopter crash. I’ve seen it in other places, but he also writes about it in his book “The Making of the President 2016.” He says he was working for Donald Trump as a lobbyist, and needed to see him about something. The eventual President sent his executives on the helicopter ride and planned to catch up in Atlantic City later. Stone says he was in the room when word of the crash came in.

6 years ago

Before anyone bothers to send me hate mail on this, I know that the contest was set up by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard was a colorful old time science fiction writer. Robert Heinlein counted him as a good friend through his whole life. Hubbard was highly prolific but still broke most of the time.

Then he made it big with a book called DIANETICS. Dianetics was the first of the really popular self-help books, and the techniques described in it weren’t a lot different from some of the unorthodox branches of psychoanalysis, while the psychological theories presented were a rather interesting synthesis of Alfred Count Korzykski’s Science and Sanity, an early book on general semantics, and Jung’s psychoanalytical theory of a collective unconscious. In place of Freud’s id, ego, and superego, Hubbard postulated a reptilian “reactive mind” in addition to the rational conscious mind; like Freud, he postulated that hidden memories were responsible for many mental health problems.

“General Semantics” was a theory of the relation of language to reality (and thus a branch of epistemology) and had — still has — some highly respectable adherents, including Wendell Johnson of the University of Iowa, and Dr. S. I. Hayakawa who was later President of San Francisco State and after that a US Senator. Despite its rough treatment by Martin Gardiner in his Fads and Fallacies in the Name Of Science, General Semantics was taught in universities, and while it had its woo-woo adherents, it had some academic heavyweights behind it as well; and like Freudian analysis, it’s still around although not so popular as it once was.

General Semantics was a bit of a fad among science fiction writers in the 40’s (Null-A by van Vogt was one major series, but there were plenty of others). Jung was of course perfectly respectable in those days, and is still held in some reverence by those who cling to the psychoanalytic tradition. Freudian theory and psychoanalysis changed the world. (Not in my judgment for the better, but it was certainly “respectable”).

Dianetics is easily shown to be a synthesis of Jung and Korzybski. A rather good synthesis, in my judgment, remarkably good for someone of Hubbard’s limited academic education — but then many of the old line science fiction writers were self taught. Heinlein with his engineering degree from the US Naval Academy was one of the better educated early SF writers. Fred Pohl, for example, never went to college and was a weather chart draftsman for the Army Air Force in WW II. (Now the field is lousy with Ph.D. types, like Greg Benford, David Brin, Charlie Sheffield, Yoji Kondo, Robert Forward, etc. Even Niven has an honorary Ph.D.) In any event, Dianetics was readable, and presented a synthesis of fairly respectable psychological theories. It was written in a breathless style, and it’s now pretty clear that Hubbard couldn’t possibly have collected the patient record data he claimed — but then it is now known that Freud made up most of his case histories, too.

Like many theories and techniques of psychological self-help, Hubbard’s Dianetics “worked” in the sense that you could easily see improvements in those who stuck the course. Of course you could also see improvements in patients who stuck the course in almost any non-insane system of therapy, from Freud’s authoritarian and structured analysis with the god-like therapist, to Rogerian non-directed therapy, to Glasser’s Reality Therapy, to Reich’s psycho-drama if not his later “orgone energy” therapy. Dianetic auditing worked better than many of the more orthodox shrink programs, and its practitioners didn’t need expensive college degrees and years of psychoanalytic therapy before they could practice it. It became quite popular, and that was its undoing.

The American medical establishment came down hard on Hubbard. Lawsuits drained his profits, and a host of detractors made destroying him a campaign objective; if Wilhelm Reich or Karen Horney had been subjected to such a campaign they’d have gone under, as indeed would almost anyone else. (Recall that Ignatz Semmelweiss, the Austro-Hungarian physician who discovered that childbed fever was caused by physicians and midwives not washing their hands between patients and thus spreading salmonella was locked in a madhouse by his colleagues).

Hubbard reacted by founding a church on the theory that the First Amendment would protect him. At this point I lose track, because I haven’t followed the vicissitudes of the story, and I have no real knowledge of what Scientologists believe or purport to believe. I have heard stories of a rather fanciful pre-history of the human race, but how much of that practitioners believe, and how much is a smoke screen I do not know: like the Druze religion, apparently only the adepts know the actual arcana at the heart of the belief system. If that sounds a bit like gnosticism, I expect the similarity is intended.

The part I do know is Dianetics. I’ve read that book, and it doesn’t seem reasonable to me for the same reason that I find Freud’s theories untenable: no one has ever been able to find anything like the brain structures postulated by Freud, Jung, or for that matter Hubbard. That hasn’t put all the Freudians out of business, although unlike Scientology, the numbers of Freudian true believers seem to be dwindling; but it does make psychoanalytical theories, to which Dianetics is closely related, rather suspect in this era of new understanding of real brain structures.

There are many stories about Scientology, some rather frightening, but they don’t all have equal credibility. Some are amusing, such as the story of the ship with the dirty rag tied around its stack to indicate that it was somehow in disfavor with Hubbard. I once asked Algis Budrys, who was one of the founders of the Writers of the Future and whose integrity, credibility and good sense have never been questioned by anyone I know, about the truth of those stories. His reply: “I don’t know either, but I do know that all that happened a long time ago.” Which is self-evidently true. Hubbard has been dead, or discorporated, or ascended, for some time now. In any event I haven’t observed anyone being mistreated, and all the adherents to Scientology I have met seem contented to be there; and as my wife observes, they’re sure better off reading books and drinking coffee in a safe environment than out on the very dangerous streets not fifty yards away.

I have friends who are fanatic Scientology haters, and I have friends who are, I think, members in good standing of the Church of Scientology (and in the case of one of them, also a member in good standing of his Reform Jewish Temple, so apparently there’s no conflict there). I have good friends who hate the Mormon Church, and other friends including Orson Scott Card who are members in good standing of it (as is one of the current presiding judges of the Writers of the Future contest).

I don’t insist that my friends like each other.

I also don’t have to have an opinion about the Church of Scientology, because it doesn’t operate the Writers of the Future, and has no influence over who wins it. That much I can guarantee. The contest isn’t rigged. Algis Budrys wouldn’t have anything to do with it if there were the slightest chance of that. Nor would I.

Hubbard founded and left money for the Writers and Artists of the Future contests, and those are at least as legitimate as most of the other foundations people leave as their memorials. I find the company congenial, my fellow judges are all both friends and people I respect, it helps new writers, and I know the contest is conducted fairly. And I have a lot of fun at the awards, which are pretty much open to the public. I think you need a ticket but they’re free.

Reply to  Joe
6 years ago

More Details here.

Hubbard was under the care of a psychiatrist from 1945 – 1950. During that time he decided he was a psychologist, and came up the the “grand theory” of Dianetics.

The following year, Hubbard authored Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health, a handbook for “the psychiatrist, psycho-analyst and intelligent layman”.[16] By September 1950, the American Psychological Association’s governing body unanimously adopted a resolution advising its members against using Hubbard’s techniques with their patients and leading psychologists spoke out against Dianetics.[17][18] Thereafter, Hubbard was critical of psychiatry.[19][20][21]

In late 1950, Hubbard criticized mainstream psychiatry but still wrote positively of Sigmund Freud as a fellow persecuted trailblazer, arguing that “to talk of the faults of Freud, as do those who practice psychoanalysis today, is ungenerous. This great pioneer, against the violent objections of medical doctors and the psychiatrists of his day, ventured to put forth the theory that memory was connected with present time behavior”[22] Hubbard elaborated: “Freud was so thoroughly shunned by neurologists of his day and medicine ever since, that only his great literary skill brought his work as far as it has come.”[22]

As late as 1955, Hubbard still identified himself with mental health professions, describing himself as “a writer, a scientist, and a psychologist”.[23].

As psychology/psychiatry rejected Hubbard, Hubbard became increasing hostile to the establishment.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Criticas
6 years ago

You forgot the part where Hubbard moved in with Jack Parsons, one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and they tried to make a demon Moon Child. Parsons was a member of Ordo Templi Orientis, an occult society created by the English occultist Aleister Crowley. Hubbard true to form ran off with Parsons wife and even worse his boat. No shit.

I read an interesting book on this called “Sex and Rockets”

I’ve read maybe 4 or 5 books on Scientology and Hubbard and lots of articles. He has all the trappings of your typical psychopath. If you assume he was a psychopath then he makes perfectly good sense. He found a few things that seemed to work and whipped up a mountain of bullshit to fill it out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…Some investigators say they believe two Iranians traveling on stolen passports hijacked MH-370 and crashed it…”

I follow the principle of Occam’s razor problem-solving principle on this. The simplest solution tends to be the right one. The Malaysians have been super critical of Jews and the Israelis over financial fraud and other issues. Including support for Palestinians.

Right after the plane was missing senior Israeli officials went on TV and said they believed that the plane was hijacked to Pakistan and landed in a remote location. They said that they believed it was going to be used for terrorism. This was, I believe, the plan, the set up. This has been washed but I remember it clearly because I always pay attention when the Jews follow some sort of line like this.

The whole thing was thwarted by another researcher, investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn. Christopher Bollyn, through a tip or somehow, found a plane that an Israeli connected company bought from Malaysia Airlines that was exactly the same, same paint, same type, etc. The company said publicly said on their web site they were going to break the plane up for parts in Florida and sell the parts. They didn’t break up the plane. They moved the plane to France for a few months and then it was moved to Israel and kept it in a hanger there. This I believe was going to be used for terrorist plots but they were busted when Bollyn found the plane.

Information that strengthens this is the early senior Israeli officials public speculation that MH-370 landed in Pakistan. How the hell would they know that??? If they did wouldn’t they show pictures of it??? The Rothschilds could take control when the other large patent holders of a semiconductor company were killed in the crash. The Israelis hated the Malaysian government and when this happens they usually start killing people. Revenge plus a tidy profit. Classic Jew behavior.

The first pictures shown of the “Iranians” were photo-shopped. Notice only the top portion of the pictures are shown in the new article so you can’t see the lousy photoshop job they whisked out right after the crash. Here’s a Jewish link that shows the photo-shopped pictures. Look at the legs.

It’s my understanding that the Jews control the remote control systems on all large aircraft that can take control of a plane remotely if it is hijacked. (Why they didn’t use this on 9-11 is a good question). They could easily put a back door in this and take control without authorization from the proper officials. I believe this is also how 9-11 happened. I mean how is it that two Iranians can just be on a plane and then it naturally follow that they were able to hijack a plane and crash it?????? It’s not that easy. They have to get in the cockpit and if they were trying to do so don’t you think the pilot wouldn’t tell the controllers???

The simplest solution is the Jews did it.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

I receive a lot of junk mail and email. I came across this article “50 little social etiquette rules everyone should follow” in one such email and clicked on the link, wanting some quick and fun reading as I was waiting for something on one of my errands. My first thought was “My God, this WAS our country!” My second, heartbroken thought was “My God, is there ever any going back?”

You would be astonished (or maybe not) at the photos…. clean cut, fit people, many images upholding the ideal of the family unit, smartly dressed adults and children, and the article itself highlighted the most basic of manners, so many of which have been cast aside.

It’s not just the depravity and madness around the world anymore, it seems like the USA is hell-bent on leading the charge, driven by something or someone…

GEOTUS is fighting the mother of all battles. I think he will win and know he must win. I’m sure we all could rattle off 5-10 reasons why American society is in its current state, when compared to the 50 images in the article, and we’d all be correct. I just wonder if we can ever undo the horrors and depravity that now cover us like a stinking, dirty blanket.

6 years ago

I am curious as to your thoughts on PTSD. Are K-strategists less prone to it in battle?