News Briefs – 01/23/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win? Could Trump and Q be taking out the middle managers and replacing them with their own, thereby taking over the network and making the control obvious, to alert everyone to what has been going on all along?

From last year’s Q posts on Jan 22:

Drones over US
Tracking only

Chris Brown arrested in France on charges of rape. No idea if there is any meaning to it. On the one hand he might be crazy, on the other Cabal usually insulates its own. UPDATE : Released without charge

DNA testing is now being done in police stations by a magic box that produces a result in 90 minutes. The scariest theory I have heard about the explosion of DNA testing and databases is that it is becoming a rolodex of compatible organ donors, should a Cabalite ever need some sort of replacement. In an age of Missing 411, smiley face killers, and the Comet Ping Pong Crew running government, anything is possible.

Turkey wants to stir the pot on Khashogi by starting an international investigation.

House Republicans demand DOJ update them on investigations into Hillary’s email server and spying on the Trump campaign. Q has said that these are Cabal infiltrators trying to leverage their elected offices to get intel for Cabal on what is going on behind the scenes at DOJ.

Quality of care the Founder of Turning Point USA gets:

Brett Baier in a major car accident with his family. No details yet.

True Pundit claims FBI Agents are saying that the high-level ex-FBI who spied on Trump are using Weiner’s laptop’s insurance file to keep themselves out of jail. No way to know the truth but it probably looks that way from the ground level position at FBI. It would have worked that way under President Jeb, but it may just be being allowed to look that way, for now, under President Trump.

Virginia Governor introduces a bill eliminating voter ID requirements, and allow no-excuse absentee balloting.

White Couple who identifies as black say they look forward to their black baby. The title doesn’t do the article justice, given how the wife has done a Robert Downey Junior, getting her skin converted to black, and had some pretty major work on her knockers for good measure. Click through and check the before and afters, and imagine how this article will be viewed by serious K-historians who look back on it. I am not even sure you could do a serious history book about a time like this. We are reaching the point where the news is literally funnier, and more ridiculous than anything Hollywood’s most wacky writers could ever come up with. All I can think is the Cabal is putting out programming to make society dumber, and some genetic/psychological outliers just suck up every last bit of that programming, and really make the conversion whole-hog. The only thing funnier is all the people who see this and want to debate it.

Immigrant activist attacks pledge of allegiance as rooted in nativism. Never underestimate how far the r-strategist brains can be pushed to support treason and immorality.

John Kerry, asked at Davos if he has a message for President Trump, answers, “Resign!” So much for politics ending at the water’s edge.

Between 2012 and 2016 insulin costs doubled. Recombinant technology shouldn’t have seen costs increase like that as far as I can see. And with multiple manufacturers it makes me think Cabal has a hand in there somewhere.

Former Democrat says Democrats can’t build the wall because they are under the influence of the Mexican Mafia.

Marvel announces first Drag Queen superhero.

Clark County (Washignton) Measles outbreak grows.

Saturday Night Live writer offers blowjob to anyone who punches Covington Student.

France and Germany hope to revive the EU with a treaty.

The Guardian coins the term “Surveillance Capitalism.” We get stuff for free, and the supplier gets to spy on us and use the information to control our behavior to their benefit, or to the benefit of those who pay them money. I hear that Rothschild saying fiat money is worthless, except as it allows you to attain control to perfect your bloodline over other bloodlines.

Democrats on House Judiciary committee say they intend to investigate Kavanaugh for Perjury.

Syria says it may strike Tel Aviv in response to Israeli aggression.

This is a terrible video, and yet I am mesmerized by the comments and emoticons floating by as this little kid cuts loose in a gunfight with an AR pistol as he live streams an unintelligible monologue in Ebonics (I began it 18 minutes in when the shooting starts, as the first 18 minutes is just an unintelligible soliloquy in auctioneer-speed Ebonics):

I’ve got to say, if you could shut off that amygdala which fires up at the thought of bullets accidentally hitting people behind your target, or at the inevitable law-enforcement encounter you are going to have after something like, and imagine just going outside and going first-person shooter with some feral youth in the backyard using an AR pistol, you can picture what this kid was experiencing in his head. Absent that amygdala, (and common sense), it would have the allure of a video game. I’ll bet for this kid, the neurochemical experience was almost like a drug high. Of course he also had the withdrawal coming when the po-po showed up knocking on his door. But it is interesting to step into other brains, that have that in-the-moment-focus sometimes.

Cocaine in London River is making eels hyperactive. That is a super powerful dopamine stimulus affecting the neurological development and r/K status of the population. Think about how that is weakening the will and the K-attitudes of the people. Still think Cabal wasn’t promoting the influx of drugs into our populations?

Flashback – Gore Vidal was accused of pedophilia by relatives. I hear this and I wonder about Buckley.

Was she an anchor baby? I am not sure if a child born here qualifies regardless of parental status, but the idea non-citizens could have an anchor baby, take it and raise it in another country, and then it could come back and be President seems to violate the spirit of the Natural Born Provision. Either way, she will have more problems with the public sex in a sex club video issue, if Crazy Days and Nights is right.

Trump doesn’t need a national emergency to fund the wall according to Mark Meadows. There is a provision for DOD personnel to be liberated to fortify and maintain structures and so forth for the government without a national emergency or Congressional approval.

Trump about to place unprecedented economic pressure on the Cuban regime. Makes me think Cabal is getting some sort of support from Cuba, probably banking, which is why they wanted our CIA out and used sonic weapons to that end.

Head of Israeli Bar association in hot water over sexual bribery scandal. Cabal takes positions of power and influence. Do you think the head of the Bar association would be a target for them?

Dem lawmaker calls on Democrats to ‘give Trump the money’ for border wall

Devin Nunes says Fusion GPS and the Clinton Campaign likely set up the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians to frame Trump’s campaign. So Fusion was not just passively producing reports, and asking questions – it was operational, setting up the Trump campaign and framing them for Hillary – and the national security/intelligence apparatus which was working to help her win.

France building a Trump-style Wall to stop migrant flow into Britain. Macron needs to migrants to kill the French citizens who are going to kick him out of office.

There are signs that the military support for Maduro in Venezuela is fraying.

Supreme Court lets Trump’s transgender Military ban take effect.

Australia is seeing a wave of political resignations all of a sudden.

FBI agents note that the shutdown has hampered intelligence operations, specifically by shutting down human source operations. If Cabal was running its surveillance operations piggybacked off various actual agency operations, Cabal is having to run those operations all on its own right now, and it is probably running out of the money to do so. It is not impossible that if a task force were to pick up Hillary and her cronies, now is when they would not see it coming.

Supreme Court takes on a case about the Second Amendment right to carry outside the home, signaling that Kavanaugh may be ready to open up the Second Amendment in ways Kennedy never was.

Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne files a lawsuit against Clintons, Podesta, and anti-Trump Deep State for RICO violations. Lawsuit alleges a criminal conspiracy and even the murder of Seth Rich. Defendants are Clinton Foundation, Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Media Matters For America, Correct the Record, American Bridge 21st Century, Shareblue, David Brock, George Soros, and John Podesta. He won’t give an address as he fears assassination, despite being former Federal LE. Which means as a Fed, he sees that being on the table.

Pompeo celebrates the death of Globalism in Davos. Pompeo has a manner which could meld well with Trump’s bemused, alpha style of twittering amusing shivs and having fun destroying the left and the media. He may be a Trump-esque President one day himself.

Senate will go with a super-nuclear option for Trump nominees next week, limiting time for debate over nominees to speed the approval rate.

White supremacist Trump-supporters gather:

Twitter bans the account which sent the Covington Teen’s video viral. That epic media debacle has the God Emperor’s fingerprints all over it.

Trump say the Covington teen’s story is the epitome of Fake News and the Evil it perpetuates.

Kentucky Prosecutor confirms multiple investigations underway into terrorist threats directed toward Covington kids.

Trump considering doing his State of the Union as a rally in Texas, instead of giving it to Congress.

Trump still sends a letter to the Sergeant at Arms of the House requesting access to the House for Security teams to begin planning for the event. Daring Pelosi to deny access. Somehow she has managed to get herself into an even bigger pickle, with no good solution.

Pelosi orders the Sergeant at Arms to deny access to the security people, insists there will be no State of the Union.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the more r we go, the more control we cede

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6 years ago

Have assumed for years that pro football is fixed at the ref level. The call comes in from Vegas…how ’bout ‘dat, blown call! Maybe this time the call came in from Q team. Also the Patriot-LA conflict, with LA as sympol of all degeneracy, pedowood, etc. With added chthonic undercurrents of Tom Brady as paragon of skill, ala Neil Armstrong or Chuck Yeager, never tired of winning, getting the job done, cameraderie, teamwork.

Rams won’t know what hit them.

6 years ago

In regards to the white couple who think they are black and your prescient comment on it, America is not only a banana republic, and a three-ring-circus, but actually a zoo. America is in a spiraling descent into madness, psychosis, and sociopathy that is getting worse by the day! America is becoming scarier. Ferguson with the “Hands up Don’t Shoot”, which was totally false and made up, which millions of Americans took up to be true—-Scares the living daylights out of me. It’s not funny. We are going to be witnessing a Maoist killing spree by the Left on its enemies. They working themselves up into a mass killing spree. Look at what happened to the Covington Catholics. Mike Barnacle today on MSNBC asked another commentator if President Trump was a clear and present danger to America and Democracy! The Left is suffering under mass psychosis which will start a killing spree.

6 years ago

White Couple who identifies as black say they look forward to their black baby.

Woman looks just like Martina Martinez.

comment image

6 years ago

Re the German “biracial” couple: How far Germany has fallen in just 75 years. They had better hope the bad old days don’t come roaring back.

It was only three years from the 1932 elections to the 1935 Nuremberg laws, too. German efficiency isn’t dead today; just sleeping.

I hope that period doesn’t reawaken, but finds a better K-form than its 1930s mutation. This kind of mental illness isn’t tolerated in normal human cultures. Or publicized.

Thanks for your daily news briefs, AC. I never miss them. And I hope they are generating a lot of traffic for you.

6 years ago

I found a Youtube video from a leftist styling himself as a “Philosopher” that perfectly encapsulates the r/K paradigm.
He calls it community of vulnerability vs community of strength
Caring vs competence.