News Briefs – 01/21/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Donna Brazille ominously tweets out to Pelosi, implying Trump and Pence may be assassinated shortly, giving us President Pelosi, then she quickly deletes the tweet. Ironic you have a black woman seemingly celebrating MLK’s holiday as some sort of memorial of, and portent to, major Cabal victories.

From Q’s board, Arizona is putting up on billboards a hotline to call if you see human trafficking going on. The only issue is, it is a phone number for the Clinton Foundation:

What do you think would happen if you called with a good tip? Would they deploy the hit squad? Probably not right off. Would they ignore it? Probably not again. What would happen? Surveillance would move in and figure out how much of a threat you were. This could almost be useful to vet your own intelligence, if you put counter-surveillance on various people, and then had them call in various tips until you hit a nerve and coverage showed up on one of them. The craziest thing is there are people who would see that number and call it if they saw something, thinking everything worked just as it seemed. And if they were right, they could end up dead.

A case study in how the media is full of shit. This article says the following picture is of some evil white MAGA youth who surrounded and intimidated an innocent native American elder:

Twitter lit up with rage, leftists tweeting how they were brought to tears and were outraged at the evil white kids. Of course, ABC just showed a video (here, starting at 1:12:00) from before the incident which shows the kids were having fun chanting their school’s chant while standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, separate from the protest which was on the sidewalk by the road, when that Indian guy left his protest, walked forty feet alone into the middle of the group of kids at the stairs, singled out that kid and walked up to him, and began beating his drum closer and closer to the kid’s face, seemingly seeking to intimidate or provoke him, as everyone filmed it. While the singled out kid stood there confused but smiling, the other kids all responded with amused confusion, as the other leftists from the protest dove into the group and tried to stir up arguments and fights with individuals. Afterward the Indian guy went on interviews saying the kids confronted him, surrounded him, interrupted his protest, and were mocking him by chanting build the wall. He went on about how he was intimidated and scared because it was all so close to spiraling out of control into violence. The kid’s school says it is investigating, and will issue punishments to the kids pictured, up to expulsions. Meanwhile the left twitter-sphere is trying to identify all the kids on the videos so their names will pop on google with this event and they can be denied employment for the rest of their lives. UPDATE:

And as the Indian’s history of setting people up like this comes to light, a lawyer has offered to represent the students in a lawsuit for free.

Still, Kathy Griffin calls for them all to be doxed publicly and shamed.

EL Paso Sector Border Patrol reports thousands of migrants are crossing a remote section of New Mexico border.

Heads up to New York Law Enforcement and gun owners, the following was on 4Chan – do not think they are not watching you closely. Hide your power level when on social media, especially LE:

Lisa Page was promised a lucrative job at a former Mueller law firm after she helped take down Trump.

Some are talking about corporate debt being the trigger for a economic reset in 2020. Hope we have control of the Fed by then, so they can’s spike interest rates just in time to crash things as Trump is running for reelection.

A rundown on the virtual border fence technology the Democrats want, where computers monitor all surveillance feeds and tell Border Patrol what is a threat and should be responded to, and what they should ignore. Obviously if you want to run contraband across the border and have a back door into that computer system, that would be a dream come true.

Mexico offers Caravan migrants a generous benefits package, but they turn their noses up at it. What that does however, is instantly invalidate any asylum claim, since they are now coming from a country where they were safe, and they were offered all sorts of benefits.

44 minutes on youtube, the summation of which is: “Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore is being refused access to data that could explain $21 trillion in “missing money” from HUD and DOD. Now, the entire federal budget has been turned into a national security issue. There is literally no more public access to what the government spends your tax money on. Skidmore says, “Now, as of October 4th, we have effectively two sets of books. We have a set of books that can be manipulated and changed by a group of people that determine it’s a national security issue. They can alter the numbers and move things around within . . . or shift funding all the way to hide it. What we are going to do is produce a financial statement that is fake, and we will have no idea how much money was moved around, and we are all going to pretend we are going to have a real report. We will also have an actual report that will remain hidden. . . . It seems self-explanatory that if the government can’t track $21 trillion, there is something deeply wrong.””

10 year old drag queen photographed in a publicity shot with a naked male transgender made up as a woman. There was a time when the unhinged in our society would have killed everyone within a country mile of this, and done our society a service, but today they have all been reprogrammed to support this and attack anyone who opposes it.

Another article worrying that deepfake videos will come out and falsely indicate our esteemed political leaders may have done something untoward.

Nancy Pelosi had blown over $100K on in-flight food and drink in just two years, according to FOIA documents.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Italy and Ukraine cost US taxpayers $185,000 in 2015.

Illinois Campus Police want students to report acts of intolerance.

House Democrat leader wants to ban teens from wearing MAGA hats.

Rundown of some of the evil you see in the Mexican Drug cartels from eating their murder victims, to torturing 6 year old girls to death in front of their parents. A division of Cabal, Inc.

New Zealand domestic spying scandal begins to come to light. Basically government was contracting with private intelligence firms to spy on the citizens in ways nobody thought possible. I assume if the private sector PIs got in trouble some high ranking LEO would show up, flash credentials and get them out of trouble. Notice reporters wouldn’t touch it while it was operative. The writer worries about the US having too much pull with NZ intelligence and too much access to NZ’s domestic surveillance product, but I think what she is missing is US intel was actually just a front for the Cabal, and all of this looks the same across national borders because there was one architect that was constructing it all, probably from some place like the Black Forest. Also interesting – I remember Silicon Valley execs saying that among them, saying you bought land in New Zealand was code for you bought a bugout hideout for when it all came down. New Zealand was Cabal’s fallback redoubt for when it all came down and it was the Five Eye’s point of access for pulling sensitive intel without leaving a record you pulled the intel. This breaking there now may signal a purge of Cabal from it’s final redoubt, so now when it is attacked in the west it will have nowhere to flee to. This feels very significant to me.

“New IRA” may have set off a car bomb in Ireland. No way to know if anything is true these days.

GHW Bush as Vice President set up his own secret National Security/Covert-Ops team outside of all other agencies’ oversight. More like an early Cabal intel operation to make sure they weren’t compromised by any patriots in the intel agencies.

Ebola outbreak in DR congo spreading exponentially faster.

Pelosi was taking all her children and grandchildren with her on her junket to Egypt Afghanistan and Belgium – 93 family members. Peculiar if true. And she didn’t want to attend the State of the Union. Makes me think everybody needs to post, “I love you Ebola Chan,” in this thread. ITZ may be coming.

This was an unusual tweet from Trump:

I believe “Be careful” is an intelligence code people say when there is a threat. Added to Try staying in your house” makes me think this may be something interesting. Might want to minimize exposure to the public as much as you can over the next few days, just to see if anything shakes out. Nancy might have wanted to get her whole family overseas for a reason.

Dubai-bound plane makes emergency landing in Russia as some sort of strange, mass poisoning/infection event sickens numerous passengers. Some thought it might have been infectious. Suffocation, nausea, dilated pupils, and a green complexion on the face were the symptoms. In the words of Jerry Seinfeld, “Good luck with all that…”

Trump defends his immigration proposal against amnesty criticisms from other Republicans. I would not be surprised Trump asked them to criticize him. He knows the left can never let him build the wall so they will reject the deal. Now the left is rejecting a deal that even Republicans are saying is too far left to accept. The Democrats could not make themselves look more unreasonable, or hostile to the interests of the Dreamers, as they make it seem Trump has no choice but to declare the emergency and build the wall. It is really genius of the highest order. You can see how Trump will win, bigger than you would ever dream possible, but you cannot see any way for the Democrats to possibly counter it or avoid their fate.

Finns see Soldiers of Odin patrolling streets after child rapes by migrants.

Le Pen is appealing to Yellow Vests, couching the coming battle as between globalists and Nationalists.

FOX, MSNBC, and C-SPAN studios all damaged by a pretty large fire. Due to the fire, Pence and Gingrich had to be evacuated.

General Flynn has changed his twitter banner again, this time to a sunrise.

2017 anti-Trump pussy march drew 1,000,000 women, 2019 march pulled 10,000. Leftists are finding politics is too amygdala-stimulating, so they are withdrawing.

US Military killed 52 Al Shabab militants in an air raid in Somalia.

Purported video from the helicopter with the 8000 rnd/minute 50cal machinegun which Bolsonaro dispatched to take out Brazil’s biggest drug dealer. Plus some photos of the dealer after he was hit. That is how ever drug dealer in Brazil just got BTFO’d in one fell swoop.

Israeli Politicians are already creating a narrative that Russians are going to collude with Bibi in the next election to get him elected. Another crumb indicating Bibi is somehow working with Trump and Q to purge the darkness.

A sequel to Vaxxed is coming in 2019, on the side-effects of vaccinations on the kids who get them.

Next Trump – Kim Summit to happen in Vietnam, according to Bloomberg.

Burkina Faso, a country in Africa, sees its Prime Minister and entire Cabinet step down unexpectedly. Lots of covert actions going on in Africa. It is rumored we are taking it back, either from Cabal, or from China, or maybe, from both.

China to post worst growth in 28 years.

Tommy Sotomayor is highlighting how many Blacks do not like the social shaming leftists are suing to try and force them to hate Donald Trump:

That is a powerful video, to the extent it shows normal, likable black Americans just accepting that Trump is awesome. One thing I would change in the future is not complaining to the manager or trying to cost the girl her job, at least for the video. That imagery will trigger amygdala-resistance in blacks who still are brainwashed against Trumpp, and that amygdala triggering will change how they respond to the imagery, creating a more hostile view of what the video presents. Without that threat, they would naturally be drawn to the winning group who loved Trump. But Tommy Sotomayor is doing great work on the MAGA front. Combined with the BLEXIT rally today, I’d expect Trump will make huge inroads into the blacks in 2020:

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the President said, “Be careful”

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6 years ago

Want an interesting point of reference on the inner city? Watch this video, released in 1988:

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

AC, are you familiar with the prophesies of Seiner van Rensburg? Before he died in 1926 he foretold Nelson Mandela, Barak Obama, and described very accurately Trump coming after Obama, describing his “stern gaze” and “hair that looks like a wig”. He also described how Obama would confuse and get the USA all tangled up, but Trump will set it in order again, particularly the military. Also as prophesied, Trump has warned the South African government not to do what they’ve been threatening to do with the land seizures.

6 years ago

I know this is nitpicky BS, and that it is the source’s problem…but there is no .50 cal/8k rpm MG. Most likely a minigun, which is 7.62 (much smaller round), and less than half that rate of fire. Still don’t want to get hit by it. Only care about your credibility.

I know this next question is speculative, but would you mind doing a long form on your thoughts on Q/8chan? I’m very torn between taking it at face value, psy-op to immobilize anti-cabal people from taking action (by cabal or anti-cabal) or a cabal honeypot to ID those who would resist/fight. There are other permutations as well. How do you read the situation? What future markers would you be looking for?

6 years ago

Thank you for your work AC. Any hints to when you will release the possible new mehanism you talked about earlier. Deeper than r/k.

6 years ago

Bush the lesser gave us a virtual fence. How did that work out for

Build the wall report them all

Reply to  Timothy
6 years ago

I think you misspelled ‘deport’.

6 years ago

>Trump doing great with Latinos and Blacks

Thank God! I was honestly scared that the demographic vote patterns would not change despite the great work that Trump and his team are doing. Although I believe things will still be hard for some of us for a while, I am very optimistic long-term.

As always, thanks for all your great work AC, you’re da man fren.
Cheers, God with us brother!

6 years ago

> Notice reporters wouldn’t touch it while it was operative

Tell me the country where the media are not the servants of the State…

6 years ago

> Minigun

The “Minigun” is technically a .30 caliber, yes. But that’s a brand name; there are other similar rotary barrel machine guns. The ..50 caliber GAU-19 is the same general class of arm as the M134 Minigun.

The king of the hill is still the 30mm GAU-8, which is usually accessorized with wings and jet engines as the “A-10 Thunderbolt II” in official terminology, and as the “Warthog” by everyone else.