News Briefs – 01/20/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Drudge had a link that said, Families, Celebs Want New Probe of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X Assassinations… If you google “ assassinations JFK RFK Malcom” it will show the article, which was 7 hours old as of this writing. But when you click it, the article was wiped off TMZ’s site, the google cache was deleted, a search for “assassination” using TMZ’s search function returns no results, and it is as if it was never written. Interesting. Somebody is trying to hide things, while others are trying to expose them. UPDATE : Now, eight hours later, the link is back up. Notice all the presumably Cabal-supported celebrities who were previously silent, who are now calling for the investigations, albeit with amnesty and immunity for the presumed conspirators. Something has changed. Either they have been turned, or the conspirators see the writing on the wall and are trying to use their assets to get themselves immunity going into the coming Storm.

A mysterious entity may be stalking and killing young men. Interesting the young guy who was found before being grabbed claims he approached a Police Officer who offered him no help, the medical examiner appears to have hidden ligature marks from his parents to make it look accidental, the government seems more interested in quashing any speculation about these case than finding out if there might be a conspiracy, and these killings seem to be linked over wide, unrelated geographic areas. One private detective was accused of sexual assault in the course of his investigation though the prosecutor “declined charges,” and then he got cancer. There is a very real possibility this is not serial killers – it is the machine determining the winners and losers by taking out the natural gazelles who would have outcompeted Cabal’s next generation, and maybe competed with their bloodlines (see the forthcoming post on a Rothschild interview). Another has speculated they may be disposing of kids who were in the comet-ping-pong network, and who might pose a risk as adults. On Q’s board it is speculated sites like 23andMe may actually be organ/tissue compatibility rolodexes, so if one of the elites needs something, they can have you disappeared for an organ or killed for tissue that is pulled in the funeral home, which would account for many being found in cold water, which would preserve tissues for post-mortem harvesting. Also there was this in the article – “Now we know they communicate with each other on the dark web. We know there’s surveillance and counter-surveillance.” If you know what is out there, you will know that this kind of sophisticated network could not just be off on its own, running surveillance and counter-surveillance, and even kidnapping and killing people, and communicating and organizing on the Dark Web, without popping onto the radar of the dominant force in that intel/surveillance/control field in the country. Somebody deep in CIA cyber-operations, or a surveillance operator on the street would see something unusual, grab that first thread, bring in the entire machine for a closer look, and unravel it all in record time – if there was no Cabal in control making everything operate in a different way. I am beginning to think all of this may be some sort of MK-Ultra like experiment by people trying to see just where the limits of their ability to control lie, and just how far they can pervert the entire machinery of government, while at the same time creating the machine that offers this level of control. It would have to have people very powerful at the top, who are able to control federal agents, and use them to frighten or false-flag all the lower-level government workers they need into line, from cops, to medical examiners, to prosecutors, to even more mundane civilian positions. Yet whoever is at the top would seem likely to be overseas, so if it all went south they could simply chalk it up to experience and start over. And however it is structured, it would have to be outside the easily controlled areas of government, or Trump would simply have taken it over on day one. Somehow it is insulated from even his purview – at least for now. This entire secret society, and the experiments it is doing, will be the biggest story in the history of the nation, if Trump ever breaks it open and reveals it to the public. You literally would not believe it if it were the script of a movie.

Victims of the Syrian Suicide bombing identified. Looks like a Green Beret, a female Navy Intel interpreter, and a former Navy SEAL attached to DIA. I always ask myself, what are the probabilities. From the video, it looks like people fifteen feet away survived the blast. So how many Mil Intel teams were in the entire country of Syria at that moment? How many suicide bombings are there per year? What are the chances this one guy, doing this one bombing, just happened to do it right in the middle of four Americans with Military Intelligence? Notice, in that environment your situational awareness would naturally tend toward spotting an impending attack. But the truth is, even more powerful might have been surveillance awareness, because I will bet there was surveillance, perhaps that picked those warriors up when they left their base of operations, and which worked in concert with others to guide that suicide bomber right to them. If they had left the base and spotted someone faking car trouble on the side of the road but watching them just a little too closely, or peeking over a rooftop while trying to stay hidden, maybe they could have run detection routes, and then altered their route to lose any tail, before continuing to their destination. Then once there they would have been in a higher state of awareness since they would have recognized someone had perhaps tried to target them earlier. Those guys probably knew that as pros, and maybe there was nothing that could have been done, but our culture does tend to condition our people to not think in those terms and not reflexively operate in that way, which is unfortunate, because it weakens us considerably.

Now Mexico has a gas explosion at an illegal tap at a pipeline. 65 dead, 85 missing. Mexico has bene trying to discourage these pipeline thieves, and yet this is the fourth gas explosion, after two in France and one in Russia.

This article says Pelosi was traveling with 100 other Democrats on her little overseas junket. Adam Schiff was one of them. Pelosi certainly seems to want to be outside of Conus, having gone from Hawaii, to PR, and now this.

Hollywood declares victory over Trump based on discredited Buzzfeed report. If you could create a leftist outlet that strongly asserted that Mueller hadn’t said the Buzzfeed report was false, leftists could be trained to begin to follow that alternate outlet based solely on the more pleasurable amygdala stimulus it offered. You would have to begin small, like by saying Mueller left a loophole purposely, which held the door open to Trump impeachment and removal. Maybe even add a conspiracy theory of why Mueller would couch things the way he did, to maximize his impact attacking Trump later. But I could see, with one amygdala-pleasing story after another amygdala-pleasing story, gradually acclimating the hard left to begin to split from the majority opinion in news more cleanly and completely. It would be much like Q-anon has split those who read it away from the mainstream, only instead of using the desire to base ideas on facts and research, it would use the desire to assuage amygdala. Such a path would condition them to reject the remaining fact-based news in the MSM based on its amygdala-triggering, until that uber-leftist outlet they were following was completely detached from reality – and was all they could follow. Once you did that, liberals would not be able to return to reality because the amygdala-pain from doing so would be too overwhelming. It would be an interesting experiment to launch sometime, just to see how crazy you could drive the left.

Big Pharma just bought a major stake in 23andMe, presumably to access the DNA data behind the scenes and use it off the books to get a leg up in research.

Leftists of EU move to see patriotic countries punished with financial sanctions for rejecting liberal SJW EU values.

Microsoft and Mastercard want to team up to create a digital ID you can use for everything from purchases to travel to voting. Normally I would expect government to provide such an ID. It is interesting that now that Trump controls government we see some private sector entity (which would probably have been comped by Cabal for surveillance purposes ages ago), come out of the woodwork proposing it should be the one issuing and monitoring such an ID.

Was Morgan Freeman responsible for his granddaughter’s death after sexually abusing her? Renegade Anon had said Freeman was the creepiest dude he had ever crossed paths with in Hollywood. And that was saying something.

Citizen arrested with $650,00 of cocaine and heroin at San Clemente Border checkpoint.

British people know the political class are out of touch with the people’s wishes.

Flashback – Brennan overrode the second in command at CIA station Jeddah to approve the 9/11 hijacker’s visas. Every day that goes by, 9/11 is looking more and more like it will be the bombshell Trump uses to unify the nation and set off the Storm.

Top Obama donor indicted for raping a child. Itself something different. Before I think it would merely have gone in his file with video and audio evidence.

Trump offers a DACA extension for the wall, democrats appear to reject. Trump just proposed two things which to the public will seem a reasonable deal that everyone would support, and now the Democrats will reject it and appear even more out of touch as they hurt innocent government workers for no reason at all.

Green Card holder voted illegally three times in NC election.

Russia is looking to create a constellation of satellites that can monitor any process on the surface of the earth in real time. If Russia documented the extent of surveillance in the US, they could have a pretty significant blackmail chip to use against the Cabal running the US government. To say nothing of Russia’s ability to operate in the US being augmented by real time monitoring of legit US counter-surveillance operations targeting them.

Aftershocks continue in Alaska. Makes you wonder if those are all loading stress on the San Andreas fault in LA.

Mob hitman wore his GPS enabled smartwatch to hits, and recorded his location at them when they happened.

30-40 children sex trafficked within Metro Detroit to service the Detroit Auto Show.

Member of the media complains that they look like a bunch of liars out to get President Trump. This Buzzfeed media debacle has the Donald’s fingerprints all over it.

Bill to abolish IRS introduced under a media blackout.

Former GAA photographer arrested in New York in connection with over 300 child sex offence charges in Ireland

An interesting article which purports to examine how Trump’s campaign used facebook targeting to deliver negative ads that would discourage Hillary voters from turning out. I can begin to feel an epiphany that is out there for anyone to attain, where you will feel, from the outside, the linkage of negative amygdala that “repels,” to concepts that require action. I am just beginning to touch it, but it is a very unusual feeling where you will see the entire system melded together and feel the effect on the target, without being at all affected by it yourself.

Pelosi flies out on commercial to get away. When she flies with the Military, that probably comes with a whole suite of security measures and counter-surveillance gear to keep any watchers at bay. If she is going to try and make contact with her handlers now, she will be wide open. No word on where she went. All the media that were watching noted how they didn’t ask her.

DOJ busting Asian brothels. If the rumors are correct about Cabal bringing in shipping containers full of young girls, and auctioning the lower quality ones off to organized crime, this could be the first thread to lead back to that. It is interesting nothing was done under Obama, and going back before him.

Trump’s approval with latinos is rising with the shutdown.

Oxford suspending research projects with Huawei.

China plans a $1 Trillion spending spree to reduce the US trade deficit. A Trump deal in the making.

Yellow Vests gather in Paris for the tenth weekend of protests.

Former Obama General Counsel Greg Craig pled guilty to making false statements to the Special Counsel with respect to work he did for Ukraine. Mueller making moves against Obama people? Is Mueller working for Trump and Q against the Cabal?

Iran is losing its hope in European support.

R. Lee Ermey laid to rest at Arlington.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the end is coming

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6 years ago

Donna Brazile tweeted out #MadamSpeaker today #PresidentPelosi shortly thereafter. Seems it’s been deleted on Twitter but has been archived here:

They do seem to like signalling things in advance. Trump delaying his announcement until after Pelosi had tweeted out her rejection of his proposal was a brilliant move. He must have known it was autoscheduled for 4pm and his announcement was at 4.05pm. It’s clear she doesn’t want to agree to anything. But then if you were convinced that he was soon going to be disposed of you wouldn’t agree, would you.

Anons are speculating about an attempted assassination of POTUS and VP which is why Pelosi wanted to be out of the country, and is out of the country until 25th. Whether that was the man who was recently arrested planning a rocket attack on the WH or something scheduled to go down at SOTU with plausible deniability for Pelosi, I don’t know.

Other suggestions were that the unnamed people in her group were a defacto new Government/Cabinet in waiting. She would then return to DC to take over. Clearly whoever she was meeting with was important enough that she had to risk flying commercial, which also leaves her open to surveillance.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

If so, it will be fascinating and sobering to watch us who live in the mid-Atlantic or DC area, and what we’re supposed to do to stop a coup like this.

If the President survives the attempt and then goes on national TV and orders the unincorporated militia (all males 17-45 and female NG officers, under 10 USC 246) to march on DC armed to defend the capital and nation from these usurpers, we who live 10-100 miles away will be the first to arrive.

No friggin’ idea what to expect, or what orders to follow. (Or where to park.) You know everyone who was granted powers under some part of the US Code will be shouting, countermanding, and generally only looking out for themselves in the midst of such a group.

Hopefully a natural patriotic ability of ordinary people to do the honorable thing will rule the day, as what happened in Bucharest, Romania in December 1989. There were a lot of drumhead firing squads that day, but it all sorted itself out in the end.

Even if local and federal LEOs can handle the arrests under 18 USC, Chapter 115 emerging from such an attempt, the optics of a march by ordinary citizens to defend the United States of America would be mesmerizing. And you know Trump would be the kind of leader would would order something telegenic like this, if such things were to transpire from such crazy Democratic plots.

Interesting times we live in…can’t wait for the off!

Carl Engelbrecht
6 years ago

You might be very interested in this interview…

6 years ago

How’s Cabal’s finances doing. Are they still short on money and is their resource shortage getting worse?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
6 years ago

Trump should start spraying all the poppies in Afghanistan that would really kill their profits.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
6 years ago

Lots of good stuff today.

“…medical examiner appears to have hidden ligature marks from his parents to make it look accidental…”

I think coroners offices all over the country are corrupted. Especially in the cities. Some odd coroner events. Chief Justice Scalia suffocates in Texas, No autopsy. Sandy Hook and that weird coroner. All the way back to Jimi Hendricks who they said had a gallon of wine in his stomach and his manager, about to lose his contract, collected a hefty insurance payment on his death. Curt Cobain who had so much heroin in him most people would be passed out when he shot himself. Doesn’t help an on video interview a guy claimed Courtney Love, his wife, offered him $50,000 to kill Cobain. The interviewee conveniently died 2 weeks later run over by a train.

Lots of Hollywood stars that have money but are not producing more material, and cash for their agents, die suddenly. Hollywood stars trying to claim asylum in Canada to protect them from star whackers they say kill them off when they feel there’s more money to be made looting them if they’re dead.

“…Brennan overrode the second in command at CIA station Jeddah to approve the 9/11 hijacker’s visas…”

Brennan, I assume the same one, also ran Iraq after we invaded. He was the nut, or was he, who fired the whole Iraqi army. Now in Iraq at the time they had NO economy. Transfer payments were about all they had. If you wanted to break down the country into savagery then impoverishing everyone then planting bombs to incite sectarian violence would do it. Speaking of which British SAS were caught, red handed, directly, leaving a car bomb dressed as Arabs and were arrested. The British Army came with enough Men and armored personal carriers to shoot up the police station and remove them. Not fake news they were directly caught leaving the car bomb. I don’t have direct confirmation but it was said American troops would stop cars for checks. They would put bombs in the back of the cars then tell the people driving it to go to certain places, police stations or other places to check in with someone then detonate it when they got there. No proof of this one like the British attack but if the British were doing it it wouldn’t surprise me we were too.

The corruption is deep where do you start?

6 years ago

More intrigue than a Tom Clancy novel. Still no declass. No evidence Trump’s storm troopers are hunting them down either. If the audience for the storm are the large US population of normies – the script is too complex and the action too high level in my opinion.

6 years ago

Thought everyone might find this interesting on an older thread. Ebola: on its way to a location near you. See http://www.generationaldynamics/pg/2010.weblog.htm#e190119

Another reason that we should cordon off the whole of Africa from civilization. As A/C has said sooner or later this bug will weaponize itself. The big takeaway here is that other than a few who understand there is no panic, almost ho-hum so there is almost no co-operation with the medical people and it is in a war zone. The outbreak has doubled and geometric progression is beginning. Remember that those who survive can be carriers for up to 18 months and clean surfaces like stainless steel tables can retain viable virus for up to 45 days.

Think of this disease moving like a rock in a pond, the ripples move out in concentric circles everywhere. So like Aids it will make its way around the globe. There are at present only 100,000 doses of the “expermential” vaccine (latest report I read). What do you make of your chances of getting one vs the deep state actors, cabal, banksters, elite or hollyweird.


6 years ago

How do you think this fits into Cabal?

6 years ago

There is a very real possibility this is not serial killers – it is the machine determining the winners and losers by taking out the natural gazelles who would have outcompeted Cabal’s next generation, and maybe competed with their bloodlines (see the forthcoming post on a Rothschild interview).

Funny that use the word “machine”. It is more than likely the targeted individual program is run by an AI with psycotronic abilities and this AI is involved in other programs as well, like killing potential threats to the cabal, controlling NPCs ect.

A Tet like entity would explain how the cabal lasted hundreds or even thousands of years.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

In the film Oblivion the Tet is an artificial intelligent machine whose only purpose seems to be to destroy worlds. There is strong evidence of advanced civilizations with high technology, so an ancient AI isn’t that hard to believe for me. There are two thinks that sold me on an ancient AI: moby dick code and the case of James Tilly Matthews

I used to think the TI program was full of thousands of people in with state power.
Than I thought it a handful if people in a bunker somewhere with psycotronic tech.
Than I came to believe it was 100% automated.

I no longer believe the goverment has a GS program. I believe the entity behind this wants us to think that – like Matthews.

i am finding the true reason behind gangstalking

That affirmation seemed to send me on the right path. I only said it a few times.