News Briefs – 01/19/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

One bothersome thought. Pelosi is third in line to the Presidency. If something happened to Trump and Pence, hello President Pelosi. Now Pelosi has set the stage to remove herself from any future State of the Union, as she has emphasized she tried to protect the President from security threats by delaying the State of the Union, all while she was planning trips overseas where she might be able to make contact with confederates.

Now Michael Cohen claims Trump told him personally to lie to Congress. Of course he tapes everything, so unless he produces a tape, you will know it is bullshit. But this narrative – that Trump has committed “Obstruction” by having Cohen lie to Congress, and now it requires an investigation like for Russian Collusion, may be getting introduced now because Cabal thinks the hammer is about to drop. If Trump is about to begin the Storm, then a lot of famous Cabal in government are going to have to be removed. If there is no reason explicitly for Trump to do that, then it may look like a purge of corruption, and combined with evidence Trump and Q probably have prepared, the public will probably accept it. But if Democrats and the media can create a narrative that Trump is about to be impeached and removed because he committed a crime, then the Storm could be couched as Trump launching an illegal coup to try and save himself, and being willing to destroy democracy and the Constitution to do it. This might mean Cabal thinks we are getting close to the Storm. UPATE: Mueller refutes it as false. If Mueller was Deep State, would he do that?

The Buzzfeed authors of the story alleging Trump asked Cohen to lie can’t even keep their stories straight about the evidence they have either seen, or not actually seen. Of course this is the outlet which reported Donald Trump hired Prostitutes to pee on a bed in Russia just because Barack Obama might have slept on it at some point in the past.

YouTube admits it meddled in the search results for videos on abortion. Claims it was for misinformation or graphic content, but videos Breitbart confirmed were demoted had neither.

Soros-linked judge cuts loose drug dealer caught with 1000 opioid pills and $30,000 in cash. More and more I think there are the official Cabal pipelines which are fully protected and like Barry Seal can summon a call to the AG which will get all charges dropped. Then there are non-Cabal dealers who move Cabal product and are tolerated so long as they are professional enough to not make too many waves or try to get too big. And then there are the non-Cabal dealers who either try to get too big or make too much noise, and who end up being busted and put inside.

Flashback, Mexican President Nieto was pictured with a Sinaloa Cartel operator back in 2012.

Border Patrol nabs two child rapists trying to cross over with Caravan migrant families.

Frenchman jailed for 6 months for attempting to organize Yellow Vest protests.

Gingrich points out Feinstein’s spy scandal ignored as everyone piles on Trump. A main reason I believe the Storm is coming. Trump will cancel Pelosi’s plane at the last moment, shut down the government for the wall, and even make fun of Barney Frank’s nipples as disgusting. There is no way that he would have a Trump card like this, which BTW, affects national security and treason, and not play it, unless he is holding it for the absolute optimum moment to inflict the most damage. And if he is going to inflict the most damage, he has a myriad of other things he will likely blow open. Ever wonder what the eye at the top of the pyramid represents? Get ready, because I think you are going to find out.

Former regional director for Beto O’Rourke accused of rape.

Judge orders taxpayer-funded sex change for inmate who sexually assaulted a child.

Arizona governor seeking to create a no-buy list that prevents citizens from buying guns if they pose a threat. Says he wants Police “and others” to determine who is a threat and bar them from buying guns. But the moment that is in place, Cabal will move to take over the Police, and the “others” to get that power.

Zimbabwe cut the internet to limit citizen protests against it, and because their citizens use the internet to pay for electricity on a pay as you go model, nobody could pay and vast swaths of their populace lost their electricity.

Now the UK censures RT programs because it doesn’t like the content. Remember when we looked on the Nazi’s propaganda, and Joseph Goebbels’ brazen comments about lies, as some aberrant historical curiosity which we thought we could never possibly see in the West? Because only evil governments would fear that the free flow of information might lead to the truth’s exposure.

Rains in California are washing away the homeless waste all at once creating a toxic flush into California waterways. On the bright side the sidewalks are suddenly a little less clogged with feces.

China blurs out reality TV Show star’s earrings. Interesting if Cabal is really in control there, and the plan was to have China defeat us. They promote degeneracy here, and do everything they can to censor it there, from porn to earrings. Even Baizou, or “White Left” could be a Cabal meme released by the machine there and designed to inoculate the Chinese against what they have done to our society.

UN is trying to grab control of worldwide migration policies. Thank God for President Trump at this moment in time.

New Honduran Migrant Caravan crosses into Mexico without resistance.

Why was Lindsey Graham asking Barr about the President hypothetically coaching someone to lie to Congress, before the Buzzfeed report about Cohen’s claims came out? Was this all part of Trump’s plan, or is Lindsey playing both sides against the middle to try and save himself?

Aide to Sheila Jackson Lee says she was raped by a Congressional Black Caucus member, and then was fired by Sheila Jackson Lee for her plans to sue over the rape.

Interesting article on two fronts. Saudi Arabia would give Obama’s people briefcases full of precious jewels (which they could pocket without State having any idea). Why wouldn’t they give artwork, or precious historical documents, or a donation to the treasury? Who gives a briefcase of emeralds and diamonds? And also interesting – Obama prefers movies where the protagonists are screwed over the entire movie and all die in failure at the end. I have said before, r-strategists, like narcissists, derive real pleasure from seeing others suffer. The evidence shows that clearly here. They don’t just happen to screw you (or an entire nation) up, they follow a detailed plan to screw everything up because they enjoy seeing the suffering of others. Cabal recruited these personalities because they were perfect for taking down the West. It is disturbing this psychology was setting national policy for two four year terms, but it is even more disturbing that almost half the nation till appears to not realize just how disturbing it is, even today.

Malta implementing a Crypto-financial system that may facilitate money laundering. Might be coincidence, but Cabal loses the sovereign bank accounts of Saudi Arabia and North Korea, and now Malta steps up with a way to launder funds.

58% say the media does not understand people like them.

Trump trolls Nancy, perhaps with more knowledge than we have (was Nancy trying to run?):

Little bit of gun porn – Palmetto State 9mm AK-platform. The model shown is an SBR, but a stock-less AK-pistol can work as well as an SBR with a little practice, just by hooking a push-sling to the back of the receiver. You sling it behind your shoulder then push it away from you, and the sling will stiffen up just like a shoulder stock, you can get a cheek weld, and it could be bumped with a little practice. Add a holosight, and it would make a nice little trunk-gun with 70 rounds in 2 jungle-clipped mags.

Europe is moving toward supporting Trump against Iran.

Harvard accused of violating Title IX by discriminating against masculinity. Hold them to their own rules, it will kill them.

More outlets are picking up that Ginsburg has pneumonia and will retire in January.

And Google is blocking the reports on Ginsburg.

Senate Republicans eye a rule change that will speed up confirmation of Trump nominees.

The EU is pissed Austria rejected the UN Migration Pact.

Merkel offers to pay living expenses for migrants for one year if they leave Europe.

Chinese property developers just experienced a flash crash. Is somebody who knows something short selling the development sector?

China central bank injects record amount of money to stave off collapse.

FBI is investigating the Syrian suicide bombing, showing that the government thinks it may not have been ISIS, but rather a third party behind it.

Blast at a Russian chemical plant levels a two story building. They are claiming it was worker error, but you never know.

Texas Circuit Court ruling tears apart Planned Parenthood talking points and affirms the right of states to defund it.

Trump is securing us against missile defenses in every way possible, for the foreseeable future.

Trump thanks law enforcement:

It is him and them vs the Democrats and their liberal supporters.

Major Trump announcement today:

Rumor is it may not be a National Emergency declaration, but with Trump you never know what he is about to do.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because tomorrow could be a big announcement

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6 years ago

“One bothersome thought. Pelosi is third in line to the Presidency. If something happened to Trump and Pence, hello President Pelosi.” We wouldn’t bother waiting for the formality of an impeachment and trial to remove her in that circumstance, and neither would the U.S. military. That would be the day of the rope.

“The model shown is an SBR,” Actually, they call that thing a pistol brace, so it’s only an SBR if ATF catches you shouldering it. (Pop the guy with the camera first?) Good idea with the push-sling though; that probably packs more tightly anyway.

“And also interesting – Obama prefers movies where the protagonists are screwed over the entire movie and all die in failure at the end. I have said before, r-strategists, like narcissists, derive real pleasure from seeing others suffer.” The Cabal has been pushing that shit into literature for over a century, and inflicting that literature on students in the school system. As a side benefit (from their point of view), the small fraction of students who can read learn that reading hurts, and they stop doing that.

On another note, the Cabal may not be after you because of r/K theory after all. Your work on fighting narcissists threatens them much more directly, because to a good approximation, narcissists = Cabal.

6 years ago

One thing I like about this blog is I get news sources I wouldn’t have. looks good. Thanks.

6 years ago

And… the server blocks my followup comment.

White Guy
White Guy
6 years ago

AC – link to a man who says he was part of a MK program. Very long read, but fascinating none the less. Does this ‘fit’ into what you have seen?

6 years ago

I wondered about Nancy’s overseas trip, especially her claim that GEOTUS put her safety at risk. Is she due to meet with a handler, or does she need to travel overseas to get adrenochrome? Or am I reading too much into this?

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
6 years ago

“Senate Republicans eye a rule change that will speed up confirmation of Trump nominees.”

Not really buying it, traitor Mitch McConnell has deliberately and without protest been keeping the Senate pro forma always in session to prevent Trump from making recess appointments. The Senate is also where the Trump and Official GOP agenda goes to die, like repealing Omamacare, which is still harming a great many people, and the Wall, where no votes are being scheduled.

This article is probably mostly blowing smoke; while I guess the pace picked up, a bunch of appointees got confirmed in a batch at the end of the year, over 50 as I recall, before that, especially considering attrition Trump would have not gotten his Administration fully staffed before he leaves office if that’s in 2024.

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
6 years ago

On Zimbabwe cutting Internet service, for goodness sake don’t go completely paperless, if or more likely when us deplorables get disconnected from the Internet as we know it, we’ll need to go back to snail mail for account management, and checks for payments that aren’t auto ACH withdrawn.

6 years ago

There’s a pic making the rounds on Gab of Pelosi and Beto in the company of El Chapo. I want say circa 2012. It didn’t seem like a snap taken from a hiding place, but from a position of closeness.
Now he’s on trial and she’s free, stirring up trouble.

6 years ago

not the AC here but eric that all makes sense. there was so-called fakenews out that it was pelosi, 6 other critters, and enough family to get them to 93 people who didnt get to take the flight. i suspect it could be true because the first thing pelosi said was that trump put them all in danger. it is more likely cabal was going to off them all, and that trump cancelled what they thought was a getaway but could have been an execution to shut them all up. and change the subject. after all, part of the reason trump is staying put is because cabal wants him over.

6 years ago

Chinese social media was abuzz with this:
”While some Chinese kids were thrilled to see their favorite group, not all parents were impressed.

“Four sissies opened the program with singing and dancing. Can’t you find masculine boys? If the youth are effeminate, the country will be weak. The director of the program should be fired,” wrote an angry parent on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.”

6 years ago

”Another commented, “I can’t believe the ministries of education and propaganda are promoting sissy culture …. They let a bunch of sissies wearing lipstick, ear studs, dyed hair, groomed brows and bracelets represent Chinese youths!”

An op-ed from Xinhua, China’s state-run media outlet, bashed “fresh little meat” — internet slang for young, feminine-looking male celebrities who have porcelain skin and tiny waists.”