News Briefs – 01/15/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

California town launches a “Goat Fund Me” to bring goats in to clear underbrush and reduce wildfire problems. Makes me think the idiots who banned hunting of Mountain Lions may have had a hand in the recent wildfire problems. There are so many Mountain Lions they are moving into LA. My guess is they have devastated the deer populations which would have otherwise exploded and cleared out that brush far better than any goats. If I were king, I’d open the seasons on Mountain lions 24/7/365, offer a bounty, and then begin catching whitetails in residential areas across the country where they are overpopulated, and truck them out to California. I bet in a few years, wildfires would have a lot more difficulty getting going.

Gillette pesters men for #MeToo, challenging men to shave away their toxic masculinity.

Chechnya is purging gays. This will be a hallmark of the K-shift, as jacked up amygdalae look for someplace to vent agitation.

Male sexbots with “unstoppable bionic penises” are coming this year. Peak r is almost behind us.

I was reading a transcript of an interview with Jack Ruby’s brother, and saw all of this, which previously would have meant nothing, but now makes you wonder if they were doing anything MK Ultra-related to the Rubys:

Mr. HUBERT. You left the service prior to the end of the war, then?
Mr. RUBY. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. Would you explain how that came about?
Mr. RUBY. Well, I had some trouble with a varicocele in my testicles… Anyhow, how this took place, they were going to operate, and they prepared me for the operation the night before. You know, they shaved me and all that, and give me the pill, the sleeping pill or whatever it was, and then the next morning I got up and I was dopey, of course, and I felt–and there was no operation–no pain, and I couldn’t understand it, and so when I was able enough to talk coherently I called the nurse and asked her what happened. She says they changed their mind, and they were going to discharge me from the service because they didn’t think I would be of much use to them after the operation. I think that was the reason, or they decided that.

Something sounds off there. He was out and drugged, and when he came too, they just decided not to operate and dumped him into society?


Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Did you notice any change in your brother’s mental and physical condition between the first time that you saw him in Dallas and the last time that you saw him in Dallas?
Mr. RUBY. Oh, yes; definitely. Physically he lost about 30 pounds, and you know, his face was drawn and his eyes sunken, and in addition to that he was despondent, of course, and you couldn’t–he would have to repeat questions or ask questions from him more than once to get a reply. It just didn’t seem to register all the time.
Even Belli mentioned that he couldn’t get across to Jack all the time, and Burleson mentioned to me several times that Jack is off his rocker. This was, you know—-
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was this after the verdict or before?
Mr. RUBY. No; before. He says, “Your brother is off his rocker. He has got himself involved with all the Jews all over the world and he doesn’t know what he is talking about,” but my brother did know what he was talking about. It was Burleson who didn’t understand. Because in order to understand–it is a Jewish problem–and most Jews would understand it.
Burleson, not being familiar with this, it just went over his head. I didn’t even think of it then but he kept telling me, “Your brother has got himself all mixed up with all the Jews all over the world and he is off his rocker.” That was the statement he made several times to me.


Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me ask you one last question which I started to ask some hours ago.
That is this: Between the time you first saw Jack in Dallas, and the last time you saw him in Dallas, what changes did you see in him, if any?
Mr. RUBY. I think as I stated, he lost probably 25 or 80 pounds, and he couldn’t seem to grasp or understand conversations or questions. I have talked to him many times on the phone since then, and he still thinks–in fact as of now, he don’t even think I am alive. He thinks they killed me and my family, my children.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When you first saw him in Dallas did he have these–did you have any trouble communicating with him, did he show any lack of understanding when you first saw him?
Mr. RUBY. No, no; it wasn’t–yes; I must change that. There was a slight hesitancy on his part to understand questions that I put to him. He would shake his head when I would ask him questions sometimes and as though he didn’t understand, and these were just ordinary questions of routine matters, just about the trial or Belli. We discussed Belli, and he said, even at the beginning there he said, “They don’t talk to me. Why don’t they talk to me longer,” and yet Belli was there for hours.

Sounds like something was going on with Ruby’s brain. It is a lot different from the narratives of either a normal guy who didn’t want Jackie to have to endure a trial, or the mob-associated wiseguy who may have done it to please the mob. The inability to process his brother was alive almost feels like the MK Ultra experiments where the patients thought the doctors were their parents. It was different from everything I had heard.

Polish Mayor on stage when a knifeman jumps on stage and stabs him to death. Supposedly a hardcore leftist mayor, and a repeat offender criminal stabber. A match made in heaven.

Yemen intelligence chief dies in Houthi drone attack.

French Police are now using semiautomatic firearms against Yellow Vest Protestors.

Australia to ban encryption for civilians.

Schiff floats a subpoena for the translator at the Trump-Putin meetings.

Reporter covering Fentanyl overdose attacked live on air by what one twitterer alleged were Fentanyl-pushing illegal aliens:

New York Gov Cuomo Demands Bill Allowing Abortions Up to Birth, Or He Won’t Sign State Budget.

Brit walking through park sees some sort of ritual, where man smears bird blood on a naked woman on a sheet and then has sex with her as clothed people in a circle around them chant in a foreign language.

Rabbit mob psychology in action:

Notice how aggressive and bold the rabbits are, so long as they believe there is nothing the target can or will do. Notice how the motivation is not anything serious, but the pursuit of fun and laughter by socially humiliating, and even assaulting the guy, thereby subconsciously demonstrating the inability of any consequence to affect them all. At that point, the goal is to attain pleasure and social status by larping as a physical dominant, without actually enduring any risk. Notice also how at the first sign of consequence or cost, there is a terrified stampede for the exits, heightened by the obvious violation of their expectations. It is interesting, because they have an almost bipolar aspect to their psychology, deriving far more pleasure/joy/mania from the attacking than we would derive in an actual fight, and experiencing more terror than we would once the prospect of consequences emerges. Regardless, a good example of the rabbit psychology, and very similar to the psychology you will find in the political world.

/pol reminds people:

They are right, we shouldn’t let them bifurcate that group. The Mayor of London is an Asian, and the grooming gangs are Muslim.

CIA uploads documents, including on UFOs and its psychic program, training people to see through walls, for which there was “no defense.” It is interesting to see a lot of paranormal belief, from this to Hillary doing seances, among the upper crust. Even more so as they liken the ability to an evolved intuition.

In Haiti, men who appeared to be Police rolled into a town in a Police vehicle with gang members, and went on a massacre of the people there. A Christian charity cleaned up the bodies. Cabal Operation to take out witnesses?

Flashback – Ex-Tribune reporter had a collaborative relationship with the CIA.What if this was just the one who was outed? At this point, based on things I have seen, I suspect nobody who wasn’t owned could get hired or on air at an official news organization. I suspect you would just always get passed over.

Flashback : British MP Louise Mensch says hard drugs used in her youth messed up her brain and gave her anxiety today. Interesting in that she flooded her brain with dopamine agonists, and her amygdala became weak and unable to tolerate stresses.

CNN hires two former Weekly Standard writers.

Democrat Rep Engel says he will subpoena Trumps’ interpreter at the Putin meetings.

Almost-Governor-Of-Georgia Stacey Abrams says she would have no problem with illegals voting in local elections.

Canada to welcome 1,000,000 new immigrants in the next three years.

Israeli company admits spying on the Emir of Qatar.

House Democrats gun control bill unenforceable without National Gun Registry. That is the plan – get something like that passed someday, and then have a Democrat President interpret the registry as a part of the law, even though it isn’t in there. Either the Storm goes off, or a cataclysm is on the way.

Sunscreen may be bad for you, and sunlight may produce more beneficial, healthful bioactive compounds than just Vitamin D in your skin, yielding a positive health effect.

Puerto Rico has had a wave of violent daytime killings.

Asylum seeker stabs pregnant woman in Germany and kills her unborn baby.

FBI is probing LA City Hall and Chinese corruption in investments in the city.

Obama says politics needs “new blood.” He said it in a supposed slight to Biden, but could it be possible it was a coded message to someone else, about something else?

Former official says NY Times report shows FBI officials were operating outside DOJ protocols in a desire to get President Trump.

Illegal immigrant group spending $1 million to convince NY to allow illegals to get driver’s licenses. Now suppose the various media companies which they are buying advertising on have done Cabal favors, and Cabal owes them a total of $1 million. Cabal can’t cut a check from a Black Forest Bank Account. But it can route $1 million to an immigrant group through Soros and have them buy advertising from those outlets. I’m sure Weekly Standard could have been kept afloat in this manner if it had been useful enough to Cabal. Meanwhile you think you will start a conservative magazine, and make it better than National Review, and be successful because if National Review can make it, you’ll do even better. But it doesn’t work that way. Literally, those who believe in the myth of meritocracy in America today are modern day Cargo-cultists.

Iranian Cargo plane crashes, reportedly carrying “meat.”

Only 7% of Millennials support the Democrat position on abortion.

French banks reportedly close and refuse withdrawals in preparation for the Yellow Vest Bank Run.

Private companies are stepping up to provide government services, showing that the government’s shutdown is not really affecting the vast majority of Americans. If Trump wants to prod the Democrats, let him tell Americans that he can open the government, or he can keep it shut for the year and give every American a check at the end of the year for their portion of the savings. Most Federal workers will seek alternate employment, and Americans would see that much of the government is just wasted resources that they never benefit from.

Marine LePen appeals to the Yellow Vests.

Obama’s Border chief supports Trump’s wall plan.

The media recognizes that Trump’s strategy of being willing to walk away is winning him the trade war with China. Not being the agent of a foreign conspiracy bent on destroying America helps too.

China trade surplus dropped in 2018.

Multiple indictments by DOJ point to a massive, multipronged global effort to tackle multiple organized crime operations by a special task force.

Trump mocks Democrats, says they are celebrating the shutdown in Puerto Rico.

Rep Andy Biggs says Trump will pull the trigger on a National Emergency soon.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because all you need to do is demonstrate there are going to be consequences

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6 years ago

I believe the local variety of deer out there would be mule deer no?

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

I noticed in that creepy Gilette ad that (1) about the first 1/3 of it was the “bad” in men *****as depicted and pumped out to the masses by Hollywood***** and (2) all of the bully clips were of white boys. I’m sure that was just coincidence…..

I hope beards and chest hair make a strong and lasting comeback in response.

Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

“I hope beards… make a strong and lasting comeback in response.”

Look around. Beards are as strong now for as far back as I can remember. However… they are generally worn by the hipsters, the irony being that those currently with beards are generally not all that manly themselves. Sort of like aspects of the homosexual subculture favoring the appearance of over-the-top masculinity when in reality it clearly is not.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Invader-loving Trudeau to the North and invader-horde caravans to the south…sounds like a Cabal back-up plan to destroy us to me.

Loved your post and follow-up comments about private companies providing a stop-gap to shut-down government services. What an absolutely brilliant way to show Americans – woke and sheep – that this stinking, bloated leviathan called government is a complete and indisputable waste of their hard-earned money. It also provides a blue-print for other citizens of other nations to take back their money as well!

I appreciate your “r/K theory” parting comments each day, to :). They often make me chuckle.

Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

“Invader-loving Trudeau to the North and invader-horde caravans to the south…sounds like a Cabal back-up plan to destroy us to me.”

Or maybe Trudeau is begging for the U.S. to provide an air-lift of the Caravan from the Mexican border to his own? Tax dollars well spent, IMO.

6 years ago

The senate Judiciary (or other ctee) should send a letter to the state dept asking for the names of avery translator who worked on the Iran deal, and a description of their involvement. And CC the house ctee leaders like Liddle Adam Schitt. I’m pretty sure the whole subpoena the translator bypass to executive privilege would get shut right down.

6 years ago

The twitter account showing the man punching the girl has been suspended, but the video can be found. Here is the daily mail:

I don’t know if the white woman and child are related to the man. The way the incident is described, he just wandered over and told them to break it up. One site said he was charged with 2 or 3 misdemeanors and was quickly released from jail.

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
6 years ago

Twitter suspended the account, but searching on the link in it found a discussion that led to this article “Black Mountain man charged with assault on girl at Asheville Mall“, defending yourself against thugs, especially teen thugs, is in practice illegal in many places in the US, just avoid areas where they congregate. John Derbyshire got read out official Movement Conservative society (think National Review, which spent and spends more time punching right than left) for his The Talk: Nonblack Version” but it’s of course more than just blacks.

That gave me enough to find this article which has 30 seconds of video, including the guy first giving the “girl” a strong shove that pushed her back at least 10 feet, then she charges him again and he punches her, followed by the freakout you describe.

Again, you may in theory have a right to defend yourself against assault, but that’s not how it works out in the real world. Some people say, in homage to the Jewish version, that we live under a Minority Occupation Government, which is more and more true as r selected times allow if not demand this sort of official response and we import millions of legal and illegal immigrants and temporary workers from Third World nations every year.

6 years ago

Not at all surprising about sunscreen. Now the dermatologists will need to catch up on this new information and stop recommending that we slather ourselves in sunscreen from babies through our adulthood.
If the sun causes skin cancer, roofers, fishermen, landscapers and lifeguards should be the ones showing the most. But they aren’t.
Sometimes things are common sense. Why do we feel so good at the beach? Why do we feel low energy on gloomy days?
One day they will be recommending several hours of sunlight on our bodies. Kinda like some in the health community have been doing for years.

6 years ago

Thank you for your hard work.

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It’s not an experiment at this point. Their techniques were known to work reliably at least back to the Columbine High School massacre, and probably decades earlier when they were used to make postal workers go postal. (What better way to open positions so Cabal agents can get hired to handle our mail?)

For example, the Cabal deliberately targeted Miosotis Familia for murder by sending her into an area where one of their bots lived, and then setting him off. They knew, for certain, that he would kill a cop on their cue, and they made sure she would be his victim.

Every murder and every suicide the gangstalking operations have caused, going back decades, is deliberate and targeted, regardless of whether we have figured out who was the target and why.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The cop who was killed there, Natalie Corona, was only 22 years old–young enough and innocent enough to believe the myth of America. If she saw something corrupt going on in the police force, she would have reported it, probably to the wrong authorities.

The alleged gunman, “Kevin Douglas Limbaugh”, had worked in a casino, and was fired after getting in a fight with a co-worker over how to handle slot machines. Casinos are notoriously used to launder money, and slot machines, especially modern ones, choose their winners in as opaque and controllable a manner as the lottery.

Two witnesses silenced with one murder operation. I wonder if the “gunman” actually fired any of the shots attributed to him this time.

Reply to  Gertie
6 years ago

Are you sure he wrote it? It’s not even signed.

6 years ago

Iowa Secretary of State’s office fails to uphold their duty to publish a notification of a proposed amendment to add the right to keep and bear arms to the state’s constitution. The Secretary of State had publicly expressed support for the RKBA amendment, and has apologized for his office’s failure to fulfill his legal duty. Could be a betrayal, but more likely enemy action, as when Reagan gave the order to bomb Iran.

NRA funnels over $20 million to outside PR company in 2017, was over $30 million in the red that year. Negotiating Rights Away is best known for supporting the National Firearms Act, the bump-stock ban, and “red flag” gun confiscation orders. This sort of financial corruption would reek of Cabal even if NRA wasn’t openly working for the gun grabbers.

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
Reply to  Brickbat
6 years ago

For decades the NRA has been run first and foremost for the benefit of its PR firm Ackerman McQueen. Ask any member about the flood of fundraising snail mail it used to pump out, although based on the layoffs it sounds like a lot of that got moved to TV. And now the parasite may be starting to kill the host, this fits very well with the NRA’s lawsuit claim against Cuomo and New York State that they’re putting it in immediate financial jeopardy, although I’m not sure which is the cause and which is the effect. It has been alienating increasing numbers of members as your first link mentions, the Winning Team is losing more than usual, with some very heavy and ham handed actions, internal as well as external.

Doubt there’s any solution that doesn’t start with the death of Wayne LaPierre, using every tool in the book including outright violence the Winning Team made sure a repeat of the 1977 Cincinnati Revolt could never happen again. Its board is 20 times too big to rein it in, and the Winning Team has effective control over the board elections anyway. Bipartisian gun control might help fundraising, although social media is going to hurt that. For example, the NRA ILA’s Facebook page, thanks no doubt to Facebook meddling, frequently highlights honest comments criticizing the NRA for supporting the latest rounds of gun control from Republicans they supported like Trump.

6 years ago

#Macron is using HELICOPTERS to fire tear gas cannisters against the #GiletsJaunes protesters?

This means that the police are now unwilling to meet the Yellow Vests on the ground. The Yellow Vests are winning the hearts and minds.

Illegal immigrant group spending $1 million to convince NY to allow illegals to get driver’s licenses.

Can’t be true. The Democrats have made it very clear over the past two years that they hate when other countries interfere with our elections.

John Doe
John Doe
6 years ago

Re: Trump-Putin meetings. I think that this is another Trump trap, like his tax returns are. I don’t think there is anything in it that incriminates him or confirms “collusion”, rather the opposite. He pretends to want to keep it secret, setting the bait and now they must find out. Trump knows the Democrats just cannot help themselves. They’ll make a big show out of it and I bet Trump will help them to increase the hype. Until they find out that there’s no conspiracy, they cannot back out and are forced to admit on national television.

Do you think that they will trust a translator with plans about cabal at that level? Besides, Putin speaks English.

6 years ago

There is an interesting undertone evaluation by many to the shutdown being used to RIF Federal employees. At the danger you’ve seen this or not; presented for your take on it.


6 years ago

> Ruby transcript

I’d like to read the whole thing. Do you have a URL or ISBN for that?

Reply to  TRX
6 years ago

Thanks! I’ll read it shortly…