News Briefs – 01/14/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Stefan Molyneux has quite the way of putting things in perspective. Here is a quote from this video, where he said, “If illegal aliens from Mexico voted for the republicans, you’d already have the wall along the southern border that would be visible from space.”

Q is back again:
D House focus on POTUS = ‘insurance’ extension from MUELLER to House.
GJ testimony underway in several states.
Attempts to BLOCK/PROTECT themselves will FAIL.
Far beyond political corruption/sedition.
Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?
Lights on.

FAKE NEWS control over those who do not think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.
[D] Party Con.

Active shooter in a Mall in Utah. May have just been gang activity.

The psychoacoustic effects of Infrasound and Ultrasound. It is a good thing we don’t have any psychopaths in this country, because psychopaths would specifically seek out these weapons, and the mix of these weapons and psychopaths willing to use them would be devastating to the republic.

Cancer researcher who was killed by a vaccine died in mere minutes from total organ failure. Sounds like he was given the special shot. You have to wonder what he was working on, and if it might have made older, highly profitable treatments obsolete.

Japan does an experiment with Artificial Intelligence, surveillance data, computer database data, and surveillance cameras, to recreate the all knowing and all seeing Machine from the TV Show Person of interest. If Japan is doing this now, I could see America having done this fifteen years ago. I wonder what it would look like now?

Anons on Q’s board said the Democrats have released the following picture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to prove she is fine, and they say she will be back at the Supreme Court shortly. Sadly, Larry King is said to have just died:

Cancer surgeons claim Ginsburg will be fine. Based on limited experience, these old coots can peter along at death’s door for a while, but each day holds the increasing chance of the catastrophic collapse which is what will take them out. You can know it is close for a while, but then will happen so fast that in retrospect you will be surprised.

Jacob Rothschild’s wife has died.

The Machine is trying hard to push Tulsi Gabbard out of the 2020 race early, having dug up old opposition to LGBT stuff from way back. It implies they have already settled on a candidate, and her presence somehow disrupts the outcome they want.

Trump notes that while he is in the White House working, the Democrats all jetted off to Puerto Rico with some high priced lobbyists to vacation and see some play down there.

A Police walk-through video of Jeffery Epstein’s mansion, and the interesting tidbit that he was debriefing the girls he supplied to powerful men, according to one girl so he could blackmail them in the future. Another article has spoken of the video cameras he installed everywhere.

Trump says to look into Michael Cohen’s father-in-law. The father-in-law is a hugely successful businessman in Chicago. One of the easiest ways to place an asset inside someone else’s operation is to find the most attractive agent you have, and marry her into the operation, and then advance from there. No guy questions why a beautiful woman has shown interest in him, or fallen in love with him. No idea if that might be the case here, but it is the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw it. I suspect that is also why Q said, watch the wives.

How illegal immigrants get counted up by the Census, and that then distorts Congressional Representation.

Surveillance video of the attack on the AfD politician in Germany. Notice them pull their hoods down in front of the first camera – the attackers are surveillance aware, and appear to have scouted the site, unlike most amateur, spur of the moment impulse attackers.

CDC says Tijuana Bariatric Surgery clinic infected 11 Americans with a strain of drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa that had a troubling new genetic mutation. Eliminated Carbapenem antibiotics as a treatment.

China finds an Ebola-like virus in their bats.

Yellow Vests hit with Water cannons and tear gas. There are some photos floating around of protestors with Laser sights painting them, as if snipers are practicing during the protests, in case Macron decides to take the conflict hot.

Third drug tunnel discovered crossing into Arizona this month. I wonder if this was what the Caravans were supposed to be distracting from – either a surge of transport of something through these, or their construction.

A whole article of unnamed sources talking about how rattled the Pentagon was when Trump’s National Security team requested options for striking Iran after Iranian-allied militias appeared to have mortared the embassy compound in Baghdad. Shows what Trump is up against. When his team just asks the Pentagon, whose whole job is breaking things and killing people, how it might do its job if ordered to break things and kill people in Iran, the Obama-era bureaucrats there immediately clutch their pearls, and run off to the media to complain anonymously.

The lack of a border wall has caused Portland Maine to be flooded with migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa. This began back in the eighties and nineties, if I recall from an article I read. Out of the blue, some “Christian Charity” showed up, and linked up with some place in Somalia, and they began pulling over Somalians and Ethiopians, much to the consternation of locals. At the time I read of it, something felt off. Where did the charity come from? Why was it so focused on Africa? Something felt off, but who knew. Now, I will bet Cabal calculated that Maine’s population was so low, they could send it leftward easily with just a few thousand migrants. So they moved in the Charity people and got them to work. Now, the place is probably flooded, and more are coming every day. And all along the way, the residents found themselves voting in elections where both candidates supported the Charity, and if one resident managed to pull a Breitbart and begin to thwart the plan, you can imagine what would happen to him.

US Government has terrabytes of internal Wikileaks data. This maybe clears a little up. The government has tons of internal WikiLeaks data, including communications which identify sources. Suppose Cabal set Assange and Wikileaks out there, as a lure for leakers who could reveal things about Cabal’s corruption of our governments. They give it a big media push at the outset, and then WikiLeaks would shitcan the really damaging Cabal-intel and give Cabal the leakers who supplied it, while actually leaking classified data that helped Cabal somehow, like by damaging non-Cabal contractors, or by damaging NSA or Mil Intel like Snowden and Manning, and so on. Assange, probably paranoid, assembles his deadman’s switch, hoping he will never have to use it, and now he and Cabal have begun to go sideways. One thing leads to another and now he is a liability who could reveal the whole thing, including Cabal’s existence, so Assange heads to Ecuador’s embassy and holes up, dropping the CIA Vault leak which maybe was one of his blackmail files, just to show Cabal he is serious. Now Cabal wants him dead. He could align with Trump and Q, but that entails first giving them the final blackmail files which he is hoping will keep him alive, and admitting he basically was a total fraud who helped something that burned and betrayed decent people who saw their governments taken over by a hostile foreign force that fostered crime and corruption as it enslaved each nation’s citizenry. So Assange is in neutral, trying to figure out what to do, and Trump and Q are preparing a case to drag him back, because they aren’t going to give him a choice. It would fit with the evidence, from the initial media push indicating he was Cabal, to his present sideways status with Cabal. It is also possible a lot of the leakers who supplied actual classified government data that got published were Cabal acting on orders, to give WikiLeaks the imprimatur of a genuine whistleblower website.

Russian radio telescope in orbit loses control functions. Mentioned because there have been previous indications somebody may have screwed with satellite control to send messages.

There was a second FISA Warrant opened up on the Trump Campaign, and Strzok and Page joked about not believing they were opening it. Strzok even indicated he had an eye on trying to “open” an investigation on Trump himself, and was thinking of saving a code name for the investigation.

Florida Surgeon fined for removing a woman’s good kidney because he thought it was a tumor. There really should be a law that surgeons have to commit to paper exactly what they are going to do when they open a person up, and if they want to change that plan they need to wake the patient up and get permission, or close them up and get permission. I have seen multiple cases where surgeons made huge changes to the agreed upon procedures on the fly without asking the patient, and several where they actually misrepresented the surgeries they were going to do, denying their previous agreed upon treatment plan afterward. Very common in minimally invasive procedures, where surgeons just do the standard surgery and claim they made the entry incision a little smaller.

CDAN says Huma was Laundering Money for El Chapo’s wife?

Celebrity Faith Healer John of God accused of selling Babies. You will not see somebody in the media unless they are Cabal approved, or the mention somehow furthers Cabal interests. It is literally that controlled.

Q’s board is struck by POTUS’s recent tweet in light of a Q crumb:

Remember that time Cabal was fomenting a civil war in the Congo so it could splinter off a part and get the Uranium in it, and a naïve UN Secretary General tried to fly to a secret meeting to sort out the civil war, and Cabal shot his plane down and killed him? Harry Truman did, he said the UN leader “was on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said ‘when they killed him.’” Infogalactic here.

French MPs are getting unprecedented death threats which claim to come from Yellow Vests. Mortal salience and threat stimuli floating around are a hallmark of the onset of K.

Brazil decides to recognize the opposition leader as Venezuela’s President instead of Maduro.

The opposition leader was then pulled over and detained by Police.

State Department calls for a new government in Venezuela.

Democrat acknowledges a physical barrier at the border is necessary.

Trump says he doesn’t care whether people know what he talked with Putin about, after a report came out saying that there is no record of any of the five conversations he has had with Putin. More indications Trump and Putin were putting together a purge of Cabal.

Russia’s government is busting pedophiles in government. Wonder what Putin and Trump were talking about during all their meetings? Looks like the purge of Cabal will happen everywhere.

But suddenly Russia has a gas explosion at a residential building. Right on the heels of France’s gas explosion near a Yellow Vest protest.

30 Bloods Gang Member leaders taken down.

Mexico has long had Cartel-affiliated petroleum thieves who stole gas from pipelines and resold it, and they were never mentioned, let alone fought. Now Mexico is in a gas shortage as the government has shut down various pipelines as they try to battle and take out these fuel thieves. Sounds suspiciously like a division of Cabal, Inc, that is being taken down by that new President.

Ivanka has been nominated as a potential head of the World Bank.

Iranian leaders are shaken by the protests rocking their nation.

Trump confronts the prospect of “Non-stop Political War For Survival.” Liberals tell you what terrifies them, by what they use to try and terrify you – and their brains think much differently from ours. I am sure Trump looked at this headline, and thought, “What the fuck have the last two years been?” He’s been doing this every day of his life, so this headline had no effect. But the leftist who dreamt it up was looking for a headline that would terrify them, based on self analysis. They would look at the prospect of having to fight non-stop, for the next six years, and run away. It would leave them wrought with terror and depression. So they looked at how it would savage them, and they tried to turn that terror around and lay it on Trump. I will bet they smiled, and puffed their chest out when they saw it at the top of Drudge’s page, picturing Donald, wanting to collapse into a fetal position, and just give up, the way they already feel. This article is in the position of good news, because firstly, I’ll bet this leftist was inspired to dream up this attack because they were sitting around terrified and depressed, looking at the next six years of non-stop Political war, when they thought, “Wait, if I feel like this thinking about this non-stop political war, maybe I can do this to Trump!” And two, I suspect the God Emperor saw the title, and was enthused to run head first into the non-stop war, because it means there is no end to the asses he can kick over the next six years. And three, when you combine those two psychologies and look at where it goes, all you will see is victory after victory, as leftists begin walking away from politics, telling themselves it is all too corrupt, and the country has gone crazy anyway.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because there are no coincidences

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6 years ago

One assumes that the Florida Surgeon made enough on the Kidney to cover the fine?

6 years ago