News Briefs – 01/13/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Davis Cop-Killer said he was being hit with sonic waves. Go back 50 years, and ask yourself if anyone ever complained of this, let alone shot Police Officers because of it. Now today, how many people are complaining about it? Police shooters, CIA Agents, even random “Gang-stalking” targets. Something has changed. He could be crazy, but this is now the third case, just which comes to my mind off of cursory research. It sounds crazy, and just a few years ago I’d have assumed this guy was a loon, but after being placed under coverage myself, I have now actually experienced these symptoms first hand, and the people doing it have tried to make it seem as if they are the Police with me too. I’ll probably get hit tonight just for writing this, but on this, there is only one side you can be on. This is not the first time this stuff has gotten a cop killed either. Miosotis Familia, which Q has said was a Cabal-op, and even Aaron Alexis, were other cases of people complaining of strange surveillance and unusual directed energy technology deployments on them – and there were more. I understand the predominant cop-psychology. I had family on the job, and I was friends with and trained with cops in martial arts all growing up. As much as a cop getting killed horrifies a civilian, it is even worse for cops, because they are trained up and assigned the official duty to protect, including each other. Every cop in that department would probably amputate a limb with a chainsaw to be able to go back in time, and be there, and stop this from happening. Cops would not maintain a procedure that was getting their brothers and sisters killed regularly. It would just be too traumatic to the cops involved. One would step up and bring it to an end by exposing everything, no matter the cost. I increasingly think this is some sort of experiment to see how far outside the norm they can push behavior using technological means, and the ultimate result – the shooting of someone society holds in high-esteem – is the results the architects of the experiments need, to complete the experiment and write it up. I will say, for a day after I have experienced this technology myself, applied to my head (it can be quite intensely focused, seemingly on a “node” of constructive wave interference), I am highly irritable, though somewhat foggy mentally. I assume it somehow creates minor damage in nerves and brain structures, and this manifests as irritability and fog. Based on the other cases, I believe it likely that somebody used this guy as a guinea pig to test out their new tech (which cops do not have). It is possible that the damage is cumulative and after years of exposure, it will change psychology. Then they set him up to think it was the cops, probably by ordering cops to do things at certain times, which would make him think it was them. That may be the experiment – mix psychological remodeling of the target with the tech, and a sort of illusion-creation process to focus the anger of the target one someone or something all during the process. Then pile on irritation, and anger, and damage one day in massive quantities so the newly-created wind-up toy will pop and follow the path you have set. They had to be watching when he got the gun because their coverage in areas of operation is incredible and avoiding it is very difficult. They likely would have known his state of mind that morning and were probably hitting him the night before. I almost wonder if they staged the accident to put the cop there in his path. I’d love to know if she was selected, or identified as not-Cabal friendly, or even MAGA-to-the-core, by the architects of the experiment. I’d be surprised if they didn’t enter his home when he left and read the note, and they might have been watching when he wrote it the night before. They knew he was enraged at the cops, saw him approaching this scene, riding on a bike, carrying a gun, with a cop there, and they were probably in cars, so they could have driven over him “accidently” before he acted with very little risk. But the surveillance part has some sort of orders to only observe and not intervene, and they follow them, perhaps because this is MK Ultra-related, and the subject’s behavior and actions are the results of the experiments that they are trying to produce and document. The number of times this happened, and the refusal of those who were doing it to change course to prevent it from happening again, will be one of the bigger shocks to come out of the Storm, if Trump allows it to go public. I think there are a lot of cops who would still be alive if none of this was happening. Don’t blame local PD’s for this activity though. 99.9% of local uniformed patrol officers would not use these technologies, or do any of this, even if you gave them carte blanche. If you see it, it is all much, much weirder than you would ever believe possible. Q isn’t joking when he says this is much bigger than you could possibly imagine. We entered uncharted waters a long time ago. None of the programming the Architects have given you prepared you to process any of this.

I don’t write these things to convince the inconvincible. I am not even concerned if regular readers believe it, since in truth few of you know enough to judge the facts in these matters. I write these things because I think someday people will look back and wonder what the society saw, and why it didn’t worry about things like this. This contemporaneous account here will show that some could see things were off, even if they lacked the ability to grasp just what exactly was going on. I suspect that those who know the full story in the future and lack any societal programming, will look back and wonder how we failed to focus on these stories, thinking them not only possible, but potentially of great import. All I can say is, we were raised to believe that in America, even though these technologies were known to exist, and even though we knew there were psychopaths in any population who would gladly use them if they could, we were programmed from birth to believe those two things could never possibly merge here, even if logic said there was no logical reason those two factors wouldn’t merge – and every logical reason to think they would. And because of that programming, when we heard accounts of people saying it was going on, even saying it was happening to them, the first reflex most had was to ridicule them as defective, rather than worry that maybe those technologies and those psychopaths, that we knew would both exist and be attracted to each other like magnets, had met in some dark corner, and created something that could become a real problem for everyone one day.

Investigator says MH370 definitely flown off course into the middle of the Indian Ocean to crash, likely by the pilot. Seems you need a cockpit door that locks, but that two or more people can definitely open, just in the event one member of the crew is bent on crashing. This would be the second case of that, assuming there is no remote pilot override, installed by Intelligence agencies, and accessible to Cabal, similar to that automatic nose-down anti-stall device that recently crashed another jetliner when the data from the speed sensor “malfunctioned.”

CNN invites a San Diego news station to contribute a local view report, then disinvites them when they find out they said that most Border Patrol Agents say the Wall is highly effective. No surprise. Media like CNN are actually political lobbying organizations.

Dems announce bill to require Trump’s tax returns. Clearly will never pass the Senate or get signed, plus they were claiming they could just pull them under committee rules. Makes me think they want the issue and not the returns, probably because given all the IRS auditing the returns will be totally legit, and full of Charity-giving as well.

Prosecutors in the Netherlands looking at whether document which affirms proper Christian teachings on LGBT issues will be prosecuted as a hate crime.

Democrats introduce bills to abolish the Electoral College, make voter registration automatic, repeal voter ID laws, drastically limit free speech in politics, and create a system where the government funds particular candidates.

White doctors in South Africa told not to apply for positions. This is activated amygdalae, and it is more or less to be expected as K kicks in. Once the economic Apocalypse hits in a decade or so, this will be tame compared to what you will see on all sides.

Ecuador clamping down the surveillance on Assange within the embassy to try and make him uncomfortable and get him to leave. So that is why they do that… Be interesting to know the real story with him. He started out with media, and therefore Cabal support. At some point they got sideways, maybe over stuff he published, and now it appears that Cabal doesn’t like him, and the US is pressuring him as well to get his cooperation against Cabal, which for some reason he seems unwilling to give.

One of Ed Buck’s victims who survived recounts being drugged in his drink, tied up, and waking up to Ed and his tool box, filled with drugs and sex toys. Another article recounted a rolling mechanic’s tool chest filled with drugs. This article was interesting because Buck has felted all his windows to completely black them out permnantly so nobody could ever see in or out, and his neighbor appears to be some kind of surveillance/handler. When Buck shot this kid up and then was too aggressive with him, when the kid came down Buck gave him cash and sent him out to get a drink. The kid went to get a taser and a knife to protect himself if Buck got too crazy again. While out, he said he saw Buck’s older, large, white male neighbor following him, and when the kid returned to the apartment, Buck was super cold and got rid of him quick, as if the neighbor reported the purchases to him. Also, the neighbor was regularly calling Buck to tell him to drink water and eat, as if he was watching Buck in the condo and keeping him alive. Could Buck even be MK Ultra’d or something? Things in those higher echelons are more complex than normies grow up believing. You don’t just rise up to them.

New Migrant Caravan being set up to depart Honduras Jan 15th. This time they are shooting for a two-week transit time, give or take. They may be developing an underlying infrastructure to deploy Central American Cabal operators en masse as fast as possible to the US border, if they need them in the future. Or, alternately, they are setting up a system to bring up 30,000 migrants, and spike all their muffins at the food tables in Laredo with the newest, most deadly form of Swine flu before sending them across.

Bezos was sending Dick Pics to his mistress. He is a smart guy who has to know what is going on, and know the risk of those pics being intercepted by a number of different parties. I can only conclude Cabal-proper had such total, complete domination of the system, and he is such a high-ranking member, that he felt even if it was intercepted by a third party, Cabal leadership could control it for him. Very interesting.

California has spent $5 billion itself, on its bullet train to nowhere.

It was raining spiders in Brazil.

Thailand faces infestation of hundreds of thousands of biting caterpillars.

UK Cancer expert gets traveler’s vaccination, and dies from it. These days, I wonder if he was working on something that would have made Chemotherapy worthless.

Canada wants 1 Million more immigrants by 2022. That is purposeful destruction, and the most likely explanation logically, is that it is being wrought by a foreign force that has compromised the government, and which stands to benefit from its collapse somehow.

Phone companies who have been selling and even giving away geolocation data, so anyone with your phone number could actually pay $300 and get your phone located, now promise they will stop, at some point in the future. It looks like E911 data, which I don’t think requires that you have location services enabled. Worth noting they couldn’t get Verizon data, so Verizon seems most secure for now.

US approved thousands of applications to bring child brides to the US.

Boston Mayor’s office wants to force doctors to identify and document patients who own guns.

Gavin Newsom to tax water to generate money to support poor communities.

Rundown of previous times Mueller foisted the crimes of his friends on the whistleblowers who tried to reveal them. Mueller is a cipher. He seemed a good Marine with little selfishness, and yet he surrounded himself with the corruption of the most corrupt of the left.

Record levels of migrants from terrorists nations trying to cross into the US from Mexico. 300% increase Bangladeshis alone in Texas. Is Cabal bringing the entire team over for the big game?

German Defense Minister brags that EU Army is already taking shape.

Sandy Hook Families win the right to look into Alex Jones’ Infowar’s Marketing and financial documents. Lawsuit moving forward based on the premise you cannot question whether the Sandy Hook shooting was real. Jones had early on, begun to promote the idea that Q was worth listening to. I wonder if this is Cabal, yanking his chain for that stumble.

CDAN implies Ed Buck may have killed a couple of other black guys in hotel rooms in North Carolina.

House Foreign Relations Committee decides to shut the Terrorism Subcommittee because terrorism is no longer important, but it is creating a special subcommittee to look into the Trump-Putin meeting and what President Trump discussed with Putin.

Hillary was running arms into Benghazi, and Michael Flynn was targeted because he knew the details. Rehashes the thread a week or so ago that began with the Stinger in Afghanistan downing a Chinook, and progressed through Hillary covering up that the gun running through Libya was the origin of the attack on Benghazi.

ABC News goes to same area as Jim Acosta and sees 15 illegals caught in six minutes.

Dr Doom says America became great because it was founded by White people.

Double Helix discoverer James Watson of Watson and Crick says there is a measurable difference in IQ vs race, and now Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is revoking all of his Honorary titles, and cutting all ties with him. An incredible level of fanaticism to punish him for mentioning something that is technically correct. That you see that, rather than just ignoring him, is to me a sign these organization’s leaders may be taking orders from whoever it is who is shaping the narratives used to control the populace. Watson, by focusing on such an inarguable fact, is threatening to destroy all of the programming and control, which might indicate that this story of Watson’s comments would be a potent trigger to use online when facing the narrative crafters. Posting this might be more potent shill and slide kryptonite than anything else out there. Clearly they fear it. Previous article posted here on what he said, and the other reactions, similarly rabid.

FBI opened an inquiry into whether Trump was an agent of Russian intelligence, trying to take over our government for Russia. The first Pro-American President, since Reagan who wasn’t an outright agent of a foreign power, and they use what their Presidents have been doing for decades as a pretext to try and take him down.

Border Wall GoFundMe founder sets up a non-profit to build wall itself. Donations to previous GoFundMe will be returned, and contributors can re-donate to the new effort. Erik Prince will be on the board overseeing the use of the funds.

Rumors of Ginsburg’s retirement are everywhere.

Trump tells Acosta, “Good Job!” on promoting the border wall by showing how safe it makes nearby towns.

Website that last year first said it heard Ginsburg had a cancer recurrence, and would retire in January, now says she has gotten pneumonia, and will retire very shortly.

White House directs Army Corps of Engineers to examine ways to fund the Border wall through the Military.

Journalist from one of the biggest French networks stumbles and the Yellow Vests descend on him. Tweet reads:
A team of journalists from the chain @LCI targeted by protesters in #Rouen. The two journalists were accompanied by two security guards, one of whom had to be taken to the hospital.:

The Best Van Halen cover you will ever hear:

Whoever selects the music and the imagery for these videos is a genius – feel the emotional, enthusiasm surge you get, which is wholly separate from the logical support for the border:

We think with logic, but there are a lot of people who “think” with those emotional responses to imagery. If Trump were not astute enough to use that knowledge so well, he would have been destroyed by the organized corruption in government, the media, and the world stage.

Q gave the “Quad Booms” and now Trump on twitter tells us to “Just Watch” for something coming:

Tell others about r/K Theory, because nobody Trumps the Trump

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Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

The child bride link is a duplicate of link just previous to it.

6 years ago

CTH has video of the border wall construction continuing…..

Wonder if Trump’s tax return data is somewhere on one of these CDs the IRS handed over to the FBI/DOJ?

If there is anything They would have used it by now, which means the Dem Bill is just political theatre around the issue.

6 years ago

The U.K. is headed for a major turning point with the vote on Tuesday for May’s Brexit deal which is nothing short of a stitch up. All sorts of political shenanigans and open rule breaking going on. Can’t predict the outcome but can say with certainty our political situation is in for a huge upheaval and massive change.

6 years ago

FYI: The “child brides” redirect link is incorrect.

Reply to  Bonaventure
6 years ago

And “Dr. Doom” redirect link not working.

6 years ago

Weaponized Waves (sound, radio, microwave, the entire spectrum). A number of blogs have discussed the installation of “5G” devices on structures around the nation. There have been reactions to this network all physical and all bad. From what I have read there have been lawsuits some successful to have them removed. Wifi up close is bad for you and having a cell phone in your pocket can give you “leg tingles” how can this be good. All Amateur Radio is warned about the dangers in your own system so being careful is part of the deal. I concur with other commenters and would suggest putting a Faraday cage around your work space and maybe in your sleeping area, very ugly decorating wise but effective. Have a radio ham do the grounds to avoid a ground loop.

On Breitbart both yesterday and today is a picture of Soros and Cackles on a stage. If you look at the picture you will see that he is holding both of her hands at the junction of hand and wrist. It tells who is in control. Cackles cannot move without his permission. Not her arms, feet, or body; Cackles is being held in complete submission and in public so everyone can see and know who is master.

Yesterday there was a story of a renouned cancer researcher who died immediately after a “routine” vaccination for travel. My warning to everyone, if you need a vaccination never go to the same place twice and not a “free clinic”. Do not make an appointment just show up and hope for the best. Same for your children, your Doctor may be well meaning but rest assured that he has absolutely no knowledge of what is in the vial. He may think he does and may know what the stated ingredients are but he DOES NOT KNOW. Read about what is happening in Chicom land.

AC, I have my computer pretty well locked down so your rebroadcast of clips will not play. Would you please lay in links so I can follow them, thank you. Please keep up the good and needed work.

Thanks Goose

6 years ago

Sorry to hear about your recent troubles AC.

I remember getting on 20 years now reading an article about what were then called “non-lethal weapons.” They were, quite simply, scary. I remember reading about sonic weapons, light weapons and microwave weapons. The reason why these technologies were not really being discussed was because the weapons were designed to be used against civilian populations. Anyone hearing that would then likely ask, “Are these weapons intended to be used against me.”

Anyways, that was, as I said, a long time ago now. If development of these weapons has continued, which is a certainty, then they are alot scarier now than they were back then.

Hang tough.

6 years ago

“US approved thousands of applications to bring child brides to the US.” AC, the hyperlink is to the previous story on cellphone data being sold.

6 years ago

I’ve just remembered the piece I read on non-lethal weapons. It was “Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies” and it was published in 2002:

6 years ago

There already is a technology that would make chemotherapy obsolete :

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right

6 years ago

AC — maybe this weapon is not sonic, but electro-magnetic in nature. You might only be “perceiving” it as having a sonic component. In fact, I’d be surprised if it were sonic, because of the unpredictable way that building materials, pipes, etc. would interfere with, reflect, distort, etc. the directed sonic waves.

You could easily test this by building a Faraday cage to sleep in.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Basil
6 years ago

I think you’re right that Faraday cages don’t always work. Think of a tin roof. The electromagnetic rays of the Sun hit it and it reradiates further. If the frequency is right then it will just reradiate whatever frequency they’re emitting right through the material.

Here’s another idea. You need depth to absorb the radiation. Buy a bunch of 5 gallon buckets. Fill with water and as much salt as you can mix in. Salt is cheap if you get it from a pool supply, farm supply store or bulk somewhere. Last time I bought some, many years ago, it was like $5 per 40 lib. bag or something like that for swimming pool salt. I bought about 200 lb. because I’m a nutty prepper. Array them, the buckets of salt water, in in a pattern around where you sleep so that they cover you’re head horizontally. Make a circle of them elevated to equal the height of your head. I think any practical radiation frequency they could use will be blocked by the salt water. (The length of antennas gets ridiculous and unworkable if they want lower frequencies to go through water. Look up Submarine communication antennas. Miles long.) Anyways this is cheap and easy to whip up.

6 years ago

Your child bride link is the same as the one above it.

Found a humorous meme to go along with your assertion of all the pointless surveillance out there.

I be like, “Just downloaded some really weird porn on the intarweb. Better get a team right on it.” 😛

6 years ago

As to the quip about Flight 610, if you have a sufficiently advanced technology whose misuse or sabotage in even very minor things could be fatal, how does one truly protect themselves, let alone prove that what occurred was due to an active agent and not just fate finally catching up?

I mean, if you compare the maintenance of the sensor to say the composition of a vaccine, or the genetic structure of a GMO crop, the level of expertise required to sort truth from lies is very high.

Even so, Challenger was apparently due to an o-ring used at a colder temperature than the design specification intended. How difficult is it to tamper with a modern car with fancy electronic connectivity versus one that’s still got a mechanical carburetor?

The level of knowledge required to be guaranteed that what you have is exactly what it is supposed to be, and that it will do exactly and only what it is supposed to do, is so high, that one person cannot learn all of it, or ensure all of it, themselves.

And yet we also live in a low-trust society where one can safely assume that, even if the nominal mechanisms, biological or physical, are exactly as described, that someone is always trying to screw you over, or maybe just the guy in the seat next to you, or the car behind you, etc, and you’re just a medium they need to get at their intended target.

Perhaps on these grounds, the paranoia that our host demonstrates can be grounded a little more easily, that such ease in suspecting anything and everything is not a delusion, but merely the logical conclusion one is required to arrive at when the facts are put together.

Luddites aren’t 100% correct, but they aren’t 100% wrong either.