News Briefs – 01/11/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

For those who don’t know, I am not of the machine, though I comment on politics. That has brought to my door what Q has talked about – a conspiracy using CIA-like intelligence techniques to try and drive any uncompromised voices out of the dialog. It is pretty much what drove Vault-Co off the internet. I composed much of this post early, went to bed, and found myself being hit with some sort of directed energy thing last night. It began at the stomach, then focused intensely in the chest for a bit, then hit the neck in the area of the thyroid, which began to feel a little swollen when I got up. At that point I had enough, got up and moved to another part of the house which seemed to reduce it to minimal status. I ended up doing the post last night on surveillance in response. About an hour later, after eating something, my heart rate proceeded to jump in a minute from the normal 50 beats per minute to over 160 as I sat on the couch, with pretty extreme irregularity interspersed throughout. It was like that for about an hour, and then dropped back almost to normal in about a minute. I am not sure if that is something Directed-Energy-like they use, as in Q saying “heart attacks happen,” or if it was set up by tissue damage done in the previous hit to the GI Tract, thyroid, and heart, designed to work together by provoking inflammation, nervous irritation, and maybe some sort of thyroid storm. I could see them designing it to trigger a thyroid storm set off by the inflammation in the thyroid and heart being accelerated from larger immunogenic proteins entering the blood from food meeting a damaged GI Epithelial cell layer and causing a systemic immune response that would amp up local inflammation from tissue damage in the heart and thyroid. I am not sure that fits with it abating so quickly, though. Like much of the last few years, it was a wild ride. People have no idea how the technology has advanced or how freely they will use it, given how unlikely they are to be caught. Regardless, I suspect there are things in this post which may have provoked the first hit and contributed to the second, though which thing specifically it might be, I cannot say.

Sources say White House has quietly told allies to begin preparing for the replacement of Ginsburg.

An interesting dig on Pelosi’s father’s FBI files here and here. Salient points in no particular order – he was big in Baltimore politics, and elected to Congress. He made it known that as a Congressman he wanted either everyone searched when they left the DC Navy Yard (which sounds like it would have been impossible), or nobody searched (ie he tried to kill searches for someone) (interesting in that Aaron Alexis was under the belief that those who were hitting him with directed energy weapons operated out of the DC Navy Yard, which would have made it a good denied area to use as a base of operations and central data processing center, assuming Marines weren’t searching you every time you came and left. Navy yards also tend to house companies and startups these days, perhaps perfect for a pseudo-governmental “research company”). He tried to grab reports by FBI on Hatch act investigations (to apprise Cabal of all investigations?). Het got on well with Hoover and the FBI, while being close to Communist groups (I wonder if Communist purges of the 50’s were merely purges of non-Cabal communists, to make sure Cabal always had full control of all groups). His son, and Nancy’s brother was arrested for the gang rape of two girls, aged eleven and thirteen, by nine or ten boys, and when the FBI contacted everyone involved, they all said it was just a rumor that he was arrested and tried for. In another spot it says Pelosi’s dad thought he was guilty and told him he should plead guilty and “take his medicine.” Also says he felt this was political enemies out to get him and nothing would have happened if it wasn’t his son. Later it says the son was acquitted, some thought because his father exerted influence, because all of the other boys were found guilty. Later still, he was charged with rape again, and charges were dropped. Another page of how nobody has a bad thing to say about him, although they wouldn’t let him award contracts without being overseen by somebody. Some sweetheart contract deals he supplied, an associate’s record of thefts, assaults, and a killing which were dismissed and treated lightly. A dig on his associations with the Mob, interference in Police investigations, and ties to “local hoodlums,” all of which is classed as “rumors” by FBI and is only be mentioned by FBI because he was about to receive a Presidential appointment and it was about to come out anyway. Interesting – was it that Cabal feared they could not contain everything back then, or did an individual agent engage in this ass-covering revelation of allegations against him, but covering of his reputation, because none of them knew how controlled everything else was as well? Lots of redactions once they got into the criminal stuff which was probably quite juicy – they redacted entire paragraphs, and each paragraph was a different allegation, so they weren’t just redacting criminal intelligence unrelated to Pelosi’s dad, they were redacting the entire allegation. He was visiting Hot Springs Arkansas for unknown reasons in 1960, and the hotel owner said he had been making such trips for 10 years. He suffered a “Nervous Breakdown in 1961, for which he was hospitalized for four months. Also redacted was a section that implied he was confined to a hospital for an indeterminate time during his son’s trial in the 50’s, and strangely had Police pulled to provide him and his family with special personal security for reasons unknown, according to the report, although one associate who offered a reason that was redacted. Paranoia and mental breakdown due to stress? Lot redacted there. Get a powerful target hospitalized under the care of an MK Ultra therapist, in preparation for a full turning? Long story short, an early glimpse into the Cabal’s melding of both politics and crime, and the way they interacted before we had the ability to know anything was amiss. Also, given how corrupt all our politicians are, and how their FBI files must look, you can see why Hillary, taking one look at one of these files, would immediately request all of them on all her political opposition back when Bill was in the White House.

Harvey Weinstein gets Ashley’s Judd’s sexual harassment lawsuit dismissed.

Toxic chemicals in tooth floss.

Swiss woman arrested for assault after slapping a migrant who had groped her repeatedly. This is not coincidence or accidental. And it is not Swedes supporting this. This is a foreign entity that views Swedish girls as a threat creating a narrative that you are helpless. Clean your guns, sharpen your knives, ready yourself for when the time comes, and focus on uncovering who is behind this now while it is still not time to act, because we are not helpless if we focus ourselves now on the tasks to be done before we start slitting throats and dropping bodies. Brevik would have made himself infinitely more useful if he had dedicated himself to finding the source.

Paul Ryan removed Devin Nunes as a committee chair for revealing to Trump he was under illegal surveillance.

Criminal Foreigners in prison cost taxpayers $1.4 Billion per year.

Take a drive down the scenic streets of Venezuela. Wait, actually that’s California under Democrat leadership:

Q-anon follower ho had been in therapy and diagnosed as schizophrenic became convinced his brother was a reptilian, and killed him by stabbing him in the head with a sword. Gizmodo article contains this gem: “… Wolfe also frequently posted about QAnon—a far-right conspiracy theory originating on the anonymous 4chan imageboard. Believers assert Trump is waging a secret war against a sinister cabal of Democratic pedophiles and their “deep state” allies. It’s absolutely as ludicrous as it sounds, but has become a sort of Internet-based cult.” Me thinks they doth protest too much.

The Pentagon has been keeping shadowy military bases off its official records, and now it is bringing the troops home from them. Interesting – Obama wanted ISIS supported, the Pentagon had secret base to fight it, and now that ISIS is defeated, and the Storm appears imminent, they are shutting the base down and bringing everyone home. Did the Whitehats need to keep their actions against the Cabal off the books under Obama?

Amazon Ring video cameras were open to whole teams of employees in foreign companies. Feeds were unencrypted, and open to viewing by R&D teams in Ukraine. Ukraine was a Cabal controlled zone, which even had its gold spirited away in the middle of the night. Coincidence?

Obama appointed Judge rules Rick Scott violated Broward Election Supervisor Brenda Snipe’s Constitutional rights by suspending her.

Woman in China feels nauseous and has ringing in her ears, goes to bed, and wakes up unable to hear lower frequencies, as in men’s voices. Was she hit with a sonic weapon as part of a human test? It is out there.

Kamela Harris to announce 2020 bid soon.

Mexico prepares for next Central American migrant caravan.

Recession in Germany likely, thus a K-shift is imminent.

Flashback – China has bought up most of Hollywood. Think logically. There is a global Cabal that dominates America. It wants control of the culture. Hollywood defines the culture. Would the Cabal allow China to buy up Hollywood? More evidence that Cabal was relocating their power center to China, and that they saw America as being much less important in the Global order going forward. Interesting pre-Q tidbit that fits, looking back.

All arrestees in California will put DNA into the federal database, whether they are convicted or not.

Complete chaos as Brazil’s gangs go ballistic over Bolsonaro’s crackdowns. My guess is Cabal has a quick reaction force waiting south of the border, throughout Central America, on call, waiting to be flooded up here when things go hot. The Caravans may even be infrastructure and logistical dry runs, to make sure they can hustle them up here as fast as possible once the Cabal puts up the batsign for them.

Fusion GPS-linked group also worked on the Alabama False Flag. Sounds like a long-running conspiracy of specific groups to subvert US elections.

Wife of Mueller’s protégé is hearing Mueller’s case?

White women’s fertility rates are down, too low for replacement. I see everything as somehow evolved. I suspect this may be the beginning of the K-shift, as psychologies shift from reproduction to survival. Don’t think populations are always reproducing at top speed, and don’t think the fluctuations between reproducing quickly, and reproducing much slower are not affected by environmental inputs. Those effects are programmed to be most advantageous to survival through eons of natural selection. My guess is, if white women are not reproducing, it is because there genes are telling them the goal very shortly will simply be to survive, so that one may reproduce in the nirvana which will come after.

Saudi monument to Allah erected at World Trade Center site.

Earth’s magnetic field is skipping away under the crust unusually quickly, and scientists cannot figure out why. It is forcing navigation software that uses magnetic north to implement rapid updates to correct for the change. Relevant in that unusual geological changes may accompany the K-shift.

Schumer calls to withdraw the Barr nomination for Attorney General. Mueller’s best friend is no good?

Mexico finds 20 bodies, 17 of them burned. A good housecleaning is going on down there, but it is not clear if it is the Mexican President or Cabal doing the cleaning.

Massive Canadian money laundering scheme slips away because prosecutors “accidently” revealed the name of a key informant, endangering his life.

Bezos had no prenup. Or that is what they are saying. Would a company that big not be concerned about this possibility, and its effect on the company? He may just be transferring a lot of his wealth to her, to preserve it for after the Storm.

Yellow Vests have destroyed 60% of speed cameras. Interesting application of the premise that strengths and gains can set the stage for weaknesses and losses. A lot of traffic cameras can supply a steady stream of income. But if there are enough, the government will become dependent on the income and destroying them can drive a government to its knees without actually fighting anyone or destroying any property.

Trump may dip into excess disaster funds from California and Puerto Rico to help fund the wall.

An anon on Q’s board reminds people what the number 17 means in the bible:

Allison Mack looks downtrodden leaving court while the prosecution look ebullient.

Nancy Salzman was released from home detention, indicating she may have cut a deal in the NXIVM case. Her daughter is moving to have her case severed from Mack and Raniere’s cases, which, depending on how it is handled, might be a sign she is also going to cooperate.

Trump tells California it needs to get its act together and begin taking measures to prevent forest fires if it wants to continue to receive federal aid.

Iran cancels scheduled impeachments of corrupt officials of Prime Minister Rouhani because the regime is too unstable to proceed right now.

Italy’s Salvini Visits Poland To Discuss “Eurosceptic Alliance”

Dummy Jim Acosta went to a portion of the border with Trump’s slat fencing, and he notes there are no migrants and no crisis there.

Trump administration lays groundwork to declare National Emergency and build the border wall.

Cher deleted her tweet demanding Pelosi and Schumer give in to Trump, but it was such a big, beautiful tweet it deserves archiving here:

Notice also, Liberals think differently from us and tell you how they think. They are not the types of minds that like to fight, nor can they embrace long, arduous fights. Case in point : One thing Cher thinks will highlight her point, and shake Nancy and Chuck into giving up, is this phrase which she used as her closer: “He stops at nothing!” It betrays that she sees Trump as a relentless, Terminator-like machine that will never stop until he has defeated them. That she cites it when constructing a persuasive argument designed to appeal to fellow liberals betrays that it is that specific aspect of him that terrifies her. It terrifies her because it means there is no quick, easy victory to be had against him. That quick, easy victory is what her neurological programming is designed to require. If she doesn’t see it, as an r-strategist she is programmed to migrate out until she finds an environment of quick, easy victories. But all she sees here is a long, drawn out battle, that will never end, against an enemy that will never quit, and to her that is horrific. And she knows if Chuck and Nancy realize all of that, they will cave. Of course once they cave, the tone will be set for many, many future victories. People laugh at the 4D chess-playing meme, but Trump really set the stage for this Xanatos gambit quite well. At this point there is nothing the democrats could possibly do that will produce anything resembling a victory. Just brilliant. And on top of that he is relentless, too.

Border Wall GoFundMe heading for $20 million.

Trump, by winning, and more importantly looking like a winner, is drawing the lemmings over to his side. It is truly amazing that at this critical juncture, somebody with the absolute complete, perfectly developed skill set would show up, just in time to pull us back from the abyss. God loves America the myth, and He is fighting to make it real as much as everyone else.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the battle never ends

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6 years ago

Regarding Pelosi’s dad and Little Rock: Arkansas is apparently a hotbed of cabal activity. Neon Revolt did a post on it several months ago around the time that DOJ 757 was ferrying back and forth between Andrews and Little Rock to load documents from something we still don’t know about.

17 is also the number for YWHW.

6 years ago


This reminded me of your theory that World Wars could had been planned to cull K selected warrior types en-mass by the cabal: – “How the US got bankrupt and how public debt got so high”

Give it a read fren, that anon basically confirms your theory using some interdasting data.

6 years ago

Another possible cabal operative. Dude knocks multiple times on the door and is pictured holding some sort of device. Like the comments say, it could also be a ham radio guy trying to find some source of interference as well so who knows.

Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Regarding white women fertility: Do you think there is a danger of the white race becoming almost extinct? That does seem to be the goal of the Cabal.

Will the white race defend itself in time before there are too few remaining?

What about the white women who have children with non-white men? Is that good in a way because it shows us where the rabbit/liberal genes are in the whites so that we get rid of them?

Once K is here, then is it best for whites to have children only with whites who have not bred with nonwhites? So the white race is more K.

6 years ago

“I composed much of this post early, went to bed, and found myself being hit with some sort of directed energy thing last night. It began at the stomach, then focused intensely in the chest for a bit, then hit the neck in the area of the thyroid, which began to feel a little swollen when I got up. At that point I had enough, got up and moved to another part of the house which seemed to reduce it to minimal status.”

No, you didn’t. You had a top-down placebo experience, just like the people who wear crystal necklaces and insist they can feel the healing energy field it gives off do. You gave yourself so much anxiety over the idea that it significantly increased your heart rate. Only when you sat down did it pass.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It’s probably the same guy as usual ( and a more recent conversation), taking a break from firing PLACEBO at someone.

Regarding directed energy weapons, J.C. Bose “was also the first to study the action of microwaves in plant tissues and corresponding changes in the cell membrane potential”, over a century ago.

Lang was probably right that the device was a thermal imager. I don’t know why they would use it, maybe looking for cause for a search warrant (courts have ruled that all 100 W light bulbs indicate a marijuana growing operation) so they could wear their uniforms when they murdered him. Fresno is a big city with a notoriously corrupt PD; they were definitely active in gangstalking him.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The reason I can so confidently write it off is because you believe in the Q-anon conspiracy with the same fervent conviction. If we run through the list, some of Q’s false predictions have so far included:

1) In his first post on October 28th 2017, Q claimed Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested and that her passport had been flagged internationally to prevent an escape. Massive riots were to follow. The prediction turned out to be completely fake – nothing of the sort ever happened.

2) Two hours later, Q claimed Hillary Clinton had been detained but not arrested. Another complete lie.

3) On the 1st of November 2017, Q claimed Podesta would be indicted on November 3rd, followed by Huma on the 6th.

4) Half an hour later, Q told us to get the popcorn ready because in a few days the president was going to deliver on the MAGA promise to drain the swamp. Trump subsequently went on his Asia tour, and not a single person in the government got removed. Q also claimed the national guard was being activated across selected cities, something which never happened either.

5) Later that day, Q claimed the proof would begin on November 3rd.

6) On November 2nd, Q said that because of the riots due to be caused by Podesta’s arrest, a state of temporary military control was about to be issued, and that Trump would be using the Emergency Broadcast System to talk directly to the people, bypassing the media.

7) Continuing, Q said Trump was about to issue a massive military purge nicknamed “The Storm”, and that he would tweet: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.” No purge happened, nor did Trump tweet as Q had predicted.

8) On the 3rd, Q stated that “it had begun” and that Podesta’s plane was now being forced down. Unfortunately, it not true. No planes were brought down, no arrests and no riots occured.

9) On March 1st 2018, Q claimed Angela Merkel was the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler with zero evidence to back it up. The people behind Q must have had fun with this one.

10) On April 4th 2018, Q claimed Mark Zuckerberg was about to step down as chairman of Facebook and flee the US. Nine months later he’s still in charge of the company and hasn’t fled the country either.

11) On the 9th of April, Q said Jack Dorsey of Twitter was next in line after Zuckerberg. Fake as usual.

12) On the 27th of June 2018, Q asserted this would be the month “the world discovered the TRUTH”. What came of the big reveal? Nothing. Yet another fake prediction from Q.

So what are we left with? Since Q has been proven to be a hoax, any theory which relies on that axiom must also be false. The cabal, as described, does not exist. “The Storm” is not coming. Trump is not draining the swamp. None of the supposed crimes of the DC elite will be exposed. What it has done is neuter a considerable portion of the conservative base, who now believe all the country’s problems will be sorted out by themselves. No need to organize, to hold the president accountable, to put pressure on him to fulfill his promises when he constantly betrays us. We’ll just collectively hold Trump’s beer while him and Q sort things out.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

And by that you mean, you scrawled “PLACEBO” on the side of that nasty little machine.

6 years ago

“One night in Austin, Texas … the sports scribe, 33 years old, a heavy drinker and out of shape, was invited … to train in Krav Maga, the Israeli art of self-defense. Born into a Jewish family that found violence repugnant, Mr. Rosenblatt recalls being bullied as a child and programmed to run away from fights

… the author finds something missing from ‘this very sweet, safe suburban life … some emptiness of experience, some desire for authenticity that seems to find satisfaction only in fighting.'”

From a book review in today’s WSJ, A13, Josh Rosenblatt’s “Why We Fight.”

6 years ago

Brother I hope you are taking care of yourself and being extra vigilant. Praying for your safety!

kelly gray
kelly gray
6 years ago

in re bodily attacks, 3 words: dead man switch

6 years ago

There’s been a lot of rumbling in the Evangelical “prophetic” world lately, and the phrase “My America” keeps coming up. (“My” as in God’s posessive, not personal possessive.) Weighing your last statement in light of that, I’m starting to believe it…

6 years ago

You probably already know this but look into SDR (software defined radio). Many units can be had for well less than $50 (plus your computer) and have frequency ranges from 500kHz up to about 2GHz. If you want to spend $ you can get 10GHz units for about $300.

I don’t know what freqs DEWs operate in but I would guess in the lower bands due to environmental absorption at higher freqs.

You could also use in conjunction with security cameras and see if any cars driving by are broadcasting at other than cell frequencies which you could then tie into automatic plate reading software and get a database of cars that are suspicious.

If/when you detect a DEW, you can then direction find it using either a directional antenna or there are projects out there to build your own 3 antenna DF rig.

Reply to  ShootyBear
6 years ago is relevant but not conclusive as to frequency. The rest of the page is interesting, but ignores the non-thermal effects caused by a modulated RF emission, and even claims that there are no non-thermal effects of RF whatsoever. The ARRL’s RF safety page briefly mentions the effects of modulated emissions, but also tries to discount them.

To focus onto the thyroid, the wavelength should be about 5 to 6 cm, or 5 to 6 GHz. (You would know the minimum wavelength (lambda) you have experienced; use f*lambda=c with appropriate unit conversions to find the band.) In the bands above 2 GHz (15 cm), a directional detector would be cheaper.

Thanks for making me do some more research. is also relevant to modulated RF; the paper by Frey cited there claims extremely low power densities are sufficient to beam a voice into someone’s head, so voice-to-skull can be implemented without the brain-boiling effects that They have been inflicting.

6 years ago

Chemicals are a major source of r-stimulus:

I think the level of r-stimulus we have now is artificially inflated due to pollution.