News Briefs – 01/10/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

President Trump called us to action – He wants us to call Congress and tell them to fund the Border. You can reach US representatives by calling 202-225-3121, and US senators by calling 202-224-3121.

Give this guy a youtube view, and spread him where you can – he interrupted Gavin Newsom’s swearing in to call him out for having blood on his hands over the murder of Cpl Ronil Singh:

Pelosi and Schumer rush to address the media after Trump dismisses them from a meeting for wasting his time on the border:

Notice how they adjusted the framing so you couldn’t see Nancy when she was not talking. I could not find a wide-framed video as was shown live, making me think the narrative crafters sent out word to edit the videos. In the original footage, before they cropped it to hide it, you could see Nancy has some tardive dyskinesia going on, as she keeps moving her mouth funny when she is not talking. You see it once just after 5:01 in this video, as she shifts her jaw to the side and licks her lips, something you will often see exhibited constantly in dementia patients as the jaw slacks to one side. Do it yourself, slack your jaw and let it slip to one side, and you will almost feel dumber and less able to process incoming stimuli. She has, at some point, been on some powerful psychotropics. No idea if she just can’t deal with stress, or if she was taken under control while under the care of a Cabal-affiliated therapist. Either way, Trump amygdala-hijacked them with a huge confrontational stimulus mixed with a dominance display that showed them they had no control, and then he violated their expectations by ending the meeting early (after opening with candy, setting an expectation he would be conciliatory). It must have been beautifully crafted.

Trump ended the meeting by saying “Bye Bye.” Trump knows things. Narcissists are triggered by endings like that – it is an excellent amygdala hijack. I don’t think I ever wrote about it here, but my Narcissist Bob was fired as a little kid from a supermarket job. As an adult, he would recount it, clearly reliving the trauma of how the shopkeeper said to him “Goodbye! – Goodbye!” As he would say those words, he would looked horrified, as if he was recounting being punched in the face. Years later, a female relative in an argument said to Bob, “Au Revoir! – Au Revoir!” as she walked away from him, and it quadrupled his rage. Clearly that type of ending is a trigger for Narcissists, perhaps because it emphasizes they are not in control of a social relationship. That triggering aspect is why it is so significant to the mediaites here, and why they felt the need to recount it and even put it in the headline.

Compare that to the video of Trump Fox posted here. (Fox does not allow multiple embeds, so I have to link)

I don’t know if it was purposeful, but this appearance was either brilliantly scripted or incredibly fortuitous. First Schumer shows up, carrying a desperate air, with Nancy Pelosi having some sort of neurological episode by his side. And then you have Trump, happy, relaxed, totally dominant, surrounded by serious men who look the epitome of health and strength. Trump’s group looked like a group of happy winners, while the Democrats looked like some unhappy handicapped kids on a field trip to the White House. Once you score an image win like that, what you say becomes completely secondary. There are two groups who are swing groups on this issue. One is the uneducated, uncommitted voter. They feel as if they don’t have a dog in this fight. The other is the weak leftist, who is easily intimidated, and terrified of loss. Both of those groups will swing wildly when they see imagery like this, because it looks like Republicans are winning, uncommitted voters want to win too, and because liberals are not cut out for long, slow slogs.

Case in point, Cher urges Schumer and Pelosi to cave, and fund the border wall. They do not see the world like us. They are very sensitive to conflict stimuli. So a long hard-fought battle is terrifying to them and they will cave if you trigger that amygdala with images of fighting superior enemy. And that amygdala will fixate on things we would never even look twice at. Notice also the phraseology – “Don’t die on that hill.” She sees it in terms of battle, and she feels like they will lose. Real Americans die on hills if the morality is sound. But not liberals.

Daily Show host Trevor Noah pleads with Democrats to just give Trump the wall, before Trump figures out all the power he has to do what he wants. If Cher and Noah thought that on their own, so did Pelosi and Schumer. And Pelosi and Schumer thought it before the din of voices from the left grew, demonstrating even their allies were abandoning them, which is undoubtedly adding to their calculations. I expect Pelosi and Schumer will cave if they have the choice, if Trump doesn’t move fast to do it himself. Although given the importance of the open border to Cabal, they may not be able to. If they don’t cave, then we know the border is everything to Cabal, and they are owned by Cabal. And once Trump starts construction, we will know a major blow has been struck by Trump and Q.

Liberals at Slate worry Trump’s speech was too effective. They are all starting to cave, and these types of articles are what will trigger the avalanche. If Nancy and Schumer have a choice, then Trump only has to decide if he wants to do it himself, and show them his power so they fear setting redlines with him in the future, or humiliate them, force them to capitulate, and get them accustomed to giving in for future negotiations by getting them to do it that first time, and burn that first acclimatization pathway into the brain.

There was also the incident where Trump completely dominated Jon Karl of ABC. (Again, Fox won’t allow embeds)

In observing Trump in the context of amygdala, I have realized there may be another level of amygdala training beyond what I have been recommending, about embracing the stress. Seeing him actually enjoy wading into these conflicts, and slinging blows inspired this meme about brain development, which although funny, contains the secret of true brain development, if you look beyond the initial chuckle:

The truth is the physiological hallmarks of stress and exhilaration are quite similar. Win a multi-billion dollar powerball and have a near-death experience, and your blood parameters and hormone levels will be quite similar. Your heart will speed up. Your breathing rate will increase. You will release adrenaline and cortisol. If you can teach your brain to see stress as exhilaration, by realizing you aren’t about to get physically hurt, you will have the ability to go far.

Before we move on, it is just worth noting, this is what it looks like when an honest President represents the people who elected him. If we had any Honest President who hadn’t been a pawn of the powers that were, in the last 50 years, this would not look so amazing to us.

Bombard covers the body language of the competing national addresses on border security (notice Pelosi’s mouth is the capture of the video before you click it):

Senate President of Montana wants the state to send $8 million to Trump for the Border Wall.

5 Senators reintroduce the Wall Act, fully funding the Southern Border Wall.

Plurality of voters agree with Trump, say there is a crisis on the Border.

Poll shows Americans support Trump on pulling troops back in Afghanistan.

Rassmussen finds more Americans now believe the Senate should follow Trump’s lead.

Many Latinos are buying Trump’s arguments about preventing illegal immigration. It is their children who have to deal with the gang members in school and in the neighborhood. Those MS-13 dumping grounds are filled with bright young latino kids who were legal, and yet will never realize the American dream. Once they realize that, they are sold.

Trump openly calls out the media on working in concert with the Democrats. Again, liberals fear conflict. If they feel they are getting away with things, and nobody knows, they will amp it up. If they get called out and feel they will get caught, they will back down.

Incoming Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, who asked Kavanaugh about Military Tribunals, says he is about to do a deep dive into FISA abuses.

Officials in Scottsdale AZ halt work on a John McCain mural over “protocol” issues. The Senate quickly and quietly nixed a building rename too. The thought feels unbelievable, but logic indicates they all know a secret.

A few Texas landowners vow to fight Trump’s use of their land to build a wall. If Cabal depends on that border being open then you know they had Cabal assets buy up land to deny Border Patrol ease of access to it, to prevent an honest landowner from calling police when they saw something off, and to secure sections of open border for whatever it is they are doing.

Some of France’s Yellow Vests try to touch off a bank run by telling everyone to pull all of their money out of the banks. I don’t know if this is Q’s team, or Cabal trying to trigger a diversion in the form of a bank collapse. It might pay to consider either having Q take a more active role in offering direction on what to do and what not to do, or having Q give an imprimatur to someone else who would serve as an unofficial management of the rebellion. Otherwise, I could see the exuberance of these movements being diverted somehow, and maybe being used to hurt the movement.

Bezos and his wife are divorcing. You wonder, if the Storm hit, Jeff was comped, and he became legally liable for crimes he committed, and his fortune was seized, would this preserve half his fortune. Maybe, maybe not, but the timing is curious.

Supreme Court gives no hint when Ginsburg might return. Since she can’t be removed for inability to execute her duties, she could be in a coma, and her seat would be held. I suspect if she dies, they will claim she is simply too sick to show up, as with McCain. Technically hiding a body would be a crime. If they tried it, it would be funny to see Q SWAT the location and have her body discovered. Talk about a wake-up call to just how disingenuous the left is.

Attorney General to be, thinks Mueller is not on a witch hunt, and won’t fire him. The Daily Mail says he is Best Friends with Mueller. Is Mueller working as part of the Storm? Was Barr how they turned him?

Video is rolling as Ruth Bader Ginsburg leaves the hospital. If that is her, she doesn’t look good. But notice you never see her face, and the outlet which ran it is one which runs video that simply appears on its doorstep.

Romney finds himself at odds with other GOP Senators over his early and gratuitous attacks on President Trump.

Flashback – 80% of Central American women and girls are raped traveling to the US.

Inside Facebook’s cult-like workplace.

Americans increasingly accept facial recognition technology. It is all great, until you vote for the wrong candidate and you end up like Will Smith in Enemy of the State. I am beginning to wonder, in a Cabal-like environment, if the right moral play is not to stand for principles for everyone, but to focus on out-dictatoring the dictators, with an eye to cutting slack to the exceedingly small handful of Americans smart enough to want real freedom.

There is now a bodycam you wear which uses AI and facial recognition to identify everyone you meet so you will never forget a face or a name.

Europe buried under snow, 13 dead.

Here are the Obama officials who were caught running the false flag in the Alabama election. Personally, I am not entirely sure we were electing our leaders until Trump won, and I think his election only happened because somebody stopped it from being rigged behind the scenes.

Video editor on a small Seattle news affiliate edited Trump video of his address to loop him licking his lips as if befuddled, make the image look more Orange, and distort the image sideways. I did not see or record this myself, so investigate before rebroadcasting, but the editor is reportedly suspended. Amusing his station is listed a “Q13 FOX”

Flashback – Obama hatched a plan to declare returning veterans terrorist threats, in part to justify searches of their homes whenever there was a terrorist threat. Dollars to donuts that was being put in place because they had a problem with Military intelligence opposing Cabal’s seizure of the government, and they intended to take those patriots down when they ultimately took over. Their takeover schedule might have been much faster originally, and it got bogged down somehow, requiring Hillary.

CNNs Lockhart wants text of Trump speeches beforehand, so they can decide what is true and what is not, and what they will censor. Remember how weird, and unimaginable propaganda sounded as a kid? This is it, for real.

IBM unveils first commercial Quantum computer. You have to access its functions through the cloud, which is not surprising. They say it has special parameters that need to be maintained, but also, they will not want China spiriting one away.

Gun ownership in Europe is on the rise with terrorism and sexual assaults.

Netanyahu wants to meet with Trump two weeks before his election. He might be hoping that he will be able to reveal Cabal’s activities in his own country to help his electoral chances?

Former Israeli minister pleads guilty in Iran Spying case. It is not impossible an Israeli could be approached and turn for Iran. But how much easier it is to explain, if it is a quasi-agnostic Cabal which spans countries, and the Israeli was just a tentacle in Israel, passing his data to Cabal operatives in Iran.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because All it takes is the right leader, and we have the right leader

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6 years ago

Problem with your vids

Reply to  mobiuswolf
6 years ago

Cancel that, working now.

6 years ago

Alabama false flag…”I think his election only happened because somebody stopped it (voter swindling) from being rigged behind the scenes.”

Yes – and Hillarys looking crazy and spitting out angry – why am I not 50 points ahead – seems to me to be proof of that. A message to the cabal operators doing the voter fraud. She seemed ready to kill – in that video.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

The high profile nature of the Bezos’ breakup is what brings red flags. It’s been reported that one of the tabloids spent substantial energy trailing him with photographers. Which sounds a little odd because, really, how much interest could there be with their readers in Bezos’ personal life? And why is Bezos even tweeting on the subject? It all seems a little over-the-top.

Robert What?
6 years ago

I get that Chuck Schumer hates White people since he is not White, but why does Nancy Pelosi hate her own race so much?

Reply to  Robert What?
6 years ago

Robert. give me a break. 🙂 Oy with the subtle antisemitism. We Italians were not white when it was cool to be white (reference: “Its a Wonderful Life”), and now that it’s not cool to be white, we’re white! 8)
Many a Gumba mystified as that process rolled on.

If anything, I would say direct your hate at the miserable remnants of the Roman Empire/all European aristocracy as both seem to be a layer of Cabal respectively. I think the vile Rothchilds are just the new kids on the block doing dirty work for upper layers, a transition layer. Too visible. Too recent, too nouveau riche. But a superb peephole into that world, they just ooze authenticity in their evil, right out of central casting.

Anyway, I’m convinced our real enemy are the vile r-strategists especially the “smart and traitorous” variety and their Cabal masters.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  SilenceDoGood
6 years ago

SilenceDoGood: “We Italians were not white when it was cool to be white.”
Yes there was that prejudice. But now the white race in general is being exterminated so we have to band together to survive. Though, of course, still it will be tribal even within the ‘white’ race.

And an interesting perspective: Now a person who is half white and half black is called black. However, if blacks had been in power for the last few hundred years, then a half white and half black person would have been called white…

I agree r’s (rabbits) are the worst.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  SilenceDoGood
6 years ago

SilenceDoGood is most likely a Hasbara. Basically a Jewish person that derails “bad think” about the Jews. In this example, they have training manuals for this, he tries to deflect the idea that Jews as a rule are hostile and continuously work to destroy any population they live among. He says.”…direct your hate at the miserable remnants of the Roman Empire/all European aristocracy…the vile Rothchilds are just the new kids on the block…Anyway, I’m convinced our real enemy are the vile r-strategists…”

So it’s all over the place. He makes sure he hits the bullet point that it’s only selected Jews that are the problem and the rest is a hodge podge of targets.

Well then why is it that only two, two Jews that I know of have publicly noted that 9-11 was done by the Jews? Why is it that something anyone can readily see to note that it was an inside job is ignored by the Jewish media? The only person that covered it was Geraldo and he only did so once and then promptly shut up about it. That event was the fall of building 7 the same speed as a rock dropped in air. This means when the building fell it had no more support than the rock…air. It fell as if the only thing holding it up was air. We all know the building wasn’t floating in the air. There must have been some sort of demo and anyone with any high school physics can see this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Am just going back through your posts to catch up on comments,
Got to this one,

Aren’t they above the Juice?