News Briefs – 01/06/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Brexit vote fails.

An interesting snapshot of how the rabbit psychology prefers unarmed victims who are preyed upon by predators. Basically a female defended herself with a gun, and a leftist argues she should be disarmed, because the armed robber didn’t deserve to be shot. I’ve always hated predators, going back to when I was a little kid and the neighbor’s cat would try to kill the tamed birds I fed. Even today I can’t watch a video of a predator killing prey without wanting to take an AR and get into it to save the prey. For me, this girl wasting this guy is a beautiful thing. But as a kid I always wondered, why didn’t one rabbit develop the ability to fight off the Fox and become the dominant rabbit and have all the babies, creating a warrior line of rabbits that would have been clearly superior to the prey rabbits. But r-strategist rabbits would have shunned them, and not mated with them, and they would have died out, specifically because of their courage and ability. r-strategists love the predator because the predator eradicates the biggest threat to the r-strategist – namely the K-strategist. And they love that prey-model of living. The longer I look into this, the more I see good and evil, greatness and patheity, and God and satan. The rabbits don’t want greatness, they just want to make everyone else as pathetic as them.

The growing Partisan divide shows up among Sheriffs, where those in rural areas join Trump’s immigration push, while those in urban areas reject the federal government and offer local amnesty for illegals and declare their cities sanctuaries.

Rome decides to use $1.7 million in coins thrown in a fountain to rebuild infrastructure rather than contribute it to a Catholic Charity (Cabal slush fund), and “outcry” causes them to reverse course. So infrastructure will continue to collapse, but Cabal gets its shekels. I would assume there was no outcry, but the media needed some reason a terrified politician decided to reverse course suddenly for no reason.

The next migrant caravan has left Honduras. If Cabal is going to let loose a pandemic to slow the Storm, this might be it.

Interesting article on Attorney General Nominee Bob Barr’s CIA history. A turning point for CIA was likely 1994. I remember hearing way back that when Clinton was elected, there was a massive flood of CIA agents fleeing the agency. At the time it was portrayed as a protest of Clinton, but in retrospect, it has the feel of senior officers fleeing an agency that had come under the thumb of some operation that would take them out if they didn’t disappear. No telling the play here, but Barr’s history surely figures in, whether he was always rebelling against Cabal for within, or he was inside the conspiracy and turned.

Trudeau says it is dangerous to blame his immigration policy for the crimes committed by migrants.

DOJ fired and suppressed the opinion of vaccine industry scientist who explained why vaccines probably did produce autism. Clearly the government was owned by somebody. The questions are, was the autism an objective or a side effect, and did big pharma own the government directly, or were both owned by a more powerful entity which had extended tentacles down much farther into far more agencies and organizations, even down to the local level. Q said this is bigger than you can imagine.

Kasich signs with a talent agency, may sign with CNN. Update: Signs as senior political commentator with CNN. Cabal reward?

Obama Executive Order allows illegals to get tax refunds.

District Judge orders citizenship question struck from next census. Next stop, Supreme Court.

New Jersey AG orders all State and Local Law Enforcement to ignore ICE detainers and let illegals go free, helping them escape.

Facebook will pay $300 million to news media, probably in return for favorable coverage and Cabal protection.

Bill Gate’s former doctor says the billionaire refuses to vaccinate his children.

55 more men arrested in Yorkshire Britain over child sexual abuse.

Finns are demanding zero tolerance for migrants accused of sex abuse, with immediate deportation.

FBI’s former top lawyer subject of criminal media leak probe.

Al Shabab launches a terrorist attack on an upscale housing complex in Kenya.

Prosecution requests a delay in the March NIXIVM trial.

WhatsApp has a bug letting others read your text messages. Makes me wonder if you clone a target’s phone if it gives you instant access to their text messages, and as long as you don’t send any yourself, nobody will know. Might not be a bug, but rather a feature.

El Chapo paid a $100 million bribe to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. The difference between previous American Presidents and Mexican Presidents is Mexican Presidents demand their bribes up front. Of course the current President doesn’t even take a salary.

German domestic intelligence will officially declare AfD a target. If you think every member of AfD wasn’t under full, 24/7 coverage before, you have no idea how it works. Either AfD members have begun to notice coverage, and this is to cover their ass and make it official, or they are about to start amping up the harassment, and this is to make it official so they can’t complain.

Forest Service has built a pen for horses to be auctioned off for slaughter. Ship them to California, kill the mountain lions, and let these horses clear the underbrush to prevent forest fires. Another link from yesterday’s comments.

Israeli tank commander got out to go to the bathroom, forgot to put his tank in park, and couldn’t find it when he came back because it had rolled away with all of its crew asleep inside. Nobody hurt, so just a funny story.

Gangs are flexing their muscles with bombings in Brazil. Bolsonaro vs Cabal foot soldiers.

One third of British warplanes not ready for action. If it were purely money, Cabal would have its military subsidiaries get the contracts and make money off building these capabilities back up. But a strong West did not fit the script Cabal had written. I’m pretty sure we didn’t want to know how it was going to end.

400 person migrant crowd surges over the border into Yuma sector.

Rand Paul heads to Canada to get hernia surgery. Interesting. Rand is very high on Cabal’s shitlist. I wondered if that attack was somehow Cabal-motivated, and now with the Supreme Court about to hang in the balance, he is even more important. I wonder if he knows how bad things are, and how comped many medical professionals are, and as a result he doesn’t feel safe going under anesthesia in the US. In his position, I would actually have looked to going to Russia, no joke. It is possible he isn’t aware what we face crosses national borders.

New Migrant Caravan organizer arrested in Honduras on Rape Charges.

American College of Pediatricians urges a rejection of gender ideology being applied to children.

Democrats keep partying in Puerto Rico as the shutdown continues. Some on 8chan think they are capitalizing on a territory that is still in chaos due to infrastructure damage from the hurricane, and which might allow child trafficking by boat from nearby Haiti, to have one last Bacchanal before the hammer drops and the party is over. It would explain why they seem to not give a damn about the bad optics, and are even bringing in Hamilton to entertain them.

Navy is preparing to release killer robot ships..

Pentagon confirms that border troop deployments will be extended until September.

China tells state-run companies to not travel to the US or State-run allies in light of arrests of Chinese business people. Sounds like real action may be in the offing, and China has gotten wind of something.

McCabe was trying to reengage Christopher Steele, when Mueller was appointed, and disrupted their efforts. Interestingly the article implies McCabe wasn’t aware of the fact Mueller was about to be appointed, and it caught him off guard. Although whether Mueller was appointed as part of a Cabal plan and McCabe just wasn’t read in, or whether Mueller was Trump’s counter-attack and shut down McCabe’s plan with force is unclear.

Pompeo says the Trump administration is going to help the Iranian people take control of their Capitol.

Female Yellow Vester supports the Patriarchy, thinks it superior. It is interesting, in that as you head ever more K, women begin to find comfort in, and even desire those traditional K family models, just as when you head more r, women absolutely can’t stand them.

Senior government official says, he hopes the Shutdown continues because the government is now running efficiently, and not wasting money.

Millions of Chicagoans offered the opportunity to join a class action lawsuit against Facebook over photo-tagging.

Federal Judge orders discovery on Clinton Emails and Benghazi, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to be called to answer questions under oath.

Federal corruption investigation rolling through Hawaii’s government. Home of the Obama Birth Certificate. Note that Cabal appears to establish Areas of Operations, where they are in full control of everything, the local DA’s, LE, Political, local news affiliates, etc. So cleaning it out would require going from one to another. If they could produce Obama’s Birth Certificate, they didn’t just have that one asset under their thumb in that area, but rather had taken things over more holistically.

Piers Morgan says Gillette just cut its own throat with its idiotic toxic pussification ad. Men were already getting fed up.

Kim Jong Un’s righthand man is in Washington and working on setting up the next summit. Presumably that summit will be happening once the Storm is in effect.

Feinstein calls on Trump to close Guantanamo.

Which tells us there was a meeting between Nunes, Flynn, and dozens of foreign leaders. Could they have been setting the stage for the Storm?

Swing voters overwhelmingly support Border Wall. All looks well for 2020.

Trump may have maneuvered the Democrats into a trap which will allow him to radically downsize government without congressional approval. Once employees are furloughed longer than 30 days, all sorts of options open up, including permanent layoffs. Although this article says it is not necessarily so, depending on the type of furlough. I am not sure anybody knows what is possible, and in today’s environment you can either do anything, or do nothing depending on who the judge is who hears the immediate lawsuits over it.

IBD TIPP poll says public disdain for Mueller probe increasing as Trump approval goes up.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because evil never sleeps.

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6 years ago

Sexual trauma in children, especially under 7 years old; mental health drugs used at younger and younger ages over the past generation and a half; vaccination causing autism (or more in line with a mimicked effect)… all showing bifurcation of the mind? That is one hell of a coincidence that would be the aspect covered up.

Bifurcation of the mind can lead to amoral behavior, or at the minimum support thereof, where you do not object because the part of your brain that would tell you it is wrong is not fully accessible. Excessive emotional responses when confronted on amoral behavior would be indicative of this effect. And then in therapy when you try to converge those separate aspects and the patient goes either suicidal or homicidal….

And then you have the other side where some are so far into rational thought–like the skeptics that are so far off the mark they are ironically religious about it–that they have little, healthy access to their emotions.

The lack of empathy in both extremes is quite shocking–admittedly that may just be me.

The emotive and rational parts of the mind were meant to work together in harmony… are we seeing the results of experimentation to intentionally divide it?

6 years ago

Pawn shop owner in Chicago has seen increase in business due to shutdown.

Elsewhere I’ve seen it is 22 working days before workers can be let go. As the shutdown started before Christmas that may be longer than 30 days from the start to include the holidays as well as weekends.

Some have suggested that these federal workers get jobs in the private sector. Question is, would these companies want to hire public sector workers? If they can’t get things done and are only interest in the process and avoid actually taking any action, then they aren’t qualified to hold any job in a private company.

6 years ago

>Even today I can’t watch a video of a predator killing prey without wanting to take an AR and get into it to save the prey.

The irony is, the K urge to defend the underdog can result in promoting the r strategy and population, and thereby undermining K.

The missing piece is, that defensive urge is properly applied to the weaker, disadvantaged members of one’s own in-group, not to just anyone. The unstated assumption is that all your countrymen or all mankind are your in-group. But is that really the case? Those of us brought up on the “American hero” ideal of an older generation have to break that programming and use our heads.

Only then, atop a foundation of natural moral reasoning, can we begin to appreciate the supernatural mandates of universal justice and mercy, and do the moral calculus of who to help and exactly what “help” means in a given situation.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

What came to mind immediately after reading the headline about and quote from Gillibrand running for president is:

Leftists/progressives/Libs/Cabal? (and incidentally the names of many “bills” that end up meaning the exact opposite of what you think the name of the bill means) always hide things in the open…

…”I am going to fight for other people’s kids…”

I took this to mean fresh attacks on parents, parental rights, ability for schools to hide even more of the filth/depravity they are pushing to public school students, attacks on homeschooling rights, etc.

6 years ago

Bill Gate’s former doctor says the billionaire refuses to vaccinate his children.

I was solidly pro-vacc before this. I can’t get past the concept of “look at what they do, not what they say.” Now I’m on the fence.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

if you think about it isn’t a tough call. the body creates antibodies to foreign things. injecting foreign viruses and proteins into flesh and the body makes antibodies. the medium they use can setup all kinds of autoimmune reactions that no one has studied. like allergies.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

I always tell people who promote routine vaccination that they should definitely get all of them. Then I won’t have to.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…Bill Gate’s former doctor says the billionaire refuses to vaccinate his children…”

If this is true then it’s ominous. He knows a lot of what is going on in the vaccine industry.

The real shame of this is I believe in vaccines. Vaccines are excellent health measures. If they are spread out and they use less of the immune system boosters and more of the virus they can be effective without over loading the immune system. I don’t think they can be 100% safe but I bet it could be greatly improved. The problem is the companies and individuals making and promoting these can’t be trusted to make a reasonably safe, effective vaccine. Some of them are downright nefarious and it’s extremely likely that in one case that can be strongly documented they set out to murder people with influenza viruses. This was the vaccine made by Baxter for swine flu destined for the Ukraine. A medical technician decided on his own to test the batch that came in on ferrets they use to test them and they all died, stopping the disbursement of the contaminated vaccine. I saw a long video by a physician that stated that the protocol for manufacturing vaccines is set up in such a way that this contamination is impossible and that it being contaminated as it was meant it was deliberate. There’s also a guy in the industry that called up a talk radio station saying that it was deliberate. The next day he tried to flee to Israel, he was Jewish, and was attacked by the swat team with tear gas and dragged out of his car. They said he threatened the President. I don’t know what happened to him I’ve never seen anything else about him but the videos of him being stopped by an armored car and tear gassed in his car are still online.

Now some wild assed speculation as to why they did this. This won’t make sense unless you understand my assumptions. I believe the Jew are a tribe of psychopaths. Certainly not all but a high percentage compared to other populations of humans races.This means that a lot of things that are hidden become perfectly obvious if you think this way. Think of a predator that has no hesitation to use any means at their disposal to push events the way they want. Think Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot.

The Jews 9-11 plan is not working. They planned to disrupt all the counties around them, take away all their leadership and maybe eventually expand into their territory. Saddam is gone, Qaddafi is gone but they don’t dominate these areas like they thought. Now I could have told them this wasn’t going to work because out this sort chaos breeds hard Men who can’t be pushed around. Combine this with the serious defeat in Lebanon of the Israeli army by Hezbollah. Sure they could bomb everything but they NEVER had any control of the ground game, bombing is expensive and killing a bunch of civilians is bad for business. This was like a electric jolt to the brain. It really scared the hell out of them.

So here’s where I tie it together. I believe that the Jews are looking for a back up homeland. They tried China and India. India is not well developed and the Chinese, being crafty folks, handed them their asses. They can’t compete with another clannish group that is just as smart. So they are trying to depopulate and dismember Ukraine as a back up. The flu combined with the civil was to cause as many deaths as possible.

This may all seem silly but if they are a tribe of psychopaths then it makes perfect sense. Maybe I can’t prove they are a tribe of psychopaths but there’s no doubt that the past history of behavior of the Jews moving into a territory has the exact same results as if a tribe of psychopaths has moved in so whether they are clinical psychopaths or not is irrelevant.

6 years ago
Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

Re: District Judge orders citizenship question struck from next census

Per Wikipedia: “[Judge Jesse] Furman is Jewish.”

It’s astonishing how your preferred euphemism “Cabal” always starts with a “J.”

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

Except when it doesnt. Think bigger.