News Briefs – 01/06/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q is back, commentary, if any, after each drop:

What happens when all ‘insiders’ know the news is FAKE?
What happens when all ‘insiders’ know [AS] is the leak of false data?
What happens when a member of the House Intel Comm purposely leaks FAKE & FALSE data to ‘friendly’ news sources in order to maintain & portray a FALSE NARRATIVE to the public?
How do you build a case against a member of the House Intel Comm if they themselves have access to the intelligence?
What critical ‘mission’ did SESSIONS publicly announce re: leaks?
Why did SESSIONS make this PUBLIC?
Optics are important.
Control of the NARRATIVE.
RE: MUELLER deleted ‘critical’ text messages between PS+LP?
Re_read Re: [MUELLER] designed to….
The ‘MUELLER’ insurance policy has expired.

That Brit Hume Tweet which Q highlighted, was an email exchange between a reporter, his editor, and a woman who did legal work for the NRA years back, and served on the board more recently. Apparently Democrats picked out her name, and made up a story that she had told NRA, from inside, that she was worried they were colluding with the Russians, and she was worried about all the money the Russians were illegally funneling through the NRA to alter our electoral outcomes. They then fed it to a reporter who would run with it, who I wouldn’t be surprised is a knowing agent of Cabal, and was placed specifically there for job like this. The entire story was made up, she hadn’t even done any legal work for the NRA since before Obama’s second campaign, and she told the reporter this. They still ran a story claiming she told the NRA that they were going over the line legally. Yes, this furthers Vox Day’s contention you should never deal with the media. But it furthers something more important, as well. We are targets of a first-rate intel operation, just like the CIA would have run to take down a Latin American dictator. It is sophisticated. It is complex. it is centrally organized. It is massively manned, with highly-trained specialists in a diverse range of specialties collaborating to make everything go as smoothly as possible. They did not pick her name out of a hat. The people organizing this most likely knew her, in a way even members of her family may not have. I do not understand the economics. The scale relative to the economics still does not make sense to me. I can only conclude that power is more valuable than the worthless fiat those in power print so freely, and the people who run this would spend every last fiat penny to be in power.

Most importantly, notice the difference in psychologies. She is dedicated to truth, and even expects that others would be too, or at least that they would be averse to being “wrong” factually. She assumes they are dealing with her individually. But that is not how it works. Nothing is about truth, and those dealing with you may have gotten orders from some other, well funded organization, making your interaction a mission, more than an interaction. That is the game. While she was focused on a battle relating to truth, her opponents had crafted a very complex plan to use her to deny the allegation so they could put the allegation in front of others, as part of a larger plan to create plausible deniability with the public to do something.

My best guess on this larger game is that we are about to see a naked grab of power by somebody. On the one side are Trump, Q, and patriots who grew up with the American myth, and internalized it so completely they are now ready to implement it by force, since it will never exist in reality any other way from now on. The Cabal knows this, and they sit on the other side. They know that in a set period of time, the news will play stories of patriots seizing power from traitors, and America saved from the brink through an aggressive, bold seizure of power from the traitors in control. I suspect they said, “If that side can do it and likely get away with it, then so could we.” Mueller, Russian collusion, Putin, outside influencers, I think they were all setting the stage for the counter-plot, which was to see those exact same stories on the news, only portraying brave leftists who had saved our government from right-wing traitors who had volunteered as Russian Agents, and taken over our government on behalf of a foreign power.

I am beginning to think Hillary was calling for war with Russia because in the Cabal’s script she would have won, and then her controlled FBI, CIA, and other government apparatus would have uncovered a massive plot with extensive evidence showing that Trump, Q, and their entire side had made deals to act as agents of Russia and take over America for Putin, who was afraid of Hillary challenging the Russian state. The media would have run the stories, and Hillary would have purged the entire government of her enemies, under the guise of rescuing America.

It is interesting to me that in selecting this lawyer, they appeared to have chosen someone who has had little contact with the NRA for an extended period. I am unsure if their files indicated that although sub-optimal in that regard she had other traits, like naivete, which made her the best option for this, or if they might be working off older files, which in her case had not been updated recently, or if their teams are running on fumes somehow this far into the Storm, and just getting sloppy.

The important point is, do not think the enemy thinks like you, or that the person you are talking with is a simple individual, acting independently like you, and dedicated to truth or averse to lies like you. Chances are you face a team, and a not insignificant one, looking to make you dance to a tune they have been carefully composing for months or years, and the entire objective is power. You have no idea how big their forces are, how organized and centrally controlled everything they do is, or how seriously they take this game.

Back to Q:

(2 days ahead of schedule)

And now things get interesting. This makes it look like last year’s tweets were being posted as foreshadows of what would happen this year – and we are two days ahead of the predicted schedule. Future proves past?

Ask yourself, why?
Are they afraid of U.S. Patriots engaging in the same tactics?
Do the actions of those Patriots abroad DESTROY THE FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE re: majority agree w/ the policies of the LIBERAL LEFT?

It is amazingly illuminating that all of that is being blacked out, while they couldn’t promote the “Arab spring” enough. The streets of Paris are filled. Ask yourself, if you had ironclad evidence that the government was compromised by a hostile foreign force that treated Americans as enemies to be controlled and oppressed, where would you go to expose it? What outlet would publish what you had found? Now ask yourself how something like Snowden or Manning broke through? Everything you see in the MSM is part of their script.

Do you notice any similarities?
D’s attempt to turn the public against our police, ICE, and those who continually serve the public interest (protect)?
Open borders w/ no Immigration & Customs Officials to safeguard the people?
EU gov’t attempt to turn the police against the people re: yellow vest protests?
Police vs People _ EU
D’s attempt to sway public vs Police/ICE _ US
A war against GLOBALISM.
A war to retain SOVEREIGNTY.
FAKE NEWS push of racism, fascism, sexism, every other …’ism’ etc…. against those seeking to END GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM (pride of heritage and culture – preservation & security/safety) is DESIGNED TO KEEP YOU SUBMISSIVE.
Why do D’s deploy and use ‘racism’ as their ‘go-to’ tactic when an argument or narrative cannot factually be substantiated?
They want you DIVIDED.
Posse Comitatus Act.

Posse Comitatus sounds good.

Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?
[1 year delta]
Matters of NAT SEC?
The clock is ticking.
Follow the watch.

The watch is an IWC Portugieser Chronograph Classic. Some think the time is significant somehow, some think the name is tied to the acronym for Intelligence Warfare Community, some think the significance is that Kevin Spacey wore an IWC on House of Cards. It might just mean time is running out on Trump declassifying everything and kicking off the Storm. I don’t think we can know anything now, though the significance will eventually become apparent at some point.

Several days?
What if this was always the plan?
Justice K.
Timing is everything.
Why deploy vested powers of the Office of the President (under ‘verifiable’ matters of National Security) when you can instead unveil America’s TRUE ENEMY?
Public awakening.
“We have has a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico over the last year. We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed. While we should have a larger conversation in the near future about a broader strategy for reengaging the beat press that covers HRC, for this we think we can achieve our objective and do the most shaping by going to Maggie.”
You are not safe.

It is all controlled.

How do you outmaneuver the obstructionists?
How do you expose the obstructionists for what they really are?
They are only now figuring it out.

Why do D’s always PUSH (force R’s to include Spending Bills for approval) BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR FOREIGN AID?
Who audits where the money ‘actually’ goes?
How do politicians become ‘extremely’ wealthy while in office on gov’t salaries?
How do xyz ‘orgs’ etc. remain funded?
Why do D’s only care about CONTROL/POWER?
Welcome to the CON.
Why, for decades, has the UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid?
The corruption (infiltration) at the top (WW) has spread like cancer.

Listen again, carefully.
The Great Awakening.

An anon quickly noted the site was no longer available, and Q replied as follows:

2.2 million attempted access within 1-2 minutes.
Site crashed.

It was just a site set up to track how much we were sending in foreign aid to other nations, but given how everything is a lie, the numbers were probably all completely fraudulent. I’d imagine the vast majority of that cash went to Cabal.

Continuing on with the brief:

Not worth a link, But Bill Kristol has now started a new project called The Bulwark, dedicated to screaming out loud that President Trump is a bully and a conman. Notice the Weekly Standard tried to appeal to regular conservatives, and the addition of this point killed what had actually already been a losing endeavor, that still managed to survive for decades before. Now Kristol actually is being paid to create an outlet based around a losing proposition that was so losing it actually killed the Weekly Standard, a magazine that was not even dependent on being profitable to survive. Where is that money coming from? Even better, all those years he was helming the constantly money-losing Weekly Standard, he amassed a $5 million dollar fortune himself. Sacrifice your morals, and the world can be quite a profitable place. For the record his current venture is being funded by a left-wing Mega-donor and a left wing foundation that ran its donation through a right wing foundation. They were all playing us all along.

Pelosi introduces a law that will force States to allow convicted felons to vote. First piece of legislation she rolls out.

Turkish Basketball player afraid to travel to Britain because of a fear of assassination over his criticisms of Turkey. Those things are more common than you would think.

Vatican deemed McCarrick sex acts with a 16 year old as consensual.

Leader of global child porn ring killed in prison beating. What did he know? If he had access to intel, Cabal brought him on board

Ukraine’s Cabal-approved, pro EU President looks poised to lose re-election. Seems a lot of the old guard is on the way out. I wonder if we will ever find out where the gold went.

Border Patrol can collect and keep social media data at the border.

Oregon has another confirmed Measles case that spent time in restaurants and stores in Hood River and The Dalles. Was infectious Dec 26th to Dec 31st.

Leftists push the idea that “crimes of survival” like crimes committed to get food, housing, and health care are not really punishable.

Hundreds of “youths” involved in massive mall-brawl in Connecticut.

New UN boss tells Europe that migration is unstoppable, and says politicians should ignore voters.

A very long, but excellent thread on exactly what happened at Benghazi, and just how deep Hillary and Obama were in it. If you didn’t know it began with a Chinook taken down by a modern American Stinger in Afghanistan, that could be tracked back to the CIA, read on. Very, very bad stuff ,and this is just one such scandal sitting in the shadows waiting to be revealed.

Former NFL player Burgess Owens says the socialist agenda against White America hurts Black communities.

Trump administration looking to eliminate affirmative action quotas, and reinstate pure meritocracy in areas of government requiring expertise.

Government workers will begin to pressure Democrats to cave on the wall the longer they have to go without salaries and try to make monthly payments without money. And that ignores the welfarites, once their checks stop. It also dawned on me, if Cabal had millions of minor fraud operations sucking government money to fund US operations, this shutdown is defunding them too.

Kim Kardashian tweets thanks to President Trump for his hard work passing criminal justice reform. All the celebrities supporting Trump will gradually soften the programming driving sheep to oppose him.

Bolsonaro seeks a US Military base, and hails President Trump as the most powerful man in the world. Got me thinking. Glenn Greenwald worked with Snowden, and then fled to live in Brazil. I filed away that Snowden pissed off the American Deep State, so did Greenwald, and Brazil might be a safe haven to flee to if America got too hot. But why didn’t Brazil have a US military base? If, on the other hand, Snowden and Greenwald were striking at US Patriot Intel for Cabal, as Q says, then Greenwald fleeing to a socialist state without a US Military base could also make sense, with Brazil acting as a Cabal safe zone which would not let US Patriot Intel operate there.

Bolsonaro has begun a purge of leftist contractors from the Brazilian government. I will bet kickbacks from those contracts were fueling Cabal operations down there.

Even liberals are not complying with Boulder’s assault weapon’s ban. Sadly, they have successfully criminalized a vast swath of Americans who are a threat to nobody, and who just wanted to go their own way and be able to defend their families from crime.

Pointed out on Free Republic – Title 1, Article 9 of Mexico’s Constitution says, “Only citizens of the Republic may take part in the political affairs of the country.” Sounds like sound policy.

Trump administration freezes raises for Pence and all Cabinet members. Of course this President doesn’t actually take a salary, which may actually make him a President without precedent.

There is now a bill to audit the Fed.

And a bill to abolish the IRS, eliminate the income tax, and replace it with a sales tax administered by the States. No more political attacks produced by partisans. I almost think Trump has to do something like this at some point.

Pentagon Chief of Staff resigns. When the Storm hits, expect the Pentagon to be a major source of embezzlement, and a lot of heads to roll.

Ted Cruz and Francis Rooney introduce Constitutional Amendment for term limits.

61% of troops disapprove of transgender troops.

Only 7 percent of the nation thinks illegal immigration is not a problem at all.

80% of all voters, including 68% of Democrats, say the US needs secure borders.

Man cobbles together 3 junk zipguns out of trash, turns them in at a buyback, takes money and buys a good gun at a gunshop.

Wall donations pass $19 million.

Yellow Vests re-emerge with 50,000 protesting Macron government. Again, they lie. If they say 50,000, assume it was 150,000.

Yellow Vests use a forklift to knock down the doors of the Ministry of Finance and Economy:

London Yellow Vests are picking up strength.

Finally, a meme off Q’s board:

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the clock is ticking down

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Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

The “crimes of survival” idea comes from the Bible. The Bible doesn’t say to let them go without punishment, but mitigates it a lot. Survival is a different thing from someone who is tearing at the fabric of society just for kicks.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

In Canada, Yellow Vest numbers doubled this week over what they were two weeks ago. Steady growth, and more locations popping up every week.

6 years ago

“I do not understand the economics. The scale relative to the economics still does not make sense to me.”

It is breathtaking, how much money they have to be spending to keep this going. One possible bit of evidence of the amount of funding may be found in the June 2009 US bearer bond scandal discovered in northern Italy.

Supposedly the $134B in UST bearer bonds were fake, but as the website publisher stated, why would you forge a copy of something that does not exist? You don’t forge a $3 bill; you counterfeit $100 bills. And why were the two Japanese smugglers let go?

It didn’t occur to me when I read this several years ago, but the whole event has that smell of Cabal to it…

6 years ago

That Benghazi thread was excellent. It helped to fill in the details unknown to me. Thanks for posting it.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

you outdid yourself today. Thanks for everything you do 🙏🏻

Regarding Bill Kristol’s current venture “being funded by a left-wing Mega-donor and a left wing foundation that ran its donation through a right wing foundation”…

In light of everything I have been awakened to in the last 2.75 years, but really brought home today thru your post and the info that Q posted, I don’t believe ANY of these billionaires use ANY of their own money to fund anything like this that is reported. I don’t believe any of our (tax paying citizen) money goes for foreign aid (what shit-hole country that we have ever given money to EVER stopped being a shit-hole?). I don’t believe that any $$$ given to United Way, Red Cross and other large well-known organizations such as these ever makes it out to help the masses (do you remember any of the stories after 2012’s Hurricane Sandy that supposedly caused $60B in damage and destroyed the NJ shore and how YEARS later people still had not received help? Even though “celebrities raised millions” as well). What about all of the stupid ‘studies’ that are ‘funded’ that occasionally make the news (i.e. BS stuff that “we” are paying for) – and then nothing further about it. I recently started seeing LOTS of commercials of cancer-beaters who petition us (we, the viewing sheep) to donate. Now I think that NONE of the $$$ that people innocently donate, thinking they are helping, all of these school and other events like “Walk for Life” and stuff, where $$$ is raised, EVER goes to the organizations you would THINK the $$ is going to.

I think all of the above, and so much more, is part of the script and play, put on for us, the audience.

SOMEBODY is controlling ALL that money (OUR MONEY) and THAT is the money that is used to fund crap like what Kristol is doing now. I am so sick of feeling like a CHUMP. I spent much of today’s church service and communion in silent prayer that whoever is behind all of this, whoever has been a player/actor in all of this, whoever has abused the power given to them by we the masses, who trusted them, will PAY. I hope and Pray daily that our POTUS can bring it home and awaken everyone to what is going on.

Nobody likes feeling like a chump. We tax payers have been played the fools and are chumps. SJWs are also chumps because they are being used to further the wickedness of whomever is behind all of this. Despite the chasm between “normies” and SJWs (just to put it simply), perhaps BEING CHUMPS and being PISSED beyond measure about it, once “all of this stuff comes out” is what will eventually unite all of us again.

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

We were/are all being played. With probably everything.
Is every football game fixed? Is every horse race pre-determined, after all the chumps make their bets? Cabal sweeps a big arm over the table, raking in all our money in 1000 different ways?

Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Amen Sister. God Bless

6 years ago

> Ted Cruz and Francis Rooney introduce Constitutional Amendment for term limits.

Yet, though they pay themselves out of the Federal pot, my Senator and Congressman don’t work for the Fed. They work for me, and the other citzens in my district.

The Fed doesn’t appoint or elect my Senator and Congressman. Setting term limits is a state issue, not a Federal one. Rejecting our people is not within the powers granted in the Constitution of the United States.

Tell my district, and my state, that our duly elected and empowered representatives are no longer allowed to participate in the Federal government, as we were guaranteed when we joined the United States in 1836.

The Dems are stupid enough to pass such a bill, pretty much like their idiot predecessors back in 1861…

6 years ago

Nothing to see here folks. Move Along.

No such thing as sonic weaponry, it’s all just mass hysteria:

Now go back to sleep.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…The scale relative to the economics still does not make sense to me. I can only conclude that power is more valuable than the worthless fiat those in power print so freely, and the people who run this would spend every last fiat penny to be in power…”

There’s an answer to this. I’ve often said I believe those in power, or the ones calling the shots, are psychopaths. I’ve also said I believe the Jews have a MUCH larger population of psychopaths in their population. Hence the people, not Jews, in the Cabal are psychopaths. The Jews being more psychopathic run much more of what’s going on. I’m not the only one that thinks this, minus the Jew part. Psychopaths want above all to dominate. From

“…Central bankers are sociopathic in nature and sociopathic people tend to behave like robots. When one understands the motivations of central bankers, or at the very least what their goals are, their actions become rather predictable. The question is, what truly motivates these people?

I believe according to the evidence that the central banks are motivated by ideological zealotry with the core purpose of total global centralization of economic and political power into the hands of a select group of elitists. This agenda is really just a modern “reboot” of feudalism or totalitarianism. They sometimes refer to the plan in public as the “new world order,” or the “global economic reset.” I often refer to the encompassing ideology as “globalism” for the sake of expediency.

To attain this goal, central bankers must influence mass psychology using traumatic events. Fear opens doors to centralization of power. This is simply a fact of social behavior and history. The more afraid a population is, the more willing they will be to give up freedoms in exchange for safety and security. Therefore, the most effective weapon at the disposal of the globalists and their central banking counterparts is engineered economic crisis — a weapon that can, if allowed, destroy entire civilizations almost as fast as a nuclear war, while still keeping most of the expensive infrastructure intact.

Beyond that, economic crisis is also a weapon that can influence a population to embrace even greater enslavement while viewing their slave masters as saviors rather than villains.

Despite what many people assume, central bankers are not driven by a desire for profit. They print their own capital, they hardly need to make a profit. Central bankers are also not driven by a desire to keep the current system afloat. They have demonstrated time and time again their habit of deliberately sabotaging the system through the use of inflationary bubbles followed by fiscal tightening into weak economic conditions. The U.S. economy today is just as expendable as any other economy the banks have destroyed in the past. It is not special…”

6 years ago

Major Q drop about MKUltra. He has said that all of this would come out. Neon Revolt points out how Hollywood movies are used as a ‘soft’ disclosure mechanism and that this is the plot for Jacob’s Ladder. Good article.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago
6 years ago

Lots more detail on Benghazi worth a read.

6 years ago

Mkultra in latest q drop. You views just entered mainstream concsiousness