News Briefs – 01/05/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

What if vaccines were purposely adulterated to lower cognitive performance/amygdala-functionality/K-attitude in the masses to make the plebes more manageable, and a cost of doing business was that a set percentage would get autism? Suppose Fluoride in the water was the same thing? Suppose food and drinks were adulterated, to lower the population’s cognitive ability and to increase the rates of treatable diseases to produce profits in Cabal-owned Pharmaceutical empires? People do not fully understand the psychologies they are dealing with, and what they are capable of. Either Trump and the Storm are real and succeed, or we are about to enter a period of technologically mediated darkness unlike anything Westerners could imagine.

Lawmakers were receiving text massages from an aide to Mike Pence seeking the whereabouts of specific lawmakers, but it turns out Pence’s aide never sent any texts. FBI is investigating.

Marco Rubio introduces a red-flag firearms seizure law.

Democrats are trying to restore funding for overseas abortions, as they try to kill wall funding.

Roger Stone describes being a target in the crosshairs. A lot in this article which does not make sense. Stone’s maid having to leave, and him having to hire a replacement would, given he was a target, likely mean his targeter got his maid moved to open up an opportunity to place an asset in his home – a denied area. Him hiring a temp maid, when he didn’t even know her name, also is strange, as I would assume she was going to plant cameras and other tracking/monitoring gear throughout the house and install stuff on all electronics and computers. Stone is presumably a pro, so it is strange he hires a maid when it opens a vulnerability, unless the vulnerability was a trap he wanted to create. Also note, pros burn their trash. Why he is still being targeted is also strange, if Trump controls the FBI, which is what I would assume Mueller is using. I have no idea of the underlying mechanism, but this points to something unusual, and not like it is portrayed in public. It is possible that even as President, Trump is still coping with large swaths of the machine which have somehow walled themselves off from his authority, and which are actively working to take him, and everyone associated with him, down. Cabal did not build this machine overnight, and they have not left a lot of viable options to target their control of the machine, short of a wild, no holds barred plan. And all of this ignores Stone was already poisoned with an alpha-emitting radio-isotope and rammed by a car that took off. Politics is a wild ride of late.

Ocasio Cortez says we should raise taxes to 70% to fund her Green New Deal. Her plan would mean an 82.5% tax rate for New Yorkers. She must be a Trump/Q operation. There is no way she is dumb enough to espouse that openly.

Sweden has a suspected Ebola case in quarantine. Half the population could be killed in an epidemic, and the programmed would still be unable to conceptualize that they caused it by ignoring the right. [Update: tested negative, supposedly, but I would expect them to lie to quell panic.]

Congo passes 600 cases of Ebola.

CDC tells Florida officials to do something about the colony of wild Monkeys infected with a virus lethal to humans, to limit the spread of the virus to humans.

China is sending agents door to door, demanding users delete tweets.

Explosion in Germany outside Right-wing political party AfD offices.

Hillary is meeting with 2020 potential candidates. Hickelooper is among them. I assume he is Cabal-CIA, given he took over Colorado around the time CIA moved a major operations center there, and it suddenly went ultra-hippy-dippy. If Cabal is still operational, Hickenlooper is top of the list for 2020.

More apps collecting user data and selling it without permission.

Half of US States fail to protect young girls from genital mutilation.

Iran sending warships to the Atlantic, closer to US waters. If Cabal still controls Iran, might they provoke a war, just to divert resources and attention away from Trump launching the Storm? Whatever Trump is planning, he seems to be drawing US Military Forces closer to home, perhaps for security duty if he needs to declare Martial Law.

Migrants charged the Border in San Diego.

CNN reporter wants a 10 minute delay on live Trump events, and for the media to preemptively edit out the parts where the media feels Trump lies, on the fly. In reality they want to delete where he talks about his accomplishments.

Fidel Castro’s grandson flashes his family’s wealth on social media with photos showing a lavish luxury European vacation. Just we come up on the 60th anniversary of the Cuban revolution.

Daily Caller cannot get anywhere near Obama’s house to confirm the wall that surrounds it, because the entire street has been blocked of with barricades long before you even get near the house. Some anons on Q’s board have wondered if all of that is to keep strangers out, or if it is to keep somebody under house arrest in and contained. Closing off the street with a sign saying you have no lawful authority to even be on a public street is odd. I am sure you could drive right by Sarah Palin’s house when she appeared set to be VP. Biden, as an active VP had shots fired into his house by a car that drove by. Might they be trying to keep confederates from getting in and making contact with the Obamas, and maybe trying to spirit them out of federal custody and off to a no-extradition country?

Mueller gets a 6 month extension for his Grand Jury looking into Russian Collusion. It was granted by an Obama-appointee judge. If Trump was going to show that the Russian collusion investigation was totally fraudulent, it is probably good if it was just re-upped again, long after it has been shown there was no collusion.

Brazil is deploying elite forces to deal with an almost civil war like level of violence trying to blow up bridges, destroy infrastructure, and burn cars. Bolsonaro is not Cabal, and look at what is happening. This may be what we will need to expect when the hammer drops here. God knows between Antifa, Black Lives Matters, Occupy, Anonymous, the Anarchists, regular SJW, feminist, and leftist mobs, MS-13, the Bloods, the Crips, and maybe even secret societies we are not even aware they have taken over, they have the forces.

Google avoids US, UK, and EU taxes on almost $23 billion by funneling it through different countries.

Two Green Berets plead guilty to smuggling cocaine using military transports. Interesting, in that they managed to make one run successfully, and sell the Coke in the US. When they went to make the second run, somebody was onto them, having picked them up in that first run. These were cargo cultists. They thought the system worked the way everyone is taught, and they could play the game better than everyone else because they were smarter, better trained, and more operationally capable. You cannot do that. Successful authors do not write the best books, successful actors are not the best actors, successful magazines do not sell the most copies, and drug smugglers who make millions are not the smartest, most operationally capable. The successful drug dealers are the ones who link up with Cabal. It reminds me of Barry Seal, sitting outside the US Attorney’s office in handcuffs surrounded by FBI, DEA, Customs, and local PD who had just caught him in a plane filled with Cocaine he just smuggled in, and he laughs at them as says he will be cut loose in ten minutes, and walk right out that door a free man. The LEOs all laugh at him, and out walks the US Attorney, fresh off the phone, who tells them to cut him loose, he was free to go. These guys were actually credible competition to Cabal, and were found and dealt with immediately.

Interesting article with positive quotes from Jim Webb on Trump, and his skepticism of foreverwars in the Middle East. In this environment anything can be manipulation, but at least he was never on record against Trump and for neocon foreverwars in the Middle East.

But Trump denies Jim Webb is under consideration for SecDef.

Nobel chief says he regrets giving Obama the Nobel Prize. The reality is he probably never had a choice.

Pentagon to scale back in Somalia.

Unusual mass of Military helicopters drop out of the sky to refuel unexpectedly at Oklahoma airport.

Zerohedge says Trump and Putin are cleaning out all the bad elements of the government with the help of the good people in those agencies.

Good read on the German hack attack that cleared out data on government officials, except AfD. Private family conversations, vacation pics, work communications, etc. Q dropping intel?

John Hopkins and Bristol Myers Squibb face $1 billion lawsuit for purposely exposing hundreds of Guatemalans to syphilis in experiment.

Mexican Mayor and Mexican cops sentenced to prison for torturing a journalist in retaliation for bad coverage.

Pompeo takes Middle East tour to galvanize region against Iran.

US Court agrees with Trump over his transgender military ban, though it still can’t take affect because of other lower court rulings staying it.

Senior NBC news reporter quits, says it is all deep state propaganda. Bear in mind, it is just one phase of the process. First is “This small group of rogue government agents has gotten out of control.” Then, “That agency is off the reservation.” Then, “There may be a few agencies which have allied together to get above the law.” Then “There is a deep state, and it runs every agency in the nation.” Then, “There is a Deep State and it has taken over everything from the government to the media.” Then, “There is a cross-border conspiracy which has corrupted multiple governments the media, culture, academia, and even large swaths of citizens.” I can’t imagine the process progresses farther than that, but who knows at this point.

Shutdown could last years.

UN warns it is running out of cash.

Dow rises 800.

Hispanic unemployment lowest ever.

Manufacturing posts best job gains in 20 years. Obama told us those jobs weren’t coming back.

Arizona Sheriff says border wall cut crime in his area by 91%.

US gains 312K jobs in record-shattering gain that blew away market expectations.

Trump looks at declaring a national emergency and building the wall without Congressional approval.

Poll says immigration among the top concerns in 2019.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because if an idea falls in the forest and nobody hears it, Cabal wins

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6 years ago

While Pelosi rewrites the rules for the new Congress, behind the scenes there is a Bill to audit the Fed!

One to abolish income tax, get rid of the IRS and replace by a sales tax administered by States:

And Cruz and Rooney are after term limits

6 years ago

No way will we ever have a President Dinklelooper.

Reply to  Cristina
6 years ago

I’d say there’s no way the D’s will nominate any white male for the forseeable future. Biden, Sanders, Lippenhooper, and the soyboy from Washington State are all kidding themselves. They will be the Martin O’Malley’s of 2020. If you’re not a POC, a womyn, or ideally a WOC, there’s no room for you in the Democrat party.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Trump’s response to the “motherf’r” congress”woman” is so crammed with amygdala agitation that I wonder if she will be in a coma for days:

“I thought her comments were disgraceful. This is a person that I don’t know. I assume she’s new. I think she dishonored herself and I think she’s dishonored her family. Using language like that in front of her son and whoever else was there, I thought that was a disgrace and a dishonor to her and to her family. I thought it was highly disrespectful to the United States of America.”

My favorite is “I assume she’s new.” It’s even better than “Who bitch this is?”

6 years ago

I read your blog daily. It amazes me the news you find—I’m flabbergasted every, every, every day by the insanity! And today with all the other insanity is that THE STREET THAT OBAMA LIVES ON IS BLOCKED OFF! WTF!!!! That is NOT America! What is that? King Obama?! While Antifa goes to the homes of conservatives and harrasses them—Obama is protected?????? I remember the history of the American Revolution, where the Revolutionaries went to the homes of Tories and Loyalists, dragged them from their homes and tarred and feathered them in some cases—and Obama has his street cordoned off! THIS IS NOT AMERICA. This is sick, sick sick.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
6 years ago

You assume that Obama is being sheltered and protected. It might just be that he is being guarded so that no leftist psychopaths can get to him and free him so he can flee, right?

I keep praying for our President and holding out hope that all of these lying, wicked wicked traitors will be rounded up soon.

6 years ago

The message of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to millions of empty-headed, ambitious, status-craving young people? If you demand socialism you can quite working at Starbucks and instead be showered with money, nice clothes, a successful career, and non-stop attention, on top of which you will be relentless attacked by jealous, evil, racist white males like Ben Shapiro, even further cementing your victimhood cred. Cabal op, top to bottom.

6 years ago

“Obama told us those jobs weren’t coming back.”
So did McCain.

Your progression: “First is “This small group of rogue government agents has gotten out of control.” Then, “That agency is off the reservation.” Then, “There may be a few agencies which have allied together to get above the law.” Then “There is a deep state, and it runs every agency in the nation.” Then, “There is a Deep State and it has taken over everything from the government to the media.” Then, “There is a cross-border conspiracy which has corrupted multiple governments the media, culture, academia, and even large swaths of citizens.” I can’t imagine the process progresses farther than that, but who knows at this point.”

Is superb and meme worthy. Heck Mel Gibson could make a landmark movie based on it. Well done

6 years ago