News Briefs – 01/04/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Watched the JFK Jr show on ABC last night. The summary was that it was mostly a “look at the pretty people who died” piece. Three interesting parts to me. One, his magazine was better than other magazines, had a better schtick and publicity with big stars on the cover dressed as George Washington, had better promotion with him going on every talk show to promote it relentlessly, and yet it was failing. If a magazine that combined pretty people doing publicity-driving things, with issues oriented politics (and Ann Coulter), and JFK Jr promoting it everywhere on every talk show, could not make a profit, how does something lame like Newsweek, or similar turn a profit? Is it Michael Isakoff? I suspect similar Cabal outlets don’t turn a profit – they are funded by Cabal, and George was not. George may have been beginning to open John’s eyes to the reality, which is not like you are taught. Once you realize how you are living in a costly production designed to control what you think, it changes everything. You realize that what you think is worth the expenditure of a lot of money.

The second thing was all the female Kennedy’s killed in plane crashes, which they listed on the show. I am doing a blog on a Rothschild interview which was quite interesting. They seem to have a quasi-religious belief that the competition is not between individuals, but rather that at their elite level, bloodlines exist across time, almost as living entities, and it is bloodlines which are in competition, and which live or die. Thus if you kill one person in a bloodline in competition with your own, you will not win because it was their bloodline that made them competitive and a threat, and their relatives will eventually be a problem which might destroy your bloodline. Thus you must extinguish the bloodline, or subsume it. That is why royal bloodlines either warred, or intermarried, apparently. If they were killing female Kennedys who were not in politics, that would pass as a credible reason, under the belief system of a bloodline family. It also might explain why JFK Jr survived while he was single, and the drive to kill him would increase once he was married. Hillary’s Senate seat was probably the catalyst, but JFK Jr possibly having a son someday soon likely didn’t help.

The third thing was the bullshit about the crash. At the time he flew, a plane would have had four relevant instruments. A physical compass, an electronic compass/heading indicator, a banking/attitude indicator, and a GPS system. If he started to turn while in a cloud, his compasses would both have been turning too, as the plane did. The GPS screen, which would have had a straight lit-up line, with him at one end of the line at the center of the screen, and his destination airport at the other end of the line at the outer margin, would have been spinning like the hand of a clock, as his plane turned and his destination turned around the plane. and his bank/attitude indicator, run off a gyroscope, would have shown his wings banking. After one hour of flight time and familiarity with the instruments, if you were losing altitude, you could have looked at any one of those, and figured out what was going on. Second, even though the pilot they had on the show said he looked up at the clouds, and saw it look weirder than he had ever seen it, FAA was telling all pilots is was clear skies and perfect weather for Visual Flight Rules all night long. A pilot on the show said he kept calling that night, and that was FAA’s response. There is only one entity which can go to the FAA call center, flash something, and tell them what they will say when people call in about the flight conditions. It is not the FBI. Also, his instructor pilot, who he would normally have brought, was unavailable that night. Could be innocent, or could be arranged.

Finally, they claimed his plane was seen on radar suddenly plummeting straight down at “4700 feet per minute” into the ocean on the radar. Who calculates speed in feet per minute? Why would they do that on the show? Because although 4700 feet per minute sounds super fast, it is only 53 miles per hour. He was in a plane that flew at 160 mph when cruising. So his plane was probably doing 160mph, and on the radar it’s trajectory suddenly changed, and it headed down, hitting the ocean at 53 miles per hour. That does not sound like a powered plane pointing itself at the ocean and burning in under full throttle. It sounds like a mid-air explosion with the plane then crashing straight down at terminal gravitational velocity for falling debris. But nobody thinks critically today, so until Trump reveals it, don’t expect to see anyone else believe anything odd happened.

File under things you will not see on your local evening news show – Local Police inundated with calls from Targeted individuals who feel they are being assaulted with Space-Based weapons, after local council passed a resolution to try and ban such use of technology on their citizens. Interestingly, I cannot get the comments to load there.

Democrat Congresswoman, freshly sworn in, says to the crowd of Trump, “We’re going to impeach the Motherfucker!”

Sweden is amping up convictions of those who criticize mass migration 10 fold. So much for debating national policy.

Iranian and Afghan migrants rampage through German town, injuring 12.

Muslim Migrant doctor in Germany rapes four patients, gets a suspended sentence.

Man who won New Jersey Lottery twice is a gun-toting drug dealer. Or as Cabal would say, a ground-level sales associate with a history of helping in multiple special operations.

Evidence may be circulating that Brennan and Clapper hacked a FISA Judge as well as John Roberts, and Comey covered it up. This shit will all need to be outed soon, or by the time it is released it could be seen as old news.

Migrant remittances to Mexico and Central America rise to $53 billion per year.

Elizabeth Warren decorated her kitchen with a ceramic blackface statue.

Houston teen killed in “No lackin” challenge, where one teen pulls a gun and points it at someone, and they then have to prove they are not lacking a firearm by puling their own gun and pointing it back. Unfortunately, this teen squeezed off a round accidently.

An interesting article on a Lawyer suing the SPLC because he says they stole confidential documents to prove he represented a white nationalist group, so they could ruin him and get him fired from his job in the City of Baltimore. I find all of these things interesting in light of the idea that Cabal has a robust infiltration network all throughout the country at all levels, which it can use to police the ranks of positions of power in government. It is always possible this guy was judged a risk for some reason in his current position, and SPLC was just following orders of the Cabal to get him moved and neutered. I strongly suspect SPLC will be a big casualty of the Storm, and is comped entirely.

Financial blacklisting by Cabal financial services companies is increasingly being used to silence opposition to Cabal’s ultra-left-wing agenda.

Koch Network is going to push for Amnesty for Dreamers in 2019. Clearly they recognize small government conservatism will not be helped by that.

FBI documents show a plot was afoot to kill Occupy Wall Street leaders, if necessary. Not enough to know for certain what this was, but there should be no doubt there would have been a plan to kill any Occupy leaders who were not Cabal plants. I just doubt the real plan would ever have ended up in any FBI report.

Municipalities are making city services, like paying for parking spots, dependent on downloading the city’s App, probably so you can be tracked.

Religious dating apps must now make their services LGBT friendly.

Man arrested at Mara Lago trying to get to Trump to talk to him about “his $6.3 Trillion.” Are they sending in the MK Ultra windup toys?

Man moves security barrier and tries to get to Trump to give him 2 bottles of Crown Royale in return for advice on getting a wife. Given Trump did land Melania, this guy may not be as crazy as he seems. Though the fact Trump doesn’t drink should have factored into his calculations.

An article on how Snowball Earth erased a large section of the geological record through glacial erosion.

FBI is trying Amazon’s facial recognition software. I wonder if FBI does this in an environment where Amazon’s software could facilitate access to FBI’s video surveillance feeds by Cabal assets back in Amazon. Facial Recognition requires computing resources. Might FBI use Amazon’s computing resources to power the software, and thus run their video through Amazon systems? Might that video already be there on an Amazon Cloud account?

List of new gun laws for 2019. Be warned, a bump stock is now a $250,000 penalty and 10 years. That is just ridiculous.

Zuckerberg has stopped selling facebook stock as the value has plummeted.

State Department warns citizens visiting China that they may be detained using exit bans:

Hillary’s campaign ignored multiple offers of help from Silicon Valley to aid her in exploiting Social Media in 2016. This article feels like it indicates Hillary dropped the ball, but in reality, those accustomed to operating in an espionage-prone environment have to be doubly careful with those who show up offering to help. And just as nobody is as paranoid about being fucked over by friends and family as a narcissist, nobody will be as paranoid about being spied on as Hillary Clinton. Think about it, and you realize why she blocked them out.

Richard Shelby says shutdown could last for months and months. It seems Cabal needs Homeland Security funded so it can perform some service. I would assume every day DHS is not there, Cabal is blowing resources trying to replicate that function itself.

Navy SEAL will be Court Martialed for killing an ISIS fighter.

After a contentious election, Congolese are fleeing to Uganda, and there are fears Ebola may be following them.

Video of a diverse pack of feral youth attacking at a train station in Chicago.

Diverse pack of feral youth attack in New York.

Lesbian Batwoman is set to become a Social Justice superhero.

Russian living in North Carolina who defrauded Russian Government and tried to have his wife’s lover killed has a business tie to one of the Russians accused of election tampering. So somebody ripping Putin’s government off is also involved in a plot to make it look like Putin was interfering with our elections?

Trump administration considers Jim Webb as new SecDef.

California removes 1.5 million inactive voters from the rolls.

CIA mouthpiece WaPo announces Elizabeth Warren should not be supported in her run for President by any Cabal-member. I assume they want her to run to rile the feminists, but this is more to tell her to recognize what the final outcome needs to be, and stay in her lane in the final stretch.

Mitt Romney backtracks furiously after his op-ed attacking Trump falls flat. He is a psychopath, and this is how you control him. There is no principle, or willingness to traverse the difficult path. You only have to structure things so it is best for him to do what you want, and he will. Just it is best to structure them ahead of time.

According to Gallup, Pelosi only has 38% favorable rating, and 48% unfavorable. And that means even leftists are not able to bring themselves to approve of her, in what is probably a fake poll skewed to make her look good, because she is unlikable. Look at the brilliance of Trump not wasting effort on the House election. For the next two years, he will create very public fights with a woman who is highly unlikable, and many people will, subconsciously, view him as the enemy of an enemy. Excellent for 2020.

Paul Ryan left with only 12% approval. That is a measure of how Awake the Republicans are.

Whitaker reveals Huber is still investigating FBI surveillance of the Trump Campaign and Trump administration officials. This is directly ordered by Cabal. The question is, can the orders be tracked back up to where they were issued? I’d love to see who Huber’s neighbors are. There is no way Cabal has just gone hands off with him and his team.

This thread alleges that the Military Tribunals have already begun, Mattis and Kelly are handling the Military aspects, Rogers is handling the intel/classification aspect, and Sessions is doing the prosecuting. Mattis attacking Trump was strangely unprofessional for a consummate professional. And yet it allowed him to be slipped out of SecDef at exactly the right time, compared to when Trump’s EO went into effect.

Iran-allied militias will pull out of Kurdish region in Iraq. Iranian allies in another country agreeing to act reasonably in ways that benefit US allies elsewhere?

Trump says he has never had this much support, as he has gotten fighting for the border wall this past week. It is true, but you can see how that will alter the perceptions of the lemmings as well when he says it. Trump already has the logical support. The illogical is further out of reach, but in the middle are the lemmings. They hear this, and their minds open to the idea of the wall as something good, and they begin to move toward him. Trump is one in a trillion.

Trump is sending more troops to the border to string concertina wire. When the full story comes out, I suspect we will be blown away by what was actually going on at the border.

Trump Instagrams:

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6 years ago

The targeted individual story is interesting. Why exactly do TIs think the source of their harassment is spaced based? I have yet to hear a solid reason.

After my targeting become overt I had to dream that a beam of light was entering my head from the sky. I suspect other TIs received similar dreams to make them believe that the weapons of the hassmemt come from the space. Misdirection.

6 years ago

Who calculates speed in feet per minute?

Red Herring. It’s a standard measurement in aviation. Every plane transmitting ADSB transmits its vertical feet per minute as part of the position package.

6 years ago

Richard Shelby says shutdown could last for months and months.

If it goes on for “months and months” it will go on forever. Why?

Because welfare checks stop being cut Feb 1.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

That will be fun.

6 years ago

if it was going straight down it had lost power and was likely dropping flat, not headering in, as that is significantl;y below its typical speed.

But yes, ascent and descent rates are expressed in fpm.

Matt Lawrence
Matt Lawrence
6 years ago

I’m guessing that you are not a pilot. JFK, Jr. was not instrument rated and by some reports not particularly good at the instrument flying he did in training. Disorientation really sucks and without a visual reference, it’s really easy to become disoriented.

On that model Piper, the fuel selector (right/left tank) is located either on the floor between the seats or on the left side below the level of the pilot’s knee. He was about the right distance out to “switch to the fullest tank” as procedure dictates for that aircraft which can lead to an inner ear disturbance. From there it’s really easy to get into a “graveyard spiral”, which can lead to overspeeding the aircraft and potential structural failure.

6 years ago

Reading on Drudge about possible ebola case in Sweden with patient vomiting up blood on the same day Trump is thinking about declaring a national emergency to get the wall done. Might be more infectious disease around than we know.

Tom Collins
Tom Collins
6 years ago

Regarding the airplane, rate of climb and rate of descent are commonly expressed as feet per minute.

6 years ago

Ok, every day I load this website I get this weird “” thing where my browser briefly redirects to this url, then bounces back here. It’s typically followed by a bunch of gibberish like so: out]

I try visiting that url directly and I get a 404 not found. I can find no info in duckduckgo or google. What is going on here??? Given this site has no legit description about it anywhere I’m pretty friggin suspicious right now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I ran an AV scan, no threats were detected. I’m also running Linux and I am not getting the popups described in the link. I’ll try another browser, maybe something in Chromium is doing this.

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
6 years ago

Surviving R. Kelly- a 3 night mini series on Lifetime channel is a window into a cabal asset. Singer who shot to mega fame was into pedophilia- sex with children aged 12 to 17. Also possible sex slave ring. His entire inner circle covered for him for years. Sex tape with child came out but he was still acquitted. This documentary is a testament to cabal cover up. No charges. Interestingly, one of his children came out as transgender in 2014. Payback for being sloppy and getting caught?

6 years ago

That wasn’t Crown Royale. Think binary agent.

“I just doubt the real plan would ever have ended up in any FBI report.” They do all their mass shootings as official government operations. Remember the attack on Pamela Geller’s cartoon contest? They acknowledged that FBI trained, armed, and delivered the guy to his target.