News Briefs – 01/02/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

US Students owe Uncle Sam more than was spent on the entire Iraq War.

Marine shot and killed while on duty at Marine Barracks in Washington DC. Another report said it was an accidental shooting.

Romney launches self-aggrandizing whining diatribe against Trump in WaPo editorial. Jeff Flake 2.0 is still ass-hurt over his embarrassing Secretary of State incident. There is nothing more loathesome in the Republican Party as its self-aggrandizing traitors, who proudly burnish their media-fostered images off of traitorous scumbaggery.

Trump’s campaign manager hits back on Romney.

Three Venezuelans caught in Colombia with submachine guns and explosives had planned to assassinate the Columbian President.

The race war has begun on the streets of Melbourne. I know domestic intel guys are sure they need to be in control of this, but I find that horrifying, given their almost certain control by the Cabal, which is either satanist, or happy to use satanists as its henchmen and give them the ability to administer orders to the machinery. These are noble kids, willing to stand up against what is an evil force in all our societies. I hate seeing them gearing up to act with no idea what they are actually going up against – a well organized and massive shadow force that is dedicated to the architects of the plan to destroy Western Civilization, destroy the good people in it, and fully under the control of evil. I trust in the wisdom of the crowds. When we come out of the Storm, that is where we make sure the power is kept.

Flashback – Hillary emails reveal that Khaddafi was killed to prevent him from creating a gold-backed currency.

Doctors in Gaza and the West Bank warn they are battling an epidemic of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Quick, emigrate them out and diffuse them throughout the West.

Boxing fan thrown out of Arena because he was wearing the British flag on his jacket. Patriotism is not portrayed as bad by chance – it is part of the grander plan to make everyone else self-destruct.

Chinese Admiral proposes sinking two American Aircraft carriers to resolve disputed ownership of South China Sea Islands.

Pope Francis calls on migrants to flood the west, demands west stop concerning itself with national security, which he says is of no importance compared to the migrant’s concerns.

Interesting but very long, hyper-detailed thread here on Kevin Spacey with lots of already known info here – TLDR; He was deep into Cabal, close with the British Royals, sat on the Queen’s throne even though it violated protocol, was possibly the gay pedophile who Epstein banned because he liked beating children during sex so violently, and the reporter whose kid he is now in trouble for molesting glows in the dark.

6 passengers on flight from Ohio to Tampa fall violently ill during the flight.

Investigator being sued for looking into Seth Rich Murder has all discovery put under seal so if his team finds evidence supporting their assertions Seth’s murder was a DNC hit, they cannot discuss it publicly. Same judge that further delayed Flynn’s sentencing.

Mexican Mayor gunned down right after being sworn in. Is it drugs, or border control?

On New Year’s Eve, instead of a ball drop and countdown, NBC had Chrissy Tiegan talking about how she likes to “Steam her vag.” Cohost says, “What is that?” Then realizes she is about to give a detailed description, and says, “No, wait, it doesn’t matter!” Show is being knocked as a total train wreck:

Anti-immigrant activist drove into a crowd in Germany. Very often the early cases are false flags.

Tuberculosis, Flu, and other infections rampant at the border in the surge of migrants we are presently seeing. Could this be an actual biological attack, launched to try and disrupt the Storm? Makes me wonder if Intel about a bio attack coming across the border is really why Trump is so determined to shut the border closed tightly. Think about it – they rally these migrants, then set up tables of food for them to eat as they travel up toward the US. If they have the labs to culture the pathogens, they can deliver them easily, and the migrants will carry them into the US.

FBI has found fake Green Cards of workers at Trump’s golf course. My guess is the story a few weeks back about the illegal coming out to embarrass Trump shocked his security, and prompted this top to bottom review of everyone working there.

China recruits private citizens to wear red armbands and act as agents of the state. Interesting, to the extent pre-war Germany did similar with the Brownshirts, which makes me wonder if the forces of Cabal may have taken China over from behind the scenes and they are rerunning their old playbook on China.

China rolls out the first Naval Railgun for testing.

New York City now has a Muslim Community Patrol that drives around in cars painted to look like NYPD cruisers.

New York Times says it is time to get out of Afghanistan. Will they change their tune once Trump starts to do it?

Blood from human teens rejuvenates old mice. Doubling lifespan will really kickstart the K, just from the generational differences. What do you think young K’s from 1950 would do with today’s socialist youth? Suppose the founders were alive today?

The Burning Platform looks at 2019 from the perspective of Strauss and Howe.

Thousands march in Hong Kong against China. Another sign of increasing in-grouping and increasing K.

James Watson is still refusing to deny the scientific reality of race and IQ, and is getting hammered on all sides for it.

Quote of the year going viral online:

James Woods makes a proposal:

If the family was OK with it, and was willing to endure the circus to help prevent the next murdered officer, this would be epic media trolling.

Ocasio Cortez gets spanked on twitter over her affluent upbringing, vs her attempt to play underprivileged.

Hillary is still posting old photos, that were tracked back to March of 2016:

Some are saying she is unable to post new photos because she is locked away. Or she thinks she has gotten away from surveillance so she can bolt overseas when the charges drop, and she is hoping to not give away her position so she is having staff left behind at another location post old photos. Strange she used a dark to light reference though. Almost makes me wonder if she could be room temperature and someone on Q’s team has her phone and is shitposting secret messages to us for fun.

Kanye lets it be known he is still on Team Trump. So the Storm may be about to go down, Kim and Putin are back ready to take meetings, and now Kanye give a little preview too.

A Trump typo on twitter:

Anons pointed out Manafort’s storage container was #3013.

The White House lauds Trump’s accomplishments:

A magnanimous President wishes everyone well in the New Year:

Tell others about r/K Theory, because even the haters need Trump’s love

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Johnny Caustic
Johnny Caustic
6 years ago

The James Watson article is completely surreal. The IQ gap between whites and blacks is one of the most solidly verified facts in the social sciences, there’s plenty of evidence that the gap is mostly genetic, and there’s little evidence that environmental factors account for much of the gap (outside of starved populations or lead poisoning). Yet the NY Times found plenty of people who asserted the opposite, and even talk as if anyone who believes it is crazy. It’s truly amazing how much gaslighting power the establishment has. Truth is lies and lies are truth, to an extreme I find mind-boggling.

Reply to  Johnny Caustic
6 years ago

He manages to broadcast the truth right past them, though.
Amazing guy.

Reply to  Johnny Caustic
6 years ago

James D. Watson – The New York Times
Buyer of James Watson’s Nobel Medal for DNA Says He Will Return It to the Scientist . An entrepreneur, Alisher Usmanov of Moscow, said he was the anonymous bidder who paid $4.1 million for the …
[Search domain

6 years ago

[…] Via Anonymous Conservative. […]

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

Hope you’re ok. Didn’t see your regular drop this morning.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Checking the timestamps, it showed up a few minutes later than expected, but in real time it didn’t show up until long after that. And I’m pretty good about flushing caches and avoiding proxies.
Maybe it was just server maintenance, but maybe someone was futzing with your drop.

6 years ago

Gang fights are usually disparate races, no? It’s not a race war until the normals take it up.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Just to catalog some odd stuff that I happened to read a long time ago. Talking about Australia jogged my memory about it. Have you ever wondered what the Julian Assange story was about? Well he came from a cult family, for real, tied up with Australian intelligence. Strange bunch. They made all the children, a lot of them, die their hair blond and cut it in the exact same bowl cut. They would lock all the food shelves and strictly rationed food so the children were always hungry. Good way to get them to do…whatever…

I know it’s not on topic but it’s another one of those strange stories that you pick up. I read a really long expose on the whole thing, can’t remember where, but here’s a link that has the basic facts.

Who is this guy really?

Another good read if you like to follow this kind of skullduggery of the intelligence stagnancy and their love of children is the “Children of God” and “The Finders” cult.

Leftist only care about children when they can molest them, inject them with hormones or use them as propaganda against you.

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