Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Bristol Palin wakes up, and on half of her face, the muscles are uncontrollably contracting. It is always possible she got the vax, and beyond that Bell’s Palsy happens. But there is no doubt that as a Palin, she is a high priority surveillance target, most likely with the vibration/mapping tool deployed on her house. And next door, there may be a surveillance person focusing the vibrations and passing them through her body just for fun, since there is nothing else to do late at night. All it has to do is hit the wrong nerve bundle wrong, and I will bet it could do that…
Dem insiders secretly panicking about Trump’s Guantanamo Bay orders: ‘not just for illegals.’ Not tremendous sourcing, but you have to admit, 30,000 cells in Cuba is a strange place to ship illegals to for out-processing when you could just ship them home. If you were going to try Americans for treason and sedition however, it might make more sense.
A new video reveals how much time the helicopter had to divert, casting serious doubt on the possibility that this was an accident. Very strange video. Looks almost like either a suicide, or the helo was remote-controlled right into the plane:
People are looking at this:
And thinking this does not look right, especially the pinky:
Pilot of American Airlines flight 5342 told at last minute to change runways to #33. Probably just coincidence, though in these times you can be forgiven for wondering if there could be more to it, especially since that runway is rarely used.
Just week before Trump took office, FAA called for people with severe physical & psychological disabilities to become air traffic controllers, because that class of people was under-represented in the field. A current job listing:
Biden’s pick to lead the FAA was a DEI hire who couldn’t answer a single question about aviation.
Kash Patel vows expose Jeffrey Epstein’s associates to the public.
Trump administration says MTA funding will require ICE cooperation.
Active UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell:
“I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy”
“He wanted to purify [Germany] by kicking the greedy Jews out that were destroying his country and turning them all into gays … didn’t want a bunch of q*eers destroying his nation”
President Trump officially announces 25% tariffs on both Mexico and Canada.
Anti-Islamist activist assassinated in Sweden.
Trump’s FCC chief opens investigation into NPR and PBS.
Send people to, because the first moves will be quick and decisive
The 30,000 headed to Guantanamo, could also be the 5th Columnist agent provocateurs shoved into America.
Mere deportation may not prevent them from causing strife elsewhere.
Locking them away in Guantanamo is a better solution.
Seeing this a lot this morning. DC chopper pilot is allegedly trans
This guy claims he’d been followed so much he snapped and shot/killed his surveillance
Thank you! That will be a post on American Stasi for sure!
> A Ukrainian defense manufacturer has suggested having children manufacture drones in schools so Russia cannot bomb the manufacturing facilities or if they do it is a major PR win.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
A lot of people don’t like Donald Rumseld, and some of their reasons are very good. But when the Taliban started embedding snipers and missile launchers in schools and hospitals, Rumsfeld announced that is those places were going to harbor combatants, they were combatants too. And he officially changed the US military Rules of Engagement to authorize that.
We then bombed the shit out of some schools and hospitals. The Usual Suspects did their screeching bleeding heart song and dance routine, but quickly lost interest as it became apparent that a majority of people thought that was the only sane course of action.
So, magically it would be OK for the US to do that, but not the Federation? Somehow I have my doubts. Sure, the media would do their screeching monkey act again; that’s basically guaranteed. And even if somehow they persuaded a majority of people that Russia Is Asshoe, so what? Like the Federation, already ostracised from the entirety of the West, would give a shit?
That all now sounds like an elaborate kayfabe setup the eventual goal of which would be making Israel look less evil for obliterating schools and hospitals.
> “I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy”
It tends to get overlooked since few people are interested in the Weimar Republic, but there is a sizeable group of historians who maintain that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and their Fuhrer were probably the least-bad of the political groups who were trying to overthrow the Republic.
The Republic was set up at gunpoint, unwanted, and nonfunctional. It was doomed no matter what. The only question was, what would replace it? There were dozens of political parties formed to take their shot at the brass ring; maybe three or four had a workable chance at it. And they were mostly, even by the standards of their day, bugfuck crazy. By comparison, the NSDAP was a shining beacon of reasonableness and sanity.
The ‘industrialists’ – the tech bros of the day – put their bets on the NSDAP, and contributed massive amounts of money to them. That’s what paid for the NSDAP’s charity and work programs, their private police, and their ombudsmen. The Party wasn’t just promising a chicken in every pot and a pie in the sky, they were delivering right now, before they were even in power. Even after years of corruption and malfeasance, the Party still coasted on the goodwill they bought then.
Uncle Adolf wasn’t the worst that could have happened, either. He nearly lost out in early Party infighting, and only survived a couple of assassination attempts by incredible luck. The Party could have been led by someone certifiably insane, much more competent than Hitler, or both. And since the Allies won, it’s convenient to overlook just how close the Axis came to achieving their goals. They lost due to the bad combination of greed and pride.
History is great when there’s enough to go around a period, instead of just someone’s slice.
I always try to look at the bigger picture and behind the curtain. Sometimes it gives a much different picture than the usual.
Not all of the misinformation is malicious; even in a book-length exposition you have to pick and choose what to include. The problem is when historians use other historians instead of original sources, so it becomes a positive feedback misinformation loop.
It’s sort of like Google using Reddit to load their AI with data, and then Reddit using that AI to generate programmatically generate “content” to try to shift discussions along paths they want people to follow. After a while it all turns to gray goo.
“Truth Sense” is far more important than people like to admit. The Bible has many concepts related to it, including wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and discernment.
I read somewhere, maybe Alexander Craig in “Politics of the Prussian Army,” that Hitler had the backing of the German elites. They saw him as controllable, but who could turn the Germans’ rage in directions away from them. Once in office, his cunning and will towards violence allowed him some freedom of action.
However, I suspect the elites managed to surround him with advisors who could manipulate Hitler’s decisions. The German elites may have seen themselves and Germany in the same way elites today see themselves and the United States. Their primary loyalty was to an internationally connected group of ultra-wealthy families who had greater allegiance to other wealthy families and less to the country they lived in. This allowed them to manipulate each country in World War II to maximize their family’s wealth growth, even if it came at the expense of the German people. After all, how else do you explain Dunkirk and Porsche getting tank development contracts.
I think Hitler was surrounded by unreliable advisors who pushed him in directions the elites wanted him to go.
Reading Junkie on hitler and this seems to basically be Russian opinion
TLDR Hitler is not particularly good or bad. Germany might’ve been good, the nazi ideology and actions were bad.
We all know that Hitler was bad and mad.
We all know that because history books & media says so. Just as we know that about Gaddafi, Sadam, Trump, Putin & Assad.
However, I cant find evidence of Hitler saying evil things.
Well, the fact he was an expansionist and aggressor in many aspects(but probably not ww2 itself- and annexing Poland was justified). And the fact his ideology subjugated and killed many.
He was pushed in the direction the City of London wanted him to go. See sir Edward Grey’s role in fomenting WW2.
Brave AI denies any role
Doubtful he had blanket support.
As with everything, there would be a mix of support, useful acceptance, and opposition.
> Crime-plagued Sweden plans to send dangerous convicted criminals to prisons abroad, as its correction system is overloaded due to gang violence epidemic.
Perhaps we should do the same. I bet North Korea would rent some prison space for cheap.
I assumed that was what Trump wanted Greenland for.
How much do you think European countries would pay per cell?
Go on Don do the deal!
We could do some small economically conducive things to placate Glorious leader Kim, in exchange for lower tensions and pull back some of our troops, use some of those 30k +/- troops just loitering there anyways for the (our) border or to occupy Greenland or whatever. He can use convicts from other nations for slave labor in tennis shoe factories. Win win. Art of the deal stuff.
Trump has suggested that we do something like that.
Jew lawyers would have a field day using ECHR ro stop this and also make a shed load of money.
> Denmark to increase military spending in North Atlantic by $2 billion amid row with Trump over Greenland.
But… but… that’s two billion they should send to Ukraine! Waaaah!
> Uganda has confirmed an outbreak of the Ebola virus in the capital Kampala with the first confirmed patient dying from it on Wednesday.
You might remember 2018-ish when the media claimed there were several cases of Ebola in the US, and we were ALL GOING TO DIE unless we instituted strict distancing and travel controls.
Those cases, if they were even real, failed to spread, and the whole Ebola thing went away. Then they tried to run Marburg up the pole, but that didn’t work either.
Finally they got some coronavirus cases they could PR into a deadly plague. But though it looked like they were initially going to get what they wanted, it started becoming apparent that it was little more than a bad flu. So they invented half a dozen more-deadly variants, which didn’t seem to bother people, and then as more and more states began abandoning COVID controls, they tried again with Monkeypox, that was GOING TO KILL US ALL unless we turned over every facet of our lives to the State.
You know, some people might say I’m a skeptic, but I’m sensing some kind of pattern…
The worst part about the manufactured Ebola outbreak in the U.S. is that both of the individuals caught Ebola in Africa working for some NGO, were flown back to the U.S., and then allowed by medical and civil authorities to go back to their homes on public transportation.
I was in NYC at the time, and one of the infected was a doctor, the other a nurse, and they were both allowed to take the subway back to their respective apartments.
This was before Covid, and at the time my wife and I remarked on how insane it was that both individuals were not quarantined, almost like the authorities wanted Ebola to spread to the general public.
After Covid I now take it for granted that the authorities most definitely were maximizing the chances that both infected individuals would infect others by letting them take public transportation.
The “people” that run our cities and states are just evil, period. They want us all to get ill and die in the most gruesome way imaginable.
Deagel and depopulation. Remember?
It’s the same tactic that was employed by the Chinese when COVID became a problem. I was in China at the time, and I heard about it in November of 2019 – as I was just 2.5 hours by train from Wuhan. The rumor then, was that it was an extremely deadly virus caught from bat soup at a wet market, but the chances of catching it were far less than winning the lottery… that was the rumor.
So, Chinese New Year comes by 2 months later (!) end of January, which is the busiest travel time of the whole year in China – everyone travels everywhere…. THEN they announce that it’s a problem. What a horse crap maneuver. I got the hell out of there, needless to say.
The problem with manufacturing plagues is that diseases that are adequately deadly don’t spread very well because the very sick people are laid up in bed or dead. And they ones that spread a lot end up being not very deadly because the least deadly strains keep people up and walking and spreading them.
Just don’t be an early adopter
Covid was close, but it just mutated to be less and less deadly
They always do.
Yes- most catchy things will do that. Which is why AC had the best advice at the time, to avoid catching it until weaker strains mutated.
> A decades-old U.S. government ban on federally licensed firearms dealers selling handguns to adults under the age of 21 is unconstitutional, a U.S. appeals court held on Thursday.
It was always unconstitutional, but now the states are having their noses rubbed in it.
That doesn’t mean the Commie states are going to comply. They’ve managed to fend off RKBA lawsuits for generations.
“Sorry, no standing. Dismissed.”
“It’s Federal law!”
“Take it to a Federal court then. Next!”
> Trump’s FCC chief opens investigation into NPR and PBS.
I don’t want them investigated. I want them de-funded.
Okay, *some* investigation. But if it takes more than, say, a week, the FCC is dragging their feet, and should be looked into as well.
Make Los Angeles great again:
Posting this because I like the focus on trying to improve your immediate environment, where you live. No proposed solutions, but the right questions, and hopefully the solutions come later.
A Transgender Pilot Named Jo Ellis Flew Blackhawk Helicopter Into the American Airlines Jet at Reagan National
The pilot was a transitioned man who was discharged from the military for transitioning, allowed back in under Biden and was going to be discharged again under Trump.
Maybe. I saw a different picture than the tranny in another article, and some think the tranny may be disinfo by feminists to hide that it was a woman.
Yeah seems suspect anyway, this article relates the “family of the so called female pilot did not want name released”. Huh? Military personnel are property of the u.s. government, they release two i.d.s of the boys but not of the broad on board because of feelings of family. Also that body reportedly not recovered yet and is in the crash/ water. I call bullshit here. The chopper may have had expendable service personnel drugged or d.o.a. already stuffed on board and remote crashed for a narrative or message by competing cabal or factions. Smell test failures like the vegas tesla operation. The spiciness is intensifying. Stay off of aircraft, thus Staying frosty.
That link says “ Jo Ellis is Alive And Not Involved”
That link’s headline was exactly what I posted at the time. They must have changed it.
Have an uptick
Changed story/headline – also useful data point
Which runway number Anon?
Pilot of American Airlines flight 5342 told at last minute to change runways to #33. Probably just coincidence, though in these times you can be forgiven for wondering if there could be more to it, especially since that runway is rarely used.
Went down this rabbit hole this morning. I am amused.
How Does This WWI Machine Gun Dominate Trench Warfare in Ukraine?
Interesting Engineering
If lovingly cared for, these last century guns will soldier on for another century. Built by tough men, for tough men, with huge bigly body counts as proof of work. Tack weld a rail on it and mount a thermal scope for the night shift fellows to use as well. Never turn one’s nose down at “old guns” that have earned their bones, they still kill.
Here’s one for the Browning M2.
M16 is almost 80 years old. Not much groundbreaking tech left in the “throw metal rock really fast” game.
Designed in 1956, first sales in 1959. Stoner and Armalite expected huge sales to the military, but the military didn’t want it, having just adopted the M-14 and the 7.62×51 cartridge.
So the (proposed) M-16s got sold as “AR-15s” in the civilian market; both semi and full-auto.
The Air Force was the first military purchase, in 1962. I think the Marines were the last to adopt it.
My Beloved Corps was the last to adopt it, the first to make public complaints about it, and then spearheaded a redesign project that became the M16A2.
Gene Stoner hated it. The internet has retroactively declared it to be inferior with rear sights that are too complicated, a stupid barrel profile that’s only good for sling shooting, and a buttstock that is just TOO LONG, TERRIBLE burst trigger….. none of which I had any trouble with when I was issued an M16A2. I’ve been issued five different M16A2’s, and my biggest complaint was that the holes for the pivot and takedown pins wear over time, and eventually the upper and lower rattle and wobble. It’s kinda distracting when you’re trying to do quals.
The “buttstock too long” thing made me scratch my head when I first heard about it.
“Back in the old days”, riflemen were taught to turn their body 90 degrees from the target, pull the stock tight against their rear shoulder, and move their head forward toward the sights. I have old Army marksmanship manuals showing that. One manuals says “presenting a smaller target to the enemy” by turning sideways, another mentions being able to use the sling better that way. That’s how I learned to shoot a rifle.
When I got an AK much later I was astonished by how short the stock was. It was like something designed for children. Then I got a translated Soviet shooting manual that explained why; they were trained to face the target dead-on and hold the rifle straight out from their shoulder. The short stock was to accomodate “winter clothing”, which could be quite thick. I had to make accomodations, mostly with head position, to shoot an AK as I was accustomed to. That’s why you’ll see so many comments about “poor cheek weld” on AKs; probably men who learned to shoot like I did.
Somewhere along the line the US military started adopting the same stance the Soviets used, and US rifles started getting shorter stocks, and the ones with adjustable stocks were often used in a short position. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that was due to the increasing use of body armor. Armor protects best from the front; the armpit hole is a big open spot.
The deal about pointing the muzzle at the ground instead of up into the air, I have no clue.
M16. The whole thing is a brain dead, comoplete lack of common sense. The bolt has very little cleearence to the reciver. A ittle dirt and the thing jams. It does help they are blowing spent ammo gasses into it. The ejector depends on this tiny spring on the bolt that is once agan bathed in spent ammo gases. The operation is 1/2 old school delayed blowback from the bolt weight and a locked bolt. There’s shot based retraction buffers in the stock. It; shard to take the handgurds off. More that officer shiot where every officer thinks no one can pssibly do anything right so they make it impossible to do anything right without some depot officer in charge. Pfftt…
How to fix it. Make the unlock action come from the front where the bleed tube comes from the barrel. Vent to the front, not blow gases into the breech. AND most important. The gases PULL a rod to unlock it, not push.
How to make it reliably unlock no matter the ammo variation. Make a lock driven by gas and a spring. It will be tuned to very low ammo force but will also work with hot ammo and when the gun wears. The key is to have two springs, a lock and a vent.
The gas comes from the barrel. Hits two pistons, one going front, one back. Both with springs behind them. The back piston compresses a spring until it comes to a lock position. Locks on the barrel. So the operating rod has not been activated but the piston that went rearward is locked to the operating rod AND to the gun so it can not move foward until unlocked. What unlocks it, the front piston. The front piston going foward also has a spring behind it. The gas has locked the back piston and moves the front piston foward. Before the end of it’s spring travel it bleeds off gas foward. The general rule is to always bleed some gas but hot rounds would bleed more. When the pressure comes down enough the front piston starts going back, unlocks the rear piston,(which remember is locked to the frame and the operating rod.) It only unlocks the back piston from the barrel. So now the back piston which is driven by a spring pulls the operating rod foward and unlocks the bolt.
This dual system allows variablity in ammunition while provideing a “spring force” metered pull on the operating rod ONLY when the gas level in the barrel has gone down to safe limits. The action can have a varied lock time/pressure by, varying the gas bleed slot like on FN-FNC rifles or adjusting the preload on the pistons. Excess gas is bled out the front.And I point out the whole piston assembly could be removed from the front and cleaned.
The bolt has a spring in it just like a compound bow. It has a strong force starting, lower force for it’s main mid travel and then a strong force before it returns the bolt. The beginning strong, but slower force keeps it from moving too fast and proves extra force pulling out the cartridge and pushing it in. The faster mid stroke cuts down on time clearing the magazine the ending rear strong force slows the bolt to keep it from ever banging against the back.You are replacing bolt weight with a calibrated spring foce. Much, much, lighter and accurate. I would also change the lock to have no twist and be all foward but I won’t go into that.
The whole point is throw away weight that doesn’t really do anything and substitute springs and gas without having any of the gas blow into the reciever. The bolt should be light and controlled by the spring.It shouldn’t be heavy to slow the bolt(like blowback). Springs, locks and gas flow should do this. It also should have big clearences so that even if you buried it in mud, operating the bolt several times and shaking it would knock the mud out and make it functional.
Make the bolt mostly a framework that slides on rails like the AK. Make the bolt light, only enough to hold it together under fire. No extra weight.
Also swords, knives and bayonets.
Bowmen were considered for WW1. Arrows are quiet and trajectory defeats trench cover. Bowmen still appear in movies, Rambo style
“…People are looking at this:
And thinking this does not look right, especially the pinky”
American dimwitts using inferior AI. They should have used the Chinese AI and fooled us all.
You maybe need to be around really young kids to recognize they are exceeding flexible, putting toes in their mouths etc., so a finger bending back too much for an adult is no big deal for a one year old.
not certain they are that flexible
Why do you think fractures on youngsters are called “greenstick” breaks?
From DailyMail, “them” pronouns…
Good catch.
“The FAA rejected over 3,000 highly qualified air traffic controller candidates because they were WHITE.”
In the early 90s, I heard that the FAA was hiring a lot of controllers to replace those fired by Reagan in the 80s. I took the test scored a 98 or 99, had follow up interviews and even a physical, then a rejection. A friend had a cousin who was a controller. He asked if I was white. Said that they were rejecting almost all white candidates. So it definitely pre-existed Biden. This was during HW Bush.
My bet is it had nothing to do with skin color. Whites were the ones who would have naturally taken those jobs in a meritocracy. Blacks who had the talents and skills probably also applied, and were rejected, and were told the FAA hates black people, or there was some racist in the hiring pipeline.
I will bet the reality was, the Secret Police were infiltrating all over, and setting aside high paying jobs for those who served them in their war against the rest of America. They had to explain to white why they did not get the jobs, and anti-white racism and affirmative action was all just a cover for it.
If it were me, I would even be wondering if that friend was surveillance sent in to mold my perceptions by applying the conspiracies narratives.
This is a good take, and it seems the control over hiring and the office surveillance came in around 1990. The Cabal seems to have tightened its control when the Cold War ended, and there was less of a need to pretend this was a free society.
I graduated from an university with very good reputation with good grades, and in the 1990s I couldn’t even get interviews for entry level positions. Looking back, its almost certain that I was on some sort of a blacklist, probably after a personality assessment. I was in the army reserves too and my career there didn’t seem affected.
I think the street surveillance was brought in or at least heavily beefed up in the 00s, after the Patriot Act.
That’s an interesting thought. I had once had dinner alone at a bar near one of the major Air Route Traffic Control Centers (I won’t say which one, but there are only 22 of them in the US.. it’s like the regional control centers that observe in route flights, like the flights higher up in altitude), and a woman sitting next to me was pretty chatty. She said something about her work at the air traffic control center, and I was curious and asked her about it and how she got into it. So, she’s white… but she had said that her parents had the same job. She still went to school for it, but now that you mention it… I’ll bet the family ties was her in, and that she was completely loyal and groomed for the job.
A side note, I asked if she had any incidents with pilots seeing UFOs or something of that nature. And she said there were a few times where pilots did mention these types of things, reported it, and they didn’t have a clue what it was. She said it was entirely possible that it could be top secret military operations that she (and of course ordinary pilots) would not have the kind of security clearance to be privy to it.
See you at 4pm ET as we begin to awaken the world to the sadistic world of Brigitte and her groomed pet, @EmmanuelMacron plus the power structures that protect them both.
I hope that she investigates the fake New Order Church that is squatting in the Vatican. I think she’s Catholic and she has children. I don’t know how all these Catholics who have got to know the seat has been vacant since 1958 fail their children by keeping their mouths shut and attending some illicit Chapel. Don’t you people care about your children, their wives, their children? I can’t imagine she could find out that we haven’t had a Pope since 1958 and fail to bring that to light since she’s got the mic. It’s much more important than the French tranny but I can guarantee choreographed by the same Satanic freaks. And this filthy surveillance is the same Satanic freaks as well. And I’m telling you that you will never defeat these sneaky lying eavesdropping murderers when the Church does not even have a Pope, someone needs to be in charge.
Hello Mr Filotto!
I think this is very disputed. The fixed wing pilots I’m watching are saying that it is regularly used for regional jets and the airliners are directed to Runway 1. I’ve only heard the “rarely used” line from helo pilots, which makes it sound like cope.
Islam is a “gang” now in the new euphemism.
I know this goes against all the popular sentiment in our circles, but YOU CAN’T BEAT THE US MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX IN A TECH WAR.
North America has a geography hack that is essentially a cheat code – we can’t be invaded directly, our industry cannot be disrupted militarily. You can’t starve us into submission. You can’t depower us because we have enough energy to sell it to the rest of the planet for centuries without running out. All of this means that we have the time to figure out a counter to whatever you throw at us.
Numbers game? Yes, I’m sure that would trip us up. For a while. We will get in our OWN way worse than any enemy can.
America cannot invade mainland China and conquer it. This is military fact as we absolutely do not have the warm bodies needed. What can be done is to sink every ship and shoot down every plane followed by raining fire on the continent from all the islands close enough to shoot from. And from orbit if it comes to it. Luckily, there’s no good reason for this to have to happen.
America’s Secret Weapon That Won WW2 – VT Fuze(first proximity fuse)
The Fat Electrician
“we can’t be invaded directly”
How about indirectly?
Sorry A.C. those 4chan kids are co-opting your stasi neighborhood surveillance guy into a Pepe. Imitation is the best form of flattery I suppose. Ngl kinda funny, post and share folks. Stay frosty.
Now Pepe is going to follow me through the grocery store for free groceries? Will it never end???!!!
The frog brings new meaning to the phrase – cold cocked…
A surveillance Pepe who spies on Surveillance would be clutch, if that’s what this is, or what it could be turned into. Who surveils the surveillers? Us. How else is a kill list supposed to be compiled and proofed.
Those lists won’t compile themselves, after all, so let’s all get cracking!
I MIGHT actually have to purchase one of these. It’s everything I think that I’ve ever wanted in a 92.
Beretta 92XI SAO Sabbia
EDIT: There’s only ever going to be 400 of them. I don’t think that I can justify this purchase to myself in a week when I have the cash to do it. Plus it’s very likely there won’t be any left a week from now. Means that I will have to buy a standard 92XI SAO and then cerakote it, add the threaded barrel, G10 grips, Wilson Combat flatwire recoil springs, Wolff Trigger spring.
This of course means that I have to add cerakote to my list of capabilities.
“Tools are good karma.”
My guess is that Guantanamo is being prepared ultimately for troublesome Us citizens. There’s a reason security clearances have been revoked and FBI executives let go: Trump doesn’t want these people to see what’s coming next or be able to stop it.
It occurred to me, maybe surveillance is run through Five Eyes.
That would be a way to give it “legal” cover.
It would also fit with the theory it dates back to Tories from the time of the Revolution.
5 Eyes includes 4 communist countries. PM of Canada is Fidel Castro Jr.
The DDoS at Ron Paul Forums seems to be gone, so the trolls are putting on a full court press, especially the trans.
Watch for something similar if the technical problems here improve.
Funding for ALL NGOs that facilitated illegal immigration has been CANCELED.
A few NGOs that will soon be bankrupt are:
Catholic Charities USA
United Way Worldwide
American Red Cross
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Global Refuge
Jewish Family Services
President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Friday that will significantly expand the “2-for-1” deregulatory goal he installed during his first stint in the White House.
The White House detailed the order in a memo, obtained Friday morning by the Washington Examiner, which follows through on one of Trump’s 2024 campaign promises. It requires federal agencies to “identify at least 10 existing rules, regulations, or guidance documents to be repealed” for every new proposed rule, regulation, or guidance.
More at:
I’m surprised he didn’t do that on his first day. Though he might have been getting writer’s cramp by bedtime.
Trump Treasury Department Exits Global Climate Alliance Pushing Green Mandates on Financial Sector
DC pilot was a low hours, Politically Active Lesbian, with “them” pronouns.
My money is on, this was an act of terrorism and 1st rule of command, everything is your fault.
Who signed off that woman as mentally fit? Who tasked her? Who decided she should sit in that seat? The chain of events & accountability goes all the way up chain of command and it was a political act.
The following class action will focus on the chain of command, a political decision that overrode safety, and resulted in an act of terrorism.
Illegal immigration has, by design, reached a point where the numbers are so large, illegals can threaten force with support from politicians, media and activist civilians & law/judicial representatives.
The response will evolve, by necessity, to a military operation. Helmets on people. Storm’s a brewin’